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The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Your current Job


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Well I've opened a new business if you want to call it that.  I decided to actually make money off of having a server and now charge people for server space.  I only have 8 people signed up at present, but it brings me in an extra $130 a month.  Heck, it pays for the electricity to run the server and for minor upgrades/repairs.  I hope in the near future I can get more people on it, but there's no rush.  I advertise it on my backup services website:

NOTE:  Please don't try to sign up for my data backup services.  They are only available to people who actually get computer repair by me.  Besides, why would you do that when members of GOF have free server space using the LBT server? :p

I'm now running 5 servers.  1 has around 500gb (the LBT server), another has 32tb (my personal server), another has 8tb (my backup services server), another has 50gb (my client server that I use to access data to repair computers) and the final one has 320gb (my backup server that automatically backs up everything that's uploaded to the LBT server).  Each server is running Windows XP Service Pack 3 Lite Edition and they all have at least 1gb of ram.  I want to open another server just for websites.  It would only be 20gb or so.  I'm sure I could do it with an old beater PIII. :p


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To be honest, I am fed up with my job at Wal*Mart.  Get ready for quite an explanation...

There are alot of things going on with my job that I am just not approving of.  For one thing they started cutting hours, claiming that it was to keep money and so that we could get our bonus during the time we had some new competition.  However, my suspicions tell otherwise with the "improvements" going on at the time.  A chain-link fence around where we store the electronics, a glass barrier in front of the camera displays, (which I pretty much approve of with how many people kept removing the displays and setting off the alarms.) new locks on the trash compactors and a few others.  To be honest, I think they're holding out on us.

On top of that, I am constantly sent to the back to help pulling with the truck and the people I work with are quite unsafe and no matter how many times they are told, they continue it.  I'm surprised they don't get fired.

I was also turned down for the promotion I wanted.  Sure, it was because of money related issues, but as I stated earlier, the improvements going on tell me otherwise.  A part of me thinks that my boss just wants me to stay in my area because I'm the only one there, so he's making up excuses so that I have to stay there.

I even tried setting up for moving to another Wal*Mart and was denied for it.  I thought by doing that I would have a better chance at getting what I wanted.  Plans didn't work out too well.

Without proper evidence of these things going on though, I cannot call up the higher levels of management that go beyond the Store Manager.  Giving out supposedly false information can lead to quite a few law issues on my part that I just don't want happening to me.  I'm secretly looking for some, but nothing has come up.  So I can't do much of anything right now.

I feel like quitting my job.  However, my heart conflicts with that decision because of the talk my parents had with me earlier about benefits and such.  However, a part of me just isn't caring about those anymore.  Getting benefits is nice and all, but with all that's going on, is it really worth it?

I'm looking into finding a new job and even possibly working on-line.  With the on-line deal, nothing that isn't a scam has turned up yet. (I pretty much know a scam when I see it these days.) As for new job, nothing yet, but I just recently started on that.  It'll take time to see results.

Wish me luck with the job hunting, because I've had just about all I can take with my current job. -_-


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Wal-Mart is a can of worms worth its own topic.  Good luck on the job search if you decide to try something else.


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My tiring search and looking up reviews on the net at the jobs that say can have you make money on the net has turned up quite a few results I want to start trying.

Now, before you go and say, "You're going to get scammed!!", be aware that I did DEEP research.  I checked out information of how they work and how reliable they are.  I even looked up pages that said "<insert site here> is a scam", and looked carefully at whether the person was scammed or they just picked something that required a lot of work and the person who made the reviewer was just lazy.

My research found that over 80% of what I found were scams. (No wonder people keep saying "On-line money making businesses are scams".) Also, out of those that do work, a good number of them require quite a bit of work on your part or have you basically knowing what you're doing. (Which is why only SOME people are successful when they do an E-Bay Business.  Yes, this was one of the suggested things I looked up based on how much I have that I just don't want anymore.)

After all the research of finding what's real and what's not, I have made a few select choices and will see for myself what works.  Some are hard to get into because of how great they are, others aren't that good but easy to access.  I'll see what the results turn up now.

Wish me luck because I did TONS of research.  I know what I'm doing.  I'm not going to get scammed. ;)


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Oo Good luck. Hope ya really dont get scammed and find a nice job :)


  • The Circle
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Good luck on the job hunt, hope you get a great job.


  • Petrie
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Good luck with that, hope you get a good job


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John I sent you a PM instead of posting my reply here.  You'll thank me for not doing it.


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Student and volunteer EMT.

I'm just going to talk about the EMT position:

Good: Satisfaction of helping people and learning experience.

Bad: Risk of bloodborne pathogens. Paramedics tend to be rude. Encounter really disgusting things. Risk of violence.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I got a new jobby... Well actually an extra one!

Next to my library job(which I can keep, yay), I decided to get another job.
It's not much, but I'll be bringing around advertisement folders in my neighbourhood. Should be two hours of work weekly, and pays quite alright.

Extra money is a good thing.


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Very cool, Iris!

I'm in the middle of hopefully almost quitting my night clerk job now.  One of my new friends, a regular customer at my store, is helping me get a job with him after I helped him out a bit this week.  Here's hoping! :D


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Just an SPCA volunteer, I work with the cats to help them get good homes. :)


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After i stopped working at Best Buy, i relocated to another state and got a job at a small computer specialist store.

i make $9.75 an hour, work about 38-40 hours a week.

i dont really have a single position in the store. i do everything, including sales, warehouse, cleaning, our service center, so on and so forth xD.

i was fortunate imo, as its a job where i dont have to focus on just sales, which isnt my favorite thing to do. about 40% of everything i do is sales related.


Littlefoot Fan

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I don't have a job. Jobs are for losers.


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My point within my job has changed since the time I complained.

For one thing, I have more of the amount of hours and weekly schedule I've wanted. (All I ask for is Sunday off and I get it.) Plus, through the Christmas Season, something happened.  I don't know what, but something appeared to me that showed something I really wanted to do with my life.

At this point, I cannot say what until I am ready.  Just know, it's going to be something that will have a huge impact on the world.  Something for the better.

I hardly ever help the morons in the back room now.  When I do, I find that they are still morons.  Still being unsafe and careless.  Yet, with how much less I go, it just makes me feel better now.

I'm now around those who give me a more positive atmosphere to live in.  It's given me a more positive outlook on the customers.  I look forward to helping them now, rather than wanting to turn them down.

I've got a full-time job.  Work in better mental conditions.  And have a Manager who is just great in the end.

After all I've been through to get here, I feel so blessed.

Still, I don't want to keep the job, despite how much I've gotten to like it now.  Despite how much I fought back, I don't want to stay.

There's something else I want.  Something better.

Until then, I can say, without a doubt, that I am happy to work at Wal*mart. :)


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Quote from: Littlefoot Fan,Jan 31 2010 on  09:51 PM
I don't have a job. Jobs are for losers.
Try telling that to my landlord.  :lol: