The Gang of Five
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So sick and tired of being, sick and tired

raga · 7 · 1105


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good song, but thats off topic

Since the beginning of the week I've just been miserable.  For the past three days I've been experiencing the worst allergies of my life, to the point that I stayed home from school on Monday (you have to understand, I've once woken up with a 100 degree fever and still went to school, then work after, it takes ALOT to keep me home).  This comes at the same time that I have reached my "fed up" moment.  I am tired beyond the normal sleep deprivation that comes with a bad combination of school work and insomnia.  I've just had enough of High School, I just can't stand it anymore.  It has nothing to do with social situations though (which seems to be the main complaint about high school) but with the district, the school its self, and some of the teachers.  The rules and policies are ridiculous and have been growing more and more restrictive as the years have gone by.  Yesterday I had  my cell taken away because I was checking the time, in a class room with A BROKEN CLOCK!  Maybe if they just got their lazy, unorganized ***es up their and changed the battery it wouldn't happen (and that is quite literally what is wrong with it).  I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm sick, and I've just had enough of all this already.  I can't even finish the simplest task (or the more complex ones such as my secret LBT project that is sitting unfinished).

Anyway, the reason for this rant is this.  If I've seemed irritated or short tempered in the past few days (I don't think I have), I'm sorry.  And if seem that way in the next few days, I'm sorry again.  I'll be happy again eventually, it goes in cycles.

Cancerian Tiger

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Sorry to hear you're not doing so well, Raga.  It'll pass, though.  Do ya take Zyrtec, Claritin, Benadryll or some other antihistamine?  I don't have allergies, but I know these are common meds taken by folks who have allergies.  As for high school, hang in there ;).  I was beyond ready near graduation, and I have not missed it since.  Perhaps the cool cats do :p.  It feels great to be free and not be treated like a child.  Best of all, there are no cliques around to pick on ya, not even in college :yes.  Folks are more mature by that point.  Hang in there, though.  You're almost finished ;).

I was beginning to wonder why "The Eternal Bond" has not been updated, but now I probably know why :unsure:.  Whatever the case, just take it easy and get well first :).


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  • Ducky
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Ah, that's awful... Hang in there, man! I definitely know what you mean. I got food poisoning the quarter before last, pretty much the worst bout of sickness I've ever had. And I'm so done with this school, too. Do a lot of research before choosing a college! Or you'll end up in one that's just like highschool, but less fun :bang
And to top it off, most of their required meal plan food will pretty much kill you. Thus the food poisoning. :lol


  • The Circle
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I hope things pick up for you, I'm sure they will, good luck.  & doing research before picking a college is always a good thing rather then picking a college at random.


  • Hatchling
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Hang in there, you only have about five weeks left.  As for allergies, I take a Claritin knock-off (its cheaper but same drug).  I'd personally avoid benadryl since that is basically like taking sleeping pills.  See what meds work, they're all a bit different.  If Allegra wasn't a prescription, I'd use that.

As for the cell phone rant, as a teacher in the biz, no cell phones in my class means no cell phones in my class.  Granted I would never leave my class with a broken clock but I think people can live without cell phones for some of their daily included.  Its not THAT important.  Sorry you got a raw deal, but I do side with the policy.


  • Petrie
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Allergies, that really sucks, it's something that's chases us for forever, take the meds and you should be ok.
As for the rest, hang in there, I kinda know what you fell, although in my case it also includes some social problems :p .
As for the cellphone, here in my school, althought the school prohibits it for a long time, only now any action is really being made, but the reasons are quite understadanble... :lol  :lol


  • Petrie
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Thanks guys, I have been taking Zyrtec since Tuesday and I do feel better today, but that might have to do with all the rain we've been having.

And CT, as for The Eternal Bond, I haven't given up on it.  I can only write when the mood hits me, or its just impossible, and lately I just haven't been in the mood.  I am going to be doing shorter chapters in the future (1,500-2,000 words) so that I can get a chapter together before completely losing focus.