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Spike more devoted to Ducky then Petrie

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Jeez, I haven't watched seven for a long time. It's in the VCR, I should watch it again...but that's beside the point.

It's not out of the question at all, they're buddies, but so are all of the gang. Spike's just a little bit closer, and feels more of a connection to Ducky. As said before, he's her "brother". Petrie probably felt the same way, but showed it differently. I think he was the (correct me if I'm wrong) second one to run up to Ducky once they found her. He was also the first one to shout, "Ducky!" when they found her in the cave. But, eh, who knows? The only way we'll really ever know is if we ask the people who worked on this themselves. And that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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But Spike was crying, unless my eyesight is deceiving me, and he goes out to find Ducky first, and he runs up to Ducky first. If Petrie cared that much about her, wouldn't he do those things?


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I've always felt that Spike and Ducky have the strongest bond of all the Gang. Ducky and Spike are together 99% of the time, all the time. They know absolutely everything about each other. I would have said that Spike's love for Ducky is unconditional, if it weren't for his departure in Big Freeze. But it might be simply Spike's overeagerness to spend time with his own species, which is understandable given the paucity of resident spiketails in the Valley. So if Petrie shows a strong bond with Ducky, and Spike shows an even stronger one, I don't have a problem with that.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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But Spike was crying, unless my eyesight is deceiving me, and he goes out to find Ducky first, and he runs up to Ducky first. If Petrie cared that much about her, wouldn't he do those things?


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Walk a mile in both the situation. Do allllllll that they had done. I think you'll find the reason why Petrie was so hesitant to approach her and Spike was the first to go to her. Think about Petrie's PERSONALITY and all that had just happened to him. Of COURSE he was going to her last. Not to mention, he probably had to give the bigger ones some hugging space before he went in for his hug =P .

But in the matter of Spike being more devoted to Ducky than's because he sees her as his SISTER. When I first saw the thread, I thought I was reading it wrong. I thought "Why WOULDN'T he be more devoted to Ducky than Petrie"
Ducky may be Petrie's friend, but I'd say that Spike gets first dibs on reunion hugs for her any day. Because she's his sister, the first thing he saw, and he was just able to get there first because he RAN. Though Petrie was flying, he was probably a little slower than the others. You have to get airlift and landing in the right place, not to mention the fact that Littlefoot and Cera were having to give their hugs in the meantime. So it might not just be a matter of the emotion of the situation, but the speed of getting there.

And the way I see it, Spike sort of "imprinted" on Ducky when he hatched, so in his earliest "baby" stages, she was more of a mother than a sister.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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How come Spike was a baby for less then a minute though?  :huh:

And you used "imprint"? RU a "Twilight" fan? I sure am!  :smile

But wasn't Spike crying whern he was drawing in the dirt? Why wasn't Petrie? Instead he was babbling "this all my fault" and he should've gone up to Ducky 1st and been with her during the bee attack in 6 if he's that devoted to her


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Clearly you've never learned the definition of "imprinting" when used for goslings T_T .

And yes, Spike was crying because he was worried about her. But then he got up and pretty much said "enough is enough". And he was the first one to do it! The others followed suit. And Petrie was being attacked by the bees too, you know. At the point of the bees, it was "every man for himself!".

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Dr. Curzon

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^ I don't think he was stung. He managed to fly away, I think because he looked unharmed to me.


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He still had to fend for himself.
One does not simply help a friend with being chased by bees, especially when you are the same size as said friend. You can help them with predators, but when the threat is smaller than you, you don't have a snowball's chance in heck of helping them until AFTER the chase is over. Like I said before, being chased by bees is an ever man for himself situation.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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he happened not to be arround when she got stung a bit

and so he didn't go through what she did, and hence didn't get hurt as much as her there...although if falling into the ground in 1 and getting snagged by the sharptooth's jaws counts he has been hurt as much as she was...I was just wondering why they avoided having the lightning strike him in 9

Bottom line, Petrie cares for Ducky just as much as Spike does. Whereas Spike shows it in his determination to get her back through brotherly love, Petrie expresses it through guilt and shame.

I was just frustrated that Petrie expressed it this way. What I basically was bothered by was this (and because he didn't run up to her first or cry about her). I know Petrie is better then that; he didn't have to immerse himself in unnecessary shame and guilt.

I feel sorta bad for Petrie for that; and Cera's "you can say that again" sure didn't help.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Also why was Spike crying? It's not that he didn't already know Ducky had been kidnapped and was fine. Look at him while Grandpa tells about the Pterano incident---he's fine.

So what gives? Why was he suddenly crying?  :huh:

And do you guys think Petrie was too hard on himself?

Dr. Curzon

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Well he was being unnecessarily hard on himself. It wasn't his fault.

Also why was Spike crying? It's not that he didn't already know Ducky had been kidnapped and was fine. Look at him while Grandpa tells about the Pterano incident---he's fine.

So what gives? Why was he suddenly crying?


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Well didn't you think that Spike was attempting to hold it in? Trying to be strong? Didn't you think that he just found he couldn't hold back his tears any longer and started to cry?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Watch him during the scene I mentioned. He looks fine. Something gives.

As for Petrie, why did he blame himself? He shouldn't have! It wasn't his fault!!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Ducky and Spike are together 99% of the time, all the time.

I can't say I love this---they are seperate characters, even if they are foster siblings. They can't always be glued together. Ducky's scene with Cera, for example, is one of her more interesting ones because it's one of the few she gets where she's not glued to Spike (I'm talking about the scene in movie 8, just for reference).

Before I go any further, I realize I'm starting to sound like my old self again, which I definitely want to avoid. But I saw that quote, which has bothered me for a while simply because it's the truth. It's not like I want the gang to split up. But the other three, when not hanging oout with their friends, get scenes to themselves. Why shouldn't these two?

Again, I'm sorry if I'm coming across as sounding like my old self. It's simply that I see---that I would like to see, at least---the gang as five seperate individuals, not three individuals and a Zak-and-Wheezie style duo who are together 99% of the time. Even if they are siblings, you don't necessarily hang out with your sibling 99% of the time.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Something I'm really questioning is, are you really a fan of the series? All I ever see you post it seems are negative things about the series and even the characters. Calling Littlefoot and Ducky dumb, using the F-bomb toward Petrie, saying Cera basically has no right to feel negativity towards her father's new marriage, saying Spike is weird for his growth spurt at birth...really? It seems you don't even care for the main cast

I admit that the more I watch the series, the more I see it for it's flaws. That's why I think it's best to watch/listen to the things we like in moderation.

I'm sorry I called Littlefoot and Ducky dumb. No, I don't think they are. I just think Ducky can be rather naive (I hope I'm using this term right), and made a big deal of one incident where Littlefoot failed to see a solution to a situation at hand.

I don't think Cera has no right to feel negative towards her dad's new marriage---really, that's quite hypocritical, since I personally prefered Topps before Tria and Tricia came into his life. But I also saw Topps' side of it, seeing as Tria nothing short of the threehorn-lady of his dreams. And also, I felt bad for her; I felt Cera was directing way too much of the blame on her, and putting her into the middle of it all.

Petrie...I don't know what was wrong with me. I think I was out of control. Petrie my favorite member of the gang at the moment, and I promise I will never speak ill of him again.

And no, I don't think Spike is weird for his growth spurt. I just thought his growth spurt was weird, cause...well, let's face it, it didn't make sense. But I've learned to accept it and am not going to argue about it any further.

Anyways, I hope that explained enough.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Feb 3 2012 on  12:30 AM

Something I'm really questioning is, are you really a fan of the series?  All I ever see you post it seems are negative things about the series and even the characters.  Calling Littlefoot and Ducky dumb, using the F-bomb toward Petrie, saying Cera basically has no right to feel negativity towards her father's new marriage, saying Spike is weird for his growth spurt at birth...really?  It seems you don't even care for the main cast :rolleyes.

To answer your question, I mainly became attached to it again out of nostalgia, love for the music and scenery, and, well,  nostalgia.

As for your complaint about how I feel towards the cast, I don't hate Petrie, or think that Ducky and Littlefoot are dumb. They just annoyed me a bit.

As for Cera, I don't have a problem with someone who isn't entirely accepting of.their stepparent (i've gone through a similar issue in the past year) but felt Cera in 11 just came across as meanspirited and unsympathetic, hating Tria without any reason other than the fact that it meant her dad actually loved someone else beside her. I feel if the movie showed a scene explaining that Cera felt Tria was going to replace her mom, it would have turned out different. But as far as we know, Cera never even thought about her mom in any of it.

And lastly, the thing with Spike. It IS weird. Why I am the only one who actually finds it weird is a mystery which n four whole years of being on these boards I still can't figure out for the life of me. :confused

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: jansenov,Mar 13 2012 on  07:38 AM
I've always felt that Spike and Ducky have the strongest bond of all the Gang. Ducky and Spike are together 99% of the time, all the time.
Why, just why? That is not right. They are individuals with individual personalities. Cant they be together 98% of the time ,even??