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The nature of many fanfictions

Malte279 · 107 · 15326


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Well everyone has their influences. Even original authors have influences, whether intentional or subconscious. I think crossover fanfics just pop up naturally because of the love of other stories/movies and the desire to share them with everyone else.

Of course...sci fi does seem a little off  :p

I agree with grammar being a terrible problem. I know lots of people don't speak or write perfect English, but i also think spell-checks and read overs aren't done as much as they should be.


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Mar 17 2009 on  06:53 AM
Other than that I can pretty much handle anything.  Big list of things I don't like, but there's a lot of crummy fanfics out there too.  Didn't want to leave anything out.
Good guidelines.

And SF (I can't stand the abbreviation "sci-fi" :x) does seem bizarre in an LBT fan fic but it works surprisingly well sometimes. I believe Threehorn's story was a combination of post-apocalyptic SF and LBT and it was marvelous.

Let's see what I have followed:

Fanfics with horrible grammar.  - followed

Fanfics that are all one mashed paragraph. - followed

Fanfics that don't use quotes when a character is speaking. - followed

Fanfics that involve explicit sex scenes. - followed (no sex)

Fanfics that involve any type of sexual relations between two different species. - followed (no sex)

Fanfiction authors who mold the characters to their story. - Definitely didn't follow. (War story in LBT and Stone Age tech.)

Really short fanfics.  - followed (60,000+ words)

Fanfics that have two different species mate by having one of them transform.  - followed (no sex)

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I've just been reading through this thread, and it's stirred up something in me. It's challenged my fanfic, my view of LBT, and even my writing skills. I've really begun reconsidering things because of it.

I completely get the "pure LBT" view, and it does seem like it would take a lot more creativity/repression of wild ideas to write something like that. To be honest, I don't even know why I decided to write my fic in the first place.

Maybe it's because sci-fi is so easy to work with. In a sci-fi story, virtually anything can happen, and all you need is a psuedo-scientific explanation to make it sound good. Take an idea I once had of a Star Trek Voyager/LBT crossover.

It's staged during Voyager's sixth season, and Voyager's crew has a new plan for getting home. By momentarily slipping into a transwarp conduit run by the cybernetic race known as the Borg and latching onto a passing Borg vessel with a modified tractor beam, they would be able to potentially hitch a ride across the galaxy. All they'd have to do is catch a Borg ship going in the direction of Earth and they'd be home free. Of course they try this plan, and the ship they latch on to just happens to have the Borg Queen aboard. Naturally, she tries to shake them off, but somehow they manage to resist her efforts. As a last-ditch manuever she sends the ship into a temporal vortex (basically a time travel thing that the Borg have been known to create), and both ships are hurtled back in time. Suddenly, they both drop out of transwarp. The Borg ship has broken apart due to the stress of reentry on its hull, but Voyager's tougher superstructure is able to withstand it. The Borg fall into the gravity well of a nearby planet and break up in the atmosphere. THe crew of Voyager realize that the planet is Earth, but they soon realize that they went farther back in time than they thought-about 65 million years farther. They decided to beam down to Earth and see if they can recover any bit of Borg technology that might help them return to their own time. Upon beaming down, however, they find themselves surrounded by five young dinosaurs.

See what I mean? It took me five minutes to think that up. Sci-Fi is immensely easy to work with because it has no bounds. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but that might be the reason why it's so popular.

Another point mentioned is the fact that most crossovers do not blend the fandoms equally. This certainly applies to my fic, and it's only going to get worse. Right now, the ratio of LBT content to Star Wars content is about 1:2, and, if I follow my vision for the story, it's only going to get more Star Wars-y. It's just that the Star Wars universe is so much more vast than the LBT universe, and I see so much more possibilities with it. I wish I could keep it more LBT, but I feel as though the LBT characters, over the course of my story, sort of undergo a transfer. The line between the LBT and Star Wars universes is removed, and each mixes with the other.

The songs are also an interesting note. While I agree that having the LBT characters sing modern songs is more than a bit strange, I think that LBT songs are written specifically for the situation in which they are sung, and most people simply can't write their own songs. Including modern songs seems to be the next best thing.

I know this is getting really long, but I just have to get this down before I forget!

The sharpteeth armies are a particular point of contention as well. While I agree that sharpteeth would probably never form "armies", but it seems to me that the predators livng in the lands around the Great Valley might not be getting enough prey, due to the fact that all the herbivorious dinosaurs live in the Great Valley. Perhaps the smarter predators, like raptors, would come to the realization that, in order to surivive, they would need to enter the GV and remain long enough to eat their kills. This would require subduing most of the defenders of the Valley, i.e. Mr. Threehorn or Grandpa Longneck. To do this, they would need many of their own kind to attack at the same time. Then, if the packs of raptors outside were able to enter at about the same time and attack, the wave of raptors entering the GV might seem something like an army from the plant-eaters perspectives. Again, this is still a huge strech.

So what does this mean? Because I combine LBT with Sci-fi or other elements not seen in LBT, am I less creative? Is my writing worse than I thought? I didn't think so at first, but the more I think about it the more I question myself.


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No. You are not any less creative for fusing non LBT and LBT, while it is easy to toss them together, it is much more difficult to get them to work properly and to get something totally non LBT to mesh fairly well with LBT is quite frankly amazing (I'm looking at you Threehorn and Jedi!).

While sharpteeth armies break the canon, it can be fun to write about them. Believe me, it is fairly hard to write a decent war story set in the LBT universe. You can't just have battle after battle, you need some other twists as well. It is very difficult to come up with those twists and not repeat them.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I am also worried about the patchwork effect Malte mentioned earlier. I look at my outline for my fic, and quite frankly I think at least 70% of it is not my own. The real thing that's bugging me? I'm OK with it.


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As long as you can get it to work it doesn't matter what is yours or not.

I look at my fan fic and I realized that: the idea of an LBT war story is Falcon88's, the Great Valley Air Corps is also created by Falcon88 (I just elaborated), a major plot twist belongs to Brek, the name for one of the locations is almost ripped from Jurassic Park, battle scenes are inspired (in some cases ported almost exactly unchanged) from various movies (the Matrix Trilogy and Lord of the Rings in particular).

Does this make me any less creative? I do not think so, as I feel it takes quite a bit of imagination to take battle scenes from a SF cyberpunk movie and a high fantasy movie and get them to work WELL (key word) in an LBT fic.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I'm not gonna change my story or anything. (I like the way it is) I just feel like I ripped off people to get it. Yes, it does take creativity to take LotR battles and put them in LBT and still have a good story, but then again, it's not like the LotR characters are in your fic.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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My next two fanfics are major crossovers so I really have to get it to work.


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It's not like I think crossovers are bad now. (BOSE II is fantastic!) It's just that I feel like I failed to respect the balence between the fandoms.


  • General of the Great Valley
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I'm not sure what you mean by balance. There is no magic formula for a crossover. It is not necessary or in some cases, even desirable to have a 1:1 ratio of LBT:non LBT.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I do not want to "prohibit" anyone from from writing anything. I never had the right or authority to do so. Its just that it is kind of sad for me that there are extremely few pure LBT fanfictions out there while most of the others (splendidly written as some of them unquestionably are) end up in the excesses of violence committed by dinosaurs who think exactly the way humans would but not in the terms of LBT dinosaurs.
Rather than discouraging people from writing such fanfictions I would encourage them to give the pure fanfictions a try. It is more difficult of course, but therefore it is also a more rewarding challenge to overcome ;)

The sharpteeth armies are a particular point of contention as well. While I agree that sharpteeth would probably never form "armies", but it seems to me that the predators livng in the lands around the Great Valley might not be getting enough prey, due to the fact that all the herbivorious dinosaurs live in the Great Valley. Perhaps the smarter predators, like raptors, would come to the realization that, in order to surivive, they would need to enter the GV and remain long enough to eat their kills. This would require subduing most of the defenders of the Valley, i.e. Mr. Threehorn or Grandpa Longneck. To do this, they would need many of their own kind to attack at the same time. Then, if the packs of raptors outside were able to enter at about the same time and attack, the wave of raptors entering the GV might seem something like an army from the plant-eaters perspectives. Again, this is still a huge strech.
Then again, would it not be much easier and with much less of a risk for those raptors to just go after migrating herds or any other place where dinosaurs are less protected than they are in the Great Valley? Even within the time it would take to spread the news and gather that army outside the Great Valley before the attack that army would have to be fed lest half of them dies from starvation with the other half either becoming very weakened before entering the Valley or else having no more reason to do that in case they don't have a problem to feast on the corpses of their starved comrades :confused
There are many much easier and more riskfree ways for sharpteeth to make prey; that, I think, is the real protection of the Great Valley, more so than even the big wall; for which intelligent raptor would go the dangerous and difficult way when there is a less dangerous and easier alternative?


  • Ducky
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Oh my I never thought it would be so bad.  Even though I never read the stories I would believe that the stories would be based on something sexual or some that seems inappropriate.  But there should be some Great story writers out there.


  • Banana Egg
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excuse me malte can u send me your LBT stories my email is


i can't remember which one works  :(


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Sure thing :yes
But I must warn you, the early two stories are rather tricky to read because my English really sucked by the time I translated them; some sentences may be impossible to understand as a consequence. I sent you the first LBT story I ever wrote, The Big Quarrel, via email. Here are some images I drew for that story. Much of the second story titled The Cold Time can be found
here along with some images I drew for it (if you prefer I can send it to you via email too of course. The third story "Old Threehorns" has not yet been finished and I'm afraid it has become just too long winded. Of all the people whom I send the story only one ever read it to the end (and I'm very grateful to her for doing so :yes). If you are interested I can send you that one too (the quality of the language is better than in case of the earlier stories).


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^ The email I sent you was just returned to me. Is everything correct about the address? Maybe you cannot receive large attachment files?

Cancerian Tiger

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Okay, here's something else I can't stand: Hatefics referring to Spike as "mentally challenged" or "retarded" or "too dumb to..." :anger.  For one thing, anyone who calls someone a "retard" is a total dumba** :rolleyes:.  Also, anything with sex (already mentioned, I think).  There was one recent hatefic (it's been removed, praise the Lord) that was terribly sexually graphic posted on  It consisted of Yoda putting Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky and Petrie under a spell and making them a bunch of nymphomaniacs and engaging in a foursome aka orgy :x.  It was so disgusting yet so freakin' stupid (Cera saying she has a certain male anatomical part :rolleyes:  :slap), and it mentioned Spike could only get off on himself 'cuz he was "too *censored* retarded to know how to do it."  How ignorant!  I know I should not rant about these things, but this was so wrong, and the fact that kids could see this was so wrong!  Dangit!  I have seen enough crap out there in LBT hatefics, but I think this one about took the cake :anger.  What exactly drives folks to put stuff like that on the Net anyway, especially on a site like FANfiction :blink:?


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,May 26 2009 on  12:49 PM
Okay, here's something else I can't stand: Hatefics referring to Spike as "mentally challenged" or "retarded" or "too dumb to..." :anger.  For one thing, anyone who calls someone a "retard" is a total dumba** :rolleyes:.  Also, anything with sex (already mentioned, I think).  There was one recent hatefic (it's been removed, praise the Lord) that was terribly sexually graphic posted on  It consisted of Yoda putting Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky and Petrie under a spell and making them a bunch of nymphomaniacs and engaging in a foursome aka orgy :x.  It was so disgusting yet so freakin' stupid (Cera saying she has a certain male anatomical part :rolleyes:  :slap), and it mentioned Spike could only get off on himself 'cuz he was "too *censored* retarded to know how to do it."  How ignorant!  I know I should not rant about these things, but this was so wrong, and the fact that kids could see this was so wrong!  Dangit!  I have seen enough crap out there in LBT hatefics, but I think this one about took the cake :anger.  What exactly drives folks to put stuff like that on the Net anyway, especially on a site like FANfiction :blink:?
A sick joke that's not even funny.  That's all you need to know.

And why won't the homicidal one die like that one did?  Seriously, it deserves to die just as much, if not more.

The moronic haters just want their moment of fame, even if it means hating them, and the worst part is that we're giving it to them right now.  They win no matter what we say.

At least when a fan makes a character hurt, it's more enjoyable, and we actually feel that individual's pain, even if it's in the area of something we don't like.


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I just never really saw the point of adding humans into my stories. If I did that, then it would just take the focus off of the main plot of the story.

I will admit that my fan fic may be a bit violent, but hopefully not over the top. I'll also be killing off two characters, (none of them are Universal's), but my own characters.

A few months back, I had actually started writing about a great idea that COULD be made into a film!

Basically, the main plot of the story is that Ozzy finds a mysterious egg, and the hatchling confuses him as his mother. With the help of his brother, Strut, the two Egg-Stealers decide to raise it.

Sadly, I don't really think that Universal would even think of using this idea, mainly because it has absolutely nothing to do with the main canons, and the fact that they don't allow characters to make a return that often.

I'm sort of glad that it won't be used though, mainly because I don't want them to mess up the story line by adding Littlefoot and the others into it. If they did, it would all just seem so awkward.

I've already got chapter 1 written of it up on, put it's rather short and not all that well written. I've been trying to find time to write chapter 2 of it, but I guess that I just need some more time to plan it out first...


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I've never written fanfiction before, but I feel now might be a good time to give it a try. I think I"ll try to write one that has one human in it, but otherwise following the lbt universe as best I can.

I had the idea in my head for a couple weeks, but now I think I'll try to write it.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Spike
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Many of the land before time fanfictions I've read so far include sex affairs among the characters, gory massacres, invasions of humans, or zombies, or aliens from outer space, or all of them at once; these fanfiction may contain whole dialogues from other movies

If it comes to involving humans, science-fiction characters, travels through time etc. I really don't think it got anything to do with the land before time anymore and yes I do think that those who are unable to work without any of these elements in a land before times story are lacking fantasy and the ability to work with what they got.

I found this as a very interesting topic Malte279, and I know you want us people to keep on writing and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I am starting to rethink my LBT Fanfiction because it contains a Human, Sci-fi, Time Travel, and the main human character gets injured and has a little blood.

Although this will not change my writing styles and themes, it was interesting to see people who want to read FanFictions as though they were a detailed synopsis of an actuall movie