coming coming ' money bags said as the oddly dressed bear poked his head out from behind a curtain ' He then noticed Spyro. ' well, well, if it isnt one of my dragon friends. what can i do for you today, and, more importantly, do you have enough gems to afford it?
_ cynder by this point, was closing in on the shop. she had bought things from Moneybags in the past, unfprtunately, he usually overcharged for items. a magic powder that could increase your flight time, for inmstance, that normally went for 100 gems, cost 200 from him.
ember, meanwhile was playing with her boyfriend Bandit in the meadow, or more accurately, playing tag with him. Ember was a bubbly sort, and also a shameless flirt. she had hit on Spyro for a long time, before finding Bandit, and now her interests were with the Armadillo. ' not so fast Ember ' Bandit said in a tired voice. Remember I have short legs."