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Please see this post for more details.

Update: The CNA Interview


  • The Circle
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Currently Reading: Watership Down
Music of the Week: Transyberian Orchestra; Christmas Music
Movie of the Week: Watership Down (watching on Youtube)

Today I had the interview for the CNA position. The interviewer simply just asked a few basic questions about my recent jobs and why I wanted to try CNA work. I answered all questions to the best of my abilities, but there was no hint that I may get the job. Once the interview was over he told me that the paperwork from the interview would be passed down to the folks who make the decisions. So now I have to wait for another phonecall. This is where the feeling of doubt usually always comes in, and I wonder silently to myself if I did good at the interview. I kept a possitive attitude and I spoke truthfully to all the answers. But I just dont know what to expect or how to feel I guess I'm a bit nervous and doubtful how it went. And I'm also a bit doubtful that I wont like the kind of work. But I'm determined to try it.

If I do get the job, the minimum pay expected is $7.50 an hour, which isnt much. But once I'm finished with the training, it may go up to $8.00 or more. I'm still hopeful about it. My fingers are crossed. But because there was no direct answer to whether I had a job or not, I'll have to continue my reluctant job hunt.

Other news, me, my mother and my sister will be moving some place else, for reasons I feel should be kept personal. With the change of events usually always comes a change in habits and other things. I've moved so many times this year, I've lost count. And each time I had to move I've found that my ambitions and determinations always change as well. It may be a good move, but it can also be a bad move. I may lose interest all together of my major work. Not that that hasnt been hapening in recent weeks. My writting and art have both been on my mind, but lately, its all been on the backburner. The times I usually hop to it, I've found myself uninterested and fatigued. As my friend, Christy Pringles had sugested before, its a sign of depression.

If depression it may be, then I'm working on ways to counteract it. I'm starting to go to the gym to do a bit of jogging, crunches and pushups, and I'm watching what I eat. Also I've started the practice of breathing excersizes, and self massage techniques. I've learned a few self improvement lessons from a book I've read recently thanks to my good friend, Patsy Trigg, called Ways of the Peaceful Warrior a novel about a gymnest who meets an elderly man who teaches him about self improvement. These lessons are where I learned about the breathing excersizes and massage techniques as well as the natural diet. I'm also looking into the practice of meditation.

Ms. Trigg also had leant me a set of CD's called The Secret which I have not got to, but I plan to this week. What she has leant me has so far been a life changing gift, and to her, I owe a huge thanks =)

Other News: I've finally found that I can talk to my mother about my writting once more. Before I've found it dificult, since my stepfather brainwashed her into believing that writting isnt going to get me anywhere. But today she saw a doodle I did while at the unemployment office waiting on a phone for the unemployment claims operator to pick up. The doodle I did was a highly detailed drawing of a fairy glade, complete with mushrooms, an old looking oak tree. She commented that the drawing looked as if it came from a classic children's book and it was from there that I had opened up to her about my current work. She feels I should do the short simple children's books. But I had to explain to her that I find it hard to write a short thirty two page kiddie book. My style of storytelling simply cannot be contained to such a limit. I'm writting a simple chapterbook which may reach up to seventy-five pages or more (Tales from Woodlynn Hill) which should be close enough to satisfy the children's book prospect.

Anyway, that's all I can think of for the momment. More to come soon. =)


  • Cera
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 Those are all interesting news, maybe you'll get that new job but I am glad you are still looking for more possibilities, just in case.
 About your writting, that's the thing I am taking the closwer look, you are doing something great there, I really hope you'll be able to publish them. And reading more books can really help to get more vocabulary and ideas.

Cancerian Tiger

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Sorry if I'm being dense here, but what exactly does CNA stand for?  Is it Certified Nursing Assistant (my job)?  Or is it something else?


  • Hatchling
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Sounds like a step closer to something better for you. :)  I'll keep the good wishes flowing Brian.


  • The Circle
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Good luck on finding a job.   If you can't do short children's book maybe you can get into illustrating other people's children's books.  At least as a part time or side job.  You may like it.


  • The Circle
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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Nov 18 2008 on  05:59 PM
Sorry if I'm being dense here, but what exactly does CNA stand for?  Is it Certified Nursing Assistant (my job)?  Or is it something else?
you guessed correctly ;)

I'll be assisting the elderly at a nursing home. granted if I get the position for it.


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Good news that you are allowed to write a bit :) I really hope you get the job even if it didn't look too bright. And if not, I wish you good luck on your search once again.


  • Hatchling
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So...focusing on another part of the finish WD yet? :p

Cancerian Tiger

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Good for ya, Aves :yes.  It's hard work, but if ya have a warm spot in your heart for taking care of others, you'll find it to be fulfilling :^.^:.


  • The Circle
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Quote from: Petrie,Nov 19 2008 on  08:46 PM
So...focusing on another part of the finish WD yet? :p
Just finished reading WD last night, Petrie. Tis a wonderful book =) I'll be watching the movie all the way through today on Youtube.