The Gang of Five
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Stubs my cat...


  • The Gang of Five
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Today... brings sadiness into my heart... our beloved cat Stubs died today... only a few hours after this post...

It the gravest of news that anyone could get... we loved our stubs part of the family... he will be missed... our Stubsy.... we, my brother, sister and my mum we all we remember him in our deepest of hearts... I will personally miss him...

Stubs age 8... our cat will be missed... never forget never will...


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My deepest sympathies Threehorn. Was he sick? or was it out of the bkue?
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  • The Gang of Five
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He had breathing problems before the weekend... fluid on the lungs... he was fine this morning then went down here... the Vet try to get more fluids out but... Stubs... died...


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I lost My dog Murphy a couple years ago. I came home from work late on June 24th 2002, and found that he was sick. I took him outside so he could pee but he couldn't and tried to take off.. So I had to grab him and bring himback in. I clled up to my dad to come down and look at him and take him to the vet, but he refused. Murphy then started throwing up. It was watery and filled with grass. My dad had told me that dogs eat grass when they have internal problems, the grass usually helps calm the problem down. It was about midnight at this point, june 25th. I brough Murphy into the workshop near the stairway that leads upstairs. I called up to my dad again, he still didn't come down instead he said that he'd take him to the vet in the morning. I began to pet Murphy, and found that his stmoach was hard and leatherly, like a drum. It even felt like a drum when I hit it. a Little while later, Murphy's head began flopping  to the side. It terrified me, and I tried to raise his head, but it kept lolling back. I ran up upstairs and finally got my dad to come down and look at him. It was roughly 1 a.m. he looked at Murphy, and remarked that he didn't look good. I held Murphy's head in my arms as he looked at him. A few minutes later, Murphy stopped moving, I asked my dad if he was dead, and he said he was. i immediately broke down, and started bawling. I cried for awhile, then awoke the rest of my family. All of them were shocked, and when they saw murphy they began to cry. We huddled on the couch upstairs, I was inconsolable. i loved Murphy, he was my pet, and I spoiled him rotten. Dad was hit hard, he had thought i was exaggerating the problems I was witnessing. We didn't tell my little brother until the morning, and we buried Murphy with a number of tennis balls (He loved chewing on tennis balls, and old soccer balls) We put up stone marjker and his grave, and said our goodbyes. We had had him for 9.5 years to the exact hour and day, i had got him as a christmas present in 1992, when he was a few weeks old, so he was nearly 10. He would have been 10 on November 6th of that year.
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  • Ducky
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Aww.  That's sad.  :(  Kind of reminds me of how my sister's cat died back in October.  But he was suffering from a cancerous tumor that was entangled in his rib cage and eventually had to be put down...


  • The Circle
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I'm so sorry! You really have my deepest sympathy.
From my budgie Luke I know how close a pet can be to you. How a pet can be really part of a family.
We once (long ago) had a cat named Puschel who was run over by a car.  :cry2
There is little comfort when such dear pets die. All I can say is that the happy and joyful memories of the time you had with Stubs shall stay along with the grieve about the loss.
Everybody grieves in an own way. I was crying and screaming for a long time when Puschel was killed. But finally the dear memories got the better of me. I can now remember Puschel fondly without that memory being dominated by grief. I hope that the day will come for you too.


  • Hatchling
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I've had my share of lost pets; old age and disease for the most part have been the culprits, but it has been natural, and we never were forced to put any of them down.

Sorry to hear of your loss.  :(


  • Spike
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Aww. I know how it feels to have a pet die. I lost two of my cats in the same week. Once my mom actually saw a past-pet named Zippy get run over by a car, but somehow it was still alive, so my mom picked it up and began to carry it back towards the house, but it died in her arms, and she came over to my dad's house to tell me. You know, stuff like that. Once I had a Carpet chameleon that lasted over two years - the people at OMSI, last time I checked, are only able to keep one alive for five months. Jeez, I loved Rain so much...

ahem. Sorry for rambling.


  • Ducky
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Sorry for your cat, Threehorn. My greatest respects for him. BTW, I love cats. That's a great shame yours died. :cry2


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:( I'm sorry to not notice this earlier, Threehorn, but you have my sympathy.  My cat passed away from liver failure about 5 years ago .  It's never a pleasant feeling to lose a pet and I wish you and your pet the best.