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:( I feel so behind and outdated

Jrd89 · 31 · 4218


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Your buddy Jared here.. is VERY VERY Digitally handicapped and challenged... It's so bad. :(

I don't know a thing about what you guys my age know like the back of your hand.. :(  .. I don't watch new movies, play video games, CAN'T work an i-pod, CAN'T work an i-pad, CAN'T work a tablet device. We have no Blu-ray player in our family , I CAN'T work net-flix... I can't use a digital camera, or scan stuff.. oh.. and i don't have a facebook account or know how to use that.. and i'm not about to go convert the 60-65 cd's that i have...all onto an i-pod. :| :(

My dad can't work a computer worth anything..and always picks my zits and says how disgusting i look...and we always do the same old old stuff as we did in the 2000s and the 1990s.. old chores..   He always fusses about how we're always texting "and clickety clickety clickety clicking" and that we don't know how to get any real work done (according to my dad, using your arms, muscles and back... physical work.. not computer work)

and oh.. I have $74 whopping big dollars in my bank account after working hard at a grocery store for 11 months. my mom and dad owe me $10,380 now since September 2007..after almost 5 years of loaning them money..

I get so jealous and angry in the news at apple being such a big company.. and guys in fancy suits that are business C.E.O.'S.. And are financially indestructible.

Darn it. :(  *hangs head low.*   i shove carts around and clean darn toilets at a store.. that's gettin somewhere alright Jared.

I don't have any new technology/nor do i know how to use it.. so why bother, Jared.  :cry  noone was there to teach you this new technology, and your parents sure can't help you.. dad can't even cut and paste on a computer.

  **that's what i think in my head sometimes, guys.**  :cry I'm probably the most digitally, computer-handicapped person on the G.O.F. I'm no tech-head. that's for sure.

(I haven't smiled big and happy about anything major...since 2007, after graduating from High School. )

you see, when you have almost no money, and no in-person friends...... and feel like you can't make it in the current spot you're stuck in right now...

you get.......depressed.  :cry  :unsure:

I love you all, and appreciate visiting here daily. Any optimism will help.  :cry


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Well, for one thing, you managed to post on this forum. There are many people who are unable to even type well, but your typing is good. You understand how to use emoticons, where and why. You understand how to put pictures in your signature, etc.

Honestly, you're not as a-technic as you think you are. I have never used a tablet/ipad either, simply because we don't have the money to spend on such things and neither do my friends. Just not having tried it does not make you digitally handicapped.

Same goes for the ipod. I have a gen1 ipod which I bought cheaply off an online website, but it can only function as mp3 player. I bought it back then because I didn't know of any other mp3 players (yes, really). It is not necessary to have an ipod anyway.

I don't know if you have got a cell phone? When I see youngsters these days with all their smart phones I get upset. I don't own one.. Sometimes it'd be nice. But honestly, all those kids are wasting their time on those phones and are only trying to be cool, while actual communication seriously becomes less. I once said "If all the children in our school with a phone in their hand right now would be invisible, this place would be almost empty." That could be a reason to feel left out, but honestly you should be proud that you're not one of those dumbasses who fail to talk to other people's faces.

As for scanning things, it's not that important. You could get a scanner at a computer store, but if you wish to make actual copies you could always go to a library or something and put the document/picture under there.

It's easy really, you place the picture/document under the lid and press a button, everyone is able to do that after seeing it once. Same goes for taking pictures with a digital camera. As soon as you can find the on/off button and the 'take picture button'(usually largest one on top) you take a picture. It gets saved to your memory card which you can connect to your computer via USB and copy the pictures to your harddrive.

Don't dispair. If you wish to try any of these digital things out, I'd say go get them. There are many digital camera's which you can get for $15. They won't have a good quality, but at least they work and you can try to work with them. Same goes for a scanner.

(Does your computer have a dvd player? Most new movies still come out on DVD next to bluray, because you're not the only one who hasn't got a bluray player... Heck we still have our VHS player. Don't  worry there, blu-ray is not available to everyone yet.)


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Yes Mumbling, I do have a cell phone.

I'm not as a-technic as I think I am.... ok... that made me feel a little better.

Not necessary to have an i-pod?  ok.

Can my laptop play DVD's? yes. do we have a DVD player in our house? yes. a vhs/dvd combo..about 9 years old.

Maybe all the tv commercial's I see today.. like "look us up on facebook, follow us on twitter, download the app for your smartphone today....  it's the I-phone 4S... the I-pad 3.... in the news:  Mark Zuckerburg's Facebook is on the stock market and his net worth is ## Billion dollars..  Google has bough Motorola for ## Billion dollars..) all went through my head and drove me insane. and made me thought I was so behind in technology today.

actually for my avatar and signature.. i had user "Ptyra" help me with that when I joined the G.o.f.   she got my avatar and signature with pterano and petrie..all set up for me. It was very nice of her to help out and lend me a hand with getting started.

Could I stick my "stone of cold fire" Dvd into my laptop and watch it now? Yes I could.

well, Mumbling.. now I don't feel quite so alone or "behind" in the tech. now.


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I don't have any I-pod (not looking for one either), no I-pad (that one could come in handy for me I think), I never had any kind of gaming console (nintendo, x-box, playstation or the like), and it is a whooping five days since I got a TV for the very first time in my live ("inherited" one from my mum. Up to then I had always watched with an antenae to my laptop (a laptop which constantly crashes). I don't have a facebook account and I would need a very, very good reason to create one. I never twittered either (in general I am not overly fond of all those means of communication in which one has to count letters always guarding against making the message longer than permittet).


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Don't beat yourself up about it too much.  The only tech that's really worth anything is a computer anyway, and you've already got that.  Tablets, smartphones, and little gadgets like that are nothing but money suckers and time wasters.  Ask yourself why you'd want to waste your life away posting stupid crap on Facebook from an iPad anyway?  The only people that benefit from that are the big corporations that get to suck your money all day and laugh all the way to the bank.  Trust me, the worst way you could blow money is by buying into all that crap.


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I agree with LBTlover. The desktop computer is king, followed by the laptop. You need a mobile phone for calling and SMS., therefore it doesn't have to be new.

I have an 4-year old desktop and a 2-year old mobile phone, and a 7-year old camera. That's it.

You're clearly a victim of the marketing industry. Feeling inferior because you don't have the newest shiny gadget is exactly what they want. But that in no way determines your worth as person.

For most people, there's little useful value in having the newest thing. Modern consumer electronics are for the most part an incredible waste of resources.

And companies like Apple and Facebook rise quickly and fall even faster. I wouldn't bother myself with their market value.


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Up until around 2005, 2006, I was stuck with a computer made around 1995 or earlier, with some of the most pathetic stats ever. Yet I managed to pull through.

It's not a terrible thing not to have some of the most advanced stuff available. What is important is how you make do with what you currently have.


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You're clearly a victim of the marketing industry. Feeling inferior because you don't have the newest shiny gadget is exactly what they want. But that in no way determines your worth as person.

^This exactly.  And this is coming from a guy who makes his living by tech and through tech.  I'm the most techie guy you'll ever meet, but I've never purchased an app, posted something useless on Facebook, or spent more than 20 minutes at a time on a tablet or iPad (not including fixing them).  Why?  Because I'm not going to put my hard-earned money into something that isn't going to get me anything.  And if you want to talk about something that isn't going to get you anything, it's crap like Facebook, iPads, and apps.  All buying into that sort of stuff does is make greedy corporations even more powerful than they already are and deprive you of your hard-earned cash. :rolleyes: Trust me, you're better off not going in that direction.

Up until around 2005, 2006, I was stuck with a computer made around 1995 or earlier, with some of the most pathetic stats ever. Yet I managed to pull through.

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with old tech.  Only when tech gets "really old" (15+ years) do you really have to worry.  I have lots of clients that still have 8-10 year old desktops and they're fine with it.  You'd be surprised how useful stuff that old still is today.


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About one and a half years ago, I had a desktop with a motherboard that was 8 years old.  I had decided to get a new one just as the motherboard died on me. (So yeah, perfect timing on my part.)

It doesn't have the best tech of today, but I still love the one I built myself. :)

My laptop is currently 5 years old.  It's not looking too good anymore.  Even a reformat and a good dusting didn't help much, so it's likely I'll be looking for a new one soon.

I have a cell phone, but it only has basic functions.  I use it for nothing more than talk, text messages and taking pictures.  It's useless to me otherwise.

I tried a tablet and found it as a waste of money.

Also, if you asked me which I find better out of a Laserdisc player or a Blu-ray, I'd vote for the Laserdisc player.  Sometimes, old tech just has a strange charm about it all that the newest tech could NEVER match.

So don't feel too bad about it.  Sure, I may not have the best tech.  Doesn't mean I take what I have for granted.

You don't need the best.  Just what you love.  It's all that matters in the end.


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It doesn't sound like you need to worry about where you are technology-wise, Jared. Like Mumbling and landbeforetimelover said, you have a laptop and you know how to use it, so that's one important thing you can do. It also doubles as a DVD player, so that's another thing. And you know how to use your CD player to play the music you love.

As for the other stuff you mentioned like the I-Pad / I-Pod, video games etc, those thing really aren't that important. Sure they're fun, but nobody actually needs to know how to use them.

Don't worry, you aren't behind everyone else here, and nobody thinks any less of you just because you aren't a technology expert  :)


  • Spike
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Well,i had the oportunity to try out an ipad and smartphones,and i still doesn't think that i should get one.In my opinion,the ipad is way too big to carry it like a telephone,and a computer or a laptop can do much more things much faster.So,why would you want to have an ipad?You can do anything instead with a computer.Same with smartphones.It's good as a telephone,but a computer can do far complex things than that little junk.Also,they are too fragile for me.I can throw away my old phone,and it will still work,unlike smartphones.Smartphones are only good if you want to hang on the facebook all the time in my opinion,and that is a totaly waste of time and money.So i think if you don't have an ipad,or smartphone,it only shows that you know how to spend your money without wasting it for garbages.


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Quote from: bushwacked,May 23 2012 on  09:02 AM
It doesn't sound like you need to worry about where you are technology-wise, Jared. Like Mumbling and landbeforetimelover said, you have a laptop and you know how to use it, so that's one important thing you can do. It also doubles as a DVD player, so that's another thing. And you know how to use your CD player to play the music you love.

As for the other stuff you mentioned like the I-Pad / I-Pod, video games etc, those thing really aren't that important. Sure they're fun, but nobody actually needs to know how to use them.

Don't worry, you aren't behind everyone else here, and nobody thinks any less of you just because you aren't a technology expert :)
thank you LBT Lover, and bushwacked..

Yes I have my own laptop.. (4 months old. still a little baby. ^_^ )  my own Sony Stereo (that's a little baby... only 5 months it brand new last christmas. it's am/fm/cd/i-pod dock...)  

especially LBT lover, with the 15+ year old thing..

QUOTE: *****"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with old tech. Only when tech gets "really old" (15+ years) do you really have to worry. I have lots of clients that still have 8-10 year old desktops and they're fine with it. You'd be surprised how useful stuff that old still is today." *****

The only piece of equipment I own that's over 15 years old... is the car I have to share with my dad, that 1995 Buick Riviera. (THAT'S gonna get replaced soon though.)  

So, My laptop and stereo are still virtually brand new, and my cell phone was released on the market in October 2010 (I got it in May my phone just turned 1 year old.)

 I was just talking about the new tech items going on today. and the wild Apple craze.. :blink:  ughhh.. and how I thought I was so far behind everyone else because i don't own or know how to use an I-pod/I-pad/Smartphone/Facebook/Twitter.. :unsure:

You guys really helped. :) I don't really have to have every latest, newest tech gadget out there..

I'll listen to you guys. ;) ^_^ and take your advice.  The only thing i really own that really needs replacement desperately.. is a car. .. other than that.. My oldest tech gadget.. is my portable cd player, which is 7 years old.

Thanks to you too, bushwacked  :wave for telling/reminding me of the stuff I DO know how to use, and that they may be fun.. but that I don't NEED to know how to use them.

And also for telling me that i'm not behind everyone else here on the G.O.F. ;)


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Quote from: Malte279,May 23 2012 on  03:43 AM
I don't have any I-pod (not looking for one either), no I-pad (that one could come in handy for me I think), I never had any kind of gaming console (nintendo, x-box, playstation or the like), and it is a whooping five days since I got a TV for the very first time in my live ("inherited" one from my mum. Up to then I had always watched with an antenae to my laptop (a laptop which constantly crashes). I don't have a facebook account and I would need a very, very good reason to create one. I never twittered either (in general I am not overly fond of all those means of communication in which one has to count letters always guarding against making the message longer than permittet).
Thanks to Malte279, too.  His reply showed me that you can still be a site administrator, and not have an I-pod, I-pad, video game console, OR a Facebook or Twitter account.   :yes

I really don't feel so "alone" now.


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I'm glad you're feeling better Jared.  I don't have a Facebook or Twitter account either, and my laptop, ipod, and camera are all about 6 years old.


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I'm glad you are feeling better.  There is no need to have the latest tech all the time.  You can do a lot with tech that is not brand new or bleeding edge.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The problem with keeping up to date with your technology is that the second you buy the newest, hippest thing, something new comes out with more pixels and faster internet and a "2" appended to its title, and you're behind the curve. better to just stop once you have everything you need.

I've disagreed with my brother on this. He currently owns an ipod, an iphone, an ipad, a smartphone, and an apple laptop. Why, why, why would you need all of those?

Also, don't think you wouldn't know how to operate an ipod/pad/thing if you had one. They're insulting easy to use, theyre built for people with absolutely no knowledge of computing. They only have one button! I've seen you use italics and link to websites with displayed text other than the url, so you're ahead of the game as far as they're concerned. You also avoid the arrogant 'Apple consumer' personality that I've sadly seen far too often. My brother is insistent that Apple computers can't get viruses because they're so awesome, and that they don't have a task manager because 'the computer does it for you' (I HATE borrowing his computer because there's no task manager. Apple doesn't trust its consumers to customize their important settings or even fix problems on their own. I called them when the computer refused to recognize his new Apple printer and they would only say "bring it in to your nearest Apple store for repair").

I've gotten a bit off-topic, but to sum things up Apple products are not necessarily a great purchase for everyone.


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Your brother sounds like he doesn't know much about computers if he thinks Apples never get viruses. It is true it's not as common, but in truth Apple computers are just as vulnerable to viruses as Windows. If Apple computers never get viruses, then why are they selling antivirus software for Apple computers?


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Macs DO NOT GET VIRUSES!  But here's the catch....NEITHER DO PC'S!  Viruses aren't really effective anymore.  There hasn't been a new virus out for a PC that's actually worked for like a decade now.  Now malware though such as rootkits, spyware, worms, adware, and other junk software infect BOTH Macs and PC's.  There aren't as many instances of malware on Macs, but that's because of their locked-down OS with no choices and because they're not very popular.  If Mac's are so secure, then why doesn't every bank in the world use them?  Have you EVER seen a Mac in a bank before?  No?  Well there's a reason for that.

Apple is all just hype.  Apple used to make the best quality hardware in the world.  Now let me tell you a little secret.  Dell, HP, Compaq, Gateway, eMachines, and all other computer "manufacturers" don't actually make computers!  They buy parts from other manufacturers and put them together and stick their logo on them.  And thanks to all the middle-men and BS that goes into the production of the computers, the quality is quite low compared to Apple.  Apple USED TO make all of their own components and THEY controlled the quality.  That's why they were so fast and stable and lasted for so long.  But now they do the same crap that HP and Dell does and just puts parts together from different manufacturers.  So the quality is now in the toilet.  Ask yourself this.  When you buy a shiny new $2,500 Mac, why is the 3 year warranty over $800?  Because more than likely, it's going to break within that time.  Macs are made like crap just like PC's are now so there's no reason to spend up to 5x more for them.


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Virus is the term I usually use instead of malware, though I know malware is the more appropriate term because virus is just one type of malware. And from what I heard, actual viruses are not as common anymore; nowadays it's stuff like trojans and keyloggers or something like that.


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Quote from: Jrd89,May 23 2012 on  01:38 AM
Your buddy Jared here.. is VERY VERY Digitally handicapped and challenged... It's so bad. :(

I don't know a thing about what you guys my age know like the back of your hand.. :(  .. I don't watch new movies, play video games, CAN'T work an i-pod, CAN'T work an i-pad, CAN'T work a tablet device. We have no Blu-ray player in our family , I CAN'T work net-flix... I can't use a digital camera, or scan stuff.. oh.. and i don't have a facebook account or know how to use that.. and i'm not about to go convert the 60-65 cd's that i have...all onto an i-pod. :| :(
I gots no blu-ray, no i-pod, no i-phone, (I don't really even know the difference), no HD TV... just a lousy China-made device that basically crashed three months after it was bought...  :p
No MP3, no smart-phone, tablet... I just have a drawing tablet, dunno if that counts.
I don't have Netflix, I don't have FB, I don't see the need to not have CD's and stuff^^
I have VHS'... and a Wii, which is like "Wow, I'm in the future, I have a Wii!" that's how behind I am  :lol  :lol

And... I don't need them^^ I just need my phone... and a charger ;)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein