The Gang of Five
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My top 5 films of the Summer


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Just wanted to do this because this Summer I went to more movies then I did with other Summers:

5. Despicable Me 2:

If you liked the first DM movie back in 2010, you may love this sequel even more. Steve Carell and Kristen Wiig had great chemistry, and the jokes, while they come at a practically non-stop pace, always managed to make me at least crack a smile. My only issue is that they try to make it seem like who the villain is is a mystery, but the answer is immediately obvious.

4. Pacific Rim:

As a person who's not a giant monster movie fan, this movie really impressed me. Del Toro has a great visual style and a clear love of the genre without directly ripping something off. The mood and rules of the world are clearly defined, and the woman who played Mako Mori did a great job. My only major criticism is that the final fight at the titular pacific rim is rather anti-climactic compared to fights that occurred earlier in the movie.

3. The Wolverine:

This one shocked me by how much I ended up liking it. For the first time in the X-Men film franchise, Wolverine really gets a character arc and you can relate to him. Hugh Jackman is a solid leading actor for this, and the Japan setting provided for some good fight scenes. You can see the twist coming if you pay attention to the dialogue, but IMO this was a fine film.

2. The World's End:

If you liked Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, then be sure to see this film. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost work great off each other once again, and it was neat to see Pegg being the manchild between the two for once. If you're familiar with SOTD, you will be able to pick up on how everything is foreshadowed, but it's a fun ride through and through. And for a film where this was not the advertised/intended genre, the action scenes are perhaps the best out of any movie I've seen this Summer.

Before I get to my number one favorite film of this Summer, I'll say in advance it was my most anticipated movie of the Summer. Now, when you asked moviegoers earlier what their most anticipated films of the Summer were (regardless of what they ended up thinking of them), the most common answers were probably Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, and Pacific Rim. My fav film of the Summer was one of a genre I'm a fan of, so it may not be what you're expecting.

1. Now You See Me:

The cast to this movie was probably the best cast I've seen this year, with Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson as the standouts. While some were obvious CGI shots, a lot of the magic tricks were clever to watch. The mystery was intriguing to watch and kept me guessing until the end what exactly was going on. And I will agree with the most common criticism: that the twist at the end really asks you to buy a lot, but I feel if you enjoyed the rest of the movie like i did, you'll just roll with the twist. My only issue is that the 4 magicians don't have as big a role as you might assume from the trailers, but that could be rectified in the sequel that is being made. All in all, a really great movie IMO that I recommend checking out on DVD when it comes out on DVD next week if you missed it in theaters.

Honorable mentions: Monster's University, Iron Man 3


  • Cera
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There's a lot of movies that I have not seen and really want to, so from what I have seen here's my list:

5. Kick Ass 2

I was very excited for this film. The first is incredible and easily in my top favorite films of all time. So when I saw the trailers for this I could not wait to see it in theaters. When I finally did see it, I left relatively satisfied. There were definitely some flaws with it, and it doesn't anywhere near live up to the standards of the first. Having said that, it's still very entertaining. I didn't regret seeing it and still recommend it to others.

4. Iron Man 3

A lot of people will probably disagree with me on this, but I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's leaps and bounds better than than the second (which I also enjoy very much), and in my opinion it succeeds in taking Tony Stark and knocking him down a few pegs. This film was meant to show us whether or not Iron Man was the hero or Tony Stark. I think it was clever that he was not in the suit for the majority of the movie because he had to rely on his natural human instincts alone. As for the handling of the villain, I never read the comics, so I probably really can't comment on it. However, I didn't mind so much how it was handled, and it provided some extra humor to the film. I say if you liked either of the first two, give this one a chance.

3. The Wolverine

First off, WAY better than X-men Origins, even though I enjoyed that film as well. I knew the moment I saw the trailers that I was going to like this film, and I was not disappointed. Everything about it worked very well, and you could tell that this was meant to be a more adult film. I especially liked how they weaved Jean Grey throughout the film as opposed to only having only one quick flashback. Also, ending credits scene = mind blown! If you still have the chance to view this in theaters, do so! You won't regret it.

2. World War Z

I never read the book, but I had heard a lot of great things about it. So I was very intrigued to see this film. There really haven't been a lot of high blockbuster zombie films, but this worked very well. I was a little worried at first because zombies and PG-13 probably don't sound like a good combination, but it still worked. Brad Pitt was great in the role, and the CGI zombies didn't bother me at all. In fact, they were really only used in the few scenes shown in the trailers. Definitely one of my favorite zombie films and absolutely worth every penny.

1. Now You See Me

Honestly, I was not looking forward to this film. Call me crazy, but when I saw the trailers it just didn't look that good. Don't get me wrong, I loved the cast it was advertising, but something about it just didn't seem to mesh with me. When my friend asked if I wanted to go see it, I caved in and figured I would give it a shot. After seeing it, I can say without a doubt it is easily in my top five favorite films of the year so far. I could not believe how much I loved this film. Everything about it was amazing. Having said that, in order for one to enjoy it like I did, they really need to suspend disbelief, because there are quite a few things that may not seem plausible. At the same time, magic is a mysterious thing , so why does it need to make sense? Overall, I will be getting this on Blu-ray day 1.


  • Ducky
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1. The Conjuring

For me the highlight of summer Blockbusters this year. With this I got introduced to the real Ed & Lorraine Warren.

2. Mama

Del Toro's best movie until now. Coster Waldau from our country stars in the movie too.

3. The Purge

Home invasion movies are alive and well. One of Bay's better movies.

4. World War Z

I been following this movie for months on IMDB news and it was worth it.

5. Monsters University

Finally after the good old days in 2001 Mike and his friends returns.