The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Game Over Man! Game Over!!!


  • Banana Egg
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has anyone here played silent hill for ps2? (i can't remember it's full name....)
in the game you play as a chick, in a part of the game i was up to i saw a bridge....i began to walk across, tentacles grab me and pull me into the water and blood floats up to surface.....i was playing this game in the middle of the one else home but me....turned up real scared the complete %$#@ out of me!!! i absolutely %$#@ my pants!!!


  • General of the Great Valley
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Video game pet peeves:

Non-free camera - Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is a major offender. While the camera was pretty good at tracking you. I like the ability to pan, zoom and rotate the camera freely. And the lack of said abilities has killed me a few times.

Non stacking inventory - I can understand the "bag/puzzle" style inventories for RPGs but an ordinary inventory should be able to stack items. Pokemon Mystery dungeon is the only game where this occurs: Yes, I would like to be able to carry 4 oran berries (healing items) without taking 4 slots!

Obscenely cheap attacks - Final bosses do have the right to be a bit cheap but the key word is a bit. Tabuu from Smash Brothers Brawl is a key example. I can deal with a instant kill attack but to blanket the whole screen with not 1 but 3 of those attacks, one after the other? That's a bit much.

"Chain" bosses - 2 bosses one after the other with no time to heal or for that matter, do anything. This does irritate me a bit because both chain bosses are usually extremely tough. Tales of Symphonia had only one instance but it was a triple chain. First Remiel, then Kratos, then Yggdrasil. Granted, you only have to kill Remiel but without a guide, you don't know that Kratos is optional and you are supposed to lose to Yggdrasil.  My friend and died about 10+ times vs Remiel and Kratos (we didn't know Kratos was optional so the second all our characters died, we hit reset.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.