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Pterano, Rinkus, & me (Jared)

Jrd89 · 6 · 1529


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I just want to give you the heads up before I start. I suck at writing, (haven't written a fictional story since 6th grade...and it was for school. So please excuse my writing.

I'm not a pro-fanfic writer like you guys are, but I want to give it a try.

There is only one rule: Please leave Sierra out! I hate him, he's so darn nasty, mean, inconsiderate, and self-centered. I don't like him. He's the devil in disguise.

Now My character: What I am in my lbt dreams, of course, a pteranodon (medium-brown, smaller, than Pterano, but much much larger than Petrie, with the personality of a very shy, sometimes funny, and very kind and nice 20-year-old human male)

Main characters: Pterano, me (call me Jared), and Rinkus (don't ask "Why'd you put him in? He's a bad guy".

well, he does make me giggle sometimes, when I watch "Cold fire" parts. The only true wicked, evil, villian in cold fire (In my opinion) is Sierra (Remember the part where Ducky fell into the cave and Sierra gave a crap if she was dead or not) .

I rest my case. (remember... no Sierra)

(but any other characters are welcome, of course)

(just add the next part of the story) This'll be fun.


It was a wonderful, sunny day, when a medium-brown flyer named Jared was flying, when he caught sight of a very large crested orange flyer and a much smaller pink flyer below.

Rinkus: (pointing) "Hey, who's that flyer up there", "Do you know him, Pterano"?

Pterano:"No, I don't." "He must be a newcomer."

Jared landed in front of Pterano and Rinkus

Pterano: "Why hello there young flyer. and who may I ask, are you?"

Jared: (smiling)  "My name is Jared, what's your name?"


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Rinkus had proved himself to be rather cunning and deceitful I believe, if I recall correctly. It was he who convinced Sierra to let Pterano "lead them to the stone" and it was he who wanted to leave Ducky behind. And I'm sure he didn't care that much when Ducky fell either.

So personally I see Rinkus being just as vicious as Sierra; the only difference is that he holds back and acts like a coward in order to trick Pterano into thinking he's weaker than he really is. That's just my view however.


  • Petrie
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To Dark: So you want to rub Rinkus out of the story all together? (I'm not mad)

So you're suggesting just Pterano & me, then? (just clearing things up)

Ptyra:  :oops  :oops I forgot- Pterano IS orange.

.*god I am such a rookie*

Remember-I've only been here for a few weeks. I'm certainly not the sharpest pencil in the case, so to speak.

Settling things on Rinkus: (I'm just telling you what I think of him)

I WILL give you one thing on Rinkus's evilness that I hated. The Part where he, Pterano and Sierra fly at night when they kidnap Ducky, when he says to Petrie.

"None of your business you little runt, now buzz off" *slaps Petrie*

Petrie fell to the ground, into water. Luckily Littlefoot was there to rescue Petrie. If it weren't for Littlefoot, Petrie would've drowned to death.

That is the one thing I WILL give you on Rinkus being evil. I know that he IS evil (on the softer side), but if you REALLLY want heavy, pure, evil, try Sierra.

But Rinkus does have his funny moments in this movie.(like when Ducky tells him not to stand on the ledge, but he does and he falls down. Also just before that, he crash-lands and gets all tangled up with Sierra.

I'd call Rinkus "neutral", he's not mr. nice guy all the time, nor is he a dark evil devilish demon all the time.

But I love Rinkus for his funny moments in "Cold Fire" That's a reason why he's in this story.


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I wasn't suggesting any such thing. Just because I think Rinkus is just as villainous as Sierra doesn't mean I wanted him removed from the story. I don't remove characters or want characters removed simply because they are villains. If I actually wanted Rinkus out of the story, I would have said that straight out. If you want Rinkus in the story, then by all means keep him in there.


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Now that i've cleared everything up (I've decided to KEEP Rinkus in the story, and Pterano is Orange, not brown)  :oops  (sorry, Ptyra)

Note: Just because i'm in thie story doesn't mean it's "alllll about me", "I'm the star", and "Pay attention to only me all the time"    no no no.

you can focus on other characters as well.

I'd prefer the main focused characters to be shared between Pterano, me, and Rinkus.

(Is Petrie welcome to be in the story? YOOOOOOOOU BET!!!!!!!  :yes  :yes  :yes  :yes  :yes  :yes  :yes  :yes  :yes

But remember: NO Sierra.

UPDATE:ATTENTION! at the suggestion of "Lettuce..." I have decided to move this to "ROLE PLAY DISCUSSION" that's the new spot for the story

(I've still got a lot to learn about this site)

So, look for this story in role play discussion.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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If you're having a problem finding people to participate in your story you can always move it to the Role-play section and call it an RP. I know there are several people who love to jump in to stories like this. You might need a bit more of a story, though, before anyone joins in.

And, of course, if that doesn't work you can always write the story yourself proper :). That way the only limit is what you yourself can do.

I myself only have time for the one RP I'm already in, but I wish you luck. :wave