Okay, I have pretty much gotten through playing the 3DS Version of Ocarina of Time, and I think it's time I talked about the extra game it gives you, the "Master Quest" version of the game.
Now, those of you who have never played this version of the game will probably be curious about how it's different. Well, here's the gist of it. Basically, even though the Master Quest Version has the same graphics, same gameplay, same characters, same bosses and enemies, etc., there are some key differences.
The first, is that it's mirror imaged, so it'll take some getting used to.
The second is that it's harder! A LOT HARDER! How hard is it? The first dungeon is a decent challenge for a veteran of the original! Yeah, the first dungeon is that tough and it gets harder as you go!
The first thing is that the enemies are a lot stronger. In my first playthrough, I was hit by a Kesse, surprised by a Gohma Larva and then accidentally touched a Skulluta, and next thing I knew, I was dead! All within the first few minutes of the game. Normally, that wouldn't kill you. Sure, it would take off a nice chunk of health, but it wouldn't kill you. Here, it most certainly finished me off. After getting over the shock of how quickly I died in this updated version of the game, I got my crap together and took the game seriously. I gave the game as little chance as I could, being ready for anything.
The second thing I should talk about is how much more cryptic the puzzles have gotten for the dungeons. First off, for the most part, the path you take to get to the boss is completely different. Sure, the boss is in the same spot as before, but the puzzles now make you think of new ways to get to the boss within the dungeon. I can't tell you all how many times I had to go back to find that there was a switch I was meant to hit, or a torch to light or something like that, just to get back on the right track.
Also, some items actually become more useful. For instance, I'm sure those of you who played the original know that the ONLY place you HAD to use Din's Fire was to open the Shadow Temple. Other than that, it was pretty much useless. In this version, it's a requirement to beat the Fire Temple, Water Temple and the Child Side of the Spirit Temple! Plus, in the Fire Temple, you use it quite a bit to the point where you'll be thankful for all the magic refills you find lying around.
Even the Bombchu, which wasn't actually required to beat the original, is needed to get through several dungeons in this version.
Oh, and on top of all that, the dungeon item is put in a new location, so good luck there.
Finally, may I also mention that they put enemies in new locations? You'll have difficulty finding out what's around the next bend, trust me on that.
Despite the difficulty of the new version though, I still find it quite enjoyable. It's hard, but it's not to the point of frustrating where you just want to give up. If you are a veteran who's tired of the original and you're looking for a challenge, give this one a shot. You won't regret it.
I've enjoyed the newer version, and I'm thinking of doing a Let's Play of this version of the game for the GameCube. It'll be nice to show everyone just how hard it really is.
So, that's all my thoughts on it, and I'll see ya later!