The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Venatione Venatus


  • Spike
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Thanks. :p Might be a while though I'm afraid...


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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As long as it comes one day, I won't complain :p Good work needs some time to be done after all ;)
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Spike
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Finally, the waiting is over!  :lol: Sorry it took so long...but anyway, here it is!!!

Chapter Twenty: Open Jaws

The whispering of the wind and the rustle of the leaves, the cry of animals into the ghostly night…

Tetsugaku opened his eyes and frowned. All of this commotion and noise was an incredible distraction to him. All of his attempts to think and immerse himself in thought were punctured and harshly prevented by the noises of the world.

From reports hailing from the heathland, it appeared that Opal was settling in well, and getting along with all of the longnecks and children. What was worrying, however, was that her memories still seemed reluctant to return to her. She had no idea of her connection to the Valley, and if she were truly to be the one to overthrow Ulciscor, she was nowhere near ready. Things were moving at a snail’s pace, Tetsugaku concluded, and if things didn’t start to happen soon, it could all end in chaos…

He glanced at the other two rainbowfaces sitting either side of him to see what their take on this was. His mate, Hoshia, was sitting with a frown on her face and a furrowed brow. It was clear that she had come to the same conclusion that he had. On the other side of him was a slightly younger rainbowface with an ornate navy and paler blue body pattern by the name of Keibetsu. His eyes were closed, and it was apparent that the noises of the night were not perturbing him.

The three of them were sitting upon the top of a cliff that was directly facing the Night Circle, considering how far they had come.

“Things are moving too slowly,” Tetsugaku insisted. He stood up in an attempt to ease his mind a little. “Opal is still lost and confused…and Ulciscor maintains his hold upon the Valley!”

“But Chomper and the others have allied with them,” Hoshia commented. “Once they have all rested, they should begin battle?”

“But to start war with Opal still ignorant of her true self?” Tetsugaku shook his head. “The results could be disastrous!” Hoshia didn’t reply, but bit her lip in thought.

Then Keibetsu spoke.

“We could always intervene a little,” he remarked, not turning to face them. Tetsugaku gazed at him reproachfully. This upstart had been commissioned to shadow him, and despite his deep philosophy, Tetsugaku wondered how Keibetsu could be so blatantly ignorant sometimes.

“That is expressly forbidden,” Tetsugaku reminded him coldly.

At this, Keibetsu turned to him with a slight smile on his face.

“No offence or anything,” he said. “But that’s never stopped you…”

“The time concerning the fake stone of cold fire on top of Threehorn Peak was entirely different!” Tetsugaku protested. “There was very little at stake…”

“Bar the lives of several small children…” Hoshia quietly reminded him, also getting to her feet.

“But it wasn’t us who saved them from the mountain!” Tetsugaku insisted.

“True,” Hoshia replied, her voice becoming firmer. “But it was you who lent them food in the middle of the-”

“I wasn’t talking about that,” Keibetsu interrupted. “I was referring to how you saved Opal from Ulciscor’s henchmen when they went after her, Ronan and her unhatched son all that time ago. She would have met the same fate as Ronan if you hadn’t stepped in…”

One of Tetsugaku’s eyes had developed a twitch. “How do you know so much about that occasion?” he demanded defensively.

Keibetsu turned away. “It’s not like it’s something that was kept quiet. The point I’m trying to make is that, with your record, you’re not really one to discipline someone about the rules of non-intervention.”

“I agree…” Hoshia murmured, and Tetsugaku rounded on her, looking hurt.

“However, Keibetsu, how exactly are you suggesting we intervene?”

“Just tell her,” Keibetsu replied. “Plain and simple. Just tell her straight what she is and what she’s got to do-”

“No,” Hoshia cut across him, shaking her head. “No, that simply wouldn’t do at all.”

“Why not?” Keibetsu demanded.

“What sort of sense of purpose would that give her?” Hoshia admonished. “Apart from the fact that he brain, still recovering from the amnesia, might be able to handle this revelation, how we she feel if her sense of purpose was rigidly dictated to her? It could even give her a superiority complex, which is the last thing we want given the circumstances.”

“So what are you suggesting?”

“We’ll leave her to find it out on her own,” Hoshia replied, sitting back down.

“WHAT??” Tetsugaku looked aghast. “Are you really sure that’s wise?”

“What goes around, comes around,” Hoshia replied. “The Great Valley will not let her forget her role, and nor will her maternal instincts let her forget Spike. And if she discovers this for herself, it will give her a sense of purpose that will make her feel like a figure within the world itself as supposed to some tool of higher authority.”

She closed her eyes and said nothing more, leaving Tetsugaku and Keibetsu to consider what had just been said.


Uninvited, several cries of indignation rose up in various places amongst the vast groups of longnecks.


“We need to get moving now!”

“How can he stand there…?”

None of them had ever heckled a Sharptooth before, and it was almost as if they had forgotten that it was Zyro’s nature to kill their kind for a living. However, their indignation was only matched by Zyro’s who promptly yelled back at them.

“I repeat!” he roared over the hostile crowd. “We cannot move from this place until Lini is recovered. I am not prepared to begin this war until everyone is back where they belong. You may think I should not bother with this one person, but would you feel differently if this one person was you?”

Confused mutters broke out, something along the lines of uncertainty, but none of them yelled out anything that was particularly hostile anymore. Well, that was something.
As the groups disbanded, Zyro gave a great sigh and slumped himself against a nearby tree, every inch of him feeling drained and overused. He hadn’t bargained on this.
Earlier that morning, Ferox had come to report that Lini had gone missing. He had of course searched feverishly throughout the surrounding area, but there was no sign she had ever been anywhere near them. Zyro had conducted another search, despite its lack of necessity, before finally announcing that they would not begin to mobilize themselves until Lini was returned to them. It hadn’t gone down well with some of the leaf-eaters, and Zyro wasn’t sure what he would have done if they had decided to rebel…

Zyro sighed again and gazed up at the sky. Shark sure was a trusting individual – so trusting in fact, did he not even realise that the one he had selected to lead these sharpteeth may not have been the right person after all? Zyro wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take – those among him were resisting, he had a missing child…and he was planning to lead a liberation force into the Great Valley? His egotism must have gotten the better of him…

“Everything alright?”

Zyro looked up at the soft, considerate voice, and saw Opal, the mysteriously afflicted spiketail.
He smiled at her feebly.

“Not particularly,” he replied honestly. “What with everything that’s occurring, I don’t know how much longer I can last…and just yesterday I was giddily confident.”

“It’s strange how events can shake your self-esteem,” Opal commented. “I wouldn’t worry about the hecklers. Despite how they react, they do know the value of every individual in this force.”
“Yes,” Zyro agreed. “But what if this is the enemy’s tactic? Preventing us from mobilising by taking one of our own from us?”

“I agree,” Opal nodded. “That’s certainly the way many minds work…but if we don’t bother to go after her, what makes us better than them?”

These words had an odd chilling effect, despite the impeccable truth that they also carried. Zyro nodded and stood up.

“OK…well, even though Old One’s chief messenger has gone to inform the Valley of our imminent arrival, I have a few more who may be able to locate which way Lini has gone, and that may inform us of who took her…”
“You don’t think she went off on her own, do you?” Opal suggested uncertainly.
Zyro considered briefly.

“No,” he decided. “From what Al’s told me, she’s got guts and a heart as big as her grin. She’s not one to run away – besides, it’s more dangerous out their alone than it is with us.”
He gazed reproachfully at a group of longnecks in the distance.

“Don’t worry about them!” Opal insisted. “If you need any help with crowd control, I…I have experience.”
Zyro glanced at her.
“Yes…” Opal frowned slightly, but continued nonetheless. “It’s just starting to come back to me. I used to live in the Valley. I had a high position of authority before my family and I were removed by Ulciscor.” She shook her head. “I still don’t remember too many of the details, but once I return, I may be welcomed back with more of a greeting than I bargained for.” She smiled slightly. “And as for Ulciscor…we’ll see who’s laughing then!”

There was nothing to it – he just needed to remain silent.

Hyp swallowed and continued his attempted retreat through the undergrowth. He had assumed this part of the Valley was safe – nobody ever went near Saurus Rock! Sharpteeth sometimes even made their homes here…

Suddenly, it came to him. How could he have been so naÔve? Of course, Ulciscor and his thugs relished in the appearance of sharpteeth because of their joy of slaughtering them! That probably explained why there was a Bludgeoner, only a few metres from him, cold eyes surveying the landscape. If he was found here, there would be no way out of it this time. He was dead.

Slowly, Hyp continued his inconspicuous retreat. Slowly, carefully, inch by inch…


Dammit, Hyp cursed mentally. Trust that twig to be in the wrong place! Was this really how it all ended?
The Bludgeoner had heard the noise, and now his gaze focused on the tall ferns Hyp was crouching in. Was there still a chance he could hide? The answer came to him when the monstrous longneck strode directly over and raised his sinister tail. Hyp ducked, but that was going to do him little good now. The tail swiped across the vegetation slicing the top half clean away and revealing Hyp in the full view of daylight.

The Bludgeoner glared down at Hyp and grunted.

“The official order for the Bludgeon Brigade from Ulciscor through Kai is that we are to kill you on sight,” he informed the quivering dinosaur. Then he closed his eyes.

“But who cares what Ulciscor says?” he muttered, settling himself down on the ground and casually chewing on a dismembered fern.

Hyp stared at this eating dinosaur for a second or so, until he had to do a double take.

“I’m sorry…” He mumbled, shaking his head slightly. “But did I hear that correctly? Did one of Ulciscor’s elite actually just basically say he couldn’t give a toss?”

The Bludgeoner scoffed.

“OK, let’s get a few things clear,” he replied, swallowing his mouthful of plant matter. “First off, I am hardly one of Ulciscor’s elite. Me, along with the rest of the Bludgeoners, are just expendables, that Ulciscor can shake off if necessary without a second thought and no regrets. Kai is the elite. He’s Ulciscor’s most trusted associate. But other than that, yes - that is basically what I said.”

Hyp was at a loss for words. The Bludgeoner didn’t seem particularly fazed, and continued to munch on the vegetation rhythmically. Finally, Hyp found his voice again.

“If you don’t care about Ulciscor, why are you even part of the Bludgeon Brigade?” he asked.

“At the time, I felt inclined,” the Bludgeoner replied simply. For the first time since he had discovered him, his eyes rested back onto Hyp.

“You need to understand where we all came from – The Brigade, I mean, and what our relationship with Ulciscor actually is.”

“Alright then,” Hyp nodded, squatting down. “So tell me.”

“We were once a herd,” the longneck continued. “You may have noticed all us Bludgeoners are the same species with distinguishing features.” He raised his clubbed tail to emphasize his point. “That’s because…well, we were rather exclusive in our membership of the herd.”

“How come Ulciscor got involved then?” Hyp questioned, scratching his head. “He’s not the same species as the rest of you.”

“You’re absolutely right,” the Bludgeoner agreed, nodding slightly. “And because of that, he had his work cut out for him when he tried to win us over. And he managed that by fending off the most feared predator in the region.”

“Who was that?” Hyp demanded.

“Blackclaw,” The Bludgeoner replied. “From what I’ve heard, Valleians tended to refer to him simply as ëThe Sharptooth’ because of how he single-handedly dominated the area and all sharpteeth within it. Including the infamous Redclaw, whom we believe is his younger brother.”

“And Ulciscor fended him off?” Hyp asked incredulously. It was one thing to see Ulciscor executing or picking on hapless leaf-eaters, but it was quite another to imagine him in a battle with a full-grown, monstrous and feared Sharptooth. This new dimension of Ulciscor’s strength and power sent a shudder down Hyp’s spine. Had he actually defeated this beast?

“Well, not alone,” the Bludgeoner admitted. “But he certainly helped avoid any fatalities during the fight. To us, it was an incredible achievement. For us, it seemed he could easily be…the Lone Dinosaur…”

The longneck paused, biting his lip as he hesitated to continue. Hyp could see the struggle going on in his tiny eyes – here was someone who knew wholeheartedly of the consequences of their actions, and even though they weren’t directly affecting them, the guilt of what had happened since their Bludgeon Brigade’s meeting with Ulciscor was clearly gnawing away at him from the inside.

“And we were content to go with whatever he said,” the Bludgeoner continued. “We believed the Valley should be free from sharpteeth, and we were used to segregated herds…we had no idea what he really had in mind. At least, I didn’t…”

“Listen,” Hyp offered, attempting sympathy he didn’t even know he had. “We all make mistakes. We all fall for lifestyles we think is right. Moping over for them for ages afterwards isn’t going to change that – we’ve got to take action to put right what we made wrong!”

The Bludgeoner sighed and shook his head.

“You don’t understand,” he said. “It’s not that easy for me. It’s one thing and expected for the Valleians to have mutinous feelings towards Ulciscor, but it’s quite another for someone who’s supposed to be on his side! And I’ve been harbouring these feelings at least since Ulciscor’s fall following the Battle of the Great Valley. But none of them would let me leave…I’m as trapped as your are…”

He trailed off into a sullen silence, and Hyp sat and thought about what had been said for a while. Finally, he spoke up.
“But you’re already in the process of making it right!” he insisted, and the Bludgeoner looked down at him, puzzled.

“How so?”

“Well, I’m still alive,” Hyp explained. “And I highly doubt you’re going to tell Ulciscor, or Kai or Shock, or whoever that you’ve found me?”

“Of course not…” the longneck muttered.

“Exactly…” Hyp nodded. “So it’s in these subtle ways that you can be useful to the resistance movement. What’s your name?”

“Uriah,” came the reply. “But…”

“So, Uriah,” Hyp interjected. “You can provide us with sparse inside knowledge, be our double agent as it were, allowing us to find out what’s really going on with this phony Lone Dinosaur!”

“You don’t understand!” Uriah was distressed. He finally stood up and paced around in his frustration. “You’ve tried to resist before, and look where it got you! Just accept Ulciscor has won, and try to remain hidden…”

Hyp glared at him.

“Somewhere among the craggy rocks in the mountain walls that surround the Valley,” he said. “Is an unjustly dumped body a great hero who died resisting what he despised. Kosh would turn in his grave if he knew how much his brethren continued to suffer. And I know that the Valley has friends out there, as I do, that care too much for us to let this continue. Whether Ulciscor is overthrown in one cold time, two, twenty, or maybe even tomorrow, I firmly believe that the resistance will not cease until it is accomplished.”

Uriah was quiet after that. Hyp, with righteous anger still boiling in him, continued to glare.

“Listen, Uriah,” he said eventually. “Whether or not you want to be part of that resistance is up to you. But please consider where your conscience lies.”

Little did they know that their aid was already on the way, in the form of a wandering flyer that had been banished some time ago…

If Topps had believed his day couldn’t have got anymore outlandish than it already was, he was mistaken, for he had now laid his eyes upon somebody who’s association he had left far back in the mists of time.

“Pterano???” his voice was a half-strangled gasp. “What…what are you doing here? You were banished!”

At the last word, something of a smile crept onto the flyer’s beak.

“Ah yes, there’s the old threehorn I know!” he remarked. “But I hope you will not be so hostile once you’ve heard what I have to say…”

“No, Pterano, you’re listening to me,” Topps replied, shaking his head forcefully. No matter what may have happened between him and Tria, he wasn’t about to let that destroy his professional manner with which he hoped he addressed his fellow dinosaurs.

“For your own sake, get out of here now,” he commanded. “You don’t understand what’s happened here recently, we’re-”

“Under the oppression of some monstrous longneck named Ulciscor,” Pterano finished for him. “Yes, I know…”

Topps broke off, and his eyes widened.

“How?” he demanded.

“The movements of this ominous individual have been thoroughly scrutinized, my friend,” Pterano replied. “Don’t worry – we are coming to liberate you.”

Topps scoffed.

“Coming to liberate us…” he muttered condescendingly. “Yeah, like there’s any hope for us. This flathead has the Valley in his iron grip, and no one has been willing to stand against him since…well…anyway, Pterano, get out while you still can. You can’t liberate us on your own, and Ulciscor won’t take kindly to you when he sees you.”

“I know he won’t,” Pterano replied. “But I’m not worried about that. What I am concerned about is that this message is passed on to everyone else under the tyranny so they don’t live in despair!”

“I’ve already told you-” Topps began.

“I know what you told me!” Pterano interrupted forcefully. “And you wouldn’t have told me it if you had let me finish. So, Mister Threehorn – for once in your life – shut up!!”

Topps opened his mouth to retort furiously. He wasn’t used to be spoken to like this, much less from someone who had been banished for his crimes against the herd. But then an ominous little voice, sounding very much like Tria’s, crept across his mind.
“Sometimes for the sake of your family you need to bury your feelings deep down and continue doing what you have been called to do.”
Now, Topps realised, that had more than one meaning. Maybe it was time to shut up…yes, his pride had been dented by how Pterano had so callously admonished him, but in the grand scheme of things, what did that matter?
His family certainly included Tria, Cera and Tricia, but it was not limited to them. He had long since known that everyone in the Valley belonged to one single spirit, one community; united by…he wasn’t even sure. But it was something – something strong, which had made him determined to fight in the first place. He had gone the wrong way about it, but that was all going to change…even if Pterano had nothing worth saying, it would still be worth listening – for the sake of everyone else.

Topps closed his mouth again and nodded, prompting the flyer to continue.


And continue Pterano did, passing on the news, first to the threehorn, and then allowing, through both their influence, the message to pass through the Valley like wildfire. But although wildfire may explain how quickly it was passed on, the method was anything but.
Now the carriers of this message were careful. This newly lit beacon of hope was all they had left, and all they could hold onto in the hope Ulciscor wouldn’t take it from them too. The Bludgeoners didn’t know a thing, but by the end of that day, everyone in the Valley who abhorred Ulciscor’s authority, even Grandpa and Grandma Longneck, Hyp and Uriah, has learnt the truth.

An army of liberators was on their way, a union of leaf-eaters and sharpteeth, united by their single common attitude of hatred for those who oppressed, and their desire to strive for an equal and free community. Not only were some old friends among them, but so were their children. The children of the Valley were coming back to reclaim their home for not just their own sake, but for everyone living in it and outside it as well.

“Do you think Ulciscor will learn it from someone?” Aster murmured nervously to his wife, as they carefully watched their son in the distance, deep in discussion with Kai, a dissatisfied frown on his face.

“What we have just learned will be hard to force out of anyone…” Arianna replied. “But even if he did, there’s little he can do to us…even if he takes our lives, it’ll be those who are left behind who will still be liberated from him…”

The last word caught in her throat a little as she found herself welling up. It was a great tragedy for any parent to be so forcefully and fundamentally opposed to their offspring. Yet it was also true that Ulciscor may be so far gone now, that disposing of him was the only possible option…she swallowed hard and steeled herself.

“I do not mean to sound pessimistic,” Aster continued. “But how can we know to trust Pterano?”

Arianna didn’t answer for a while, continuing to watch the tyrant of the Valley and his best lieutenant’s discussion. After a pause from them, Kai strode away, a faraway smile on his face, looking for all the world like a child daydreaming and watching clouds.

“Pterano knew what our situation was,” Arianna said finally. “And he knew that the children weren’t with us – he even gave us an answer as to where…I doubt he could have known without information from one who deeply cared about our well-being. Besides – as far as I know Pterano, while he may have many faults, he would be one of the first to resist against this monster, and would not betray us in the face of this oppression…” she drew a deep shuddering breath.

Aster turned to look at her, his eyes transformed with determination.

“Yes…you’re right…and feel no guilt about calling him a monster, for that is what he is…” he gazed back at Ulciscor. “As far as I’m concerned, he’s no son of mine…”

Unlike his crony, Ulciscor looked mildly disturbed, he had his head to ground, his eyes wrought with anger and worry. It seemed that the pressure was finally getting to him. He knew he couldn’t remain in this position for long – the populace hated him too much. Something would have to give soon.

And knowing that there was an even bigger force at play, ready to help topple him with great gusto made his stress even more pleasurable for the onlookers.


A tranquil breeze whistled through the treetops, sending leaf after leaf spinning gently and serenely to the ground. The woodland that surrounded the Rocky Heathland was the number one place where anyone in that area with the intent to relax would head straight to, and although it provided a welcome relief for the eleven young dinosaurs from the tensions that were radiating from the unsteady Vegimeat Alliance, an ominous association lingered here.

From what could be detected via scent trails, this had been the last place Lini had gone to before she vanished. For those with noses to detect it, they could smell her distinguishing aroma even now, sending their minds reeling back into memories of her, and filling their hearts with an ache of sorrow and growing concern…

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, and also because he was simply hungry, Spike took a generous bite of a nearby bush, before grunting and gesturing to Al, who was sitting nearby him, as an invitation to join the feast.

Al, who had been staring into space at this point, his eyes unfocused, slowly turned his rigid head towards the beckoning spiketail. Clenching his fists slightly, he made himself a silent resolve.

“No matter how bad things may be getting, I’m not to turn on the leaf-eaters. It would be a betrayal of Chomper, a betrayal of Zyro, and betrayal of Shark, and in all honesty, a betrayal of Lini. I will make do with other meat around here. Now, just calm down and politely decline…”

Al gave a rather-to-obvious sheepish grin and gestured to the plants Spike was munching happily at.

“N-no thank you…” he murmured, stuttering slightly as he attempted to grasp the flattooth dialect. “Don’t l-like…plants…” He was already heading away as Spike nodded understandingly.

“Shorty,” Ali was saying, as Shorty too began to quietly munch on some leaves. “Do you know whether the sharpteeth are going to break off their alliance? Has your dad said anything?”

Shorty shook his head.

“Nope, nothing, as far as I can detect, it’s still…uncertain.” He tried his best to avoid Ali’s gaze as he said this. It wasn’t as if he didn’t like what he would see…her eyes were simply beautiful, shimmering pale blue like Big Water on the clearest day. But to him, to look into those eyes would be to stare directly into her soul, and see everything about her, including how she felt about him…and Shorty felt as though the stare upon him would be too judgemental…something he wouldn’t like. And it was Ali’s approval he wanted more than anything else.

To content himself as he chewed, he gazed across at the rest of the group. Littlefoot, Ruby and Cera were all flopped on the ground, perhaps fearing their pacing in their undergrowth with their large bodies would disturb the peace. Ducky and Petrie were having a whispered discussion near Ruby, Saureen was sitting down against a small tree, resting her back and looking into the clouds, her thoughts elsewhere. Chomper meanwhile, had been pacing on the spot, wringing his hands and emitting loud exhalations through his nostrils. At Shorty’s he words, he let out a deep growl of frustration, and pummelled his tiny fist into the dirt.

“No!” he said forcefully, and everyone turned to look at him. Chomper, although feeling all the eyes upon him, didn’t look up, and merely scraped his claws more forcefully into the dirt as the current situation reverberated and escalated throughout his mind, pounding on the walls of his skull. Lini, snatched from their midst, and now the entire alliance was falling apart.

“We have come too far…” Chomper muttered, continuing to punish the ground more, pressing his hand deeper. “We can’t disband this alliance. What would it mean for us then?” He looked up at his friends, feeling the tears once more forming behind his eyes.

“We would be…separated once more…” he murmured. “And what would it mean for the Great Valley?”

There was a pause as everyone let this nefarious question sink in, but after a moment, Littlefoot rose to his feet. He held his head upon his mighty neck high in pride and gazed at Chomper with a face that was at once filled with both long-lasting friendship and a ferocious determination.

“I know what you mean Chomper,” he said earnestly. “And therefore, I think this is one of the reasons that, no matter how bad the tensions get…the alliance won’t disband.”

Chomper looked back at him, eyebrow raised, not looking so much sceptical, if anything, more hopeful.

“Yeah,” Cera added, also standing up, a rare sweet smile present on her features. “I agree. Despite our differences, we have the common goal of rescuing the Valley, and we know we have to hold together for that.”

Chomper felt a warm smile, almost though he caught it from Cera, spreading over his face now.

“I’m sorry if I gave you any doubts,” Shorty relented, looking a little guilty as Chomper turned to him, though smiling all the same. “I concur with these two. No shared ambition of this scale is going to drive us apart.” His face twisting into fierce loyalty, and he slammed his front foot into the ground, feeling the might radiating from the displaced earth. “If we’re not going to take down Ulciscor, then there’s nobody else that will!” He could feel Ali’s admiring eyes upon as he said this, and refrained from looking at her as the heat rose up in his cheeks.

Chomper beamed and nodded.

“Thanks guys…you’re right…” Sighing happily, his attention was suddenly taken by something small he saw scuttling along the ground, which instantly took him back to the Valley. It had been so long since he had eaten insects, they almost seemed to be part of it – those were fantastic those sunny afternoons! Running around with all his friends, playing everything they could think of, the warmth of the Bright Circle bathing them lovingly – the cool of the water as they splashed and laughed their way through it…and of course, snacking on any tasty little insect morsel he could find along the way. He sighed. Ulciscor would never get away with taking that from him, he decided. His reign would end soon…just after they found Lini…

But as he looked closer at this beetle-creature, he noticed, what with the red colouration and distinguished black spots, that he had hit the jackpot.

“AWESOME!!” he suddenly cried, diving forward and snatching the creature from the dirt, where it wriggled helplessly in his hand. “I haven’t had one of these since I was on the island!” He took a deep a blissful sniff of it, taking in the spicy aroma. “It’s the best of the best, just wait until you all see it…!”

Everyone in the vicinity was staring at him incredulously. It was interesting how quickly his moods could be changed…Cera simply rolled her eyes and settled back down on the ground. But Saureen’s reaction was by far the most prominent.

She had begun to approach Chomper during his concern about the alliance splitting up, but upon seeing the squirming bug clutched in his claws, she had felt its legs crawling all over skin. Gulping, her eyes wide and fearful, she had recoiled rapidly, pacing backwards until she slipped and fell heavily to the ground.

Now all eyes were on her. Nobody had the slightest idea what was going on, and Chomper only made it worse when he approached her.

“Saureen…you OK?” he queried.

“Mmm…” Saureen could only mutter in reply, her eyes still on the insect. “Yeah…just…just keep that away from me OK?”

“Huh?” Chomper gazed, puzzled, at his potential prey. “Why?”

“I’m scared, OK?” Saureen murmured, not looking directly at him as she stood up, trembling from head to toe. “I’m scared…I really don’t like insects. As such, I first had to learn how to hunt fish from…well…I just don’t like insects.”

“OK…” Chomper nodded, still looking slightly puzzled, and downed the bug in one gulp.

Saureen panted quietly as she held herself against a tree, her skinny arms clinging to each other defensively, still shaking and trembling as though sitting amongst the snow. Despite the relief that the insect was now out of sight, that was the least of her problems. What would Chomper and Al think of her now they knew she was scared of insects? She could still feel the onlookers giving her funny stares, and she could have sworn Shorty understood every word she said. It was a joke – absolutely laughable. Whoever had heard of a Sharptooth, top of the food chain and born to strike fear into the hearts of other dinosaurs that was terrified of insects??? Once Zyro had gotten wind of this, she didn’t think he’d be particularly happy either with the weak link that was now presented to him.

Only one person had never judged her for her phobia. Only one had ever brushed it off as just a personality habit. That same person who had taught her to hunt fish, and it really worried Saureen that she had come that close to mentioning Seizon’s name, something that she knew was a taboo amongst this group…

Al took a deep breath.

“OK,” he said, trusting Chomper to translate it for the leaf-eaters. “I’m going to go now, and talk to Zyro, see if he can keep me informed in what’s going on.”

“Oh, can’t you say?” Shorty replied, in almost perfect Sharptooth. Al gave him a small smile and replied,

“No…I don’t know how long I can stay around here without thinking too much about…her…” He sighed once more and waved. “See you all later…” He quickly sped away to the valedictions of his companions.

“He seems…I dunno…a little off at the moment…” Ali commented, squinting as she watched him go.

“Well, Lini’s disappearance must have shaken him up,” Shorty replied simply.

“I know…” Ali replied. “But still – he seems…I dunno, more distracted than everyone else…”

A scurry of wings and footsteps on her head told her that Petrie had perched on her head.

“Me think there may be a reason for that!” he told her, chuckling slightly.

“Petrie!” Ducky said accusingly, coming up next to Ali. “We do not want to poke fun at this bad situation, nope, nope, nope!”

“Me know…” Petrie relented. “But me just think that Al likes Lini in a ëspecial way!’ His emphasis on the words made Ali gaze up at him, completely non-plussed.

“You think?” she muttered, but as Petrie slid off her neck, she found herself growing more pensive about it. It was true – it did make sense, and considering what else was on her mind, it seemed all the more appropriate…

“Your way with words presents a way of wording to be reckoned with Petrie!” Ruby grinned, somewhat ironically. “But yes, I agree with you.”

Ali turned to her.

“Ruby…have you ever been in love?” she asked. It seemed nonsensical to dance around with euphemisms and mince terms – just be direct, she told herself.

Ruby, though grinning sheepishly, nodded.

“I don’t know if it was love,” she admitted. “But back when I was living with my parents, there was a boy fast runner who…” she sighed and giggled slightly. “Well…it’s a rather long story. But if there’s one thing I know about boys…” she leaned forward to whisper in the longneck’s ear. “They will never be direct about anything…so don’t look for the obvious signs!” Ali stared at Ruby as she stepped back.

Could she have possibly been reading her mind?

Chomper meanwhile, not wanting to be drawn into such a conversation, walked a little distance away from the rest of them. Here, he could hunt for more insects out of sight of Saureen, therefore not creeping her out. Although admittedly, most of the insects here were…well, extremely hard to catch.

Chomper gave a great sigh as a beetle scurried up the bark of a tree, therefore out of his reach. Looking for just a few insects sure was exhausting…he took a deep inhale as the wind rustled through the trees once more, and took in the exciting mixed aromas of the air, including one that, for some reason, reminded him of getting his head struck with a rock…


Chomper stood stock still as the scent registered in his brain. It was unmistakable. A fated meeting, beginning with him knocking Chomper out and…but what was he doing here??
“Saureen!!” Chomper hissed. “Come over here! I promise there aren’t any insects about…I just need to see if you can smell something!”

“Smell what?” she asked, wandering over, now having stopped trembling.

“When the wind blows in our faces,” Chomper instructed, trying to keep his voice steady as his heart pounded against his ribcage. “Tell me what…or who, you can smell…”

Saureen did as she was instructed, and Chomper, his heart rate still excessive, looked to see the transformation her face would go under when she smelled what he had smelt.

His prediction wasn’t far awry, and her eyes flew open in shock with her face tensing up when the realisation hit home.

“No way…” she whispered. “It can’t be…what’s he doing here…?”

“Well…” Chomper growled, flexing his arms. “I want him to tell us exactly that!”

Saureen turned to him and moaned softly in exasperation.

“No Chomper!” she protested. “You mustn’t!”

“He is not going to ruin our lives any longer,” Chomper replied firmly, sniffing the air once more. “He’s moving…” he observed. “In…” his eyes swivelled to a direction slightly east of them. “That direction!!”

And without warning, he leapt up from the log he was perched on in a rapid and unrelenting pursuit of the unwelcome scent.

“Chomper…?!” Saureen squawked, her voice hitting several octaves higher.

“COME ON, GUYS!!!” Chomper yelled at the top of his voice, causing everyone else to look up.

“Huh?” Cera uttered. “Where’s he going?”

“Chomper!” Ruby called after him, giving chase, the other eight soon following suit.

“No time to explain guys!!” Chomper informed them as they sprinted through the undergrowth.

“That’s a pity…” Shorty muttered under his breath.

Feeling like he was losing the scent, Chomper skidded to a halt, sending everyone behind him into a pile-up.

“Chomper!!” Saureen wheezed, attempting to disentangle herself from Littlefoot’s tail. “You’ve got to let it go!”

“I can’t!” Chomper insisted, sniffing forcefully around for the trail. “He shouldn’t have come anywhere near us…we made it specifically clear…and I want to know why…sniff, Saureen!!”

Reluctantly, Saureen joined in the scent detection, until they had pin-pointed it.

“GOT IT!!” Chomper roared, his face with an expression on it to make any small animal flee turned towards the new direction. “Come on, let’s go!”

“But Chomper!” Ruby protested as the ten of them continued to gallop along. “Whatever’s happening, wouldn’t it be better if we got Old One, Zyro or one of the other grown-ups to deal with it?”

“There’s no time!” Chomper called back. As he dashed through the trees, every one of his senses were alert…he could smell the one he was pursuing, he was sure he could distinctly hear him crashing through the undergrowth ahead of them. He could almost see a bladeback’s shadow at every turn they made, near every tree they ran past…all he knew was that they were getting closer…

With a great gasp, the young dinosaurs burst out from the woods, finding themselves both in the blazing sunlight and scorching rock of a much more desolate area.

“Chomper!” Littlefoot gasped, gazing around. “We’ve come too far, we’ve gotta go back…!”

But Chomper wasn’t listening, because at that moment he had charged. He had seen, ahead of them, a small cyan shape in the distance that was unmistakable, and as he drew closer, Chomper’s rage only increased.

“SEIZON!!!” he screamed as his quarry’s amber eyes came into view.

But they weren’t full of malice, or of an arrogant air and swagger that Seizon normally carried. They were wide open, and filled with anxiousness, concern and humility. Then, he opened his mouth to speak.

“Chomper…” he began.

But Chomper didn’t care. All he knew was that he hated Seizon, perhaps more than anyone else he could think of right now. It was Seizon’s fault that two noble and amazing fastbiters who Chomper had felt as close to as siblings now lay dead in their graves, and Seizon had been prepared to leave two more to their fates, just because of some stupid worldview he shared with his elusive stepfather. And Chomper didn’t want Seizon near anyone he cared about ever again.

And so, he charged straight into him, knocking him to the ground. As the two sharpteeth rolled in the dirt, Chomper heard screaming behind him, telling him to stop…but he refused to stop. He couldn’t stop…this was Seizon he was dealing with. Chomper eventually leapt to his feet and pushed Seizon back to the ground, placing his foot on his chest to prevent him from getting up.

“You picked the wrong time to come crawling back!” Chomper snarled at him.

“Chomper, please!” Seizon pleaded, his eyes continuing to display his worry and fear, which shook Chomper up a little slightly – this bladeback seemed to be only Seizon in appearance.

Seizon held up his hands.

“Come on – hear me out!” he insisted.

“Who’s this?” Ali asked, as the rest of the group gathered around Chomper and his quarry.

“His name’s Seizon…” Saureen replied, and Chomper was surprised to hear her new grip of the flattooth language. “He was the one who…” she paused for a moment as she struggled to translate in her head. “Took Chomper from the Valley originally…and we left him because…well…we’ve had our ups and downs.”

Chomper snorted.

“Mainly downs,” he growled, continuing to glare at Seizon.

Seizon, despite not understanding the exchange that had just gone on, continued to try and plea his case.

“I know I could say sorry a thousand times and it not mean anything,” he said. “But it’s still the truth. I was wrong – I can see that now. What I’ve done was…unforgivable…”

Chomper just frowned, not entirely sure where he was going with this – Seizon had practically worshipped Xal and his ideals. This change of heart seemed very…sudden.

Saureen gently nudged Chomper off of Seizon and bent down to face him. As she did so, she saw his amber eyes soften, and a small, relieved smile of recognition and the security of something familiar form on his face. Upon seeing this, Saureen had to look away – it was the least she could do to supress her rising sense of guilt. She had shouted, screamed and hollered abuse at him when he had left…and here he was, still grinning as broadly as they day he had taught her to fish, all innocence…

“So, you’re sorry for what you did,” Saureen murmured. “OK – what about Xal?”

“Xal??” Shorty exclaimed suddenly in his native tongue, having followed the conversation in Sharptooth. He turned to his fellow leaf-eaters.

“Wasn’t Xal the one Zyro warned us about?” he asked.

“Yeah…” Littlefoot agreed, nodding. “The one he said wanted Chomper to help him take over the Valley…for his own purposes.”

“So wait…” Cera murmured, her face twisting into a snarl which she then glared at Seizon with.

“Are you saying this guy is in league with him??”

“Oh yeah…” Chomper growled maliciously. “Which is why we all left him in the first place.”

Seizon couldn’t understand what was being said here, but he got the basic impression when he realised every one of the leaf-eaters was now glaring at him with a loathing almost to Chomper’s standard. Swallowing nervously, he turned back to Saureen.

“Look…I was really deluded. About Xal. I was wrong…h-he was- is wrong…”

Saureen drew back, eyes stretched wide, but speechless as she took in what he had said. Conversely, Chomper’s eyes narrowed, and he drew even closer, without shifting his gaze from the apologetic bladeback.

“Say that again…?” the twoclaw murmured.

“Xal was wrong…” Seizon repeated, getting unsteadily to his feet, now that he saw Chomper made no move to stop him. Shorty was busy translating for the benefit of his leaf-eater friends, and they gained similar expressions of surprise, and also didn’t desire to stop him.

“I went back to the Fanged Forest,” Seizon explained, his voice full of earnest, as he flamboyantly wrung his hands to emphasize his point. “And reported back to Xal… and once I heard everything he had done, and was planning to do…I knew I couldn’t stay there anymore. He’s even allied himself with Redclaw!”

Chomper, Saureen and Shorty gave theatrical gasps following this statement, followed by the rest of them once the translation had been made.

“I may have worked loyally for him before,” Seizon continued, his voice growing more distraught by the second. “But I refuse to do so anymore…Chomper…” he turned to him, his amber eyes filled with sincerity. “I’m really sorry I took you away from the people you care for.”

That could have meant the Great Valley populace, it could even have extended to Pyron and Nycha, but Chomper could almost feel the apology radiating from him…it seemed he had truly turned over a new leaf…though it was early days, and Chomper, nodding dismissively, still felt it wise to be cautious.

Saureen on the other hand, beamed a broad smile that set her emerald eyes twinkling, and quickly stepped forward to put her arms around the one she once called brother in a warm embrace.

“It’s good to have you back Seizon…” she murmured. Seizon didn’t respond.

“We know that everybody makes mistakes,” Ducky piped up, climbing down from Spike. “And it is best if you can put them behind you, it is, it is!”

“What did she say…?” Seizon muttered to Chomper.

Chomper reluctantly translated. He was still unsure what to make of Seizon’s apparent regret. He chanced a glance at Littlefoot, who merely shrugged. Of course, he didn’t have the foreknowledge that made Chomper so unwilling to forgive Seizon as quickly as Saureen seemed to be…then again, she knew him even better.

“Seizon,” Chomper said levelly, suddenly remembering another issue at hand. “In all your wanderings from the Fanged Forest to here…have you seen Lini anywhere?”

“I may have done actually…” Seizon replied, shrugging. “Why…?”

All grudges aside, Chomper stepped quickly towards him, his face shining in earnest.

“She’s missing,” Chomper explained quickly. “She’s gone missing from the Heathland, and we need to find her before we march on the Valley. It’s vitally important. Where did you see her?”

“It was about…” Seizon turned to look at the horizon from where he had come from. “At that point where…tell you what, I think I can find it again, come on and I’ll show you.”

Against his better judgement, Chomper followed without a second thought, Saureen closely beside him. The eight leaf-eaters all exchanged looks, shrugged and followed after them.

“Is she OK?” Saureen asked tentatively.

Seizon looked down at the ground.

“Not sure,” he replied. “We’d better get there quick…”

And so they walked on in silence, feeling they had nothing to say. They had only one desire within them – to find their lost companion. But eventually, with constant walking, and nearing a shady oasis, Petrie flew close to Chomper’s ear.

“Me not want to be a party pooper…” he murmured. “Buuuuuut we seem to be going too far from Heathland!”

Chomper considered for a moment, before nodding.

“Please tell your friend we need to get there soon, or we’ll be lost!!”

Chomper nodded, and tapped Seizon on the shoulder.

“Hey, Seizon,” he said. “If it’s any further we’re going to have to go back and get help from the adults. So, is it too far? Because we need to make a decision now!”

Without hesitation, Seizon turned to him and fixed him with a steely glare. This glare caused Chomper to recoil, because those penetrating amber eyes were the ones he was used too. The eyes had lost their sympathy and apology. Now they were cold and ruthless.

“You’re right Chomper…” Seizon replied, his voice also taking on a cold, hard quality. “I think this is far enough away. Now we can get to business.”

For a moment, the other ten had no idea what he was talking about, but all became clear when Ducky let out a horrified scream. With dread flooding every inch of them, they slowly turned their heads in the direction she was quivering at.

A tall, savage-looking, jet black Sharptooth over twice the height of Littlefoot was leering down upon them, saliva dripping, eyes gleaming. They noticed a strange triangular fin near the end of its back, but weren’t thinking too much of it now. On an impulse, the ten of them turned to run in the opposite direction…only to be blocked by a second one of these finned sharpteeth, this one slate grey. Like the other, it didn’t seem to be intending to attack…yet. It was more like hemming them in.

As the gang watched in rising panic, more of these sharpteeth began to surround them, coming from nearby rocks, or under trees in the oasis. It was, to be put bluntly, an ambush, and they all quickly came to the conclusion that the mastermind of this ambush was amongst them. Chomper, dread still dominant over his emotions, turned to look Seizon dead in the cold eyes. They told him everything he needed to know.

“Piercers,” Seizon said simply, completely unperturbed by these ravenous beasts. “Members of an elite division known as the Piercer Platoon, as commanded by Xal. You may have heard of them from your beloved leader. Either way, Xal put a few under my authority, because he knew you’d be hard to reign in.”

Now the dread was gone. Even as all his friends quaked and panicked around him, and even though he should be very afraid, now all Chomper felt was anger, fury, rage…uncontrollable rage. For a few seconds, he had trusted Seizon…but he had betrayed them, stabbed them in the back. He felt no remorse. He was nothing more than a low-life traitor – that was how Xal had made him.

With a roar of all his compiling emotions, Chomper charged straight at Seizon, not caring that Seizon had essentially bodyguards with the presence of the Piercers, bodyguards who could rip him apart in a second. All he wanted was to make Seizon pay.


But in Chomper’s blind fury, his charge wasn’t overly effective. Seizon merely pushed out at Chomper’s head and shoulders, sending him careering backwards onto the ground. Unperturbed, Chomper leapt to his feet and made to go after him again, only to have a Piercer grab him and pin him wordlessly to the floor.

“You’re all far too trusting,” Seizon informed them, a small smirk creeping onto his face. “Oh, Chomper…I had high hopes for you. I thought you would have seen the light long ago…” He knelt down, and extended a foreclaw to grab Chomper buy the chin, so they were once again eye to eye. Chomper glared and let out a guttural growl, his canines bared. Seizon simply ignored this.

“But instead, you keep forcing me to take extreme measures. Now I have to drag you to the forest. And you, in your selfishness, you’ve landed your friends in it too…”

At these words, Chomper forgot his anger with a jolt of horror to the stomach. He turned his head to look behind him, to see all the leaf-eaters he had brought with him pinned under and held secure by the Piercer’s, who were indifferent to their struggles. Although they were not attempting to eat any of them, they were more than capable, and all Seizon (who they were watching closely) had to do was give a single word of command…

Chomper’s eyes shifted to Saureen, the only one amongst them who wasn’t attempting to struggle against the one who held her captive. Her eyes seemed strangely unfocused, and were staring at the ground, in abject despair, tears beginning to form in them…her mouth was beginning to also tremble.

Realising the misery and guilt she must be feeling for trusting Seizon so easily, Chomper wanted to try and comfort her, but under restraint, it was difficult to do so…besides, he was worried about the fates of all his other friends…and, he realised, why just them? He wouldn’t put it past Xal to endorse cannibalism.

“Where’s Al?” Seizon demanded, frowning for the first time since he had captured them and pacing amongst them. “I wanted to have a few words with him, that treacherous little bast-”

“He’s not here…” Shorty snapped at him in sharptooth. Seizon broke off to look at him, amazed.

“Wow!” he exclaimed, a grin returning. “So Chomper managed to teach the livestock how to speak! OK then flathead…actually that doesn’t really apply…where is Al?”

“He’s in the Heathland,” Shorty shot back. “Are you prepared to go there?”

Seizon’s smile slipped and he turned away.

“In answer to your earlier question Chomper…” he continued, sweeping past Saureen whilst determinately not looking at her. “Yes – I’ve seen Lini. We have her.”

“I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!!” Chomper roared in anguish.

Seizon ignored him.

“We realised taking one of your precious companions would have been an ideal way to get you out into the open,” he explained. “Because we still need your input. Having said that, all of your flattooth friends will probably come in useful for our Valley infiltration, so therefore, we’ll keep them alive. For now at least.”

At least that was one weight of their chests, but as the ten felt themselves wrestled to their feet by the Sharptooth thugs, they knew that they could not avoid whatever fresh horrors awaited them.

“The revolution begins here,” Seizon told them all, his eyes now alight with zeal. “Xal’s dream of a Sharptooth utopia will soon be made real. And once we get you to the Fanged Forest, you will be our key! Don’t worry – your Valley will be liberated soon enough!”

And with a small smile that ignored all the glares it attracted, Seizon turned on his heel and began to lead his prisoners and their detainers eastwards.


And there you have it!  :DD Really hope you enjoyed, and well...things are heating up! Seizon's returned, and, well...he really hasn't learnt much has he? Everyone is getting ready for war and the characters' thoughts are all over the place!  :blink:  :lol
Anyway, please give me reviews and THANKS FOR READING!  


  • *feels like Pterano*
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This chapter was long awaited and it was definitely worth waiting a little longer than usual ;)

It begins very easy-going with the Rainbowfaces. It's nice to finally learn more about the death of Ronan :)

Hmm, Zyro has probably decided correctly, but will it hurt the alliance? AND WHERE THE HECK IS LINI!? :cry

Now... that little chat between Opal and Zyro was fairly... promising? :smile Opal may know more than we are supposed to believe...
(It's slowly getting more interesting... )

Gosh Hyp! He sure knows how to run into the right guys... literally.

Pterano and Topsy... it had to end in a quarrel but then again Topsy could have teared him apart faster than Pterano could squeek... What's more important is the news the Flyer is telling the cantankerous Threehorn.

Ah, I can totally understand the Grandparent's opinion of Ulciscor...

(here comes the climax...)

The scene with Spike and Al... it's nice to see Al's thoughts :smile Spike just HAD to offer him some food.

Shorty, Shorty, Shorty...  :rolleyes  I was already awaiting that moment where some... love thingy's make the whole thing even greater :lol: It does always work... it does for you, it does for me (spoiler :o)
“Nope, nothing, as far as I can detect, it’s still…uncertain.” He tried his best to avoid Ali’s gaze as he said this. It wasn’t as if he didn’t like what he would see…her eyes were simply beautiful, shimmering pale blue like Big Water on the clearest day. But to him, to look into those eyes would be to stare directly into her soul, and see everything about her, including how she felt about him…and Shorty felt as though the stare upon him would be too judgemental…something he wouldn’t like. And it was Ali’s approval he wanted more than anything else.
You worded that paragraph excellently :yes

Chomper's being a little moody here eh? :D From crying to going banana due to finding a crawler...

Saureen is scared of insects!!!  :nyah I can so imagine any random Sharptooth bullying her for that :angel Funny scene...

Those hints... :lol Ruby's sentence is very Ruby-ish which is good.

(Here we go, ACTION!)

The whole Seizon scene... a masterpiece :wow Pretending to have changed only to betray them... a wise move... not for Seizon though, I reckon...

Love it! :exactly
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  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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O-M-G! And I'm only sorry I didn't read all this sooner :o

First of all, you should have heard my whoop of joy when I saw that Pterano had an appearance. W00t w00t!

Also,  really love how the sharpteeth and the flatteeth are getting on, it's really spirit-lifting to read how similar their plights are and how much they want to work together.

Aha! there's a mole in Ulciscor's briagde... Uriah. I'f I'm not mistaken, that's a Biblical name, and if I'm not anymore mistaken, the story involving this Uriah didn't end well... please tell em there's no reference. On second though, don't tell me, AAAAGH!:O

For some reason, I still think Topps and Tria can work this all out... and shame on thee if my feelings are misguided, lol!

But ohhhhh no, he did NOT! SEIZON!! That does it, I'm drawing him as a paper child! *rage rage rage* HOW COULD YOU?!

Great work as always^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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Lini's remorse

OK, here's a preview for the next chapter, as it's taking so long. It's not the full thing, but...hope you enjoy it anyway!

Lini drew sharp, harsh breaths, sounding notoriously loud in the silence of her confinement. She could feel the sinister re-awakened throbbing of her leg as it lay twisted beside her, and the damp earth beneath her scales. It seemed that the information they had wanted to extract from her hadn’t been anything they didn’t already know, making her brutal interrogation somewhat pointless. But it wasn’t as if she cared. No stinging bruises on her skin, no agony in her damaged limb could begin to compare to the pain that lingered within and incarcerated her heart and soul.
She had liked to forget – she had tried her hardest to forget about the Lini that once was – the one who used her possessive nature not to console or protect, but to control and dominate. But just spending an hour with Gigas was enough to remind her that that Lini definitely existed once upon a time, and no denial would ever change that.

“The sight of blood drove you wild…” Gigas’ savagely pleasured voice had echoed inside her skull. “For anyone to bleed got your juices going…you considered a perfect day to be bathing in the blood of your tortured victims, many still alive as you controlled them…”

Lini gave a dry racking sob, clenched her eyes shut and tried in vain to block out this unwelcome conscience. But now it was giving her a new message – her incompetence had led her to be captured, and, just as Xal had said, this would lure everyone else out. She was the bait for the trap, and if anything happened to her friends from hereon in, despite her best efforts, it would be her fault entirely. If so, she didn’t even know if she would be able to live with herself. She wouldn’t be able to face waking up every day, knowing the great evil she had committed. She was disgusting, and if there were no friends left that she needed to support, she would be better off dead…


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Well, I already told you what I think of that short passage but I'm going to post it here as well so that everybody knows (and for easier access; I doubt you'd find that comment in the chat in a year).

"Well, first of all, we finally get a life sign of Lini (I don't recall one, that is :smile). The passage is sort of mysterious because parts of it I don't get yet but I'm sure that they're hinting at Lini's past (she's the only one of the group whose past is still pretty much unknown). Oh, and her thoughts are fittting very well because she, without the intention to, leads her friends into a possibly deadly trap.
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Spike
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And here it finally is!!! I don't actually know how long it's been, but anyway, here is the next VV chapter!

It's a fairly long one, and to be honest, I'm not sure I'm completely happy with it. This chapter contains a lot of significant events and references (as will be the case with pretty much all chapters from now on, as we are approaching the climax) and I don't know if I've done the significance justice.  :rolleyes: Still, I shall let you decide...

Chapter Twenty-One: Prisoners

Lini drew sharp, harsh breaths, sounding notoriously loud in the silence of her confinement. She could feel the sinister re-awakened throbbing of her leg as it lay twisted beside her, and the damp earth beneath her scales. It seemed that the information they had wanted to extract from her hadn’t been anything they didn’t already know, making her brutal interrogation somewhat pointless. But it wasn’t as if she cared. No stinging bruises on her skin, no agony in her damaged limb could begin to compare to the pain that lingered within and incarcerated her heart and soul.
She had liked to forget – she had tried her hardest to forget about the Lini that once was – the one who used her possessive nature not to console or protect, but to control and dominate. But just spending an hour with Gigas was enough to remind her that that Lini definitely existed once upon a time, and no denial would ever change that.

“The sight of blood drove you wild…” Gigas’ savagely pleasured voice had echoed inside her skull. “For anyone to bleed got your juices going…you considered a perfect day to be bathing in the blood of your tortured victims, many still alive as you controlled them…”

Lini gave a dry racking sob, clenched her eyes shut and tried in vain to block out this unwelcome conscience. But now it was giving her a new message – her incompetence had led her to be captured, and, just as Xal had said, this would lure everyone else out. She was the bait for the trap, and if anything happened to her friends from hereon in, despite her best efforts, it would be her fault entirely. If so, she didn’t even know if she would be able to live with herself. She wouldn’t be able to face waking up every day, knowing the great evil she had committed. She was disgusting, and if there were no friends left that she needed to support, she would be better off dead…


Boasting? Grand team speeches? Just generally talking about Xal?
These were all things Chomper had come to associate with Seizon. Here was a Sharptooth who liked to talk a lot - that was something he made clear from the very start. He was arrogant, always spoke his mind and argued forcefully if anyone dared to suggest his opinions may be a little awry. Yes, this was a Sharptooth who loved to talk.
And now?
It was incredible to behold, but as Seizon led his prisoners guarded by their Piercer guards across the flat earth, the Bright Circle staining the sky blood red as it descended above them, he wasn’t saying a word. He wasn’t even holding his head high at this point, in the confident swagger he usually betrayed, or even the malicious determination he had revealed when imprisoning them. He simply seemed to be lost in thought.

But he wasn’t the only one, Chomper reflected bitterly. Despite this observation, he had little thought to spare for whatever Seizon may be thinking. His concern was the predicament he had managed to carelessly get himself and his nine friends into. How could he possibly have trusted Seizon, the one who had once struck him in the face for insulting his insane stepfather, a stepfather, Chomper realised with a sudden stab of dread, they were on their way to right now?

And surely, Chomper thought desperately, chancing half a glance behind him, attempting in vain to see past the Piercer that was positioned at the rear; surely Zyro or Al or Bron or someone must have noticed they were missing? Shouldn’t they be sending a search party after them? He turned to Saureen in an attempt to confide these misgivings with, or perhaps to console her – either one would do, though it would be difficult under the gaze of the Piercers…even though they hadn’t given an order for silence…

But Saureen’s expression told him everything he needed to know, and his heart sunk even lower into the depths of despair that engulfed him. Nobody would have noticed their absence as of yet – they were still too busy debating the next best course of action, and by the time they reached that verdict, the issue at hand would have increased tenfold. Chomper forced himself not to think of an angry and paranoid longneck crowd convinced that the sharpteeth were conspiring against them, perhaps some sharpteeth thinking likewise, and a whole load of infighting this once-strong alliance to save the Valley…

Almost in an attempt to distract him from his own unwelcome thoughts, Chomper chanced a glance at everyone else, marching along so stolidly. Their expressions were largely unreadable, other than nerves of course…he couldn’t tell whether they were secretly absolutely livid at him for his careless actions. He didn’t know whether he could live with himself if that were the case.
Carefully, he began to walk in step alongside Spike, and addressed a terrified-looking Ducky, who was on his back.
“You alright?”
Ducky looked directly at him, her sky-blue eyes upon his red ones, and she promptly swallowed and shook her head.
A knot tightened in Chomper’s chest. His friends clearly had no time to play the blame game now – they were too worried about their trepidation, and who could blame them? They were, after all, about to be lead into a lair dominated by their natural predators…

This thought seemed to jolt Chomper into a new nightmarish scenario that he couldn’t erase from his mind. Making a brash decision, he barged straight to the front of the marching group, blocked from going any further by the Piercer at the front, who grabbed him and held him in place. Struggling furiously, Chomper yelled openly and defiantly at Seizon’s retreating back.

Seizon stopped dead in his tracks as these defiant words echoed through the empty landsacape, and Chomper couldn’t tell what he was thinking without seeing his expression. Then he heard the young bladeback sigh.

“It’s really upsetting Chomper,” Seizon said, at Chomper could genuinely hear the note of sadness in his voice. “We could have been really good friends…it’s a pity you chose to make things more difficult for yourself…and everyone else?”

“Me???” Chomper yelled back, his temper rising, even though he knew this sort of reaction is exactly what Seizon wanted. “And what about you, allowing two members of your own pack to die? That made it easy for them did it? And you’re still just going to be sitting safely in your little comfort zone, far removed from it all, planning more death…”


Chomper stopped abruptly. It was from Seizon that the utterance came, and now the bladeback in question had wheeled round to face Chomper. Chomper was taken aback to discover that he had actually struck a nerve with this individual – Seizon’s amber eyes were aglow with anger and wild distress, his teeth gritted and his fists balled. It normally took a mention of Xal to get under Seizon’s impervious skin, and Chomper wasn’t even deliberately trying to irk him. This surprise kept Chomper in a silence as he watched Seizon eye him aggressively from between the arms of the Piercers, all of whom were simply surveying the scene with mild interest. Seizon’s eyes swept the rest of Chomper’s companions, except for Saureen, whose eye contact he seemed to be avoiding, before he took a deep breath.

“Comfort zone you say? Comfort zone?? You really have been living in your sheltered little Valley for too long rockhead. The Fanged Forest is not a cosy little paradise, it can be as dangerous as you can imagine, because it’s one of the many front lines of this war!”

“War?” Shorty suddenly exclaimed in sharptooth.

“Yes, war, bark-breath!” Seizon snapped at him, his eyes quivering for a moment on him in apparent trivial curiosity. “And I have to say Chomper, that’s quite a feat teaching them to talk…I just hope your skills can be put to better use…”

“What war?” Shorty demanded.

“The endless and bitter war we face on all sides by the likes of your grass-gorging herds!!!” Seizon snarled back. “With them charging across the landscape unkempt, the Fanged Forest can often be no safer than anywhere else…we were attacked there…” And finally, though it seemed to cause him great pain to do so, Seizon fixed his eyes upon Saureen and said loudly,
“Saureen – you tell him!”

Saureen too, who had been brooding in her own thoughts, looked up at him, startled.

“Well…yes…we were…” she murmured slightly.

“So there we are!!” Seizon snapped at Chomper, eyes immediately coming back to him.

Chomper hesitated for a short moment, wondering how quite to respond to this. Perhaps what he had said had been insensitive to Saureen (he didn’t much care about offending Seizon), but that was really beside the point…

“And as for a planning more deaths…??” Seizon had leaned in closer to Chomper now, so they were almost nose-to-nose, and suddenly, his eyes had taken on a more pained expression, and his jaw drooped a little.

“It was never my intention to let Pyron and Nycha die…” he murmured, avoiding Chomper’s gaze. “I don’t know how often I have to tell you that, and whatever you say about my priorities, you don’t think I see their faces everytime I close my eyes? Hear their voices across a silent landscape?”

His voice began to crack a little as he said this, and he moved back from Chomper. Chomper heard a sharp intake of breath from Saureen beside him, but hardly noticed it, as he was too busy staring at Seizon. Did Seizon even realise that he had just spoken Chomper’s mind? Did he know that that was exactly how Chomper felt about the untimely passing of their fastbiter companions? Suddenly, Chomper felt more connected to Seizon than he had in a long time…but this moment soon passed when he voiced new curiosities.

“If you feel so remorseful about what happened,” he said slowly. “Why are you still taking orders from Xal?”

Fury flashed in Seizon’s amber orbs once more.

“It’s got nothing to do with him, alright?” he howled, a primordial hissing growl being heard from his throat as he shouted. “It’s my own failings as a leader – there, I admitted it! But it’s all in the past now – right now, we’ve got a job to do, one that’s going to make sure NOBODY else close to me dies…”

“Seizon…” Saureen spoke at last. “What about my grandmother?”

The expression that passed across Seizon’s face at these words told Chomper everything he needed to know – this was the one subject he had wanted to avoid at all costs. Saureen, quite deliberately it seemed, just let the silence hang nastily in the air – even the Piercers began to look uncomfortable.

“Saureen…” Seizon said at last, staring down at his feet. “I don’t want to discuss that right now…you can…you can ask Xal yourself…when we see him.”

“I don’t want to hear his thoughts on it…” Saureen replied quietly, her emerald green eyes quite expressionless. “I know what he did and why he did it. I want to know what you think…”

“I’ve tried not to think about it!” Seizon replied defiantly, or as defiantly as he could manage – he still didn’t look at her, but turned his back and began to walk. “Come on, let’s go!”

“He’s having doubts,” Saureen told Chomper firmly, speaking in flattooth so that the Piercers, chivvying them along, couldn’t understand them. “I can tell – he hasn’t got a clue why someone he admires so much would kill someone who cared for him so…” her voice trailed off a little sadly and she closed her eyes. “Honestly Chomper – I don’t think he’s a bad person at all…he’s just got the wrong view of the world.”

“Well, if he’s as pure as you claim,” Chomper replied, failing to keep the impatient and irritated edge out of his voice. “Why is he still following Xal this blindly, even at the costs of others???”

“Maybe he’s scared…” Saureen looked a little worried now as she watched Seizon walking ahead of them. “Scared of what Xal will do to him if he declared his intentions to leave…”

“No, it’s not that,” Shorty chipped in.

The other nine children all being guarded by the Piercers swivelled their heads to look at him in astonishment.

“What makes you so sure?” Chomper demanded.

Shorty sighed.

“Well, it’s obvious isn’t it?” They all looked at him blankly, so Shorty continued. “If you’ve spent all living memory with no parents, the first person to come along and offer voluntarily to take up that role creates a debt you feel you can never pay back. The connection Seizon has with Xal is something that none- well…some of us can’t understand. There’s something deep within it, and Seizon, whatever his feelings on matters may be, has no greater affection than that for his stepfather, and wants nothing better than to please him, even at the sake of his own values.”

“That’s…deep, Shorty…” Ali remarked. “How did you…how did you come up with it?”

Shorty simply shook his head, indicating he didn’t want to discuss it further. Indeed he didn’t want to indulge on how he knew this simply from first-hand experience, but he saw Littlefoot give him a knowing look and a small smile, which Shorty managed to return.

With his watery blue eyes fixed on the form in front of him, Shorty began to consider. His friends were a blessing - was for certain. But he had always known there were would be divides between him and them, divides which weren’t entirely unique to him, but for reasons that his experience with upbringing was simply different to them.

Shorty had never known his parents. He was too young to remember anything about them, or even how he had lost them. Sometimes, during the night he would lie there and forcefully burn images of what they may have looked like on the inside of his eyelids. A father, with a crafty smile, perhaps ready to go on adventures with his son – explore a dark and shadowy forest, creep up to a smoking mountain, or maybe simply sit him down and give him sound advice about girls. And a mother, so gentle and loving, with a smile as warm as her body, as she bent down to nuzzle him. In the wilder fantasies, Shorty would feel her tongue, tenderly and lovingly washing him, maybe gently scolding him for getting himself dirty, but with such a scold only because of how much she cared…how much she loved him. But it was the realisation that this love was imaginary, and these wonderful figures that ran wild in Shorty’s head were not real, and now they were dead, would never be real, that made the very worst experiences of all.

It still made the boy wonder how he’d ever managed to survive his early years at all, as he had spent them completely alone – wandering from place to place, on a constant search for food, water and shelter, always just escaping the shadow of a predator, or a natural disaster. There were moments of fear, where he’d cry out for his parents, followed by moments of resentment and anger, when he would sometimes scream at them, even with no ears to hear, demanding to know why they had to die on him, why they had had to leave him, without at least leaving someone to look after him…followed by remorse and guilt for his anger at those who had maybe even died saving him…how was he to know?

Most herds were unsympathetic – mothers would anxiously shepherd their precious darlings away from Shorty if he had approached, looking at him like he was some sort of monster.

And so of course, the first person to look at him in a different way instantly became Shorty’s favourite in the whole world. He would never forget that fateful day, when he had tried to take on the responsibilities of looking after a few small hatchlings (with parents, I might add) himself, when he had looked up and first seen Bron.

“Was Seizon the same?” Shorty wondered, as he watched him. He could never tell – but he for one knew that he would always do whatever Bron wanted, because Bron had been the first to drag him out of the hell that he was living, make him feel like he had some importance. Of course, soon after that, came Littlefoot and Ali and all of the herds. But Bron had been the first, and Shorty doubted he would have had the same connection he did with the others if he hadn’t had that connection with Bron to begin with.

“He gave me a purpose,” Shorty realised. “He gave me a reason to continue living…even now, I think I might be simply living for him. But when I think back to where I was before, it’s actually chilling to consider how far gone I might have been, or how anyone could have misled me. If someone had made me feel wanted, what would I care if their ideas were a little insane? What they matter to me is what’s important.” Shorty could imagine Seizon’s amber eyes before him now, and he knew – he had seen it when Seizon had been talking. Xal had something in Seizon that could never be taken away, because of what Xal had taken away from Seizon – the same in Shorty with Bron, reflected in both their eyes – their stepfathers had taken away the feeling of inadequacy, uselessness and helplessness. And there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for them at all.

No matter what it was.

“Getting through to Seizon with a dedication like that is going to be very hard,” Shorty concluded, as he watched Seizon lead them up towards some shaded conifers, and the Bright Circle disappeared below the darkening horizon. “But for his sake, it may be up to me to make him see sense…”


“You can’t be serious…”

Zyro gazed up nervously into Bron’s thunderstruck expression and waited for the axe to fall.

“You mean to tell me…” he murmured, chewing on the words in an attempt to stem his rising panic. “That now my two sons are missing as well as almost everyone else???”

“I can assure you we are sending scouts out to find them as soon as we can,” Zyro told him, attempting to maintain the steadiness in his voice.

If he had thought that these words would calm Bron, he was gravely mistaken. On the contrary, the longneck’s face twisted into an even more livid and horror-struck expression, and he emitted a bellow of frustration and rage.

“Scouts???” he roared at Zyro. “What good are they going to do now?? You sent them out to look for the other girl, Lini, as well, and that has yielded nothing either!!!”

Bron didn’t seem prepared to play the blame game – even as he stamped and paced and grunted loudly at every spare second, most of it seemed to derive from panic and stress. It was therefore unfortunate that many of the other longnecks took these expressions of raw emotion as an incentive to get riled themselves. They of course had their own opinions about the Sharptooth community’s motives, not to mention the reason for the disappearance of eight leaf-eater children as well as three sharpteeth. But as co-operative herd members, they knew better than to allow their opinions colour their judgement for the sake of the herd as a whole – now however, Bron’s panic over this development seemed to be the permission they had been waiting for.

“You monsters had better come clean as to what you’re doing!!!” snarled one particularly outspoken longneck, stepping forward to glare at the sharpteeth facing him. None of them except for Zyro and Al, of course, could understand a word he was saying, but the body language was enough – raised tail and pawing at the ground with a face twisted with the anger that was now being sent as a ripple through the herd. More longnecks began to raise their own aggressive objections, each one spurring on the next.

“They’ve been manipulating us from the start!!!” growled another one, addressing the crowd as a whole, jabbing his tail forcefully in the direction of the sharpteeth with the same sort of malicious tendency as one would stab someone through the heart. An audible near unanimous agreement rose up from his fellows, far louder and more violent sounding than the previous. Eyes of molten fury swivelled onto the Sharptooth crowd, most of whom drew back instinctively. Al was left, hovering awkwardly between the withdrawn crowd and Zyro, looking nothing short of petrified. Behind his widened purple eyes was a furious and violent jumble of emotions, pricking into panics and insecurities he wasn’t even aware he had, and even as the herd of angry longnecks grew steadily angrier, each one about ten times his size or more, only one thought shone through his numb and horrified brain:

“This is all my fault…it’s all my fault…I shouldn’t have left them…now they’ve gone the same way as Lini…” And when her face broke into his line of thoughts, he simply couldn’t bear to think anymore. The stabbing pain that tore through him then was far from physical.

“We can’t continue to treat them as friends any longer!!!” came another scream from the longneck herd. This particular scream came from someone whose insides were also being torn to shreds my mind-numbing panic – Ali’s mother. As though blaming someone would lessen her grief, she was now glaring directly at Zyro with a look normally found only on true murderers.

At these words, another wave of pugnacious bellows rent the air, and as one, these longnecks began to march forward. The foremost one however, soon found his way blocked by his own matriarch.

“OK, that’s enough!” Old One snapped as she struggled briefly against the weight of the angry longneck. “I understand your reaction but we need to consider a proper plan of action…” she turned to look at Bron, who was staring into space with a vacantly horrified expression. He clearly was barely aware of what had just unfolded. Deciding to snap him out of this morbid trance, she called,
“Bron! Help me out here…”

“What do you think you’re doing??” hissed a voice of slightly amused incredulity just behind Al, and before he could turn to see who was speaking, he found himself seized and dragged backwards. He was deposited amongst the withdrawn Sharptooth crowd, and between two fastbiters who changed his expression from a mortified one to one of deepest dislike.

“What was that all about?” he snapped furiously.

“Haven’t you seen the size of those longnecks?” Thud asked him, sounding matter-of-fact and utterly relaxed. “With them in this mood, they could crush you to death…”

“And we wouldn’t want to get Zyro on our case if we allowed that to happen,” Screech replied, exchanging a mildly amused smirk with his brother.

“Oh, very amusing,” Al growled in a tone that suggested the complete opposite. “But in case you haven’t noticed, the crisis we have on our hands is of the priority right now, and if you can’t suggest anything worthwhile to help resolve-”

“Oh, but my poor pugnacious puffed-up pliosaur, I think we can…” Thud cut across him, still just as calmly. “If you think about it, we as sharpteeth have a natural ability for tracking and detection that the leaf-eaters lack. That’s because we tend to use it to sniff them out…”

“Yeah,” Al responded, growing irritated. “But so do the scouts Zyro sent out, and they haven’t been able to track down Lini or the others…” The words caught in his throat as soon as Lini sprung to mind again.

“That’s true,” Screech agreed, not reacting to Al’s sudden shift in mood. “But pinpointing individual scents can be difficult when you don’t know the specific individuals particularly well. If they are, or were once close to you, you should be able to determine the individuals both being taken, and doing the taking.”

Al looked up at this.

“Are you saying…?” he said slowly. “That you think you know who’s behind this…and you haven’t told-?”

“We have been speculating,” Thud cut across him once again. “But we chose not to say anything to Zyro, as not only does he not have enough trouble at the moment, but we don’t want just a hunch blown out of proportion.”


“So, use your brains son! You’ve been Zyro’s spy from the beginning, and have been up close and personal with those liable to try and make use of prisoners of war. Bottom line, it was their mistake to trust you so much, as you can continue to use your familiarity for our advantage to find out where the missing ones are…”

Twigging onto what was being said, Al gave a small nod.

“Alright…but you’d better be on the level here…”

With that said, the three sharpteeth slowly slipped away.


Even with the carnage and violent chidings from the longnecks beginning to simmer down, the effects of everything that had come before to cause it was still being felt. Opal stood some way apart from the rest of the crowd, watching the confrontations intensely, nothing but blind panic and confusion rushing through her head.

She should help. She must help. But what was she to do? There was nothing she could do to stop angry crowds, not since…

She shut her eyes and groaned at something that may have been a vague and misty memory attempting to penetrate her skull. It was like having a persistent headache. The noise of the heckling spread by paranoia and fear…something that lay primordially permanent and sometimes dormant in everyone and something nobody could control…and she herself, powerless even in her grief to prevent dangerous ideas spreading and far more dangerous events taking place…

Dangerous ideas…always so popular in a time of panic…and that was it. That was what had led to this.

Barely consciously aware of it, Opal found tears beginning a silent yet sustained flow down her face and dripping to the ground with morose impact. This shock of coming to terms with her past however now made her choke on her sobs as the tears continued. She didn’t want to remember, it hurt too much…and yet she was unable to stop – every frame of that time she had spent before her amnesia, each single memory of it was a cruel reminder of everything she had done so badly wrong, every tragic mistake she had made…how much she would rather stay forgetting…or even, she resigned miserably, much rather she was dead…

Even as this thought crossed her mind she found a small, gentle hand press against her side.

“Try not to let it weigh you down too much. Just cry it out for a minute…sometimes that’s all anyone needs.”

Opal recognised the voice immediately. Beyond all rational explanation, Hoshia the rainbowface was standing by her side, speaking to her in a soothing and gentle way, like any close family member would, her words determined to cause only comfort.

Tetsugaku and Keibetsu were standing some distance away, keeping a respectful silence as they watched Hoshia continue her soothing conversation with Opal. They had all agreed to allow her to deal with this alone, although Tetsugaku was frowning in concentration as he strained to hear what was being said.

“Have you been following me all this time?” Opal eventually asked, closing her eyes in attempt to stem the flow of both tears and memories.

“Well,” Hoshia replied, a small smile creeping onto her lips. “That would be telling wouldn’t it?”

Opal couldn’t even bring herself to roll her eyes. Instead, she fixed them up at the twilit sky and muttered,
“At least now I understand why you didn’t tell me before…”

Choosing to ignore this, Hoshia then asked,

“How much has come back to you?”

“Everything,” Opal whispered in a traumatized tone. “The role I was expected to perform…Omendric and how he sacrificed himself for everything he believed in…Ulciscor…” she choked back a sob. “And how I didn’t have the spine to stick around and challenge him…! I just fled the place, dragging Ronan with me…suppose it makes sense that Ulciscor sent his henchmen after us…they…they killed Ronan and our unhatched child, and I, cowardly scum that I was, should have died with them!!!” Tears once more leaked out like burst drains.

Hoshia patted her on the side again.

“Now, that isn’t true,” she assured. “You dying along with Ronan would have done nobody any good. Now that you remember everything that happened, you can help overturn Ulciscor like I’m sure you wanted to do so long ago…”

Opal nodded vigorously, tears still falling.

“I did…I did…but I hadn’t the guts…”

“Oh, but you do,” Hoshia contradicted her, so forcefully that Opal turned to stare. “Yes – your determination to be on the front line in your amnesic state is proof of that. Before you just didn’t realise you had it in you. Perhaps you expected your kin to deal with all of the problems for you.”

Opal gazed down at the ground, considering…

“If you feel the need to redeem yourself, then you can secure a victory over Ulciscor,” Hoshia continued, gazing with a near-motherly pride at the spiketail.

“But how?” Opal demanded desperately. “The kids are missing, and-”

“They will find them,” Hoshia promised. “And once they do, you are the one they will be looking to. You know I’m not allowed to reveal too much…but…well, as a native Valleian who has been within the core of its governing body, a certain someone is duty-bound to accept requests from you to help…”

The one to whom Hoshia was referring sprung to Opal’s mind immediately.

“OK…but I don’t know where he is…”

“No, you’ll have to stay here,” Hoshia advised. “A messenger will do it. A Sharptooth flyer may cause a communication problem, so…” she cleared her throat a little awkwardly before glancing back at her two rainbowface companions. “We – that is to say, me, Tetsugaku and our acquaintance – will be willing to carry the message for you.”

“But how will you find him?” Opal demanded. But even as she said it, she thought she knew the answer.

“That would be telling,” Hoshia replied, smiling as Opal said it in unison with her.

“Yeah, alright…” Opal murmured. “Well…thank you…”

“But this is imperative,” Hoshia continued. “We cannot tell him anything of our own accord – the message has to come direct from Valleian authority. So, tell me exactly what you want me to say.”

“Well…” Opal drew a breath. “Basically that he must come to our aid. The Valley has been subjugated by a tyrant and we together must overthrow him. Let him also know about our alliance with the sharpteeth so that no confusion arises…”

“No problem at all…” Hoshia smiled once more. “Now – I have no doubt he will be with you accordingly. But there was one flaw in your memory.”

“Yeah?” Opal glanced around at her, surprised.

“Your unhatched child did not die alongside Ronan,” Hoshia said quickly. OK, technically, she wasn’t meant to tell her this, but the temptation was irresistible.


“You will find them once the rescue takes place, I promise!” Hoshia assured, and with that, turned and walked away, leaving Opal staring after her, lost in her own thoughts…

Zyro felt his body physically sag by the relief he felt that the short moment of rowdy dissent was over. Old One, and, despite his distress, Bron had managed to calm the hoard down, even Ali’s mother, although her breath was still coming in shallow rasps. As he tried to figure out another course of action, he heard someone speak his name.


It was Al, and the larger Sharptooth turned to look at the youngster expectantly. He was looking slightly apprehensive, a complete contrast to Screech and Thud, who stood behind him, looking rather smug.

“Go on, Al,” Thud encouraged. “Tell him what you know.”

What Al said after that was the best news Zyro had been hoping for. Grinning so broadly at the three sharpteeth Al was sure he’d strained his jaw muscles, Zyro turned back to the longnecks and called,

“OK! Listen up everyone, we have some important information!”

To his surprise and relief, all of the longnecks listened obediently, though some did so with a visible bad grace. Prompting Al to translate for the sharpteeth as best he could, Zyro continued.

“I have just been informed that a persistent and sustained scent around the area which the children disappeared is that of Seizon – Xal’s stepson. It seems almost inevitable that they were brought to the Fanged Forest, Xal’s own centre of operations. Screech and Thud here still roughly know the way to the forest, and…yes?”

Old One had raised her tail. Zyro prompted her to speak.

“Yes…if they were aware of the location, why did you not simply storm his operations earlier?” she asked.

“Well, like an uncalculated assault on the Valley, it would have been too risky,” Zyro replied. “Honestly, I think this whole thing may be a little too easy…” he looked slightly uncomfortable. “But obviously we don’t have much choice. Now, to avoid detection and to make this whole operation easier, I don’t think we need too much of a large force.”

“I concur,” Old One agreed. “Some of us should stay behind to maintain our ground, and then regroup when the rescue team return with the children…presumably at that point we should march on the Valley?”

“Yes,” Zyro agreed. “At that point we should have disabled Xal’s forces enough to ensure they won’t be a problem when we try to overthrow Ulciscor. After we return, we shall briefly prepare, and begin…”

There were mutters amongst the crowd, the mixture of nerves and excitement that would follow any announcement like this.

“I shall remain here,” Old One declared. “And begin to organise factions.”

“Certainly,” Zyro nodded. “And with you holding the fort, there is no reason for me to remain here myself. I volunteer to lead this rescue operation.”

“Are you sure that’s a wise decision?” barked a disgruntled longneck. There were mutters of agreement.

“Of course,” Old One replied, her glittering eyes fixed upon Zyro. “I cannot allow you to conduct this mission with sharpteeth only.”

“Of course not,” Zyro responded agreeably.

Old One turned to Bron.

“I presume you will want to be part of this mission?” she queried. Bron nodded furiously.

“As I’m sure will you, Fumei?” Old One then queried to Ali’s mother, glancing her head back. Fumei also nodded, her shock still leaving her largely silent.

Nodding, Zyro turned to the sharpteeth.

“Screech and Thud, obviously I’ll want you two with me to show me where to go,” he told them. “Remember this is your chance to redeem yourselves.” The two fastbiters nodded, and then Al spoke.

“Zyro – I’d like to come as well.” Zyro frowned.

“I’m not sure that’s wise, honestly,” he told Al. “You’ve already been put on the front-line of danger often enough, it’ll be safer if you-”

“Please,” Al pleaded. “I can be useful. I understand Seizon’s mannerisms and things…and I feel somehow responsible too…” Lini flashed through his mind once more. Could it be possible that they had taken her because he had revealed too much? “I need to see them!”

Zyro looked carefully into the desperate purple orbs for a while before relenting.

“OK…” he murmured slowly. “But if we get into a fight, stay in the background, alright? Don’t try and take Xal head on or anything…”

Al nodded to show he understood. Still glancing back at him every few moments suspiciously, Zyro then turned to Ross, Rhea and Ferox.

“Considering your children are the ones who have been taken, I’m sure you’ll want to accompany us?” They nodded, all staring into space with a fierce determination. Ross’ jaw was set – Rhea had an expression similar to Fumei’s, but still just as furiously determined…

“Ferox,” Zyro commented. “Umm…considering your history with Xal, it might be dangerous for you to show your face around the Fanged Forest again…”

“Xal doesn’t hang about,” Ferox told him shortly. “It’s dangerous for anyone to show up at the forest with intentions of challenging him. For me it’s no different. Besides…” he drew in a deep breath. “My daughter is at risk…what else can be done?”

Not arguing any further, Zyro nodded and turned back to Old One.

“OK, I think we’ve got our rescue team, so…”


All heads turned underneath the now starry sky, as Opal came striding forward, looking nervous but determined all the same.

“I would like to be part of this rescue team also,” she said.

Zyro shrugged.

“Certainly,” he said. “Umm…any particular reason?”

“Well…” Opal bit her lip. “I do actually have some important information that I wasn’t able to give before due to my amnesia.” She swallowed. “It concerns Ulciscor…”

The information she revealed at that point positively blew the minds of everyone listening.

The shimmering silver light of the Great Night Circle cast a beam down to the opening of the infamous Fanged Forest. The Piercers that surrounded the young captives paused and stood, watching the dark trees. Seizon stood in front of them, practically within the mouth of the forest already. He too was silent, keeping a wary eye upon the treetops, and how the leaves rustled as the wind gently caressed them. It seemed such a fitting breeze. All of the young dinosaurs taken captive chose to remain silent also…it only seemed right. And yet it didn’t stop them shivering in the wind with the intense fear that dominating their beings. Petrie and Ducky clung to Spike’s shivering scales, desperate to for warmth or comfort of any kind. Behind them, the other leaf-eaters in the group huddled closer together, sharing far more than body-heat as they stood, clinging to the comfort that stemmed from the feeling of not being alone…

Chomper and Saureen did not join in this mass huddle – for a reason they couldn’t voice, it just seemed unfitting for them to do so. However, they still stood close to one another, shoulder to shoulder, just grateful for having someone else by their side, and even though Chomper was still carefully scrutinizing Seizon’s every movement, he internally expressed a great wave of gratitude that he found Saureen’s small and warm hand in his own.

It wasn’t much longer after this that Chomper noticed Seizon’s nostrils flare, condensed air rising up in a wispy cloud into the night sky. At around the same time, he felt Saureen’s hand tighten and tense around his own. Both of them had detected something.

Or someone. And Chomper knew perfectly well who they both knew. Only one individual would generate such intense and yet polarized emotion in both of them – in Saureen’s case fear, in Seizon excitement. Chomper swallowed hard as a shiver of foreboding ran the length of his spine. Hoping to avoid too much panic when the moment finally came, he turned around and whispered furiously to his leaf-eater friends.

“He’s coming!”



But Chomper broke off when he heard the branches above him creak as they were brushed aside and a colossal form emerged from the Fanged Forest. Maybe Chomper had gotten used to the presence of Seizon, a bladeback his own size, but this one seemed even more unnaturally large than any he had ever seen. The crystalline and scaly blue skin that covered his body was a darker shade than Seizon’s cyan, but the glittering contempt and malice that penetrated so fiercely in his amber eyes spookily resembled Seizon’s own mannerisms, made even more impressive when you considered that they were unrelated. A tall, menacing skin sail of a deep, blood-red rose along his back all the way to his titanic, muscular tail, which swayed slightly behind him. So this was Xal. After weeks of hearing him spoken about, he had finally laid eyes upon him. And to be fair to Seizon, Chomper noted, he could easily imagine this individual commanding respect.

The Piercer’s standing in front of the group of prisoners stood respectfully aside to give Xal a clear view, whilst Seizon edged closer to Xal’s side, his eyes shining in admiration and pride. For a few seconds, Xal surveyed his captives, his eyes lingering on Chomper longer than any of the others. However, then his face broke into a smile, one that lit up his eyes as well, so they were shining just like his stepson’s. It wasn’t a friendly smile, but neither was it one filled completely with malice. It was more a smile to oneself, and narrow display of sharp white teeth, an expression of cunning, craftiness and plotting. Chomper felt himself give an involuntary shudder, and gripped onto Saureen’s hand harder. He could feel the others draw around him too – he could feel their skin trembling against his. They were clearly more frightened of Xal than he was, but the thought that they were still drawing near him for a sense of community spirit and close comfort, rather than pushing him out to face this dangerous individual was a very reassuring one, and shone a small light of hope into Chomper’s darkened thoughts.

Xal now turned his attention to Seizon.

“Excellent work Seizon. I knew you had it in you. This will prove Gigas wrong, I’m sure…”

“Thank you…!” Seizon spoke in a way Chomper had never heard him do so before. It was revere and adoration of a sensational capacity. Chomper didn’t think he had ever seen such idolatry, and the thought made him frown slightly. Xal was a dangerous enemy, and if the worst came to the worst, he would have to been killed – what would that do to Seizon? Chomper didn’t know if he could bear to see that…
“So…” Xal now fixed his eyes upon Chomper, snapping him out of his thoughts at once. “This is ëThe Ambassador…’ the extraordinary Sharptooth who has made seamless friendships with flatteeth due to being hatched by some.” His eyes briefly flickered over to the leaf-eaters standing alongside him.

“Let them go…” Right, what was he saying now? Chomper had just found his voice, slightly higher and more pathetic than he was used to, being openly defiant to this titanic Sharptooth. What was he thinking??

But Xal simply chuckled.

“I could, I suppose,” he said. “However, I’m sure they will come in extremely useful in getting you to do what we want.”

“How do you work that out?” Saureen demanded. Her voice was far stronger than Chomper’s had been, but then again, Chomper reminded himself, she did know Xal fairly well.

“It’s simple,” Xal replied, now fixing her with a menacing stare. “I know he would never do anything to put his friends at risk. With them at my complete mercy, he will find he has no choice but to co-operate.”

Chomper gulped and he felt his own knees weaken. Xal was absolutely right of course – he could not let Littlefoot and the others be harmed over this…he would have to help Xal all the way, or else…

“Well, Saureen,” Xal now spoke, cutting across Chomper’s thoughts once more. “How is your father?”

A flash of anger mixed with tears suddenly blossomed in Saureen’s jade eyes, he bared her fangs but still did not move forward, squeezing Chomper’s hand so hard it felt like she cut off the blood supply.

“Oh, he’s great!” she snapped, ignoring how her rational mind was trying to beat down this reckless courage. “He’s still alive, at least, not like my grandmother and now Lini…!”

“Lini is perfectly fine.” It was not Xal who spoke this time, but Seizon. He was looking at Saureen with an expression of genuine concern, but this didn’t stop Saureen in her tracks.

“You can shut up and all!” she snarled at him, receiving a very hurt look in return, which she ignored. “Can’t you see Seizon??? He’s got you wrapped around his little finger, doing everything for him, just because he knows you can and will! He’s not got anything for you, he’s just using you as a stooge and-”

“You’re wrong!!” Seizon snarled back, his own anger coming into fruition now. “Xal has something for every sharptooth, if you’d only understand-”


At Xal’s command, Seizon fell instantly silent. Xal had been watching this argument with minimal expression, and now said simply to Saureen,

“How extraordinarily like your grandmother you seem to be Saureen…it was for this very defiance that she had to be removed…”

An expression of deepest loathing now possessed Saureen’s face as tears continued to cascade freely down it. But she didn’t give another retort. Dropping Chomper’s hand, she turned at the first attempt of comfort – Ruby was beginning to put her arm around her. Responding at once, she wrapped her arms around the fast-runner in a fierce embrace. Xal, meanwhile, was gazing back into the forest, looking around at…something.

“But…she’s going to live…right?” Seizon was now asking, looking from Saureen and back to Xal, all anger seemingly forgotten. “I mean…she doesn’t really know what she’s saying…”

“Yes,” Xal agreed absent-mindedly. “I see no reason why she shouldn’t be spared…but hold up, I think we have company.”

He was right – at that moment, two more enormous shapes emerged from the forest, depositing themselves either side of Xal. Seizon, looking disgruntled, moved out of the way. The captives’ eyes widened when they noticed the two henchmen presenting themselves. One was Redclaw, and despite having been forewarned that he was now working with Xal, it didn’t stop Chomper feeling a stab of horror when he saw this monster. The other was a green plated slashclaw Sharptooth, who Chomper felt he vaguely recognised…

“Hold on!” he yelled. “I know you…you’re the one who attacked me and my parents on the island!”

The slashclaw grinned.

“Gigas…” he hissed. “How pleasant to see you again…though I would have thought you would have known I was here? The traitor Ferox surely told everyone?”

That was true, Chomper suddenly realised. Why had nobody told him about this? But he dismissed these thoughts and turned to his leaf-eater companions, seeing if they showed any sign of recognition. They seemed to, but now Ali was nudging Littlefoot and Cera, and gesturing frantically to a large green bellydragger slowly ambling towards them, with a white sharpbeak on its head. Apparently, there was some more recognition going on there.

“Hm, apparentley not…” Gigas appeared to answer his own question. “Either way, I knew we had to move fast…it’s why I took back that brat Lini…”

Chomper’s head snapped around.

“You know her??”

“Oh yes, we go way back,” Gigas replied, his smile now becoming even more demonic. “And how she did wrong us…it felt good to make her pay, even if I had to stop short of ending her life.”

Chomper just stared at him for a few seconds in open-mouthed revulsion and horror, before shifting his gaze to Redclaw, who was grinning in a similar fashion, then shifting it to Xal, who looked completely indifferent, until finally letting his gaze fall onto Seizon.

“How can you stand here Seizon???” Chomper demanded of him. “Standing amongst these murderers and savages? How can you stand amongst Lini’s kidnapper, who’s attacked me before? How can you stand with the one who’s brought so much misery to the Sharptooth and flattooth families of this area so many times?? And please tell me how you can stand with the one who has allied himself with these individuals????”

Seizon sighed and gazed at him.

“Xal will control and reform these two,” he told him. “And when that happens, we will all be at peace…”

“DO YOU EVEN BELIEVE THAT???” Chomper roared, positively beside himself. “OR ARE YOU JUST REPEATING WHAT HE’S SAYING????”

Xal coldly fixed his gaze on his two right-hand men.

“I’m growing tired of this insolence,” he told them. “We need to shut Chomper up. Take out two of the leaf-eaters, ONLY one each, mind, and then we’ll see what he has to say.”

With a great sense of delight, Gigas and Redclaw began to approach them. Chomper’s expression changed at once.

“No!!” he cried in panic. “No, please…I’ll…I’ll…”

His voice had no profound effect whatsoever on the two sharpteeth, but one did, which suddenly called out completely unexpectedly.

“So Xal…how much do you yourself care for Seizon???”

Gigas and Redclaw froze in their tracks and gazed, along with everyone else at Shorty, who had just exclaimed the utterance in Sharptooth. Even Xal, who seemed relatively stoic, was now also staring in shock. His jaw twitched slightly.

“I do care…for him…” he murmured, not sounding particularly sincere.

“Right…” Shorty nodded, his heart pounding furiously fast. OK, it had been reckless, but he had to think of something fast.

“Extraordinary…” Xal murmured. “These leaf-eaters may prove more useful than I first anticipated…OK, change of plan. Spare the flatteeth – Ichy and Dil, take them to the holding caves and guard them well until we can decide what should be done.”

Gigas and Redclaw, looking thoroughly disappointed, nevertheless withdrew, as Dil lumbered forward.

“Chomper and Saureen,” Xal then said, fixing his glittering eyes upon the two young sharpteeth. “You can go with Seizon to join Lini…with several Piercer guards of course…”

It could have been a lot worse. Chomper felt like praising Shorty for managing to save them like that, but even as the others were led away and some Piercers moved in on him and Saureen, he still panicked – they were trapped as prisoners of war, and whilst Xal debated on what to do with them, with Seizon playing as his loyal pawn, what could they do?

“She’ll be glad to see you, y’know…” Seizon muttered as he led the way deeper into the forest. Chomper merely gave him a disgusted look and glanced back at Xal, who was staring up into the night sky, no doubt lost in thought once more.


Well, there it is! Yes, everything's been happening - Opal's memory returning, her sending an important message to an elusive individual (though no doubt you've probably guessed who) and is Xal! And Shorty is drawing parallels between himself and Seizon, and well...Lini...! Yeah, anyway, please tell me what you think, I can't confirm when the next chapter will come, but hopefully there won't be as long a wait this time.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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The chapter already starts really nice with Lini. She appears to be hurt but otherwise alright.
Chomper is finally having an important talk with Seizon and I must say that Seizon's reasoning is very credible and understandable. Chomper is obviously worried about his friends and especially about Saureen. I believe he likes her :smile
Anyway, the most interesting part of the first scene is undoubtedly Shorty's part. He seems to have a connection to Seizon that might prove useful :)

Uh oh... The alliance is endanered! :o If it breaks, all will be lost! I wonder what will happen next...

So Al *might* be able to find the missing ones? I'm excited to see where this leads to too. :yes

Opal regains her memory! This is an important development! The bit sounded a little mysterious. What the the rainbowfaces up to? :idea

Hmm, a rescue team? Sounds like there will be some action soon :DD Oh, and Ali's Mum got a name just like in my Shorty fic :smile

Xal... Well, the last scene is really great. There is a lot of anticipation in the air :yes For a moment I considered who would die most likely but then Shorty "saved" them. Oh, and Chomper and Saureen are cute together :wub:

I once again have to tell you that I really like your writing style. You are fairly descriptive but not overdoing it and you're using an advanced choice of words, many of whom I maybe should try to add to my vocabulary :smile
Great chapter! Worth the long wait! :exactly

Seizon stopped dead in his tracks as these defiant words echoed through the empty landsacape, and Chomper couldn’t tell what he was thinking without seeing his expression
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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  • Ducky
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Whenever villains and their villainous plots are announced and stick around for a whole scene, I start shaking with anger, with anxiety, you name it. It takes real writing skills to draw that kind of emotion from your readers ;)

I don't really know how to explain it, but Seizon seems... beaten down. It may just be me. And whoa, there!! Go Shorty! That's showin' 'em! Impressive too, speaking in Sharptooth ;)

Aha! Rescue and Strategizing! Things are getting done fast :DD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Spike
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  • Spike
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Ah, here it is finally!  :rolleyes: In actual fact, I decided to make this a chapter when it was originally part of another chapter, but it would take too long, so I decided to shorten the wait and make two chapters out of one. For this reason, this is shorter than the previous ones, but at least you get to find out about Lini's past...

Chapter Twenty-Two: Lini’s Lament

The image was a parody.

More than a parody, it was a blatant and barefaced mockery. For the first time in near months, Saureen was finally feeling a sense of familiarity with the steps she took into the undergrowth of the Fanged Forest, the path lit by the silver of the Night Circle. It was a path she had taken many times before – the steps came naturally. But this time, it was not one of those pleasant days basking in warmth where she would be free to run around, or play with Seizon, or spend time with her family. Times where there were no Piercers at every step, or any massive sharpteeth with backgrounds in bloodlust and savagery were long gone, it seemed. The steps she now took were just a ghost of the days that once were. On the plus side, at least there were no butterflies…

Only one other shared this sense of ghostly familiarity, although it was difficult to tell – Seizon, for such a colourful individual, had the most awkward habit of being hard to read sometimes. As when he was leading them to the forest, he was remaining silent, simply leading the way, the Piercers’ footsteps coinciding with his. Saureen’s frown became slightly more contemplating as she examined the sea-green sail of her old friend. That exchange between them and Xal…what had it meant for him?

Chomper’s thoughts were preoccupied by other things – as far as he was concerned, Seizon was too far gone, and therefore only contemplating on how he could serve his stepfather further. No – Chomper’s thoughts concerned Lini.
On the hand, the anticipation to see her again and the relief that she was still alive provided welcome respite from the harsh reality of the situation. Even as a prisoner, it would have been a lot worse if he hadn’t been fellow prisoners with people he truly cared for. This in mind, he felt a longing for Littlefoot and the others to still be with them.
But on the other hand, what Gigas had said about knowing Lini of old was harrowing – still hanging over his head like a migraine. What history did they share? Now he came to think of it, Lini was the only member of the pack whose past he knew absolutely nothing about. Why had she so determinately hid it? What was she ashamed of?

Swallowing nervously, Chomper made to ask Saureen what she knew of Lini’s past, but before he could, Seizon spoke up.

“Well, Chomper – first impressions on Xal?”

Chomper and Saureen’s thoughts were cut short as they shifted their eyes to Seizon, who had stopped right in front of them, gazing back at them, the same slightly saddened look in his amber eyes. But Chomper’s sympathy was gone. He glowered at Seizon, and found his teeth involuntarily baring, his upper canines getting exposed.

“What do you think?” he snarled. “Don’t keep on asking in some delusion that you’ll get a different answer, because it’ll always be the same. Xal is a dangerous lunatic, and so is everyone who supports him!!”

At this, the two Piercers began to bare their teeth also, but they hung back from any physical retaliation after a signal from Seizon.

Saureen, her mind ticking, watched this exchange take place. She had learned by now that trying to intervene in confrontations between Seizon and Chomper were pointless. However, the signals she was getting from Seizon were no longer threatening. It was obvious he did not want to attack Chomper anymore…so…?

Seizon grunted, turned away, and continued to walk, muttering to himself,

“Always determined to see the one point of view…”

Saureen frowned slightly. What did he mean by that? Obviously, his opinion on Xal was different to theirs, but he spoke almost as though he considered there to be many legitimate points of view…

But Saureen’s thoughts were soon forgotten when Seizon led them into a clearing and she caught sight of Lini.

Although it had only been a matter of around twenty-four hours since they had last set eyes on Lini, the amount of change that had occurred during that time was visibly immense. Even though the ruby-redness of Lini’s scales was still clear, they were covered in mud and earth from the forest floor, something that made her look quite diminished. Her bright blue eyes no longer sparkled with the happy-go-lucky compassion that was synonymous with her, and the bags that were under them now might have belonged to Old One. Her leg that had been injured by the rocks back when the pack had abandoned Seizon looked painfully contorted, and she had a forepaw on it as though in an attempt to ease the pain. Most prominently of all, she was imprisoned.

It seemed like a strange way to imprison her, as Chomper felt it would have been far too easy to break out. But she was done so underneath a huge felled tree, at a forty-five degree angle and with its tangled roots exposed and creating a complex knotted cage which housed Lini. Despite looking more miserable than Chomper had even seen her, or indeed, probably anyone, her eyes lit up faintly with what may have been hope or simply recognition when she caught sight of Chomper and Saureen.

“Lini!!” they both chorused, running up as quickly as they could to the knotted root network. For them it didn’t matter that the space beneath the roots was big enough to house them both also, or that rushing up here was simply an invitation to be imprisoned. Right now, all the two of them wanted to do was to get to her, just to prove that she truly was still alive.

It took both of the Piercers and a third that had apparently been guarding Lini up until this point a lot of strain to lift the tree roots enough for them to shove Chomper and Saureen underneath. Saureen vaguely noted that it would be too heavy for her, Chomper and Lini to lift, but at the moment this didn’t matter, for as soon as she and Chomper were under the roots, they flung themselves at Lini, clinging to her in crushing embraces that made all three pairs of eyes well up.

“We can hold them here now,” one of the Piercers muttered to the third guard. The guard nodded and strode off into the undergrowth, leaving the other two and Seizon to guard the three young sharpteeth. Seizon gazed into the cage and smiled slightly, but didn’t say a word as Saureen continued to breathlessly talk.

“Lini…! Oh thank God…you had us so worried…”

Lini swallowed and spoke for the first time.

“Where’s…Al? And the others…?” Her voice was cracked and mournful, something that allowed a chill to sweep through Chomper’s being.

Seizon scoffed.

“Al is a filthy traitor. You’re all better off without h-”

“Shut up!!” Chomper snapped, thumping the root cage. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t weaken the incarceration. Seizon did, however, fall silent.

Saureen, determinately ignoring the exchange, spoke softly to Lini.

“Everyone’s fine, although everyone except Al is here with us.”

Seizon muttered something under his breath, though nobody noticed.

Lini nodded, before staring down at the ground. Before the other two could even register what she was thinking, large, wet tears began to leak from her eyes and drip dismally onto the ground. Chomper went numb with shock – he had never seen Lini like this before, she always had such a cheerful disposition…what the hell had happened in their day apart?? Saureen however, had seen this before. Swallowing hard, she cast her mind back to White Mountain, when Lini had saved her from the fastbiter tetrarchy member Mei. A fit of unfathomable and uncontrollable rage had overtaken her and she had finished by snapping Mei’s neck. And after that she had simply broken down.

“Nobody who needs others’ pain to make themselves happy…should be kept alive…you should understand…”

That was what she had said, Saureen noted. At first, she had believed Lini was simply talking about the matter in general – but no, the entire issue had been a lot more personal, that much was clear now.

Saureen glanced at Chomper, who stared back at her with a look of mingled alarm and helplessness. Saureen gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile before bending over to place a small hand on Lini’s shoulder.

“Lini? What’s up?”

Slowly, Lini raised her tear-stained eyes to look at them both.

“You should spit in my face.”

Chomper frowned.


“I mean it…” Lini was looking at them in earnest. “Both of you should spit at me. It’s what I deserve.”

“Don’t talk like th-”

“But why stop at spitting?” Lini’s breaths were coming sharp and shallow now. “You might as well attack me, pin me to the ground and tear my throat out.” She drew a shuddering gasp.

“After all…” she muttered. “A few years back, that’s what I would have done to you…all of you…”

Chomper once again stared at Saureen, his alarm even more pronounced, before shifting his eyes back to Lini, once again in silent floods of tears. Saureen too had her jade eyes stretched wide in mingled shock and fear, and for once she was at a loss for words.

Seizon had hung onto every word of this conversation from his dutiful guard position. Although he had his back to the three conversing sharpteeth, his mind was ticking and reeling from everything Lini had said. Although Gigas had made it clear he knew Lini from somewhere, he had never been any clearer than that, an irritating knack which had given Seizon a persistent thirst for further knowledge.

“Whatever the deal is, it’s caused her a lot of pain.” Seizon thought to himself. “And something that unsettles Lini is a frightening concept to grasp. Though if that creep Gigas is involved, I can hardly blame her…”

And so, he strained his ears, silently begging Chomper or Saureen to prompt Lini into telling the story.

But they didn’t have to.

Eventually, Lini managed to regain some of her composure, and she wiped her eyes and gazed up at the two tyrannosaurs.

“I’m going to tell you everything…” she said, and although her voice shook, her message was as clear as day. “I owe you that at the very least. I only hope you will not hate me after I have told you, though I can’t say I would blame you if you did.”

Chomper and Saureen both nodded, eyes still fixed upon her. Lini took a deep shuddering breath before beginning.

“I guess I should probably start with a bit of background. You two might be too young to remember it, so I’ll have to explain…either of you ever heard of the Sharptooth Civil War?”

Seizon, from his position outside the makeshift cell, felt his pulse rise and his amber irises widen in recognition. Almost immediately, his thoughts took him back to something Xal had once told him, in regard to the revolution…

“Eykion was the victor,” Xal said bluntly, as his stepson gazed up at him in awe. “You weren’t around back then, but the Sharptooth Civil War was brutal – with all the rival gangs and packs, you never knew where you stood…but Eykion had the greatest cause, and everyone rallied around him. Even Blackclaw, his greatest rival, backed down once he saw what a following Eykion had managed to gather…”

“And that’s why you’re continuing his work??” Seizon chirped. “Right??”

“Exactly…” Xal replied, his eyes growing misty. “Eykion’s ideals were different. He didn’t just want to assert his authority; he wanted to change the world. To end the war, and all wars to come…”

So, Lini was old enough to remember that war? This reality intrigued Seizon, and he continued to listen.

“I think I’ve heard of it…” Saureen murmured uncertainly. “It was this big war that went on during the rise of the drought and just before the Great Earthshake, yeah? Or was it after…?”

“Before,” Lini replied quietly. “Although I know some belligerents still continued to target their enemies after the war essentially came to an end…”

“My parents mentioned a war…” Chomper murmured, frowning slightly in concentration as he tried to remember exactly what they had said. It had been quite a while back, when they were living on the island. “They told me stories from their childhood, and occasionally referred to a war…”

“They may have been refugees,” Lini replied delicately, her breathing now coming in shorter rasps. “The point…the point is…there were refugees, and then there were actual fighters…”

“What was this war all about though?” Chomper asked.

“Sharpteeth,” Lini said simply. “Look at us – without any Great Valley to sustain us, we’re left to scrape out a living as best as we can. Some sharpteeth became powerful, of course, with huge numbers at their command…when resources were plentiful, they never really needed to go into open conflict…but then of course…”

Lini sighed dismally, and rubbed her eye with her hand.

“The drought came. The land changed, and soon all sharpteeth became very worried for their lives. Paranoia spread, and competition for food and hunting territory became even fiercer. Thus begun the war…this was before Shark and Zyro’s Great Sharptooth Community as well, so most refugees, those without massive armies to back them, were at a loss at what to do, and had to travel alone, and scared…”

“How long did this go on for?” Chomper asked, his mind reeling in the information, images flashing before his eyes of small sharpteeth running for cover as massive ones lined up troops on a battlefield…

“Only a couple of years, from what I’m told,” Lini replied. “At least, the time when it was fully open war. But there were…” A tear began to form in her eye once more. “There were so many casualties…many not from fighters. I’m fairly sure Al’s parents were victims of this war – he never knew them. And the pack camped out at the Grand Cave Network-”

Chomper gave an involuntary shudder.

“It’s likely they were all orphans of the war as well.”

“Yeah…” Chomper murmured, a vague memory floating back to him. Although he clenched his fists slightly as Pyron’s killer swam into focus before his eyes, her words to him he remembered most of all.

“Yuti…she said that her parents were killed right before her eyes by a rival gang of sharpteeth. She mentioned the earthshake, so I suppose she was a victim of the aftermath though…”

Lini nodded.

“Still count as victims of the war. The effects…we still feel today…”

Saureen frowned slightly.

“Lini…?” she said tentatively. “Where exactly is this going?”

Lini choked back a sob.

“Well…” she muttered, managing to control herself by drawing shallow breaths. “Many of the participants in the war had greater forces than others. They were eventually all usurped by Eykion’s Revolutionary Army that Xal was part of, but anyway, the most feared ones were the forces of Blackclaw. I’m sure you would have heard of him – Redclaw’s older brother, from what I can gather, and a legendary Sharptooth rumoured to have gone one-on-one against the Lone Dinosaur. Another group with a terrifying reputation was that of…well…Pyron and Nycha’s pack, led by the bloodthirsty tetrarchy…”

An uncomfortable shudder went around all those listening, as they tried their best to forget Pyron and Nycha’s untimely demises.

“And then there was Gigas’ army,” Lini finished, her voice becoming more rapid as her emotions began to take hold again. “And I hatched within that faction. I was raised within it. And I was turned into a p-a perfect k-killing machine…” Amidst rapid breathing, a single tear hit the ground.

“And when I say that, I don’t just mean a hunter. Oh no – I mean a torturer. Butcher…MURDERER. I WAS A DAMNED MURDURER…DURING THE COURSE OF THE WAR…” Lini was practically screaming the last part as the wave of tears overtook her, and the air was filled with her racking sobs.

It had suddenly got very cold. Both Chomper and Saureen had chills invading their entire being, and even Seizon, unseen by them, had gone numb with shock.

Eventually, Chomper began to speak.

“B…but…this is the same as what I told…I told Nycha. Just because standards were set for you by heartless rulers, doesn’t mean you had to…”

“You’re not getting it!!” Lini snarled at him, her leaking blue eyes actually flashing with what was unmistakable anger. Chomper was dumbfounded. What had happened to the Lini he knew? She was NEVER angry…though admittedly, given what she had just said, it seemed that there was a lot they didn’t know about her.

Lini bowed her head.

“It wasn’t a case of me not complying with the standards set by Gigas and the other leaders,” she explained quietly. “In fact, the opposite was true. Even before the most open parts of the war, I was hunting down rivals of our gang. Fellow sharpteeth, whose pleas for mercy I c-could hear as I sank my…my claws in…”

Chomper and Saureen were now at a complete loss for words, staring unblinkingly at Lini is mesmerisation now coupled with fear.

“Every day it was the same…” Lini muttered, now not looking at them, tears falling thick and fast. “Every day there were more defenceless sharpteeth to capture and slowly t-t…torture…to death. Some were my own age…” Even with just staring at the ground, Lini’s own eyes widened and her mouth went slack with the absolute disgust of her own actions as she spoke them.

“I completely understood that they were fellow sharpteeth. I completely understood they couldn’t fight back. I completely understood they were feeling pain…but something just didn’t click!! For the first few years of my life, all I knew was…how to enjoy myself…by torturing my peers to death…”

The sobs were overtaking her speech now.

“I pulled out their guts and slowly ate them in front of them…I gouged out their eyes with my claws…I did all these things just because it was the done thing, and not only did I not stand up to it, I didn’t even c-care it was wrong…”

With this in mind, she absolutely lost it.

At that very moment, Lini threw back her head and emitted a howl that tore through the night and everyone listening to it like a blade. This was no ordinary howl of pain or one of anguish. The scars of the Sharptooth girl who had emitted it were too deep for something so simple. This was one of the purest agony of the soul, the feeling of deepest hatred for oneself and everything she was. No joy or margin of error or self-satisfaction was to be found anywhere in this sound. The very noise of such despair and misery made Seizon cringe and bite into his finger. Both Chomper and Saureen dropped to their knees and Saureen was moved to tears. Even after this very howl, Lini was still not finished. Now she screamed her self-loathing to the night air.


And she collapsed onto the earth, curled up in a foetal position, sobbing forcefully in earnest, screaming and crying and hoping beyond anything else that anyone, Chomper, Saureen, Seizon, or even one of the Piercer guards would come and end everything.

For a few moments nobody said anything as Lini continued to wallow in her own self-disgust. Eventually, Saureen found her voice again. Wiping a few tears of her own from her eyes, she said softly.

“So…what’s changed?”

Lini paused in her screeching sobs to contemplate what Saureen had said.
“What…what do you mean?”

“Well, the Lini you just described is about as different from the you we know as possible…” Saureen explained. “And until now, you’ve never let the guilt destroy you before. So…what happened?”

Lini sniffed her sobs back a few times to gather her composition to answer.

“One day, as the war came to a close, I simply ran away,” she said. “I didn’t want to fight anymore. Maybe I regretted killing others, or maybe I was just fed up of doing the same thing over and over…but one day in my exile, I encountered a family of fastbiters…

“At that point…it just occurred to me…I didn’t have to kill them…but there was more to it than that. They were nuzzling each other, the way families do…and suddenly, everything seemed very familiar…”

Lini bit her lip as she strained to find some of her very earliest memories – those of her own parents.

“Yellow…” she muttered distractedly.


“My mother was yellow…” Lini murmured. “I don’t really know what happened to her, she sort of disappeared when I was young…but the fastbiter mother was yellow too. And then…” she choked back another sob. “It just occurred to me…they didn’t just talk the same as me, or scream the same as me…they also had feelings…they had their own values and agendas. I had lived in such a self-centred view, I didn’t understand the concept of…well, the value of any life…” At this point, she became quiet.

“And so…?” Saureen prompted.

“So it just sunk in…I may have cried a bit…I don’t know…but eventually I…well, I found Seizon’s pack…I sort of forgot quite how monstrous I was…but then he came for me.”


“Who else? He told me…we’re the same. And he’s absolutely right. Everything came back to me. I saw a reflection of myself in him – we are the same…” She sobbed.

“We are both heartless monsters with no regard for life. We don’t deserve to be with people who have values and feel love…!” She let out a great cry of despair once more. “AND THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD KILL ME NOW!!!! TAKE OUT ONE MORE PIECE OF PATHETIC SCUM, PLEASE…!!!”

These pleas were suddenly cut short when Chomper placed his claw on her.

“No,” he said simply.

Saureen glanced at him, unsure of what to say.

Lini looked up at him.


“I will not satisfy your request,” Chomper replied woodenly, turning away. He had a faraway expression fixed on his face, frowning slightly as thoughts were ticking away inside him. His initial shock had apparently worn off, and now he was beginning to consider what Lini had said…and done…

Realising this, Lini waited for the eruption to come.

But it didn’t.

Instead, Chomper turned back to her, the same stoic expression present on him. And when he spoke, it was not with a particular warmth or coldness.

“It seems interesting to me that someone who’s had a relatively recent revelation on the value of life should be so dismissive of her own,” he said simply.

It was just a remark, but Saureen and Lini’s expressions grew more puzzled as they watched him. Chomper closed his eyes and thought for a little longer.

Then Lini spoke.

“But I deserve it…” she whispered. “I’m a monster…”

“Oh really?” Chomper questioned, now moving closer to her. “Then prove it.”


“Kill me.”

“What??? No!!!” Lini’s tearful blue eyes looked suddenly appalled again. She was absolutely horrified, and that reality, oddly enough, relieved and satisfied Chomper. Saureen, twigging to the point he was getting at, suddenly smiled.

“See…?” she whispered to Lini. “You can’t do it either.”

“Exactly.” Chomper said, nodding. “And you’d probably find it easier, considering your size and strength. But neither of us will move into the kill, because we’re not monsters.”

“But…” Lini was adamant. “I killed so many in cold blood when I was younger…”

“Very young,” Chomper added. “You were told from birth that torturing and killing was the way of doing this. You had no idea what you were doing, and when you found out, the reality terrified you.”

Chomper then smiled at her, and in spite of herself, Lini found new warmth spread through her being. She still didn’t understand though. Chomper, to her, was not making sense.

“What do you mean?”

“Once you were old enough to see what you had done,” Chomper continued. “And when you had come face to face with the one who brainwashed you into thinking it was the right thing, you broke down. You died inside. You even wanted us to kill you…and why? Because you understand, Lini!”

At this, he actually seized her shoulders and made her look into his eyes.

“You understand the value of life, and you care for it. You can feel everything everyone else feels. You’ve escaped being brainwashed into not feeling it forever. And that makes you very different from Gigas. You are not the same.”

Chomper took a deep breath and blinked back tears.

“Believe me Lini, I am so sorry for the way you’ve been brought up. I can’t even imagine anything so…vile…but remember this - there is a reason you can no longer kill the way you did before. There is something very important stopping you. Something you always had in you and…you were just made not to see it before. This is the same reason me and everyone else was drawn into coming here, and why we so delighted upon discovering you were here. It’s the same reason my parents marched into the Great Valley the day I hatched. It’s the same reason we are all banding together to save the Valley we either grew up in, or for many, have never even seen. We can all love…”

At this final word, Lini seemed moved. At long last, her mouth twitched upwards into what could probably be called a smile. The sight of this broadened Chomper’s grin, and he enthusiastically continued.

“The only reason you can feel such remorse is because you are not a monster. Gigas does not remorse, he relishes in the suffering he causes. But you understand differently. You are not him – you are Lini, one of the nicest people I know, who would be the big sister to the whole world if she could. I know you’re weighed down with despair at the moment, but things are always darkest just before the dawn. The love we feel for each other…” He shot a quick glance at Saureen before blushing and turning back.

“The love we feel for each other, for our ways of life, for the Great Valley and its values is what brings us together. Its how we know we’re not monsters…it makes us mourn in one voice when our…when our companions have fallen…and it makes us sing in one voice when victory is secured…we know what you did Lini, but it’s not the same you now. There’s no way it could be…this is the Lini I know, and I feel this will be the one to stay for a very long time.”

As he finished this speech, he saw Lini begin to tear up again. Beaming shamelessly, Saureen went over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug. Chomper soon did the same.

As the three of them sat there, still imprisoned in the moonlight, Lini voiced something else that had been on her mind.

“Will Al think the same way?”

“I’ll put it to you this way,” Saureen whispered. “If he feels the same love for you that you do for him, there’s no doubt.”

Seizon, leaning against the knotted root cage, listened to the end of this exchange in silence. His mind was ticking over. Eventually, he raised his amber eyes to the starry sky and scowled.

“So, it’s one rule for her, and another for me.” He thought. “Yes, Chomper, we all make mistakes. Forgiveness is a virtue, but why not for me also?” Perhaps it was because he wasn’t so ready to abandon his own ideals, Seizon reasoned, but that didn’t mean he didn’t regret his foolhardiness…not to mention the loss of Pyron and Nycha…

Seizon closed his eyes and felt a single tear slide out from under his eyelid. He furiously wiped it away, and stalked off into the forest. The Piercers were still guarding, they would be fine without him. Under a sheltered tree, Seizon set himself down, still thinking hard.

“I do wish they didn’t have to see Xal as an enemy,” he thought wistfully. “Things would be so much simpler otherwise.” He gazed up at the sky. “You’re absolutely right Chomper – love is a powerful thing. And it is because of that that I can’t abandon Xal in his hour of need. Not only military support does he need, but emotional as well…because I don’t want just his worst side to be seen…”


So there we are! :o

Now, I'm a little worried that the way this was written (little bit at a time) has made this of slightly less impressive quality...but I'll leave you to decide that...thoughts? :D And yes, the next chapter will involve major fight scenes...


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Wow, now that's Lini's dark past... I can't imagine how she could maintain an almost Ducky-like behavior in terms of cheerfulness while having killed countless fellow Sharpteeth in her younger days. This is a very emotional scene and it, apparently, didn't leave Seizon unimpressed either :p. He is not as evil as the recent updates indicated after all...

A fighting scene you say? Can't wait to see that! :D
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Spike
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I only wish I could get it to you sooner.  :blink:

I am unbelievably distracted and busy at the moment, but I'm just letting you all know that VV is still underway, and it's about three quarters done, though my mathematics are terrible. So yeah, the last few chapters (about 7 maybe? 8?) will be largely action packed and bringing the story to a climax and hopefully to tie up loose ends. Well, I say that, but a sequel is in mind...


  • Ducky
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Hopefully Chomper will be ok and be able to stay with his Leaf Eater friends.  How is he taking the death of his friend?


  • Spike
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Neeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww chapter!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha, bet you all thought I was finished with this, didn't ya? Ha, don't count me out just yet!!!
 :lol:  :lol
I should point out that most of this isn't proof-read, so...just bear that in mind...OTHERWISE PLEASE ENJOY!!!

Chapter Twenty-Three: Skirmish in the Fanged Forest

Who was this plucky little longneck, who, in a second language, spoke with such command?

Ichy, perching on Dil’s nose, kept his eyes fixed on Shorty as he and the rest of the leaf-eater gang were escorted to a place of confinement. Or, if you wanted to be crude, storage.

It wasn’t as if being bilingual was something far-fetched and out of reach. Ichy and Dil themselves had picked up the leaf-eater dialect when they were both trapped together in the Land of Mists, but only so it was easier to pick out prey. For their prey items to learn what they considered a more sophisticated language was something else – not to mention the way his simple words had affected Xal…

“What do you think?” Ichy asked of Dil in an undertone.

“I’m thinking I want your twittering voice to cease forever…” Dil growled. “What do you mean?”

Ichy scowled.

“That flathead. The green one – how does he carry such command in his voice? He was able to change Xal’s mind. Xal’s! The one who could end his life with a single word…how? How did he know exactly what points to probe?”

Dil considered for a moment.

“Maybe…” she eventually murmured. “Maybe…if we get him into his comfort zone, make him relax a little…he’ll be willing to tell us?”

“A freezing cold cave used for storing food is hardly a comfortable place.” Ichy retorted. “But I guess we can try…”

Unlike Chomper and Saureen’s confinement, Shorty, Littlefoot and the others found themselves led to the opening of a small cave, somehow imbedded into a hill near the other side of the forest. No Piercers were guarding it, which seemed strange, until as the young leaf-eaters approached, their nostrils began to fill with the unmistakable stench of…

Spike, first to smell it, stopped dead in his tracks, eyes widening and emitting frightened noises. The rest hardly needed to ask why when the odour of ancient carcasses came to them as well.

“These caves were used as…well, storage for food quite a while back. Relax, everything in there is dead, mostly skeletons. They all died a long time ago…” Ichy was now hovering above the petrified youngsters, unsure of how best to convince them to go in. Eventually Dil came to his rescue, emitting loud growls and snarls, causing the young leaf-eaters to hurry into the cave quickly, shooting scandalised looks at the two mismatched sharpteeth as they did so. Once they were in, Dil quickly waddled over to a large boulder, roughly spheroid in shape, at one side of the mouth of the cave and, using her brute strength, managed to roll the stone over the entrance, but leaving a small crack to peer through – she and Ichy still wanted to probe answers out of Shorty.

The eight young leaf-eaters, shut away in the dark and the cold, with just a thin slice of silver moonlight giving them illumination, all shivered, before exchanging looks and preparing to make use of their surroundings. Shorty immediately flopped onto the cave floor, his neck to the ground, eyeing the prowling belly-dragger and hovering sharpbeak outside intently. Ali carefully lay down next to him, her eyes upon him, feeling as though it would be inappropriate to say anything. Littlefoot lay nearby, watching them both, his eyes occasionally wandering to see how the rest of his friends were doing. Cera had not settled down – she was busy pacing back and forth, edging between the carcasses and faced away from everyone else, her expression hidden. Only Ruby had a fixed gaze on her. Spike, Ducky and Petrie meanwhile, had huddled together for warmth, in the way they always did, clinging to their routines in act of defying the dramatic and traumatising events of change that now surrounded them.

Ichy landed on the ground beside Dil and also peered through the gap, a sinister gleam in his yellow eyes only matched by the smirk on his beak. “Glad to know you’re all getting’ll soon be used to this after all...”

The youngsters shivered at these words and averted his gaze, with the exception of Shorty, who grew a small, satisfied smile and replied almost instantly.

“Well,” he said in fluent sharptooth. “That just goes to show how much you know...”

All of the other youngsters minus Cera shot him a glance following his words, and each of them felt a simultaneous rush of admiration that he was able to speak for them all so defiantly. Ali gave him an extremely warm smile and closed her eyes in a slow, affectionate manner reminiscent of a kitten.

Ichy’s smile slipped slightly, but he didn’t retort and react immediately. Instead he continued to survey Shorty’s seemingly calm expression, and found that on closer inspection, there was definitely a contrasting emotion, tucked forcibly away behind those blue eyes. One that Ichy normally saw just before he ended the life of whichever unfortunate animal was his prey.


Upon noticing this, his smile returned ten-fold.

“Well,” he said superciliously. “There are a few things I’d like to know. Your linguistics. You speak fluent sharptooth, and that to me, is quite an achievement. How did you manage it?”

“Teaching,” Shorty replied simply. “We had a great teacher.”

“And that would be...?”

“Chomper...!” Littlefoot suddenly cut in defiantly, surprising even himself. When Ali turned to watch him, he shook off his inhibitions and continued, now addressing the puzzled avian expression watching him from the mouth of the cave.

“No matter what you may call him, or need him for, you’ll find that he has so much more to give. And you’re not going to take that away, whatever you do to him...”
Shorty nodded appreciatively, and soon everyone else was getting their opinions in.

“He is our true companion, he is!!” Ducky declared boldly.

“That for sure!” Petrie added, fixing Ichy with an expression of profound dislike. “He not abandon us for anything!”

“And what about you?” Shorty asked, eyes narrowing with amusement. “What role do you two play in this grand plan?”

For once, Ichy was lost for words.

Dil chuckled darkly.

“Well, look at that Ichy! Looks like they’ve suddenly grown backbone. How will you respond to that?”

Ichy frowned and turned away from the cave mouth.

“I have no words left for them...” he muttered, walking some distance away before sitting down, his back defiantly turned. Dil just gazed at him with mingled amusement and curiosity, before settling down in front of the cave herself, her gleaming red eyes half-open.

“What I want to know,” Shorty continued, now in a softer tone and in leaf-eater. “Is where you lot know them from?”

Ruby, taking her eyes off Cera briefly, simply shrugged, but Ali answered.

“Way back when I first met Littlefoot, we had to go and get the Night Flower from the Land of Mists for his grandpa,” she explained. “Those guys were there, chasing us around for a lot of it...they seemed to be desperately hungry, now I think about it...”

“That’s very true...” Littlefoot agreed, craning his neck to keep them both in earshot whilst feeling it would be awkward to move closer. He wasn’t quite sure where this idea came from, but part of him was nudging and whispering at him to stay still.

“I wonder,” Littlefoot continued, turning to glance at the mouth of the cave. “How did they end up here, working with Xal?”

“Maybe Xal just has a habit of picking up all the dispossessed...” Shorty murmured, his mind reeling. “No wonder Seizon follows him so blindly...”

Littlefoot and Ali were now both gazing intently at him.

“You think that’s the reason?” Littlefoot asked. Shorty shrugged.

“All I know is that a dedication to someone who gave your whole life meaning isn’t something you can shake off easily. Probably not at all in fact.” He sighed.

“I know exactly how he’s just a shame that the one he chooses to pledge his life to someone who will waste it. Perhaps that’s Xal’s greatest strength – turning ordinary dinosaurs into weapons because he knows they’ll do anything for him...”
He relapsed into silence. Bar Cera, all his companions were watching him, wide-eyed, as though he were about to blossom into something paradoxically miraculous. But after a few more moments of silence, Littlefoot spoke up.

“But how do you know Xal doesn’t feel something for Seizon?” he asked carefully. “He is his stepfather after all – that’s got to have a deeper and more profound meaning than, say, the reasons Redclaw and the others are working with him.”

“Believe me,” Shorty answered at once, now fixing his gaze upon his stepbrother. “I know and understand the deep and profound meaning fatherhood of any kind has. And you may be right – but so is Chomper. Xal is mad and dangerous if he even considers forming an alliance with Redclaw and this Gigas character, no matter what he may mean to Seizon. As similar as mine and his cases are, they’re also different. Because there are some who it’s worth putting your faith in.”

He gave Littlefoot a small smile before placing his head back on the floor. Ali, who was already monumentally close to him at this point, moved her own head atop her neck across the cave floor so it was touching Shorty’s.

“I always knew you’d grow to understand,” she whispered, flashing him a bright smile that caused heat to rise in Shorty’s cheeks.

“Oh?” he managed to mutter back.

“You’ve spent a lot of your life learning to put your faith in many individuals,” Ali replied, her eyes moving across the features on his small head. “Starting with Bron – but you don’t like to talk about it, and perhaps for that reason you forget how much the rest of us have grown our faith in you.”

Shorty didn’t respond. He just kept watching her, eyes still wide. Ali, still smiling, lifted her head up and placed it on top of his.

“Never forget who else you mean something to,” she continued. “Because it’s often more than you think...”

Shorty closed his eyes, and despite the trepidation, allowed his delight and raw emotions flood his brain and leak a broad grin across his face.

Littlefoot, watching them, lowered his head to consider his conflicting thoughts and feelings. Part of him was resentful, feeling as though an angry turbulence inside him would be eased if it had been his own head, rather than Shorty’s, that Ali was now resting. But the other half knew that Ali only spoke the truth, one that beat in sync with his own heart and how he felt about his stepbrother. Eventually, he also closed his eyes, considering the words Shorty had previously spoken.

“There are some who it’s worth putting your faith in.”

Littlefoot had known them since he had gone out to find the Valley long ago. And since then, the number of those individuals had just kept growing.

Satisfied that this part of the conversation was over, Ruby carefully approached a secluded Cera, whom she had been watching with notable concern since they had arrived in the cave.

Upon nearing the threehorn, Ruby was somewhat surprised to see that her teal eyes were dry. But as she sat down beside her, the truth became clear. Not only were those eyes dry, they were completely lacking of almost anything. Cera looked like something of a shell of her old self, and that sight was more grating to Ruby than a fresh waterfall of tears would have been. This shock must have shown, as Cera gave her a contemptuous glance and murmured,


Somehow this snark gave Ruby new hope, perhaps as though giving some evidence Cera was still there, and could still be reached. Ruby swallowed hard before speaking.

“Just...came to talk...”

“Oh? Why’s that?” Cera’s expression was completely devoid of curiosity.

Ruby hesitated, wondering briefly whether this talk would be completely futile after all – but something in the back of her mind, something she couldn’t quite pin a name to was coaxing her to continue, gently soothing and massaging her, whispering to her, encouraging her...

“Well, I’m just worried about you...” Ruby told Cera earnestly.

“Worried?” Cera repeated, her mouth twisting into an expression of disbelief. “Just about me? You should be worried for yourself...actually, there really is no point...” she shifted her eyes to the ground and fell silent.

“No point?” Ruby queried, attempting to lower her head to talk to Cera face to face. “No point to what?”

Cera didn’t answer straight away. She first replied by growling angrily under her breath and turning away from Ruby, before she spoke in a hoarse, almost dead tone.

“There’s no point in anything now...we’ve fallen into the hands of these psychos, and soon enough they’ll be fighting off those other psychos at the Valley. Whoever wins it’s going to result in us all getting killed one way or another. That alliance isn’t coming for us, and it won’t last. Even if by some impossible chance we get out of this alive, back at the Valley...”

She drew a sharp breath, in a pitch that Ruby recognised as being very close to one attempting to hold back tears. She felt a frown forming in sympathy, and Cera continued, now in a mortified whisper.

“Dad and Tria...they’re not going to ever want to get back together...”

“Hey, come on now!” Ruby protested. “What makes you think they’re-?”

“They’re under an insane oppressor!” Cera snapped at her. “My dad’s probably already tried to unseat him, and then Tria would get angry at him, and I can’t...he might even be...” she broke off, her breathing rapid and shallow.

Ruby, edging closer to her, began to attempt to formulate soothing sentences in her head. C’mon, think! She told herself.

“You really shouldn’t give up before anything’s started, you know,” she told her quietly.

“Started...?” Cera muttered back, looking up at Ruby in disbelief. “So, we’ve nearly been drowned, heard our Valley’s been subjugated, had to join an alliance, got kidnapped by sharpteeth...when will this start then Ruby?”

Despite her obvious irritation at Ruby’s hesitant optimism, Cera nevertheless leaned tiredly upon her in support. Ruby, laying a comforting hand on her neck frill, said gently,
“When I said ëstarted,’ I was referring to the fighting back – the resistance.”

Cera gave a sceptical noise.

“You may disagree,” Ruby continued, now smiling weakly. “But I’m sure the very smallest of things can reignite your hope. That’s what I’ve come to expect from residents of the Great Valley...”

The re-ignition of hope may have come sooner than either of them had expected.

Seizon, for whatever reason, had declined to return to where Chomper, Saureen and Lini were being held, leaving them to be guarded by the two Piercers alone. This made things a lot easier.

They didn’t know quite how the discussion begun, but after hearing about what Lini had done during her childhood, Chomper had been adamant that Gigas needed to be brought down just as much as Ulciscor, and after rekindling their hope with his motivational speech, they had begun to discuss possibilities for escape.

Now, obviously, such freely open chatter about such a thing would normally have caught the attention of the Piercers who guarded them, but, completely aware of this, Saureen had prompted the debate in a different direction, or rather, a different language.

Xal had failed quite prominently to do his research on leaf-eaters and how they communicated. Up until very recently, he had just assumed it was a simple language of animalistic livestock. Hearing Shorty speak in fluent sharptooth had changed all this, but his foot-soldiers hadn’t got the memo. The Piercers guarding the three of them didn’t recognise flattooth language for what it was, and merely heard a series of grunts that they probably refrained from listening into to preserve some dignity. Either way, they completely ignored the sounds as the three young sharpteeth conspired against them.

“I haven’t really considered escape before now...” Lini murmured, sweeping her eyes over the knotted roots that incarcerated them. “I think I was just hoping I would die here...but as a far as I can tell, there isn’t an easy way out...”

“Well, there’s a difference between a way out, and an easy way out,” Chomper replied optimistically, his eyes also sweeping over the roots.

“I’m not sure that the way out is the problem...” Saureen put in, shifting her gaze nervously onto the guards. “The point is, once we do break out, they’ll be over us in seconds...”

Chomper nodded, and sat down in the middle of the prison to consider this.

“Maybe there’s more than one way out...” he said slowly. “If all three of us escape in different directions...”

“If there are such different directions...” Saureen mused.

Chomper frowned and furrowed his brow, staring at the ground and hoping for some solution to present itself. In his mind, he played through several different scenarios, each one fairly abysmal, and ending inevitably with the pair of Piercers coming down hard on the three of them...

On the three of them...

On the...wait a minute...

And in that next second, it came to Chomper like a thunderbolt that illuminated his consciousness. It should have been obvious from the start! It was simple numeracy.

His sudden stroke of inspiration showed in the goofy and now giddy smile he gave his two companions, who, through looking quizzical, prompted him to explain.

“It’s pretty simple, actually,” Chomper elaborated in an undertone, despite the fact that the Piercers could not understand him. “We just need a diversion.”

“A diversion?” Lini frowned. “How?”

“What’s the betting these two have checked these roots for weaknesses?” Chomper prompted. “They don’t know which parts of the roots are escapable from and which aren’t. Even if there’s only one route to escape, they don’t need to know that. There are two of them, and three of us, so...”

“So if we all make to escape through different parts...” Saureen added slowly. “They won’t know which of us is making the actual escape, and who’s just causing a diversion...”

“They couldn’t risk leaving it to chance!” Chomper replied, grinning. “Not if they don’t leave one of us covered!”

Saureen frowned.

“It’ll become quite obvious though as soon as one makes their escape,” she said. “And what about the two left behind?”

Chomper’s smile faded somewhat, and he resumed pacing the length of the prison.

“OK...” he said uncertainly. “Well, perhaps only one diversion is the answer...yeah, that might work! If one of us makes a big thing of trying to get out, the Piercers will want to make sure that that edge is secure...and in the meantime the other two can escape...”

“And what about the one making the diversion?” Lini queried in a low voice.

“They’ll come out soon after, just as soon as the Piercers realised they’ve escaped...and...give pursuit...” Chomper’s rambling slowed as he hit this realisation. “Well, it’s probably best to have a pre-prepared escape route, so it’s easy for...”

“I think you’re missing the giant longneck in the glade,” Lini interjected bluntly. “Who’s going to create the diversion?”

There was a pause. Saureen’s eyes flickered from one to the other nervously. Lini sighed.

“I told you before you should have left me behind,” she said quietly. “I’m perfectly willing to help you two escape-”

“Lini, we’re not leaving you behind!” Saureen said firmly.

“How am I supposed to make a speedy getaway on this?” Lini demanded, prodding her injured leg. Saureen didn’t seem to have an answer for this. Chomper, however, steeling himself, provided one.

“I think it’ll be much easier to do so should you not be the diversion,” he told Lini firmly. Lini simply stared back at him, blinking her bright blue eyes in sceptical despair. How he hated seeing her like this! If nothing else, it would be worth getting the old Lini back. He continued.

“You know it’s got to be me...” he said carefully. Predictably, Saureen and Lini both began to protest.

“Think about it!” Chomper said loudly, chancing a nervous glance over at the Piercers. “If I don’t manage to get away, I’m sure Xal will...well, he’ll want me alive for his Valley infiltration plan. You two...probably don’t carry the same convenient protection.”

Saureen and Lini glanced at each other, apparently unable to think of a suitable counterargument.

“And Lini,” Chomper added fiercely, looking her dead in the eye. “I will not allow you to sacrifice yourself in such a way. Maybe it can be heroic, but honestly, there’s definitely something off about it...”

Unbidden, images of Pyron’s final moments as his blood and life ran from his body worked their way into Chomper’s mind. But he brushed them aside, and continued.

“We’re going to do this. As soon as we escape from here, we’re going to save the others, and then we’ll make it back to the Rocky Heathland, and with the alliance of liberators we will march on the Valley and free it from Ulciscor’s grasp! So, let’s get started!”

The stars continued to twinkle unconcernedly down on them as they walked as subtly as they could in the semi-darkness, inspecting the roots that imprisoned them carefully, and gently nudging them and testing to them to see which ways they would bend, how they would pick apart, if they snapped. Lini hadn’t said anything following Chomper’s message to her, but he was confident his words had gotten through. She was moving with almost as much deliberate speed as Chomper and Lini, testing the roots with gusto more reminiscent of the self he remembered. And it was her who had struck the gold they had been looking for.

A network of knots on the opposing side to where Chomper and Saureen had been placed beneath to hulking tree was visibly less complex than others that surrounded it, and snapping through the finer twigs with her claws, it soon became clear that a little digging would allow space to slide through and make a hasty exit.

“There’s no way they won’t notice though...” Lini sighed, gazing at the Piercers.

“There might be a way...” Chomper said thoughtfully. “As long as we take turns digging this as quietly as we can, it may just look like we’re still looking for a way out...”

And so began the next phase – the three of them continued to shuffle around, but taking time around the looser sets of roots to dig away at the earth beneath, using their tails, or, taking a larger risk, their claws. Lini was the most effective digger, having a larger tail and claws than the other two, and although it took a while, so much that Chomper felt fairly dizzy after the whole affair, soon the hole was dug, large enough for two of them to squeeze through and bolt.

Nervously, the three young sharpteeth looked once more to the Piercer guards. Incredibly, they hadn’t noticed the massive gaping escape route. They were in fact, seated on the ground, their forearms tucked beneath them, not even looking directly to their prisoners. Perhaps part of it might have been at the speed and volume the escape route was dug – things that happen at a slower rate are a lot less noticeable, though presumably their hearing was still pricked up. They had looked over several times during the youngsters’ rounds of the prison, when they made a noise more jarring than expected on some of the tighter roots. This diversion tactic might have been better suited to their quarry than they expected.

Chomper, inhaling heavily, looked over at the two girls. They were already in position, and, to his immense relief, were smiling, albeit nervously. Chomper returned the smile, winked on an impulse, and then turned to a spot in the opposite direction to the escape route.

He charged.

He hammered straight into the dense roots and began to claw and bite at them in earnest. The effect was unbelievably beautiful, and immediate. Even as the tree they were incarcerated under shuddered under Chomper’s bombardment, the two guards leapt to their feet, and following immediate adrenaline instincts, both instantly rounded on Chomper, pressing their snouts towards the roots he was attacking and snarling warningly at him.

Then things started to go a little wrong.

The entire prior happened in the space of about five seconds, and in that same time, even amongst his growling at the hapless though tough roots, Chomper heard the unmistakable sound of snapping twigs and scuffling movement that meant Saureen and Lini had fled through the escape route and into the dense starlit forest. This was also noticed by the Piercers.

Giving a cry of shock and anger, one of them immediately straightened up and headed for the other side, the other following suit quickly after. Realising he only had seconds, Chomper bolted for the escape route, pleading as he felt the cool night air on his face that he would taste the air for longer...


The second Piercer had decided to take a quicker route to follow his companion, climbing straight over the ancient and crooked tree and landing right in front of Chomper as he tried to make his escape. Skidding to a halt, Chomper put all of his effort into launching himself haphazardly at the opposite direction, just missing his quarry’s jaws as they came down...

Chomper bounced off the root networks that had held him captive previously and hit the ground running, tearing off into the undergrowth with the Piercer in hot pursuit...

The other Piercer had gone immediately in the direction of Saureen and Lini, which was now the opposing way to which Chomper was now running at top speed. In hadn’t gone quite according to plan, but things could have been a lot worse. Chomper only hoped that Lini’s leg wouldn’t slow the girls down, and also that this running blindly into a forest he barely knew would achieve anything.

The thudding of their feet and their sharp breaths was all Saureen could hear. Dark blurs of the forest rushed past her in a haze as she struggled to support Lini during their run. Whilst Lini was doing her best to maintain the speed, Saureen could tell she was in pain. Her wheezy breaths and the way her face was contorted told her as much. But they couldn’t stop now. The Piercer was still hot on their heels. They had to keep at it...all the same...

Saureen had no clue where they were headed. They were just running aimlessly, determined to leave their pursuer behind. Although she knew the forest well, everything was far too hazed and dark to determine where they were...and what had happened to Chomper?

Lini seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

“Where are we going??” she demanded hoarsely, in flattooth as a precaution.

“Umm...” Saureen could not fathom a response, and instead raised her head to take a sniff of the night air, hoping to catch a familiar scent. But even as she did so, she felt the firm ground slip from beneath her foot as it caught itself in something – possibly a tree root, or even the edge of a mound. But whatever it did caused her to fall, crashing headlong into the ground and beginning to slide uncontrollably downwards. A heavy thud nearby as the dark forest spun and tumbled around her told her that Lini was on the same downhill journey she was.

Both girls’ fall was broken as they crashed into a convenient clump of bushes, nestling inconspicuously into the branches and foliage. Saureen, panting heavily, attempted to ease herself into a more comfortable position, testing her limbs. She was bruised, but nothing broke.

“You OK?” she gasped to the mass right next to her which was no doubt Lini. Lini groaned.

“ leg seems to be fine, which is a bonus, but...” The bushes creaked as Lini shuffled around in panic.

“Where’s the-?”

“Ssh!” Saureen advised, keeping her ears pricked up for the sound of the Piercer. Aside from the wind gently caressing the leaves upon the trees, the forest was largely silent. Both girls strained to hear something more, until the deathly quiet of the wood was almost defeaning...

“C’mon, Saureen. We’ve gotta move!”

This urgent coaxing came not from the forest, but was a blurry memory suddenly regurgitated back into Saureen’s conscience. Many months ago now, when she and Seizon had experienced a similar downward tumble as they had escaped the Fanged Forest, being pursued by Ulciscor’s murderous right-hand. During their most recent great escape, Saureen had neglected most thought of Seizon, and she had no idea why her mind was forcing her to relive the times when Seizon had been a figure of great compassion and courage, even to an admirable state, before he become just another of Xal’s pawns...

Her distress must have shown, for Lini was now gazing at her through her sapphire eyes with concern.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Don’t worry about it...” Saureen murmured, forcing herself to forget about Seizon for the time being. There would be time to worry about him once they had escaped the Piercer.

Having not heard anything, Lini put her nose into action, taking a few sniffs of the air, before freezing, horror-struck.

“What?” Saureen breathed.

“Bellydragger...” Lini murmured back. “We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place...”

Saureen paused, trying to come to terms with the revelation, but she eventually sucked in some air and said bluntly,

“We don’t know for sure the Piercer’s still there. And well...bellydraggers aren’t the most nimble creatures on land...maybe we’ll be lucky?”
 Lini didn’t respond. Saureen flashed her a nervous smile, and began to disentangle herself from the bush.
Cautiously edging around it, she beckoned for Lini to follow her, which she did, groaning slightly and she put weight on her still painful leg.

But before either of them had time to think, a great rapid thudding heralded the approach of the Piercer previously chasing them in their direction. He had been waiting them out, and was now making a beeline for Saureen. Abandoning all rational thought, Lini reacted on instinct and threw herself at the twoclaw. Her heavy body effectively shifted Saureen’s body out of harm’s way, wrong-footing their quarry momentarily, and giving them the chance to hare off...

They were only running for a few seconds when they recognised a large, green shape in the semi-gloom. Dil, on the other hand, could hear and smell them, but they had no idea who they were.

“Ichy!” she snapped. “What’s going on?”

Ichy was caught completely by surprise. He was speechless as he hovered above Dil, gazing open-mouthed at the sight of the chase, and just as his mind was registering that there had been a security breach, Saureen and Lini had bolted past Dil, and the Piercer was attempting to corkscrew round her as well...

Dil, caught off guard, let out a yell of shock and reared up, momentarily knocking the Piercer aside.

“Hey!” he growled. “Groundscraper...!”

But this kefuffle was what another group had been waiting for. Even as Saureen and Lini tried to sidle their way around what appeared to be a stone wall of some kind, they noticed a massive boulder fall inches away from them, and in the next second, a great mass of young leaf-eaters emerge from the cave at a rapid speed, with Spike in the lead.

Ducky from her position on Spike’s back, noticed the two young sharpteeth and beckoned to them.

Well, they didn’t need asking twice.

Exchanging grins of relief, the two girls joined the great exodus with the eight leaf-eaters, only to have the Piercer and bellydragger continue the chase...

The previously still night was now being split apart by sounds of confrontations and pursuits, but for Chomper, the only sound was his sharp breath catching in his chest as he fled from the Piercer, darting his way through the foliage for any hope of wrong-footing the predator...

Noticing an opening between two trees, he flung himself bodily into the gap. Focus! He forced himself to scrabble through the undergrowth, working his way beneath tangled trees. The Piercer had noticed, and was attempting to give chase without little concern, although the tangled vegetation was slowing him down considerably. Edging away as quickly as he could whilst still trying to keep his quarry in sight, Chomper allowed his eyes the briefest of darting for anything that would give him an edge. In a place so full of trees, an irregularity caught his eye first – a bent tree with the potential to be snapped. It was thin enough for him to snap it, but thick enough to potential subdue the aggressor...

Chomper didn’t even contemplate the unlikely convenience until he was position at the trunk. He could certainly work through the bark, but it would take time, and he got the feeling the slowly but steadily approaching Piercer with a mix of malice and determination set firmly in his expressions would reach him first. So, he had two choices – take the gamble of landing this on him or just run...?

Chomper, even noting the stupidity himself, found himself chewing through the bark. He couldn’t be sure the Piercer wouldn’t eventually catch up with him however, and besides, he was getting tired of running.

He wanted to fight back.

“I’ve been watching at the sidelines for too long!!” he mentally screamed as he chewed and gnawed ferociously through the trunk. “Before, I would preferred that, but when I stood idly by, I let Pyron die...”

He closed his eyes as the image flashed before him, but no tears fell.

“And I could only stand and watch as Nycha fell...”

Again, the unbidden image. But the eyes remained dry and the teeth kept working.

“Even though I lost against Seizon it felt good to be finally doing something. And I’m not going to stop now!”

But Chomper’s jaw was beginning to ache. The tree didn’t seem to want to fall yet, and...the Piercer was almost upon him.

Chomper’s eyes widened, even as he continued to chew on the bark as best he was no good. He’d soon be out of range for him to land one on his head...he’d have to run for it...

And then the Piercer’s expression changed.

It was incredible, but all of a sudden, his eyes widened, he grunted in what might have been pain, and he twisted around the look behind him.
He had stopped dead in his tracks.

On an impulse, Chomper fought through the pain and finally felt the last bark remnants splinter beneath his powerful teeth. The trunk creaked ominously, and with a beautiful satisfaction, the tree tipped, working its way onto the cranium of his deadly enemy. A loud and dignified thud of wood hitting skin was heard, and both tree and dino crashed to the ground in a final and resolute clunk that Chomper could have sworn made the leaves on the surrounding trees quake.

Edging his way back through the foliage and past the unconscious form to where he had been previously running, Chomper found the source of what had distracted the Piercer long enough for him to make the significant blow. He immediately recognised the purple eyes peering nervously into the trees and the distinctive orange-yellow body with the dark stripes...

“Al!” Chomper gasped, numb relief flooding his being as he pitched forward. Al obviously had the same idea, and the two met at long last, holding each other in a crushing embrace.

“Chomper...!” Al muttered, apparently lost for words. His eyes were wider than Chomper had ever seen them, and he was grinning as he released the other sharptooth.

“How did you get here?” Chomper asked weakly.

“Never mind that,” Al said shortly. “Where are the others? Are they OK? And...” his voice had suddenly hit an extremely fearful tone. “Did Lini...?”

“Lini’s fine!” Chomper said quickly. “She’s alive and well...but...we got separated...”

At this point, Chomper had felt like explaining what she had told him and Saureen, but upon seeing Al’s giddy relief and amorous eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Lini would eventually tell him herself, he was sure...

Not to mention, he wasn’t entirely sure what had become of her and Saureen, or indeed any of the others...

“I’m not sure about the others,” he told Al truthfully. “I think...I think they should be fine...”

“Well, let’s hope so,” Al said seriously. “Because we’ve finally arrived.”


“Zyro organised a rescue team,” Al said quickly. “Don’t worry, everything’s OK now. You’re all going to be fine. We arrived at the mouth of the forest see, and we encountered the three big sharpteeth – Xal, Redclaw, and that other one. They all seemed quite upset, apparently everyone managed to escape...”

“Wait, really?” Chomper’s face lit up.

“Yeah, according to what the sharpbeak had told them. But anyway, Zyro and the others confronted them, and I was able to slip away.”

With the noise of his own pursuit gone, Chomper could now hear, somewhere in the distance, the grunts and growls of dinosaurs clashing...

“We’ve got to find the others and bring them to the mouth,” Al said forcefully, grabbing Chomper by the shoulder. “Then we can all get outta here...”

Chomper nodded, and the two of them began sprinting off back whence they came, but even as they rounded more bends, a small figure skidded in front of them, blocking their way.

Chomper and Al simply stared in shock, having recognised the sail-backed figure instantly.

Seizon’s features were illuminated by the light of the Night Circle, his amber eyes heavy with disapproval and an almost hungry dislike. But most of the last part was concentrated on Al.

“Oh, that’s a sight to drive me wild...” he murmured, his voice positively dripping with venom.

This slightly odd statement gave Al pause.

“Happy to see me, Seizon?” he enquired.

“Only in the sense that this gives me a chance to pay you back in full!” Seizon retorted, and without warning he plunged straight at him. Caught off guard, Al staggered backwards, forcing Chomper to leapt aside as the two struggling sharpteeth cantered past him, Seizon eventually slamming Al into a nearby tree.

“You treacherous bastard thought you could get one past me?!” Seizon demanded, placing his foot heavily onto the dazed Al’s chest.

A ripple of anger past through Chomper as he watched Seizon, and was quickly spurred into action. Letting out a guttural raw, he bit hard into Seizon’s side. Distracted, Seizon twisted around to engage him in combat, biting down onto his neck. However, due to the position he was in, the grip of the bite was limited, and Al was able to deliver a well-placed bite onto Seizon’s flank.

Seizon emitted a howl of pain and struck Al with his tail with as much force as he could muster, before slashing a gouge onto Chomper’s head. Chomper reeled back, blood beginning to trickle down the sides of his face, noting that Seizon had once more launched himself at Al, snapping and slashing in a frenzy. Al was countering with bites as well, before twisting round and swatting Seizon with his tail. Not letting this perturb him, Seizon bit down on Al’s tail, and even as Al attempted to bite and slash at his adversary, Seizon was countered with his own powerful claws, leaning into Al in an attempt to topple him.

His body filling once more with adrenalin and fear, Chomper charged blindly in with his head lowered, and soon felt his hardened skull connect with Seizon. Caught by surprise, Seizon gave a snarl of rage as the three sharpteeth fell to the ground, rolling in and dirt as they all detached themselves.

Leaping to his feet, Seizon glared at his two adversaries.

“I want you to keep out of this one Chomper!” he snapped, flexing his arms and briefly inspecting his injuries. “I don’t have as big an issue with you. At least when you wanted to usurp me, you were honest.” He glared murderously at Al. “So, working with the pacifists all this time??”

“I had to keep my task hidden!” Al replied irritably. “It’s called being undercover. It’s not like you had to enrol me in your pack.”

“And as it happens, Sezion...” Chomper growled. “I do have a big issue with you. No matter you and Xal might want me for, I’m going to stick by my friends.”

At this, Seizon sighed.

“It’s admirable, this loyalty you display to these herbivores,” he said. “There, I said it. I just wish you felt the same way about my own loyalties...”

None of them had time to consider this further however, as at that moment, a loud growl of triumph caused them all to turn their heads.

Two distinct forms were approaching them through the moonlit forest, eyes glowing with an aura that only meant doom. One was a Piercer that Chomper recognised as the other who had previously been guarding him. The other was a vehement and distinctly malevolent looking bellydragger.

“Ah, I can smell ëem now!” Dil crowed to nobody in particular.

“Hm...this isn’t the group I had hoped for though,” the Piercer remarked, frowning somewhat.

“Nevertheless, this is the most important one!” Seizon told him jovially, grinning in a slightly psychotic way. “Remember, we need to keep the twoclaw safe. As for this one...” he shot Al a nasty grimace. “I’m not so fussed...”

But the night was not done with sudden occurances, for at that moment, a shrill cry of “Chomperrrr!!!” in the leaf-eater tongue caused all five present to look up.

Petrie had appeared above them, circling and flapping quite erratically.

“Petrie?” Chomper called to him. “What...?”

“Don’t worry, we brought back-up!” Petrie told him cheerfully, pointing off into the forest in the opposite direction to where Dil and the Piercer were.

Chomper looked...and his mouth fell open.

Striding into view, and knocking smaller plants to the ground as though they were twigs was the lone female spiketail, Opal, and hurrying in her wake were Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Ducky, Ruby, Shorty, Ali, Saureen and...

“Lini!!” Al let out a joyful cry quite uncharacteristic of his mellow self and launched himself straight at the slashclaw, who returned the hug with a matched enthusiasm, but only stared at the ground as he licked and nuzzled her passionately.

“Get behind me!” Opal called to Chomper. Upon closer inspection, Opal’s eyes betrayed the look of someone who’d aged about thirty years since their last meeting, but they were also filled with a determined resolve. Not waiting to be asked twice, Chomper hurried to her side.

“But...!” Seizon gazed wildly around at the sudden party. He was now stuck between two angry masses of dinosaur, and it was quite possible that Dil and the Piercer’s surprise was the only reason they hadn’t charged and flattened him already. But it was only a matter of time.

“Seizon!” Saureen called to him. “Come over here!”

“Yeah!” Shorty agreed, watching him closely.

Chomper could see that Seizon was tempted, but as the Piercer and the bellydragger both charged forward, he simply flung himself to the side.

Opal stepped forward to engage her adversaries and the result was titanic. In a single instant, she had raised herself onto her hind legs, emitting a bellow of maternal power, and Dil instantly skidded sideways to avoid being flattened. At the same time, the Piercer had gone around her to apply a bite to her flank, but his teeth had barely brushed the spiketail’s hide when Opal had swung her tail round, tipped with lethal thagomizers and struck the predator in his side. Opal brought her front legs back to earth with a momentous rumble as her two attackers fell at either side.

Splattering blood across the ground, the Piercer nevertheless went in for another attack, this time aiming for Opal’s head. She was quick to notice and twisted around, holding her tail high before striking it down directly on top of the aggressor’s skull. The Piercer fell to the ground, and as Opal swung round to reengage Dil, who was coming at her cautiously, mouth slightly open, her tail collided with the Piercer’s head once more. A rather sickening crack was heard and the Piercer did not get up again.

Opal was emitting bellows none of the onlookers had ever heard before as she and Dil pushed their heads close to one another, Dil roaring almost as loudly. Both fighters were poised on their toes, Opal having raised her tail, prepared to strike if necessary. But Dil got their first.

Swinging around as much as her heavy body would let her, she brought her own powerful tail straight into Opal’s side. An almighty smacking sound ripped the air apart and Opal staggered. The blow had been completely random – Dil, with her eyesight impaired as it was, had mustered all of her brute strength into an attack that had nevertheless been devastatingly effective, as Opal collapsed onto her side.

The young dinosaur’s mouths fell open in horror, as they watched the bellydragger, with a malicious grin plastered over her face, place her front feet onto Opal’s vast stomach and applying a savage bite.

Opal emitted a shriek of pain, but even as she felt warm blood begin to run down her side, she felt her thoughts travel immediately to the youngsters hiding in the foliage. And, in particular...

Mustering her strength, she strained to stagger to her feet, striking Dil in the face with her heels as she did so, and Dil once more leapt aside to avoid being squashed. Opal was back on her feet and bringing her tail around for another strike.

However, it simply struck the ground as Dil, in a completely unpredictable move, and reared up herself, placing her paws upon Opal’s shoulder and biting onto one of the plates on her back...

But Opal knew this to be merely a scratch upon a surface that ran much deeper. Swinging her tiny head, she brought the hard little skull into the bellydragger’s side. As Dil fell to the ground, Opal found the opportunity she’d been waiting for. Raising her tail up, she brought it finally and decidedly down onto her enemy’s back.

Dil screamed in pain as her blood flecked the ground, and she quickly staggered backwards from the victorious spiketail.

“Go to blazes!!” she roared, before cantering off as quickly as her legs would allow.

A great cheer rose from the watching children as Opal came back to join them, a warm smile now adorning her battle-scarred form.

“Giving what she told Zyro, I had no doubt she had it in her...” Al thought, now easily picturing Opal as matriarch of the Valley. “I want to let the others know...but I’m sure she will, in time...”

He glanced over at Lini, who was suddenly standing stock still, an expression of utter dread having taken residence.

“Lini...?” he asked, shocked. “What...?”

“Smell the air...” she gasped, and at this, many of the others looked around.

“He’s here...” Lini finished in a horrified whisper.

Al, Chomper and Saureen all sniffed, and...

Unbidden, the sight confirming the scent appeared through the trees, toppling them without concern. Opal’s expression joined the children’s shock as Gigas and Redclaw stepped into view, eyes glaring, teeth gleaming...Chomper could see Seizon crouching some distance from them, and even he was looking horrified by this turn of events.

In spite of her fear, Opal stepped in front of the young dinosaurs, raising her tail, prepared to fight to the death if necessary. But this only broadened Gigas’ grin.

“I get the feeling the spiketail means to go down stubbornly,” he told Redclaw, who nodded.

“Well, I have no qualm about speeding up the process...”

“And what about the small twoclaw?” Redclaw asked of his companion. Gigas sighed.

“If we must keep him alive...” he said with a tone of regret. “I’m sure the others aren’t quite so necessary...”

But even they were not allowed to continue in their desired activity, for an intense and rapid rustling heralded the approach of yet more dinosaurs into the vicinity. All eyes were drawn to three emerging figures: Zyro, Screech and Thud.

Upon seeing his two former minions, Redclaw gave a roar of rage and made a beeline straight for them. The two fastbiters were quick to respond and leapt upon their old companion, sinking their claws deep into his hide.

Zyro meanwhile, and leapt at Gigas, sinking his teeth and foreclaws into his side, and leaping back when Gigas had swung around to counter him. He aimed to bite the crested sharptooth straight into his torso, but Zyro leapt to avoid to jaws and purposefully landed on the aggressor’s head, sinking his hindclaws as much as he could into Gigas’ reinforced head. For a sharptooth half Gigas’ size, Zyro seemed to be holding his own well, making the best use he could of his speed and agility to counter the slashclaw’s brute strength. Screech and Thud too were subduing Redclaw to the best of their abilities – even if one was thrown to the ground, the other knew just which points of the twoclaw to attack next...

“Opal!!” Zyro yelled, corkscrewing his body around as he narrowly dodged Gigas’ formidable claws. “Get them all to the mouth of the forest!!”

Nodding, Opal turned to the twelve young dinosaurs and wordlessly gestured in the direction whence their saviours had come.

Even as they galloped in a direct path through the forest, Chomper couldn’t help but glance back.

“What about the others??” he gasped.

Even as he spoke, he noticed, in the growing distance behind him, that something was wrong. Taking advantage of an opening, Gigas had swung his mighty tail straight into Zyro, who had collided painfully with a tree, and slid down the trunk...

And now Gigas was coming for them.

The sight of this red-eyed, slavering, sadistic monster charging at them through the trees was enough to make Chomper scream in terror.

“We’ve gotta get....!” he managed to pant, and the others, noticing the danger, mostly emitting similar screams, picked up the pace. Opal glanced behind her, ensuring none of the children were between her and Gigas’ drooling mouth, and considering her options...

On an impulse, she stopped still and swung her tail with all her might, catching Gigas underneath the chin. It had an effect – her quarry did stagger backwards, but he then lunged. Opal was only just able to avoid his jaws as they clamped shut at her, and she quickly ran also.

But help was at hand, for as Opal caught up with the kids, she noticed another part of the rescue committee coming their way.

“Dad??” Littlefoot and Shorty both cried in unison. Bron couldn’t help but smile as he noted Shorty’s automatic use of the term. He had Fumei were walking side-by-side, bodies together so as to negate injury. Even Gigas could see he had his hands full with the two fully-grown longnecks now approaching him. He stopped charging and emitted a titanic roar, which shook the forest and sent small animals fleeing for their very lives. He aimed bite at Fumei’s leg, but she quickly stepped away and Bron brought his head crashing into him, sending him skidding backwards.

Bron and Fumei then wordlessly intertwined their tails, and revolved on the spot, sending more trees crashing to the ground like dominoes, before finally smacking their conjoined tails straight into Gigas, who was knocked off his feet and rolled haphazardly across the forest floor.

This was the first of a great many signs of join to the rest of the party, who now noted that the mouth of the forest was close. Without the obscuring trees that the two longnecks had now swept aside, they could see Xal and a group of Piercers engaged in momentous battle with Ross, Rhea and Ferox. Where before Ferox had quailed under Xal’s tyranny, he now charged and snarled and scraped at him with Ross battling at his sight. As for Rhea, Chomper could see clearly how his mother’s ferocity had saved him so many times, as the Piercer’s toppled around her, laying nary more than a cut to her hide.

Heavy footfalls heralded the approach of someone else.

“Good – Bron and Fumei, keep him subdued!” Zyro had apparently recovered from Gigas’ temporary stunning, and was now rushing to aid the other sharpteeth.

The twelve kids could only watch in awe as the seven adults battled the hoards of the Sharptooth Revolutionary Army, denying their dogma, and with a determined courage that what they were doing what was good and right...and these were sharpteeth and leaf-eaters working side-by-side. Chomper couldn’t help but smile, and turned to Littlefoot, to share this moment, for he too, looked quite content...

But this contentment didn’t last, for the kids now realised that very soon, this formidable battling and fighting and gritty violence must be repeated at a much larger scale, as they took on Ulciscor and his terrifying armies in an attempt to liberate the Valley...


The howl came completely unexpectedly, and they all watched as a much smaller figure rushed through the undergrowth and laid a significant bite onto Zyro’s tail. Zyro staggered back and gazed, thoroughly non-plussed, at Seizon, was now skidding backwards, glaring at the adult sharptooth with a bitter determination.

Bron and Fumei had turned and made moves towards Zyro as soon as they had had heard the cry, but they stopped in bewilderment when they noticed Seizon.

But Xal was clearly angry.

“Get back Seizon!” he snapped, barging Ross and swatting him with his tail as he attempted a counterattack. “We cannot break rank now!”

Just this small shift in movement however, allowed an opening to be made, and one individual had made use of that opening.

With blinding speed, too quick for anyone else to react, Gigas had slipped through the defences the adults were creating and had approached the kids. Even as they scattered, Gigas kicked out, catching Saureen. Even as she was winded, and suspended in mid-air, Gigas slammed his foot into her, and pinned her up against the tree. This horrific sight had turned every eye in the vicinity, and everyone was frozen.

“I feel we should make an example of this particular attack on our sovereignty!” Gigas snarled, leering closer to the terrified Saureen.

“NO!” Chomper couldn’t stop himself. Neither, apparently, could Seizon, who emitted to exact same scream at the same time as him. But he couldn’t think too deeply into it now.
He couldn’t think, his mind was clouding over. Not Saureen, not her too...

“Gigas...” Xal spoke slowly, in an almost uncertain tone. “I don’t think that’s a necessity...”

He was gazing at the trapped Saureen with an almost sickened look, swallowing nervously. Gigas twisted his head round to look at him in disbelief.

“There’s no way they won’t do anything if we-”
Gigas had diverted his attention for long enough, for now both Ferox and Zyro were on top of him, Ferox biting into his neck with a blind fury, and Zyro pushing against him so that his grip on Saureen was loosened. Saureen manage to squirm free and dropped to the forest floor, where Chomper quickly ran to greet her and pull her, almost as a nervous wreck, back to the group.

Gigas managed to squirm free from his attackers and took several steps back, still fixing them with a pugnacious glare.

The four adult sharpteeth and three adult leaf-eaters moved as one to surround the children in a protective defence barrier, and Zyro, seeing Screech and Thud, scarred but determinately alive, quickly rush from deeper within the forest to join them, realised that any break for freedom they were to make would have to be soon.

“Don’t try and fight it Xal!” Zyro yelled at him. “There is no way this can last. Follow us and you will be faced with the full fury of our alliance, which is still alive and well. It’s over. You cannot counter us anymore.”

Xal, who was now standing next to a positively livid Gigas and a somewhat nervous Seizon, narrowed his eyes at this statement, but did not reply. At this, Zyro gave the signal.

At his signal, the rescue team with their rescued hostages amongst them fled out of the mouth of the Fanged Forest and into the open night air, noting with the utmost relief that the mission had been a complete success. All they had to do now was prepare to march upon the Valley.

Gigas made to charge after them, but Xal held him back. Attacking the formation as it was, with the large sharpteeth in front and longnecks at the rear would have been foolish and possibly suicidal.

“You talk a good game, Zyro...” he thought, watching the retreating group get smaller. “But do not discount our victory yet. Do not underestimate our ingenuity. The night is still young enough for a new offensive to be in play...and woe betide you should you be on the wrong end of that when the time comes..."


OK, now, for some reason, this won't let me bold/italicise/underline some parts of the text, so sorry about that...
But anyway, there you have it! And it's finally beginning, the operation to liberate the Valley from Ulciscor! How will it go down? You'll have to wait and see...
So yeah, don't know when the next chapter will be. Hopefully it won't be as long a wait, but you can never be sure. Ugh, exams...


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Yay! New chapter! :DD

So the Gang got imprisoned too. The conversation between Dil and Ichy and the Gang is very interesting. Right now I can't quite remember what Shorty had said to Xal previously but it's remarkable how much bravado he's able to maintain in his rather unfortunate situation. Speaking up in front of Xal was even more so an act of bravary.
Ducky, Petrie and Spike react to the situation by seeking warmth and comfort of each other though later they join Shorty as well as Littlefoot and Ali. Cera is curiously not swearing and raging about the situation, trying to do something about it, but retreating into her thoughts. Ruby's main attention is on Cera rather than on Ichy and Dil. She shows here how much she cares about her friends by showing support and relying on the experiences she gathered.
What Cera predicted concerning Tria and her dad, she really assumed correctly and her worries are justified. Ruby wouldn't be Ruby though if she didn't try to give her some hope.
Also what's going on between Ali and Shorty? :o :p

Ah, I thought Chomper and Saureen wouldn't wanna stay imprisoned :smile Lini still hasn't fully recovered from her fit of self-loathing as she's still considering herself lower and less worth than her friends. She is a selfless dinosaur but so are the other two. Her bad leg disqualifies her for being the one of them distracting their guards for she wouldn't get away. Chomper on the other hand...

Ahh, action! :D You know that I like your action scenes a lot :p At first things seem bad with Chomper getting separated from the girls but then things improve when the girls rescue Littlefoot and his friends.

Then things really seem to escalate :D That was some awesome battle!!! And, judging by what is yet to happen, this was just a small fight...

Looking forward to the next chapter no matter if I have to wait a week, a year or a decade :lol
Inactive, probably forever.


  • General of the Great Valley
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  • The cyberpunk Deinonychus
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I like this story a lot. Thrills, intrigue and high-octane battles.

But there are places where you forget the characters are dinosaurs, not humans.

Also, Ulcisor is a pretty interesting villain; he's Adolf Hitler in a Longneck's body.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


  • Spike
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And we're back!! Here's the next chapter that I hope you will very much enjoy??  :p
I should point out that this chapter is only partially proof-read, and it contains battle tactics that are probably horribly thought out. Please forgive me for that... :( This is also the chapter where I put all my up and coming potential ships to the test, so that's probably a load of rubbish too...but I'll let you decide that. Hopefully the title itself should generate some sense of excitement... :lol

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Eve of War

Skywater was a cover-all.

It soothed all the senses, and Seizon, sitting amongst a clump of ferns gazing dismally at the shapes of the three adult sharpteeth, discussing and arguing about the next course of action was glad for how the now fairly intense rainfall was obscuring his visibility, drowning out Gigas’ brusque and aggressive tones, making the foliage smell fresh, and splashing gently against his scales...

Seizon had to admit to himself, even allowing the rain to wash over him, as though cleaning his mind, that he wasn’t sure where this would go next. The sight of Saureen being pinned up against the tree by a slavering Gigas was still burned into his consciousness and made him almost want to cry every time it flashed across his mind...

Only he wouldn’t. Crying was not for him. He was, as Xal said, an ëapex hunter.’ And apex hunters don’t cry.
Well, if that were the case, being an apex hunter was incredibly difficult.

Seizon closed his eyes and tried his best to return to his own feelings. If he were honest with himself, he had never really considered the dangers involved in being part of Xal’s army. He hadn’t expected one of Xal’s underlings to turn upon his own friend so...easily. It was a horrifying prospect. Was this necessarily the fault of Xal?
It was his. Or rather, it was his own naivety. When envisioning the revolution, it had always been him and Xal, and maybe Saureen and Chomper and whatnot if they behaved...Seizon’s dream had always reflected on the old stories Xal had told him about Eykion and the great escapades of sharptooth revolution against Ulciscor and other oppressive leaf-eaters. It had been something they were doing together. It had been about someone who had cared for him, including him in something for the first time...

No, he would not cry.

But in Seizon’s vision, it had all been perfect. Through their resolve and familial affection, he and Xal had conquered the world. In this vision, there was no room for the likes of Redclaw, the monstrosity who had terrorized all dinosaurs for so long, or indeed Gigas, who, judging by his own observations and Lini’s stories, was even worse. How could a dream get so scuppered?

Even amongst the rainfall, he heard a small something land next to him. Turning, he noticed Ichy, whose feathers were sodden, necessitating a constant twitch.

“I take it Xal’s utterly devastated?” he asked briskly, turning to nip at something on his wing.

“I don’t really know,” Seizon replied honestly, now watching the sharpbeak. “I mean, the escape was pretty...thorough, but he seems to be maintaining his calm.” Seizon smiled admiringly. “Certainly compared to the other two...”

“Well, what doesn’t anger them?” Ichy muttered distractedly, attempting to ease his sodden form beneath a large fern, wringing out his feathers as he did so. “Their impulsiveness and tendencies to channel their anger into everything they do is what makes them great lieutenants.”

“You really think that’s all Xal’s looking for?” Seizon asked, a littler sharper than he had meant. Ichy’s eyes met Seizon’s, and, realising he had enticed the young bladeback’s defensive attitude, averted his gaze and simply shrugged. Satisfied, Seizon gazed back at the form of his step-father, obscured and muffled by the heavy rain.

“Who knows? I guess they’re good at what they do...but they don’t seem like the sorts with same vision...” Seizon scowled and looked down at the observant Ichy. “What do you think?”

“Me?” Ichy shrugged. “I have no idea. All I know is that I’m here to follow Xal, not the other two. He’s been the first person to give me any hope in a long time...and Dil too...” A faraway smile passed across his beak, and Seizon continued to watch him intently.

“How is Dil anyway?” he asked. “I saw she took some pretty heavy damage from that spiketail...”

“Oh, she’ll be fine!” Ichy replied, with a dismissive wave of his wing. “She’s been through far worse...and this time she didn’t lose an important one of her senses...” He gave a slightly dry chuckle, and shifted his eyes to the ground.

Watching him now, Seizon was forcibly reminded of Nycha, and her desire to avoid recollections and hangovers from her past. Upon memory of what he now knew, his insides became heavy with a leaden feeling of regret, and he concluded that the more he knew about the ones he worked with, the better. It was so easy to see these individuals as pawns in a larger, greater plan, but even with that in mind, they had their own feelings and agendas too. Not to mention stories to tell.

“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Seizon said carefully, watching Ichy for any sign of reaction. “You and Dil – you’ve got to be the strangest pair I’ve ever come across, and you argue all the time. How come you’ve stuck together through all this anyway? Where did you come from? And...well, what’s up with Dil’s eyes?”

Ichy gazed up at him reproachfully, and didn’t speak for a few seconds. Then he sighed.

“When the new dawn we’ve been hoping for arrives...or at least when things are more stable than they are right now, I’ll explain it all. But even then, I don’t know if it’s my place...” he shook his head. “For now, let’s just say we’ve both been through it. Like, badly. We joined together for mutual benefit. I was on my own and in a place where getting hold of food was very difficult. She had similar problems due to an incident which left her nearly completely blind. By working together, I could locate larger prey, and she could kill it. We didn’t like each other, as you can imagine, but...” she smiled slightly. “Neither of us will admit it to each other...but after all this time, there is definitely a grudging respect growing...maybe one day we’ll even be fond of each other.”

Seizon grinned approvingly.

“That’ll definitely be something worth seeing!” he remarked, getting to his feet.

“Where are you going?” Ichy demanded.

“I want to see what the next course of action is,” Seizon replied, his eyes now intently fixed upon Xal. “There’s no way he’s giving up just yet...”

He walked carefully forward, the rain still cascading around him, until he was in earshot of the three large sharpteeth. They seemed to be arguing, both Redclaw and Gigas in indignation at something Xal was saying. Intrigued, Seizon tiptoed closer.

“I can only guess that those two longnecks came from a much larger herd!” Redclaw was saying. “This goes without mentioning Ulciscor’s entire army!”

“I am well aware of the destructive power of longnecks,” Xal replied, fairly calmly, although there was a bite of impatience to it as well. “They managed to wipe out my entire family. And I have fought Ulciscor myself, if you remember.”

Redclaw fell silent, but Gigas just shook his head in disbelief, smiling all the while.

“You’re planning to go after them as quickly as possible? Follow them to the Valley and somehow defeat both them and Ulciscor’s forces? Relax, Xal, there are much less convoluted ways of bumping yourself off...”

“And what else do you suggest we do?” Xal demanded. “I for one am not willing to sit here after getting this far.”

A flash of lightning illuminated Gigas’ perplexed features momentarily.

“Well, how do you suggest going about doing it?” he asked irritably. “We’re down on Piercers as it is...”

“I think you’re misunderstanding what I’m proposing,” Xal replied. “If you would allow me to explain?”

Gigas fell silent, nevertheless watching Xal with a pronounced scepticism. Xal did not avert his gaze as he continued.

“What I have in mind is not a full-on attack. You’re right – that would be far too risky. What I’m planning is something more subtle, which will get us what we want with limited man-power.”

He turned to gaze out of the mouth of the forest, watching the rain splatter and hammer to the ground.

“We will follow them at a distance, all the way to Valley without them noticing and allowing them to penetrate it for us. Or rather, for me.” He turned to his two lieutenants. “You two will not be accompanying me.”

It was evident in their facial expressions and gestures that Gigas and Redclaw didn’t appreciate being told this, and made to object.

“If,” Xal cut across them dangerously. “Something were to happen to me out there, I will need you two to be safe in continuing my ambitions.”

There was a stunned silence punctuated only by the rain. Even Seizon was mystified. Xal had made it clear to him on many occasions that he was only working with these two for necessity’s sake. Asking them to continue the legacy...? Then again, he supposed he didn’t have an awful lot of choice. Seizon held his tongue.

Entirely unexpectedly, Xal then turned to Seizon.

“Seizon,” he said briskly. “Do you know where Ichy is?”

“Oh, right...” Seizon replied, caught off guard. He hadn’t even realised Xal knew he was there. “He’s just back there actually...” He pointed back to where he had been sitting moments before, and, vaguely noticing the form of the sharpbeak watching him, beckoned.

Ichy flew over.

“Yes?” he asked expectantly, looking up at Xal.

“It’s very important I have you with me,” Xal told him seriously. “I will need an eye in the sky, to keep track of our location and our quarry.”

“Sure thing...” Ichy nodded. “Just give me instructions as per the occasion...but...”

“But what?”

Now Ichy looked uncomfortable.
“It’s just...well, with things like this, it’s normally easier to have someone by your side. Someone you’re used to working with...”

“What’s your point, Ichy?”

“Well...” Ichy shifted his eyes to the ground. “I’d like to request Dil accompany us.”

Seizon grinned at that. Xal on the other hand, simply looked annoyed.

“I’m afraid that would be unwise,” he said sternly. “She’d slow us down. Especially if she’s injured.”

“Oh, she’ll be fine!” Ichy said hurriedly. “I can get her to move at our pace, I’m sure! And she’d be useful in case combat is necessary!”

Xal gazed at him in mild interest.

“You really insist upon keeping her at your side?”

Ichy nodded. Xal continued to gaze at him for a while, his amber eyes momentarily flicking over to Seizon.

“Alright,” he relented. “But if she lags, you’re going to have to leave her behind.”

“Got it!” Ichy replied, grinning in a rather relieved manner. “I’ll go and let her know!”

As he flew off, Seizon stepped forward.

“What about me?” he asked.

Xal’s gaze fixed on him.

“Why would you want to come?” he asked curiously. “No offence, but I don’t know if you’d contribute much...”

“I’m aware of that...” Seizon admitted. “But...I have personal scores to settle. Besides...I stay with you...”

He couldn’t bring himself to look Xal in the eye as he said this.

“Seizon,” Xal said seriously, and Seizon immediately found himself frustrated at the lack of emotion behind the way Xal spoke his name. “We’re talking about entering the Great Valley. Right now, there is probably no place in the world more dangerous for a sharptooth.”

“The same could be said for you,” Seizon replied, gazing back up at him.

Xal gazed at him for a long time, until something that might have been the beginnings of a smile flickered briefly across his features.

“OK,” he said. “But...on your own head be it.”

By this time, Gigas and Redclaw had returned to the depths of the forest. Dil soon came lumbering into view, a scar quite visible of her back, and Ichy perched atop her head.

“Are you sure about this?” she demanded grumpily of Xal. “We’re not much of an attack force.”

“Never mind attack right now,” Xal replied evenly. “For now our primary concern is keeping close tabs on the battle. However, we will be joined by an attack company soon enough...”

Seizon frowned.

“But I thought most of our Piercers were out of commission...?”

“Oh, I mobilized a reserve force a while ago,” Xal replied smirking slightly. “Just in case it were a necessity...we can follow our dear friends back to their rendezvous before following them to the Valley, by which time we will have our squad. Although beforehand it will be better to create a low profile, once they’ve regrouped they will be in a group so large, they won’t notice a few dozen Piercer’s in pursuit some distance away...”

“Where are these Piercer’s stationed?” Seizon asked.

Still smirking, Xal gazed upon him.

“I owe it all to you really, Seizon. We’ll find them at the Grand Cave Network.”

The sky water was beginning to die down; something that Ducky wasn’t sure how she felt about. The constant hammering of cold water upon her as she lay on Spike’s back may have been the only thing keeping her awake.

She emitted a loud and prominent yawn. Opal gave her a sideways glance.

“I know,” she said soothingly. “I know you’re tired. But you can sleep for ages once this is over.”

Ducky nodded.

“Therefore, we should get it over with quickly! Yep...yep...” she faltered, and allowed herself to slump back onto Spike’s back. Opal watched the two of them intently, wondering vaguely how she was going to reveal her identity to Spike.

“There’s no easy way...” she concluded. “I just hope he understands...”

Zyro was walking at the forefront of the group, his eyes darting over the horizon. Chomper was watching him with interest.

“Aren’t we returning to the Heathland?” he asked.

“Old One thought that would be a bit of a trek,” he explained. “So she agreed to move everyone halfway. We would agree on a route to the Valley from there...ah!”

Chomper too had spotted the distant silhouettes of a large mass of longnecks and sharpteeth. It was very hard to miss – normally such animals didn’t gather side-by-side. He smiled at this thought.

Old One also expressed a warm smile as the group approached her.

“Glad to see you’ve all made it out,” she said earnestly. “If anything had happened...”

“I will admit I’m surprised at how successful it was,” Zyro agreed.

“So, are we going then?” Al asked Zyro.

“Patience,” Zyro told him. “We can’t just march blindly off. We have to know what we’re doing...”

Old One had already called a few burly looking longnecks to her side, and requested that Bron and Opal also join her.

“Screech and Thud,” Zyro beckoned to them. “I want you to listen carefully too.”

“What about us?” Chomper asked, gesturing to the other eleven youngsters and the remaining adults.

“Get some rest,” Zyro told them firmly. “You’ve been through a terrible ordeal, and there’s still more walking to come. After we’ve finalized our plans, we’ll all take a brief break and then we’ll run it past you.”

The youngsters obeyed these instructions, thanks in part to gesturing of the older dinosaurs. Ross, Rhea, Ferox and Fumei all ushered the children away, as the herd leaders and their lieutenants discussed their battle preparations.

“The messenger you saw me send will have already informed the residents of the Valley of our intentions,” Old One explained. “So, they’re likely to be stirred into action when they hear of our approach. We will meet with the messenger there, and he will act as a means of communication between us and the Valleians until we’re inside.”

“And how exactly are we doing that?” Bron asked. “I take it you were drawing up ideas?”

“I was,” Old One agreed, extending her tail and drawing a rough diagram of the Great Valley in the mud. “Now, we know that Ulciscor has a knack for building up all the mountainous walls of the Valley using the manual labour of its residents, until it’s less of a Valley and more of a fortress! It’ll make it difficult to get past those particular walls, but I get the feeling that Ulciscor will be concentrating his efforts on reinforcing one of the sides of the Valley in particular.” She gazed up at the watchful circle.

“Let us not forget that Ulciscor’s regime was brought down once before,” she said.

“By Xal...” Bron murmured.

“Exactly – or at least, the group that Xal now represents,” Old One continued. “And Xal resides in the Fanged Forest, to the East of the Valley. Therefore, it would make sense for Ulciscor to focus most of his effort on the east wall, which means we should attack him via the west side.” Old One marked this on her diagram.

Bron made a sceptical noise.

“It does sound promising, but this is Ulciscor we’re dealing with,” he said, his memory unwillingly flashing back to a much younger figure, yet still tall and intimidating...

Bron, shaking his head, continued.

“If he’s been attacked before, and there’s whisper of revolution amongst the populace, it’s likely he’d increase efforts on all of the walls, not just the east. That would make more sense...”

“It really depends on how much time he had,” Zyro mused. “And he’d probably go for the east first...”

“Should we really be going for a single offensive though?” one of the longnecks at Old One’s side queried. “After all, there are lots of us – I think we should make use of the numbers. Have different groups of us attack at all sides. I think that would be preferable...”

“It’s true that we do have numbers on our side,” Zyro agreed. “However, the Bludgeon Brigade is just more professional at this kind of thing. They’ve been trained to be soldiers and thugs, whereas we are just herds...they are much more likely to pick us off if we are in smaller groups, nullifying our numerical advantage. I personally think going for a single offensive is better, and hopefully overwhelming Ulciscor and his troops through sheer numbers. Meaning...” he looked more uncomfortable now. “Meaning we need to find a place we can strike and make use of our vast group. We don’t want to get funnelled in, that would be a disaster...”

“This is why I suggested the west side,” Old One agreed, nodding to her diagram in the dirt.

“But how can we be sure to get a clear shot?” Bron asked. “He may have fortified that...”

“Well...” Opal began, and everyone turned to look at her. Looking slightly nervous, she nevertheless continued.

“I’m just thinking...Ulciscor also has a habit of keeping prisoners...”

“So, we should free them too?” Old One queried.

“This just keeps getting better...” another longneck sighed.

Opal shook her head.

“Well, obviously, yes. But there’s more to it than that. From what I remember, he imprisons them in the Secret Caverns, yes? Those caverns are a network that runs through the mountains walls of the Valley.”

“The caverns won’t make it easier to get through if we want a single, large offensive...” Bron pointed out.

“I know,” Opal agreed. “But having hollow tunnels is likely to make a mountain wall weaker. Ulciscor would have made some effort in trying to counter this. It’s a shot in the dark, but I think he’d have to choose which side of the Valley he’d want to reinforce by blocking the Caverns with rocks, and which side he’d want to keep the Caverns free to place prisoners. And my guess is...”

“...that it would be the east wall he’d want to reinforce!” Zyro finished, cottoning on, and gazing at Opal with blatant admiration. Then he turned to look expectantly at Bron.
“I think it’s our best option,” Old One concluded, also watching Bron for a reaction. He sighed, and nodded.

“It’s decided then,” Old One said briskly. “We’ll have to go a slightly more obscure direction, but once we arrive at the west wall, my messenger will greet us, and hopefully he can confirm what we’re hoping. Then, with help from the prisoners, we can work on getting a safe route into the Valley.”

“Alright,” Bron said. “But assuming all this works, what will we do once we’re inside?”

“Well, if all goes according to plan, we’ll be pressing in on one side, and the Valleians on the other,” Old One replied. “Then we can drive them out through sheer numbers, as Zyro said.”

“What about Ulciscor?” Bron asked. “What happens to him?”

Old One sighed.

“Whatever is necessary. And let’s brief everyone and inform them that we’ll be aiming for him specifically. He and his lieutenant Kai are our targets.”

Opal, satisfied that the plans had been finalized, wandered back over to where the children were resting. It was only as she approached that she realised all was not well...

The time had finally come for Lini to explain everything. The entire experience filled her with paramount dread, but with Chomper and Saureen and her side, she had finally begun to recant the tale of her past to the gang. At least, this is what she claimed, but her primary intentions were obvious – although she couldn’t look him in the eye, she was directly facing Al as she spoke, nervously wringing her claws together, and looking apprehensively at him once she had finished. On one side, Saureen held onto her arm, whereas on her other side, Chomper soothingly rubbed her back and watched Al for a reaction.

She had spoken in sharptooth, and Shorty nearby was translating as best he could for the leaf-eaters, as Lini’s rapid talking a shallow breathing had made it difficult for them to keep up. Shorty himself had a slight frown on his face, but looked up Lini after they had both finished and nodded solemnly. Most had expressions of similar understanding, although Cera was looking slightly resentful.

“Hang on...” she murmured in an undertone. “Is she saying that she actually...”

“Shush, for now, Cera...” Ruby whispered to her. She was watching Al closely. Cera sighed, but uncharacteristically did as she was told.

Al himself, with all eyes upon him, simply looked vacant. He was looking at Lini, but his purple eyes betrayed the look of someone far away. Eventually his focus shifted to the ground, and he said, rather sullenly,

“Lini...why are you telling us this?”

“W-why?” Lini repeated, caught off guard. “I...well, I thought you should know. I thought you should all know.”

“Is that so...?” Al murmured back, still staring into space. However, he soon snapped his eyes back upon Lini, and suddenly, their expression was angry. Lini felt a thrill of foreboding and a wave of cold pass over how as Al peered judgementally at her, the corner of his mouth curling.

“Why would we want to know about this?” he demanded of her with an almost venomous quality to his voice. “It would have been much better for you if we had kept this under wraps, so we don’t find out what you really are...” He looked her up and down, something he had previously done with considerable warmth. All of that had vanished now.

“Al...” Lini gasped, her eyes widening and her whole body trembling. “Please...don’t...”

“How could you, Lini?” Al snapped. “I thought I knew you. I thought you were so...sweet and innocent. But you took the path of the likes of scum like Gigas, and decided to torture and kill your fellow sharptooth??”

“Now hang on!” Saureen interjected, stepping forward to face Al, looking equally angry. “Do you mind laying off with those remarks?” For now Lini was openly crying, emitting shallow breaths in a futile attempt to stem the flow of tears that fell from her azure eyes. Chomper, still rubbing her back, was attempting to comfort her, but throwing Al a scandalized look as he did so.

Saureen, still glaring at Al, continued.

“Do you even care how she feels about it? Chomper and I...” Saureen glanced around, and then back at Al.

“Chomper and I had to persuade her not to kill herself!”

She could have sworn she saw a brief flicker of something softer pass over Al’s expressions, but the moment was fleeting, and he just stared coldly back at her.

“You were willing to forgive her, then?”

“Yes!” Saureen snarled. “Why the hell aren’t you?”

“Because I know the measure of some sharpteeth!” Al snarled back. “I thought you would be aware of this by now!”

“Well, I have to say...” came a slightly apprehensive voice. Cera may not have grasped the sharptooth language as easily as Shorty, but she was still able to follow the general gist of what was being said. Heads turned to look at her.

“Weren’t you all a bit quick to forgive...?” she asked, glancing at Saureen and Chomper. “I mean...I’m sure Lini does regret, but it all seems a bit...”

“Thanks for that!!” Saureen snarled at her, now striding in her direction. “But we don’t need him to be thrown a bone!”

“There’s no need to be like that!” Cera replied, firing up. “I’m simply saying that I think you’re being a bit too lenient...”

“That’s easy for you to say!” Saureen snapped. “But you weren’t there, with us, you didn’t see how she could we not be??”

“Thanks Saureen...” Lini murmured, sniffing heavily. “But I can speak for myself.” She glanced at Cera.

“You don’t have to forgive me...” she said simply. “In fact, I don’t know why I expected anyone to...”

Cera looked uncomfortable, but didn’t say anything. Instead, Ruby leaned closer to her.

“Cera...surely you have regrets?”

“Well, yes!” Cera agreed. “But...hmm...” she fell silent.

Ducky was now looking at Lini, smiling sympathetically.

“I am really sorry for what happened to you, I am. I could never judge you for it, no, no, no.” Spike also nodded his agreement. Petrie also gave affirmations, nevertheless shuffling quickly to Spike’s side.

“I won’t hold you to blame either,” Littlefoot added, shrugging.

“Me neither,” Ali affirmed.

Even as Lini gave them small smiles, Al grunted with a combination of bemusement and disdain.

“Well, I am holding you to blame,” he said simply, gazing at Lini with a similar coldness. “I can’t just forget the whole thing this easily. I’m afraid no matter what you try and say, you can’t pretend this didn’t happen.”

“When did I even say that??” Lini demanded, horrified.

“You acted like it,” Al replied, coolly. “All smiles, acting like the big, supporting group member, and all this time you were no better than-”

“Stop it!” Now Chomper was glaring at him.

“Don’t even finish that sentence! I don’t want to hear it.” He marched forward and eyed Al furiously.

“Why the hell are you being like this? This is not the Al I’m used to, you’re normally so level-headed and...” he broke off, the reality of what he was experiencing hitting him.

But Al’s strange mood did not waver.

“I thought you, of all people, Chomper, would understand the very nature these so-called apex predators. Heartless, calculating...”

“This is Lini we’re talking about!” Chomper snarled back. “She had no real idea what she was doing – her morals and worldviews had been shaped ridiculously by the likes of Gigas-”

“Are you really using upbringing as an excuse?” Al demanded. “It doesn’t change someone’s choices, Chomper. She was still acting as a free agent.”
Chomper gave a hollow laugh.

“You really want to call her a free agent? Well, she is now, for sure, which is why she’s no longer in the act of systematic k-killing...” he stuttered somewhat on the word, but continued. “And you’re saying that the way someone was brought up doesn’t matter? Are you going to tell me that Nycha was in the wrong, no matter what the Tetrarchy did to her and her family?”

The memory of Nycha returning to him, Chomper’s emotions took over considerably – his voice was raised to a considerably carrying volume, and there was a deep growling element to it now, alarming is leaf-eater friends and causing Al to take a step back.

“Such a shame you didn’t get to tell her that before she died!!” Chomper roared, his voice heavy with sarcasm and potential foam beginning to form at the sides of his jaws. “I’m sure she would have loved to know it was all her fault!! It’s all easy for you to say isn’t it? You don’t even have a family!!”

This last sentence had an obvious stinging effect. At once, Al’s purple orbs reignited their rage, and he too began to growl.

“You know what??” he snarled. “I’m starting to think Seizon was right about you. You’re too naive, you understand the first thing about how to conduct yourself against your enemies. It was little wonder you were powerless to prevent Pyron-”

Chomper didn’t let him finish his sentence. Barrelling into him with an ear-splitting roar of rage, Chomper had Al on the ground before the latter even knew what was happening. He could vaguely hear his friends panicking and calling his name, but right now he didn’t care. He was snarling, and Al was snarling back, their jaws moving in on each other’s throats...


A huge leg had stamped into their midst, forcing them apart and rolling on the ground, shaking their heads in bewilderment. Chomper and Al sprang up to see the form of Opal striding towards them, casting a surveying eye over the twelve youngsters. Chomper glanced back at the others. Although their gaze mainly concerned Opal, they kept glancing back at him, looking quite concerned.

“Alright...” Opal murmured, gazing at them all and sighing heavily. “I heard most of that, and quite frankly Al, you’re being ridiculous.”

Al looked up at her indignantly.

“What do you know?” he demanded.

“Considering my own husband was killed by sharpteeth,” Opal replied patiently. “Quite a bit. I know exactly what sharpteeth do and the desperation of their situations that lead them to do certain acts...I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s experienced this.”

Littlefoot nodded meekly. But Cera, looking suddenly confused, spoke up,

“Hang have a husband?”

“Actually, in my time, I’ve had two...” Opal murmured. She shook her head hurriedly.
“Right now, it’s irrelevant. My point is Al, I’m astounded. I thought Lini had taken you. Or rather, taken your heart.”

Al didn’t say anything. His line of vision was now focused on Zyro, somewhere in the distance, in discussion with Old One. Lini was still gazing intently in his direction however.

“I hate to break it to you,” came a voice. “But he’s always like this.”

All thirteen of them, caught completely off guard, turned to see Screech and Thud standing behind them, looking completely relaxed and slightly amused by the situation, despite their noticeable injuries.

Opal, the only one amongst them who had no knowledge of the sharptooth language, allowed Chomper to translate for her, before asking,

“How do you mean?”

After receiving the translation, Screech laughed loudly, and Thud replied,

“Just because he’s completely blameless, he thinks everyone who has done something regrettable in their entire lives is completely beyond redeeming. Never mind that Shark and Zyro’s vision is to help sharpteeth who are in desperate situations, or that we were instrumental in saving everyone’s, we were once with Redclaw, so we are the scum of the earth!”

“I see,” Opal murmured, after receiving Chomper’s bitter translation. “Al, it’s great that you such an absolute view of the world’s morality, but maybe it’s time you grew up.”

“What??” Al snapped his head round, suddenly angry again.

“Everyone has some blemish in their past,” Opal went on. “You can’t just push others away via that particular judgement. I have a great regret that I have, up until recently, forgotten entirely...”

All eyes were on her now. She couldn’t not explain now...she sighed.

“I once lived in the Great Valley,” she said. “A long time ago. My husband, Omendric, led the Valley until his death, upon which Ulciscor took his advantage. In our desperation, and our cowardice, I and his brother, Ronan, fled.” She closed her eyes and gave a sad smile. “I get the feeling I was the one who persuaded him to turn his back, but we soon both forgot, trying to ignore the horrifying tales coming from the Valley under Ulciscor’s suffocating regime. We even got together ourselves, and had an egg. But then one day he came for us.”

“Who???” Littlefoot asked in awe.

“Ulciscor’s greatest follower...” Opal replied bitterly. “The fabled stinging longneck, the one called Kai.”

Cera made an appropriate noise of disgust.

“I don’t even know quite what he wanted,” Opal admitted. “By then I was sure Ulciscor’s regime had fallen. But he attacked us. Relentlessly...took out Ronan, and I was sure I was taken out too...I woke up with the rainbowfaces with no memory of who I was.” She sighed. “I think it was payback for running when I did. From this heap of regret, however, I’m glad one thing went right.” She now, drawing deep breaths and heart hammering, finally lowered her eyes upon Spike.

“I’m glad my child survived. And I’m glad he went on to live happily, with those who cared for, and loved him. And I’m glad...that I finally got to meet him.”

For a brief second, everyone just stood in a silent confusion. Then the penny dropped.

“Wait...!!” Cera looked scandalised, glancing from Opal, to Spike, and then back again. “You mean...?”

Ruby made a soft ëohhh’ of understanding, and simply smiled.

Spike was staring back at Opal, completely motionless, his heart pounding against his ribcage, his mind numb with disbelief. Eventually, his lips moved.


“I know you might think this is a bad time,” Opal went on hurriedly, tears now beginning to leak from her eyes. “I know we can’t rekindle a proper connection having spent all this time apart, and I know you feel far more connected to the one you now call mother, but...” she gulped. “But soon we will be marching off the war, and although hope is high, we have no guarantee what will happen. The only real certainty is that Ulciscor will not be pleased to see me. And if I go, I’d like to let you know beforehand...and live in hope that what’s connecting us is the one thing we have over Ulciscor. The fact that we’re all here because we believe in each other...” She glanced briefly back at Al. “That we are all connected by a common goal and the love we all have. The love we all share. There is real love here, I can tell...”

Her words sent a shiver through the group of youngsters, who all glanced at one another in equally appropriate ways.

“It gives me some joy knowing that, even if the Valley itself doesn’t survive, what it stood for will continue on for a long time...” she finished, gazing at them all with a very solemn pride.

Al, allowing himself to me momentarily swept away, turned back to face everyone.

“Maybe you’re right...” he murmured. “And I’m sorry for what I said concerning Pyron...he was my friend too...”

Without looking Lini in the eye, he turned his back on her.

“I’ll allow some bonding to go on, if you believe it should,” he said monotonously, before beginning to walk away.

“But Al!!” Lini called, speaking up again after a long silence. “What about us??”

Al paused briefly, before continuing walking away without a word to her.

“Yep, this is definitely the place...”

Seizon’s confirmation caused another, slightly far away grin to settle over Xal’s face.
“The Grand Cave Network...” he murmured. “So many stories I’ve heard...and now it will be the key to our victory.

He strode towards the entrance, Seizon carefully following. Ichy and Dil were nearby, resting against a conveniently placed rock.

“Anyone would think you were hurt!” Ichy observed, smirking slightly.

“I’d like to see how you’d come off in a fight with a spiketail!” Dil retorted, twisting her head around to squint at her wounds. “Ichy, why did Xal want me out here anyway? I’m hardly going to fare well in a fight with Bludgeoners!”

“Oh, he knows I have great authority over you,” Ichy replied dryly. “It’s my tactical skills he wants. Besides...” his tone of voice now changed. “Once he gets what he wants, you’ll be in immediate priority. It’ll be useful in know...”

“Don’t insult me,” Dil growled. “As if I would forget my own daughter! And what about you? I take it you have agenda too?”

“I thought I did,” Ichy admitted. “But maybe that’s quite considerably gone...I don’t think anything I do will hold any weight...”

“Damn it, Ichy!” Dil sighed. “Will I ever be rid of you??”

Ichy simply smiled, but didn’t reply.

Back at the mouth of the cave, Xal was peering intently into the network. It was still a few hours until sunrise, so he could barely see a think. Sniffing intently, he growled, and said in a carrying whisper.

“The average leaf-eater is the great oppressor.”

Slightly confused at this, Seizon jumped when he heard a reply coming from the cave.

“But the average sharptooth is a sibling to unite with. Well, Xal, you took your time.”

“It was necessary,” Xal replied, now looking more relaxed. “What’s this network like?”

“Bizarre,” the voice replied. “It floods half the time, and there were a pack of young misfits jealously guarding some shiny stones.” At this, both bladebacks noticed a small, slightly whitish object come flying out of the gloom, landing with a clatter at Xal’s feet. Seizon peered round to take a good look at it, and felt his heart briefly stop.

It was a small, sharptooth’s skull. And not just from any sharptooth. This skull was immediately distinguished by its short and deep shape. And the two horns atop it...

Seizon remembered how he had told Nott that he never should have messed with Xal. And how those words had literally come back to him. He felt a stab of sympathy, but it was short lived. Nott had had it coming. Besides, there were more important things to worry about.

Now striding into view was a jet-black Piercer, with several narrow red lines upon her back. Her eyes were a deep, blood-red also, and she was looking at Xal quizzically.
“So what’s the issue here?” she asked.

“It’s quite simple, Zoe,” Xal replied. “We’ve got to follow a large alliance of sharpteeth and flatteeth to the Great Valley, and wait until they and Ulciscor’s forces have all but destroyed each other before heading in ourselves.”

“Sounds like sheer suicide,” Zoe replied boredly. “But it might work. Once you’re in control of the Valley, assuming that’s even a possibility, I’m hoping my own agenda will be considered?”

“As with everyone’s desires, yes,” Xal nodded curtly.

Seizon was watching this exchange with a coupled fascination and outrage. This Piercer, whom he had never seen before, was speaking to Xal as though he were nothing...

“Show respect!!” he snarled at her. “Without Xal, your goal will never be realised!”

Zoe looked at him coldly.

“And what do you want out of this revolution of his?” she asked.

Seizon quickly changed the subject.

“What was it you said to her at the beginning?” he asked Xal.

“A passcode,” Xal replied briskly. “One of Eykion’s sayings. Helps us keep track of each other. Now, I need to help Zoe mobilize the Piercers, go and make sure those two...” he jerked his head in Ichy and Dil’s direction, “know what we’re doing...”

Seizon obediently walked over, his mind working furiously. So, Xal’s pledge was to help all those who helped him revolt with whatever issues the world had given them? It seemed perfectly in sync with the world he had envisaged; he just hoped there would be room for his older friends in that world too.

On the subject of old friends, he noticed a lilac feather sticking out of the ground nearby. It looked a bit worse for wear, but it was definitely Nycha’s – the very one she had plucked from her head to place on Pyron’s grave. After a great many weeks, he was finally back here.

“Fallen companion?” Ichy asked quietly, as Seizon knelt down upon the mound of earth.

“Yeah...” Seizon muttered absent-mindedly, gazing at the single feather intently.

He placed his hand upon the earth, staring hard at the feather, as his mind rolled back to Pyron.

“Forget Al, you were the real peacemaker...” he thought solemnly. “Goodness only knows what you’d say to me if you saw me now, Pyron. Would you rebuke me? Or just tell me to continue, trying to get the best result possible...” Seizon glanced at Xal, whom was in deep conversation with Zoe, as many more Piercers, possible numbering thirty, milled around, preparing...

One objective, Seizon told himself. One objective...and then everything followed on from that...


The early hours of the morning continued to trend until obvious signs of pre-dawn were upon the dinosaurs that inhabited the Great Valley. With the clouds rolling over, and the stars beginning to disappear, a light breeze whistled harshly through the largely bare trees, the branches creaking...

The signs would have been obvious, but most Valley inhabitants were asleep, their dreams disturbed my mingled excitement and fear. They had all heard the whisper of liberation, but their lives were still ruled by a monstrosity who could take their lives with a single command...

Movement existed solely in the form of this monstrosity. Ulciscor was wide awake, pacing back and forth at the bank of the watering hole were the Thundering Falls gushed abundantly, and gazing at his reflection. Nearby, his parents slept, guarded by fanatical and loyal Bludgeoners.

Ulciscor knew that they were talking of liberation and rebellion. But finding the source of this rumour and crushing it was a lot more difficult. It had seemingly come from nowhere. If these dinosaurs had rekindled some backbone, then it could prove disastrous for his plans. Maybe some new measure was necessary.

Ulciscor considered. What new measure would keep them under his thumb?

There were their children of course – but kill them and they would have nothing left to lose...although keeping them hostage and holding to a ransom of their undying obedience...yes, that would be better!

Ulciscor smiled to himself, but this smile was short-lived, when he remembered the enemies he had beyond these walls. He knew it were only a matter of time before their forces were scraped together once more.

“I have fortified the Valley...” he told himself firmly. “The East mountain wall is blockaded with solid rock. If those sharpteeth do return, we will be forewarned...”

But if, Ulciscor continued to himself, if there are enemies on all sides, where would he expand next? His plan had always been to fortify the Valley and expand his armies...

“Everything just moves so slowly...” Ulciscor thought mutionously. “If I am to rid the world of the curse that is sharpteeth, I will have to expand my horizons beyond the Great Valley...”

At that moment, he heard a rustling and heavy footfalls heralded the arrival of another at the water’s edge. Peering through the darkness, he saw the distinctive form of his greatest lieutenant, looking very content.

“Where have you been?” Ulciscor demanded.

“Just been cleansing the area,” Kai replied nonchalantly, lowering his neck to drink. “Managed to uproot what looked to be a family group of sharpteeth.” A small grin appeared on his face. “Took only a few minutes to deal with them all.”

“We have Bludgeoners for that!” Ulciscor snapped. “Bludgeoners that are stationed on the exterior of the Valley to watch for any approaching force. Their job is to deal with sharpteeth, I need you here! What if something important had come up? But by all means continue to enjoy your sport!”

Kai, raising his head, glared back at the iron-grey longneck.

“I am merely keeping myself occupied,” he growled back. “I have been asking constantly if there’s any other task you require of me. What with sending me to the Fanged Forest and tailing your nephew, I thought you had planned further ahead. But there is simply nothing left to do. They all live in fear of us, why do I even need to enforce it? Shouldn’t we be cleansing the land of sharpteeth, as you always pledged to do??”

“It’s not as simple as that,” Ulciscor replied shortly, now striding around the water’s edge to be closer to him. “But you are right – it is time we got things moving.”

“Oh really?” Kai watched him closely. “How so?”

“It’s time we rallied more leaf-eaters to our cause. Only the pure stock, of course. But I get the feeling I’ll need to retrace some of my steps from the past.”

“Like when you recruited me?” Kai murmured, a look of what may have been reminiscence passing across his face.

“Technically, yes.” Ulciscor replied. “But I’ve been wandering for a long time, and with something as vital as this, it may result in digging up many ghosts. I’ll have to head off myself, alone. I don’t want to draw every eye.”

“And what of the Valley?”

“Oh, that’s where you come in.” Ulciscor’s smile of malice had returned. “Sorry, did I not mention?”

Kai’s eyes grew wide.

“Yes – because you have generated a great sense of fear and order into the Valley’s populace!” Ulciscor told him, continuing to pace.

“They all live in abject terror of you. Everywhere you go, they call you the longneck that stings, or words to that affect. I know you can control a crowd, and you can fulfil my noble goals. When I leave in a few days time, I will be leaving you in charge. You can do that for me, yes?”

“Oh yes!” Kai’s eyes were gleaming and he was practically salivating with excitement. “Yes sir, I won’t let you down!”

“Good,” Ulciscor said. “Now, go and get some sleep. I don’t wish for you to be wandering from the Valley again without permission, alright?”

Kai bowed his head, and with a grin wide enough to swallow his entire face, strode away, leaving Ulciscor to gaze at his reflection once more, his mind elsewhere.

The ghostly shape loomed into view against the inky black sky, but its identity was unmistakable. The destination had been reached.

Chomper knew their journey must have been considerable. Dawn could only be an hour or so from breaking, but the long trek of the large group of longnecks, sharpteeth, one spiketail and few random kids had left him much time to think. He supposed it helped that Rhea had insisted on carrying him atop her head for a lot of the journey so that he could get some sleep, and had gone strangely deaf when he pointed out that she needed her sleep too.

Even as tired as he was, there was no way Chomper could have slept. With every step the great liberating alliance took, Chomper’s panic had mounted. It was just beginning to occur to him what faced them – they, along with everyone he knew in the Great Valley were about to do battle with a group of murderous longnecks in the sheer hope that this would someone leave a decisive victory? It seemed the only option given what he knew about Ulciscor, but all the same, there was a good chance many of whom strode amongst him wouldn’t make it to see the next sunset. What if was Old One, the wise and aged longneck who carried such maternal power? What if it was Zyro, the bilingual and agile sharptooth whom had taken such responsibility on his shoulders? Or maybe even Opal, the once leader of the Valley, and Spike’s real mother? His heart sank even lower when he came to terms with the possibility that it could be either one or both of his parents. Of the casualties of the battle, it could also be Littlefoot, Saureen, Ruby, or another one of the friends he held so dear...

When these kind of thoughts struck him, he had persuaded his mother to lower him to the ground, so he could walk off some excess stress, and spend some time with the friends he had conglomerated. Although none of them spoke much, there was a mutual recognition and appreciation that walking with each other was something they wanted to do, just to linger more with each other before the inevitable battle. Saureen walked close beside him, in the close wake of Ferox, whom kept glancing back to check she was still with him. Saureen’s hand was easily visible by her side, and Chomper, remembering what Opal had told them about their love holding them together, grew curious sensations and felt the overwhelming desire to take hold of it, and squeeze it tight, if just to remind her that he was still there...?

But he refrained. Maybe it would just seem out of place. He had no clue. Was there love permeating amongst their group? Well, yes, definitely, but Chomper was still unsure whether she had been referring to the love you feel for true companions who will always have your back, or the love you feel for someone who you want to spend your life with...? Maybe both. Chomper was pretty sure Ali and Shorty had that kind of relationship – they hadn’t left each other’s side since the Fanged Forest. And Lini and Al had that too – or, they had done. Al had still refused to speak to Lini, and by extension, any of them, walking ahead by Zyro’s side. Chomper felt only a great boiling anger for Al’s self-righteous attitude, but all that bubbled away into cold terror and guilt when he wondered how he would feel if Al were to fall in the ensuing battle without them having reconciled...

And yet all this fear, guilt, anger and the dawning of brewing love largely evaporated from Chomper to be replaced with adrenalin and anticipation once he had caught sight of the unmistakable shape – Saurus Rock stood, lonely but stubborn, against the dark sky. Many months after being forcibly taken from it by a pair of enthusiastic young sharpteeth, he was back home at last. It was hard to believe that beyond the glorious mountain walls he knew so well, was a terrifying and oppressive state that they had come to aggressively resist against.

This sign had obviously been noticed by everyone, as the large marching alliance had come to a sudden halt.
There was silence, except for a few sniffs coming from Zyro.

“OK...” he breathed, though the alliance could hear quite clearly. “We’re facing the West wall, although we can detect a few guards directly ahead. Part of Ulciscor’s Bludgeon Brigade. Before we can get anything done, we’ll need to take them out. Quickly and without drawing too much attention. If you don’t mind me saying so, I think sharpteeth are the best option.”
“How so?” A longneck asked.

“Firstly, we’re smaller,” Zyro explained. “Secondly, we can find our way around the dark with our sense of smell. We have the advantage over them. Thirdly, they are more likely to expect sharpteeth to attack them. It’ll seem less suspicious, and there will be less of a desire to report this strange mishap and just initiate a slaughter.” He had a slightly grim smile as he finished.

After gathering a few medium-sized sharpteeth, including Screech and Thud, Zyro fled quickly but silently off, advising the group to follow him slowly. As they did so, they began to hear the sounds of angry grunts, snarls and thuds, whilst vision was limited. As they drew nearer, the sounds grew louder, until there was a resolute and final thud that sounded like it was caused by considerably more than a body falling to the ground. As they continued their approach, Zyro crept back to them, looking windswept, but noticeably pleased.

“We got a little hand,” he panted, inclining his head towards a figure clearly visible against the wall of rock.

“Pterano!?” Petrie gave a strangled gasp, repeated by many of his friends.

“Quieten down, now!” Pterano advised, nevertheless accepting the hug that Petrie offered him as he zipped towards him. “Yes, Old One recruited me for this task. I’ve been hanging with her herd for quite a while...”

“How come you never said anything??” Cera demanded, casting an accusatory eye over at Old One. Old One merely smiled.

“Pterano preferred anonymity for now,” she said simply.

“Yes, but I figured I would have to show myself at some point, and why not drop a rock whilst you’re at it?” Pterano remarked, gazing at the nearby body of a Bludgeoner, its skull clearly flattened by a fairly sizeable rock. Most of the group averted their eyes.

“In any case,” Pterano also tried to detract attention from the slightly grisly scene. “I have managed to recruit a rebel in the Valley for the task of getting you all through this wall. I left him up there...” He quickly flew upwards to the top of the slope, and upon his descent, carefully carried a figure clinging to his leg.

“Hyp?” Littlefoot exclaimed, craning his neck as soon as he recognised the features. “What...what have you been doing?”

“What anyone would have done!” Hyp replied stubbornly, staggering slightly as Pterano set him down. He gazed curiously up at the liberation force, looking slightly alarmed at all the large sharpteeth.

“According to Hyp, one of the Bludgeoners has defected,” Pterano exclaimed. “A chap called Uriah, who has informed us that this wall is where the prisoners are kept-”

“Now, hang on!” Cera protested. “How can we be sure he’s not just trying to trap us all??”

“Hmm...” Old One looked thoughtfully at her, before turning back to Pterano and Hyp.

“She has a point, you know,” she remarked. “What evidence do you have...?”
“Uriah came to me even before he heard there was rescue force on its way!” Hyp explained dismissively. “And kept me hidden whilst everyone else is baying for my blood! Besides, I have previous. I’ve seen Ulciscor imprison leaf-eaters in here!”

There was a lot of muttering at this, before Old One spoke up.

“So, now we attempt to get a clear way through this wall and free the prisoners at the same time.”

“But how?” Zyro looked troubled. “Doing both at once will draw an enormous amount of attention, and we’re pretty close to losing this cover of darkness as it is...”

Old One nodded, frowning, and turned back to Hyp.

“Couldn’t Uriah station himself at the other side to help everyone through?” she asked.

“He has,” Hyp replied. “But he doesn’t want to blow his cover until the entire force has got through, which might be a little difficult...”

“Couldn’t he offer to guard the caverns himself?” Bron asked.

“Ulciscor doesn’t allow it,” Pterano explained. “He’s been getting increasingly paranoid. He requires them always to work in at least pairs, and tends to switch these pairs around so no double conspiracy can happen...”

This led to more, much longer muttering. The leaders were pretty baffled by this turn of events, and it was several minutes before Opal walked over to Zyro and whispered in his ear.

Frowning prominently, he gazed at her.

“Are you sure she’s up to it?” he asked.

“Oh yes,” Opal nodded grimly. “She seemed very enthused when she told me, actually. And we know that someone moving through the caverns can’t be anyone very large, or indeed a sharptooth, as any one of Ulciscor’s followers would kill them on sight. And she promises that, timed correctly, she’s sure it could work.”

“It does seem promising,” Zyro admitted. “But it’s taking an awful risk...”

“We’re running out of time,” Opal reminded him, still looking grim.

Zyro sighed, gazed up into the sky as though asking for forgiveness, before saying,


Ruby immediately stepped forward, her face shining with anticipation. Adults on either side of her drew back to let her through.

“Yes?” she asked eagerly.

“I think your idea could be put into action...”

Ruby grinned.

“Wait, what idea is this?” Old One asked abruptly. Zyro was about to explain when Ruby cut across him.

“No, I know there’ll be protests – and we don’t have time to waste protesting.” She immediately strode to Pterano and whispered hurriedly in his ear. Pterano frowned, but nodded, and quickly took off.

“Wait!” Chomper stepped forward. “What is this??”

“In short, I’ll be heading into the caverns,” Ruby replied. “Chomper, relax – it’s something I’m very much used to, and the next stage of operations can take place from there...”

“Which I think we all should know,” Old One said sternly. “This is very poor form...”

“Zyro will fill you in,” Ruby explained quickly, gazing around the wall she was facing for an opening. “Right now, we don’t have time...”



  • Spike
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And here's the rest!  :DD

“Isn’t Hyp also coming?” Cera asked, struggling over an inconveniently placed rock, as she and Ruby crept as carefully as they could against the shadows of immensely dark caverns.

“Shortly,” Ruby assured her, peering into the gloom, her mind working furiously.

“If you’d like to inform me what exactly you have planned?” Cera asked impatiently, walking closely to her and gazing at her reproachfully. Ruby glanced back and sighed.

“OK – for the time being, we’re going to have to bypass the prisoners.”

“What? Why?”

“We have to find something, quickly. “It’ll all make sense...”

Cera sighed.

“So how come there aren’t any prisoners down this cave?” she asked, her mind snapping unintentionally to her father. She had no doubt he would have kicked up a fuss. The idea made her smile briefly, but it quickly vanished when she remembered that Ulciscor was unforgiving. And what would Tria have said?

Even in the darkness, Ruby could see Cera had her mind in unbidden and unhelpful places, so she continued.

“The reason this cave is so devoid of prisoners is because Ulciscor didn’t want it used as a prison. If you remember, how we got in offered very little resistance from the rock. It’s far too long a tunnel to block off completely, and he doesn’t want the inmates escaping into the Mysterious Beyond. Besides, I think we’ve been moving steadily upwards since we’ve entered the cave. Therefore, the mouth of this cave, likely unobstructed, it’s somewhere high up...”

More walking soon proved her correct. The smell of the night air greeted them, and small cave mouth awaited them.

“And finally...” Ruby breathed, gazing out into the Valley. “We’re finally back, back in the Great Valley, our home to come back to...although it looks like we’re back somewhere else...”

Cera could only agree as she gazed across the dark landscape she had lived in for so long. So much vegetation had been ripped from its place, the trees bare and was almost like the shell of the Valley she knew. Instinctively, she found herself drawing closer to Ruby. Ruby did not resist.

“What now?” Cera whispered.

“Well, we need to climb down,” Ruby replied.

“Into the Valley?” Cera asked, alarmed. “What if we get noticed?”

Ruby didn’t answer. Instead, she carefully began to lower herself down from the place whence she had come, clinging to the rock gingerly, slowly descending. Cera, rolling her eyes, nevertheless closely followed.

It would have felt good to find solid ground again, but Cera’s legs nearly gave way once she had reached it. She would never admit it, but her knocking knees gave it away – she was terrified. Ruby didn’t look all that much better.

“N-now what?” Cera asked, her teeth chattering.

“Now...?” Ruby looked as though she was considering the matter. “Well, now we investigate where the prisons are...”

She reluctantly began to walk off, keeping close to the rocky areas at the perimeter of the Valley, Cera closely following, keeping an eye out for...


A great ice block had slipped perilously into Cera’s stomach as she heard the imperative. Without really thinking, she broke into a canter, crashing clumsily into Ruby. The two girls rolled haphazardly onto the ground, coming to a stop and noticing two powerful, spiked club-tails in their path.

Two Bludgeoners stood before them, opaque and grotesque against the black sky, the slight breeze whistling through the largely dead grass at their feet. The leaned closer, examining their two new captives with apparent interest. One of them looked carefully at Ruby, and, when the other’s gaze was fixed on Cera, gave her the shadow of a wink. That one was surely Uriah. The knot in Ruby’s chest loosened slightly.

“Well, this is unexpected,” the other Bludgeoner remarked. “These are just children. But I’ve never seen them before. What about you, Uriah?”

Ruby felt Cera exhale in relief beside her, although she was still at a complete loss as to what was going on.

Uriah shook his head.

“There are certainly no fast-runner families within the Valley, Beck,” he replied. “My guess is these two may have come in here from beyond.”

“Beyond?” the Bludgeoner called Beck looked at Uriah, alarmed. “Are you sure?”

Uriah shrugged.

“If they are, we should probably take them to Ulciscor, and see what he’d have us do with them,” he said carefully.

“Right...” Beck didn’t look overly happy with this decision, but seemed to reluctantly agree, and nudged the two girls rather roughly with his tail.

“Get up you two, and come with us.”

Cera couldn’t help but constantly glance at Ruby as they walked. Her mind was working furiously. Had this been part of Ruby’s plan? What the hell was happening? Ruby just kept her head down, and her expression determinately blank.

But even with her mind in the state it was, Cera soon realised the direction they were headed, and recognised the Thundering Falls at once. And standing at its bank, turning to gaze at the approaching Bludgeoners could only be Ulciscor. Even Cera had to admit he commanded a certain awe with his presence.

“What is this?” he demanded, shifting his dark-eyed gaze to Cera and Ruby. “Who are they?”

“We found them near the Great Wall,” Beck explained. “Uriah assumed they may have come from beyond the Valley...”

“Right...” Ulciscor gazed down at them with such a sheer contempt that Cera thought she would surely keel over from the pure force of it.

“I’ll have you know far-walkers are not welcome here!” he snarled. “Especially as you seem to have come from a mixed herd. You will get no pity from me, I assure you.” He turned to the two Bludgeoners.

“I want you to take these two-”

“Wait!” came a gloating call from nearby. “I know them!”

Cera followed the voice across the water, and upon sighting its source felt a hot, ugly wave of hatred rise within her like a snake rearing from grass. Kai, looking positively thrilled at the sight of her and Ruby captive, was gazing directly at the scene with a sadistic merriment.

“They were amongst the group friends with the sharptooth,” he spat out the last word with considerable venom. “I thought you were dead...I thought I’d got rid of all of you back at the fast water. Along with...well, you know who else was amongst them, Ulciscor.” He nodded respectfully in his leader’s direction.

“I see...” Ulciscor frowned. “Then that means they could all still be alive...” he scowled heavily. “That means there is a potential liberation force on its way...” he suddenly looked mortified.

“Who did you come here with??” he bellowed, striking the two of them hard with his tail. The force knocked the two girls, winded, to the ground, and they both tasted blood. Despite this, they both got back to their feet with a bitter resolve.

“You won’t get anything out of us!!” Cera roared back.

“That’s right!” Ruby agreed, oddly reckless. “We have standards!”

Ulciscor was now livid. He was about to raise his tail again, when Uriah spoke up.

“I know it may not be my place sir, but given the circumstances, I think execution might be the most appropriate option.”

Cera’s mouth fell open in horror, not registering Ruby’s tiny satisfied smirk.

“W...wha...?” she gasped, apparently too appalled to speak properly, gazing at Uriah, who would not look at her.

“I disagree...” Ulciscor replied. “If they are part of an attack force, I want to found everything I can from them. They require significant interrogation...”

“Well, an example has to be made,” Kai offered. “Why not get rid of one of them, and keep the other for questioning?”

“Hmm...” Ulciscor turned back to look at them. Cera could not believe how casual he was at the prospect of killing.

“Yes...I’ll keep the threehorn. She is a four-footer, and therefore must be held in higher regard than the fast-runner.”

“WHAT???” Cera screamed. “NO, YOU CAN’T, I REFUSE, DON’T YOU DARE-”

Beck struck her hard in the back, and she collapsed again, thudding to the ground and feeling a trickle of blood escape from her mouth.

“It’s nearly dawn...” Ulciscor observed, raising his head towards the sky. “When the Bright Circle rises, we will stage the execution with everyone watching. I think throwing her off the Great Wall will be a very well received method...” he smiled. “Until then, these two need to be held within the caverns under heavy protection, in a place that we know is inescapable. And I need a full investigation into where they came from. It could be that these two were sent as scouts and the rest of the attack force has not fully amassed where they came from, but I don’t want to take chances.”

“Don’t worry,” Uriah said immediately. “I was patrolling where they were came from, I know the area. I’ll amass a search team to investigate where they could have got in.” Ulciscor nodded, and Uriah strode away.

“Kai and Beck, take these two to the caverns. They will be held there briefly until the execution.” He gazed up at the sky. “The light is already coming. It should not be too long. Hopefully this will be enough time to stay ahead of our enemies, whoever they are.”

Cera was in a state of numb horror as she was dragged away, although she vaguely noticed Ruby didn’t look all that worried...

The cave itself was much more compact that the previous, winding, freely spacious cavern they had entered through. This claustrophobia did not help Cera’s case, because right now, she was so on-edge she could not even begin to think what do with herself. Pacing out her frustrations in this small space did her absolutely no good. She felt as though she was on the verge of breaking, and wanted nothing more than escape, not just from the cave, but from everything...

Ruby, in contrast, was sitting quite still, gazing at the boulder that stood in front of the cave, apparently contemplating. She did, however, look round when Cera emitted a particularly loud frustrated yell.

“Cera...” she said uncertainly. “How’s your back?”

“Wha...?” Cera looked momentarily stunned.

“That Bludgeoner struck you pretty hard...I can clearly still see a mark on it...” she sighed.

“Never mind that now!” Cera rushed hurriedly to her side, her face slack with torment. “You’re going to be killed, Ruby! You hear me? You will literally be killed in just a short while – and I have no idea how the others are going to reach us, Uriah betrayed us, everything failed and-”

“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong,” Ruby interjected.


“Nothing failed,” Ruby said, now smiling slightly, shifting her gaze back to the boulder. “Everything worked out exactly how it should have done.”

A brief silence hung between the two as these words registered to Cera. Ruby was still smiling. Then, with a snap of rage and a roar of dismay, Cera ground her head straight into Ruby’s side, capsizing her off her plinth and crashing to the ground.

“I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF PLAYING YOUR STUPID MIND GAMES!!!” Cera snarled at her. “WHAT THE HELL, EXACTLY, IS GOING ON WITH THIS PLAN OF YOURS?? Don’t just brush it aside like I’m meant to understand, because if you’re to face death like that, you really think I’m going to take it lying down?? I’m not as stupid as you think, you know!!”

Ruby’s expression now read one of shock and concern. She looked up at Cera, who was panting heavily with furious tears forming in her eyes, and she gave the threehorn a weak smile.

“I don’t think that,” she assured her. “And yes, you’re right. It’s probably time I explained what’s going on.”

Cera, looking mildly surprised, gulped and nevertheless nodded.

Ruby got to her feet.

“The alliance will come for us,” she said earnestly. “Just as they did in the Fanged Forest – we needed to find a way to get into the Valley without Ulciscor noticing. It is therefore deliciously ironic that by drawing attention to ourselves, Ulciscor’s attention was drawn from ourselves.”

“How do you work that out?” Cera asked.

“Some of forces are being led by Uriah to investigate a location far from where the alliance is working a route into the Valley,” Ruby explained. “See, Uriah didn’t betray us – he did exactly what he was meant to and is now diverting attention from the main assault. And soon, Ulciscor will gather all of his forces and all the residents of the Valley for one of his favourite spectacles.”

“You mean your execution...” Cera murmured, a distinct quiver in her voice.

“That’s right!” Ruby agreed, smiling at her nervously. “A shot in the dark, but he’s going to be so distracted organising this, he won’t realise what he’s meant to be focusing on...don’t ask me how that works, but it seems as though Ulciscor puts what he considers justice and honour and before reason.”

“So that was your plan??” Cera looked more anguished than ever. “A wild speculation on the off chance that everyone would behave the way you thought and would result in you getting killed???”

“Oh, Cera!” Ruby placed a hand on her. “There’s every chance the alliance will get through in time to save me! That was the idea, anyway...they’re currently working through the caverns and freeing prisoners at the same time. Eventually, they’ll rescue you, and use their new found intricate tunnel system or whatever route they’ve managed to dig into this wall to come and rescue me. But even if they don’t, I’m not...well, too concerned...”

“Don’t say that!” Cera grunted, tears beginning to form again. “How can you even say that?? We need you, Ruby...we all do...”

Ruby gazed at her, looking positively radiant and considerably moved. She beamed at her.

“Well, thank you Cera. But my point is, it’s this Valley I’m willing to die for. I remember when I first came here, I found a lot of you residents close-minded, and frankly, a little dense.”

“Hm?” Cera looked up at her. “And...?”

Ruby grinned rather impishly.

“Well, that’s it...but actually, there’s something here that I couldn’t even begin to fathom. The fact that you all live together in such a large group with such relative harmony. You even let a sharptooth live here. That’s really progressive!”

“Yeah, then there’s my dad...” Cera sighed. “He’s hardly harmonious...”

“And yet,” Ruby insisted. “He always comes into his own when anyone he cares about, extending to everyone in the Valley, is in danger. And perhaps he ought to be reminded of that from time to time. Just in case it’s something Tria needs to be aware of...”

“Tria...!” Cera sighed, failing to hide her tears once more. “Who knows if they even look at each other now...”

“Maybe you’ll find,” Ruby said soothingly, “That there are chances to repair these kinds of things. And the Cera I know is not going to take any of it lying down!”

Cera looked up to see Ruby continue to smile. This, perhaps more than anything, made her sniff back her tears and hold her head high.

“It’s like Opal was saying...” Ruby continued. “She understands the Great Valley Will...and love that’ll keep us together...and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to preserve that from the likes of Ulciscor.”

“Yeah...” Cera murmured, watching her closely. “Yeah, I think you’re right...but you’d better come out of this one alive, Ruby! If you die...” she gave a weak little smile. “I’ll never speak to you again...”

“I think that’s fair!” Ruby agreed. Her smile slipped slightly, however, when she heard movement outside the cave. “It’s them...they’re coming for me...”

Both girls’ expressions immediately transformed to one of a chilling, mutual fear, but Ruby quickly shook it off.

“I’ll see you soon, hopefully...” Ruby muttered quickly, moving towards Cera. “The alliance should find you any minute, and then you can go round the other side of the Valley to help me. Remember what I said...keep those Valley spirits fighting. It’s the one true advantage we have over him.”

On an impulse, she leaned over and planted a brief kiss on Cera’s forehead. Cera watched in silence as the boulder rolled away, and a glaring sunlight punched them in the eyes. Squinting, she saw Ruby being dragged out with a smile by two Bludgeoners, who quickly rolled the stone back, and Cera was left alone in the semi-darkness, nevertheless hearing movement in the caves beyond, and thinking very carefully about every Ruby had said and done. Everything was conclusive.

The time had finally come.


Cliffhanger! Sort of...well, hope you enjoyed - to be honest this felt like a bit of a mess when writing...sorry if you were expecting a battle - this was all about continuing character arcs before the battle!  :nyah However, I can confirm the title of the next chapter is THE BATTLE FOR THE GREAT VALLEY, so you can all look forward to that!  :smile
Let me know what you thought about this one, and as always, thanks for reading!!