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Spike more devoted to Ducky then Petrie

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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When I watch LBT, I see it's obviously clear Ducky cares about Petrie. She kisses him, she comforts him on not being able to fly, she's the only one who actually cries when he seems to be dead, she runs to him and squeezes him, she goes to comfort him in 7, and so on. But does Petrie feel the same way?

My main argument is from watching 7. As we know, Ducky is kidapped. Shortly afterwards, we see the gang on a  hillside deciding what to do while the adults argue, and, at 33:14, we see Spike drawing in the dirt and...crying. I was so shocked on seeing this. Spike never cries. He didn't even cry in the original, in which pretty much the rest of the main cast did (with good reason). It's that sudde moment that makes you go, "Oh my god...he really cares about his 'little' sister! Ohh..." and then he immediately sets off to find her.

Petrie on the other hand is a different story. He just bitches about how "this all my fault!!" and doesn't seem nearly as depressed by Ducky's kidnapping. He's not crying, he didn't seem motivated to find her even. Littlefoot seemed motivated, Spike was defiitely motivated, but all we see with Petrie is a motivated grin between him and Cera, which is great,'s his "girlfriend" who's been kidapped.

OK, we get to the cave and find her, and guess who's the first to run to her? Not Petrie, but Spike, while the others just meander over. It's a extremely touching moment. The aforementioned crying scene and this pretty much says Spike loves Ducky more then Petrie. OK, so they hug afterwards, and it's a sort of replacement for the cute moment that Spike stole, not as good but OK. He asks her how she got there, she tells her story (which is too short).

And then Petrie ruins this "next-best" moment by breaking down sobbing.

In the earliest films I'd have to say Petrie was actually my favorite, cause he was less annoying, and if it was the Petrie of the earlier films in 7 I'd be quite mad at Spike for stealing a moment which could have been a really nice hommage to the movie 1 incident in which the rest of the gang thinks Petrie is dead, and Ducky runs to him when he comes back. But by 7 Spike was definitely my favorite, ad Petrie was just "the dookie". He completely deserved that moment, whereas Petrie was...well, more annoyig then usual in this one. Clearly Spike's devotion to Ducky as a brother overpowered the beloved Petrie/Ducky shipping in movie 7, but what do you think?

AAd just for the record, if you look real close when Spike runs to Ducky, you can see just the slightest discernable expression of jelousy on Petrie's face.


Cancerian Tiger

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Well, Spike is Ducky's brother, so naturally he would be more concerned about her.  If I had a choice to save one of my siblings or a friend, you bet it will be a sibling first, even though I'd do my best to save both :p.

And who said Petrie and Ducky are an item?  Sheesh, you're sounding like one of those hopefuls of a Ducky/Petrie pairing.  Can't a boy and a girl just be best friends for Pete's sake?  As a tomboy, I had to deal with this crap growing up.  I know how Ducky feels :rolleyes.


  • Cera
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Did you even watch LBT 7? Petrie is constantly sobbing about how "this is all my fault" because he feels GUILTY. It IS his fault that Ducky was kidnapped, and he's realizing it throughout the movie. Also, this is the first time he has seen his Uncle in forever, and he idolizes him so it's only natural for him to feel confused about the whole situation. But most of all, he feels guilt that his best friend was taken.

Call me crazy, but I'd say that's showing just about as much care for Ducky as Spike. The only reason why Spike is the first to go after Ducky is because, like CT already mentioned, Spike is her brother. It's only natural that he care deeply about her. The reason why he wasn't like this in the first movie is because Spike wasn't officially adopted into Ducky's family until AFTER they reached the Great Valley.

And seriously, calling Dusky and Petrie is ridiculous. They are best friends and are the closest to each other than the rest of the gang, possibly because of their small sizes. That doesn't mean they have to be an item. Also, they are two different species of dinosaurs. The only reason why Littlefoot and Ali are often paired together is because they are both longnecks, so a relationship between them would make more sense, even though the whole idea of relationships with the younger characters in LBT is ludicrous.

Now I'm gonna take a step back and admit that I'm being entirely hypocritical here, because in my Revenge stories I have Littlefoot and Cera paired together as well as Ali and Shorty. Does it make sense? Absolutely not. I wrote the original story a while ago when I first established those relationships. Also, it's a fanfic, therefore non existent in the actual canon.

Bottom line, Petrie cares for Ducky just as much as Spike does. Whereas Spike shows it in his determination to get her back through brotherly love, Petrie expresses it through guilt and shame.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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If Petrie had cared as much for Ducky he would have been with her dduring the killer bee attack, would have been crying like Spike, and he would have gone off without hesitation, and he would have run to her first, before anyone else.

He did none of those things. He even dampened the "second best" reunion he did get with Ducky. So f**k u, Petrie, and Spike, you have my sincere appreciation.


  • Cera
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Ok, you're getting out of line.

First off, for the love of God, STOP USING THE EDITED VERSION OF F BOMBS because it's just as bad as using the non edited version!

Second, do you understand what it means to feel GUILTY? You normally feel GUILTY when something happens that was YOUR FAULT. What happened in 7? Ducky was kidnapped because Petrie told Pterano where the Stone of Cold Fire was, then lashed out at his friends when they told him about the kind of flyer Pterano was which caused Ducky to want to go apologize in the night which in the end caused her to overhear the flyers' conversation. In the end. IT'S HIS FAULT AND THEREFORE HE FEELS GUILTY, THEREFORE HE CARES ABOUT DUCKY!

he would have been with her dduring the killer bee attack

Says who? It happened off screen. He was more than likely at his nest with his mother and siblings when it happened. Just because he's Ducky's friend doesn't mean he goes EVERYWHERE with her. And don't bring up the "the two of them are an item" thing because THEY AREN'T.

would have been crying like Spike

So by that logic anybody that doesn't cry doesn't care? Littlefoot, Cera and Spike weren't crying when Petrie supposively died at the end of the first movie. Does that mean they didn't care? I don't understand how you can even say that Petrie didn't care about Ducky because he didn't cry. Plus, SPIKE IS DUCKY'S BROTHER! It is natural for him to cry that his sibling was taken hostage!

and he would have gone off without hesitation

When has Petrie ever been the one to initiate ANY type of adventure or journey in the franchise. HE DOESN'T BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN HIS CHARACTER! He is not brave like any of the others, and that is part of his charm. Littlefoot always starts the journeys because he is the leader of the group. In this case, Spike goes off first because DUCKY IS HIS SISTER!

and he would have run to her first, before anyone else

Wrong. Spike would go to her first when they meet up in the cave. Why? BECAUSE HE IS HER BROTHER! IT MAKES SENSE! Petrie is the last to go to her because HE FEELS GUILTY ABOUT HER KIDNAPPING! IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE!

So next time, put more thought into your posts before you post them and back off of bashing Petrie the way you are right now, because it's not tolerated here.


  • Petrie
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Hey! DON'T...........BASH...............PETRIE! He's good and he cares about Ducky. LBTFan13 made 4 very good points there..

-Even though Petrie can't go everywhere with Ducky ALL of the time.. and of course Petrie isn't the bravest of the five. "Brave" isn't part of his charm.

 (and I've known for a long time that Petrie DOES care about Ducky.)

Why did you have to bash him.. and drop the "F" bombs for? :( That was very unnecessary.

You sure have been very hard on Petrie and Pterano in your posts about them. Why do you have to be so hard on them? It's ok not to like Petrie and Pterano, but you don't have to go and write such rough and mean posts about them.

I wouldn't go and write a post and swear/drop "F" bombs about Spike, even though he isn't my favorite character. Why do you go write mean posts about Petrie and Pterano even though they're not your favorite LBT characters?  :(  I don't know why you do that, but please don't swear or say any nasty or mean stuff about Petrie and Pterano anymore, ok?

Petrie is a very good and caring little pteranodon. You really didn't need to go and bash him and drop  "F" bombs/swear about him though. That was uncalled for and was very unnecessary.


  • The Circle
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First off, for the love of God, STOP USING THE EDITED VERSION OF F BOMBS because it's just as bad as using the non edited version!
:exactly Bruton, this is exactly the kind of stuff (among other) we want you to learn about basic social interaction. Apparently the recent suspension did not bring home the point. :bang  
We are not into censorship on this board which is why we are not going after every case when someone in the most dire distress is using such an F bomb (provided it is not aimed at other members), but you are using it all the time. Think about what you write before you post it or otherwise more severe sanctions than a short time suspension need to be imposed much as we hate to do that. Don't apologize! Just stop doing that kind of thing! :anger

As for crying, some people are "built closer to the water's edge" (crying easier than others). Moreover Petrie was under pressure not only by the abduction of Ducky and the guilt he felt for it, but also by the fact that his adored uncle whom he had defended before had done it.
I totally agree with Anna about Ducky and Petrie being very good friends, but not an item (LBT 2, 10 and 11 all imply that they are too young to have any clue about love relationships) and before you bring up Ducky's enthusiastic kiss in the original movie as an argument, you should notice that Spike is licking (his equivalent to a kiss I suppose) Littlefoot on several ocassions without this making them an item.
You are still the only one who blows the bees in LBT 6 so much out of proportion as to refer to them as "killer bees" and he happened not to be arround when she got stung a bit (which did not result in post traumatic stress disorder, lasting damage or anything else). Deducting his not caring about her is just simply ridiculous!


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By that logic you just applied, Bruton, then it would make sense for me to make this statement: Spike and Ducky didn't care about each other in LBT8. Why? Because Spike refused to stay in the Great Valley with Ducky, and Ducky refused to go with Spike when he left the Great Valley. Oh sure she did go after him later, but if she really cared, she would have left right away.

See how ridiculous that argument is? It's silly of me, or anyone, to say that Ducky and Spike didn't care that much about each other all because of one detail. And your arguments for why Petrie isn't as "devoted to Ducky" as Spike don't hold make any more sense than that.

Just because they are good friends doesn't mean he has to be everywhere with her and feel the same emotions as she does. Petrie is as devoted to Ducky as Spike is, but he's not her brother; he's not going to follow her around like some kind of crazed stalker.


  • Chomper
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You know Bruton using curse words that are clearly unnecessary in a discussion degrades the statement your trying to make and yourself. Other then that I really don't have to say anything else cause everyone here basically answered your question.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I do like PEtrie; heck in the earliest films he was my favorite. But he got really annoying as they went along; I still like him but not as muhc. And he was a real  ***hole in is his fault, he doesn'tdeserve that reunion.

Edit: I feel terrible about saying all this. I just really love Petrie and thought his guilt and shame was unnecesary.


  • The Circle
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^ Now with you totally ignoring everyone and continuing to use harsh language while lacking any comprehensible need for the expression of dire distress the matter is handed to the staff room since it looks like you are either not capable of understanding what everyone is telling you or else simply out to provoke people! Staff action is necessary either way for the sake of the forum.
I just wish you wouldn't act like that :bang


  • Cera
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Ok, now you're making me angry.

STOP WITH THE CURSING! IT'S NOT OKAY, IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU SOUND COOL, IT DEGRADES ANY POINT YOU TRY TO MAKE, AND IT IS NOT TOLERATED HERE ON GOF! How many times do we have to tell you this in order to get it through to you? And don't even think about posting "I'm sorry" because clearly you have shown that you are not since you continue to do exactly the opposite of what we tell you not to do!

Seriously, do you even think before posting, or do you enjoy making pointless topics and remarks just to annoy the people on this forum. I am trying to help you out here but you continue to ignore EVERY SINGLE piece of advice I and everybody else here has given you!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I bet your believing that hate post I wrote about him a couple weeks ago, huh?  :anger
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Circle
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Hate posts by nobody on the GOF are accepted, encouraged or vindicated. Steps will be taken but this is not a free ticket for agressions to be vented.


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Bruton, enough with the cursing. Is there any reason for it? You've been warned in the past about it, and yet you continue to do it. If you really wish to still come here, then knock it off. Cursing so much is not welcome here on GOF.

I recommend you actually listen and take into account what people are saying. The world does not revolve around you. Your words are not the only ones that matter. Listen to what people have to say and acknowledge it, and stop antagonizing people.

Banning people is not something this board enjoys doing, but if you continue behaving this way despite warnings, I'm afraid it will come to that. It's your choice.


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Bruton, I don't want to see you go. But there are norms that must be respected, otherwise the forum would descend into chaos and then into oblivion. So, please behave. Please :(


  • Chomper
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If something like this happened on the wiki I'm an admin on you'd be blocked for 10 years automatically, no questions asked. That right there is inexcusable to continue cursing when everyone else warned you several times to stop.


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I agree with what everyone else is saying here, Bruton. Cursing is not something that is tolerated here on the board. Heck, I swear a lot in real life, but I know when the time is right and when the time is wrong. In this case, it's wrong. Even if it's censored, we still know what it means, and we still know exactly what you were trying to say. Please, just knock it off.

Honestly, I think Spike would be a bit more devoted to Ducky than Petrie. Think about it. SPIKE IS DUCKY'S BROTHER. Why would he not be devoted to her a bit more than the others?

Again, please, if you don't want to be kicked off the board, stop what you're doing and shape up. I don't mean to sound rude, and I'm incredibly sorry if what I said is taken offensive in anyway. I genuinly don't want to see you go, and I only care about your well-being, but if you continue to act like this, there is nothing more I can do to help you.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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I agree it’s because they’re siblings, even if not by blood, but I think it goes farther as well. Ducky was the first thing he ever saw in this world. I know Ducky is not a thing, but that word is much broader than simply saying she was the first dinosaur he had ever seen. When Spike opened his eyes, for a moment, she was his entire world; she was all he knew. She saved him. Had she not looked about after Cera knocked her away, Spike would either be dead right now or with another herd, possibly a nice one, maybe a cruel one. I’ve wondered what Rooter would have done had he found the egg, but I digress. Ducky is everything to him now in an emotional sense, I feel, because a time came when she was everything to him in a literal sense. If you were alone in a nest, unhatched, would you not cling to the first piece of life you saw, especially if she gave you your life (in a sense, she did, in a stronger sense, she might have). Every day, he thanks her for giving him the life he has now by giving her his legs, his strength. Perhaps he’ll do so for all time to express his eternal gratitude. (I can see an adult swimmer atop an adult spiketail, but I digress.) Many times the gang was in danger, but Ducky was the only one he ever called out to with his own voice. They share a special connection that can be loosened but not broken. They’re family, more so than with the other four members of the gang of seven, so one can expect them to have a special bond shared with no other.

As for the swearing issue, you’re sort of biting at the gatekeeper. The high council of this forum set language rules here: They could have let you out a long time ago, so I’d try being grateful at their patience and thanking them for their charitable tolerance of only minor interventions up to this point. You’re being asked the easiest thing to do in the world: not to do something. In other words, in this matter, to do nothing. Less finger pushing, less wear on your keyboard, less proofreading, less everything. Everyone has difficulty doing something, but no one has a problem with doing nothing. Thinking of cursing? Simply do nothing at all, easy as that. So just type less, or rather, don’t take the extra effort to add words that as far as I know, no one here enjoys, and we’re left with a dedicated LBT fan who is energetic and helps to keep this forum flowing regularly. Thank you for the thought-provoking thread.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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OK, I'm sorry. I'll knock it off. I really will.

(Cue Bryan Adams music)