The Gang of Five
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The Great Plague

Ducky123 · 333 · 63453

The Anonymous Person

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Had Red Claw seen this flyer before? Well, of course he has, along with those other six...friends of his! He was bound to end one life tonight, and it just had to be him!

Petrie had been chased by Red Claw for a minute, and already he was petrified. Why was he chasing after him? More importantly, where were his friends and/or family at this desperate time? Quickly, Petrie found a cave nearby and hid in it. It was small, but at least it was better than getting eaten by Red Claw. Though he had to admit, its darkness, along with the sound water leaking, was a bit spooky.

Unfortunately, the safety didn't last for long. About a minute later, he found the flyer in the same cave he was hiding in. Petrie hadn't even looked up when he saw him and screamed. Luckily at that moment, he looked right and found another opening to where he turned. He headed that direction, but sadly, Red Claw beat him.

It was no use. Petrie was cornered for sure. As he closed his eyes and prepared for impact, Red Claw opened his mouth, ready to devour the flier to pieces. His mouth slammed shut as quickly as it had opened, which sentenced Petrie to life in darkness.


Suddenly, Petrie woke up with a start. He only let out a mild yelp, which was quiet enough to not wake the siblings or his sick mother. After a quick yawn and stretch, he looked around and saw it was already morning; the bright circle was beginning to rise from the orange-colored sky.

" only a bad sleep-story..." Petrie said quietly to himself. He was right; what he had experienced was a simple nightmare. He knew that as long as he was kept safe in the Great Valley, Red Claw and his fastbiters, Screech and Thud, would never be able to cause him harm. Despite this, the thought of Red Claw eating him alive was horrifying.

He turned and looked at his sleeping mother and siblings. The fear of losing his mother was still tingling inside him, but at least it didn't take over a good night's sleep, despite the nightmare.  He knew and hoped to the sky that everything would be alright, at least by the time he and his friends got back.

He felt ready to go only after a brief stop to eat some leaves off of a nearby bush; a quick relief to his hunger. Quickly, he turned back to take one last look at his mother and siblings. Hope still filled up inside him as he did.

"We be back, Mama. You be okay. Me know you will," he whispered quietly. With that, he lifted his wings and began to fly towards the direction where his friends would be meeting.


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Ducky looked over the Valley that had been her home for almost her whole life now. It's been a few days since she stepped her feet on its ground since she was on a dangerous journey with her six friends in order to save their folks from a strange illness never seen before. Even the Old One who they've met on their way to the Land of Mists had never ever heard of it.
Now they stood in one of the entrances sending glares to each other.
"We made it," Chomper remarked.
"We did?" Petrie asked confused. "We no gave them flowers yet..."
Cera grunted, "Yeah, we made it, but maybe they didn't!?"
"We must not loose hope, nope, nope, nope," Ducky reminded them, Littlefoot and Ruby kept telling them that whenever they were worried, and she was worried almost all the time.
"Right, hence we should hurry to give them their medicine," Littlefoot exclaimed.
So they walked into the Valley, further and further. Although the Great Circle was at her highest point, nobody was seen at all. Just, when Ducky began to feel awkward, something heavy squeezed her hard on the ground she lied on...

"SPIKE!!! You are hurting me!" Ducky yelled at her little brother who just rolled on the little Swimmer seemingly having a sleepstory.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Spike, completely oblivious to Ducky's trepidation, gave a happy snore, and continued to dream about a huge forest that he was slowly eating all his way through.
"Spike!" Ducky whined, trying in vain to push him off.
Spike rolled over again, onto his stomach and thankfully off of her. Ducky still felt completely flattened though...


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Ruby frowned. Usually, Chomper wasn't so sound a sleeper, especially not when he knew there was an adventure the next day. She shook harder. "Chomper! You must get up, now!"
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Ducky jumped to her feet touching her beak that had been particularly squeezed. "You bent my beak, Spike... again!" she moarned but then she considered that Spike might have just had a sleepstory himself so she decided to forgive him like she always did. The little Swimmer didn't like grumpyness at all hence she always tried to be cheerful, funny and happy. Though it was hard to be like that those days...
"Today is the big day, Spiky," she whispered as if nothing ever happened. "We will leave Mommy and our brothers and sisters but we will return, we will, we will..." One single tear rolled down her cheek. "I love you Mommy..."
Inactive, probably forever.


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"Whaa...?" Chomper groaned a bit. "Woah, that was some night... Sorry I took so long to wake up, I just couldn't fall asleep." He rose to his feet. "Guess I tried to make up for that by sleeping long..." :neutral


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Ruby grinned, gently. "It's okay, but we have to leave now to get ready." he nodded towards the entrance of the cave.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • Petrie
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The very moment Littlefoot felt the arid land under his feet, the scorching waves of heat from the bright circle, and heard the dead silence of all but a few mud hoppers jumping in there pools, he knew were he was. Heart rending terror seized him so quickly it was if it had been waiting for him. Not here again--ANYWHERE but here again!
His neck lashed too and fro, hoping to find somewhere to hide. To his relief, he saw one of the colossal thorn bushes that grew as the only visible plants in this dead, desiccated landscape, and he ran into it at full speed.
Whenever he came to this this place, HE was always there. It didn't matter if it was at the mud pools, or the rock arches, or the mountains that burned: HE was as much a part of this place as thirst and heat and hunger were. As soon as he made it into the thorn bush, bathed in the feeling of safety, he turned to the threshold he had run into and waited for it to come.
He didn't have to wait long.
A shadow fell on the threshold of the thorn bush, and with it came the deep, heavy, harsh breathing of a titanic creature.
'... Little one... It's been awhile, hasn't it?'
Littlefoot shuffled against a rock, shivering in terror. It didn't matter his many times they had worked in the past: he was always afraid the thorns would suddenly stop working.
A massive head poked down to look into the threshold. That face-- HIS face-- touched some primal fear in Littlefoot that seemed deeper than the mountains and older than the sky.
The monster blinked it's one good eye and grinned it's awful grin. Littlefoot's breath hitched fearfully.
But then something happened. Littlefoot had had this dream so many times in his life that even in the middle of dreaming he had an idea of how things should progress. But the beast opened it's mouth and said something that went completely off script of what he usually said around this time.
'I know about your plunge into the river, little longneck,' the it told him, tilting it's head a little to try to get a better view of the longneck in the shadows.
'It always sounds like such a peaceful way to go, doesn't it? No wounds, no blood, no marks on the body-- the corpses almost look asleep when you drag them out of the water... But you know better now, don't you little one?'
The smile of razors tightened as it's teeth were trying to burst out between it's lips. Anger flared in it's one good eye. Suddenly, he leaned his head into the bush threshold, trying ram through it. Little stumbled backwards with a startled cry as the entire thornbush shook. The thorns dug into the creature's scalp.
'Yes,' it seethed. 'You know now. I certainly know. Drowning is an awful, agonizing way to die. It's a pisser, isn't it? Not being able to breath, your body burning for air, your last thoughts filled with miserable panic!...' Then it paused, leaning it's head away from the unbreakable spiky barrier with some resignation. 'Still... It's not as agonizing as how your grandparents will end.'
Littlefoot stood wavering inside the thorn bush, back up as far inside as he could without taking himself on the thorns. A curious flicker appeared by behind the fear on face.
'W... W-what do you know about that?' he asked, still shivering as still very clearly cowering in terror at the thing waiting for him outside.
The beast's furious smile slowly relaxed. Sadistic amusement appeared in it's place.
'... Come out from that bush, little one.'
Littlefoot's lips twitched. 'No. You're lying to me,' he said, a little bit surer of himself now. He wished he had the gang here: then he could talk like a leader instead of just talking like himself.
The monster gave a truly ugly smile and said: 'If you come out of there, I'll tell you everything I can. Maybe what I know can help you save your grandparents. Go ahead; this is a dream, right? It's not like you have anything to lose.'
That was true. This was just a dream. In the past, whenever the creature managed to catch him, Littlefoot had always just woken up. Worst come to worst, stepping outside of the thorn bush would simply end the dream a bit early.
But something was off. Very, very off.
Littlefoot slowly shook his head.
He expected the creature to become angry as he said this. It didn't. If anything, it's look of amusement grew.
'... So sorry about your friend. She used to be such a sweet girl.'
Littlefoot felt a jolt run up his spine.
'What do you mean?'
Suddenly, and earthshake began to rip the ground appart. Littlefoot stumbled around his little safe spot, trying to avoid swaying into one of the spike. As fissures erupted from the ground, the creature began to laugh. Just like Chomper, there was the slightest breathy hint of a roar in his voice in his laugh. But Chomper's laugh never sounded so cruel and heartless.
'Next time, little one, I'll catch you before you can make it to the thorns... If those two don't catch you first.'
'Wait a minute!' Littlefoot shouted, and was an inch away from running at the threshold. Dust was being kicked up into the air as thick as a sandstorm. 'What do you know about Ali? Hey! Get back here!'
But the sand was already starting to block his vision. He heard a screech in the distance, and the sound of rushing wings. He coughed hard as the sand swirled around him like a torrent, blocking the badlands, the thorns, the beast, the flier-- everything except the thrumming anger of the earth as a rock

hit him square on the snout as he thrashed about besides his bed. His eyes snapped open and immediately began to water from the pain.
"Oww!" he said sorely, rubbing his nose with his forepaw, then checked quickly to make sure he didn't accidentally bloody his own nose. His paw was clean, and he sighed, gently holding it to his chest to feel the beat of his heart.
It was early morning, and he was in the Great Valley. The bright circle looked like a swollen fruit hanging low in the sky, coloring the clouds a stunning pink purple and orange as it rose. The mornings here weren't the most beautiful Littlefoot had ever seen; the ones from Chomper's old island  took home that prize. Still, for a place that already seemed to have everything, the Great Valley did had some pretty spectacular sunrises.
He looked to his bed, and saw memories of thorns laced in the matting of the dry leaves.
'So sorry about your friend... She used to be such a sweet girl.
Littlefoot's brow suddenly furrowed, and he angrily kicked his bedding, sending slivers fluttering down like leafy snowflakes.
"What would you know, anyway?" Littlefoot whispered. "Ali's fine. I know she is. And my grandparents are going to be fine too."
He looked over his shoulder at the valley. Still as beautiful as ever. It was funny: it always seemed to look more beautiful just before he went out on adventures.
"We're going to be fine..." he whispered to himself.
When he looked back to his grandparents the worries of the dreams lessened. He slowly walked up to their sleeping forms, looking at their peaceful expressions. He loved his mother with all his heart, but he never knew her for very long. He loved his dad too, but he also didn't really feel like he knew him. To Littlefoot, the words 'mom' and 'dad' usually made him think of his grandma and his grandpa. There had never been a time in his life when they weren't there for him.
He walked up to his grandma, and kissed her gently on the snout. He did the same for his grandpa.
"I love you," he whispered to them. "I love you both so much. We're going to make it back with the medicine. I promise."
Neither stirred, save for the deep sound of their breathing. He couldn't tell if they were any better or worse than yesterday, but they still definitely looked sick.
"... I promise..."
With one final glance, Littlefoot walked out of his nest and headed for the western entrance, snagging a few leaves along the way to fill his belly.
In spite of everything, he smiled a little at the sky. The air was warm, the wind was beginning to rise, and overall, it was a truly beautiful day for an adventure.


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Spike gave a great yawn as he looked at his sister. As tired as he was, no mistakes could be made today. And most importantly, they couldn't be done on an empty stomach. He quickly bolted down a large number of leaves, wondering faintly what had happened to Ducky's beak.


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Ducky had to smile seeing her little brother doing the things he always did: Eating and yawning since he was always sort of tired. Spike often reminded the little Swimmer of her hunger that she hardly noticed these last few days, so he did at this very moment thus Ducky took a few bites herself.
When their tummies were filled (though Spike's had had always some room for more food), Ducky spoke up: "Let us meet with our friends, yep, yep, yep!" With that she hopped on Spike's back.

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Spike grunted his approval and began to stride off, as ever, gently so that his little big sister wouldn't fall off his back.


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Chomper rubbed his eyes. "I'll see if I can get some buzzers while we're moving. If I have to catch them now, we're never going to be able to leave on time."


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Ruby nodded gently. "You can take your time. I don't think anyone is ready to leave yet because I haven't heard anything."
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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The seven children headed to the Thundering Fall, their meeting point, munching on the vegetation here and there and getting drinks at every watering hole they passed.
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Chomper had it a bit harder in getting there: bugs are not that easy to find and catch after all. But at least he found some nice ones under a bush.

"Sure hope that Mist Valley place has more bugs than this area." He muttered as he crunched up a rather pathetic beetle by any standard.


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Cera paused a moment to be sure she was heading in the right direction, continuing in the direction she was going in when she saw the thundering falls ahead of her.  

"Finally.  Once we all get there we can go ahead on this." She said.  She wanted it to be over already so things could go back to the way they had been.


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When Ducky saw the Thundering Falls before her, she jumped off Spike annoucing: "Who gets there last is a looser, he is!" and sprinting towards the water..
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Spike didn't mind being a loser - he just walked at a jaunty pace in his sister's wake. It was perhaps though, a reflection of the seriousness of the situation that he did not eat a single plant in his path as he walked.


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Ruby tilted her head. "Loser? Not me!" She started off, her longer legs carrying her farther. Ducky had a head start, but Ruby was quickly gaining.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"I'm no looser." Cera said.  She took off running towards the destination, determined to be first, or at the very least not last.