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Genuine Windows


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It's really sad.  Every time I go on, I always see some wanted ad for a computer with someone claiming to have bought a so called "Bargain" computer for like $80 that had windows xp and it didn't have a genuine license.  I don't really blame some of the repair techs though.  What they do is wrong, however if they don't do it, they'll just have to throw the computers away.  For example:  Just last week, I got a computer from a client for free.  It had an 800mhz PIII processor, 128mb of ram, and a 10GB hard drive.  I would estimate its value is around $80-$110 depending on other factors such as the included CD/DVD drives and such.  Well, a windows xp license has dropped in price considerably, however it's still $100.  Even if I upgraded the computer to have 512mb of ram it would cost me around $35 and increase the computers value by about $20.  There's no way I can sell it for anything unless it has linux or windows 2000.  Now if I just used a illegal cracked copy of xp, I could make up to $110, but if I used a genuine license, I would only make $10 and since it takes about 2 hrs to get a computer up to par to be sold, I would end up working for less than minimum wage. <_< Repair techs are stuck between a rock and a hard place so who pays the price???  The people who buy the computers usually pay the price.  I mean, I can't sell this computer for anything.  It's just sitting in my office taking up space.  I could add it to my server, but that's a whole different story.  Anyways, since Microsoft is making it's OS's so expensive, people are getting screwed in the end and that's wrong.  Besides, if the OS's weren't freaking hundreds of dollars, no one would bother to crack them and Microsoft would make a lot more money.  You'd think this company would get it, but I guess whoever is running it now is just too much of a dumb a$$ to see this. :rolleyes:  Bottom line:  if you see a computer for sale with windows xp that's less than $100 or if it's like $140 and you know it's worth more than $40, be suspicious!  The copy of XP that's on it is probably illegal!  Not many people know this and that's why so many get screwed. :(  They get lured in by the low price of the computer and end up getting a computer they can't even use unless they spend $100 for a license and pay someone to install it. :angry:

I blame Microsoft.  Their greed is boundless and it's only hurting the consumers.  Repair techs don't take the fall for stuff like this.  Most of them just sell the computers with illegal copies and hope the copy of xp on there lasts a couple of months so they can just say "too bad, so sad" to whoever they sold it to after they bring it back in.  Realistically, I think there should be only one version of Vista and it should be around $30.  Talk about ridiculous!  If I wanted to sell a computer with Vista Ultimate, I would have to charge $259+ whatever I wanted for the computer and since only super computers can even run Vista, I would have to charge at least $250 for that computer.  People would be better off buying a new one than getting one used. :mad Stupid Microsoft!


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Hmm.. that's quite a story. I too think that the price for an OS is too high, and it is sure anoying for those who only want legal stuff and are computer repairers like you.. hmm, stupid microsoft, yes. :p But can we do much about it....?


  • Petrie
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I think one thing to bear in mind is that Microsoft arn't morally obliged to work for the customer. They're in the business to make money; that's why they exist. Probably it's cheaper to buy new is thaat that's what Microsoft watn people to do, so they price things accordingly. They arn't obliged to sell copies of OSs at all, so we can be thankful that they do.


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That is what happens in a capitalist system.  It has many strengths and advantages, but it has some drawbacks and disadvantages too.  It also comes from them being the main operating system with none of the others being as popular.  If they were the price would come down.


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As I said, I can see why these repair techs do this and I sympathize with them.  They really don't have much of a choice since no one really even knows about linux, let alone knows how to use it.  I would do it myself if there was a way to totally crack windows, but all Microsoft has to do is provide an update and it'll make the illegal copy invalid and I just can't do that to some innocent person.  I've only given someone an illegal copy of windows once and that's because they were a repair tech and they wanted me to do that because they didn't want to pay the extra $189 for xp (this was a long time ago BTW) and they were going to just put a cracked version onto the computer once they got it home anyway.  As for my personal computers, most of them have legit xp on them but some of them do not.  I don't wanna put a real copy of xp onto a computer that's only worth $50 no do I?  I would just put an old copy of linux onto them, but the oldest copy I can find is 7.2, which isn't very old at all. <_<


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Yeah, dude, this is, what I would call, a "sticky wicket..."  ...Time to shut Microsoft down....  Pffh, yeah right, like THAT'll ever happen!  ...Maybe they'll screw themselves up because of Vista, or Vienna....  That'll teach 'em!
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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I think Microsoft will just end up screwing themselves in the end.  They're turning computers into what they shouldn't be....just a play thing.  People want to be on a computer for WORK related purposes, but with the OS taking up ALL of your ram and resources, it's pretty impossible.  Microsoft doesn't understand that we want to run more than windows on our computers.  Just because we've got dual core 3ghz processors doesn't mean they can make an OS that requires that much!!! :angry: We want to be able to run programs too!


  • The Circle
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True, but the folks in charge of microsoft and perhaps the main programmers there do not understand that.  It would seem they lack, or do not have much, common sense.  Instead they seem to focus on over bloated software that uses more resources, in at least some cases, then it needs to.


  • Hatchling
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Not to pop your bubble here but I don't feel like writing drivers for items that won't work in linux.  How much is your time worth as well, not just a physical thing you can hold?  Linux still has those issues...until they can create a sort of "plug 'n play" like XP has with any usb device, they won't be competitve with Microsoft.  Frankly, I like knowing something I plunk down good money on will work when its plugged in and I don't have to serach out some outrageous code pack.

Oh, and if you're going to moan about XP, moan about that red and green fruit wrapped in white pay dearly for their OS too.


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Oh, and if you're going to moan about XP, moan about that red and green fruit wrapped in white pay dearly for their OS too.

That is true, however Apple isn't being a total a$$ about it like Microsoft is.  Microsoft is so paranoid that they make "genuine validation" and crap like that. :angry: Apple survives without integrated spyware in their OS, so can Microsoft. :angry: They just don't want the 30,000 out of 700 MILLION people who buy their OS to get away with without paying 1/4 of a THOUSAND dollars for their stupid program.  There will always be piracy.  Apple has accepted this and moved on because 99% of its users don't pirate their OS's.  Even if Microsoft didn't protect against piracy of their OS's, I would still give out genuine copies.  What I don't like is when a company has to be an a$$ about something like 20 million dollars when they make billions on their OS that cost them less than $200,000 to make. :mad


  • Hatchling
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MMmm... I'm sure it cost more than $200,000 to make Windows XP/Vista...there's a lot of developers to be paid.  Of course they're going to profit, otherwise why bother trying to?