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Living On My Own


  • Petrie
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I’ve got a new apartment!! I’ve been living in it for a few days now and I’m getting used to it. My internet’s choppy but tolerable and I think I'm finally free to use my webcam (does that mean I'm now free to Skype? If I can figure it out :oops ). Finally, my first real step to living an independent life!

But it came at a heavy price. My beloved antlion, Apep, didn’t seem to have survived the move …  :cry My parents were supposed to be gentle in the transportation of his bowl, but I guess they weren’t gentle enough. They said they dropped the bowl and spilled the sand. They’ve recovered most of it and the bowl’s been under my supervision for a couple days with no sign of activity. I assume the worse for the little buggy… I’m giving it another night before I search more thoroughly for signs of life. I hope to see some doodles and a pit made by morning.  :unsure: I’ve decided to leave Picasso at home to stay on the safe side and not risk his fate as well.

More bad news, my pet rats Knaw, Skeet, and Domino can’t come with me. My dad refuses to let me have them, convinced the apartment doesn’t allow pets. He says antlions are okay because they can pass as an unassuming bowl of sand, but a rat cage will be impossible to hide… Even though several residents here have dogs WITH permission, so pets are perfectly okay! I think he just doesn’t want me to spend extra money in rent or something.<_<

But with bad news comes good news. Mom understands my love (and admitted obsession) with rats and she told me that we’re going to get new ones without Dad’s knowledge and criticism. She promises that Knaw, Domino, and Skeet will be well cared for and I’m free to visit anytime I want. I think she also feels bad for (possibly) killing Apep and is trying to make it up to me. Tomorrow, we’ll be shopping for new cages and accessories. Our usual pet store has 4-week old baby rats that’ll be ready for sale on Saturday when they’re weaned. I’ve already decided to get two male Dumbos (or a Dumbo and a Standard) and I’ll meet them for the first time tomorrow. I plan to visit the brood daily to get them familiar with me so their adoption will be less scary for them. It'll be the first time I'll be caring for such young ratties and the first time I'll own Dumbos. I'm....genuinely excited despite my loss... Does that make me a bad person :unsure: ?

So starting life on my own had some difficulties, but I think everything will balance out once I’m fully settled.


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Though it's too bad about your pets :(


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Awesome I've been living on my own for ten years now and I love it. I wasn't scared about it at all. You shouldn't be either it's a awesome and great thing. You can stay up as late as you want. Unless you have a job like I do so i can't stay up to late. But I hope things go well for you.


  • Petrie
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(Jared mumbles in his head :angry: :unsure: Be happy for her, not jealous,   happy, not jealous... happy, not jealous.... happy. not jealous. )

WOW, what a big step you've taken. Moving into your own apartment. Congratulations! It's right where you should be.

(You're younger than me. I'm 23, i'll be 24 in July)  

You're not in my situation. You don't work part-time $8.25 per hour at a stupid supermarket shoving carts/bagging/cleaning crud up, have NO car (sharing A RENTAL car with dad, because the Buick Riviera's engine BLEW UP on dad/gave out on New year's eve after 249,400+ Miles,  and stressed out that your parents owe you $11,600 now from ALL of the money you've loaned out to them since September 2007, or have parents with bills piled up and tight money/just getting by, with dad who gets paid a little over $3,000 every two weeks and the money goes really fast, and then gets tight for 2 weeks.

Be happy FBS. You're doing better than I am, and you do not have a short-fused pessimistic father who has said things like..

"you haven't got your own pot to pi** in"   and tonight, he said, "I'm the bread-winner in this house."   :angry:  Dad, will you shut up?!  

Please forget my dad!  as far as the field of being gentle-hearted goes.. UGHH.. Mr. Serious, Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Closed/Limited views.. ughh Mr. Picky. i'm GLAD HE'S GONE at night on the nightshift and sleeping the morning and half of the afternoon away. I can not STAND being around my dad!

Fortunately, I have an optimistic thinking mom. (she just needs to work on selling real estate, and money in the family wouldn't be so tight.  At least she IS a help to me in a few ways. (like.. for getting a car, I said I could take it easy on the Camaro, and go for a 2002 (the last year before they stopped until 2010), and those go for about..ehh.. $8,000.  (and that is for the more-powerful engined Z-28. too. )  I need wheels for work and (I PRAY sooner than later) a return to college. :(

We have the '07 Mercedes ML-350, and a '13 Chrysler 200 (rental car)  the '95 Buick Riviera is done for with a BLOWN engine sitting on a lift at an auto repair garage since new years eve.

Man, I hate this slow-paced economic recovery. It seems we'll never know when we'll be fully recovered (I HATE GEORGE W. BUSH TO BITS FOR WIPING OUT our Country's economy,and so far, A HALF DECADE OF MY LIFE) , I don't know how old i'll be when i'm living on my own,  or what year it will be when our economy will have recovered.

 But FBS, you are doing much better than me right now (self-living wise). (yet this is a big step in your life getting a place of your own. Remember to balance your budget correctly, Keep an eye on your spending habits and money levels ;))

Also, remember to NOT fall behind on your bills and payments, keep a good credit rating score, and you will be all right, FBS. I shouldn't be jealous, I should be happy for you. ;) Congratulations on your move. :yes You've taken a BIG step in your life by now having your very own place.  (Be responsible in paying your bills on time, don't slack off on them and get to the point of getting "warnings" or "shut-off notices" in the mail, Like my mom and dad get sometimes, BUT THEY DO pay them before they're shut off, though...

and remember to watch your spending habits. You're going to be ok, FBS.  Congratulations to you. :yes

Sorry for being a "Mr. crybaby, mopey, jealous, boo-hoo whiny pants." :( I don't know how i'm going to get there currently. I'm 23 1/2, $8.25 per hour, part time, no car "of my very own", don't know when i'm going to go back to college, and need my mom to make money in real estate so she can start paying the money back that she and my dad owe me. ($11,600), As almost always, I only have a few hundred dollars in my bank account. :(  Mom's on my side for optimism (she was a little happy last week when I said that i'm "on the land before time site talking to my friends", but dad's a short-fused serious, pessimistic grump. I ignore what he says. He's such a b*tch... Mr. Theatrics!! ughhh! <_< mom says sometimes... "Fredd!  Will you Shut up!..........shut... up!"   and dad says right back. "No, I WON'T shut up!"  HE'S JUST GOTTTTA Be Mr. BOSSY Authority!  WELL, HE'S NOT!   Screw him! :angry:

At least I have my mom. having one optimistic parent is better than none.

Anyways, congrats and excellent job on getting your own apartment FBS.

Hopefully i'll get there one year in my life. :cry  I can't wait to have enough money so I can move away from my parents! Especially you, Dad! You old short-fused, fussy-headed, closed/limited viewed grump!!! :angry:

I'm sure you'll do wonderful there, FBS. I'm sorry for acting jealous of you and sad that I now "feel" that i'm behind. :cry  I was not expecting a major economic meltdown/collapse and still living with my parents 5 1/2 years out of high school, turning 24 years old in July. No girlfriend period, or in-person friends. (Unless you guys on the GOF count) :cry

I'm sorry if I ruined the happy feeling of this thread with my post.

Truly, it's very wonderful that you now have your very own place, FBS!

:D I'm happy for you! :D


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Congratulations on moving out :) Just make sure that your landlord or the company that rents the apartment to you is aware of your pet rats, and you should be fine. We can't have any animals either (then again, we wouldn't have time to take good care of them), but I'm pretty sure that if we already owned pets and moved to our apartment she (landlord) couldn't say no.


  • Cera
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Yeah you're like me Flipper living on your own. Make sure what Mumbling  said and see if it's okay to keep those rats. Where I live I was allowed to get a cat. Have fun doing everything you want.


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My sister's apartment is the same way. It says no smoking, and no pets, but two floors of tenants both smoke and have cats :p people obviously can't read, or the consequences are not doled out enough times...
anywho, congratulations^^ that is a huge step and it sounds like you're off to a great start! Good luck :DD
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Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Jan 21 2013 on  06:12 PM
I’ve got a new apartment!! I’ve been living in it for a few days now and I’m getting used to it. My internet’s choppy but tolerable and I think I'm finally free to use my webcam (does that mean I'm now free to Skype? If I can figure it out :oops ). Finally, my first real step to living an independent life!
Congratulations, Sparky! :DD

If you do manage to figure out Skype (you can download andópresumablyólearn how to use it [url=]here[/URL])][/URL]]here[/URL])[/url], I’d love to chat with you sometime. (I’m still in the process of learning how Skype and webcams work myself. :oops)

Very sorry to hear about Apep. :( That’s a shame about Knaw, Skeet, and Domino, as well. (Have your pet rats always been solely your responsibility, or have other family members previously helped you in caring for them? If it’s the former, and pets are indeed allowed in your apartment complex, then I just plain can’t comprehend your dad. :confused) Oh well, at least you won’t be losing them altogether. And you get more ratties out of the deal, so that’s a good thing.

I'm....genuinely excited despite my loss... Does that make me a bad person :unsure ?
Naw, it’s perfectly natural to be happy about getting a new pet. In fact, I think it’s an important thing for pet owners to be able to quickly adjust to the loss of a pet and accept the thought of owning a new one in its place. It is undeniably a sad thing to lose a pet, and you cannot truly replace it; your love for the old pet and your memories of your time with it will never be supplanted. But the sooner you recover from the grief of losing a pet, the sooner you can begin finding new joy and creating new memories with another companion animal. So cherish the memories of your lost pets, and find happiness with your new ones.

How are your teeth doing, by the way? I’m curious to know how your wisdom tooth operation went. (I can wait for your response in the “Wisdom Tooth Extraction” thread, since that would probably be the more appropriate place to share such an update.)

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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jan 22 2013 on  07:45 AM
My sister's apartment is the same way. It says no smoking, and no pets, but two floors of tenants both smoke and have cats :p people obviously can't read, or the consequences are not doled out enough times...
Like everyone else said, it's great that your making that next step.

I don't know if you've been paying your parents rent lately, or if it's still just been free. Either way, paying for your own shelter is when you're really supporting yourself.

I'm planning on moving to some apartments much closer my work sometime in late feb- early march. Basically I'm waiting to do my taxes, so I can get my income tax back to have some extra money to pay for all the moving expenses, and then I'm packing up and leaving my brother's house, where I'm been living for the last 3 years after my father died. I'm so excited about breaking out on my own too! :DD

My sister's apartment is the same way. It says no smoking, and no pets, but two floors of tenants both smoke and have cats :p people obviously can't read, or the consequences are not doled out enough times...

Some people try to do whatever they THINK they can get away with. It's  human nature.
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Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

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