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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 114651


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Nairda's lyrics could use some work, but Felix had to admit - the guy sang with heart, dammit. He twisted around in his chair to look at Nairda as he finished his rap. "Hey! Yeah, we've got chemistry! Loads of it! I can feel it too! We can be Bonnie and Clyde! Just stop these goddamn crazy pricks from killing me!"


Axel nodded. "Yeah, right here..." He fished his cell phone out of his pocket and flipped it open, then winced. "Damn..." The phone's screen had a large crack running through it, but at least it was still working. He quickly tapped out a text to Tony:

Have Lily. Didn't see or hear anything about bomb. Ideas?

He closed the phone and put it back in his jeans, then looked at Emilena. "The bomb, it's... it's still around here somewhere. I have to try and stop it. But if you still want to leave, I... I won't stop you." Axel swallowed and turned to Lily. "If she does, you should go with her. Staying here... it'll be dangerous."


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Tony had been waiting patiently in the generator room for the past half hour or so. It was approaching the 40 minute mark now, and he couldn't hear anything further from outside, namely because he was starting to doze. Had the attack failed? But no... the shield they had erected didn't last very long. It soon suffered critical failure, and dissipated like early morning mist. The mob had insiders everywhere, and their insiders had killed the Purifiers manning the shield generator and promptly ensured it could never be used again. Rocket and mortar fire resumed, with the rumblings in the street indicating the mafia were bringing forward a large tank with a bulldozer blade fitted to its front. It clanked rapidly down the main avenue, heading right for the front gate as its 88 mm gun opened fire on the compound's doors.

The vibrations from outside stirred Tony back to wakefulness, and he shook his head, wondering what time it was. Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, the ferret reached in and pulled it out in bored fashion, tapping the screen and seeing Axel's message. Oh right... about time. Tapping back Get back here. I'll start the reactor to blow this place if you're ready. he sighed, then slid the phone back into where it had come from. Still leaning against the mammoth generator, the ferret gazed out into the empty room, his sense of unease and low morale only getting lower with each passing second.

Turning, he silently began throwing some switches and twisting some knobs, listening as the reactors rumbled to life with deep, throaty hums, awakening after decades of disuse. He was only starting them up, not raising them to critical level just yet, but that could easily be done in a matter of seconds, and then he'd sabotage the whole thing to ensure they couldn't be shut down again.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena folded her arms. "I Did not come thus far to just trust that Lily can keep herself alive as an unarmored human. Consider this done once we've gotten her to safety."

Lily smiled at her. Emilena expected Lily to ask why Emilena was doing this, like everyone else had, but somehow she already understood.

Lily turned to Axel. "I'd never leave you. But I don't are you planning on destroying the machine? That's not possible...unless that's where the others are right now."


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Axel shook his head. "No... No, Soren and the others are still out in the city. Tony's down setting this place to blow." He frowned. "Wait, what do you mean? Why would it be impossible? I mean, once we find where they're keeping it, we just need to... to sabotage it. Right?"

He walked over and put a hand on Lily's shoulder. "Look, I know it might be hard for you to remember, but did you hear anything, anything at all about where they're keeping it? Some kind of storage area or... or lab maybe?" Axel swallowed. "We're running out of time..."


Marcus looked up as the shield overhead broke down. The mortar fire continued down and hammered against the walls and grounds of the compound. Several Purifiers guarding the walls flinched, and made to run for cover. The doberman snarled and fired in the air. "Don't run! We have to keep them out as long as we can!" Turning back to look out at the grounds, he spat and raised his radio. He hadn't wanted to play this card so early, but since the shield wasn't working... "Sniper teams!"

From the tops of the high rises dotted around the industrial district, Purifiers armed with sniper rifles stared down at the action below. "Here," several voices returned.

"Have any teams managed to locate the mortars yet?"

"Team A."

"Team C."

Marcus nodded to himself. It made sense, they were the two teams posted the furthest away from the base. "Take them out. And make sure no more take their place." From far in the distance, there was a series of tiny, indistinct pops, and the mortar fire abruptly stopped. "Other teams, scan the approach and get ready to fire. They've got to make their move soon..." Marcus frowned when he looked up and saw the tank rolling down the main path to the front gates. The gun opened fire on them, and they started to crumple inwards... then the tank rolled over one of the mines that had been set up, and was promptly blown up. Marcus grunted as the burning wreckage crashed to the floor. Did they really think it was going to be that easy? He could only hope the mob would be as careless when they began moving across the grounds. Turning to the Purifier next to him he barked, "Find someone to repair that gate!"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Axel..." whispered Lily softly. "It's off-site. They drained me and sent the energy via wires, but the bomb itself isn't in this base. They weren't going to leave their trump card where everyone knew to look..."


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(Purifier Base)

Aaron swore as a piece of shrapnel kicked up by the mortar fire pinged off his helmet.

He aimed at at one of the attackers about 500 meters out and squeezed the trigger. The German Shepherd had never shot at anything so far away but the HMD and its associated scope made him into a near-perfect sniper.


The Poodle next to Marcus slung his rifle across his back and nodded.

He then darted into the base where several of the Purifiers were waiting for orders.

"Drop yer cocks and grab yer socks!" he shouted. "One of you fuckers needs to fix the gate!"

The troops immediately leapt to attention and filed out to get their tools.

The Canine sighed and pulled out a burner from his pocket. Yanking the small metal tab, he took a deep draw of the now smoking tobacco.


(Abandoned Bakery)

"Shove it up your ass!" Soren snapped. If he wasn't holding the chair, he would have unslung his rifle and smacked the fucker right in the groin with the muzzle of his rifle.

"Not interested in a bigot like you," Anne replied. She smiled, Nairda, for all his obnoxiousness, was actually not a bad rapper. She turned to the three women. "Look, could someone open the door? We don't have all day!"

(OOC - Damn, I loved that rap!)
(OOC - Nick, you're up.)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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mArita went and opened the door, a so the others could carry Felix out. Nairdas  singing was actually quite decent, she thought. ' you know nairda, once you get that voicebox of yours fixed, you should take up singing as a career' she said as she looked down the hallway, at of which and staircase could be seen, or at least the top of one.. ' lets get this over with, so we can go find tony and the others, hopefully they are having better luck finding lilly than we are with this guy..
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Soren and Anne quickly hustled him down the stairs.

Soon, they arrived at the "ground level" of the abandoned bakery. Grass grew from between the cracks in the decrepit lot

Small scorch marks, drug vials and beer bottles indicated that this area had probably been used for late night parties more than once. Pockmarks and cracks in the walls hinted that the parties had gotten violent multiple times.  

Anne and Soren grunted as they lifted the chair onto the concrete ledge. On the other side was a drop of at least 150 feet to the ground level where more industrial buildings and city infrastructure lay. All it took was a single push from the two to send Felix on a one-way trip to hell.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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marita pulled out her phone and sent axel and tony a text' -have info on compound thanks to a purifer we caught. have you found lily yet? the sooner you get her out of there the better Marita.' ' hopefully that text gets to them ok..
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Felix screamed as he plunged down the huge drop, landing with a wet crunch and turning into what looked like a red soup. The world would never know what adventures he and Nairda could have had together.


Axel didn't say anything for a long time. He stared back at her, his eyes wide. "Wha... no. No, no, that's not..." He trailed off when he realised how much sense it made. Why would they leave their main weapon in a place as well known as this? Axel slumped back against one of the pods. "Oh god..." He thought of the thousands of innocent people that were about to die... and it occurred to him numbly that he was about to, as well.

He felt a vibration in his pocket. Taking out his phone, he saw the text from Marita. Blinking back tears, Axel texted her back: Got her. BOMB NOT HERE. GET SOMEWHERE SAFE. As he sent it, he saw the time on the screen. They had 10 minutes left. There was no way they could stop the bomb now. They'd lost. He swallowed. "I guess that's it, then." Axel looked at Lily. "I'm... I'm sorry..."

He started, then glanced between her and Emilena. "Wait! Holy shit, I think I know a way we can..." Axel ran a hand through his hair. "Lily, remember before, when you ran into this place? That lab, I... I don't know if it was the walls, or what... But while we were in there, the Purifiers set off a, a kind of mini-pulse, and it didn't affect me!"

Axel swung his gaze to Emilena. "If we can get there, then maybe... maybe we'd be okay!"


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they've got Lily' Marita said, upon receiving Axel's text ' problem is the bombs not there. they must have movced it off site ' we need to get out of here and find a safe place to bunker down" she said to tghe others  its 1150, so we have 10 minutes. we have to move NOW!
_ so they have lily' Marie began ' but they didnt find the bomb? Oh Crap" rose replied.' don't worry about that.. we need to get out of here' marita said..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Thanks, felt inspired when I finally got one hour of free alone time in my apartment and wanted to do something hilariously embarrassing to celebrate!)

Bowing his head sadly, Nairda dropped his mic over the side of the building to rest with Mr. Died.

"Well, let's go to the base and finish this," he said, steely-eyed, before instantly becoming wild-eyed and shouting, 'It's fixed!!! I can speak normally again! The rap was too intense for the language filter, and it broke down! I can talk without randomly inserted 'biiiatch'es!"

Tears welled in his eyes. "I've been the power of rap..."


Emilena narrowed her eyes. "That's right; the lab is sealed against psionics, and this is a psionically-charged pulse. That could work."

She peeked out the doorway and plugged two Purifiers who had been running past the door down the hallway. "We might be able to figure out how much time we've left once we're there.

Lily hugged Axel nervously. "We've got to get you to safety. I don't you to die because of...something I played a big part in operating..." her voice wavered.


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Axel put his hands on Lily's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "I don't want you to blame yourself for this. Ever. Okay? What they did to you... You didn't ask for that. It wasn't your fault." He lightly ran a hand through her hair then started to lead her towards the door. "Besides, big scary guy like me, I'm not gonna give up that easy," Axel continued, giving her a nervous smile, before ducking out next to Emilena.

He nodded at what she said. "Right, 10 minutes to get across to the lab... we can do it." The hallway was clear, so Axel slunk out and pulled a shotgun from the grip of one of the Purifiers Emilena had just shot. Shouldering it, he turned to the two women and gestured. "C'mon, let's get going before more of them turn up..."


In the center of the city, an indistinct white van was parked on the side of the road. It had been there most of the day, and pedestrians walked past it without giving the vehicle a second thought. Stored in the back, a large, box-shaped structure glowed blue, the colour pulsating like a heartbeat. On the top was a blank digital screen. It beeped, and suddenly numbers flashed onscreen - counting down. 00:10:00... 0:09:59

In a car across the street, Rhaegson smiled and put a silver, remote-like object back in his jacket pocket. A burly man in the driver's seat next to him frowned. "You didn't need to be here... shouldn't you be somewhere safer? There'll be some fighting back, you know."

Rhaegson looked at him and shrugged. "I don't want you to have all the fun. Everyone's in position, anyway. Anyone who fights back is going to be put down. And the mob's being kept busy back at the compound. It's all going to plan." He looked down at his watch. 10 minutes left...


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(OOC - I'm assuming Doctor Jiang didn't quite program the vocoder properly and it just reverted back to normal.)

Soren looked over the edge. He turned away, not out of disgust but out of indifference. "Okay, let's finish this shit off."

He and Anne returned into the bakery just as Marita spoke. The Human's eyes widened. "Okay, let's find the bomb, disable it and then slaughter as many Purifiers as we can find!"

"But the pulse!" Anne cried out. "We can't search a six square mile city of forty million people in ten minutes!"

"Once that pulse hits, we'll know who the Purifiers are. We'll strike then."

Anne's eye twitched and stomped over to Soren. "Is that all you care about?" she growled, her ears pinned and swiveled back. "Revenge? This isn't about your fucking workshop any more! If this pulse goes off, Axel and myself could very well be killed! How goddamned selfish do you have to be to not give a flying shit about your friend and only about your workshop! Put aside your fucking revenge-boner and actually consider what could happen if these freaks get the upper hand!"

Soren could only gape as Anne verbally ripped him a new asshole.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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shes right' marie spoke up. " this more than about any of our petty gripes anymore. there's several million folks who have augments in one form or another, and you're willing to see all of them maimed ior even killed? what kind of nut are you?'
 we need to get to somewhere thats shielded from am emp, likw underground, for instance, or in a bunker..'marita said ' we need to move guys.. argue once we're safe..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"There is another way..." Nairda said, steely-eyed. "We don't have to search the entire city if we destroy the entire city..."

He tried to think of how they could do that and drew a blank. "Just providing a third option," he chuckled nervously. "Heh heh...luckily I'm not the boss so I don't have to make the call."


Emilena led the way towards the laboratory, and they reached it via brisk trot in a few minutes.

Too bad at this point there were several personnel present; scientists, specialized guards, anyone who worked for the Purifiers but had an augment for job purposes had relocated here. Emilena was about to suggest they try to blend in when she spotted a few individuals who were rogue cops and would almost certainly recognize her.

"What are you doing?" squealed Lily as Emilena hoisted her gun.

"We're using the only thing we've got; the element of surprise," Emilena replied. There was no time for anything else.

Rolling into the room, Emilena targeted the two guards with heavy weapons first, then dove for cover hoping to get a clear shot on her former colleagues.


Back in the other room, Lupis stirred. Any other being would be dead, but his regenerative factor was slowly working its genetic magic. Anything short of a beheading was recoverable; he couldn't move yet, but he'd be able to soon.

Then a shadow loomed over him. Extasis was back. Grinning grimly, Exstasis drew a knife and placed it on Lupis' neck. He was the only person in the world who knew Lupis' only weakness.

Lupis' eyes went wide and he shook uncontrollably. He tried to speak but he wasn't healthy enough.

"Don't worry..." Exstasis whispered back, guessing what Lupis wished to convey "...if we ever want you back we can just clone you."

The knife tore through skin and bone.


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One of the guards started to turn, startled, as the sound of Emilena's gunfire filled the room. He started to raise the Uzi that he was clutching, aiming at her as she went for cover. Charging in after her, Axel swung the barrel of the shotgun to face the guard and pulled the trigger - the blast tore the Purifier's arm from his shoulder, a red mist spraying out over the terrified scientist who was standing next to him. Gritting his teeth, Axel awkwardly racked the shotgun and fired it again, sending a tattooed poodle flying backwards with a gaping hole in his chest.

The rest of the guards had managed to raise their own weapons by this point, and started to return fire, taking cover on the other side of the lab. Swearing, Axel kicked a table over and pulled Lily down behind it, his breaths growing panicked as bullets pinged over their heads. A clock on the wall behind them was shot down, the glass shattering. Axel saw the time as it tumbled to the floor, and he swore again. "6 minutes!" he shouted across to Emilena. "We've gotta clear this room now!"


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Tony pushed off from the generator, sighing again as he glanced at his phone. No new messages... "Let's get outta here." he stated.

"What? But you haven't set the reactors to blow yet!" Vergil responded.

"Yeah well... we have ten minutes left... which is 20 minutes too long before these reactors go off if I set them now. Meaning we've already lost. IF Axel and Emilena and Lily were coming back here, they would've been here ten minutes ago. It was timed beforehand... and now they're not here. Something's clearly gone wrong. No messages, no calls, no fucking nothing!" Tony elevated his voice at the end there, stamping his foot paw into the ground. "Best we can do is hope they weren't killed and pull back into the tunnels to avoid the pulse... cause if my phone gets fried again... not that that's the worst of my worries..." he murmured here, thinking about how many were about to die.

Tapping out a quick We're pulling back. No idea where you are. Lost contact. If in trouble, let us know. to Axel, the ferret headed back for the manhole cover, knowing he was gonna lose reception once he entered the tunnel.

"Go ahead." Tony nodded, letting Vergil hop down first. He waited an extra minute before descending the ladder, waiting to see if Axel needed help.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena ducked under the table, shot someone in the foot, then shot them in the face when they helpfully fell to the ground and exposed it.

We need another advantage... she thought. With the remaining bullets in her clip, she sniped as many lights as she could to increase concealment. Several scientists were radioing for help; this served only to expose them to her line of fire.

As she focused on gunning down the scientists, she didn't notice the last pocket of rsistance, the small cadre of rogue officers who had taken cover behind the computer array in the far corner of the lab. One of them primed a grenade and, under the cover of darkness, chucked it at Axel and Lily.


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"We're on an elevated platform. There's no basement!" Soren snapped.

Anne looked around. "There's got to be a metal lined room somewhere we can hide!"

"We don't have the time! We'll need to get to the ground level as fast as possible! There's an elevated highway nearby that goes to telecommunications center on the ground level. If we can just carjack someone, we'll be good to go!"

Anne looked at stolen watch. "We better hurry then!"

"Right!" Soren took off in a sprint for the main road. "Everyone else, when you see a car coming, throw something at them. Once they stop, I'll carjack them!"

He readied his rifle and clicked off the safety.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.