The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Update: 12-30-08 - Almost the New Year!


  • The Circle
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Its almost New Years! Yay! =)

I've already have my new Years Resolutions made (they're the same ones I've been following since New Years last year =P) They are as follows:

- Complete a graphic novel (Percy)
- Complete the First and Second Draft of Arkia
- Find a decent Job
- Get a Place of my Own
- Get a new Laptop (my current one is going out on me =P )
- Get healthy (physically and mentally)
   1.) Get on a low carb diet
   2.) Excersise more often.
   3.) Take courses in Meditation.
- Read more Books (got plenty on my list)
- Learn a new language (Spanish, maybe. Or even Japanese.)
- Talk more often.

All that for a good topic starter, I'd like to encourage everyone here to reply with their New Years Resolutions. =) I know that such things are hard to follow through, but I hope that my efforts in the coming year could encourage you all to follow your plans throughly and hopefully without any problems.

So what are your life's ambitions this year? You dont have to post them all, and if you'd like to keep them private, that is well respected. =)

Back to the Update:

In the recent weeks, I've been living a somewhat unhealthy unstable lifestyle. I've been staying up way too late (which is something I plan to stop doing) and I've been eating unhealthily. Which has been causing me to have nasty heartburn's, and high blood sugar as well as stomach cramps. I feel fatigued, tired. nausea and a huge lack of interest in my projects. All this I'm currently trying  to battle and as of yesterday I've refused to eat anything that is unhealthy (thanks to Taco Bell, which I had the other day. God, that food made me ill!) At the moment, I have a desire to go on a simple vegetarian diet with only water to drink (water is known to flush out such symptoms as sugar highs) or herbal teas.

It also doesn't help that I've been cramped up in this apartment for a whole two weeks. I've been without a vehicle, and most of the time April has had me watch the kids while she goes and does important college stuff (or massage therapy. She has her clients and her meetings. A wise choice in a career if I do say so myself. ) The fact is, I really need to get out of this place and start getting some fresh air and peace and quiet. Sitting in all day listening to the usual racket of three noisy dibbuns (cartoons, videogames, fighting over toys, making silly noises to amuse themselves. All these things and more = one humongous headache! )

A solution for my escape has come in a form of a visiting cousin. Patrick Mullins (who is also apart of this e-mailing list) had came down to visit. My mother had sugested I go with him when he returns to Fayetteville to stay with Granma. And I'll be staying up there for a full week. I'll spend New Years up there (hopefully with my friends) and the rest of the trip, I wish to work on two projects and kind of restart my creative muse. I plan to work on Arkia, and on the comic book project: Percy. And also I wish to enjoy a little peace and quiet. I'll be spending what time I can with my cousin, who has in a whole been very supportive about my writting endeavors. And maybe, if its not too cold, I'll go for a nice walk on the ol' hiking trail =)

I'll also be bringing my main computer (not my laptop) to bug my uncle fix up. This machine I got for Christmas. It isnt new, but rather a custom built computer using old computer parts. I brought it home from my Christmas visit and piddled around on it (customizing and what not). And over the weeks the cd rom went out on me, and my computer now prompts for a password that I never even set (I suspect a hack of some sort. Possibly even a virus) I suspect my uncle to be grumpy over my request to fix this. =P He may even request pay. But this computer I had planned to use for project work. Writting and graphics-wise. So its usential that I do get it fixed.

Thanks to my recent work on the Percy project, I got a little bit of spending money from Miss Trigg and I vowed to use it wisely, and only to the benefit of my work on the comic book. So I got some new tools which has lifted my ambitious spirit what not. Mostly technical stuff like a new keyboard for my laptop (which types properly) a new 'working' mouse for my laptop, and a 2 gig thumb drive which will be used for exporting important files. I also got some new stationary goods, such as a battery powered pencil sharpener and some computer paper for art and typing. These tools are all strictly for the projects. And I intend to use them just as so.

Concerning my job search: Since I've been without a vehicle, and I've been stuck at home babysitting my three nephews most of the holiday. I havent been able to go out and search for a job (my mother thinks that nobody would be hiring during the holidays anyway) however, I got a letter from rehab that I am to go in and meet with Mr. Glenn Bright, who I once explained before to be a sort of job councilor. Because of my mental dissabilty (autism) I have been helped by this man before. He was in fact the very man who put me in college (which I failed after two years... lost my grant... still slapping myself about it til this day).

In recent weeks, I was put through a sort of IQ test (the guy who tested me told me I was a fricken genius! though not in those exact words =P ) and the results of this test was passed along to Mr. Bright to see if I would qualify for the services of the rehab. The recent letter explained that I was accepted. And that more test will be made to determin what sort of work I'd be eligeable for. There is a chance I may have to take classes for such a job. It may as well be my ticket back to college if I'm lucky. But I'm also hoping to maybe get a job in computers and with decent pay. My fingers (and toes) are crossed. I'm to go meet with Mr. Bright next wednesday. Wish me luck!

That is all I have for now for an update. Happy Holidays! And dont forget the New Years Resolution topic! =)

- Brian B

EDIT: Since the forums here already have a New Years Resolution thread, please disregard the topic here and regard only the update. thanks =)


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We knew you were smart Aves, anyone who has roleplayed with you could see that :)  I think your problems are a result of "cabin fever". i've been dealing with it too. Its cold and snowy up here, and theres not much going on to get me out of the house. hence my weight has risen to near 170. It's never been that high before, ever. I'm usually in the 150s. Yes the kids can drive you up the wall, but kids require a certain patienxe and understanding. And they love playing with us, and talking with us, and telling us every little thing. When they do that, smile :) .  Who knows you may draw inspiration for your stories from them.
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  • The Circle
  • The Gang of Five
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Looks like things may well start to improve soon.  At least with the kids there it gives you the feel of what having kids of your own would be like.