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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 115018


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As he watched Lily cross the room, Axel felt a surge of affection run through him. I have to do whatever it takes to protect her.

When she opened the door to Soren, Axel nodded at him. "Hey. Yeah, breakfast sounds great."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Before today, Emilena would have stabbed a man who hugged her the way Adrian just did. But as Emilena prepared to suppress her murderous urge, instead she found that it never came. Adrian had more than earned her trust...actually, it was rather alarming how many opportunities he'd had to kill her while she completely defenseless. Somehow, it had become second-nature for her to trust him, which almost felt like something of a nice break from standard operating procedure.

Still, she broke the hug. They had a job to do. "The easiest way to get in would be to pose as patients. Your left arm is injured, as are both of my hands. We'd have to pretend to be interested in getting the wounded areas cybernetically replaced," Hell, he might legitimately be interested in doing just that, she realized, "but I will simply refuse the surgery at the last moment. It still gets us through the door and into the back rooms, where we can investigate."


At breakfast, Lily ate ravenously. With her strength back, she quickly put it to good use replenishing the energy she'd lost on her 3 days on the lam.

"So," she said, in between biting into her fifth grapefruit, "We need to get into Mantreads Shoe Suppliers, but I can't be seen in public. I was thinking we disguise ourselves as Sapaar."

The Sapaar were a religious group that had fully integrated into modern society. The men behaved and dressed pretty much like anybody else, but the women dressed head-to-toe in a silver reflective tunic that covered even the head, representing their subservience to the modern world. "I figure we don't have silver cloth floating around, but the poorer ones use white. We could cut up a sheet or something!"

She seemed remarkably chipper, especially considering her subdued behavior the night previous. She was still riding the high from a good night's sleep, and from the reminder that not everyone in the world was indifferent to her plight or wanted her dead.


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Soren passed a plate containing scrambled eggs, catfish sausage and hash browns to Axel. Some fresh fruit was in a communal dish.

"I may have some heat resistant silver cloth left over from a project of mine," Soren added. "Let me go look."


Anne quickly regained consciousness as the drugs in her system were neutralized "Hey, what the hell's up this time?"

"You're in Stephenson Memorial Hospital," an orderly said as he got a wheelchair ready.

"I know that! What I wanna know is how the f--- I got here!"

The orderly passed her the doctors report. She scanned over it and scowled. "That does it, I'm finding the prick who sold me that bad batch and dumping him off an elevated walkway."

She threw the blankets off the bed and got to her feet, only to suffer a sudden attack of dizziness that forced her to sit down.

A nurse ran into the room as Anne's act of getting up had tripped an alarm. "Ms. Phoe, the drugs have not been fully neutralized yet." He looked at the patient care directions. "Speaking of which, it's time for your carbazil injection."


The Human quickly fetched the alcohol and the sewing kit. "Look just take it and leave me alone! Please!"

(OOC - Sapaar? Darwin's Soldiers reference?)

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel gratefully accepted the plate Soren offered him, and sat down at the table to eat it. He was hungrier than he thought, wolfing the food down in moments. As he swallowed the last bite he looked at the two uneasily.

 "It's not just the cops we have to look out for - what about that wolf? I think he knows something's up here."


Marcus indicated the counter with the point of his gun. "Put them there." As the human did so, he noticed a tiny supply closet behind him. Holstering the pistol, he grasped the man by the front of his uniform and effortlessly lifted him up into the air with his good arm.

Marching forwards, he tossed the human into the closet and slammed the door shut after him, jamming a box under the door handle. "Stay in there and shut the f--k up." Marcus turned around to face the sewing kit, shrugging off his coat.


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Adrian nodded, rolling his neck a little.
"Right, right.  Figure it'll be good to get this damn arm replaced If I want to be much help."
He said softly, smiling at Emilena...


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Soren returned with a small 2 inch by 2 inch patch of silver cloth. "Sorry, that's all the silver cloth I could find. It's aluminized carbon nanotube fiber. I had some left over when I repaired a foundryman's arm."

He then sipped his tea. "Anyways, I noticed something funny with my client records."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Haha, someone actually read one of my stories? I figured nobody would catch that. I like the word because it has two a's in a row.)

"Thanks, but we need enough cloth to cover my entire body," Lily told Soren. "We can make do with white cloth."

Lily nodded at Axel's caution. "To be honest, that's why I want to get out of here as soon as possible. No offense to you Soren, but I suspect that wolf knew I was here. He's going to be back, and I don't want to be here when he does..."


"Yeah, you violate your body once with machinery, might as well do it again," she responded flippantly. She then softened when she thought those words over. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk like that," she said, returning his hug in a form of apology. "It's not your fault you had to become an Augment. And at least it'll keep you useful."

She left to take a shower. "I'll just have to take of myself while you're under. The hospital requires general anasthesia for all cybernetic surgeries."


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Adrian chuckled and nodded, then smiled and stripped down before joining Emilena in the shower with a blush.
"I uh...hope you don't mind...we can save a little time this way..."
He said softly, then smiled at her.
"And it's okay...I don't like the augments any more than you do...but...I had to live..."
He said, blushing more...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena smiled. "I like efficiency."

It was not a two-person shower, but considering she'd used a sanitizing towel her entire life she considered it practically luxurious.

She looked with confusion at the soap, shampoo, and body wash dispensers. "Speaking of efficiency, could you show me how these work? I admit I'm not very experienced with this method of hygiene."


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Adrian chuckled a little, nodding as his tail curled around Emilena a little.  
"Of course.  This one is for your hair..."
He said, tapping the shampoo dispenser.
"This one is for your body..."
He said as he moved his finger to the body wash
"And this one is for...well, for your privates and your feet and stuff."
He said, indicating the soap...


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Soren finished his meal. "I don't really trust him either." He used a cloth to clean off some grease from his HMD's lens.

He heard the doorbell ring. "Must be a client," he muttered.

He pushed his chair in, donned the work clothes he had hanging from a rack and headed to the door.

Soren patched his HMD into the house's cameras and the hastily patched door became transparent. He scowled; he didn't recognize this client. But nevertheless, he needed money. He disengaged the locks and opened the door a bit. "Hello, you've reached Almaya's Augmentation Repair and Mod Shop. How may I help you?"

(OOC - The person he meets isn't a client. It's a Purifier. Your call on what the Purifier does, but no kidnapping or killing Soren.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel heard the slight shift in Soren's tone as he opened the front door. Tensing up, he gripped his fork a little tighter and shared a puzzled glance with Lily.


Staring back at Soren was a small man dressed in a denim jacket and jeans. Greasy blonde hair hung matted over sleep deprived eyes, and as Soren cracked open the door the stink of sweat and alcohol wafted through the gap.

"What the hell is wrong with you, huh? You know how easily we could kill you? What, you can't take a f----n' message?!" As he spoke, his voice scratchy and hard on the ears, he leaned on the door. His weight started to force the door inwards.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Still slightly puzzled, Emilena leaned over awkwardly, trying to get her head underneath the shampoo dispenser. "Watch out!" she snapped, since he was entirely in her way. A few seconds later she lost her footing and sent both of them spilling onto the shower floor with a crash.


Lily froze with fear, halfway through eating a toasted bagel. This proved to be a bad decision when she choked on it and began coughing uncontrollably.


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Adrian had attempted to move out of Emilena's way, but when she fell, he ended up on his back, with her on top of him.  He smiled and blushed bright red, smiling at her shyly.
"Right...forgot to warn you that the floor gets slippery when it's wet..."
He said, chuckling softly...


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Soren leaned hard on the door, trying to keep the man outside. "Axel! Lily! Get my gun!" he barked. For someone so small, the man was surprisingly strong.

He turned to the intruder. "What's my problem!?" he thundered. "What the f---'s your problem!? Busting into hard working folks' homes to destroy livelihoods for another rush of drugs? Now GTFO!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel leaped up and started to run to Soren's aid, but stopped when he heard Lily spluttering and turned back to see her choking. Torn between the two, he paused. Then he dashed back to Lily's side. "Crap! Hang on, Soren!"

Hooking his arms around her stomach from behind, he started heaving, tightening his grip and releasing repeatedly. He had no idea what he was doing, but he'd seen it done in the movies so he was praying it would work.


"Drugs? You're even more stupid than I thought Almaya." He laughed, a harsh barking noise, and released his hold on the door. "You don't need your bitches to help you - this was just a... friendly warning. We're watching you." The man spat at Soren's feet.

He stepped aside, letting Soren see the symbol he'd sprayed on the path leading to the house; a red, cracked gear. "What happened before was just the start. Keep it up and you'll really know who you're f----n' with."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily swallowed a painful gulp of water. "Forget about me!" she spluttered. "Go help Soren!"


Emilena groaned. "I'm not cut out for showers," she decided, and crawled out onto the bathroom floor. "Don't take too long," she said, drying off. "Earliest surgeries are bookable thirty minutes from now, and using public transportation that's about how long it'll take to get there. I want to be looking through hospital files as soon as we can."


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Adrian rolled to his feet, flicking the shower off and chuckling, running a hand through his hair before grabbing a towel and drying off.
"Right, right.  And we don't need to take public transportation."
He said with a small smile...


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Soren's HMD scanned the cracked gear emblem. Several news reports and a Wikipedia article on The Purifiers appeared.

"It can't be," he whispered, his jaw dropping in shock. "The Purifiers."

He scowled. The shock was soon replaced by burning rage. "You intolerant f---s are the ones who destroyed my workshop!? Get out before I call the cops or my friend returns with my gun!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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When he saw Lily could breath again, Axel backed out of the room. Soren's shotgun was propped up against the wall, and he snatched it up as he dashed out.

He reached the entrance and joined Soren's side, aiming the barrel down at the man. His nose wrinkled as he caught a smell of him. "I'm here. Who the hell's this?"


The purifier raised his eyebrows when he saw Axel appear, unimpressed. "I'm someone you and everyone like you should be afraid of, ---hole."

He looked back at Soren, his lips curling up into a grin. He raised his arms mockingly and started backing away. "Remember what I said. We have eyes everywhere." His grin vanished as his eyes flicked back to Axel. "I'll make sure they kill you slowly."

Shoving his hands into his jacket pocket, he turned around and sauntered down the path, around the corner and out of sight.


Marcus grunted as the needle poked back out of his flesh. He pulled it and the thread trailing behind tightened, sealing the deep cut. He bit the needle free and tied a small knot in the thread, then looked down at his handiwork. He was no surgeon, the stitching running crudely up the length of his arm, but it would do. He poured the bottle of alcohol over the wound with a hiss of pain and stood up.

The right side of his T-Shirt had completely soaked through with blood, so he'd stuffed it in the waste disposal. Stalking over to a small stand with cheap white shirts, he selected one which was around his size and buttoned it on, trying to decide his next move.