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Why does Grandma cry but never Grandpa?

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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In 10:

at 73:33

Tears rolling in bottom left corner

Again at 74:06 (You pprobably sawthis)

But why doesn't the Grandpa?

Also the Grandma did it in 2 of the early sequels

Also Bron never cries,  assume he has a heart of stone


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I don't think Bron has a "heart of stone". He's not a cruel character.

And anyway, the whole "why does Grandpa and Bron never cry" may have to do with the stereotype of "men don't cry". It's typically acceptable for women to cry, but not so much for men.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Topps cries, when Tricia is born.  ;)

So that rules out your possibility. Which I'm glad about, I wouldn't want to see these films as sexist.
Anyways anyone else there?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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There are a lot of male characters who cry in the series: Littlefoot, Petrie, Chomper, heck even Cera's dad and Spime have. So how are these movie sexist? And why didn't Grandpa cry but Grandma did?


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Grandpa Longneck is a character everybody looks up to. His status in Great Valley society is closer to that of a leader than the position of any other dinosaur. He is challenged by Topps sometimes, but then it becomes clear Topps is not up to the task. His wisdom and calmness makes him look like an unmoving tree in the storms of life, a tree everybody else can grab on. Grandpa crying would probably ruin that image somewhat, but to the movie maker's credit Grandpa is not actually shown as an incarnation of perfection, so the fact that he doesn't cry still doesn't make him too different from the other characters, at least in my opinion.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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So it has nothing to do with Grandma being a woman? Because in the 3rd scene I mentioned I always half expect Grandpa 2 cry but he doesn't but Grandma


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Her being female probably did not have much to do with her crying. By the 1990s the concept of gender equality became deeply entrenched in almost all American (pertaining to both Americas) and European cultures. And as you may already know, animated movies always show the language and cultural attitudes of the era and geographical region they are made in. That's why Tom and Jerry smoke and Tom whistles after female cats in the early cartoons, for example, because such behaviour was widespread and normal in 1940s American society.

And that's why sexes are equal in LBT, a movie on which work started in 1986. This also true for the sequels, of course.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Probably because he was the leader of the Great Valley, and he didn't want to show signs of weakness. He had to stay strong so the ones around him could see that and try to emulate it.
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Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Yeah, but on the occasions Grandma's cried (Well, besides this one, obivously)

Grandpa's always been right there, and neither times were in a situation when he was confronting the great valley. If anything, Grandpa is the weak one while Grandma acts as the strong one during the scene in 5 that starts at around 34:14, and yet it's ok that she cries?!


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I wouldn't really say Grandpa Longneck is weak. Just because he doesn't cry doesn't mean that he's weak.


  • Petrie
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I think it's just the basis on who gets emotional during situtations.  For example, men don't cry as much as girls do, so I'm guessing this is applying to real-world applications as well.  Grandpa doesn't cry as much as Grandma.  This doesn't say that he is weak, just that he is not as emotional.


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  • Littlefoot
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Actually the reason why men don't cry as much as women is not because they aren't as emotional; in fact men can be just as, or even more so, emotional than women. But they're taught that "tears are a sign of weakness", so they repress it to "look strong".


  • Petrie
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You have now just stated my theory on Grandpa inaccurate.  After that, I really don't know why grandpa doesn't cry.  My last guess is that he follows vonboy's theory of showing lack of weekness.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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He seemed as sad as Grandma in 10, sadder in 5, so why?


  • Petrie
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Everyone sees him as the leader since he is the mighty one of the herd.  If he sheds a tear, then it could potentially show a "stereotypical" sign of weakness, deeming his status of the Great Valley.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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We're just going in circles! I already argued against that:

Yeah, but on the occasions Grandma's cried (Well, besides this one, obivously)

user posted image

Grandpa's always been right there, and neither times were in a situation when he was confronting the great valley.


  • Petrie
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Then I really have nothing else to say since all my ideas have been argued against.  All I know is, Grandpa doesn't shed tears probably cause of stereotypical male.  Also, maybe the script didn't want to because it added some emotional benefits for the character.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Well...then all I have to say is that Universal must be sexist, and don't care about giving Grandpa a good emotional moment..