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Descendants of The Mountains

Nahla · 51 · 8142


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Thanks,Zimmy :3 *boops*

Chapter 7

"Nahla? You want to speak to me?"

Nahla jumped and turned around "Why do you have to sneak up on me like that,Teetonka?"

Teetonka chuckled "Because it's me anyway. Anyway,you wanted to speak to me?"

"Yes..I have found Littlefoot" Nahla sighed.

"I've noticed,good job you're one step closer to our goal" Teetonka looked down on her.

"Yeah,one down 500 million to go" Nahla said in her usual sarcastic tone.

The ghostly male glared,which made Nahla shut up-for once. "Anyway,you need to build a friendship with Littlefoot"

"I'm working on that..." Nahla sighed.

"No you're not-you ran away from him" Teetonka snapped "Don't tell me you're 'working on it' when you're not"

"You saw that?"

Teetonka nodded "I see everything,girlie" he sighed "Okay,maybe I'm being a bit harsh I know I should give you time...but this is so important that it works out..."

"I know,Teetonka" Nahla sighed "If this does not work out the mountains will explode and the whole world will collapse into a fiery pit of death" and back to sarcastic attitude it was.

Teetonka growled and bought his tail down with a loud whack.

Nahla jumped "What did you do that for?" she complained.

"Because of YOU" Teetonka snarled "I don't believe out of all the descendants I have,it had to be YOU to be the one that will lead the lost families back,you're the most sarcastic attitude filled longneck I have ever met in my life"

"Well,sir...if you think about it..this isn't your life...because ARE dead" Nahla grinned not dropping the sarcasm.

Teetonka felt like banging his head against a rock but instead he just took a deep breath to calm himself "Kids these days,now back in MY day..."

"NO!" Nahla cried "Please,don't go into the whole 'back in my day' thing,I haven't got the next 100 years to spare listening to it"

"We'll we showed our elders respect,not making jokes every chance we get. We knew when to be serious"

"Sorry,'serious' isn't something I tend to do" Nahla said with a flick of her tail.

Teetonka snorted "Yeah it didn't take me very long to figure THAT out" he began to walk around Nahla "Anything else you need to ask or report?"

"I have a question,has Littlefoot been contacted by his ancestors yet?" Nahla asked in an actual serious tone.

"No,not yet,why do you ask?" Teetonka wondered.

"Just curious..." Nahla replied "But it would be easier when I explain to him about all this,if he too knew about being a mountain longneck and not just think I'm some crazy girl trying to con him into coming to a faraway land with me"

Teetonka thought for a moment "Good point..for once,there is a chance he will think this as a trick or his family would at the very least...very well,Ahote will visit him tonight" Teetonka began to fade away "Meet him by the Thundering Falls tomorrow and don't ask why. Just do it" and he was gone.

"Sure thing..." Nahla said to no one. She sat there for a moment before standing up and looked around the large valley "Now...where is my family..."


"This is a wonderful place" Nani commented as the adults now relaxed after getting a tour of the whole valley.

"It is indeed,worth all the traveling" Kai agreed nuzzling Nani.

"I take it that means you'll be staying?" Jenna grinned at them,it was so nice to have another longneck family around now.

"Of course,we couldn't drag ourselves all the way and just to turn around and leave again" Kai smiled until Nahla needs to take us back to the mountains anyway he added in his thoughts.

"That is great news" Bron commented "Would you like to relax some more or shall we see you to a resting place?".

"We need to find our daughters first" Nani sighed shaking her head "And you know kids.." she said chuckling.

"Do we ever.." Jenna rolled her eyes "Our youngest son,Littlefoot loves to cause mischief"

"Littlefoot?" Nani questioned outloud,she remembered Nahla telling her Teetonka told her to find someone named Littlefoot.

"Err..yes,Littlefoot is the name of my son" Jenna rose an eyebrow "I know it's a bit of a strange name for a longneck,but the name is has very special meaning and value to our family"

"Oh,I didn't mean anything like that. It's just I heard that name mentioned before..." she trailed off.

"Who by?" Jenna asked.

Kai and Nani glanced at each other,do they tell them the truth? No,they couldn't. Why would they believe the anyway?

"Our daughter,Nahla...she met your boy..."Nani said,that was true but not the real reason they know about Littlefoot.

"Oooh" Jenna said smiling,not feeling one bit specious "I hope Littlefoot was kind too her"

Kai snorted "It's Nahla the one you should be hoping to be kind,with her attitude she might offend another young one,even though it's never on purpose and she is just joking,it ,may happen..."

"Nothing wrong with a bit of attitude" Grandpa said "As long as one doesn't take that attitude too far..." he stood up "Anyway,would you like me to help you find your young ones?"

"If you don't mind,sure" Nani stood up and Kai quickly did the same.

"No idea where they could be though..." Kai admitted looking around.

"Well,we are in no rush,we'll check everywhere" Grandpa nodded to the distance with his head "Shall we?".

"I'll come too" Grandma said standing up quickly.

"I'll go find Littlefoot and Shorty" Jenna offered "Though I am sure they are fine,but you never know..."

Bron yawned "You go on and do that...I'll wait here and-OW"

Jenna whacked him in the head "YOU,will be coming with me" she ordered standing up.

"Yes ma'am..." Bron said in a surrendering tone and stood up.

"Right lets go" Grandpa said leading the newcomers and Grandma off.

Bron watched them leave and turned his mate "So where are they?"

Jenna just hit him again "If I knew where they were,we wouldn't be needing to go look for them in the first place"

"Oh yeah..."


Shorty and Tara were laying side by side,they shared a pile of tree-sweets after Shorty gave Tara a tour and they exchanged jokes,complained about their younger siblings,though they also admitted they love them.

"This place is beautiful,thanks for showing me around,Shorty" Tara said warmly,the female longneck was a brown colour-that had a silver tint to it,her underbelly was white,her pale green eyes were highlighted by the black rims around them,she had black legs up to her knees. She looked like a mish mash of her whole family.

Shorty thought she was interesting looking,maybe even beautiful. He never seen a longneck who looked like that before,it was interesting for sure. He shook his head realizing she had spoken "It no problem" he studied her for a moment "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure" Tara replied

"Is,Nahla..your blood sister?" You and her look..."

"Nothing alike?" Tara laughed "I know,we are full blood sisters but strangely enough Nahla is just our mum all over again,while I got traits from both my parents and my grandparents" she looked over at Shorty "What about you? You look nothing like your family..umm that was your family right?"

"Yeah they are my adopted one anyway.." he paused "My real parents died long ago,and the rest of my herd abandoned me...then this guy called Bron found me and took me to his family..they took care of me,soon enough the ones who were strangers became mum and dad,and Littlefoot become my little brother,though I will never forget my real parents"

Tara was quiet for a moment "I'm sorry about your parents,and what your herd did to you..."

"It's in the past" Shorty said quietly "This is my life now and I am not taking it for granted,I still think about what would of happened if these guys never picked me up..I'll be dead by now no doubt..."

Tara placed her tail on his back "Listen,life isn't meant to be easy. It will throw challenges at you and no one will know the outcome. The only real certainty is life,is no one makes it out alive,we all die in the end"

Shorty stared at her before smiling "You're right,and smart too"

Tara choked back laughter "Don't flatter me please"

"But you are,for someone your age you're really wise..where did you learn all that stuff?"

"My mother" Tara replied flatly "She is obsessed with 'wisdoms'"

"Oh..." Shorty said "Know I get" he laughed.

"You know,Shorty I think we're are going to be great friends" Tara commented with a smile.

"I know we will Tara..." he looked into her green eyes "I just know we will.."


"You're it!" Cera cried as she tapped Littlefoot with her head.

"Hey! I wasn't ready" Littlefoot complained.

"Well,if you weren't standing there daydreaming,you would of been ready" Cera shot back.

"I was NOT daydreaming..I was just thinking.."

"Whats the difference? You were standing there going 'la di da di da'" Cera huffed making Ducky and Petrie giggle.

"Haha,very funny" Littlefoot glared "I was thinking about Nahla"

"Nahla?" Petrie asked confused "Who Nahla?"

"Some new girl,she acts really strange and I'm trying to figure out of she was hiding something..."

"Hiding something? Like what?" Ducky wondered outloud.

"I don't know..." Littlefoot admitted

"Like I said" Cera butted in "She is an outsider,and ALL outsiders are weird,they MAY be nice,but they'll still be weird"

Littlefoot shook his head "I don't think she is weird like that,it just the way she acted...was kinda weird"

"You do realize that makes no actual sense,don't you?" Cera grumbled "If she acts weird,then she is weird"

Littlefoot just shook his head again "I'm going to befriend her..maybe she was just weird because she is new in the valley and doesn't know anyone"

"If you say so" Cera said turning around "I've got to go home now,see yah's" she walked off nose in air in the distance the others could hear a voice calling "CERA!"

"Littlefoot?" Petrie flew onto the longneck's head "You sure you want to make friends with the outsider?"

"She is not an outsider,Petrie she is just new,we were all new once too remember?"

"Oh yeah..." Petrie said flatly "Me forgot that" he got off the longneck and hovered in the air.

Littlefoot wished he had a hand to face palm,honestly..some dinosaurs "Just because she is new here,does not mean we have to treat her like an outcast" he added to what he last said.

"So you will be her friend?" Ducky asked.

"Yeah,I will" he stood up seeing his parents in the distance "I'm going to go talk to my parents,maybe they know more about her" he ran off before he could hear his friends goodbyes.

"What is it with longnecks wanting be friends with other all the other longnecks?" wondered Petrie outloud.

Ducky shrugged "But we can not tell Littlefoot who to be friends with,and maybe he is right. Maybe Nahla is really nice,yep yep yep".

Spike nodded in agreement before turning his focus onto a fern bush.


"Ooh,that my mama. Me got to go" Petrie began to take off "Bye,Ducky and Spike" the small flyer croaked out and flew off.

" what?" the swimmer as the spike-tail.

Spike just made a confused sound in response.

Night had fallen,Nahla had be found shortly after her parents set out to find her. Tara was found with Shorty,both were talking about their birth homes,after a quick goodbye and a promise to meet up tomorrow they parted ways.\


"Hey,Tara" Nahla began asking with a teasing tone "Who is your new boyfriend?".

"He isn't my boyfriend" Tara said quickly "He is just a friend who happens to be a boy"

"So he is a boyfriend. If he is a friend and he is a boy..." Nahla said in usual attitude.

Tara shoved her sister playfully "Ha ha ha,you know very well I know just what you meant with 'boyfriend'" she chuckled "Girls can be friends with a boy without being in love with him you know,but if we can't and you're gonna be friends with Littlefoot-that means he is going to become your boyfriend..aww kissy kissy" she teased

Nahla huffed knowing her sister got her "I hate when you point things like that out" she muttered.

"I love it when I get to prove you wrong" Tara smiled "Did I tell you? Shorty is Littlefoot's big brother"

"He is?" Nahla asked "But..why do I need to know that?"

"Well you don't really,he isn't a mountain longneck" she noticed Nahla's confusion "He ain't blood related to the family,he is adopted..just thought you might want to know more about who is in Littlefoot's family"

"Ah...I just remembered something..."


"Littlefoot is going to be visited tonight..."

Tara stared at her "So he finds out tonight? But we just got here!"

"I asked,Teetonka to see to it. It'll make things easier,I don't what him thinking I am a weirdo who speaks with the dead." a cheeky grin spread across her face "We can be weirdos who speak with the dead together,that is a great way to form a friendship is it not?"

Tara chuckled "I just hope he isn't too freaked out,no doubt Shorty will tell me about it tomorrow,shall I tell you want he tells me?"

Nahla nodded "Yeah,and I'll see if I can squeeze any info out of Littlefoot,and he doesn't do it I'll bash him in the head until he does"

"Nahla,did I ever tell you what a supportive friend you make?"


It was not long after Littlefoot fell asleep for the night,that he found himself in the same spot as Nahla did when she first met Teetonka. The exact same spot,the waterfall was louder then ever.

"Huh?" said a confused Littlefoot as he looked around "Where am I?" he stood up and walked on,soon reaching the same river Nahla crossed on her first visit here. He looked around and spotted the stone bridge,he walked across it still confused. Where was he? How did he get here? Where was his family? "HELLO?" he called "Anyone here?. No answer he looked to the ground for a brief moment before looking up and nearly screamed.

Standing before him was a longneck,but this longneck didn't seem right. His eyes and body glowed and had a ghost like presence about him.\

Littlefoot began backing up and terror,his not leaving this supernatural being of a longneck creature thing.

"Calm,Littlefoot" the longneck said.

" you know my name? And who are you?" Littlefoot whispered in fear.

"My name is Ahote and I bought you here for a very important reason,you are from my family line,a direct descendant of the mountain longnecks"

"You mean,THE mountain longnecks?" Littlefoot asked.

"Yes,THE mountain longnecks" Ahote edged closer "It is your job to bring your family back to these mountains,and make the three a five once more. I made the mistake and you must fix it,your destiny had been laid the day you hatched,return our family to their real home,where our roots first began...this place" he nodded at the mountains around them.

"But if theres only three...and theres meant to be five...don't we need two families?" Littlefoot asked confused.

Ahote nodded "Yes,the second family already resides in the valley you call home,the young one they call Nahla-"

"NAHLA?!" Littlefoot interrupted

"Yes,she is the second one. She knows what her duty is,she has already been contacted quite a few times..." he paused "Oh,and she knows you're also a Mountain longneck. Thats why she was 'acting weird' when she met you"

Littlefoot looked to the ground "So she is not just a weird outsider?"

"No,you and her are pretty much the same. You both have same destiny to fulfill,you must work together"

"I'll try and work with her,I'm going to find her tomorrow and try and make I know the truth about me...and her...though it's going to be an awkward conversion..." Littlefoot snorted with laughter at the thought of the two randomly bursting into a conversion about the ghosts of their ancestors and how they must return to some mountain place.

"Don't worry about that for now" Ahote said like he had read Littlefoot's thoughts "Just focus on making friends with the girl,then you can start talking about the mountain return"

"Will we get along?" Littlefoot questioned.

"Well depends"

"Depends?" Littlefoot pressed on

"Depends on how much you can handle a girl with a big sarcastic attitude" Ahote chuckled "But,Teetonka-thats the ancestor Nahla speaks to,says she is quite nice,hardly ever serious but nice. I'm sure you'll get along with her just fine".

"I can handle some attitude" Littlefoot said "Unless she starts getting bossy"

"I think she is just sarcastic and loves to joke around,she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. You'll have great fun with her".

Littlefoot nodded "Right..."

"I know this is really strange to you but I could explain it best I could for now,you're beginning to wake up so our time is up,I'll speak with you again..then I'll take you back..back into the days the mountain longnecks were formed. Farewell Littlefoot,meet Nahla at the Thundering Falls tomorrow" with that said the longneck faded and Littlefoot found himself falling into darkness.

"AH!" Littlefoot jerked awake with a scream,he panted and looked around,he noticed his mother was standing over him looking concerned.

"Have a bad sleep story,little one?" she whispered nuzzling him.

Littlefoot nodded "Yeah..."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" his mother lay down next too him.

"No..I don't even remember most of it" Littlefoot lied "All I remember was the end..where I kept falling into nothingness...I'm fine,Mother"

"Well,try and get back to sleep. Sleep stories can't affect you in the real world,they are all in your head" Jenna nuzzled him one last time before closing her eyes again.

"You'll be surprised,Mother.." Littlefoot said to himself "You'll be surprise how much this sleep story is going to affect not just me...but all of us..."


Awww,Tara and Shorty are friends :3 may be some TaraxShorty in the future....much much later...

And I finally revealed what Tara looks like...and I did an awful job at it.


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Sorry for the reviewing on the last few chapters...  Let's just say that I have had some issues in RL that distracted me from forum matters for a while.

I love that the entire gang has now been assembled.  I think that you have captured their character traits quite well.  Likewise, I see great things ahead in the interactions between Littlefoot and Nahla.  :yes

Now onto the current chapter...

I absolutely love the character interactions in this chapter.

The ghostly male glared,which made Nahla shut up-for once. "Anyway,you need to build a friendship with Littlefoot"

"I'm working on that..." Nahla sighed.

"No you're not-you ran away from him" Teetonka snapped

Well, Nahla and Littlefoot are off to a good start.  :lol Although it seems that Teetonka has the demeanor necessary to put up with Nahla's attitude.  I don't know about the rest of the gang, however... :unsure:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the equation:

"Like I said" Cera butted in "She is an outsider,and ALL outsiders are weird,they MAY be nice,but they'll still be weird"

Littlefoot shook his head "I don't think she is weird like that,it just the way she acted...was kinda weird"

"You do realize that makes no actual sense,don't you?" Cera grumbled "If she acts weird,then she is weird"

Oh, Cera...  :rolleyes You definitely kept her in character here.  :yes

Although I may not be able to review after each chapter, rest assured that I am still keeping up with the story.  Keep up the good work!  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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It all cool,I write because it fun not for the reviews like some authors on I know who won't update until they get a set amount of reviews  :bang,it kinda funny though and I just have to giggle to myself when they never reach that many,

Teetonka is kinda serious guy,he doesn't put up with no foolishness,Nahla will be testing his patience for sure,I have this feeling with her attitude and Cera's all round character,the two will be clashing heads and be at each other throats,will be amusing though.

Ahote's personality isn't officially decided,but I was thinking of having him laid back compared to serious Teetonka.

Trying to keep the canon characters in character much as possible,with the expection of Shorty as everyone would of noticed by now  :lol

Thanks again for the support  :DD


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Review of chapter 6:

Grandma has a moment of wisdom :) And Littlefoot is so funny... first he won't wake up, then he's like "I WANNA PLAY!" and then he's like "I DON'T WANNA GREET THOSE STUPID NEWCOMERS!" :DD Unpredictable hotshot :p Well, he'll regret not wanting to go greet the newcomers soon... Nahla arriving :yes

Now this is a great meeting scene :wow Nahla and Littlefoot meeting is particularly funny :DD

Tara is absolutely right... Nahla ought to make friends (not only because Teetonka wants her to) :yes And what the hell is Shorty doing? :lol It ain't coincidence that Tara and he are the same age, is it? :smile A double sibling couple... now that'd be some romance :angel All provided you're going to have them having a crush on each other...

Ah, finally we have a more elaborated dialogue between Ducky and Littlefoot (Spike can't talk meh :p) and surprise... the rest of the gang appears out of nowhere :DD Well, I have a few thoughts about this scene if you don't mind me uttering them... I'll start with the only aspect that might be questionable... Cera isn't exactly fond of other kinds so it's very unlikely that she would just ask to play with "flatheads, babblebeaks, beakheads and mute and fat Spiketails" :smile I don't mind it really but I know others who might see this more strictly so yeah... Cera acts very in-character aside from that since she's shooting pointy remarks at everybody :rolleyes Not exactly a good way to make somebody like you but well we're talkin' about Cera :DD Ducky, Pertie (whoever that is :P:) and Littlefoot act very in-character also.
Overall, I like this last scene a lot. I also like the whole chapter tbh. Keep it up and expect my review of chapter 7 tomorrow :yes

"Yeah,I have to my friends with the clumsy oaf"
Put "make" instead of "my" :)
"Alight then" Shorty said beginning to turn "If you change your mind though,feel free to come look for us. Come on Tara" he smiled and began walking.
"Nice to meet you,Pertie my name is Littlefoot. Thats Ducky" he nodded to Ducky "And Spike is of course the spike-tail and the three-horn is Cera"
Pertie xD and that's...
"Hi Pertie" Ducky cried.
Again xD Pertie...
This chapter didn't actually have much of a'plot' it was just to bring Nahla and family into the valley,and,introduce Pertie and Cera.
The famous Pertie again xD
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Yes,wise Grandma is wise.

And Shorty and Tara being same age isn't just for couple reasons,but reasons they will be revealed later,but they have nothing to do with love.

I guess Cera was lonely,who knows how long she been staying all by her little lonesome,Mr Threehorn doesn't tend to be perfect company if I recall  :lol.

Nahla was like "NOOOO NOT LITTLEFOOT!" and runs away like he some kind of horror movie monster  :lol

And thanks again for the typos.

And least my name typos ain't as bad as the ones in that fic,you know which one  :lol oh I'm still giggling.

You better review chapter 7 or I'll hit you over the head with a frying pan!.

Ducky and maybe Zimba (if she read the fic) will get the frying pan thing,if you don't know. I have not snapped okay I'm just making refs to things.

Should have another chapter up on Sunday,taking a bit of  a break and such.


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*Ducks frying pan*

Yeah I read 'the fic'. And you owe me a new IQ xD. And acording to the Authors Note I am a saint,awww.

Anyway,on to Nahla's fic that makes sense (somewhat anyway xD)

I love the part with Nahla and Tara,haha Tara sure caught Nahla on her own words  :lol.

Looks like Littlefoot now learns his destiny,luckily for him Ahote didn't go on that 'many many many etc years ago' road.

I like how Teetonka and Nahla sorta clash,Nahla wants to joke around and Teetonka is Mr Serious  :lol .

Tara is like my favorite character in this fic (I don't know why,I just like her),I love how she said (and it is so true)

"Listen,life isn't meant to be easy. It will throw challenges at you and no one will know the outcome. The only real certainty is life,is no one makes it out alive,we all die in the end"

And Nani is obsessed with wisdoms?

Thats fine,but if you bring in yellowbellies...

I think all of us are going to hit you with a frying pan.

Goob job,Nahla. And yes you deserve a break,we all do  :exactly


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Nahla... I just say POOR Teetonka :DD

Some more details about Shorty's past... nice :)

And Littlefoot meets Ahote... Now that should lead to an utterly hillarious conversation between the two young ones... :lol

Cool chapter :)

"Just curious..." Nahla replied "But it would be easier when I explain to him about all this,if he too knew about being a mountain longneck and not just think I'l some crazy girl trying to con him into coming to a faraway land with me"
I'm... instead of I'l
"I take it that means you'l be staying?"
"And you know kids.." she chuckling.
Chuckled... or said chuckling... Not sure what you had in mind :p

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Thanks,Ducky :D.

Yes,poor Teetonka *giggle*.

This next chapter is quite short,but I've got the flu and my creative skils are null right now,but I wanted something to

Chapter 8

The next morning,Nahla was walking towards the Thundering Falls. She just hoped Littlefoot would be there so she wouldn't have to wait around. She sighed when relief when she saw the brown longneck laying on a flat rock seemingly waiting for her too. She walked slowly towards him "Littlefoot?" she called.

Littlefoot jumped "Oh,hi Nahla" he said quickly "This Ahote guy told me to meet you here..."

"I know,I was told to meet you here too" Nahla leaped onto the rock and sat beside him "But for what I do not know".

"I think our ancestors just want hang out for a while..." Littlefoot said quietly,after what happened when they met. Littlefoot felt a bit awkward around the girl.

"Maybe..." Nahla said,once again her shy side was showing. She glanced at Littlefoot "Umm,sorry about just my ancestors told me to find a guy named Littlefoot who lives in the Great Valley..and when you said your name was Littlefoot..."

"It's okay,I understand now. Though yesterday when I ran off I was scared you didn't like me" Littlefoot gave a small smile "I was wondering 'do I smell THAT bad?'".

Nahla burst into laughter "No,you're fine" she giggled.

"Good,cause I was about to resort to rolling in flowers,cause girls do like flowers..and maybe if I smelt like flowers..."

That caused both of them to burst into laughter.

"Well,you can smell like flowers if you want" Nahla giggled "As long as it's not one of those stinky types" she added.

Littlefoot turned and grabbed a nearby flower,one with an awful scent to it "You mean like this one?" he threw the flower at her.

"EWW! That STINKS!" Nahla cried using her tail to send it flying,she turned to Littlefoot "Yes,like that one" she said after a moments silence.

"I'll make a note to not use that kind of flower then" Littlefoot joked.

"Good boy,cause if you do I'll take my tail and beat you upside the head" Nahla teased.

"Hah! If you do that I'll...I'll...I'll...ah I got nothing"

Nahla laughed "Females-one" she glanced at Littlefoot with a crooked smile "Males-zero"

"For now" Littlefoot playfully challenged "For now..."

"You're right,I mean I'm clearly going to score more 'points" she joked.

After their laughter died down Littlefoot turned his head to Nahla "So,what brought your family to the valley? Or is it because know what?"

"Well,we needed a home. My family got isolated from our original before I was even an egg. We tried to find them but never did,so we been hiding away for years in small canyons and hidden valleys. I never actually had a real home before as my family was constantly on the move from place to place,I only learnt about you after we were already halfway to the valley,we heard about it and my parents thought it'll be a great place for us..and at that time they decided that I had no clue about the mountains,we just thought we were a normal family".

"I thought I was normal..until last night anyway when Ahote visited me,only I didn't tell my family" Littlefoot sighed.

Nahla edged closer "Why not?"

"I...don't think they will believe me"

"And you think holding it back and telling them later will make them believe you?" Nahla asked "Don't they deserve to though that they carry the blood of the lost family from the Mountains in them?"

"You're right..I've got to tell them..even if they don't take it very well..."

Nahla looked to the ground "How about we worry about that later? Lets have some fun" she suggested.

"Ok,what should we do?' Littlefoot asked and thought for a moment "We can go play with my other friends".

"Um,not today" Nahla said quickly "I'm sure they are all very nice but..." she looked him in the eye "I was hoping for us to get to know each other,you know just us..since we are going to be working together in the near future we need to know each other.." she smiled "We can play with your friends tomorrow though".

"Sure" Littlefoot said but looked a bit worried,would his friends think he ditched them? A frown spread across his face,would they think of him as a traitor? Would they-he jumped back when he found himself looking into bright blue eyes-Nahla's eyes.

Nahla smirked "Come on Mr Grumpy Scales,turn that frown upside down" she leaped off the rock,she looked back "Come on,stop worrying so much!" she bounced off through the valley.

"I have to worry..cause you sure don't so I have to worry enough for both of us" Littlefoot muttered but chuckled. He admired the girls energy that matched his his own..or passed he didn't even know anymore. He leaped from the rock and sprinted after her. He knew that with Nahla's arrival things were going to get very interesting around here.

Meanwhile in the distant mountains,the old male stood in his usual spot overlooking the land. A female walked up behind him.

"They both now know" the male said "They both know what they are meant to do,Ahote and Teetonka did what they had we just wait for the return"

The female thought for a moment "But can the children do it? They are too young for this big a task if you ask me"

"They can do it,they both got the courage and the heart and in the end,it's heart they are going to need. They are pure Mountain"

The female bowed her head to the wise old male to acted as leader to every longneck in the mountains "We shall all wait their return of them may even be your successor,one of them may lead us all one day".

"We'll see..." the male sighed,knowing he had to pick someone to take his place of leadership when he died,the leader could talk with all the mountain ancestors,unlike others who could only speak to those within their family line. The leader would be the first to get sent warnings of danger,or messages that affect the whole herd or tribe as they called themselves. The current leader would choose the next one,and personally train him or her,and when the current leader dies or retires,the new leader will take their place.

The female looked up at the sky "I just hope the families re-adjust to our ways..." she whispered

"Hey,Nahla watch this" Littlefoot smirked and got into what was known among his family as his 'lone dinosaur pose' "I'm going to show you a neat trick" he eyes a small bush and whipped out his tail,this will impress Nahla this will show her he can be tougher then her-SMACK. Littlefoot only ended up smacking himself in the face with his own tail,he stumbled back and tripped over a root.

Nahla tried to hold her giggles and went over to him "Are you okay? Is anything broken?"

"Yeah..think I broke something" Littlefoot sat at.

Horror filled Nahla's face "What? What did you break? Your leg? Your back?"

"My pride" Littlefoot answered with a smile of mischief.

Nahla stared at him for a moment "You nearly gave me a heart attack! I was worried I would have to carry you to a healer so they can put your bones back in place"\

Littlefoot just smiled at her chuckling.

"Soo glad you're ok!" she sighed with relief then narrowed her eyes "I'm going to kill you!"

"Chill,Nahla" Littlefoot patted her on the head with his tail chuckling.

Nahla poked his tongue at him "You think you're soo funny don't you?" a smile spread across her face

"Look who is talking,Miss Sarcastic"

Here they go again...

"Me? Sarcastic?" Nahla challenged playfully "Never,I'm the perfect behaved lady".

"You just tell yourself that so you can sleep at night" Littlefoot tapped her on the nose "You're no lady,you're all tomboy"

"Got a problem with that?"

"Of course I don't" Littlefoot said "You're an awesome girl...well I think you're a girl..." he laughed

"Ha ha ha" Nahla said playfully shoving him "Least I don't slap myself in the face,is that a guy or is it just something you do to stand out? If it's the latter-it works"

"Pfft" Littlefoot snorted "That is no way to speak to a gentlemen"

"You're right,that is no way to speak to a gentleman" Nahla agreed "But you're no gentleman,so there is no problem here".

Littlefoot let out a mock gasp "Why,I never been so offended in my life".

"Too bad,suck it up" Nahla growled in a childish playful manner.

"I don't think so,I shall defend my honor" he said playfully getting ready to charge.

"Bring it" Nahla said before starting a mock charge,Littlefoot met her halfway and the two locked heads,letting the other push them back before they pushed the other,any thoughts someone might have that this was a real fight would be thrown away by the heavy laughter coming from the two children.

The two soon were on the ground after tripping over the root Littlefoot did not too long ago,but they were laughing.

"This has been the best day of my life!" Nahla said through spurts of laughter.

Littlefoot nodded in agreement "Mine too! You know,after our first meeting I was thinking you might be a stuck up snob..boy am I glad I refused to admit that you're far from a snob".

Nahla giggled "I don't ever picture myself being one of those stuck up girl types,though if I ever resort to that feel free to beat some sense into me"

"Oh I will" Littlefoot joked and stood up,helping Nahla on her feet too,he grinned at her,she was his best friend-sure Ducky,Spike and all the others were his best friends too,he just felt closer to Nahla,plus she was another longneck and then there was the fact they were both from anicent families.

Nahla smiled,when she knew Littlefoot was not looking she put some mud on the tip of her tail and turned to Littlefoot smiling before narrowing her eyes "Littlefoot..whats that on your face?"

"What's what?" Littlefoot wiped his face "Where?"

Nahla hid a smirk and crept closer "The thing right...there" she said as she wiped the mud on that spot before running off laughing.

"Hey!" Littlefoot cried when he realized what happened,he began to sprint after her "You'll pay for that"

"Gotta catch me first!" the girl called back.

Littlefoot narrowed his eyes in determination.

It was game on.


The mystery longnecks return...oooh.

Looks like Littlefoot and Nahla get along.

Nothing else to say but,enjoy and thanks for the support.

Will return with chapter 9,with better length and detail.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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The meeting of Littlefoot and Nahla went far better than I thought :D I assumed the 'girl with the great attitude' would annoy Littlefoot or tease him... well, she did but Littlefoot didn't seem to mind :p Well, Littlefoot seems to be quite capable of being funny himself... Wonder if he's gonna tie or if Nahla's gonna build up more score ;)

Okay, so the Mountain 'tribe' has a leader who can talk to everyone and he's looking for someone to take his position... I wonder what 'their ways' are :p

And Littlefoot's bragbone is broken, too bad for him :lol
And Nahla... :lol Her attitude makes me laugh everytime, she does.

I really enjoyed the happy and playful atmosphere of this chapter. It didn't lack any length and detail if you ask me (nor does it look like your creativity is at a low atm) :)
Good job (and thanks for enlightening my english classes while my teacher was discussing grades in front of the door :smile Got B+
Inactive, probably forever.


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A few hundred years later and we have all grown breads,here is an update wooh

Sorry for the super shortness it just to get an update out there already

Chapter 9

"Say it"


"Say it"

Littlefoot groaned,Nahla had him pinned down "I can't! It will ruin my pride even more"

Nahla scoffed "Well then,I'll just keep you pinned down and you'll look like a weak fool who can be defeated by a girls" she chuckled teasingly.

"Fine..." Littlefoot grumbled he took a deep breath and mumbled something.

"I can't hear you" Nahla smiled "Say it loud"

"You are in charge,I will see you as leader your word is final" Littlefoot had to force those words out,call it built in male pride. Something about having some girl YOUNGER then him in charge of him seemed wrong to Littlefoot.

"Good boy" Nahla chuckled and got off him "Remember the lady is always right,from now on I shall be leader I will lead us to fufill this mission to the mountains"

"Remember,the point is to not get yourself killed before you get there"

Nahla swung around to come face to face with Teetonka "Not you again" she sighed "Don't you have anything better to do then get on my nerves?"

"Don't you have anything better to do then to make me question the upcoming generation?" Teetonka snapped back '"Honestly,kids these days want but don't give,nor do they have respect. My in MY day"

"Oh great,not the whole 'back in my day' talk" Nahla groaned.

Teetonka growled why him? Was what he did so wrong he had to deal with Nahla until the day she died herself? oRmaybe he could talk Ahote into swapping Littlefoot for Nahla...that seemed like a good idea to him.

Littlefoot who could not see Teetonka sat there not sure what to do,after all Teetonka was not his ancestor so he himself had no connection with him,though he knew enough about Nahla already to know she was most likely annoying the heck out of him.

"Is there anything you want Teetonka?' Nahla asked in an almost serious serious one could expect from her.

"No not really,I just thought I should mention,in our tribe females do not run things" he smirked,he was lying there was many many female leaders before he just wanted to annoy Nahla,he tried to not burst into laughter at her shocked face at that news "So that means by law you can not be leader,Littlefoot has to be leader"

"Thats not fair!" Nahla protested.

"Neither is it fair to the night circle that we sleep while it's out,and only wake for the day circle. Just be a good girl and do as your told,do as Littlefoot says for now and when the time is right a real leader will be thats Something about intrsusting my home,herd and future to children scares me..even more when one of those children is you" he vanished chuckling before Nahla could reply.

"Whats up?" Littlefoot asked noticed Nahla growling.

"Teetonka said you get to be in charge" the girl said bitterly.

"Awesome!" Littlefoot cheered before catching Nahla's glare "I come?"

"He said females don't run things,the guys are always the leaders-IT SUCKS" Nahla sulked "We girls are just as capable".

Littlefoot frowned for a moment "It does seem a little unfair. Girls are dinosaurs too,what makes you different then me just because I'm a guy and your not?"

Nahla glanced at him,she was not expecting him to back her up on this "I have no idea,I guess it just one of those one knows why they are that way they just...are"

Littlefoot looked to the ground "And you are okay with me being in charge?'

"Don't think I have a choice" Nahla gave a small laugh "And theres always the option of fighting you for leadership later on" she joked with a smirk.

"Would love to see you try" Littlefoot said in amusement "I'm natural born leader,thats what my Mother says"

"And my Mother says I can be a perfect behaved lady,doesn't mean it's a true fact" Nahla teased him.

Littlefoot poked his tongue out at the girl but chuckled "Nahla,we ALL know you'll never be perfectly behaved"


"Ow ow ow"

Tara looked behind her at Shorty "I told you that log wasn't strong enough for you to stand on".

"You didn't need to laugh at me though" Shorty said stopping by her side.

"Well,you ARE to big for me to pick you up and out" Tara pointed out

"Thats no reason to laugh at me"

"I know,I'm sorry" Tara giggled "But it was amusing"

"Sure it was,Tara" Shorty grumbled.

Tara giggled and nudged him "Cheer up,we all make stupid mistakes"

"You think so?" Shorty questioned.

"Yep,I would list all the ones my sister,Nahla has made but I better not"

"You don't want to talk about her behind her back?" Shorty asked.

"No,it just we'll be here for the next 5 years as I list them" Tara chuckled the male beside her quickly joining in.




Teetonka groaned "Why not?"

Ahote chuckled "Because if you can't handle Nahla,what makes you think I want to deal with her? Besides it's not like Littlefoot and Nahla can swap bloodline. Littlefoot carries my line,Nahla has yours nothing can change that"

"I know it just...she is so...annoying"

"You weren't the most perfect behaved child either,Teetonka" Ahote reminded him sharply.

"I know..." the ghostly male replied with a sigh "Still she doesn't need to be so sarcastic'

"She'll learn Teetonka,let her enjoy her youth without having you question it,besides deep inside you love her how she is" he chuckled at the last bit.

"Yep,very very VERY deep inside..."


Sorry about it being short and boring,I'm just getting back into this after hiatus


  • Petrie
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Poor Nahla,Teetonka is so mean to her xD telling her a girl can't be in charge.  I love how Littlefoot backs her up,agreeing they were equals,thats really sweet and so fits Littlefoot character as he would never think he was higher then someone else..unlike a threehorn we shall not name.

I also laughed at how Teetonka tried to get Ahote to swap Nahla for Littlefoot xD
And Teetonka,you can't hide in,somewhere inside,you love Nahla for how she is.

Great work.

And thanks for the preview of the next chapter,I won't spoil it for you other guys though,but from what I read so far it's gonna be worth the wait for it.


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Chapter 10

Littlefoot shifted uneasily,it had been a week since he first met Nahla and he hadn't really seen his other friends during that time. He knew Nahla was not keen on meeting them but...really Nahla's wishes didn't control his life..and he could be friends with all with them..couldn't he? He stood up and paced back and forth,he really should go meet with the others for a bit,but what if Ahote got mad at him for ditching Nahla?

"Problem,young one?" a voice came from behind him,Ahote looked down on him.

"I..want to go see my other friends...but Nahla doesn't want to see them for some reason,so I can't hang out with Nahla and see them at the same time..." Littlefoot explained after recovering from his surprise at Ahote's sudden appearance.

"Go see your friends,you don't need to stay by Nahla's side every second of the day besides her mother isn't letting her out today anyway"

"Why?' Littlefoot asked concerned

"Tummy sickness,when will kids learn...Nahla had one tree sweet too many and now has an ache. But it seems thats how you kids seem to learn your lessons" Ahote snorted with these days..honestly..

"Will she okay?"

"Oh she'll be fine,it just her mother just wants to keep an eye on her" Ahote reassured "Go see to your other friends,then you need to start preparing your mission,the tribe has been contacted in advance and they wait you and Nahla's arrival and the return of your families"

Littlefoot nodded his head "I still haven't told my parents though..."

"You need to Littlefoot,you promised Nahla you would" Ahote said sharply tapping the younger on the head with his tail.

"I just...I'm not sure how I'll explain it to them"

Ahote sighed "Just do what feels right,you need to tell them Littlefoot one way or another"

"I know...I will...tonight..." Littlefoot vowed,

"Good,now go have some fun" Ahote smiled nodding with his head towards the center of the valley,compared to Teetonka,Ahote was downright easygoing he knew kids needed to just have fun.

"Ok,Ahote" Littlefoot smiled and took off to look for his other friends glad Ahote would not get mad at him it. "Poor,Nahla..." he said quietly under his breath knowing she won't be feeling very well at all "Poor poor Nahla..."


Poor me

Nahla was laying on her side groaning,her idea of seeing how many treesweets she could eat in a set time turned out to be not such a good idea after all.

"I told you" Tara said for the thousandth time.

Nahla groaned at that "It seemed like a good idea at the time..."

Tara chuckled and nuzzled her sister "I am sure it was,but now you know better don't you?"

The pink girl opened one of her eyes to look at Tara "You know you don't need to keep rubbing it in" she frowned opening the other eye,she met her sister with a stare.

"Sorry" the older of the two sisters said quickly,she could see the annoyance in her sisters eyes. The eyes were another thing she and Nahla did NOT have in common,while Tara had the pale green,Nahla just had normal blue,it was hard to believe these two were related at all when it came to looks. But they were.

"It's fine" Nahla murmured "Just don't do it again,it really annoying cause you sound like some boring old grown up when you do that"

"Boring old grown ups,aye?'

Nahla jumped as her mother stood over her "Hi,mum..."

"What was that about boring old grownups?" Nani questioned looking her daughter square in the eyes.

"Oh nothing..." Nahla smiled innocently.

Nani shook her head with a small smile,what a child she had "Feeling any better?' she asked referring to Nahla's stomach "If not I can get you more of those flowers..."

Nahla shuddered at the thought of those flowers,they looked tasty but if you tried to eat them it tasted like you were eating tree bark covered in sea water,however they were highly effective in getting rid of stomach pains. Nahla gulped "I'm fine..I don't need any more of those flowers"

"Of course" Nani chuckled "Everyone seems to be magically better after eating the flowers just once"

"Yep,they are a real magical cure" Nahla smiled "Must be their taste that does it"

"Must be" Nani chuckled "As everyone doesn't need them again after having them once"

"Mum?" Nahla asked suddenly after the family went silent for a minute.

"Yes?' Nani asked softly.

"I think we need to go to the Mountains soon...Teetonka been telling me to be prepared to leave any time now" she sighed.

"Well when it's time to go...we'll go. I'm just wondering though...does Littlefoot's family know yet? Jenna hasn't really mentioned anything about it...and no doubt if both our families are in it she would want to talk about it"

"I don't think he has told them.." Nahla grumbled "If he doesn't tell them soon I'm going to slap him so hard he'll just fly all the way to the Mountains".

"Well that would be one day to do it" Nani chuckled "No I fail to see Teetonka approving of that method" she added causing Tara to laugh now.

"No..we have to go there the old fashion way" Nahla replied "Why can't longnecks fly?"

"Gravity?" Tara suggested

"I hate it when you use logic..." Nahla mumbled


Littlefoot was laying around while Cera argued with Pertie, over something that happened days ago,why Cera still hadn't let it go seemed to not only confuse Littlefoot,but all the others was trying to be the voice of reason but failing. Littlefoot would of stepped in but he was too lost in his thoughts,how should would he have to leave? And there was the fact he still hadn't told..

"Earth to Littlefoot"

Cera's voice made the longneck jump,he hadn't realized his friends were trying to speak to him "Huh?"

Cera frowned "Have you even been listening?"

"Of and Petrie were arguing over..something"

"We stopped that,we been trying to ask you if you wanted to go play in the watering hole for the past five minutes"

"Oh right...sorry..sure I'll love to" Littlefoot said standing up.

Cera frowned 'It's like you don't even care about us,I bet you'll much rather be hanging with whats-her-name"

"Her name is Nahla,not whats-her name,silly Cera how could you get that confused? They sound nothing alike!" Ducky giggled.

"Oh brother..." Cera mumbled "Ok,sorry Nahla. Bet you'll rather hang with Nahla after all she is another longneck therefore she is more important".

"Thats not true,Cera" Littlefoot snapped back "I am friends with you guys too,you mean the same to me as Nahla I don't favour her over you's"

"Then how come you spend so much time around her?!" Cera's blood was up,she hated the thought she was second rate to a longneck,not that she was but the gang had learn Cera believes what Cera wants to believe.

"Because...she is my best friend..." wrong words


"NO I'M NOT!" Littlefoot shouted before taking a deep breath "You are all my best friends it is just,Nahla IS another guys aren't. My mother calls it natural herd instinct,every creature wants to be with it's other kind,it's how we keep safe by building a trusting bond with our own kind" he glanced at them "I know,theres no real danger in the valley but instinct is still instinct".

"Yeah yeah yeah.." Cera grumbled but starting to cool down..somewhat anyway "Why doesn't the perfect princess Nahla ever come and see us though? Ain't we good enough  for her?"

"She..doesn't want to meet someone who is not a longneck.." Littlefoot said quietly "Not sure why..she ain't shy or anything..she is far from shy when you get to know her"

"Oh I get it-she is a snob. Anyone out of her social circle aka not a longneck isn't worth bothering with'

"That is not true,stop judging her when you don't even know her!" Littlefoot fond himself defending the longneck in question,he wasn't trying to cause a fight he just did not want rumours about Nahla to start..if only they got to know her.

"How can I know her when she won't even come meet me!" Cera shot back

Ducky,Petrie and Spike sat quietly,their eyes flicking from the longneck to the treehorn and back again as they spoke,none of them dared to speak up.

"Meet her then!" Littlefoot said without thinking "I'll bring her right here tomorrow to meet all of you,then you can see your judgement was wrong!"

"Fine then,bring her here. I look forward to meeting your 'best friend'"

Littlefoot snarled"Fine,we'll both be here this time tomorrow. Don't keep us waiting" he began to walk off to tell Nahla what he was planning,then he realized just WHAT he was planning "Oh..Nahla is going to kill me..." he whispered.


Next chapter might be a while as I am pretty busy and it a fairly long chapter with lots of detail and stuff going on.[


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This chapter was actually meant to be 10 times longer,but I wanted to end it on a cliff hanger so cut it down...sorry but I'm evil like that

I'll be back next time with the other 4,000 words ok? Ok :D

Chapter 11


Littlefoot was pinned down by a very angry Nahla " don't like the idea?' he chuckled softly,man this girl lost her temper quick he knew she would be a bit angry at he made plans for her without asking but this was insane.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I LIKE IT?!" the girl screamed "How could you do that?!" when Littlefoot told her he made plans for something for her to do tomorrow she was not expecting what he told her.

"Nahla..calm down..." Littlefoot wheezed as Nahla pressed him harder "Or at me so I can breath"

"I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!" Nahla screamed but let him up glared at him-how dare he do that to her?

Littlefoot instantly sucked in air "Oh my life flashed before my eyes..." he glanced over to the fuming female "Nahla,calm down" he repeated softly "It's not like I signed you up to be sacrificed to sharpteeth as part of some creepy anicent ritural" he joked.

Nahla just growled at him for that "Not funny" she snapped.

"All I want you to do is come meet my other friends" Littlefoot said patting her on the back with his tail in attempt to calm her before she really did kill him "Just for a few minutes,please Nahla...for me..."

The girl took a deep breath trying to regain control of her anger "Why do I want to be a swimmer,spike-tail,flyer and threehorn for? What on earth is the point in that?"

"To be friendly" her friend replied "Come on,Nahla you can't keep locking yourself away from the real world forever" Littlefoot sighed "And I don't want Cera to be right about you..about the horrible things she called you"

"What did she call me?!" Nahla's fury was starting to rise again.

Oops... Littlefoot gulped "Well..she said...umm..." he gulped again seeing Nahla's blue eyes alive with fury..why does he do this to himself? "She said you were a snob and anyone who is not a longneck you look down on..."

"THATS NOT TRUE! I do not look down on others that are not longnecks"

"Then show her,Nahla or she'll just spread rumours about you" Littlefoot said quietly...he just hoped Nahla wouldn't go yapping to Cera about what he told her she said about Nahla...or CERA would kill him.

Nahla glared at him "Fine I'll meet them,just to show that stupid threehorn not to make up facts about me-I'll show her"

"Oh yeah-you're not allowed to kill her" Littlefoot added with a chuckle.

"Fine" Nahla seemed to be disappointed but soon started laughing "Ok,Mr you win I'll go meet your friends but I'm not promising I'll like them"

'I'm not expecting you too,I just want you too try,thats all I ask Nahla is that you try"

"I promise..." Nahla smiled at him "But if any of them dare to mess with me I'll rip their heads off"

"Don't ever change,Nahla" Littlefoot laughed in response.


The next day Nahla was staring at Cera,an unamused look on her face.

"So..." Cera broke the silence "You're the famous were not what I was expecting to be honest"

"And just what were you expecting?" Nahla snapped causing Littlefoot to shove her in the side.

"Well,Littlefoot did say you were friendly...but in reality you are a sarcastic loudmouth" Cera said with a smirk

"WHY YOU!" Nahla shouted and got ready to charge,howver Littlefoot got in front of her.

"Nahla..calm down.." he whispered "By acting that way you're showing them you are NOT friendly,just act the way you do when you hang out with me"

Nahla took a deep breath "Fine" she grumbled and forced a smile on her face "Why,Cera do not judge me in such a manner. I am friendly but only to those friendly to me"

"Right..."Cera mumbled "Though I'm having trouble being friendly with you,first you did when you saw me was yell at me for calling you a snob"

"Well you did! Littlefoot said you did and he would NEVER lie to me"

"LITTLEFOOT! Why did you tell her that?! Now she won't stop throwing a hissy fit at me!"

"Oh I'm throwing the hissy fit?!"

"Shut up,flat head!"

"You shut up,one-horn!'

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" Littlefoot's voice shouted over both of them an angered look on his face "Both of you shut up" he repeated more quietly "You're both acting like selfish little girls-stop it you're both better then this"

"Well I'm better-not sure about her" Nahla commented nodding towards Cera

"Nahla be quiet" Littlefoot commented covering her mouth with his tail before turning to Cera "How about the both you calm down and try again? Start this whole thing over and pretend you never met before? A fresh start"

"No thanks..she'll still be the same no matter how many times we reset" Cera commented-this longneck was so annoying,who did she think she was?

"Forget this-I'M DONE" Nahla snapped pulling away "I have better things to do then agrue with the hot headed one-horn"

"Thats THREE-horn dim brain"

"Then how come you only have one horn?" Nahla sneered.

"Because the other two are still growing" the yellow threehorn defended herself "Did your mother drop you on the head so you can't figure out the most basic logic?"

"Still growing? Taking a while isn't it? ONE-HORN!"

Littlefoot sighed "Girls..." he muttered,why did girls have to be so difficult to figure out? Why did they have to argue? Girls were very strange creatures indeed,just Littlefoot's luck he was stuck in the middle of some girly fight. No matter which side he took he'll end up looking like the 'bad guy' to the other. He turned to face Nahla and Cera who were throwing insults back and forth "Least their fighting isn't physical" he commented to himself "That would end badly..." he began to walk away but stopped to talk to the girls behind him "I'm going for a walk,and when I come back I want you do have stopped fighting and being kind to each other" he stormed off.

After they knew Littlefoot was out of sight and earshot,Cera sat down next to Nahla "Why was that needed?"

"Payback for him making plans for me without my permission" Nahla commented.

"So stressing him out is how you did that?"

"Yep" Nahla chuckled,of course she didn't know Cera when Littlefoot made the plans but at her others forcing Nahla did end up meeting her later that night,turns out they had a lot in common,for one thing both were stubborn as hell. And as much as they refused to admit it,they were a pretty good match and they already thought the other as a best friend.

"At first I thought my Mother had gone insane when she said I was going to go meet with a longneck,my father agreed with me..but turns out you're pretty cool...for a flathead anyway"

Nahla chuckled again "Yeah,I really didn't want to meet you at first..nearly killed Littlefoot when he told me he was going to bring me to you today"

"Gee you're violent aren't you?"

"Somewhat" the longneck replied "But thats who I am,I am not one of those weak defenceless girls. I will stand up for myself"

"And thats how you survive,expecting others to protect gets you nowhere-thats what my father says"

"It's true tough,in this world you need to learn to protect yourself"

Cera glanced at the longneck,the one who she pretended to be a rival "You know,you're a good actor...I almost believed it myself..I was about to slap you"

"True,I got a little dramatic" Nahla admitted "But it was kinda amusing"

"Littlefoot will kill us for this later..." the threehorn commented

"No if we kill him first" Nahla joked "But seriously,thanks for agreeing to play along..I needed to get back at Littlefoot so badly"

"To him we hate each others guts"

"True...right now we have kinda a secret friendship.."

Cera thought for a moment "It will be kinda mean but we can keep pretending...see what Littlefoot tries to get us to like each other something tells me that flathead is relentless"

Nahla tilted her head and thought for a moment before smiling "You're on" she laughed,forgetting she actually had a mission and her time in the valley was would she explain to Cera the truth about her and Littlefoot? " me" she said to herself so Cera won't hear "You're meant to guide my path so guide me..what do I do?'

"You okay?" Cera asked noticing Nahla suddenly seemed to me acting quite strangely.

"I'm fine..." Nahla replied quietly "I was just thinking problems" she stood up "I'm gonna go do something,if Littlefoot comes back make something up like..I couldn't stand to see your face anymore"

"You sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine,I'm just going to go talk to my Mother for a bit..I'll meet up with you later"

"Sure thing" Cera was confused "My best friend is a lovely"

Nahla chuckled at that "Bye" she didn't give Cera a chance to say anything back before taking off.

"Something is up with her..." Cera said in thought "But I guess it's just a longneck thing..they all seem to have a screw loose"


That night Littlefoot lay around the nesting area his family used,"I've got to tell them...".

Ahote turned up before asking why he hadn't told last night like he promised,Littlefoot's response was simple but truthful "I forgot".

"Littlefoot?" Jenna walked up to him "Ok,I know something is bothering you. Tell me what it is? Is it Nahla? Do you looove her?" Jenna teased chuckling,

"Love Nahla? Ewww no,I can't be in love with Nahla" Littlefoot said in disgust.

"And why not?" Jenna asked her son rising an eye brow.

"Because she is my best friend,it'll be too weird"

"Your father was MY best friend you know?"the large female settled herself down next to her son.

"Well thats really messed up then"

Jenna shook her head "You'll feel differently one day my son,and I'm kinda glad as it is. You're too young to worry about love what is bothering you?"

Littlefoot looked to the ground "You might not believe me..."

"Try me"

The child looked up and took a deep breath "I got visited by our ancestors,we must return to the Mountains. We are one of the lost families of the ancient tribe" Littlefoot looked his mother in the eyes "And Nahla's family is the other"


Cera and Nahla friendship,yeah sush

Silly Littlefoot thinks being in love with Nahla is disgusting,silly Littlefoot indeed

And yeah if I did fool you at first with the fighting-trololo


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I'll dump this here...

*Goes to bed already*

Chapter 12

"How can this be..." Bron said in thought,he glanced over to his mate who was still in shock at Littlefoot's news.

Grandma shook her head "This can't be can't be us..." she looked over to her grandson "Littlefoot,are you sure?"

"Yes,Grandma" Littlefoot answered "Ahote told me,it's true Grandma...we are one of the lost families,I swear I am not lying". Littlefoot knew they might not take this well,but did they have to question if he was sure every 5 seconds? What did they think insane or something? Seeing and talking to dinosaurs that no one else could?

Jenna looked up to the sky "They did say it would happen...but who would of thought it would be us..." she looked down at her son "And you say Nahla's family is the second one?"

Littlefoot nodded "Yes,and she knows so does her family..thats why they were acting strange when they first got here..they knew Nahla was looking for me..she was told to find someone named Littlefoot who lived in the Great Valley as I have the same powers she does,it is to be her and me that will make the three five once again"

"It all makes sense now..." Grandma added "I was thinking how Nahla and Tara acted was a bit strange..."

"But who would of expected this?" Grandpa shook his head still not believing it.

"So what do we do?" Shorty spoke up for the first time,not that he mattered in this..he wasn't blood. He knew that,he had no connection with the Mountain longnecks..just what is going to happen to him though?

Jenna glanced over to the adopted child of the family "Easy-we go to the Mountains"

"And what about me?" Shorty asked

"You come with us,you may not be blood related but you are my son,adopted or not you are our family and family sticks together"

Bron nodded in agreement "If the Mountain longnecks don't like it,then they can forget having their five families back,we are not getting rid of Shorty because of some little mountain herd"

"It shouldn't be a problem..." Littlefoot said quietly "Ahote told me,while adopting is unheard of it's not against the law or anything...nothing bad will happen in fact Ahote told me they won't even notice Shorty is adopted,unless he runs around screaming 'I'M ADOPTED' for the rest of his life"

"Yeah..that will grab attention" Shorty snorted in amusement.

"By the way..." Littlefoot sneered,time to have some fun "Why do you hang around Tara so much?"

Shorty was shocked for a moment "Uh...she is my friend...she is the only longneck my age around here..." oh to get out of this without making a fool of himself...

"Do you looove her?" Littlefoot taunted,if his mother could tease him about Nahla,why couldn't he tease Shorty about Tara?

"Ummm..." Shorty paused. Did he love Tara? He was at that age in which dinosaurs tend to start falling in love,and Tara was beautiful with personality to match. But he did love her? Thinking she was pretty didn't mean he was in love with her-did it? And even if he did,didnt mean she loved him back "No..not really" he finally said "I'm not in love..." he glanced over at his brother "But how is your girlfriend going?" he smirked

"Who?" Littlefoot asked,though he knew who.

"Nahla" Shorty chuckled "You loooove her"

"I do not" Littlefoot protested "Being in love is for old dinosaurs"

"Oh so I'm an old dinosaur?"

Jenna chuckled "Don't worry Shorty,just wait until Littlefoot hits the teenaged years then sit back and enjoy the show,he'll be trying everything to impress the girl..just like you will soon"

"Me?!" Shorty eyes rose in shock

"Yep,soon your feelings will get the better of you,it's just a part of growing up. Just try not to embarrass yourself in front of Tara too much,no female wants to date an idiot"


Jenna chuckled "Anyway,what do we do know what?"

Littlefoot shook his head "I need to speak to Nahla again..."

"We should speak to Nani and Kai.."Bron added "After all they are part of this too,maybe they know more about whats happening through Nahla"

"We'll go meet them tomorrow,it's a bit late now" Jenna commented nodding up to the starry sky "They are most likely having their dinner and settling down for the night,it'll be rude to turn up for an expected meeting tonight"

"She's right" Grandpa agreed with his daughter "Besides we are yet to have dinner ourselves,and I don't about the rest of you-but I'm getting hungry"

"You are always hungry,dear" Grandma chuckled "But I admit,I am getting hungry myself" she nodded towards trees "Shall we then?"

Littlefoot stood up and began running towards the trees "I'll beat you all there!"

"Littlefoot!" Jenna cried "Watch out for the-" CRASH "Hole..." she added shaking her head.

"I'm okay!" Littlefoot's voice called from up ahead "But can you come and get me out of here? That would be nice"

Bron lowered his massive head into said hole and picked up his scamp of a son "There" he said placing him down "You sure you're not hurt though?"

"I'm fine,dad" was the youngsters reply "But can we pretend that never happened please?"

"Yeah good thing,Nahla wasn't here to see that" Grandma chuckled finding it her turn to tease one of the boys about their 'best friends who just happened to be girls' as they insisted they were.

"Actually,if Nahla was here she would be PUSHING me in either way" Littlefoot smiled chuckling.

"How friend like" Grandma rose her eyebrow.

"She doesn't mean to be bad" Littlefoot added quickly "It just..she is so..un serious" 'un serious' was the perfect way to describe Nahla.

Jenna chuckled and dropped some treestars in front of Littlefoot "You and her are a perfect match if I've ever seen one,and not just because of the Mountains deal,but reasons you'll both discover yourselves one day when you's are eat up my son"

Littlefoot stared at her in confusion for a moment before digging into his meal,then he was ready for a goods night sleep. Something told him tomorrow was going to be a big day.


"Ow!" Littlefoot glared at Nahla "Why you hit me?"

"My tail slipped" Nahla smiled innocently.

"Sure it did..." Littlefoot rolled his eyes but batted Nahla in the side "Sorry MY tail slipped"

Nahla poked her tongue at him and shoved him to the ground chuckling.

"You're gonna pay for that" Littlefoot said and charged,it wasn't long before the two were locked in a mock battle.

"Kids..." Shorty mumbled watching them.

"I think they are being totally adorable" Tara who was standing next to him commented.

"Well...of course..." Shorty somewhat agreed.

Tara watched the two young children keep up their play,laughing the whole time "I never seen such good friends as those two"

"I've never seen two kids so happy" Shorty admitted he turned his head to face the adults who were in deep conversation,the younger ones were told to 'let the grow ups talk' this mountain was a big deal,but Shorty was only just starting to realize HOW big a deal.


"Well..Nahla did say Teetonka would tell her when it was time to leave,and Teetonka did say it was going to be soon" Nani said.

"The question is how soon" added Kai shaking his head.

"I still can't believe this...why us?" Jenna whispered looking to the sky "Of all the longneck families on earth,it's us two"

"I would say it's an honor" said Grandpa.

"This trip sounds dangerous though..the mountains are quite far away as well..and Littlefoot and Nahla are very young for such a hard trip" Grandma was worried,she didn't want to see her grandson or his little friend get hurt over this.

Nani nodded "True that,but they will handle it. They are though little longnecks"

"And don't forget-they are pure Mountain blood" Bron added "They'll be fine..besides we'll be with them"

"And they will be guided by their ancestors...which is kinda a creepy thought that some dead guys are guiding the children..but hey" Kai chuckled


The adults turned to see Nahla looking at them,a somewhat shy smile on her face "Theres something I forgot to say.."

"What is it,Nahla?" Nani asked stepping up to her daughter and nuzzling her.

"Ummm...we are meant to leave the day after the full bright circle"

Nani jerked her head up "But thats...tonight"

"I know..."

"This is not good.." Grandpa broke the sudden silence "Not good at all..."

"Sorry..." Nahla said backing away.

"Not your fault,Nahla" her father reassured her and sighed turning to his mate " okay?"

Nani was shaking,all this was happening to fast "I'm fine,Kai" she promised "It just...I guess I am a bit's all happening already and we are barley prepared"

The other young ones joined them,Littlefoot stopped by Nahla's side in whispered in her ear before clearing his throat and looking at the adults "Me and Nahla are going to need a moment...Ahote and Teetonka want to speak to the both of us-together,I just got the message"

"Hehe,I'm gonna mess with Teetonka" Nahla chuckled

"No,you're not" Nani snapped at her daughter "You will listen to what he has to say,it's important. Last thing we need is for Teetonka to be so mad at you he zaps you with a bolt of fire and you explode"

Kai glanced at Nani "Where on earth did that come from?" he chuckled.

"No clue..." Nani admitted with a chuckle "It happens at you all know where Nahla gets it from..only Nahla's seem to be permanent"

"Great,glad to know it didn't come from MY side" Kai joked playfully glaring at Nahla.

"Love you too,Dad" Nahla scoffed

"Umm...sorry to interrupt" Littlefoot spoke up shyly "But,Nahla...we really need to go see them or they really will be mad at us"


"Tell us everything they tell you" Grandma said firmly to them.

"We will" Littlefoot promised "Come on Nahla they are waiting" he began to lead her off to a private spot in the valley,things like this were too weird to do in the open public last thing they need is to be known as the valley physcos.


"Alright..." Teetonka said glancing down at the two children "Littlefoot,I know normally you would not be able to talk to me same with Nahla and Ahote..normally this would not even be allowed but this is highly important,it's a matter of life and death"

"Life and death?" Nahla asked "Isn't that a bit dramatic?"

"Ok,maybe not life and death..." Teetonka sighed in annoyance-why did Nahla have to point out everything he said? "But highly serious,this HAS to work. There is no room for failure"

"We won't fail" Littlefoot spoke up "Not without a fight"

"Or we die before we even get there..thats always a possibility" Nahla joked with a large grin.

Ahote glared at her "Well,Teetonka now I get why you wanted to trade her"

"Trade me?!"

"Yes,you're an annoying little brat we told you this was serious yet you just keep joking around" Ahote stared down at her.

"That...that actually hurt my feelings..." tears had filled Nahla's eyes..she wasn't joking...she was offended.

"Umm...I'm not good at this cheering up stuff.." Teetonka mumbled.

Littlefoot sighed and edged closer to Nahla and placed his neck around hers,trying to comfort her "It's okay,Nahla you're amazing,you're not a brat..just...stop joking around for a while,ok?"

"Ok" the girl smiled in response.

"Great now kiss her" Ahote sneered with a short laugh.

"EW!" Littlefoot cried "I don't want to kiss her! I'm not even in love with her and never will be!"

"Why whats wrong with me?" Nahla whimpered.



" you want me to be in love with you?" Littlefoot frowned

"No thats gross" the girl snortred in disgust.

"But you said...wait now I'm confused" Littlefoot tilted his head,Nahla was upset he would never love her...yet she didn't want him to love her because it was gross-what on earth did she expect him to do?!

Nahla giggled,oh how she adored Littlefoot,but she just could never picture herself being in love with him,they were best friends and best fiends are not meant to fall in love,it just messes everything up and makes things awkward.

"Lets wait until you two are teenagers shall we?" Ahote teased them "Then see if you still feel the same about each other,but I just know in time your feelings will grow,but for now just be children don't worry about love for now"

"This is no time to worry about love anyway" Teetonka reminded them trying to get back to the topic on hand.

"Right...right" Nahla grumbled "Teetonka,always work,never play"

Luckily for her,only Littlefoot heard that comment due to being right next to her "Nahla..." he mumbled nudging her.

"What?" she complained before catching the look off Teetonka's face-not amused "Oh...right..'serious'"

" both shall leave tomorrow morning,when the bright circle rises into the sky but before the sky turns blue"

"You could of just said you wanted us to leave at dawn...we are not that stupid" Nahla said

"Could of fooled me" Teetonka grumbled to quietly for Nahla to hear,which no doubt would of resulted in a smart remark back.

"How long is the trip there?" asked would be helpful to know.

"Oh only...a weeks walk" Ahote smiled.

"A WEEK!?" Nahla screamed "I just got here after migrating around for seven years and now you want me to travel again? Can't I just relax?"

"You can relax all you want when you get to the mountains and everyone is reunited" Ahote offered with a smile.

"Yay..." was the flat response.

"There will be danger" Teetonka said with a smug smile "Think you can handle it?"

"Hah!" Nahla scoffed "Danger? I walk on the wild side,I laugh at the face of danger! Ha ha ha!"

"Lets see how much you laugh when you're cornered by a pack of hungry fastbiters shall we?"

"I'll defeat them all with one whack of my mighty tail" Nahla stood up and did what Littlefoot knew as 'the lone dinosaur move' however unlike Littlefoot,she doesn't hit herself.

Littlefoot come Nahla can do it perfectly? Thats just not fair... "How do you do that? I've been trying to learn that move for years!"

"Easy-natural talent" Nahla grinned "Well that and the fact girls are born warriors unlike boys who just act though to impress the girl"

"Girls? Born warriors?" Ahote laughed "Oh thats too funny,too funny"

Littlefoot was laughing just as hard "Yeah! Too funny!"

"Grrr..if I was bigger..." Nahla growled under her breath.

Teetonka looked up at the sky "Kill me..." he muttered "Wait...I am already dead...nevermind..." he glanced at Ahote "Would you stop acting like one of the children?"

Ahote stopped laughing for a moment "But what Nahla said-girls being born warriors-HA!" and the laughing started again.

Teetonka growled and bought his tail down with a heavy whack,making his three companions jump "SILENCE! STOP THIS FOOLING AROUND!"

Nahla looked up,she covered her ears "No need to shout,we are right in front of you"

"Ah..Teetonka.." Ahote began

"NOT NOW,CAN'T YOU SEE I'M YELLING?" Teetonka shouted back at him before glaring at Nahla "WHAT HAS BECOME OF MY LINE? THIS..THIS...THIS!" he pointed to Nahla.

"Teetonka..stop yelling or someone is going to come over here and see these two children talking to rocks" Ahote reminded him,which was true because where Littlefoot and Nahla would see Ahote and Teetonka,anyone else would see two large grey rocks "'re scaring them..." he added more quietly.

Teetonka glanced at Littlefoot and Nahla who were looking quite terrified indeed,they knew enough to know a raging adult longneck is one thing you do not want to be around.

"Sorry..." the large ghostly male replied "Even in death,my temper hasn't change"

Ahote nodded "Just..try and keep it under control,ok? Last thing we need is to scare Littlefoot and Nahla so bad they have a breakdown"

"Right..." Teetonka looked at the two children "I'm sorry kids..please tell me you're not going to have a heart attack from fear..that won't go down well with anyone"

"No..we good" Littlefoot answered for the both of them,before Nahla had a chance at a sarcastic reply.

"Good,now listen and listen closely we about to tell you some very important details..."

"We are all ears" Nahla nodded.

"Good,now first things first..."


Later that afternoon,Nahla was sitting with Cera,she debated wherever to tell the threehorn or not..she should...or maybe Littlefoot had told her already? But if he did,why wasn't she saying anything?

"You'e hiding something from me"

Nahla nearly jumped when the threehorn spoke 'What do you mean?"

"I can see it on your're hiding something" Cera stared her in the eyes "What is it? You and Littlefoot dating or something?"

"Why does everyone think I love that doofus?" Nahla complained "No,but it does have to do with me and Littlefoot..just not in the lovey dovey kissy wissy way"

"Then whats up?"

"You won't believe me if I told you the truth.." Nahla said quietly.

"Try me" challenged the hotheaded Cera with a smirk.

"Ok..." Nahla took a deep breath and explained everything from beginning to end,she told Cera the legend,and how she found out she was 'the one' and how Littlefoot was..well 'the other one',how they had to return to the mountains,how they could contact and their ancestors...she told Cera everything.

Cera stared at her like Nahla grew another head and that new head burst into flames,she chuckled for a moment before outright laughing.

"Cue her calling me crazy..." Nahla whispered under her breath

"You're crazy!"

"Yep,so called " the longneck whispered again before raising her head "Cera..I am not crazy,it's true"

"As if!" Cera was rolling on the ground with laughter "I'm sure your dead 'ancestors' can talk to you"

"It's true,Cera you need to stop only believing what you see with your eyes..but also see and believe things with your heart"

Cera rose an eyebrow "What on earth is up with you today? You used to be cool the coolest kid around..well you know after me of course"

"And I still am" Nahla snapped.

"Well right now you're not,you keep going on about ancestors and's weird"

"And it's true"

"And you're leaving tomorrow?"

"Yep..." Nahla sighed

"For how long?" Cera wondered

"Most likely...we'll live there...forever..."

Cera groaned,if all this nonsense was true,she was about to lose her..much as she didn't want to admit it best friend "So..I'll never see you again after today..."

"No..we will meet again" Nahla promised "One way or another,I may be sarcastic but I don't give up on my friends..even though I only have two of and Littlefoot...thats besides the point".

"Nahla!" Tara's voice called in the distance "Mum wants you"

''I gotta go..." she smiled at Cera "Goodbye..I mean it we will meet again..someday..."

"Bye...oh and Nahla?"


Cera sighed "Don't tell anyone I said this are my best friend..and I will miss you..."

"I'll miss you too,Cera but we will meet up again someday" she sighed "Don't forget to see Littlefoot though,he'll be pretty upset if he doesn't get to see you or..what ever their names are before he leaves"

"I will,I'll miss that flathead too..whatever the reason you're leaving for is...what you told me still seems really crazy..but I trust you...just this once"

"Bye, this ain't goodbye..more like..I'll see you later" Nahla smiled and took off,Cera heard her calling"Coming,Tara!"

"Well..." Cera said no one "This really sucks..."


"I'll miss them..." Littlefoot whispered.

Night had fallen and both longneck families were spending the night together so they can get an early start in the morning,Littlefoot had said goodbye to Cera,Ducky,Petrie and Spike. He noticed Cera didn't seemed to shock when he told them,Ducky however was in tears.


Littlefoot shook his head "Thanks,Nahla that made me feel so much better" he commented before he actually looked at her,Nahla was asleep,she didn't even bat an eye when he nudged her all he got from that was a.

"Not now Mum wake me year"

Littlefoot could not help but smile-why did Nahla have to look so awkwardly adorable when she was asleep,she used her tail like a blanket and kept moving her mouth like she was chewing. Littlefoot chuckled knowing he could tell her what she does in her sleep,but she'll just deny it.

"Go to sleep too,Littlefoot" Jenna whispered lowering her head over him "We gotta get up early tomorrow,then we got a very long trip ahead of us"

"Yes,Mother.." he lowered his head to the ground and yawned,he let sleep over take him and it did not take long before he was out for the night.

"Goodnight,my son..tomorrow your adventure begins"


I left out the 'very important details' Littlefoot and Nahla get told because..they are complete spoilers for later.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter,see you next time,it's time to start the adventure...finally man..


  • Petrie
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Oooh,Nahla wrote a long one :D.

Ok,it's awesome.

Cera admitted Nahla was her best friend? Someone get a camera!

I liked how everyone teases Littlefoot and Nahla about love,is that going to be running joke or something? xD I love it,it's me. And how they both protest saying it would be gross..hehe

Also Teetonka...

"NOT NOW,CAN'T YOU SEE I'M YELLING?" Teetonka shouted back at him

Yes,Teetonka..yes we can.

I also love this line from Nani

"No,you're not" Nani snapped at her daughter "You will listen to what he has to say,it's important. Last thing we need is for Teetonka to be so mad at you he zaps you with a bolt of fire and you explode"

Silly,Nani xD but yes that would be bad.

"Hah!" Nahla scoffed "Danger? I walk on the wild side,I laugh at the face of danger! Ha ha ha!"

Nahla you are not Simba xD also I love Teetonka's reply to that

"Lets see how much you laugh when you're cornered by a pack of hungry fastbiters shall we?"

Oh I almost forgot. I LOVE this part.

"Ok" the girl smiled in response.

"Great now kiss her" Ahote sneered with a short laugh.

"EW!" Littlefoot cried "I don't want to kiss her! I'm not even in love with her and never will be!"

"Why whats wrong with me?" Nahla whimpered.



" you want me to be in love with you?" Littlefoot frowned

"No thats gross" the girl snortred in disgust.

"But you said...wait now I'm confused" Littlefoot tilted his head,Nahla was upset he would never love her...yet she didn't want him to love her because it was gross-what on earth did she expect him to do?!


Great chapter,I found it funny..then again I'm easily amused.

Look forward to the next chapter.


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Haha, nice! First Nahla defeats Littlefoot, becoming the leader, and then Teetonka takes away her just earned right :D
Aww, so much for female rights... Littlefoot, at least, is in favor of them :)

Shorty and Tara seem to have fun :)

So Teetonka hasn't been that well behaved either :D

A somewhat random chapter but I don't mind as long as these don't take over :yes


Ahote is more easygoing than Teetonka. Wonder how the talk to his folks will go for Littlefoot, given he does dare to :p

Oh, Nahla had to :D Some medicine indeed appears to heal people with its bad taste :p

Aww, Cera acts so in-character here :smile Her meeting with Nahla will be interesting :D


What a nice intro... :DD "I'm going to kill you..."
Nahla sure has a bad temper...

And there you go! :lol Did I get that right? Cera and Nahla met prior to Littlefoot wanting them to? :D Girls can be so mean... :smile
Nice argument though ^^

Love is the best thing in the world, Littlefoot :p Though loving a girl like Nahla is a different story ...
Now it's out! Wonder how Littlefoot's parents are gonna react.


Aww, family life :D There's luv in da air!

Nahla and Littlefoot lol. They're so childish :D Tara is right though.

Uhh, I hate to say it but it's starting to get a little too random and - how did Littlefoot put it? - unserious. Sorry, only being honest :angel

Poor Nahla, she just met Cera and has to move away.

Littlefoot, you're contradicting yourself :p

Overall, you should proofread this again since I've seen quite a few typos and try not toget carried away when writing... you're too random at some scenes.
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Thank you for the review,I know it gets a bit random but those scenes are just fillers for now,when the story actually gets going those will be no more,however Nahla will always be Nahla....her sarcasm ain't going anywhere xD. Random scene=filler between important events since there is currently not many of them as the story is really only just kicking into gear..took me 12 chapters to start the reason people are reading this...sigh,however those were the last few chapters that would have them.

Well there is a bit of a random part,as you might of seen in the preview I showed you in the next chapter but you'll have to read the whole thing and then it's not so random.

I do use spellcheck on but sometimes it does not pick up  a lot of stuff,so a lot of typos go through to being's annoying.

Thanks,Ducky. Your reviews are way more helpful then the infamous Vondon on who tells everyone the same thing even when their fic sucks.


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^Ah, okay then :) You're welcome :smile I, as a writer myself, always need and appreciate feedback so I'm giving feedback. Other writers need and appreciate it as well ^^
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Chapter 13

An old longneck stood on the edge of a ledge,watching the bright circle rise,he sighed and turned to the clearing behind him,it was quite large and had six scattered caves large enough to house a herd of longnecks-which was their purpose. One was reserved for the 'leader' and his or her mate and three housed families who were beginning to stir from their sleep,he shook his head seeing two empty...two that had been empty for hundreds of years..but soon,the male hoped they will be filled once again. For today was the day the lost families started their journey of return,he just hoped they will get use to their ways,much different then they are else where. He turned his massive head again to the bright circle that had risen higher,the first signs of day were starting to show. He turned and walked back to the other longnecks "Dawn has come" he commented when he reached them "Our lost families will soon be on their way"

"I just hope they are not some spoiled brat kids,cause round here everyone works for their keep" a small longneck child spoke up,she really was a little thing even for her age,the mud brown child never let that bother her though,she was a little warrior at heart.

"Now now,Ciqala" the male's rusty voice answered "Lets give them a chance,we'll let them relax for a few days after they arrive then we can assign their roles in the tribe as it has always been,everyone plays a part in the tribes survival".

Ciqala tilted her head "What roles will they get?" her squeaky child voice asked.

"We'll decide that when they arrive,see what they fit,no use deciding them now and giving a shy longneck a guarding job...we have had enough trouble with other herds trying to take our lands already".

The mountain longnecks murmured in agreement,though it rarely results in death,they had many a battle in order to keep their lands to themselves,they did not want to share it with a new strange herd,it was just not their way. It was their land and always will be,they'll all rather be wiped out before they leave the land of their ancestors. Some might call this strange or even snobbish behaviour,but they did not just understand the way the tribe works,everyone plays a part unlike a regular herd in which one leader controls it.

"I hope you will all make them feel welcome when they return,put the events of what happened all that time ago behind us,don't hold it against them" he stared at them "Do I have your word on that? They are one of us,even though the have drifted off they were always one of us,they will not be treated as outcasts"

"Yes,old wise one" a young adult female said bowing her head in respect "We shall make them truly welcome back to their native land" she was followed by others agreeing.

"I thank you,friends" the male turned his head to face the sky again "Now we just pray and wish them they arrive safe and sound"


"How much longer? Just we just get to the Mountains already"

"Nahla,we only been walking for a few hours,and it's a week long trip"

"In that case...just kill me now..." Nahla complained.

Littlefoot chuckled "Come on,Nahla it ain't going to be that bad..I'm here with you"

"I know thats what scares me-you're here with me,I have this feeling that we'll get separated from everyone else,and you'll take the lead and we either have to cross some canyon or get chased by sharpteeth" Nahla mumbled "I don't trust you with my life".

"Can't you ever look on the brightside of things?" Littlefoot asked with a smile

Nahla glanced at him "I do,I just don't see a brightside to this"

"Whats wrong with this? We on a great adventure through the Mysterious Beyond and I'm by your side" Littlefoot smiled at Nahla "What else could you be doing that's better then this right now?"

Nahla tilted her head "Well lets see...I could be sleeping in the Great Valley and I could have a nice pile of treewseets by my side"

"That was a rational question you were not meant to answer" Littlefoot laughed "But true,you could be doing that..though I'm a sad you prefer treesweets over my company..."

Nahla nudged him gently "Oh,Littlefoot I love your company it just some treesweets would be really good right now..even better if they were nice and cold because it's really hot right now".

Littlefoot nodded in agreement "Yeah I wish we could cool off in some water" he looked up the sky and the bright circle belted down on them bringing intense heat.

"Lets ask the grown ups if we can stop" Nahla suggested looking around "I remember this place from when my family and I traveled to the Great Valley in the first place..theres an oasis up ahead,it has food,water and provides shelter"

"You had me at 'food'" Littlefoot joked "No,seriously..I'm hungry" he licked his lips "And thirsty"

"Me too" the girl agreed picking up her pace to catch up to her mother "Muuuuuuuuuum"

Nani turned her head to her daughter "Yes,dear?"

"You know that oasis? The one we stopped at last time we came through here..can we stop there for a break before I melt into the ground from this heat?" the young pink girl asked attempting to shield her eyes with her tail as she said it.

Nani smiled at here "Thats what we were planning to do,we'll stop there for a while and wait out the peak of the days heat before setting out again,we 'old grownups' can chat about 'old grownup things' and you children can play in the shade"

"Great,now I just have to survive the rest of the way there...I'm already starting to melt"

"You'll live" Nani replied nudging the young girl forward to keep her in sight in front of her and in sight.

Nahla sighed in annoyance and slowly walked forward,she thought of the cool water and tasty food waiting up ahead and increased her pace,not noticing she passed Tara and Shorty until her sister spoke.

"Gee,why the rush all of sudden?"

Nahla was startled and skidded to a stop,she turned her head "Oh,Hi Tara" she greeted "Hi,Shorty"

"Hey,kid" Shorty said "Wheres,Littlefoot? You two are normally together"

Nahla shrugged "I don't know,might be with his parents or grandparents whatever didn't really pay attention to where he went.

"So,whats the rush?" Tara asked again "You seem suddenly eager to get going for some reason"

"Duh-if I'm the first one at the oasis,I get the best part of the shade before someone else gets it" Nahla smirked and began running ahead again.

Tara chuckled "Oh,sometimes I wonder how I'm related to her" she joked.

"She has personality" Shorty commented "Nothing wrong with that"

"True" Tara nudged Shorty with her head "Come on,I want to get to that shade too"


"Much better"

The small herd had arrived at the oasis and it didn't take long for Nahla to claim the shadiest spot with the softest ground for herself,the waterhole was nearby and she had a pile of treestars by her side,with her eyes closed she was completely relaxed.

Littlefoot who was laying in the corner Nahla forced into shook his head "Glad to know you're so relaxed,after all you are the most important one here"

"I know,I really am" Nahla sighed happily stretching her body "If if wasn't for me-where would you be"

"At home..with my sainty still existing" Littlefoot mumbled under his breath and chuckled "Well when you're done acting like Queen of the Longnecks,we can do something exciting"

Nahla opened her eyes and rose her head to look at Littlefoot "Hmm I like the idea of 'Queen of the Longnecks' I might do that forever..."

"If you're the Queen then what does that make me?" Littlefoot frowned

"I don't know...the Jester or something" Nahla said lowering her head again.

"The jester?" Littlefoot asked still frowning "Thats so my biggest goal in life,you're too kind Nahla..too kind'

"I know...I am just the kindest soul ever"

Littlefoot shook his head chuckling,oh Nahla..she never changed "Anyway how about we go explore? I saw this neat looking cave..unless you're too scared..." Littlefoot smirked.

That caught Nahla's attention "Scared? No way! Theres not a cave in the world that will scare me,they ain't even alive so why should I be scared?"

"Well,it did look kinda dark..."

"I ain't scared of the dark!" Nahla snapped "I can go into this cave perfectly fine..with or without someone by my side"

"Then lets go,we'll take a quick look and then come back,no one will even notice we are gone they haven't even looked over here" Littlefoot said standing up "Lets go and explore"

Nahla leaped to her feet '"I bet you'll get scared" she chuckled and began to run off.

"Nahla!" Littlefoot called running after her,quickly catching up he cut in front of her "Stop"


"The cave is the other way..."

Nahla looked behind her,in the distance she saw a cave built into a wall of rock "I knew that,I was just testing you..yeah thats it"

"Sure,Nahla..sure" Littlefoot chuckled and began to walk the right way "Come on"

Nahla snorted and walked off head held high trying to act like she never made that stupid mistake.

Littlefoot laughed to himself and followed her,quickly glancing at everyone else "We'll be back in no time,they won't even notice we were gone"


The six adults were relaxing in the shade unaware that Littlefoot and Nahla had wandered off. Shorty and Tara were down in the water using the chance to cool off and have some fun.

"So hot..." Nani complained "It doesn't seem fair to be bringing young children out in this intense heat"

"They are the ones who are brining US adults really" Jenna chuckled "But you're right"

"They will be fine" Bron smiled at the females "I think it'll take more then some heat to bring those two down..don't you agree Mama and Papa Longneck?"

Grandma smiled "Well I don't know Nahla very well,but I know that when Littlefoot has a goal in mind theres no stopping him no matter the weather,rain or shine. Boiling hot or freezing cold"

Grandpa nodded in agreement "Kids these days,theres no stopping them when they have their minds on something"

Kai just chuckled but didn't speak instead glanced over to his older daughter and Shorty "Theres no denying those two are getting very close"

"Shorty and Tara?" Jenna asked glancing over as Kai nodded "Yeah,they really are bonding"

"We could ask them if they love the other..but they'll just deny it" Bron rolled his eyes "Kids always deny it"

"Well what youngster will willingly admit they are in love for the first time?" Grandma smiled "Why,Bron...I remember back when you and Jenna starting dat-"

"Anyway" Bron interrupted rather not have to be reminded about how he made a fool of himself 'I think we should start getting ready to move again soon"

"Do we really have to?" Jenna chuckled "Hey..anyone else notice it's quiet?"

" is quiet..." Nani agreed before realization hit here "No,it's TOO quiet" she looked over to where Littlefoot and Nahla were met to be 'Wheres Littlefoot and Nahla?..."

Kai stood up "You mean they ain't around here?"

"Not that I can see" Nani looked around panic in her voice "Oh..where are they?"

"Don't worry..we'll find them" Kai nuzzled her to calm her down "Tara! Shorty! Get over here"

The two teenaged longnecks turned their heads and wandered over confused looks on their faces,their confusion increased even more so when they saw the worry on the adults faces.

"Dad?" Tara asked almost timidly "Whats wrong?"

Jenna was the one to answer instead "Have you seen Littlefoot and Nahla?"

"No...we weren't watching them" Shorty admitted "Why?"

Jenna took a deep breath "They're missing"


"I told you we should of went right,but nooo you took us left and now we are lost"

Littlefoot sighed,both he and Nahla quickly discovered the many tunnels the cave had to offer,there was no discussing it-they just HAD to explore them. However it was only just now they realized they had no idea where they were..and the horrifying fact they were indeed lost. "Don't worry,Nahla we'll get out of here"

'I'm not worried" Nahla lied "It just..." she sighed "Ok,I'm worried..what if we are lost forever? What if we never see the sky again? What if die in here?"

"Relax,we'll figure it out,I promise" Littlefoot smiled at the younger girl "Don't worry,I'll make sure nothing happens to you,after all it was my idea to come here in the first place and as the oldest it's my job to protect you"

Nahla scoffed but knew he was right,he WAS older therefore he would be stronger and wiser then her..true she was only a year younger but Littlefoot seemed a better choice to take charge here,as much as he hated to admit it,this would leave a big dent in her pride.

Littlefoot gave her a small smile and took the lead "Just stay behind me,ok? We'll be out of here in no time"

Nahla nodded and stayed close behind him,she wouldn't know where to go anyway,she was glad there were crystals on the cave roof giving light,otherwise they would be stumbling around in the dark. No doubt their parents had noticed by now,they had been wandering around here for what felt like days,but in reality was hours. Her mother would be freaking out.

Littlefoot had to try and remain calm,but he knew they were in trouble-his mother was going to kill him when they got out of here..if they got out of here. He could sense Nahla's panic and knew she was scared but he would not point it out,there was no point in doing so as it would only damage her pride and confidence. He noticed the path was getting wider and things were getting bright,he gasped seeing an opening "Hey,Nahla-look!"

Nahla rose her head "The way out!" she cheered and ran forward "Freedom! We're fee now all we have to do is..." she skidded to a stop when she got out and got a good look around "Umm...Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot walked up next to her and looked around "I hate to say this..but" they were far from the oasis by now,they had no clue the cave lead out to a completely different area.

The two children glanced at each other and said in unison "We went the wrong way"




Shorty and Tara ran trying to find their siblings,the adults were in a panic fearing the worse. Nani was sure sharpteeth or fastbiters got them,she still refused to calm down when Kai reminded her if predators took Littlefoot and Nahla they would of noticed,no predator could take two children without a noise being made.

"Oh,Shorty what if we never find them?" Tara's worried voice asked as the two stopped to scan the area.

"We'll find them they just wandered off and got a little lost" Shorty tried to calm her "They couldn't of vanished into thin air"

"Why didn't they just stay where they were told?"

Shorty shrugged "Who knows what they were thinking,but we'll worry about that later lets just focus on finding them they get hurt or worse"

"If they aren't already..if only we could contact these ancestors..and ask them to help us find them or ask where they are"

"Maybe they are with them? They could be in a hidden spot talking or something" Shorty suggested hopefully.

"I hope you're right" Tara sighed "But lets keep looking anyway,better safe then sorry as they really could be lost"

"Right,we'll find them Tara don't worry"


"We are so lost" Nahla dramaticly dropped to the floor "This sucks,we'll never get there".

Littlefoot looked backed "Nahla,we been walking..five seconds...we just finished a break 10 seconds ago".

Nahla groaned "I don't care and this ground is not good for my feet,you should carry me"

"Carry you?" Littlefoot stared at her "How on earth am I meant to carry you? You're a longneck" "

So are you" Nahla snapped back. "

Do you have any idea how heavy a longneck can be? You'll crush me with your weight" Littlefoot joked but Nahla took it the wrong way.


"Noo..." Littlefoot said "No your weight is fine".

Nahla frowned "Then why did you talk about my weight crushing you?" "

Because longnecks are the heaviest creatures in the world and you're a longneck?" Littlefoot suggested with a smile.

"Grr...I'll kill you".

Littlefoot gulped ok ok...think Littlefoot think..what do girls like? Do they like being told they are pretty?I hope so... " look really beautiful today"


"No,Nahla didn't let me look really beautiful today,buts thats nothing new as you look really beautiful everyday"

"Flattery gets you nowhere,but nice try" Nahla smirked,her and Littlefoot had been lost for hours upon hours,they had now found a path which they remembered lead to the oasis,however they were both exhausted so they lost time while they took a break,and even that wasn't enough for Nahla. Nahla was exhausted and Littlefoot was frustrated.

"Anyway,lets get going on-the sooner we get there the sooner we can relax again. The grownups will be fretting with worry by now"

"You said we'll be back before they noticed" Nahla pointed out.

"Well I was not expecting to get lost,I had no idea just how deep that cave was" Littlefoot snapped back "So it isn't my fault"


Littlefoot sighed in annoyance,Nahla was really testing his patience and temper right now "Nahla,we need to work together,so get up and lets go or-what would Teetonka think?"

"Teetonka would think I'm being a lazy brat" Nahla answered standing up "I'll show him though"

"Great lets go then" Littlefoot nodded with his head and lead them on blocking out Nahla's whining about her sore feet instead focusing on trying to lead them back "Ahote..if you are listening some help would be nice" he whispered under his breath. He looked behind him to check on Nahla "She is worn out..." he whispered and then looked up at sky that was beginning to turn orange "And it's getting late-oh why didn't we just stay the oasis" if he could Littlefoot would go back in time and he and Nahla just would of stayed in the shade "Why do I have to be so curious?..."


"Any sign?"

"No,not a thing"

Grandma and Grandpa had met up again after splitting up trying to find the children,however none of them found nothing.

"Dear,I'm so worried..what if they are hurt?" Grandma looked behind her and frowned seeing her daughter walked up to them she already knew by the look on Jenna's face that Littlefoot and Nahla still haven't been found.

"I'm sure they are fine" Grandpa tried to hide his own try-how could two children just..vanish?

"Nani is a wreck" Jenna said softly as she reached them "She is a complete wreck,she thinks she'll never see Nahla again,though can't say I blame her,I'm highly worried about Littlefoot myself..."

"We will find them" Grandpa repeated what everyone was trying to tell themselves "No matter how long it takes,we will find them"

"I heard Shorty and Tara blaming themselves,saying they should of been watching them" Jenna commented "Tara is pretty upset,she thinks she failed her little sister,Bron and Kai haven't return yet though so maybe they found something"

"I doubt it" Grandma admitted sadly she looked up at the sky "The bright circle has begun to set,they most likely found a resting place for the night,we'll have to try again tomorrow"

"I just hope they are ok..where ever they are"


"You warm enough,Nahla?"

"Mhmm,but I'm hungry"

The two children were huddled up in a small hallow cave,it wasn't really a cave at all. More like just a gap in the mountain wall,but it provided them shelter and safety for the night at least,they knew better then to go wandering around here without adult protection at night.

"I'm hungry too,Nahla" Littlefoot answered with a sigh "But theres no food around here"

"We shouldn't of ever wandered off.." Nahla was scared,never in her life has she spent the night without her mother by her side.

"We'll be ok,I promise I won't let anything hurt us,we'll just sleep here tonight and find our parents in the morning" he placed his neck over her body and sighed,this was all his fault,if he wasn't so adventurous they would both be safely with their herd right now.

" hear something?" Nahla's voice broke a silence. She rose her head and looked out of their little cave "I hear someone coming...ooh what if it's a sharptooth?"

Littlefoot jerked his head up and slowly stood up "I don't think it's a sharptooth...I'll go look"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Yep,I am" Littlefoot joked before realizing this wasn't the time "I'll just go see what it is-just a quick peek" he ducked out of their hiding spot and into the open. He stared into the distance where the sound of heavy footsteps was coming from,hope filled him when he realized it was a longneck "Hey,Nahla I think someone has found us-it's a longneck"

Nahla quickly appeared by his side,however her excitement soon vanished "Thats no one we know.."

"You're right..." Littlefoot frowned,the longneck was an adult male,but not one they knew,he was greyish colour and as he got closer the children noticed a scar down the side of his face,he turned his head and noticed the two youngsters without a word he began to walk towards them.

"Oh no..." Nahla whispered,it was too late to run or hide the longneck knew they were there.

The male adult stopped in front of them "What you youngin's doing out here?"

"We are..kinda lost..." Littlefoot replied a bit worried but no where near as much as Nahla who seemed completely terrified.

"And what are your names?"

"I'm Littlefoot" he replied "And thats my best friend Nahla"

"No kidding? I saw your family a bit back,they looking for you two"

"Can you tell us which way to go to them?" Nahla asked.

"I'll take you too them,might as well looks like you youngsters have been through enough today" he adult turned around "Follow me"

Littlefoot and Nahla glanced at each other and slowly began to follow,Nahla seemed to glue herself to Littlefoot not sure what to think of this stranger. Littlefoot on the other hand was studying him,he looked like a dinosaur from a story he heard...

"Umm,sir?" Littlefoot asked "Whats your name?"

The adult stopped and turned his head to face the child that spoke "The names Doc"


Don't really like this chapter myself...meh but everything here is important for later...sigh


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It ain't that bad :p At least there was some action... sorta :D Oh and Doc, that's very interesting. Wonder how he's going to be involved into the story...

Nahla is lazy :lol
Inactive, probably forever.