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Anonymous Rex

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"Hmm, I guess we have to decide what to do next." Karl said quietly.  "That is the question we have to decide." He said, still talking quietly, both so other dinos not apart of their group could hear them and also so Nicky could focus on his conversation on his cell call.


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Nicky thought back. Tom Benton... In the days before coming to the island, when he'd been looking into Senator Morrow, this Benton's name hadn't come up. He remembered the mysterious item that had been cut out from behind the picture frame, and taken by the assassins. If Benton and Morrow had in fact been working on a something... was that related?

The compy rubbed his snout. This wasn't exactly an opportunity he could let slip away, but what about the activity on this island? He sighed. "When would you be able to arrive at LA?"


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"I could arrive tomorrow night, or whenever is convenient for you, detective." Benton responded. "I live in Colorado, so I'd need about a two to three hour flight window, but other than that, I can be in Los Angeles whenever is convenient for you."

"I think we're gonna head outside and look at that Pandora thing again." Vincent said softly to Karl. "Circe might know a bit more about it than we do if she looks it over."

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Karl nodded, "We just have to be careful not to arouse suspicion or things will go very bad.  Also we can't spend to much time or else that Raal person will eventually exit and he may smell Vincent's scent in the areas we have been." He said.  "I wonder if there is a place we can hide and look over the thing outside or get some good shots with a zoom lense." He said.


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Nicky shook his head slightly. "No. Tomorrow night won't be possible." I need to make sure I've found as much as possible about what this island's hiding first... but I can't leave it too long, especially if he really is in danger... He breathed out. "Two days. Come to LA in two days, Mr. Benton. I'll be there as soon as I can. We can meet at the airport." Nicky paused. "And until then, Mr. Benton, please be careful."


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"Very well... two days..." Benton responded. "I suppose I'll be as careful as I can be." he replied, then hung up.

"What was that about?" Vincent asked. Circe was keeping an eye on Raal up in the control room. For now, he seemed to be absorbed in one of the computer screens, but she knew that could change at any time.

"Let's talk while we walk." she suggested, tapping Vincent and Nicky to indicate they should start moving.

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Nicky looked at his phone for a second before clipping it back onto his belt. "Well... it looks like I might have a new lead to work with," he said, responding to Circe's tap and starting to walk. "Tom Benton. Seems he and Morrow were working together on some kind of project... Something that Benton thinks was responsible for Morrow's death, and might put him in danger."

He looked sideways at Vincent and Circe, keeping his voice to a low murmur. "Sounds like it's important. I'm meeting him back in LA in two days, so I have until then to find out as much as I can about what's going on here." Nicky rubbed the back of his head. "Anyway, what do you all think about this... Pandora? Think there could be anything to it?"


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"I wonder if the name Pandora is one that that Raal made up,  or if it's a translation of the name the ancients gave it.  Humans have a Greek myth concerning Pandora that I'm sure you've heard of.  I doubt it refers to the handheld gaming console that is Linux based."  Karl said.  " All I can think of, using my imagination is it may bring in asteroids from the asteroid belt.  Cause mammals to go crazy and fight each other.  Kill mammal life.  Cause nuclear winter, or sever cold, cloud cover, or something else.  Do the rest of you have any ideas or know of someone who may have knowledge of ancient stuff like Pandora?  and if we want to get pictures."  He asked, still speaking in a low tone of voice, looking at the others.


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"You got a lead?" Vincent asked with interest, rocking his head back a bit here, then remembering to keep his voice down as they walked past the computer guys. "Huh... Benton? Never heard of him. How about you?" Vincent quietly asked Circe, but she shook her head.

"Never. I don't even know if he's one of our kind or a mammal." she murmured.

"Two days?" she continued. "We have to be out of here before then. Like... tonight I would say. No way I'm sleeping in the jungle tonight."

"I thought you liked getting in touch with your Ancestors." Vincent smirked as he mumbled back.

"Yeah well... times change. You want to risk spending the night where ferals might be roaming around?" she inquired.

"Uhhh... right..." Vincent agreed as they exited back out into the warm night air. "Well then... let's see what we can see." he suggested, and led the way back down the path to Pandora's dig site, the light's becoming brighter the closer they got, flooding that clearing with their incandescence.

Circe responded to the questions the others had with a shrug. "I've only heard stories about it... no confirmation if it was true or not. I'm not sure on its capabilities, but I'd like a closer look all the same." she stated, approaching the well-lit area with the others now.

Walking up to the rim of the pit, Circe gazed down and noticed a gantry that actually led into the structure. She hadn't see it earlier, because they had been on the other side of Pandora before. Pointing it out subtly, she spoke in low tones. "What do you make of that? Think this thing is worth checking out from the inside?" she inquired, not looking directly at any of them, but at the gantry itself.

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Nicky joined Circe at the pit's edge and stared down. After a while, he frowned and inclined his head slightly. A passageway led inside? Just what was this thing? "I'd say it's worth a shot. Maybe there's something inside that could tell us... something about what it can do." Nicked glanced at the others. "We can't deal in half measures. Whatever's in there, I think we need to take the chance and see what it is."


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"We can try.  Though we'll have to be very careful." Karl said, looking around them.  "We don't want to be caught here or do anything suspicious."  He said, then he got an idea, "Should one of us be taking pictures of this thing?" He asked looking to see what parts could be taken a picture of.  "The outside and inside, if there is an inside." He said.


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"Should I take pictures, Karl?" Heather piped up, having been rather quiet since Vincent had been *almost* discovered by Raal. She was afraid of getting caught by some progressive dino but nonetheless she approved the idea of investigating the thing they were standing in front of. "I think if we don't try we'll never find out if we would have discovered anything useful so let's investigate a little more. Who knows... maybe it'll be for vain, maybe it'll be a complete success," she spoke.
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Karl nodded, "if you want." He said as he took out his digital camera.  "You want the zoom lens?" He asked.  He had a zoom lens for it and one for low light conditions.  "It's a good basic camera, but not on an expert or professional would likely use." He said to Heather.


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Nodding, Vincent gulped, and led the way down towards the gantry. It didn't look as if there were any guards on duty at the entrance to Pandora, and heading inside seemed to be an easy task. Walking down the metal stairs, they could see Pandora's black surface was glossy, almost like obsidian, and shone brilliantly in the light. Vincent whistled. "Certainly an imposing edifice." he commented, noting how far down the structure went into the ground. Its sheer size was beyond anything he'd ever seen... the Empire State Building looked like it could fit in here two or three times comfortably.

Entering the square door, Vincent let out another whistle as they were surrounded by crystal on all sides of them. Deep hues of reds, purples, pinks and greens could be seen within the crystal, which seemed to stretch on infinitely into the depths of Pandora. A walkway was carved through the crystal, heading on ahead of them. "Well... wasn't expecting this... just what the hell are we dealing with here?" Vincent asked softly, looking all around him. Above, below, left and right it was all crystal, quite the contrast to Pandora's exterior. "You ever see anything like this?" he asked no one in particular.

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Karl walked with the group looking around at the crystals.  "the only thing similar is in the 70's superman movie.  Krypton and Superman's Fortress of Solitude." He said, "Just off the top of my head."


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"Something tells me we're not going to bump into Superman down here," Nicky muttered, looking around at the crystalline corridor. He could feel the massive weight of Pandora pressing down on them from above, and it left him feeling distinctly uncomfortable. He turned to Karl and Heather. "Get some photos. If we describe this when we get back, I'm not sure they'd believe us. I'm not sure I'd believe us."

Walking further down, he made his way to Vincent and Circe. "Getting in was a little easy, don't you think?" he asked, running a claw along one of the crystals alongside them. It made a grating sound which traveled down the corridor, and he stopped. "Considering this is leading right into their ace-in-the-hole... We should be careful." Squinting down the corridor, Nicky couldn't see where it ended. "On the other hand, I've got a feeling we're going to want to see what's at the end," he grunted, looking between the two.


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Heather took several photos for the sake of documenting the inner structure of Pandora. "If it wasn't a dangerous thing, I'd love to visit this place more often..." she mused, being pretty fascinated by all the colours and such.
"Oh no, never seen anything like that before," Heather then spoke in a reply to Vincent. "And I reckon nobody did 'cept the guys that build it. I doubt anybody would believe us without the photos, and even with them I'm sure folks won't believe it too easily... Anyway, this is a good cam, Karl. Bet the photos will look ingredible."
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Karl smiled, "I hope they do.  That may help whatever you want to do with them.  It's supposed to be an hd capable camera." He said.  

He looked around at the area around them.  "I wonder if they were doing some sort of crystal based technology, if such a thing is even possible." he said.  He had no idea of what such a technology may be like.


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"Yes... getting in WAS too easy..." Vincent muttered now in response to Nicky's assertion. "Maybe... I dunno... we gotta be careful but yes... we should see what's further inside." He nodded.

"But I can't imagine this crystal is any form of constructed technology." Circe replied to Karl's speculation. "It doesn't seem possible. It almost seems as if... this outer black shell was constructed around the crystal... and this crystal seems more natural to me." she commented, tapping it with her hand.

They began heading forward, their footsteps and claws scratching and reverberating rather eerily throughout the corridors. They deeper they moved into Pandora, the more they gradually became aware of a humming sound. It played off the walls, throaty and growing louder the further they went, until it was quite noticeable. The hues seemed to get brighter in here too, though the crystal's overall color was going from white to blue, almost like ice, as they suddenly came upon a three way fork in the tunnel.

"Great... who knows how far this place goes? Well... should we split up, or stay together?" Vincent asked, looking from one corridor to the next.

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"Great, a fork..." Heather thought sardonically.

"Well, I dunno..." Heather spoke in response to Vincent. "If we don't split up, we might not find anything because it'd simply take too much time to discover everything and such... Though if we do split up and get discovered..." She didn't finish the thought for it scared her. Whoever spotted her would be armed with a gun likely so fighting wasn't an option, neither was escaping. "Let's just say I'd feel much better with you guys around in that case," she eventually continued. "So yeah, I'm as split in opinion as that bloody path is split in three forks..."
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