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What LBT means to me...


  • Ruby
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I've been a very long-time fan of LBT, since my mom had bought the movies on VHS for my brother and I to watch on long car trips.

I've developed this love for LBT4, since it touches a very sensitive spot in my heart.

This morning, May 6th, my mom passed away after a 2-month long battle with brain, bone, lung, and liver cancer. I had some friends over early on in the fight to watch LBT4 with me, and they probably thought I was crazy for watching such a sad film regarding Littlefoot's grandpa. I think it was that movie that gave me hope my mom would somehow pull through. She never did, but I still always thought back to the part where Littlefoot comes back to the Great Valley and gives his grandpa the flowers. Seeing his grandpa open his eyes always touches me to this day. My mom and I loved these movies and watched them together. She always loved Ducky.

My mom was a 3-year breast cancer survivor, getting diagnosed in 2010, and fighting hard to beat it. She was diagnosed with brain cancer, and the additional cancers, this year on March 4th, a day before her birthday. She was only 54.

She went peacefully...

Thank you for letting me share this...

(And, I realize I'm not mentioning the scene from the first movie... honestly, I don't know if I can even watch that movie anymore. That scene may haunt me for the rest of my life.)


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I'm so sorry for your loss Tikikata :( It's a rough thing to know that she had to battle cancer for so long, I know how much of a pain that can be for someone and for their relatives. I'm glad to know that LBT can help you in the process of accepting and remembering her death.

I always find it difficult to express myself in in English when it comes to people passing away, sorry if you feel offended by anything I said.

If there is anything the Gang of Five can do to cheer you up, let us know!

May she rest in peace.


  • The Circle
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I'm so sorry Tikikata :(
It is not the English language but any language that fails to give us words which can be sensitively spoken in such a moment. I hope that LBT and above all your friends and relatives can give you and each other some hope and comfort in such a time. My very best wishes are with you and your folks on this sad day.


  • Spike
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Quote from: Tikikata,May 6 2013 on  10:05 PM
I've been a very long-time fan of LBT, since my mom had bought the movies on VHS for my brother and I to watch on long car trips.

I've developed this love for LBT4, since it touches a very sensitive spot in my heart.

This morning, May 6th, my mom passed away after a 2-month long battle with brain, bone, lung, and liver cancer. I had some friends over early on in the fight to watch LBT4 with me, and they probably thought I was crazy for watching such a sad film regarding Littlefoot's grandpa. I think it was that movie that gave me hope my mom would somehow pull through. She never did, but I still always thought back to the part where Littlefoot comes back to the Great Valley and gives his grandpa the flowers. Seeing his grandpa open his eyes always touches me to this day. My mom and I loved these movies and watched them together. She always loved Ducky.

My mom was a 3-year breast cancer survivor, getting diagnosed in 2010, and fighting hard to beat it. She was diagnosed with brain cancer, and the additional cancers, this year on March 4th, a day before her birthday. She was only 54.

She went peacefully...

Thank you for letting me share this...

(And, I realize I'm not mentioning the scene from the first movie... honestly, I don't know if I can even watch that movie anymore. That scene may haunt me for the rest of my life.)
That is very sad :(. I've known several people I loved that slipped away. I can't have any idea what you're going through, but I wish you the best. Your mom will always be there :). I'm sure your mom was absolutely wonderful!  :cry  :angel


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Sincere condolences, Tikikata. It always hits home losing a loved one. Your mom sounds like she was a firecracker, a true fighter especially with all those problems.

Again, I feel so inadequate with all these inspiring stories of how LBT helped us with all these hard and terrible moments of our lives and that we have them as a support system. I was only a baby, an innocent, when I first watched the, so their meaning is so much different from yours.

I wish you the best empathy and comfort can offer, and that you continue holding out.
Conincidentally, I was listening to this as I read your post: Ingrid Michaelson -- Breakable
I find songs help me the most when I'm feeling down, so I hope this helps
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I'm so sorry about your mom, Tikikata. :cry May she rest in peace and know how much you cared about her, and how much you miss her.


  • Ruby
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Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Today is the start of dealing with a new "normal" around the house and helping my dad when he needs it. I feel so lucky to be a part of this group. Everyone here is so kind.


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I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, Tikikata. I don't know what exactly you're going through, but I hope everything goes well for you and your family in this hard time. I know others have already said this, but it sounds like your mother was a true fighter and a great person. :yes

LBT 4 helped me too when I was faced with the passing of my own grandfather. It was indeed very touching to see Grandpa Longneck recover well at the end.

May she rest in peace and I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts during this difficult time. If you ever feel like you need to let something out, we're here to listen. :yes

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I'm so sorry for your mum  :cry May she rest in peace!

I'll be with you, even if you can't see me!
yes, I know that's from the original, but it descibes very well what I want to tell you now:
Your mother will always be a big part of you! Don't forget that! And she's a fighter like LF's mother.
I hope it won't stop you from watching the original... it's such a nice movie...

I hope that helped you a bit
Inactive, probably forever.


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I can't possibly do your mom's and your own bravery justice. I stand in silence while reality blows away all my petty concerns and makes me see clearly. I am so, so sorry.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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I'm very sorry for your loss, Tikikata. :( My mom is a three-time breast cancer survivor, so I know how taxing it can be on a family going through that type of ordeal. Li Fraumeni Disease runs in my family, and while I fortunately did not get the gene that contains it, my sister did, so we're by far not out of the woods yet. I hope your pain is eased and I'm glad you still take joy from these movies and this franchise.

(runner up)
(runner up)

Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


  • Chomper
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I'm truly sorry about your loss.My mom died too.In February of 2011.I know Littlefoot's pain perfectly well.Don't worry,my pal,remember Rooter's words:
"You'll always miss her. But she'll always be with you, as long as you remember the things she taught you. In a way, you'll never be apart, for you are still a part of each other."


  • Ducky
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At least your mother went peacefully.  My great-grandmother also died of cancer, I think lung cancer, though she never smoked.  (Both my great uncles did and still do, sadly, and my grandfather smoked for years, though he's long since quit.  I think my grandma also smoked, but like grandpa, she has also long since quit.)

Anyway, great-grandma's death was awful.  I didn't see much of her suffering.  One time when she was suffering, well, it was kind of dark humor.  I had trouble not laughing as it wasn't funny.   It's just that, in all my years of knowing her, I'd never see her, er, cut one, before.  

It was REALLY loud too.  I would have been laughing hysterically, had it not been because she was so weak that she had messed herself and that was the reason it had happened.  

Anyway, her death was the rather painful sort where she couldn't eat well and was wasting away.   She was my last great grandparent too.

I also lost my grandfather, on the other side of the family though, a few years due to cancer and he was going kind of nuts near the end.  I wasn't there (He lived in Arizona and, in addition to being miles away, he wasn't always that close to the rest of us either.  My great-grandmother was really close to us, but him, not so much.)

However, another thing is bothering me as of late.  My first experience with death that I can recall is when my dog Pepper died of a stroke around age 9 1/2.  That was quite a shock to me.

Well, we got a new dog named Noel that winter.  I still have her, though, as I got her in 1999, she's now 15 and I can see she can no longer jump onto the couch, I see that she can't always get up the steps (her lime disease she got a few years back didn't help!)  and that sometimes she seems to have to go out to pee (she can still hold it, don't worry) more than usual and I worry about her.  

My worst fear isn't that she'll go like Pepper, but that someday we may have to put her down as she seems too healthy to have anything right now that would take her away peacefully or by natural means.  

No, we're not in any danger of getting there, but still, I worry about it sometimes.  In the glum mood I've been in lately with the state of the country, no job, and feeling like a worthless failure, losing my beloved dog is the last thing that I need so I hope she lives many more years and dies naturally in the end, if she has to die at all.  (Due to her longevity, I've been calling her "Forever Dog" and have come to think I've prayed her into being immortal, you know like Binx from "Hocus Pocus".)