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Bioshock Infinite


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Hey guys!

Did a bit of upcoming game hunting and happened to come across this. Looks like the original creators of the awesome shooter Bioshock have decided to take the next installment in a new direction along with a shadowy new "Big Daddy" styled creature. That's all I'm gonna say but check out this Revealer Trailer I found. Naturally Youtube was the easiest medium to use despite finding the source elsewhere but hey... enjoy and give us your T&Vs.

[EDIT]: Video's been removed due to violation of copyright.


  • Banana Egg
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yeah seen this couple of weeks ago on'm not impressed by it's new approach, but hey..just my opinion


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Forget Bioshock, why haven't they made System Shock III?


F-14 Ace

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Quote from: Belmont2500,Aug 27 2010 on  09:39 PM
Forget Bioshock, why haven't they made System Shock III?
That's your opinion.  I'm sure most people would disagree with you.  Frankly I'm not a fan of System Shock.


  • The Circle
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Looks like Bioshock Infinite is well into production. This video was released at the Tokyo Game Show (I think). Shows the kinda things we can expect from the next Bioshock installment. Doesn't look too bad I gotta say. Despite the change in location and new gadgets etc, it still remains true to the Bioshock ethos.

Check it out!

Bioshock Infinite: 10min Gameplay Demo

F-14 Ace

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I borrowed the game from a friend and played it.  Now, here are my thoughts on the game.
I'm sad to say that Bioshock Infinite was a bit of a letdown from the previous games.  While it was still a decent game, there were just some elements that rubbed me the wrong way.

First, there is the lack of ANY, and I mean ANY sympathetic villains whatsoever.  In fact, the only characters in the entire game that I sympathized with were Elizabeth and Booker.  The first two Bioshock games both had sympathetic characters who I felt sorry for.  The characters were one of the strongest elements in the games.  While both of the previous games had completely unsympathetic villains like Fontain and Sofia Lamb, they also had characters like Grace Holloway who I genuinely felt sorry for, and Gilbert Alexander who's backstory is downright heartbreaking.  In Infinite, however, the villains are all just a bunch of complete bastards.  The Founders and the Vox Populi are both nothing but a bunch of depraves, blood-thirsty zealots.  While the morality in the previous games was a lot more grey, the morality in this game is about as black and white as it can get.  I was really hoping that Daisy Fitzroy would be an interesting character but she only makes a few appearances and turns out to be just as messed up as everyone else in the game.  It seems like character development and an interesting plot have taken a back seat to the quantum-physics crap.

Speaking of quantum-physics crap, this is another problem I had with the game.    At one point in the game, the Vox Populi hijack Booker and Elizabeth's airship and in order to get the airship back, they have to retrieve a bunch of guns for Daisy Fitzroy.  Complications arise, however, and Elizabeth ultimately ends up teleporting herself and Booker into an alternate universe where they have somehow already acquired the guns.  To me, this just felt like a massive ass pull on the part of the developers and writers.  And this happens again near the end of the game when they teleport to Rapture to get rid of the Songbird.  Again, this was a massive ass pull and a total cop out.  I was looking forward to killing this monster in an epic showdown but instead, they just poof it to the bottom of the ocean and drown it.  Also, what was the point in them going to Rapture?  The ending seems to imply that Rapture is an alternate universe version of Columbia but did they really have to go there just to drive the point home?

Well, since I've ranted so much on the negative aspects of the game, I'm going to talk about what I DID like.  The game play was pretty good.  Some people complained about the fact that Vigors are only temporary and that you can only carry two guns at once, but to me, that kept the game interesting and challenging.  

I really liked Elizabeth's character.  She was a very fleshed-out and 3-dimensional character and I thought she was a great addition to the game.  Booker was also an interesting character, though he has his moments of douchebaggery.  (i.e. selling his daughter to some shady people to settle his gambling debt).  Still, it was good to have a player character who is not just another boring "silent protagonist".  I liked how Booker's and Elizabeth's personalities play off one another and to me, they were the strongest characters in the game.  

The world of Columbia itself is quite interesting.  The technology is cool also.  My only complaint is that the game seems to try and hurry you along as fast as possible so you really don't get a lot of time to explore.

The Heavy Hitters (Handymen, Boys of Silence, Motorized Patriots, and The Siren) are all terrifying and challenging enemies.  Their sheer creepiness factor almost makes up for the pitiful main villains.

I'm not going to discuss the ending of the game other than to say that it was a bit confusing and didn't seem to fit well with the rest of the game.

Overall, I would rate Bioshock Infinite a 7/10.  I had high hopes for it but it was a bit of a disappointment.  I miss Rapture already.


  • Petrie
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I'd say, considering the ending, Combstovk is actually STRONGER for being so unlikeable. It creates a really jarring contrast on your second play through. Daisy, yes-- I found her disappointing. She's nothing we haven't seen before. Songbird was actually really cool, and I wish we could have seen more of him/her/it. Slate I was initially dissapointed by... Until I sort of 'saw' him a little better. Then he becomes a rather sad character.

But the only villain I found unacceptably bad was Fink. When you're in his level and you hear him speak on the loudspeaker, all I could think of was how the people who worked for him were total idiots for not seeing him for what he was. It's okay that they made one of the villains so one dimentionally unlikeable-- but the way they did it with Fink just made everyone else leas sympathetic. Now to be fair Fink is based off a real person: the same guy who hired the Pinkertons to participate in the famous (I THINK it was railway) strike under Carnegie, but it ultimately wasn't worth it.

Try playing through it again. Now that you've seen the ending, the intelligence put into the build up becomes a lot clearer.


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I loved this game as much as the first Bioshock. After two games down in Rapture, the transition to Columbia was a little jarring, but it worked so well. You can see how much time and effort they put into building the world. And the city not being deserted was a pretty nice change, it was interesting to see people going about their lives and listening into their conversations.

I agree that Fink wasn't a particularly interesting character. It seemed all he did was talk to you like a douchebag and offer bad work advice. At least he wasn't in the game that long. I liked Grace for the portion of the game she was in, until that complete 360 in personality which I found a little disappointing. Songbird was awesome in the small parts he appeared.
Booker and Elizabeth are the best thing in the game for me. I loved how their relationship felt real and progressed in a way that felt natural. Also, Elizabeth was actually a useful NPC with her ammo, salt and coin - tossing, which was nice.

My only complaint is that the game seems to try and hurry you along as fast as possible so you really don't get a lot of time to explore.

I actually thought the opposite, the game seems to encourage you to explore with the way Elizabeth says "We could go straight here, or we could take a look around here first."

And a second playthrough really does make the game. It's fun seeing all the clues that are basically telling you the twist and the end. It all falls together.


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I agree with bushwhacked.

Now, onto booker, I think the best twist wasn't that he is you know who, but that he did you know what. All through out the game, we hear about the horrible things Booket did in his past, and yet he seems like such an utterly broken man now. He and everyone talks about how 'some sins are too horrible to atone for', and I mostly ignored that because it sounded cliche. We the gamers can forgive pretty much any act of past violence as long as they seem remorseful. But the final revelation of what Booker did was some something so horrible, so non heroic, so unsympathetic, and so unheard of for a main character to have done that I thought: 'yes. I would completely buy that something like that would break a man.'


I mean, selling your daughter? That's horrendous, and if there was ever anything a main character could have done to make him worthy of loathing, that would be it. And I think that's ultimately what makes Booker such an interesting character. He's done truly unforgivable things, and he seems like a broken man because of it.

One more thing: I wish there was more of the boys of silence! They were so creepy! They definitely should have been in more than one level.