The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 138585

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After a few minutes of brisk walking, Echo opened the lock to her third floor "coffin room;" a digout of wall about the size of a large horizontal locker, fitting a cot, set of two drawers, sanitary spray dispenser (cheap, portable, and practical alternative to showers) and a laptop on the drawers.

"Make yourself comfortable," she offered hollowly; he literally had one place he could sit, the corner of her cot.


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Adrian chuckled, taking a seat on the edge of the cot and glancing around the room, his gaze repeatedly drawn to Echo...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo removed her outer clothes and ran them through a slit in the wall; they would be sent to a steamer, air-cleaned, and returned in minutes. "I plan to either sleep for the next 4 hours, or if anything you've noticed requires immediate attention, investigate whatever requires it. Though I warn you I won't be able to grant the police-immunity I usually can if we hit hot water; my sting on Mr. Alamay was unsuccessful and I'm even closer to losing my job..."


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Marita reached her apartnent on the fourth floor, opened the door, shut it behind her ad tossed the keys on the counter. inside where all the necessities, a small bed, a futon, a tv, and a small nook for where she ate her meals..' this place wasnt the Ritz, but it was better than living on the street.
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  • General of the Great Valley
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Aaron entered Electric Sheep and was immediately treated to a pounding techno track emanting from a beat up boombox on the greasy counter.

He took a seat at an empty table and cracked open a menu. Fish ball udon sounded good right now.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marcus walked down the corridor to his apartment, old wooden floorboards creaking, and stopped at his door. He took out a small, square device aimed it at the door, and pressed a button. A UV beam quickly scanned up and down the door. It showed no hand prints, aside from his own. Marcus nodded with satisfaction and let himself in.

He flicked the light on and crossed to the desk in the corner of the room, on which sat a closed laptop. From the distance, pounding club music drummed through the walls. The Electric Sheep club. Not his favorite place, but it was usually a good place to find fresh recruits.

Sitting at the chair in front of the laptop, he reached up to the shelf above and took down a half eaten can of baked beans. As he began spooning the contents into his mouth, he flicked on the laptop. A holographic symbol of a red, cracked gear flickered into existence in front of him.


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Adrian looked away, averting his gaze from Echo as he nodded.
"It's nothing pressing, nothing we can act on right now, but there've been reports that indicate...trouble.  Like something's been pulling the strings to incite these incidents.  All the incidents have been happening the same way as what went down today.   If you'd be willing to, it'd be something worth pursuing.  If we find out it leads back to Alamay, then we can go after him.  If we find anything else... well, then we'll have to figure out what to do."
He said quietly...


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Aaron paid for his meal of fish ball udon. He lifted the cracked plastic spoon to his lips and slurped the rich, salty broth.

He paid for a bottle of beer to accompany his meal.

A 24 hour news channel was talking about an anti-Augment protest in the Silica district. The German Shepherd let out a small smile.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We should investigate," she nodded. "Your intuition has been extremely good in the past at picking up what's important," she nodded. "But I need to bring down Alamay regardless of whether he's involved or not in 71 hours."

She had just finished using the antibacterial spray when her clothes rolled back out of the slit with a ding remnicient of a toaster. She slipped them on with as much dignity as a person with no elbow room could muster. "Shall we set out tonight or in the morning?" She asked. She honestly wasn't that tired but she knew meditations she could undergo to control her state of being, and could make herself tired if beed be.


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The cracked gear symbol disappeared after a second, and was replaced with white lettering. A message.

One of our sources has reported Adrian Kibagami is operating at a location near you. May be investigating our recent actions against Soren Almaya. His elimination should be considered one of your top priorities.

Marcus' ear twitched as he read the holographic writing. Kibagami had been an irritation to their cause for too long. He still remembered their last encounter, still bore the scars. It would be a pleasure to cut him down once and for all. He's investigating Soren Almaya...

It would seem he had some watching to do of his own...


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Adrian grinned, rolling his shoulders a little.
"Well, if we have a deadline like that, then I suppose we should probably get to work. you really think Alamay had anything to do with this?  The way that things played out, it seems like you may have been set up."
He said softly...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Regardless of whether he's innocent or not, I need to take him down or I lose my job..." Echo stated softly. "But we can focus on him after some reconnaisance. Did you have a place in mind to inspect?"


In the forest near the city, a lone woman was sprinting through the trees. She heard the beeping of tracking bots somewhere behind her, but they were heading the wrong way.

She tripped and tumbled off the road, stifling a panicked cry. This proved to be quite fortunate when a police car drove down the road past her. She heard a fragment of the driver reporting into a radio.

"All clear, suspect may be heading for Chancellorsville instead..."

She staggered to her feet, mud now staining her soaked gray dress. She saw the edge of the trees up ahead. The lights of a city.

As she staggered through the trees, she noted a set of guards stationed by the road. As she crawled through the grass past them, one checked a feed outputter.

"Apparently the tracers just gave up on the trail from the river. She could be anywhere from the lake down to Chancellorsville."

The other groaned. "Aww, hell, she isn't gonna make it this far down! I want to go home to my wife!"

"If you weren't out here, you'd be busting that inventor with Analena," his companion reminded him, as their quarry dragged herself through the grass past them, hoping to reach the city.


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(OOC - um, maybe I should clarify the anthros in this world. Birds of prey, corvids, struthiformes (ostrichs and related birds), galliformes (chickens), mammals and reptiles are all anthropomorphic.)

Aaron finished his meal and paid for it. He then exited into a bustling elevated walkway as he headed back home.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(sorry, sorry.....I'm not really a furry, I constantly forget things like that. Turned the dogs into robots or something.)


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Adrian nodded.
"Right, then.  I've heard some rumors about a club downtown, actually.    Called "The Electric Sheep."  Heard it's a major source of...unsavory customers."
He chuckled...


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Axel eyes glowed as he bent over the arm modification. He could see the current's flow, where it should flow, like a living organism. He replaced one section with another and then sighed, leaning back and rubbing his eyes with his black, robotic arms. These eyes are great, but they sure do hurt after a while... He switched them to their normal vision.

Axel stood up and bent down to pick up a pack of cigarettes. Crossing the room (softly, he didn't want to make any noise which might annoy his neighbors), he opened the window and slowly climbed up the stairs. The weird guy with the hood was still gone. Thank god.

He took a seat on one of the dusty ventilation units that looked out onto the edge of the woods and lit up. Swirling spotlights from further in the city would occasionally fall across the tree line, penetrating the darkness behind them. Axel stared idly into the trees, taking a deep drag, trying to clear his head.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo thought. "Isn't that the revolting strip club down the road? What could they possibly have to do with anything?"


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Adrian shrugged.
"Well, it probably's the last place anyone would think to look.  I mean, who'd look for an anti-Augment group in an augment strip club."
He chuckled...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo paused. This was the first time Adrian had mentioned this was an Anti-Augment. "Why should we try to shut down an Anti-Augment group? I hope they engage in as many terrorist acts as they like if it means fewer Augments on the streets."


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Adrian looked at her for a moment.
"Well, to be honest...there is a reason.  As far as these extremists are concerned, you're an augment, too.  Between the accelerated growth, and the fact that there are neural implants in you..."
He said coolly...