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is cera able to get a boyfriend?!?

kjeldo · 28 · 3834


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I think that there may well be a "sandbox love" (I've become kind of notorious for this term in discussions like this, but for all those who haven't read it yet, the term describes the kind of crushes which can develop even among kindergarten kids but which do not have any sexual connotation whatsoever) similar to that between Littlefoot and Ali or Littlefoot and Cera at work there. The movies (LBT 2, 10, and 11 in particular) leave no doubt that the kids are not yet educated into anything beyond that (not told about the birds and bees so to speak). There seems to be a very widespread wish among some fans to interpret more into the relationships between some of the kids basically ignoring that this is what they are, kids.


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They are indeed still kids.  I'm sure when the time is right Cera will be likely able to find a boyfriend, likely a fellow threehorn, though that won't be for a very long time.


  • Spike
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I don't think it is love in a relationship sense, more like love in a best friend sense. I remember Cera gets very jealous of Mo in LBT 9. This seems similar to her anger towards Ali. (I haven't seen 9 in a while, I may be wrong) I seem to remember her saying her anger towards Mo came from that the others wouldn't pay attention to her. So basically, Cera's jealousy and anger comes from fear of losing her friends.

I imagine that each of the GOF will eventually find mates, and that Spike will start talking by then (Although not neccessarily in every scene).

(Darn, I had a good theory about this, but I forgot it! Oh well. If I remember it, I'll post it.)

Bruton the Iguanodon

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By the end, Petrie is seemingly sacrificed. Ducky then cries tears of sorrow for him... only to have him come climbing up the cliff and nearly hug him to death with joy. laugh.gif

I have that pic in the caption section! Unfortunately it's competing w/ another one where she nearly hugs him to death with joy (guess which film?)  :lol:

On the main topic I like the idea of Cera and Shorty. Both start off kinda mean and can be agressive, but I think it would work well. Since Bron's herd is---from what LBT 10 implied---OK without him, there's no reason he and Shorty couldn't move to the great valley. No reason he couldn't drag his whole herd there either, as the valley, I would presume, is big enough 4 them all.  ;)

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Petrie is the one who is most concerned about her when she gets kidnapped in LBT 7.

Correction: Spike is.    :p

Bruton the Iguanodon

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By the end, Petrie is seemingly sacrificed. Ducky then cries tears of sorrow for him...
.. only to have him come climbing up the cliff and nearly hug him to death with joy. laugh.gif

"And she wouldn't have done so if another member of the gang was "seemingly sacrificed"? blink.gif "

I would hope if any one member of the gang was sacrificed, then [/I]all the rest would cry over his/her death (and there was no need to put seemingly sacrificed in quotes; lots of people would word it like that!)

Pokeplayer made a good point. Him returning, and the look on her face and then her hugging him nearly to death was indeed a crowning, heartwarming Ducktrie moment. I would have prefered the original, where everyone else sees him alive, though.

From there, I can't remember much from her side until LBT 4 where Petrie showed he was scared when they were about to travel through the mists. Ducky noticed he was scared and comforted him. ("Do not be afraid, Petrie, I am here.")

As I've said before, I would rather have it the other way around, with Petrie being the one comforting Ducky. That way it would give Petrie a moment where he's the brave one; as it is, though, I feel it was a not-so-subtle Dutrike moment, also somewhat marred by Petrie's somewhat smartallecky reply, "Me no afriad---me terrified!!"


Now, with Petrie's side, it's more of the scenes where he comes to her rescue. The Sharptooth fight in the original LBT and LBT 2. LBT 4 holds a bit more there. Not only does he try to save Ducky from Itchy, but he also shows the most concern for when it was believed the hard impact of hitting the water had killed her. He even bravily stands up to Dil when Ducky is lying there motionless on Dil's mouth. He then tries to save her when Dil tosses her up in the air only to barely miss in grabbing her. (You have to play the scene in slow-motion to notice it.) Then after all the danger was gone, Petrie swooped down and carried her to safety.

He also does from the dad sharptooth in 2. She seemed a bit heavy for him then but he seemed fine carrying her in 4. You been eating your spinach, Petrie?  :lol

Bruton the Iguanodon

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This question sort of cracks me up because it implies that Spike already has a possible girlfriend. Don't worry, kjeldo, I also  thought that pink spiketail was a girl.


  • Ducky
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I did have a scenario where Cera got a boyfriend.  It was in a fanfic.  It actually was pretty funny and also pretty realistic as to how Topps would handle it.

Cera's Father: I hear you're dating my daughter.

Alfred: (Nervous) Yes, sir, that is true.

Cera: Come on daddy, leave him alone.

Cera's Father: I'll be quiet soon enough Cera dear.  But, first things first.  I want you to treat her well.  Try anything funny and....  (Runs at big rock and smashes it to bits with head) that will be you.  Do I make myself clear?

Alfred: (Nodding nervously) Yes sir.

Cera's Father: Good then, we've got that taken care of.

- Cera's Father, Cera, and her boyfriend Alfred talking about their relationship