The Gang of Five
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Circe had to admit, Nicky had a point about the alternative. War she could never contemplate, and so, guises were the only way to go to prevent that. But even so, it just made her feel lacking, having to constantly walk around as a human, hiding her true nature from the world. It felt wrong.

But she did smile upon him telling her she wasn't like Raal. "That's a relief." she replied, sighing a little. "I never... ever want to be like him." she said with disgust. "Not who he really was at his core, at least. Thank you for the little background on yourself, though. I do like learning about other dinos, and why they do what they do." she smiled here again.

"Oh, well I apparently had a natural proclivity for it that Raal recognized." she stated in response to his complimenting her on her pheromones. "I was gifted with naturally strong scent glands, but he taught me how to control them to perfection. But rest assured, I never used them with malicious intent. I only ever used them to enhance... pleasurable experiences." she said here, smirking in a knowing fashion.

"In fact, the first time I used them seriously was on Vincent. When he attended my lecture at the Progressives' manor, he first caught my eye sitting relatively close to the front of the group. He was dashing and handsome... a fine specimen of raptor if I ever saw one. I had fun teasing him during the lecture by calling on him to answer questions... and watching him fail miserably." she chortled, a wide smile on her face. "I knew right away what he was feeling towards me, and why he was feeling it. I just needed to look in his eyes, and I knew... I knew it all." she explained, glancing over in Vincent's direction as the dance wound down.

"If there's one thing I can be certain of right now... in this moment... in this time... it's that I love him." she said now, eyes moving back over to the PI. "I don't know what I want out of life, what I'm doing from now on, or what the future is going to bring, but I do know I love him. For now... it's enough for me." she sighed, but not in a forlorn manner. It didn't take a detective to see how she felt about Vincent; it was written all over her face.

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"Hmn," Nicky said, following Circe's gaze to where Vincent and Heather were dancing. Might be a good idea to stick close to Vincent on this little trip... I don't know whether she cares if I die, but it's clear she wouldn't let anything happen to him...

The music wound down to a finish. Nicky stepped back and nodded his head. "Thanks for opening up to me. Some of that couldn't have been... easy to say. And I hope my dancing didn't embarrass you too much." Groups of dinos started to make their way off the dance floor, and were replaced by others as new music drifted on. He held out his hand. "Should we rejoin the others?"


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"I'm not scared of my past." Circe shook her head here. "But yes... not all of it was easy to say. Your dancing was fine." she chuckled, and nodded at his final question. "Yes... let's." She walked him back off the dance floor now, Vincent bringing Heather back as well.

"That was fun." Vincent commented.

"Indeed." Circe agreed. "But I did enjoy our first dance, Vincent." she informed him, giving him a knowing look. Vincent was starting to feel the effects of the herbs, but as he sank into it, he merely relaxed, going with the intoxication, and letting it run through him. Circe frowned. "I hope now that I'm back, we can break you of your... habit, Vincent." she commented.

"Eh? Oh... well... had to dull the pain somehow, right?" the raptor PI shrugged.

"Right, well... down to business... from what I could glean from the dino I've been tailing, whatever is set to happen on that island is due to start January 2nd. I suggest we head to Hawaii before then." Circe explained.

"Hawaii on New Year's Eve? That's... going to be expensive." Vincent frowned here. "And how exactly are you surviving, Circe? Your cultists aren't exactly funding you anymore."

She snorted. "I've been... managing. Truth is, I was able to access my old account and siphon off some funds before the Council shut it down and appropriated the money. But I admit... I'm starting to run low. Most of the cash I had was used to pay for my surgery. I was hoping perhaps... until I find well... employment... you could help me out, Vincent?" Circe asked sweetly.

"Er... what now? I uh... I barely have enough for myself..." Vincent said hesitantly.

"I will repay you of course... in... more ways than one." she winked at him, rubbing her tail along one of his legs now.

He shuddered at her touch, but not in a negative way. "Do you at least have enough for your plane ticket?"

"Mm-hmm." she nodded. "Speaking of which... I was wondering... if I could stay at your place tonight, Vincent?" Circe asked in a more sultry voice now.

"Uh... well... I'd be fine with it... oh! But I DO have to take Heather home." he said, motioning to Heather now. "She rode with me, after all."

"Of course." Circe nodded, looking over at Heather. "Oh and... we'll need a boat. I'm afraid I can no longer provide you hydrofoil service over to the Progressives' island. I lost that right when I well... 'killed' Raal." she smirked. "I don't suppose the LAPD can lend us a fast cruiser, can they?" she half-joked as she turned to Nicky.

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Karl got off of the dance floor with some of the other dancers.  Not wanting to tire himself, but not being as fresh and untired as he was before he started dancing.  He went to the area where some drinks were to get himself a non alcoholic drink.


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Upon hearing that they needed a boat, Heather had a great idea. She remembered that guy in high school. He was two years below her but nonetheless they got along quite well. He had always been a bright guy and creative at that so it was no wonder that Karl was a successful fantasy book author. She was fairly sure he DID have a boat for occasional trips.
"You need a boat?" Heather piped up. "I might know somebody who does have a boat."
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Nicky looked at Circe. "Sure. There might be a waiting list though, I think the bank robbers we lent it to last time are still using it." He paused as Heather spoke, then tilted his head. "Alright... well, who is he? Can he be trusted?" We can't just use anyone's boat... it's not like we want to broadcast what we're doing...


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"Oh yeah, sure he can be trusted," Heather assured. "You might have heard his name already for he's a book author. Ever heard of Karl Flynn?" Heather scanned her listener's faces, noticing that Nicky's expression changed upon hearing the name. "We met back in our high school years and he's really funny. We went to a few party's in our young years. I wouldn't be surprised to meet him here, actually." Heather said. "Anyway, last time I saw him, he told me he has a boat for inspiring trips for his books... I might phone him tomorrow."
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As the others conversed, a small chuckle interrupted.
"Well, dang.  Looks like I missed the dancing.  Ah, well.  At least there's still food."
Cailan chuckled.  Oddly, even out of his guise, he wore a trenchcoat similar to his guised forms...


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Circe merely smiled at Nicky's reply, and turned her attention to Heather. "Does he have one in Hawaii?" she asked now. "We would preferably need a boat closer to the secret island." she continued. "This way, we can fly in, and oh... I don't think I need to remind anyone of this, but once we get to the island, it's best to leave our guises off. Humans weren't allowed on that place back then, and now I think they'd be even less welcome." she said.

"Yeah... might make it easier for us to pose as some of them, too. Any idea on security measures on the island?" Vincent asked.

Circe shook her head. "No... I would say the labs would be heavily guarded, however."

They heard a familiar voice behind them now, and both Vincent and Circe turned to see Cailan Sablewind, still wearing... well not his duster, but a trench coat that was similar to it. "Cailan! I thought we'd run into you here somewhere." Vincent said now.

"Ah yes... the raptor I passed on the stairs as I was leaving Vincent's condo. I really couldn't stop for a chat at that time." Circe said, recognizing his scent.

"How much did you hear?" Vincent inquired, figuring the raptor had been listening in for some time.

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As much as Heather disliked to reply to Circe's direct question, she had to in order not to cause suspicion.

"I'm not sure where his boat is... it might have been Hawaii," Heather said, putting on a smile. "I'll call him tomorrow and ask him... or maybe I still have his number saved on my mobile... it's been a while since we exchanged numbers," she shrugged. "One way to find out..."

Heather tried to locate Karl while she was grabbing her mobile in case he was at the party as well which wasn't unlikely, knowing him...
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Cailan shrugged.  
"Honestly, not enough to really know the whole of what's going on.  But enough to know you need a boat and some low-key access to an island."
He said lightly.
"Oh, and a bit of heavy flirting."
He chuckled, rolling his neck and idly curling his tail a little.
"Actually, I was hoping to run into you here.  Figured that I could trust you, and tell you why I believe what I do."
He said, a bit more seriously...


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"Alright, it's worth a try at least. See if you can reach him..." Nicky stopped talking when he heard Cailan's voice behind him.

He looked over his shoulder to where the others were looking, and crossed his arms when he saw who had appeared. Great... He already knows too much. He turned away from Heather as she was pulling out her cell phone and faced Cailan, a scowl on his face. He sighed inwardly when the dino explained why he'd come. "This should be good."


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Circe smirked at the heavy flirting part. She nodded at Heather. "Yes... do try and locate him."

Vincent folded his arms over his chest, his face having flushed slightly at the flirting line, but he nodded and responded. "G-go ahead." he said, stammering a bit. "I'll let you explain yourself. You realize there could be Council members here too though... right? I haven't closely studied the guests." He stopped though, at least interested in what Cailan had to say.

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Heather hadn't spotted Karl in the crowd though searching for only a few seconds wasn't exactly promising...
She looked at the screen of her Samsung smartphone, skimmed through her contact list and found what she was looking for. Touching Karls number, she held her phone close to her ear since the music was quite loud. Despite that, Heather recognized a ringing mobile out of the pool of sounds at the party left to her. She turned to where she heard the ringing mobile and she soon spotted a male velociraptor that looked quite familiar. She hadn't seen Karl unguised in a long time so she wasn't sure it was really him. Then she saw the raptor grabbing his mobile phone and answering a call... her call.
"Gotcha!" Heather cheered.
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"Excuse me." He said to the folks he was talking to as he took out his cellphone and took a few steps away.  He looked at the screen to see who was calling him after unlocking the screen.  He was a bit surprised seeing a she had not called him in quite a while.  He took out an ear piece and put that into his ear to receive the call so he could hear despite the sound of where he was, putting an earplug into his other ear to block out the sounds.  

"Hello?" He asked.


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Cailan smirked, shrugging his shoulders a little
"Yeah, I figured there would be.  But who's to say that I didn't know a few of my friends would be here as well.  Anyhow, worst case, I have an escape route set up."
He chuckled, taking a bite from a cookie he was holding...


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Vincent nodded, not sure if he'd stop him if there WERE Council members here. He was still turning that over in his mind. "So... what's your big story, then?" the PI asked, patiently waiting for Cailan to go into his explanation.

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"Hey Karl, long time no see eh?" Heather said, chuckling. She heard the music and the babbling of countless dinos in her phone as well so she definitely had spotted the right dino.
"I see you're at this party too, Karl. I'm just waving to you." Heather indeed waved to the velociraptor.
"Turn to the right... no the other right," Heather instructed. "Yeeeees, see me? I'm calling because you might be able to do me a favor. Mind coming over so we can speak face-to-face?"
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Cailan sighed, nodding.
"Right.  You remember a few years ago how there was a big Raptor turf war? Well, I was part of that.  Lots of dead, even more wounded, and it all came to one big final skirmish.  The gang I ran with came out on top, but I got shot up pretty bad.  Guise was wrecked, so I ditched it, went crawling off towards my "home".  Heh.  Didn't even make it halfway there before I collapsed on some sidewalk, damn near dead. Last thing I saw was a kid opening the door and running inside before I blacked out.  Figured that was it for me."  
He smiled a little wistfully before continuing.  
"Guess someone up there was looking out for me, though, because next thing I know, I'm waking up in something like a hospital, with a guy loking at some screens, and that kid is dozing by the bed.  Turns out, I had gone down in front of some at-home clinic.  The kid has told his dad, and had talked him into saving my life.  I mean...hell, that was the first time anyone had cared that much.  So I stayed with them and they helped me get better.  Hell, their daughter even went and got me this coat.  Best years of my life that.  They taught me a lot about humans, and I told them about us.until I was found out by another Saurian.  They have me an ultimatum.  Kill the family, or they would.  I couldn't let that happen, so I told them to run.  I told then how to spot any Saurians, and they adopted me.  So that's why I want us to cooperate.  Because that family could have silks me out, or left me to die, or anything else we feared, but they didn't.  They let me live, showed me a while world I didn't even know... They were kinder to me than our own kind.  So now you know."
He said resolutely...


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"I'm sure they were great people," Nicky said flatly, "Still doesn't change the fact that a lot of humans out there wouldn't be as understanding." He reached out a hand and took a glass of champagne for himself from the tray of a passing waiter, gulping it down in an attempt to stem the headache that was already forming.

He tilted his head. "I'd have thought you'd be lying low after Skylark. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do now that I know where you're staying."