The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

LBT - Chaos Ensues


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I am not so sure if the weapons are good idea. After all dinosaurs are dinosaurs and not humans. Why they would need to invent spears or clubs, when they have teeth, claws, tails or horns? Besides fourfeeters couldnt use most of these weapons, so it would be a little unfair for them.

By the way... When this RP will be started?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Cera
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That depends whether this is an RPG in the same genre as eg. Twilight Valley, or a "more or less" pure LBT adventure.

It would only be the bipedal dinosaurs that would be able to use weapons anyway, as Myrkin said. Unless the fourfooters have very flexible tails that is. ;)
And on the other hand, they have brute force on their side.

In my opinion, use of the enviromental paraphernalia, such as rocks, sticks... vines... would be pretty much enough.
We shall wait and see what Rob says.

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Ducky
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What Lillefot said. Some could be allowed, since bipedal are able to handle some weapons. So, using natural hazards seems the most adapted.


  • Cera
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I see the logic in your opinions, and I agree. The four footers would have brute force on their side, so it makes sense that only the two footers get use of such weapons. I am still working out kinks with this system, so I really appreciate all your help guys :D

We will start very soon. I'm just waiting for any more stragglers.


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Hmmm, could I possibly snag Grandma Longneck, Bron and Topsy? Just trying to determine who would be most useful :p
Ah, I just couldn't resist volunteering for this. It looks awesome!


  • Cera
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Glad you could join us!

I'm probably going to start the Great Valley part now nice we have a good number of people who want to take part in it, but I'm going to wait on the Mysterious Beyond part to see if more people will want evil characters.

Also, I just want to make one more announcement before we start. I know a lot of you are really passionate RP'ers, and I respect that as I am one as well. However for the sake of those who are not, let's try to avoid one-on-one posts for countless pages. For example, not to pick on anybody, three pages of me and Lillefot responding back and forth and back and forth can be very boring, so we want to have as many people involved as possible.

Just for fair warning, I may not be on as much because I am entering my last couple months of high school (woooooo :D ), so if you have any questions about the RP, please PM me! DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE ASSUME SOMETHING AND POST IT, BECAUSE IF YOU ARE WRONG THEN THAT POSES PROBLEMS AND I WILL COME AFTER YOU AND I WILL GLOMP YOU :nyah

Before I forget, here are the rules of BOTH rp's:

No Godmodding - This means no use exagerated power. For example: Littlefoot leaped up into the air, tripple flipped, and all of a sudden the sharptooth died.... NO NO NO :lol:  Keep everything as realistic as possible.

Keep it PG-13 - I will only allow two cuss words (Damn and Hell). The gang would not know what an ass is, and shit is to profane, and I despise bitch and bastard, and NO F-BOMBS AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Romance - Normally I would allow it at a minimum, but most of the time I see romance in an rp begin to take control of it and get out of hand, so in this case I'm putting a nix on it. Sorry guys, but I will not be responsible for lbt porn because it sickens me :x

Keep Graphic Violence Minimal - What do I mean by this? Well for starters, no protruding bones whatsoever! Also, no spilling of blood, maybe a small trickle. No ripping of flesh or tearing heads off etc... You could say that you cut somebody or badly bruised another.

Keep Fighting in Check - This goes along with the no godmodding rule. There will be battles in this rp, but keep them realistic. Sierra would probably not be able to singlehandedly take down Bron, Doc, or Grandma and Grandpa Longneck, so don't post that he would take them all down in one hit. Also, if you attack another RPer, allow them to post a reaction to your attack. There are no homing 100% hits in this. Then again, this is not The Matrix and nobody is Neo, so do not make it impossible to hit you.

As for technical stuff:

No Flamming other users - I will not tolerate it, and nobody else will either.

No Spamming - If it's not related to the rp, don't post it please.

Keep active - I can understand real life and  I understand that people need to take a break every now and then. However, please don't post once and then disappear for a whole month unless you have an emergency of some sorts. If you are not active, I will send you PM's warning you, and if it becomes too much I will consider you quit the RP and give your characters to somebody else.

Stick With the Story - I know substories can be fun, but we can't let them get out of hand. Try to stick with the general plot. If you have an idea for a possible substory, pm it to me and I will discuss it with you.

Be Reasonable - If there is something you do not like in the rp, please do not get angry and post THIS RP SUCKS or THIS IS BULL**** or especially THE GM IS A DIP****. Please pm me if there is something you don't like and I will discuss it with you.

Above all, please have fun! This is hopefully going to be a great plot, so enjoy it as much as I hopefully will.

If you have any questions from now on, PLEASE PM ME or post it here in the discussion. Do not post them on the actual rp!


  • Cera
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Sounds perfect to me, Rob!
Let's get your show locked and loaded! :D
Shall you need asistance; I'm with you all the way!

Before though, here's my two OC's Blueberry and Fry, for those who feel that they need to know.
Fry's a relatively new character, therefore, his bio isn't done yet.

-Name: Blueberry
-Gender: Male
-Age: 15
-Species: Fastrunner, Oviraptor
-Color: Blue, purple. White details here and there.
-Eyes: Emerald green
-Allignment: Good
-Size/height: A bit higher and more muscular than Ruby. Higher crest
-Personality: Glad, playful and caring with a sense for laughter. A friendly lad who always stands up for his friends. Lazy at times, and can hold a cold attitude to ones who deserves it. Blueberry has proven before that he possesses a massive amount of courage, even in the hardest of situations.
-Family: Passed

Blueberry (as his friends call him, since he doesn't know his real name and because his creator sucks on names! :lol) was like Ruby, born in the mysterious beyond.
He lost his family in the big earthshake, during their search for the Great Valley.
Knowing his only hope for survival was to find the GV, he wandered for days, searching trough the wastelands of MB.
One day, when he belived that all hope were lost for him, he wandered into a group of other fastrunners, also heading for the GV.
They took care of him, teaching him what he needed to be able to one day stand on his own.

Blueberry has lived in the Great valley ever since. He spends his days playing with friends and exploring the wonders of life around him.
He's a good kid, who always stands up for the ones in need. Despite he has seen alot of dark things, he's positive, and has accepted the life he lives.
To him, his friends is the family he need. He would never give them up.

He's a bright kid, able to understand most situations, as well as new ones. The elderly rainbowfaces in the herd he once parted with made sure he was taught well.

He's often companied by his trusty side kick, Fry.

-Name: Fry
-Gender: Male
-Age: 11
-Species: Tinysaurus
-Color: Blue, with a darker back, belly is light grey.
-Eyes: Dark red
-Allignment: Good
-Size/height: Small, as expected for a Tinysaurus. Comparable to Skitter.
-Personality: Fry is an energectic, eager and joyful little fellow who lives we with his herd of Tinysauruses, lead by Big Daddy. Friendly, playful, trusty and courageous are words to describe this tinysaur. Though, sometimes too curious for his own good.
Family: He belongs to the same herd as Skitter. Rest unknown.
Often seen acompanied by Blueberry, the Oviraptor.
Friends: Although ready to make friendship with anyone he meets, his best friend is Blueberry, the Oviraptor.

-Biography: To come. Watch as we play. ;)


And I might throw in a bad guy if I feel for it.
I'm not going to eat more than I can take.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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  • Ducky
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Since my characters will be neutral, where should I post? In MB part or GV?
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • Cera
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Quote from: Myrkin,Apr 18 2009 on  01:31 PM
Since my characters will be neutral, where should I post? In MB part or GV?
Really doesn't matter. As long as you're not on the other side of the world or something, far away from other players.
Maybe this can answer your question.
One way of getting around this is to open your very first post with introducing your characters in the area they're in, and wait for other players to find you. Or you'll find them.
Something in the lines of:

"Dino X woke up in area X in the Mysterious Beyond."
"Dino X woke up in area X in the Great Valley."

That way, both you and others will be able to get the idea of your location, hopefully choosing to interact.
This is same for all players. I find it quite the good way of warming things up.

It depends though what the GM, in this case it's LBTfan13, has in mind.
As he said, he's considering to launch the GV part of this RP to begin with. In that case the method above would be useful, whether you play as GV dino or a MB dino.
You're neutral. I guess you might choose where to start.
I advice you to wait for LBTfan13 to confirm your question. He might have a plan. ;)
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


  • Cera
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To answer your question, post them in whichever one you want. Obviously they will be in the GV part, but if you want you can post them in the MB part. The MB part is mostly the disaster, which I guess has become a flood, and leading up to the decision to invade the GV.


  • General of the Great Valley
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2 questions:

How old is the gang?

What is the final verdict on weaponry?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Cera
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Good questions. I never really thought about that.

1. Just for the sake of it, let's keep the ages of the gang to where they are at the TV series, so they are still young I guess. This would make it more of a conflict when they are possibly forced into battle.

2. I think the plan is four footers are not going to use weapons but two footers will. As of what kind of weapons are allowed, I'm still working on that, so for now lets not worry about it until we come to the first true battle.