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Does anyone but me...

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Yes, falling down and hitting water and going unconscious is indeed far more severe than a mere bee sting. Sorry Bruton, but you cannot elevate a bee sting above being unconscious. Being obviously obsessed with bee stings does not make them more severe than anything else.

Ducky almost died for being knocked out. She did not die from a bee sting. Are you ignoring this fact? People already explained to you why bee stings are minor and not even real injuries at all, and yet you continue to ignore what people told you to stick with your predetermined belief, as if you have some kind of phobia around bee stings or something.

Nothing you have said has proven your point, Bruton, and it likely never will. Nobody here is as afraid of bee stings as you are. Nobody here thinks they are that serious. They're only serious if you're allergic and if enough bees sting, but neither of this was true for Ducky and Spike and even they don't share your enthusiasm about bee stings being a "traumatic injury" nor did they fall apart "experiencing the first real pain", since they already experienced pain before.

I do agree that this topic has not brought much worthwhile discussion in regards to LBT. All it has been is you exaggerating the severity of a mere bee sting, ignoring what others have said on the matter, trying to make bee stings worse than what other things had happened to the gang while trying to make those incidents to be  minor inconveniences, and you continuously trying to prove your point while providing no real evidence on your part and only repeating your opinion.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to make us all suddenly say "Okay you're right. Bee stings are more horrible than falling from a great height" or something like that? Sorry, but it ain't going to happen. So my advice for you is just to accept that nobody agrees with you and stop trying to us to agree with you on this.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Alright, I get it.

I'm sorry.

I guess it was in the long run unnecesary.

Why did they not have Petrie get actually struck by lightning in 9?

Because they didn't. I don't get why you think so much about it. Not every dangerous situation the gang gets put in has to lead to an injury.

Just wondering why though, seeing as he was so close and it wouldn't have efected the story

Bruton the Iguanodon

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And I suppose, from what other people have said, that the rockslide in 2 was just as painful, if not more, to Spike---as well as the other 4 members of the gang---as the movie 6 one?


  • Petrie
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...Y'know Bruton, I've seen a lot of pointless topics you've made and bumped lately. Not many of us have time or the reason to post into something as pointless as a bee sting scene. We have lives to take care of outside of the internet. Do you have anything better to do that doesn't involve LBT?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Sadly, no.  I don't really have any friends or anything...this is the most exiting thing in my life.

I can't believe I'm saying this!


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Cut it out oogaboo!
Nobody on the GOF is entitled to tell someone else to just leave unless there is a violation of rules. I want to say what I have said in some chats before, that I do appreciate the boost of activity which Bruton has created in the land before time sections. We will not make any attempts to badger Bruton out or anything!
You Bruton however really, REALLY need to work on yourself in order not to badger others. Do take to heart and turn into action what recommendations I have given you before. Pestering people about answers which they obviously don't have, and insisting on your view of matters (regarding bee-stings for example) without really backing it up with anything but opinions (which are not kept distinctly separate from opinions in the process) are examples of attitudes which people are legitimately getting annoyed about as you have undoubtedly noticed. Some GOF members had a difficult start in the past but managed to integrate really well into our community. Most people here don't tend to hold grudges or annoyances if a person changes in that respect, but they really need to see the effort someone is taking not to be annoying in order for that someone not to be perceived so.

Unless something interesting and non repetitive is brought up in this chat within the next day I think I'm going to close it down as I'm afraid it has reached the point where opinions regarding bee-stings and their severity or lack of such are established and where little more than harsh feelings over so ridiculous a matter can be "achieved".


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But Oogaboo didn't tell Bruton to leave. The way I interpreted it, he was just asking Bruton if he could participate in non-LBT related stuff on this board, the same thing that other members have also said to Bruton.


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Aye, okay I misunderstood the final line of your post then oogaboo. I'm sorry about that.


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I'm just taking a guess of course. I could have misunderstood what Oogaboo was saying myself.


  • Petrie
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I never said Bruton needed to leave this forum. Nor did I antagonize him. I was just asking if he has anything else to post about rather than post multiple LBT threads that may not need so much as an explanation.

No need to get huffy... :neutral

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I don't want to leave either, and I admit I do feel kind of bad about getting on people's nerves here.


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But also, for goodness sake DO WORK on some of the issues addressed Bruton!
I could not help but notice that since the posts addressing precisely that problem you again posted insisting on us answering questions where it is just beyond me (and likely beyond everyone else) why on earth you think we could possibly know.
If you do that it does not come as much of a surprise if people are getting annoyed.

Excuse my misunderstanding oogaboo.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Alright, so we've established that Ducky suffered worse when Ichy dropped her, Littlefoot suffered worse when Cera beat him up, Cera suffered worse when she smashed her horn, and Petrie suffered worse when he smashed into the ground.

Yet, am I right in thinking this is the worst physical pain Spike has suffered?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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For the record, when I read oogaboo's post I jumped to the same conclusion as Malte. But the confusion has been cleared up, lets not worry about it.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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To be honest, why would you want to see them get stung? It does nothing to help the plot progress. The conversation was about bad luck. Petrie didn't believe in it, and what happens? Ducky and Spike arrive after being stung. That's all that's really needed. I honestly would not have wanted that scene in the movie because I don't think it would have added anything to the plot."

Then why couldn't they injure some useless characters---like say, Dinah and Dana?!! I'm not against them injuring the main cast, but this was not the sequence to do it with, since it had no relevance (unlike Ichy dropping Ducky). So why couldn't they injure useless (and hateful) characters?

And p.s. Ducky fell on her back, which would only knock the wind out of her and make her go unconcious, but not cause her any sever pain, unlike if she fell facefirst, and Spike had never been injured before now (he was fine in the rockslide in 2)

Cancerian Tiger

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Most times, when someone falls on their back, they hit the back of their head.  That's the worst part of the head that can take a blow, worse than the temples, and potentially fatal.  The back of the head holds the cerebellum, the portion of the brain responsible for vital functions including the nervous system.  How could that not possibly be severe?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Well, a face-first would be worse, but I guess what happened in 4 would have hurt more then the bee stings she suffered in really, I guess you could say when she comes back from being stung in 6 that, "she's suffered worse physical pain" (corrections, if this is wrong, are much appreciated)

No one can honestly believe that Littlefoot and Cera didn't get hurt during their fight.

Compared to the injuries Ducky and Spike suffered in 6? That's nothing!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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To be honest, why would you want to see them get stung? It does nothing to help the plot progress. The conversation was about bad luck. Petrie didn't believe in it, and what happens? Ducky and Spike arrive after being stung. That's all that's really needed. I honestly would not have wanted that scene in the movie because I don't think it would have added anything to the plot."

 If it was so unimportant they could give it to unimportant characters whom we wouldn't care if they got hurt. But as it is, it's Spike and Ducky! If they're gonna hurt them just for the sake of making a point, at least show it to us! It was Spike's first time being seriously injured, and while Ducky's fall in 4 may have caused her more physical harm, it probably hurt less.

Cancerian Tiger

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I once screwed up a dive off a diving board and hit the water in a similar way Ducky did in LBT IV.  That felt like an entire swarm of bees, and she probably fell from a greater height than I did.  Compared to one bee sting, an entire swarm is rather intense :p.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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On your back or facedown? There's a huge difference. And Ducky did get stung by a whole swarm of bees in 6.

And just to note one more time, it was the first time Spike had ever gotten hurt and to date the last.