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MURMUR wants to join

MurMur · 29 · 5027


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Wow, I forgot to post here? How very rude of me.

Anyway, it's a pleasure to have you with us, MurMur! I also hope this forum will last for a long time to come, it's truly great. It's the only place I really go on these days on the internet, since I honestly can't be bothered with the rest anymore.

As other members have already said, your English seems very good, I don't see anything wrong with it at all. :yes

I hope you enjoy your time here, and most of all, have fun! :D

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Thanks for your welcome, somerandomfangirl. It's a pleasure to meet you too. This forum has so many friendly people, something that is impossible to find anywhere else.


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Dobro pozhalovat' v forum, MurMur!

Ja dumaju, chto russkij voobsche net bolshe poetskij anglijskoga. Vsjaki jazik ravno slozhnyj, no etu slozhnost vyrazhavaet inache.  Tak zhe russkij, kak i moj maternyj jazik horvatskij, imeet ochen slozhnoju morfologiju glagol i imennykh, no anglijskij vzamen imeet ogromnoe chislo slov i idiom. Vsakomu ego jazik samoe krasivye zvuchit.  ;)


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Quote from: MurMur,May 27 2013 on  10:06 PM
Thank you for your welcome, Tikikata. I'm so excited to meet you. So I am not the only one who thinks that the Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie is better than the books. Really, this movie is a masterpiece, but people often hate it because "it doesn't follow the books' plot". But this is just nonsence. First, not following the books' plot doesn't automatically make the movie "bad", and second, the books were so dull! The movie is pretty similar to the LOTR trilogy in its greatness, while the books are like a shortened version of Harry Potter, but with boring characters and no magic.
You're quite welcome~!
Even the author of the books herself said the movie was terrific! It remains one of my favorite movies of all time and I never get bored watching it. Though, I have to respectfully disagree that the books were "dull;" I've read up to the fourth book, and enjoyed them so far! Some of the characters that didn't appear in the movie, such as Martin the Saw-whet Owl, are some of my favorite characters! I have up to the end of the Soren Chronicles in the book series, so I haven't finished reading all of them yet.  Might go watch the movie again tonight!  :lol

Anywho, I think another movie that doesn't quite go with the book, but was fantastic overall, was The Hobbit. I'm reading through the book at the moment, and absolutely love both. Such a fantastic story. I don't think Tolkien would have a problem with the changes made to the story!


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Even the author of the books herself said the movie was terrific!

This is an interesting fact! Thanks for telling me that!

It remains one of my favorite movies of all time and I never get bored watching it.

It's my number one movie too. It's simply impossible to become bored with it. I actually went into cinema to watch it several times. Now I have a DVD copy of it, and I watch it at least once a month.

Though, I have to respectfully disagree that the books were "dull;" I've read up to the fourth book, and enjoyed them so far!

This is because we have rather different tastes. The main problem I had with these books is that it is too hard to feel sympathy for the characters. They either have little personality (Digger), or an annoying one (Twilight, Otulissa). And the villains were not threatening enough. But villains are the driving force of any story, and if they are weak, then the story itself is weak. The movie greatly improved both the heroes and villains.

Anywho, I think another movie that doesn't quite go with the book, but was fantastic overall, was The Hobbit. I'm reading through the book at the moment, and absolutely love both. Such a fantastic story. I don't think Tolkien would have a problem with the changes made to the story!

I love Tolkien's stories too! He is my only favorite fantasy author. I don't read other fantasy authors, they are often too cynical and have various extremist beliefs and creepy obsessions, and it clearly shows in their stories. And I don't want to read such garbage. Tolkien is THE best, because he didn't sell his soul to cynicism and amorality, and that's why his works are so majestic and heartwarming. Those who hate Tolkien are soulless, and that's a fact.

And the Tolkien films are incredibly good. Like the Guardians oif Ga'Hoole movie, they are almost flawless, and I love them.


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I'm sorry for being so late on the welcomes Murmur.
It's awesome for you to become so active especially with you having been around for so long already :)
Again I'm sorry for being so late. These days I am a bit inactive, but on the GOF only since it is mostly a high amount of work in real life which these days forces me to set some priorities. I'll be more active again when things ease up a bit on my end and I'm looking forward to join the discussions that have been started lately :yes


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Thanks for your welcome, Malte. I've been waiting for you.  :)  But you don't have to be sorry: everyone has their own life, after all.
Anyway, I'm very excited to meet you. Sadly, this forum is not as active as it used to be, so I hope some new discussions will revive people's interest in LBT.

PS: And I should thank you for your welcome again, jansenov, because my previous thanks has gone somewhere else. :angel


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:wave heya MurMur!  :wave

Welcome to the Gang of Five forum! Apologies for the late greetings (busy lives we all have) but allow me to extend our appreciation for coming to our Land Before Time community board! Looks like you've already gotten yourself settled in and have already dived into our topics here. Guess there is nothing else for it except to say "Cya on there!"


Littlefoot1616  :D


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Thank you, Littlefoot1616.  :) I really love this place.