The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 138589

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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She stiffened up. Within milliseconds, her katana was in her hand and pressed against his neck. She had moved faster than humanly possible.

" do you know that...?" she whispered extremely quietly, suddenly deadly serious. "Who told you about those...? And how many other people know...?"


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marita watched tv for a bit after throwing together a quick dinner of chicken. ' nothing much on.. she muttered to herself ' another fine day in this place..  why did i get stuck here.. i had a job lined up in chancellorville..'
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Adrian calmly brought his hand up to the blade, easing it away from his neck.
"Well, for one...I could sense the EM frequency of the implants.  And two, that just confirmed it.  Besides, I went back to your old orphanage, and they'd left your file out on a desk.  Don't worry, I don't think anyone short of a few of those terrorists would know."
He said reassuringly, hand still on the blade...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I burned my old orphanage down to keep that information from getting out...and if you ever tell anyone..." she threatened, trailing off. She wasn't actually sure if she could kill him, if the time came. He was the only ally she had left.

After a few seconds, she sheathed her sword. "But you're right. We need to infiltrate this group. If any of them know about me, they need to be killed."

She glanced at her pillow. "I'm not going to sleep tonight. Let's get this investigation started now."


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Soren Almaya got up to go to the bathroom.

As he relieved himself, his mind swirled with questions. Why would a police officer suddenly attack him? More importantly, why were the police so disinterested in what seemed like a patently criminal act?

He washed his hands and went back to sleep. He'd go salvage what he could tomorrow morning.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Adrian chuckled.
"So you're the one who burned that place down, huh?  Glad someone did."
He said lightly, then looked at the ceiling.
"We're gonna need to get in, but I have a feeling they'll be on the lookout for me.  And you're a cop and aug, so...We'll need to figure another way in."
He said seriously...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We could kidnap a stripper when she gets off her shift and force her to let us in from the back," suggested Echo. "Augments will do anything if you threaten to break their cybernetic parts."


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Adrian chuckled.
"Yeah, but if I had to guess, any of the strippers we'd have a chance with are probably gonna have emergency alert systems installed.  We try to threaten them, they'll probably alert the guards.  Our best bet to get in is to get in undercover."
He said with a calm grin...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Hmmm..." thought Echo. "You're right. We're going to need disguises."

She climbed over him and opened the door to her closet. "We're going to need a stripper costume and a bouncer costume. I have someone who can help me in that regard. Or at least, is about to start helping me..."


Lily reached the city limits and stumbled into the city. She looked around, unsure of what to do. She didn't know who she could trust.

Finally, she decided to crawl into an alleyway and try to sleep there. Unfortunately, the alley was occupied.

"Who the hell are you?" growled a thuggish-looking bum, opening his coat to reveal a shotgun.

She stumbled backwards. "Sorry, I didn't see you--"

"Don't move," he growled. "I ain't seen you on these streets. You an undercover cop?"

"No, I'm not, I was just leaving--" she stammered, but then the guy grabbed her arm.

"You know what? If you're not a cop, or hell, even if you are, I'd rather keep you right here," he grinned wickedly. "You ain't much of a fight at all."

"Let go of--!" Her protests were cut off by a large ham-sized palm pressed against her mouth.


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Adrian nodded.
"Right.  An outfit won't be enough, though.  You're gonna need some fake augments where they're gonna be looking.  And I just so happen to have something that can help with that."
He said cleverly...


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As Axel stubbed out the end of his cigarette, he heard a woman's cry from down below. Standing up, he cautiously peered over the edge of the rooftop. In the alley adjacent to his apartment block, he caught a glimpse of a figure in a dress struggling with a larger man. Then they moved out of sight, and the only sound was the faint scuffing of shoes.

He felt a coil of fear in his stomach. He knew it wasn't just a couple fooling around. But what if he has a knife, or a gun? Then his resolve strengthened. What kind of rat would he be if he did nothing?

Axel jumped over the railing and ran down the fire escape as fast as he could. He could still hear a muffled screaming. I'm not too late... he thought, as he reached the tarmac and sprinted for the alley.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo frowned. "This will be the last time you discuss or gain access to my body my body in such a way," she cautioned. "Can you make the changes here, or do you need us to return elsewhere? Also before we go, I'll need to do some online searches...this individual is going to need motivation to assist us..."


The bum dragged Lily into the alleyway and roughly groped her. "If you don't scream, I'll kill you afterward rather than before..." he growled.

Lily didn't have the body structure or the strength to fight back. She screamed as loud as she could, but it was almost completely muffled by his hand. Still, several window lights clicked on, but as soon as each inhabitant noted the nature of the crime, clicked the light back off and sealed the glass to keep the sound out.


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Adrian nodded.
"Of course.  And we can get the things set up here.  They'll fool any cybernetic searches.  I just have to get them set up.  But...listen, if anything goes wrong, then...Just promise me you won't do anything too reckless, alright?
He said, eye softening...


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Axel slowed as he reached the alley and poked his scarred face around the corner. The guy attacking the woman was facing the opposite direction to him, and they were making enough noise to muffle the sound of his footsteps. Now's my chance...

He started running up behind the man, eyes searching for any kind of a weapon. No luck - aside from a few odd bits of trash, it looked like the garbage collectors had been especially thorough tonight.

Without missing a step he charged up and leaped on the man's back, who started bucking, trying to shake him off. Yelling, Axel drew a fist back and thumped him on the side of the head. His arms were only a class 1 augmentation, but metal was still stronger than normal flesh, and each punch made a solid THUMP!

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I shall promise you nothing of the sort," Echo affirmed, eyes glinting.

Acquiescently she removed her clothes (she was well aware of the body parts Adrian needed to "enhance," and aside from those there was little modesty remaining clothes would leave) and laid on the bed. "Were I in any better straits, there is no chance I would be trusting you with something of this nature," she felt like pointing out.


The man tried to swing his shotgun and hit his assailant, but Axel was too small. This threw the man off-balance and he tumbled off his feet, squashing Axel with a cry.

"Son of a bitch!" he yelled, hitting his head badly on the pavement. He glanced at Axel through blurred vision. "Who the--?"

He was cut off by a shotgun blast to his abdomen. Lily had retrieved the shotgun and clumsily reduced his lower body to red meat.


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Axel gaped, his ears ringing and his face and T-shirt specked with red. The blast had thrown the bum across the alley, revealing the girl holding the smoking shotgun.

"Uh... y... you killed him. Oh, he's dead..." He pointed out, his mouth still stretched in an O of surprise.


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Adrian barely glanced up from the set of bags he had produced from inside his cloak.
"I'm well aware of that.  If either of us were in better straits, then we wouldn't be here at all.  Now, these are going to tingle quite a bit when they go on, just going to warn you."
He said calmly, picking up a few pieces of elaborate-looking metal plate...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo glanced at them, her face betraying the slightest traces of equal parts disgust and apprehension...


Lily kept the shotgun out, and pointed at Axel. "Who the hell are you?" she asked, voice quavering. "What do you want?"


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"Whoa! Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Axel scooted backwards on his rear until his back bumped against the brick wall. He threw his arms up in the air.

"I saw that guy attacking you, so I came down to help, I'm not trying to hurt you, my name's Axel, please put the gun down!" He spluttered as he looked endearingly from her face to the shotgun leveled at his head.


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Adrian gave Echo a small, reassuring smile as he placed the first piece onto her shin.
"Oh, relax.  Not like I'm actually doing an augmentation."
He said, as the metal piece sent a tingling all through Echo's lower body...