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Ben 10 Alien Force


  • Ducky
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  • The Gang of Five
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I like it  very much. Ben and Gwen are OLder, Ben has new powers, and Ken is learning to be a good guy. DNAliens are getting pretty repetitive though..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:

F-14 Ace

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  • Cera
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It's alright but I liked the original Ben 10 better.


  • Ducky
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How would, if possible, Ben, Gwen, and Kevin make it to the Great Valley?


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  • Littlefoot
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Meh, it's pretty good.  It's not my all time favorite show or anything, but I've seen a dozen or so eps.  I'm limited to CN on demand because of my schedule, but I've seen a few episodes.  Heck of a lot better than the original when he's like 10 years old.  I thought that one was dumb quite frankly.  Too typical.  Too childish.  The new one when they're in their teens is pretty good though.  

Haven't watched any cartoons except for Total Drama Island and LBT in over three months so I'm not up to date on most of the series.  Oh well.  That's what the internet is for right?  Maybe when the alien force series is done I'll go download them.  I certainly can't watch them on the TV on my schedule.

I get up at midnight and go to bed at 3pm.  Not exactly the best schedule for catching cartoons if ya know what I mean. :p


  • Ducky
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Which of the seven main dinos each act most like Ben, Gwen, or Kevin?


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  • Littlefoot
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I started watching it but then lost interest. The show seems a bit more generic compared to the original show. I mean they didn't even use lyrics in the opening theme of Ben 10. And Ben shouting the name of whatever he turns into? That seems rather boring. And Kevin turning into a good guy seems a bit..sudden. But that's just me. I just wish Ben 10: Alien Force was a bit more like Ben 10. It just feels too different to me.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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How much do you like it?
I defiately like Ben 10: Alien Force much better than the orginal, and I even liked the first one. Ben has matured, lessening his impulsive behaviors, but they weren't completely eliminated. Now that Gwen has her own powers, she can fight in every battle with force, and not just with strategy like she had to use in most of the episodes of the original that she didn't have her "lucky girl" abilities. Kevin's powers are very interesting, although it's pretty much just an evolved form of the S.P.D. pink ranger's power on Power Rangers S.P.D.. She can make her fist into whatever it touched, while Kevin changes his whole body. I found the DNAliens to be much more challenging foes than what Ben faced in the original. They seem stronger and smarter at the same time. And Max's disappearance gave them a goal that they had the entire season, unlike the original where they usually just ran into trouble while doing random actitvies. I did like Ben's new forms, especially his most powerful one, even though it can be impossible to use most of the time.
How would, if possible, Ben, Gwen, and Kevin make it to the Great Valley?
As far as getting to the Great Valley, there is plenty of teleporting technology that was shown in the series, but it also shows Gwen to have a time travelling spell, so there are plenty of options for them to get there.
Which of the seven main dinos each act most like Ben, Gwen, or Kevin?
Now as for gang of seven comparisons to Ben, Gwen, and Kevin, here is the best I could do:
Ben- Littlefoot. They both have a very strong sense of justice and can't stand to see others in danger and do nothing about it.
Gwen- Ruby. They both also like to help people and have very creative ideas about solving problems. They won't hesiate to do what is right but they give matters a good deal of thought.
Kevin- Cera. They both love action more than planning. Yeah, they care too, but prefer to dash into danger without analyizng the situation. They have short tempers and feel a bit superior to others. They are eager to fight and hate backing down.

You wanted opinions on this, and here are my honest ones, but of course, anyone is very welcome to disagree with them. Later!


  • Ducky
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Not to be rude, but do you think a LBT/B10AF crossover would work?

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Not to be rude, but do you think a LBT/B10AF crossover would work?
Don't worry. I don't find that question rude at all. After all, this is the first time you asked that in this thread so far, so what is there to feel badly about?

Well, as far as a crossover between the two, there are many possibilites. Aliens could travel to the past to take over the world, starting when there are no foes to stop them. Perhaps when they go to the Great Valley they try to capture some specimens which end up being the gang. Then there is a technological malfunction on their ship and with a small explosion the gang gets hit by it and gets different powers. Or they get different advanced alien weaponry that they can use to defend themselves and others. After their fighting abilities have been established, then they can help Ben, Gwen, and Kevin. Now having the gang going into modern times might be the best idea since they would be completely disoriented the whole time seing all the modern day conviniences everywhere they go. At least in the Great Valley, they understand their surroundings. When the aliens invade, a sensor or maybe Gwen senses a disturbance nearby. They go to the location only to find nothing, but they learn with some tracking device that the problem isn't where but when. So using Gwen's power or a teleporter, they go back in time to fight the aliens alongside the gang who can now fight as well, and the adventure begins. I can think of a lot more ways that this could work; I just gave the first example that popped into my head to show that there are so many options here that there could be many variations of a LBT/B10AF crossover. Since it is more science fiction oriented, the possibilites are nearly endless how they could meet, how the gang gets abilites to help the trio out, why they need to meet, and why the alien problem was better off being fixed with more help. With all those options, I don't see how this couldn't work. I hope that this was a good answer. Later!


  • Ducky
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Where do you think the DNAliens will invade?

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Where do you think the DNAliens will invade?
Well honestly, I have never finished a story before, so all this advice is coming from someone with zero experience, but here is what I think: I don't think they should first appear in the Great Valley. Then the chaos will start too quickly before more of the story is established. It might be too much to see running and screaming before the reader has too much of an idea of what's happening. Now of course, if someone starts with turmoil, soon there should be a lengthy flashback to explain how it started. That technique lets readers know that there is trouble going on at that moment without the style of battle sequence description using narration which gets very old if used too frequently. Starting that way can add more excitement because they don't have to wait for a very interesting part, and then writing about how the past led up to it can make the reader have something to really look forward to. This is an interesting way to go about it, but it can be more difficult, so is probably done best by experienced fanfiction writers like some people I know here. I'm not saying that you're not experienced, I just haven't read a story of yours to even know if you write or not. So if it was a beginner like me, I would start slowly and work up to the awareness of this type of foe, especially considering the primitive inhabitants they'll meet. Dinosaurs seeing lasers, bombs, and spaceships will not promote very limited reactions.

Now that I've said that, let me answer your question. Since a Great Valley opening invasion might be too sudden, and since everywhere outside of that place seems to be called the Mysterious Beyond, if it were me, I would have them invade there. Also, since flying rocks have been seen from far away, if the DNAliens even landed close by, unless they have a cloaking device, I would recommend starting pretty far away. To ease into things, perhaps one or two scouts could enter the GV and start something small. Or to postpone chaos at all for a while, they could sneak in and not get detected, merely gathering information. Then they can return to the main group and plot a massive invasion. But hopefully that would give Ben, Gwen, and Kevin time to intervine the attack, or at least come quickly enough into it to avoid too much damage or any casualiites. Then as I had mentioned previously in this thread, perhaps there could be so many enemies that the trio needs help and the gang gets powers or some equipment for attacking and protection. Now if the DNAliens had a cloaking device and could land very close to the GV, then the invasion could happen more quickly, then the learning of the invasion by the trio and their method of getting their will have to be sped up by the writer so they have the time to help. As I said, starting chaos in the middle of the GV would seem to sudden to me, and in that case, the inhabitants would either fight back like Topsy, or would have the smarts to run like most everyone else, then the writer has the problem of the inhabitants meeting sharpteeth and finding a temporary home, unless the DNAliens capture them for whatever they are planning. If the dinosaurs get captured, perhaps the gang managed to escape or get out of sight, or the DNAlines had enough specimans or ran out of room to transport them. Then the gang and trio can team up stop them and get their families back. Now if the inhabitants flee, then when they're all gone, the trio could come to stop them and either A: not have innocent civilians to worry about, B: maybe the gang was curious and stayed to see the strange creatures or even get trapped inside the GV, in which case there is still the possibiblity of the gang helping to save the day, or C: something great could actually happen that would actually have to be thought of by someone who has anything to show from working in that area. In which case, try one of the fanfiction writers here for any assisstance. They have great ideas and experience to back them up. These are just ramblings of someone offering help in a field that he never succeeded in, so if you want to pursue this, try messaging a writer here that I'm currently familiar with like brekclub85, Explorer, The Chronicler, or someone else you will find in the fanfiction thread that I haven't had the pleasure of getting to know about their work yet. I hope that these thoughts of mine were vaguely interesting, to say the least. Later.


  • Chomper
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That crossover would be easy, but you'd have to find a large catapult to throw those dinokids over the ocean... full of sharks.  

I'll be honest.  My little cousins LOVE this show.  I mean like, LOVE it.   I have TRIED.  I mean I honestly and against all rationality TIRED to like this show.  But I can't.  It suffers from trying too hard.  I'll try to analogize.   (Huh huh, I said a naughty sounding word that wasn't really naughty.)


Say you have a show that stars Aliens.  Thats cool, lotta people like alien themed cartoons.  

Now say you have a show that stars witches.  Again awesome, long as they don't pander to trying to make it a girls only show it will flourish.

Oh and then there's a show about a kid genius that out thinks adults and using his special powers to over power the adult bad guys.  Great show, kids eat it up, etc.

Now what?  Well some overly ambitious tw-er person is going to get it into their head that you can't have too much of a good thing and make a show about a kid genius that has alien superpowers and as a witch as a partner who is also an alien.   That, my friends, is called "Jumping the Shark".   But instead of running out of ideas and making ludicrous plots Ben 10 was already flying over the shark from conception.  

It's like saying, "Hey!  Root beer is awesome!  So are jellybeans!  Lets make Root Beer flavored jelly beans!"   Have you had those?  Those are some NASTY tasting things.  EW.  Hey potato chips are awesome too!  Lets make Root Beer Jellybean flavored Potato Chips!

That my friends?  Is Ben 10.

Ben 10 is like Rootbeer Jellybean flavored Potato Chips.
