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Strange Maybe Even Paranormal Happenings.

Nahla · 7 · 1076


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Ok this is going to be the weirdest topic I ever wrote.

Ok here the dealio.

Everynight at around 9:55pm I start hearing these yells 'He's coming,he's coming'. then silence.

Then at exactly 10pm a scream fills the air followed by what sounds like gunshots and a car crashing. Silence again.

I start feeling like I am not alone,I feel this ice cold breeze and like someone is sitting next to me,then I get this feeling like someone is rubbing my back. Then nothing.

Timeskip to 10:30pm (I normally don't fall asleep till quite late). I start hearing these beeps like a heart monitor slowing dying. After 2 minutes..silence once again till 11:11 I start hearing wailing like someone is grieving,and but now I really just want to get to sleep. So I hit up and look around. I swear I see this shadow of something in the shape spot everynight. Feels like something is looking at me then everything normal again then after that I fall asleep quite easily.

Same things
Same times
Every night

Other things have started happening in broad daylight.

My closed tight door swinging open when there is not a gust of wind and no one is there (unless they took of quite fast),my canvas photos which have hug on my wall for years without  moving suddenly just drop like that. I swear I see a white dog running across my background. I had a dog just like that-it died 2 years ago.

Tell me is something going on or have I just flipped and gone insane? I most likely have gone insane but meh.

I normally don't really believe in ghosts and all that but this I just can't explain unless it all me hallucinating  which I have am proven to as is my mother.

What you guys think? Haunted or just hallucinating and all in my head?

I told you this was going to be weird...but thanks for reading anyway.


  • Cera
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Have a priest cleanse the house just to be safe.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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If the noise happens at the same time every night, and doors/pictures move on their own, couldn't you try recording it?


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There is a topic on this already.

Nahla, I see you're upset. Whether the initial scare came from a hallucination or some random combination of events is not important now. You're in a state of heightened alert, and in such a state it is imperative for the brain to make sense of the situation as quickly as possible (it is a survival trait), and since you had "paranormal" experiences before, you are likely to interpret a few unrelated events as a new paranormal experience. Toss in a new ocassional hallucination, and you're in a feedback loop where you feel ever more frightened and are ever more susceptible to new fear.

Just calm down, get a priest or try to record those things, and they will go away. Some would say there were indeed spirits in the first place that you caused to go away with your actions, but I think it's rather due to a person feeling reassured and then having a calm reassesment of the situation.


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I talked to my mother and it appears this kind of things run in my family. It mainly seems to affect the youngest child (Another reason for me to hate being youngest aye?) but most of my mothers side had 'paranormal experiences' but all in a different way.Like last year but my mum claimed she saw me walking into her room asking her questions about why she le me be hurt on November 1st-I wasn't even at home. I was 5 hours away at a riding camp and would not be back for another 4 days. (though I didn't tell her) it was the same day I had the fall.This started happening to me after I turned 13 (now 17)after I nearly drowned. Everytime I went near something with water in it,felt like someone was trying to push me in. Now it seems very on and off and it not always the same,this is just the newest thing going on,before thisI kept hearing this voice calling  me by my full name (so middle included) which NOBODY I know does,not even my family plus the voice was nobody I knew and then yanking on my arm. The more I reacted to it the worse it got,but as I started just ignoring it,it went away. Happened after some guy grabbed me in the middle of the shop and would not let me go,no idea who he was or if he even meant me harm but still terrified me.

This screaming thing began around the 5th of last month,the day a crash was in the main street of my town which I was there in a shop across the road doing a bit of shopping.

I'm starting to think it not paranormal at al,but more like just fear of bad events and the fact they may happen again,but what would I know.

Though can't explain the door and paintings...well the door can be to just be hinging or it got loose over the years (my house is kinda old).

Pretty much to sum it up

I have bad experience=these strange things.


  • Cera
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On second thought, just have a priest bless you.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Ducky
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I have heard my Aunt say that they have heard boots moving when they lived in their 100+ year old house and one of my cousins saw a person who might well have been a ghost.  They were able to get rid of whatever it was, though it's now bothering someone else in the neighborhood.