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Seven deadly sins...


  • Spike
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Seven deadly sins, huh? Well, if you've seen them applied to characters on all sorts of different fiction, how convenient is it that LBT has seven main characters?  ;)

Now, I'm going to try and apply the seven deadly sins to each of the main characters, and see which one represents them the most. Even though I've thought about this carefully, don't take it too seriously!  :lol I'd also be interested to hear if you think this should be different.

Littlefoot - Wrath. This is a rather interesting one to give him, you'd think, wouldn't you? We all know Littlefoot as playful, caring and good-natured. But if someone wrongs one of his friends, such as making a remark against them, then he does get quite angry, and in that sense he's got a shorter temper than some of his other friends.  :p Take, for example, when Doc was making those remarks about Chomper, or, on the fifth film, when Mr Threehorn was acting out of line with his grandfather? Not to mention when Cera directly insulted his mother on the first film... :( Sure, its all righteous anger, but anger nonetheless. I think he represents this rather well...

Cera - Pride. Its a rather obvious one - even the narrator agrees with me!
'Cera was still too proud to admit she'd gone the wrong way.'
Not only is she overly proud about being a threehorn, but she insists, in every situation that she's always right - will never hear a word against her own opinions! It all stems from pride.  :lol

Ducky - Greed. This is only going from one occasion, but if you've seen the TV episode, 'The Search for Sky-Colour Stones' (yeah, I'm spelling it the British way), you'll know EXACTLY what I mean. They say everyone has a dark side, and even though Ducky hides it well, if I'm honest, I think some form of greed actually suits her - as she's already told Cera, she's not very good with, if she were ever to find any more sky-colour stones... :wow

Petrie - Sloth. Apart from Spike, he seems to be the heaviest sleeper of the lot. Whilst I'm still trying to think up evidence for this as I write, I notice that he's tendency for perching on someone as supposed to walking himself is rather absolute. Sure, he can fly, but maybe that's easy than walking? I don't know!  :bang But please bear in mind how it took several rocks and a melon to wake him up in the tenth film. Not to mention how he decided to sleep against a SHARPTOOTH in the same film without checking to see what it really was...and you never know, perhaps he only pretends to be scared of doing adventure/really wild things, because he's actually lazy...? :unsure:

Spike - Glutton. Come on, I really don't need to explain this one... :blink:  :lol

Chomper - Envy. Even though he's well loved by his friends, and indeed loves them back, Chomper seems to have a built-in sense of paranoia, and always feels somewhat unattached to his friends leaf-eater lifestyles, maybe even becoming envious of them? Poor lad, he even wanted to go and befriend sharpteeth in the mysterious beyond. Maybe he just wanted his friends to think higher of him, if he felt they still mistrusted him somehow?  :cry

Ruby - Lust. OK, apart from the fact that it was the only one left, I am going to try and think of reasons why Ruby represents this one of the seven deadly sins. Umm... :unsure:
She's got a glamorous sort of appearance, that could be seductive under the right intentions, not to mention her glamorous personality - trying to motivate the rest of the gang to do wild things, impressing people with her philosophical wisdom and knowledge and whatnot...seductress? Of course not!! But I'm trying to find links here!  :bang

OK, now over to you - which characters would you apply to the seven deadly sins and why?


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  • Littlefoot
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Lust doesn't always have to involve seduction. Another definition of lust is the want and desire to be the center of attention. A good example is Spongebob. In the episode Squirrel Jokes, it's shown he'd do anything to keep everyone's attention, even go as far as make fun of his squirrel friend for the sake of getting laughter from his audience.

For Littlefoot, yeah true he was provoked by Cera into attacking her. But I can't help but feel that he overreacted. Cera only said one thing. That his mother was stupid. That's it. She didn't continue mocking her. She just left it at that, and Littlefoot still attacked her when she refused to take it back. And I'd like to point out that Littlefoot was already acting hostile towards Cera when she tried to leave (before she insulted his mother that is), going as far as putting himself in her way so she couldn't leave. So yeah I agree that, out of the Deadly Sins, Wrath may fit him the best.


  • The Circle
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Littlefoot's reaction to Cera's offence can only be "judged" (if we want to judge here) in the context. Littlefoot's mother died and left Littlefoot an orphan while saving not just him but Cera as well. Furthermore Littlefoot had received kind of "spiritual calls" making the route to the Great Valley something more than just a way description to him. I think it is in this context understandable that Cera had hit a very sensitive spot and that her attitude in this matter was something Littlefoot (after all the sensitivity that he had shown before (allowing Cera to think that she had managed to get food herself when in fact he had dropped leafes onto her for example)) couldn't just shrug off anymore.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Was waiting to see who you gave lust to.


  • Cera
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Honestly, I would switch Littlefoot and Chomper. Here's my reasoning why:

Littlefoot is not aggressive, in any sense of the word. When he fought back against Cera, that was more of emotions getting the best of him. It's not the first time he's let this happen, as shown in II and V when he fights with her again, but I wouldn't say he really has any wrath to be unleashed. Envy, on the other hand, is very present in his life. Look at Grandpa Longneck. Littlefoot idolizes him, and more than likely wants to be exactly like him: a true leader. He hasn't reached that point in his life yet, but he feels he will. He gives hints to this in II and XI when he resents his size. Then we look at Doc, a hero of a story his Grandpa told him. He spent the majority of VI trying to be exactly like him, even going off on his own to try and end the bad luck. Clearly, he wants to become stronger, and tries very often to prove himself in the eyes of his friends and the herd.

In Chomper's case, I really don't think he envies his friends. True he may get lonely from being the only sharptooth in the valley, but in most cases he seems pretty content with who he is. He always finds food without endangering his friends, and now he has a home of his own that he enjoys. The reason why I feel wrath better suits Chomper is because it could be possible that he fears his future. He knows that once he grows up, he can't survive on small bugs anymore, he needs to eat meat. Also, there's no way to tell that Chomper will remain the same lovable, kind-hearted sharptooth. His predator instincts could eventually take over and cause him to do terrible things that he wants to avoid. So, in a way, he's fearing a wrath that he may not be able to control.