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Star Wars RP


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This will be my last RP I will host until 'The Lost Tale Of Eymreil' comes to a close.

I figured a dark science fiction RP based on Star Wars would be a nice change of pace from my usual Fantasy RPs.

The RP begins about a day before C-3PO and R2D2  arrive at Jabba's Palace during, and eventually after, the events of Episode VI. It centers around a group of cast out and mentor-less padawans who don't really take any sides. But as they escape and gain allies, they form a guild and become a sort of sci-fi Merry Men or Knights Of The Round Table.

Some characters that we're in Return of The Jedi and previous films will appear and some characters, such as Oola and Bib Fortuna will have different fates than they did in the films.

The story is fixed during the time on the planets  Tatooine and Bespin but after that the plot can go in any direction.

The Rules:

The rules for this RP are pretty much the same as in 'The Lost Tale Of Eymreil', if not nearly identical.

I. Post only a few times a day to let others catch up.

II. Unlike in 'Eymreil', you many not play as yourself. So an OC is required.

III. You can't control another person's character unless you have their permission, unless that is the case , stick to your own characters.

IV. Play only the maximum of characters that you can handle. If the amount you are playing proves too overwhelming, you may let another member claim them by saying so in this thread and see if anyone else wants to play the characters.

Participating Members:

Original Characters:
Eolus Leo(Belmont2500)
Adrian Kibagami(StarfallRaptor)
Amalia "Lia" Kibagami(StarfallRaptor)
Issac Redgate(LoyfeCycleProtector)

Feature Characters:
The Emperor-
Darth Vader-StarfallRaptor
Luke Skywalker-Kor
Han Solo-StarfallRaptor
Leia Organa Solo-
Lando Calrissian
Bib Fortuna-
Jabba The Hutt-LoyfeCycleProtector
Kyle Katarn-LoyfeCycleProtector
Morgan Katarn-
Juno Eclipse-
Jan Ors-
Jaden Korr-StarfallRaptor
Jorrus C'baoth-
Mara Jade(Young)-

(These are just the set characters, you are free to add any Star Wars characters you wish, so long as they fit with the time period. So no Count Dooku or Mission Vao, although such characters can be referenced.)

Name: Eolus Leo
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Padawan
Age: 19
Homeworld: Rhen Var
Weapon: Standard Lightsaber with green crystal, Blaster pistol.
Appearance: Short, brownish hair, green eyes. Caucasian, slim build, but by no means weak, often wears robes similar to those of the Jedi Knights.  When he is enslaved, he wears rags.
Bio: Eolus's mother was a Jedi Knight who went into hiding when Order 66 was executed, she gave birth to the boy on snow capped planet of Rhen Var just eight years before the Battle of Yavin.

He was trained just about everything his mother knew and received his lightsaber. But when Eolus was only ten, Bib Fortuna kidnapped the child and took him to Tatooine to serve his master - the Hutt, Jabba.

Now at the age of 19, he works as a cook and a caretaker for Jabba's harem. He has grown quite fond of the Hutt's pet - the young Twi'lek, Oola, and hopes to some day be freed alongside her. He keeps any proof of being a padawan hidden from prying eyes. But in these dark times, anything is certain.



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Sounds interesting. I'll take Kyle, if no one wants him. I loved him in Jedi Academy II. So should I also include an OC character?


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Is it star wars species only or can you make up a race of your own?  

I guess as a padawan one won't have any real force abilities at the start and no lightsaber or perhaps only meager force abilities like sensing stuff or minor body control? Just thinking in terms of the way West End Games did their system,what bits I can remember.


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@LoyfeCycleProtector: If you want to play as one of the padawans/guild members then yes. Otherwise, you can stick to feature characters if you wish.

@Kor: You could make up a race of your own, if you wanted to.

As for Padawans not having lightsabers, well at the time the RP begins, most of the padawan characters will probably have a lightsaber with them(even if it is just a training saber), most likely hidden away because at least two of the OC characters will be enslaved by Jabba the Hutt in the beginning.

Yes, they are inexperianced when it comes to the force, but the idea is for the padawans to learn over the course of the RP. They have only eachother to help, since each one is without a mentor. At the start, they basically only know basic force abilities.



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Not sure if I want to do a oc race.  If so maybe a draconian type, or naga type.  I was thinking for a light saber maybe doing like I read the Klingon do.  I read they have a Klingon blaster or phaser, forgot which it is called, on them, but it is disassembled and scattered across their uniform and looks like a normal part of the clothing, decoration ect.  Not sure about a hold out blaster being done as well.  

I just asked bout the force abilities since I remember in weg they divided the force abilities up into 3 skills, alter (all external stuff) sense & control (your own body).  Some needed 2 or all 3.  They said most mentors teach either sense or control first, then the other, teaching alter only last.


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Name: Adrian Kibagami
Species: Kitsuun
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Former Knight
Age: Unknown, though demeanor and personality indicate early to mid 20's in Human years.  However, data contradicts this, placing him as a young adult at the end of the Clone Wars.
Home world: Wandering Star, a Pelta-Class Frigate

Weapon:Two Standard-Length lightsabers with both blue and crimson chromatic crystals, as well as curved knuckleguards on the emitters-Stored in plain black phrik scabbards on either hip.  One longer-than-average saber with a similar design, though the blade it generates appears to be much more sharply tapered-Stored in what appears to be a long staff made of black phrik alloy.  One Long Spear lightsaber, stored in two parts in an "X" on his back.  Lightsabers each have been modified to taper in only one direction, creating a blade similar in appearance to a saber or a Japanese Katana.  Crimson crystals all include a flaw which turns the core of the lightsaber beam black.  Twin Discblades, with unique cross-shaped handles, each holding a crystal in the center.  One long-barreled DLT-19 heavy blaster Rifle.  Multiple other hidden armaments.

Appearance: Like all Kitsuun, Adrian resembles a tall, lithe bipedal humanoid fox.  Large, bushy ears, a thin snout and digitigrade legs.  However, the most striking factor of the race is their multiple tails and "foxfire".  Adrian possesses 4 tails, usually concealing them as unique shoulder pads.  In the center of each tail, near the tip, rests a single bright blue "Foxfire" orb with a peculiar crystalline-shaped cutout in the middle of each.  Normal apparel includes black Zeison Sha armor, covered by a long, black Robe with a hood that conceals nearly his entire face, held in place with a series of wires running through the inside of the hood.  Wears a band of cloth hiding his left eye.  Stands roughly 5'11.5" tall, with ash grey fur and dark black accents.  

Bio: Adrian was born to unknown parents, on board a stolen Pelta-Class Frigate, the Wandering Star.  Shortly after his birth, he was "discovered" by the Jedi Order, and taken from his family to a Jedi Praxeum ship.  From there, he was trained, demonstrating an early aptitude for deceptive Force powers, and lightsaber combat.  However, his talent at other force powers was always lacking.  However, he still managed to impress a Master and be taken on as a Padawan learner.  He quickly proved himself in the field, and managed to rise to the rank of Jedi Knight.  However, his dreams of becoming a Jedi Master were not to be, as he was exiled from the Jedi Order thanks to several unfortunate mistakes and misunderstandings, largely concerning his affection for his sister.  

In the end, though, this ended up saving his life.  Shortly after his exile, Republic Order 66 came down, leading to the demise of most of the Jedi Order.  After that, Adrian purchased and extensively modified a Vengeance-class frigate, naming it the Akai Kyuubi, and taking up the occupation of a bounty hunter, began wandering the galaxy.  Now, 21 years after the Battle of Yavin, he has received a mission to Tatooine...

Adrian is heavily proficient in lightsaber fighting, having continued to develop his skills in fighting, even during his exile.  His fighting style integrates aspects of forms IV through VII, with heavy emphasis on Jar'Kai techniques and the acrobatics of form IV.  Uniquely, he keeps his sabers in scabbards akin to traditional weapons, using both blades and scabbards as weapons.  
Skilled in Unarmed combat as well, using a degree of Force manipulation, which he disguises as "ki manipulation", to augment his offense and defense.  Armor is forged with cortosis in the boots and gauntlets, enabling him to stop even lightsaber-wielding opponents.  
Force Powers have decayed significantly since his exile, leaving him with only his proficiency in Jedi Mind tricks and casting of illusions remaining fully intact.  The only other force power he still retains is a very limited form of telekinetic ability, though that has atrophied to the point that he is incapable of using it without direct physical contact, either through his own body or through the Foxfire orbs.

Species Notes:  Kitsuun
Home Planet:  Kitsu-Destroyed

Appearance:  Kitsuun are Canine Digitigrade Bipeds, with sharply pointed faces, large, pointed ears, and thin, wiry frames.  Perhaps their most striking features, however, are their multiple tails and "foxfire" orbs.  The tails increase in number as they age, topping off at nine, and each tail contains a single orb of "Foxfire".  These spheres are essentially parts of their bodies, however the spheres can change into a glowing ball of fire, and be thrown, attaching themselves to surfaces or other beings.  

Culture and History:  Kitsuun are a spacefaring, nomadic species.  Their home planet of Kitsu was consumed by a supernova, reducing their numbers considerably, however, many of them had escaped their world's destruction.  These survivors have since banded together, gathering a large fleet of ships together to create a sense of a new homeworld.  As such, their culture is widely diversified, however there are several constants that unite the species.

Kitsuun celebrate "benevolent trickery", often seeing it as a form of competition.  They adamantly refuse to trick or manipulate people who would suffer as a result of their tricks.  However, they delight in conning and tricking rich merchants and swindlers out of their money.  They are also hedonistic and pleasure-seeking, enjoying the company of their own species and that of others.  Sexuality is viewed as a non-issue, as is modesty, especially on any of their fleet of ships.  There is only one taboo in their culture, and that is to never harm or deceive anyone who doesn't deserve it.  

Age is largely treated as a non-issue with the Kitsuun, with relative prominence in society being determined by the amount of tails one possesses.  One-tails are generally considered as being too young to be involved in much, instead being taught by older Kitsuun.  Generally, Kitsuun are considered to have reached maturity, both sexually and in regards to involvement in the affairs of the Kitsuun people.  When any member of the society grows their ninth tail, they are generally allowed to move into a secluded ship, where they live in complete comfort, and from there on, they act as advisers for the next generation.

Galactic Perception of the Kitsuun is widely varied, ranging from extremely positive to extremely negative.  To the majority of the galactic community, they are widely considered to be a very polite, sociable species, known for their kindness and outgoingly sociable natures.  However, to the wealthy merchants and swindlers of the Galaxy, they are viewed as nothing more than a nuisance and species of thieves.  The wealth of their victims has also been a largely negative impact, as those they wrong can easily put out a great deal of negative propaganda.


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Name: Issac Redgate
Species: Bothan
Gender: Male
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: Jedi Knight
Age: 26
Homeworld: Bothan homeworld (Bothawui
Weapon: Red lightsaber. Utilitzes the same form of synthetic crystals that Sith use. Miscleaneous weapons, including explosives and various 'tricks' he himself designed.
Appearance: Fairly normal looking Bothan: 5'9", green eyes, looks younger than his age would suggest.

Issac is a Jedi Knight who's largely worked on the fringe of the Jedi Order, causing him to be labeled as close to or as a 'Grey Jedi'. When he was a padawan, Issac was a slack rule follower with an outgoing sense of justice. He didn't believe in finding a middle ground-- he believed that cause didn't matter as long as good prevailed. He would do things like use blasters, tell lies (within reason), and cheat in fights. His master approved of this behavior, and fostered it. Issac saw his master had the same ideas that he did: he could solve issues no other Jedi could because he was more willing to bend the rules, and as such he saw his master as the perfect Jedi to strive to be.

After a series of events, Issac's master turned to the dark side. Issac, confused, followed his master at first. After witnessing his first act as a sith, however, and saw what horrible consequences his idea of peacekeeping could bring if corrupted, Issac immediately regretted his decision. When Jedi Knights came to arrest them. Issac immediately surrendered, wanting to repent for falling to the dark side; his master did not. His master was a battle master and quickly overwhelmed the Jedi who had come to arrest him through a dirty trick. Seeing his Master fallen so far from the man he had respected, Issac challenged him, figuring his own petchant for 'pragmatic fighting' was the only thing that could stand up to his master. One of the defeated Jedi lent him his lightsaber, and Issac dueled. While his master fought with rage, he fought with a sense of reptance for both himself and his master. He won through a clever (and highly un-jedi like) trick, but his master took his own life rather than let himself be arrested by the Jedi.
Heartbroken, Issac quietly surrendered, taking the broken pieces of his master's sith saber as a memento. Instead of taking him to the Jedi holding areas, they took him directly to the Jedi Council.
An argument was made by the Jedi who had seen him fight that, while Issac had agreed to follow his master into the Dark side, he never committed any crimes or violated any area of justice to ever label him a Sith. Other council members said that regardless of his honorable actions, his methods have been a spit in the face of Jedi codes of honor, and he should be stripped of his Jedi rank in any case.

It ultimately went to Master Skywalker to decide his fate. Exactly what happened between the two as Skywalker reviewed Issac is unclear, as neither has spoken of it, but Issac was ultimately allowed to keep his rank. But he was different man: he saw his Jedi way as a brand he willingly burned himself with, but at the same time he didn't forget all the problems he was able to solve that other jedi could not. He believed it wasn't his destiny to be a 'true' Jedi, but to use his ways to help the Jedi Order maintain peace where it was unable to. He found that the synthetic crystal in his master's old lightsaber was still intact. Determined, Issac reforged it to use as his new lightsaber, making him one of the few willing Jedi to use a Sith styled red light saber with a synthetic crystal. The sabers red glow would serve him as an eternal reminder how close he walked to the dark side of the force.

While his bitterness with himself has decreased over the years and his presence less ostracized by other Jedi, he still remained an outcast to most in the Order. He, however, embraced this role: the life of a Grey Jedi might be one of less glory, but it was one of  great consequence, none the less.

He has only one regret about the path he's chosen for himself: it is unlikely the order will ever give him a padawan to teach.


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Not sure what sort of altering is needing to fit in.  So thought I would do a first draft of the character idea then see what you think needs extra work on, or altering.  


Name: Jor
Species: Thrik
Gender: male
Force Sensative: Yes
Rank: ? Padawan ? Or other ?
Age: ? hatched around 33 BBY ?
Home World: Thrikar

Weapons : light saber or training light saber (? altered so it can function like a full light saber?) hold out blaster, or 2 hold out blasters?  

     One of the old out blasters & his light saber (altered), are both disassembled with the components scattered around his clothing. & or some parts in concealed flesh pockets. He has modified his saber (training lightsaber or both) so they can function underwater & he can switch quickly between 2 blade lengths.  

Appearance : around 6' or so and a bit above muscular & scaly.  He is buff, but not overly muscular.  He wears typical clothes with many pockets & a belt where he can put tools.  He carries various things in his pockets.  Though not all of his pockets.  He has goggles, often on his forehead when they are not on his eyes, and a personal tablet computer, among other things.  

Bio : Jor was discovered by a Jedi at a young age, at the usual age. He has no idea who his parents are.  He trained with the other younglings and was, around the human equivalent of 13ish was chosen by a jedi to be their Padawan.  During his basic education and extra stuff he found he was good with gadgets, taking them apart, fixing them and putting them back together.  

They went on doing a few missions while his mentor continued his teachings.  He insisted on not being called master but mentor if a title must be used, and preferably his real name.  He also continued his basic education, especially with learning how to fix, & build things.  His mentor encouraged this.  His mentor also had him be flexible in his combat training.  Training him with 1 lightsaber, 2, and what he said was very uncommon among jedi knights, a lightsaber in 1 hand and a blaster in the other.  He said he did this for flexibility, versatility and so Jor could get the feel of various styles and come up with his own instead of just picking a style.  The force abilities he started to teach him was mainly control of his own body first, with some sensing things also.  The sensing he used in various ways like repairing things, taking things apart and putting them back together.  Sometimes his mentor would ask him to do that with some device Jor had never seen before.  

He had not been with his mentor to long when the 66 order came out.  He was separated from his mentor before to long, and has no idea what happened to him.  He has since then drifted a bit, being a mechanic, fixer type most often, concealing anything to do with the jedi.  His Light saber, training, both sabers? and a military type holdout blaster he as altered and keeps dessasemble around his body, with the coming of the empire he wanted to have weapons handy but concealed.  He has been drifting since that day.  Mainly as a fixer, able to fix anything, fixing starship parts, engines, ect.  He isn't sure what else to do, and figures he can keep a very low profile this way.  Along the way he had some small flesh pockets put in his flesh so he could hide the various components there.  


Culture & History : The Thrik are a mainly reptilian, but  warm blooded, species.  Long ago they once technology was sufficiently to do so they decided up do some genetic engineering on their species, thinking why allow us to be the victims of evolution like we had been so far.  We should take our evolution into our own hands.  Though they have not done new engineering in many long long ages.  Having certain bloodlines or genetic lines as some called them.  Fully capable to interbreed among each other.  Some things Jor inherited are his bones will not loose calcium due to low gravity.  His senses are a bit more acute then a human's, especially his low light vision.  An extremely long life span, by human standards, much more resistant to diseases.  Needing less oxygen, food & water then one may think, with certain organs being more efficient.  Little to no body odor.  Retractable claws, similar to a cat.  Since normal claws can get in the way of things like typing, pressing buttons, ect.

Galactic Perception : Not a lot is known about them.  Like many species they don't draw attention to themselves.  They are seen as a usually smart and very (or extremely) long lived species.


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Great OCs guys. Kor, I don't think your character should be altered, he fits in well enough.

So, any feature characters you would like to take? I recommend about three at least, but any amount is good as long as it isn't too overwhelming for anyone.



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I can take Vader, Solo and maybe someone else.  Perhaps Jaden Korr?


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I spent time thinking about it and maybe Chewbacca & Luke Skywalker.  I do have the dvd's  so can watch them to try to get the characters down.  Though Luke is different in episode 6 then he is in 4 or 5 as I recall.

Been a while since I've seen the original trilogy.  

If I do Chewbacca I may put his dialog in < > instead of " since some people can understand him.  or maybe [ ] so I don't have to press shift along with those to get the symbols.


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Oh!  I almost forgot to post my other OC!

Name: Amalia "Lia" Kibagami
Species: Kitsuun
Gender: Female
Force Sensitive: Yes
Rank: None (Untrained)
Age: Unknown, however, her mannerisms are simiar to that of a roughly 19-year old human.
Home world: Wandering Star, a Pelta-Class Frigate

Weapon: Dual KX-60 Blaster Rifles, Dual Scopeless S-5 Pistols, Twin Vibrorapiers that can combine into a staff-sword.

Appearance:  Amalia is a slim, delicate woman with a wonderfully curvy figure.  Much like her brother, she possesses similar ashen fur, and matching black accents.  She only has three tails, however, denoting her younger age.  Her preferred attire is a black cloth halter top and tight-fitting, short pants, though it is often covered by a set of light silver armor and her iconic duster jacket.  When she is in an environment she considers safe, she often will remove the armor, though she will keep her jacket with her at all times.

Bio:  Amalia is the younger sister of Adrian Kibagami, born several years after him.  As her mother had died giving birth to her, her first few years were spent being hated by her father and subsequently abandoned on the streets of the Kitsuun fleet.  Taken in by a seemingly kind young man, she began living as a pickpocket and scavenger, taking only what she needed to get by.  That changed when the man tried to sell her as a sex slave to a wealthy family.  She ran away, sneaking onboard a merchant ship that was leaving the fleet, and, while she was escaping her home, was discovered and violated repeatedly by a member of the crew so she wouldn't be thrown out the airlock.  Soon, however, the ship docked with the Jedi Praxeum ship that her brother was on, and she ended up staying with him for a time, until he left as a Padawan.  Once again, she found herself back on the spaceways, however this time she was lucky and taken in by a smuggler who taught her his trade, giving the girl a real sense of purpose for the first time in her life.  

Several years passed, and eventually, the smuggler died, leaving his old ship to Lia.  She now makes a living running supplies through blockaded planets, making people's lives easier, and gaining a great deal of favor with the Rebel Alliance, though she has never formally allied herself with them.  She is always searching for her one true love, her older brother, who she lost contact with after he left as a Padawn.  Now, she's heard a lead that another Kitsuun is on Tatooine, and has come searching for them...

Pilots a modified CR-90, crossbuilt with an XS-800 name the Azure Dragon.
Skilled hand-to-hand fighter, though she lacks any formal training, instead relying on strength and her own repertoire of tricks and underhand moves, which she refers to as "pragmatic."
Lethally accurate marksman, even when dual-wielding.


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Oh, I almost forgot to ask/propose an idea.  Do you think that it'd be possible to allow characters to develop their own spins on existing force powers?


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Sure, Starfall. It will be interesting to see what people come up with.



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So, shall we start this show on the road?


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I'll be C3PO  and r2D2.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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September 13th is when it will begin. I like to give others interested in participating at the start of the RP time to sign up.