The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Update: Things are gradually going uphill =)


  • The Circle
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Greetings once again.

Today's Update Index: (for those who may want to skip on to more interesting bits)
1. ) Concerning Life
2. ) Concerning Projects
3. ) Question of the Day

--Concerning Life-----------------------------------------------------------
Alright, so since the last update things seem to be improving, somewhat.

1. ) We were able to send my Acer laptop in to be repaired by the manufacturer, I should have it back over the next few weeks good as new (and by 'new', I mean the entire drive formatted and everything.. just as if it had came from the factory... =P they just as well save some time and send me a brand new computer...)

2. ) Ms. Trigg, as nice and as wonderful a friend as she is is sending me an external cd drive for the laptop. God bless that woman! I shall have to repay her by working extra hard on the Percy comic book =)

3. ) With me getting my car back this coming weekend, there are three new opertunities concerning the payments. My mother had heard on the news just recently that GMAC may wave the payment for two whole years for those who are struggling with today's economy. As to whether I qualify for this or not is yet to be known. But also, I've been given the opertunity to have my car refinanced so the notes wouldnt be so gosh darn high. And my buddy Rusty up in Fayetteville has offered to possibly buy the vehicle from me (that was a week or so ago, not sure if that offer is stil on the table or not.. but I may decide to keep the car due to the first two opertunities listed here.)

4. ) My job at Krystals is not as bad as I thought it would be. but with the minimum pay and the few hours I get each week, I'm debating whether I need to apply for better employment elsewhere. On the up-side, I atleast learned a few nifty tricks in grilling good hamburgers and this would be my first time ever to cook a burger.

5. ) My test result meeting with the vocational rehab people was just last week. The tests obviosly point out that I'd work best with a job in the arts, and a bit in computers. The Voc. Guys seem very willing to help me to get back into college, and I've been browsing around for what I want in a college. I stated from the start that I'd love to return to Gadsden, and it seems that that'll be my final decision as I am very familiar with the campus there. But I'm leaning more towards the fields in computers than in arts now. Simply because those fields would garentee me more oppertunities in jobs. I've decided a career in the arts will come later. Right now I need to focus on what can help boast me in my finances. Art and writting is something that I'll just do on the side.

But back to my decision in a college. Yes, I said Gadsden, but I'm honestly in a bit of a limbo concerning this decision. I have the opertunity to move back up towards Huntsville to be closer to my friends. I can look there for a college, but I need a college that has dorms and reasonable rates that the vocational rehab folks can help me pay for. There's the University of Alabama, and Virginia Tech that I know of (I know Virginia Tech doesnt do dorms, but it has several coarses that had caught my eyes concerning graphics designing and game programing.. but they're.... too.... expensive.... so yeah....)

Gadsden would probably be my best bet, and in the coarse of Computer Science. So that may just as well be my final decision. To my mates up near Huntsville, Sorry guys! But hey, there's always Christmas that I can come and visit! =)

6. ) Our internet is still down which is why most of you havent seen me around the forums or on the Instant Messengers as much. My sissy April is considering switching our service to some far better service. We'd get more channels on TV and possibly a much better (and faster) Internet. It'll cost a little over twenty dollars. But it would probably be well worth the switch. I just wish I had a better paying job to help her out in these bills... Heck, my poor sissy is expecting a new kid any day now, as if that wasnt enough!

--Concerning Projects----------------------------------------------------------------------
As I may be proud of myself concerning life, I'm actually very dissapointed in myself concerning said projects. I've made many promises to the groups concerning my work in Arkayia and each of those promises I failed to meet due to the feelings of doubt. And often the way life changes, I've just found it hard to focus.

Since I dropped (and broke) my laptop over a week ago, I've found myself not wanting to do any more work until I got that laptop back. Even though I still have the propper tools to continue these works now (three computers are at my disposal as well as a huge stack of unused notebooks and freshly unused writting pens as well as an old Sears manual typewritter), I just found that trying to adapt to these other methods makes me not want to do them at all. I wake up each morning and I just lay there not wanting to move or get out of bed until I really have to.

I havent even been doing other simple duties, such as keeping the apartment and my bedroom clean, keeping myself clean and attractive, and watching my diet and weight. I've once again succumed to the wretched depths of the so called ''lazy trap''

I want to get things done. But I just dont know how to pull myself out of this nasty lil trap to do them...

I have decided to limit my work down to one project for now, and that's the completion of the comic book adaptation to Percy the Puny Poinsettia. I managed to breach five whole chapters of that project before my laptop broke (and I found out later that the ctrl-s technique did not save all the changes after)... I really want to get Percy done as I feel that project may actually have good promise for my future as a writter and an illuistrator as well as a pro cartoonist.

And speaking of cartoons, I've had the nagging desire to also start back as a webcartoonist, bringing back Bell County Comics, and Zen BassMasters Adventures. I've also had the deep urging to plan several more graphic novels that would proceed the completion of Percy. At the momment, I've been experimenting with techniques that would make cartooning easier. It seems I'll be leaving the old traditional techniques behind in favor of more (easier) digital techniques with custom made computer fonts and everything. Digital makes the work go by much more smoother and faster without the certain flaws of traditional methods (Pencil, pen and ink and... whiteout). And the faster I can get it to go by (with the exception of the patience needed to keep the art looking good as well as keeping the scripting and story arks interesting) the more time I'd have the rest of that day to work on the much bigger and more important projects. Here lies the obsticle... I need all the time I can get to get these other important projects done (such as Percy, or Arkayia, or Longfeather) So I'm having a bit of a bipolar momment concerning my state of mind in cartooning. One momment I'm thinking "Yes! It can be done!" then the next "No... I'd be way in over my head with these projects and I'd have another two year burn out, and once again dissapoint my fans" ... Sometimes I'm feeling very optimistic about it, but then there are the times of self doubt. I want to do it, but I'm just not sure how I want to do it and I worry about the strain it would put on things.

Other than that. I still have my momments that I want to return to my writtings in Arkayia or Longfeather (I often find my mind to be somewhat motivated towards these fields while listening to inspirational orchestra music) but like the webcomic bit, I'm just not sure how to get both my mind and body back into the mood.

Maybe I need to start reading books again... but heck, that seems to even be a struggle...

so comes the question of the day...


How does everyone here often deal with their own personal lazy traps?


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well good to hear from you Brian. Congrats on becoming an uncle(in advance).. The economy sucks right now, and any job is better than no job..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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  • Littlefoot
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Could you explain that question just a little more to me? :D

It's good that youre enjoying your job after all. Aww, I wish you good luck on anything you wish to do with your talents.. :)


  • The Circle
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Sounds like things are looking up.  I do hope they continue to do so.  I also think the Percy project should get finished first, but ultimately it is up to you.  

If you do go back to college, a focus on computers may well get you more job opportunities, depending on what you study, but maybe you can take some art classes also, as a side thing.  If you are good at those they may help keep your gpa up, and may help improve your art if you are looking to learn new techniques or something.  

As for my personal lazy trap, I allow myself some time, saying I'll do this for x amount of time but after then I have to do that.  Sometimes I do a bit of that before I allow myself to rest a bit before finishing it.  It depends on the situations since I adapt to each one.

Good luck.


  • The Circle
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Quote from: Mumbling,Apr 6 2009 on  02:39 PM
Could you explain that question just a little more to me? :D

It's good that youre enjoying your job after all. Aww, I wish you good luck on anything you wish to do with your talents.. :)
How do you overcome laziness?


How do you often stop yourself from being lazy?


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Well you should never completely stop yourself from being lazy, because then you'll get stressed. Though I guess setting bounderies is okay.

I controll my laziness by knowing that I have to do something to make myself happy. For example I want to pass this schoolyear, but for that I'll have to work on science subjects, so I put myself to it and realize that it isn't too bad after all. My motivation is just that I really want it.

If you don't have that well... Try to think of a little nice award for yourself when you've done the work you should(or wanted to do) like a nice candy bar or watching tv or whatever works.


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How do I stop being lazy?  Look at the deadline. :p  Or realize its Sunday night and I've nothing planned for Monday. :p  One or the other usually is all it takes if I ever get in a rut like that (its not very often).