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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 116052


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Marita pushed Nairda inside the trailer then helped marie and rose get anne in as well. ' calm yourself tony'' marita said coming up to him. ''Axel would do anything to protect lily, you know that, i know that. the guys in love with her. i dont think he betrayed us, in fact i think he'd rather die than do that.. just a girls hunch' she said to him.
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Marcus walked briskly back through the corridors leading away from the warehouse. Before they reached the main lobby, he saw a green sign above a door to their left - a fire exit. He gestured to Aaron and led them through it.

The pair stepped out into an alleyway, stretching along the side of Pelvanida. Marcus started to head off to the right, the direction that would bring them back to the parking lot. "Wish I could say that went easier than I expected, but..." Marcus' grumbling was interrupted by the sound of the fire exit door slamming open behind them, and footsteps sprinting up. "Hold it!" someone shouted.

Marcus stopped, a scowl plastered across his face, and turned slowly. Three security guards stood in the alley behind them, aiming taser pistols. "Put the toolbox on the floor, then kneel down and put your hands behind your head!" The one in the middle, a fox, commanded.

Marcus sighed then nodded at Aaron to do so. Kneeling down, he dropped the box on the floor then positioned his hands as instructed. The two guards on the left and right moved forwards, the one in the middle remaining where he was, training his taser on the two Purifiers. Marcus waited for the guard heading for him to get closer... then shot out a hand and grabbed his wrist. The guard squeezed the trigger, but Marcus forced his hand up and the electric dart sailed off somewhere above. In a fluid motion, he twisted the guard's wrist, feeling the snap as he broke it, then stood up and slammed an elbow into the nose of the man apprehending Aaron.

Turning his attention back to his guard, he grabbed him around the neck as a human shield and seized his taser pistol, bringing it up to aim at his hostage's eye. "Drop it!" Marcus shouted out to the fox. After a pause, the fox did as he was told, letting his pistol fall to the floor with bared teeth. Marcus shot him in the face with the taser, then snapped the neck of his hostage.


Axel stared down at Lupis for a few more moments, but the gecko was right - it didn't look like he was in any condition to move, and dragging him out was impossible. We could have used him as the new host for whatever's in Lily... "Goddamn it!" he spat, then turned around, leaving him to bleed. He crossed slowly to the door and ran his fingers along its edge. There was no way he'd be able to force it open. Axel turned to face the gecko uncertainly, blinking as blood ran from the gash on his head into his eye. "Alright, if... if you think you can get this open, do it," he said, wiping a hand across his face.

Passing the gecko, he headed over to the corner of the room where Lily was cowering, then knelt down to her level, grunting in pain. "Look, Lily... and.... and whatever else is in there," he started, feeling sick as he said it, "If we stay here, we will die. He's the only way we can get out of this room before they find us, so we're going to have to trust him. Okay?" He held out a bloodied hand to her.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily was not convinced; for one, she had no reason to trust this creature, and the only two things she knew about it were it's powers and its hair-trigger temper. To be honest, he reminded her of Kojurro, and she couldn't bear to travel with somebody that reminded her of him. The parasite wasn't helping; having followed it homing instinct back to this room, it held an irrational sense of security having reached it, and was not keen to leave or relinquish control of Lily's body.

At that moment, the door blew off its hinges, and Exstasis roared into the room. "Lupis!" He gasped in horror. "I'm sorry, I got distracted!"

"That's...quite all right John..." Lupis got to his hands and knees wincing. Miraculously, his back appeared to be only sprained now, and in real time the crack in his skull was slowly sealing shut, the flowing blood stopping of its own accord. "Make up for your tardiness by teaching Mr. Speicher what happens when he passes up a free chance to walk away."

Exstasis revved his saw to life. "You!" He roared. "Don't you dare think of harming Lupis! You'll pay for this!" Firing the cannon strapped onto the front of the saw, he bounded forward and swung the spinning blade in a wide arc at his foe.


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(Purifier Compound)

Soren looked around the industrial road. "Hey, where's Lily and Axel?"

He then noticed Anne passed out on the trailer's floor. "Is she...dead?"

A groan and some faint movement from the unconscious mare indicated she was still alive.



The elbow merely stunned the man apprehending him. But that was all it took for Aaron to throw a vicious uppercut that knocked the man unconscious.

The German Shepherd shook his head. "Well, let's get out of here!"

He kicked the remaining guard in the head to silence him and then bolted for where they had parked the truck.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"And what if I don't believe you?" Tony asked, glaring at her now. "What if this was all just a big trap? They could be coming for us next!" he pushed off from the trailer now, the pain he was experiencing worse than any he'd felt in a long time. "This was a mistake coming here... I never should've gotten involved in this!" He walked around the front of the car and opened the driver side door. "I'll drop you all off at a safer part of the city, and after that..." He was trying hard not to completely break down here. "I'm going back to my family. I never should've left them!" he insisted, sliding behind the wheel and turning the key in the ignition, bringing the big V-12 to life. Good! It hadn't been fried! Revving up, he snapped the Pierce-Arrow's headlights on. "Well? Are you coming?" he asked Marita.

Tony noticed Soren approaching, and shook his head. "I don't know! I was hoping maybe you had run into them at some point, but I guess not. I'm all for getting out of here right now! I don't know where they are, or if Axel was even trustworthy to begin with!" the ferret added, fighting back the tears. "Anne's alive... that pulse did something to her though... her augmentation." he sighed.

The gecko was snapped back into awareness by the bursting of the door behind him. His eyes widened as Lupis began to get back up. Impossible! But he didn't have time to contemplate it. The rhino attacked him immediately, and it was all the gecko could do to avoid it, making use of agility as he flipped to the side, turning in the air and landing back on his feet. "I have no quarrel with you!" he insisted. "I reacted to save lives! I have no intention of taking any today!" he ground his teeth. He was defenseless, with no weapons. A quick scan of the room indicated there was nothing he could use to remedy that. The cables from the ceiling would only stretch so far after all... and there was nothing on the floor that was of any use.

Pursing his mouth shut, the gecko thought fast as he dodged another attack by spinning away. He could only keep this up for so long before he'd start to tire out... he could escape, but that would mean leaving these two, and for some reason... something in him told him not to do that... but not like he really had a choice. He was trapped in this room for the moment anyway, and his life was now being measured in seconds as opposed to years, and there was barely any time to think on his feet as opposed to just reacting now.

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its a little too late to back out now Tony' Marita said coolly. ' its too late for any of us to back out now.we're all involved in this, for better or worse.. if both of them are dead in there, thats one thing. we mourn their loss and get out to fight another day. but if they are alive, thats another thing entirely. reverse the roles for a moment. suppose it was you in there and me behind the wheel of that car. do you really think i'd drive off and leave you to your fate? what kind of a friend does that?' she asked.
- we should go marita' Marie spoke up.' we barely got out of that place1"  Yeah I dont want to spend any more time here' Rose agreed.'ni'd prefer a much safer pklace. one where folks arent try to take my head off..
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Marcus snatched up the toolbox then followed close behind Aaron as they tore down the alleyway and into the parking lot. As they wound their way through the maze of cars, he looked back at the building and couldn't see anyone else following.

Aaron had the keys - when they reached the truck Marcus swung into the passenger seat and waited for him to start the engine, tossing the toolbox into the back.


Axel scrambled back as Exstasis barreled into the lab, the door flying across the room to slam into the wall. His eyes widened. He's the one who broke into Soren's home... how is he still alive?! A familiar voice from the side drew his attention back, and he gaped in horror as Lupis picked himself back up, the wolf's injuries healing before him. "What... what the hell..."

The mechanical scream as Exstasis started the saw snapped him out of his shock. The rhino seemed fixed on the gecko, so Axel scrambled to his feet and fired a shot at Lupis - but with his vision compromised, the bullet went wide and smashed into one of the empty tanks. The glass exploded, showering the lab with more green liquid.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Exstasis fired the cannon again, narrowly missing the geckos head. With no regard for tact he stomped forward, using offense as his preferred defense. With every step he swung the giant saw again.

The green liquid from the broken chambers stained the floor. The shot from the plasma cannon flew right at Lily. She screamed and tried to get out of the way, but slipped on the fluid...

And suddenly she was free. The plasma charge singed her upper body yet only collided with the wall above her. But it had fooled the parasite, who fled her body in horror.

Blinking and coming to her senses for the first time since Stracci manor, she staggered to her feet and stumbled towards Axel. She tried to call his name but a twisted squeak was all she could manage. I have to get Axel to safety...

The parasite, meanwhile, assaulted Lupis' mind, who reacted quickly and expelled it with his training. Shooting across the room, it attempted to implant and take over what it thought was the most powerful creature in the room...the orange gecko.


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(Pelvanida Outskirts)

Aaron started the engine and drove off. He seamlessly merged with the dozens of other cars that milled about this ground level industrial zone.

"Well, let's hope everything goes better from now on." He noticed his pistol sitting in the center console. He chuckled. It was a miracle that his truck hadn't been broken into or a cop waiting by the vehicle to bust him.


(Purifier Base)

"Axel's my best friend. He would never do anything like that." Soren picked up his shotgun. "I'm going back in there and getting him out."

He then turned around and marched back into the base.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Tony looked down as Marita spoke to him, and he sighed. "But we don't know... anything." he said now, shaking his head. "I don't even... but yeah... you're right. He really did care about her. And... he is my friend..."

It was then Soren decided to grab a shotgun and head back for the base. But why? How did he even know Axel and Lily were in there? "Uh... what the hell are you doing?" Tony asked, stepping out of the car now and calling over its roof. "You don't even know if they're in there! Last we saw them they were in this trailer! What if they're somewhere on the streets?" but Soren was already heading down the road to the base it seemed. "What the hell is he doing? He's going to get himself killed!" Tony said, shaking his head and sitting back down in the driver's seat. "For all we know, Axel and Lily could be on their way to Timbuktu!"

Shaking his head, he thought about what they could do, but what could they do? Going back into that base was suicide at this point. It was on high alert, and the Purifiers would be swarming anyone who would come back in. He sat behind the wheel of his car, then got an idea. "I'm gonna start circling the blocks!" the ferret suggested. "Maybe Axel and Lily are outside, and in trouble. If they are, I'm gonna look for them. I advise you get in if you want the ride!" Tony said before throwing the car into gear.

The Pierce-Arrow moved forward, and Tony turned onto the street that went around the perimeter of the base, hoping to find some trace of his friends...

Cavenaugh was patching his shattered shoulder up. He was gonna need extensive care, but for right now, he was all about killing these intruders. He was supposed to be the gatekeeper after all, and Tony had completely humiliated him! Hearing a report over his radio, he grasped it with his good hand and brought it up to his mouth. "What?" he demanded.

"Sir, it looks like that human who was in the exoskeleton is coming back!"

Growling, the Gila monster picked up an MP7. "Urrgggh I'm so sick of these assholes! All right boys! Let's go kill ourselves some trespassers! Head him off!" he shouted, heading for Soren's reported entry point.

Deep down below in the bowels of the facility, the gecko narrowly dodged another shot aimed at his head, starting to pant as he tried to think of something. Suddenly, something entered his mind... foreign and invasive, and definitely not indigenous. "What?" he asked, but there was another presence in his mind as well... the parasite would quickly find that Vergil's (the gecko's) mind, despite being mostly empty, was in fact a very crowded place. There were things that simply didn't belong in there, and how they'd ended up there was a mystery.

Vergil had to focus though, and suddenly, an idea struck him. He had no idea where this inspiration came from, but time seemed to slow as he noticed Exstasis sloshing through the fluids on the floor. That was it! Leaping up onto the tube he'd broken out of, he yanked off one of the wires that led into its base. A single thought later, and Axel and Lily would've found themselves thrown off their feet and out of the puddle of fluids as they slid across the floor. It wasn't a hard landing, nor a particularly hard push, but it would save their lives.

Once the two were out of harm's way, the gecko tossed the now live-wire down into the fluids, and electric bolts were soon shooting all across Exstasis's body, frying every internal augment he had, and thoroughly cooking him as his flesh seared and even caught on fire in several places, his thick hide being no match for the amps coursing through it. As the rhino screamed and collapsed into a burning heap on the ground, Vergil gave him a sad look. "Forgive me... I'm so sorry..." He said softly, looking with regret down at the charred rhino. If only he'd listened to him... and where had he gotten that idea from, anyway?

Looking over to Axel and Lily now, Vergil nodded. "Are you two all right? I'm sorry I had to do that, but it was the only thing I could think of in that time." He halted his speech to see if that foreign presence was still there in his mind... it didn't feel like it... so perhaps it had fled?

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marita Rose and Marie had jumped in the car before Tony had started it. all three of them were in the back seat. marie took a few moments to rest against the soft cushioning of the seat.' is this car armored? Marita asked how about the windows? are they bulletproof?" ' i'd imasgine the don put in some defenses for his cars, i mean hes not stupid' Rose said, wrapping her arms around herself as she lay back against the seat. marita tried to get her computer working again, but no luck.
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"Where else would they be!?" Soren snapped as he paused mid stride. "This area's a deserted industrial zone!"

He then decided to route around the perimeter, hoping that the loading docks were unsecured and still open.

At this time, sirens rang out across the base as the Purifiers armed themselves and got ready for action.


Anne regained consciousness and rolled out of the couch she had been placed on. "Ugh, what happened? And why the fuck are my pants wet!?

She pulled herself to her feet and noticed a strong metallic taste in her mouth. Pouring herself a cup of water to rinse her mouth out, she examined her horn. No damage.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel groaned as he sat up, leaning on one arm to support his weight. He stared across at Exstasis' smoking corpse, then nodded at the gecko. "Don't... don't be sorry," he panted. "He had it coming. Thanks for not... letting us get fried."

He quickly looked over at Lily. "Are you..." Axel paused when he looked into her eyes and saw that they seemed different, clearer than at the Stracci mansion - more like the eyes of the girl he'd met only a few days ago. "Lily? Are you alright?" He got to his knees and clasped her shoulders, hardly daring to believe it. "Is it you? Just you?!"


Rhaegson's monitor flickered back to life, and he cracked his knuckles. He flicked the button for the announcer. "And we're back, ladies and gentlemen! I hope you all got some killing done..." One of the cameras situated on the outside picked up Soren as he wandered around the perimeter of the compound.

Exhaling, Rhaegson rested his chin on his hand as he realised it was the same man who'd sported the exoskeleton. Least he's man enough to stop using his little toy... "Looks like one of our friends is going on an easter egg hunt around the eastern side of our grounds. He's not in his suit anymore, so all of you take your balls outta your purses and kill him already." His voice echoed around the compound. As an afterthought, he added, "Why isn't he dead already?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily panted as she got to her knees. The sudden knockback was unexpected...but she couldn't help but smile when she saw Axel standing before her. If only she could reply and tell him how happy she was...

Then she saw the wolf sneaking up behind Axel and her eyes went wide with horror. Before she could even cry a warning Lupis struck, raking his claws across the left side of Axel's head, aiming for the ear. At the same time, his knee dug into the rat's back; had his own back not been partially sprained it could have snapped his spine. His remaining fist buried itself in Axel's neck.

At that moment, Lily jumped to help, but she suddenly felt the all-too-familiar sensation of sharing a body; the parasite, unable to find a conquerable opponent elsewhere in the room, had returned to whence it came. Gagging for a moment as it remembered how to breathe, Lily could only watch as Lupis kicked Axel to the ground a second time and bum-rushed her.

Grimly Lupis turned to Lily, socking her in the face and grabbing her by the leg as he dragged himself towards the door. With his other hand, he held the long-abandoned pistol and fired a salvo at the gecko, though his aim was hampered by his many injuries. As he staggered out of the room, he shot out the security camera in order to trigger the silent alarm that would alert all guards in the area to check the laboratory. "I've had quite enough of this..." he muttered, though only Lily could hear him.


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Tony nodded as he turned down a side street, keeping well enough away from the base's walls but close enough to see if anyone was moving about. "Yeah, of course All dad's cars are modified for great protection and resistance against attacks. We're relatively safe inside the Berline as is." he explained as he turned again, moving around the back of the Purifiers' base.

"With pleasure, boss!" Cavenaugh responded, and reached the loading docks, where Soren was heading. "Open up on him! Kill him!" Cavenaugh yelled, and soon, his team's fire was barking out, bullets whizzing in Soren's direction as the Gila monster lift his MP7 and painfully fired at the approaching human. His shoulder was protesting, but he quickly injected himself with a shot of an adrenaline booster, and felt the power pumping through his veins. "Yes... yes... YES! DIE HAHAHAHA!" he laughed maniacally, his pain subsiding as the drug coursed through him and sent him into overdrive.

His team were mostly covered behind large metal containers and crates, showing themselves sparingly as they popped out to fire bursts in Soren's direction.

Vergil was going to react, but suddenly, memories came flooding into his brain, threatening to overwhelm it as his mind was brought back... back...

He was standing on what looked like the bridge of a naval vessel. Big glass windows looked out onto the sea, and control stations with sickly green and orange lights abounded everywhere. In front of him, two creatures violently fought. One resembled him, but was different... this gecko had fiery red skin, and golden eyes, as well as feathers running completely down his backside. He was considerably bulkier than Vergil as well. Battling him was a lithe green female frilled lizard, and both appeared capable of the very talents Vergil possessed. Various bodies lay strewn around them. Some looked like the bridge crew, and others looked different entirely, wearing strange garb the gecko wasn't familiar with.

As the fight continued, explosions suddenly erupted all around him as the bridge began taking external fire from large caliber guns. The explosions began engulfing everything as the red gecko appeared to become very angry about something, screaming as the bridge became awash in flames. The hull of the ship shook as torpedoes slammed into her side, her innards groaning in protest as they were torn apart... and as the explosions moved to envelop him, Vergil's mind went black...

Blinking, Vergil came out of his reverie to see that Lupis was making off with Lily now. A shot was fired at him, but missed pretty badly. The gecko started concentrating, suddenly seeing something up above them as the silent alarm was triggered. Flipping off the platform he'd been standing on, he raced over to Axel now. "I don't know how I know this, but there's a car circling around the back of this base. It will pass a side entrance in approximately ten minutes. Your friends are in this car. If we hurry, we can make it! I know the way out... once again, I have no idea how, but if we don't hurry, security will be here soon! Can you walk?" he asked, helping the rat up as best he could.

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Axel coughed, choking as he tried to suck in a breath. Under the fur where Lupis had punched his neck, an ugly purple bruise was forming. The left side of his face was in agony, and as the small gecko helped him up he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the glass of one of the tanks. Lupis' claws had sliced deeply into the side of his head, blood pouring from the wounds. His left ear had been cut apart, leaving behind a torn, ragged mess.

He brought his attention dully back to the gecko, his eyes glazed with shock... then let a whistling gasp out as he realised Lily wasn't there. "No! Lily... where..." he managed, pulling away and trying to rush towards the lab entrance. Axel's back screamed in protest and he stumbled, falling back to his knees. From somewhere further up, there came the faint sound of shouting, boots rushing towards their direction.


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"You're in no condition to go after her. I'm sorry. We're getting out of here!" Vergil replied, steadying Axel as he gazed at the wall. "Hmmmm..." he could hear security heading their way, so narrowed his eyes, and soon, the wall in front of them was being crushed, and crumpled inward. On the other side of it, there was a service tube that led straight up to the street, and a convenient staircase nestled inside the tube. "It's the fastest way out: if we go out the main door, we'll run into security. Come on! I'll help you!" the gecko moved at Axel's pace, starting up the staircase to the street. He could hear the Purifiers behind them, shouting things like "they went this way! Hurry!"

Huffing, the gecko was surprisingly strong for his size, and while not able to outright carry Axel, he was at least able to support him and kind of drag him along every so many feet. Shots rang out behind them, but Vergil quickly moved them up to a landing where they were covered before ascending the next flight. "Come on! We're almost there!" he urged Axel, steadying him and holding him up as they began the final ascent. The guards were pretty much firing blindly at this point, and their shots hit the concrete of the stairwell on the landing below them, doing no harm.

Vergil focused intently on the service exit ahead at the top of the stairs, and the door flew off its hinges, its lock snapped like a piece of bread. Panting, the gecko hauled Axel out onto the street, and just in time, too. Headlights played over the both of them, and the sound of an analog engine could be heard rapidly approaching.

Tony saw the rat and some strange gecko like creature in his headlights, and he honked and excitedly exclaimed "It's Axel! He's alive! Yes!" Breaking the car to a halt with a slight squeak, Tony reach over and opened the passenger side door. "Get him in!" he ordered. "Where's Lily?"

"We don't have time." Vergil calmly informed him, pushing Axel into the middle seat as he slid onto the passenger side. "She's been taken, security is right behind us... I suggest you go and go fast."

'Uh... wait... who are you?" Tony asked, confused as Vergil shut the door.

"Vergil... Vergil Speicher... I'd press that accelerator if I were you." he said, still calm as Purifiers began pouring out the service entrance.

"There! In the car!" one yelled, and raised his weapon to begin firing.

"Oh, shit! Hold on!" Tony yelled, and slammed his footpaw down, the massive V-12 of the Pierce-Arrow roaring to life with a throaty rev that echoed off the abandoned buildings all around them like an exploding firework as the car rapidly took off. A few bullets hit the side, but they did no more than bounce off the beautiful exterior as the Pierce-Arrow accelerated like a drag-racer and zoomed down the street, the ferret quickly able to push the car up to over 100 mph, even with the trailer. It rocketed past the buildings at blurring speed, the Pierce-Arrow quite literally having the best V-12 out of any in existence from its competitors at Packard, Lincoln, and Cadillac. They left their pursuers behind in the literal dust, and while Tony slowed the car down to take the corners, he didn't lift much from the accelerator at all. He was in pure fight or flight mode now... and flight had taken over.

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marita he;ld Axel as the car raced away from the  camp. she pulled a kany from the pocket in her dress and held it against the side of axels face. ' his ear was going to have to be stitched back together, but nothing a competent surgeon couldnt tackle in 15 minutes. the hankerchief soon became stained with axel's blood..
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Soren cursed as a bullet nicked his head. There were just too many Purifiers for him to fight. He cursed himself for being so rash.

The metal dumpster he was using for cover wouldn't hold forever. In desperation, he shot a large tank over the loading dock, praying it was filled with something flammable or toxic. Or at the least, it was part of the factory's steam system.

He was in luck, it was the steam drum for the factory's plumbing. As hot steam roared out of the hole, he quickly bolted for the road, hoping that the huge white cloud covered his escape. Nevertheless, several of the guards fired through the cloud. Most of the shots went wide, but one grazed his ear.

Hopefully, Tony and the others had not left him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lupis dragged Lily down the corridor, repeatedly kicking her in the face to prevent her from coming to her senses in time to use her powers or even get a grip what was happening.

"Sir!" yelled one of a pair of guards rushing his way.

"Get to the lab!" Lupis snapped, "Figure out what scientists are on the clock and get them over here! Tell them its an 808, they'll know what to do!"

"Sir, don't you need help with-?"

"Now, goddammit! I don't have time to explain!" Lupis knew that in an unshielded section like this hallway, the alien conscience needed only a split second to catch its senses and make another escape. With the puncturing of the shielded laboratory, he was the only thing stopping them from losing the beast they'd fought so hard to capture.

Lily meanwhile, who was unable to even shield her face as it skidded along the floor, was sobbing openly as Lupis kicked her broken nose over and over. Various debris littering the ground was lacerating her side as she slid on top of it, leaving a trail of her own blood staining the laminated tiles.

As the guards double-timed it, Lupis flung open the door to a regular laboratory and threw Lily onto the table. Flicking all the lights off and slamming the door shut in order to startle her yet again, it had the side effect of hiding the disgust on his face from what he was about to do. But while studying the creature in its natural body, its brain waves seemed to associate a particular human emotion with mortal danger, and the best way to keep it contained was to trap it in his own mind until the scientists could come with the sedation...

Strapping her onto the experimenting table, Lupis jammed two fingers between her legs. Lily howled in pain and thrashed wildly. He rammed her most sensitive orifice again, and again. As he suspected would happen, he soon felt the parasite probing his mind, attempting to warn its host of what was happening to her. He allowed it. For as long as he kept this up, it wouldn't think to flee the premises entirely.

But it might be best to kill her after this... he thought grimly. It would be more merciful than letting her live...

Below him, Lily was thinking same thing.