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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90639


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"Really?" Axel blinked at the others, then reached over and squeezed Marita's hand. "Thanks... thanks all of you. Sure, we... we can pay for any rent. No problem." He sighed, relief flitting across his face, then grinned at Soren and Anne. "And I can... well, ah... maybe it's better for everyone if I don't cook. But Lily can make the best lasagna ever. It's insane. Actually, ah, maybe I should call her..."

Leaning back in his chair, Axel pulled out his cell phone and scrolled up until Lily's name and a picture of her face flashed up on the small screen. He hit call and held the phone up to his ear. The dialing done droned, and then after a second there was a click as the phone was answered. "Hey, honey, it's all okay. You don't need to see, uh... you know. Them."

A pause. "That's great baby. Where's the address again?"

"I..." Axel paused. The voice was female, and it certainly sounded like Lily. Almost... but the pitch was just a little off, the pattern of speech a little too fast. Axel blanched. "Uh, wrong number madame!" he announced in an unconvincing Indian accent. "Very sorry! Goodbye!" He hurriedly slammed his finger down on the end call button, then tossed the phone across the table, USB sticks scattering in its wake. "Crap! Holy crap! Ah..." Axel blinked. "I don't think we should try calling Lily again..." Whoever it was who answered, it wasn't Lily - it must've been a member of the police force, trying to determine where he was. Do they have Lily already? Or did they just pick her phone up from our house? As much as he tried to remember, he couldn't recall if Lily had taken her cell with her when they'd left.

He knuckled his temple and groaned. "Goddamn it..."


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Marita Went over to  the desk where she worked, opened a small drawer and pulled out something that looked like a small USB Stick " A little something I invented for phones so i can be comfortable making secure calls . Can tell if the caller is genuine or if its someone like a cop . if its a real caller, its turns green, ifs its an impostor, it turns red. It can also tell if your phone is bugged.' She added ' she went over and Picked up Axels phone, She slid the device into the phones  charging outlet, and waited a few seconds, for a couple seconds the device was green, then it started changing color, before turning a bright shade of red. ' Yes Axel, that caller was a cop. They likely have most of your stuff' she said to him."where did you leave Lily? We need to go find her and bring her back here before she runs into trouble. Well, any more trouble that Is " she said taking the device out. "we'll have to buy you guys a whole new wardrobe. new phones, ids, the works.."
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Anne looked out the window. It was fairly dark already and she could see the distant lights of the towers of Corona's Business District. "It's getting dark," she said. "Lily could be anywhere in Corona."

Soren sat down. "We need to find her." He rubbed his forehead with his hand. "But that won't be easy."

"No shit." Anne took a bite of her own lentil and oat burger. If we don't narrow it down, we could spend days or even weeks, looking for her."

The Human took a bite of his catfish burger. It was dry and nearly flavorless but a liberal application of ketchup and seaweed flakes helped somewhat. "Which is why we need to narrow our area down," he said with a mouthful of food.

Anne turned to Axel. "Do you have a vague direction of where Lily went?" She then turned to Soren. "Bring up the interactive map of Corona on your laptop."

Soren booted up his laptop and did so. "Okay, now what?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily woke up shivering. From what she could tell, it was still night time, and she was still laying on the park bench. She cast her hand through the darkness, hoping to extract a sweater or coat from her suitcase, and couldn't find it. Somebody had made off with it in the night. She groaned and sat up. The nap had been far too short, but it revitalized her to the extent that she realized just how stupid she was for sleeping out in the open. Rubbing her temples, she looked dizzily around and realized to her horror that there were four to five homeless men surrounding her.

"It was her!" said the first one, holding out a bony index finger and shaking it at her. She recognized him as the one she'd given her loose change earlier. "She did it!"

"I didn't mean to!" Lily said reflexively, not even sure what he was talking about. She leapt to her feet, but there were two more on the other side of the bench.

They squinted suspiciously at her and she drew back nervously. "She don't look nothing special," one grunted.

"Look at me, Seamus!" The first man leapt in the air. "I'm walking! Walking goddammit! She did it!"

Lily started putting the pieces together. "When I gave you those coins…I healed you didn't I?"

"My rheumatism is gone!" he cheered, jumping in the air again for the hell of it. "I can walk!"

Lily soon found five more hands shoved in her face. "Heal me please!" one shouted at her. "I'm blind in one eye!" "It hurts every time I breathe!" coughed another. "I don't know what's wrong with me, I just hurt everywhere all the time!" another chimed in.

Lily's face softened. She touched the hand of the third one. "You were born with a malformed central nervous system," she informed him. "These should have been treated when you were a child…let me see what I can do…"

After a few seconds, she took a deep breath, and the homeless man stood up straight for the first time in his life. "I don't believe it…" he breathed. "It…doesn't hurt…"

The heavy smoker grasped Lily's hand impatiently, and in her surprise she cured his black lung. When the half-blind man tried to get his turn, she pushed him away. "Stop!" she coughed. "Give…me a minute…" Instead he grabbed her hand violently, and in desperation she cured his detached retina and pushed him away.

"It's a miracle! It's a bloody Christmas miracle!" he cried in disbelief. As Lily shuddered and coughed violently from her shriveled lungs and frayed nerves, she saw through her one working eye as murky shapes crawled out of the shadows. The ruckus was attracting others…


“Sweetie, this would be a lot easier if you let one of us relieve your tension first,” Lena offered tentatively, But Nairda shook his head fiercely.

Emile sighed. “Years before we had you, your mother and I were mercenaries, active during the Scorched Earth war. To pay for our combat augments, we’d sell our talents to the highest bidder and traveled all over the world on behalf of various patrons.”

“Karl Nairda was a junior sergeant stationed at a Royal Expeditionary Force outpost,” Lena chimed in softly. She palmed Nairda’s cereal bowl and offered it to him pleadingly. Nairda took it. “In the last year of the war, he hired us to help him smuggle his lover out of the country...he planned to go live with him once the war was over. Until then, we kept him company…”

Both of his parents were getting teary-eyed. “He was so passionate…” Emile sighed nostalgically. “Used to sneak out of camp to see us. Had strong opinions on life and politics, demanded we refer to him with female pronouns, remember that sis? Never got the hang of that…”

“He was the only other man I ever loved.” Lena was lost in her memories. “We weren’t even sure which of you was the father at first. Thank god you turned out to be Emile’s. Imagine giving birth to a foal; I would’ve burst!”

Nairda wrinkled his nose. “I’m taking a shot in the dark and guessing that he died?”

Both of his parents nodded. “He just never came back one day,” sniffed Emile. “We learned later he was shredded by anti-aircraft turrets during a raid on a Red Merchant ship. To be frank, all three of us died to some degree that day.”

“It was awful…” Lena started sobbing. “We mourned for so long...couldn’t bring ourselves to have sex for over a week! But Karl’s death taught us how fragile life was, so we cashed out and went to live peacefully as simple farmers. Away from the war and its memories, and with our beloved newborn son...” she smiled at him.

“...Whom you almost immediately put up for adoption,” Nairda added.

“We never wanted to!” Emile’s visage grew dark. “You have to believe us! Your forced abandonment was the decision and doing of one old Scorched Earth veteran named Yoshihiro Kojurro…”


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Axel took a deep breath and rubbed a hand through his hair, then slid next to Soren, leaning over the human's shoulder. "Give me a second... ah..." He slid a finger over laptop screen, tracing the streets laid out on the map. "Yeah... yeah, okay, here's where we split up," he muttered, tapping Beckerson Street. "And, uh, I'm not sure where her... friend... lives, but I think it's somewhere in this direction..." He vaguely moved his finger in the opposite direction to where he'd headed. His eyes narrowed, ears drooping as he saw the area it led to. "Crap..."

If Lily had kept walking in the same direction as when he'd last seen her, she'd have hit the seedier areas of town pretty quickly - areas where a woman should probably think twice before going out for a walk on her own, especially if it was dark outside. Axel twisted his neck to look out the kitchen window.

It was dark outside.

"Crap!" he hissed again, pushing away from the table. Axel looked around at the others, his tail flicking fretfully. "We... we should try and look for her! If she's in trouble..." She can kill people just by touching them though... at least she's not helpless...


Rio was snoring as he slept on the couch in Emilena's hideout.


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Soren looked at the map with the markings that Axel drew on it. "It looks like she's gone into the Algae Works District." The Algae Works District earned its name owing to the vast quantities of oil farms present. While it was a vital part of Corona's economy, the farms tended to depress land values. As a result, many unsavory characters lived in and around the area.

He shook his head. "Let's go find her."

He ducked into his bedroom and threw on his augmentworker's uniform (blue jeans and a standard t-shirt). The uniform contained shear-thickening fluid that would greatly dampen blows. Although it was not bulletproof. He grabbed the pistol he had stolen from Voltaic station and checked the magazine. Fourteen rounds. It would be enough for now. It was then he realized that he was in Corona, not Lanthae. And he didn't have a permit to carry the pistol. Seeing as jail time was not worth it, he put the pistol back and picked up a large wrench from his toolbox.

Soren then sat on the table and turned to Anne. "So you coming too?"

Anne nodded. "Definitely. I know that place pretty well."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Alright! Let's do it!" Axel thumped a fist into his palm. Anne certainly looked sturdy enough to deter any potential trouble that might come their way while looking for Lily. He looked around for a weapon, snatching the closest thing off the table to follow Soren's example. It was a pen. Gritting his teeth in frustration, Axel slipped it into his pocket and headed for the front door. What if she's been caught by the cops? He shook his head to clear the thoughts. They'd cross that bridge if it came to it.

As he waited for the others, Axel glanced at Marita and the other girls. "Maybe, ah... someone should stay here in case she comes over? We... we don't want to miss her if that happens."


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Soren turned to Axel and his choice of weapon. "Uh, you can go take something from my toolbox if you need it."

"Hold it," Anne replied as she ducked into her room.

"Anne, please don't bring your knife or a gun; we don't want Corona PD on our asses."

"I'm changing my shoes and packing something else."

Soren sighed. Anne, being an Shetland Pony, wore horseshoes. Changing her shoes usually took several minutes.


Anne threw a hoof boot and a shoe puller (in the event she lost a shoe) into her backpack.

Opening her drawer of farrier tools and spare horseshoes, she retrieved several road studs from a small plastic container and began screwing them into her shoes.


A minute later, she exited. "All right, ready to go," she said, slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

"What took so long?" Soren looked at Anne's feet; her shoes didn't look any different.

"Screwed in some road studs. They'll help me grip the sidewalks better," she replied.

"Don't you already have borium shoes?"

"Yeah. But these studs will also help if we get into a fight."

Soren  shrugged. "Sure, whatever you say." He opened the front door of the apartment. The smell of urine wafted in.

Anne made a disgusted face. "Again!?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Tucking a screwdriver into the back of his trousers and pulling his shirt over it, Axel's nose twitched as the smell from outside engulfed him. "Jeez Soren, we could have waited for you to go." Giving the human a quick grin, he glanced back at Marita, Rose and Marie. "We'll be back really soon. If, ah, if she does turn up, give one of us a call, okay? We probably shouldn't be out any longer than we need to be." Nodding at Soren and Anne, he stepped out into the corridor. "Alright, let's get going."

A short while later, they were walking the streets, yellow lights overhead dully illuminating the sidewalk in front of them as their breath misted up in the chilly night air. "So... if we hear any cop cars driving past, you won't be offended if I hide behind you, right?" Axel asked, looking around nervously and eyeing Anne - she was considerably bulkier than him, the perfect cover.


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Will Do' Marita said to AXel Before they left " we'll get to cleaning up this plasce while you guys are out. Marie will pull out the extra cot for you and Lilly"  She smiled ' Good Luck Guys.
- Rose went into Sorens room and began picking up some opf the junk that lay scattered on the floor " we keep telling him to keep his place clean , but does he listen?' she sighed and she pulled out a dustpan and broom and began sweeping.
_ Marie  went into her room and began pulling out the guest bed from the sofa. it was a couple fluffy pillows and a thin green blanket covering it.
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Vergil stood outside what had been the secret headquarters of Federation Central Command. He was on the sidewalk, and hadn't entered the building. He could sense a lot of pain... suffering that had taken place here only days ago. The building had suffered a subterranean explosion that had taken most of Central Command with it. It was a crippling blow... but for now, Admiral Bryce McCormick had assumed command of the remnants of Federation High Command. As senior admiral in the fleet, he was planning to launch an offensive to destroy Devastation's Inception once it had been located.

While Vergil may have suspected some of his superiors of wanting to obtain the warship for themselves, Admiral McCormick seemed to be on the level. He was genuine... a soldier yes, but a practical one. While not on the level of Rex, Vergil found he still liked the admiral. He'd met with him briefly since returning, and had received the admiral's assurance that the Federation's military resources would be thrown at Devastation's Inception should Kalis get there first.

Wearing a trench coat, the gecko shoved his hands in his pockets and let out a sigh. He was no use here... there was nothing to see... but he had to get more information on Rex. If he could just remember more... he might be able to track Kalis's next moves. Might be able to understand why they defected... turned traitor. Kalis was always the more impulsive one... the hot-headed one. Compared to Rex, he was reckless, but he wasn't stupid. He was cunning... perhaps not on the level Rex was, but he was pretty close. He knew how to survive and progress...

Turning from the scene, he began walking to the nearest tram station... but he wouldn't be making it back to his flat any time soon... unbeknownst to him...

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Soren shivered and rubbed his arms; the chilly air sliced through his thin winter coat. Discarded soda cans and drug paraphanalia indicated that this was a rather bad part of Corona. He passed by a sleeping ó or dead ó Komodo Dragon ó sprawled out next to a decrepit looking 24 hour deli. A group of youths (Human and otherwise) were hanging out there. One of them, a rather muscular toung Jaguar watched the trio go by. He smiled as he caught the glint of Anne's horn and Axel's arms.

Anne, clad in light windbreaker, relied on her natural fur coat to keep her warm. She turned to Axel. "Yeah, you can hide behind me...but if I'm fighting, you're joining me!"

After several minutes of walking, she stopped and her ears pricked up and began swiveling.

Soren noticed Anne's ears moving. "What's up?"

Anne scowled as she lifted her upper lip in the characteristic Flehmen of Equines. "We're being followed."

The Human peered back and noticed that a group of youths was rapidly closing in on them. "Shit! Run!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"What? What's the matter?!" Axel glanced at Soren, then spun around to see what the human was staring at. His eyes widened as he saw the gang drawing close. They didn't look like push-overs... and they were moving fast. Even with Anne and Soren by his side, Axel didn't think taking them head on was a good idea - he had a feeling they weren't rushing out of an eagerness to discuss the latest political news. "Crap!"

Without another word, Axel wheeled back and started sprinting up the deserted sidewalk, his long limbs flailing. Where the hell was everyone? Where were the police?! Oh right... Veering to the right, he cut up a short side passage, his heart beating faster as they passed nothing but barred shops and locked doors. They wouldn't be finding any help soon.

Emerging onto an adjacent street, Axel saw a sign indicating the city park - but at the rate they were being pursued, there was no way they could reach it in time. Gasping, his lungs already starting to burn, Axel pointed at an alleyway just coming up. "We... we could try and lose them in there!"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily wretched painfully, an unknown number of ailments crippling her at the same time. She could hear things, but all it ever amounted to was more hands grasping her and transferring their pain onto her.

“How does she do it?” gasped a traveling businessman. “My ears don’t ring any more! I feel young again!”

“She’s our savior!” announced one hobo. “The one the Bible promised! She’s here to purge our sins!”

“The Bible don’t say there’s one of those,” snapped another, “Jesus was that. And Jesus ain’t no woman.”

“Then screw Jesus!” snapped the hobo. “What the hell has he ever done for me? I can walk again!

An old woman fondled Lily’s shoulder and blinked in horror as her back straightened for the first time in thirty years. “Unbelievable…” she whispered. “A Negro woman...the savior…”

“This can’t be…” muttered a man, who glanced at his now un-neutered pet seal. “You know what I think? I think she’s a test. To stray us from the path of righteousness.”

“How can you say that?” the initial hobo demanded. “She’s healing us!”

“Exactly!” the other man countered. “What are our bodies but vessels housing our immortal souls? Her healings are merely temptations! Look at what blasphemous things she got you to say within the last few minutes!”

“They weren’t blasphemous, they were true!” shouted the hobo. “This woman is the only person whose ever helped me my whole life! What the hell has God done for me?”

“Don’t you dare use ëhell’ and ëGod’ in the same sentence!” a different hobo snarled, stepping forward. “You shut your mouth or I’ll put you down.”

“Hey, you know what?” the businessman interrupted, trying to scoop Lily in his arms. “Y’all argue about this, I’m gonna take her home.”

“Don’t touch the savior!” snapped the first hobo, and a different man knocked Lily out of the businessman’s hands.

“He’s right!” the old woman stepped forward, standing straight. “This Negro is a gift from heaven!”

“She’s the anti-Christ, the devil!” the seal-walking man jumped in. “Don’t listen to them! They’ve been led from the path! She means to destroy us!”

“Hogwash! If anyone’s the devil, it’s a god who hasn’t done shit to help anyone on the Earth in thousands of years!” cursed the first hobo, and the second drew a knife and stabbed him in the back. As the man fell, he grasped Lily by the hand and got back to his feet, fully repaired and etched with rage. “You son of a bitch…” he growled. “My savior just revived me, let’s see yours do that!”

He drew his own stiletto and pounced the other. At the same time, the seal-walking man drew a pistol out of his belt and brandished it for self-defense, but the businessman whacked him with his briefcase when he thought the man was trying to commandeer Lily. The gun skittered into the gathering crowd, and several people jumped for it. A shot broke out. Pandemonium ensued shortly afterward.

   *   *   *

Nairda blanched. “Kojurro? I know that name! He was like a father to me...the father I never had…”

“That was his goal, yes…” Emile’s eyes darkened. “Kojurro worked with the Vulture Scavenger Corps from time to time. He toyed around with us once or twice, but none of us liked him. Karl in particular would pick fights with him, so eventually the three of us collectively severed ties with Kojurro.”

“He had his nuts blown off while trying to steal a tank late in the war,” Lena chimed in. “He was lucky to survive, but he became...unhinged after that.”

“I always wondered why he didn’t have any…” mused Nairda.

“We lost track of him after a while, figured he died or something,” Emile continued the story. “Then, after less than a month of blissful farming life, he showed up at our door.”

“He was holding some unpaid debts over our heads,” Lena shuddered. “He said that nobody leaves the Scavenger Corps that easily. He would have brought the whole regiment down on our heads…”

“But he promised to let us go and never reveal where we went...if we gave him you.” Emile couldn’t meet Nairda’s eye. “The only thing he wanted but could never have...a protege.”

Nairda’s mouth dropped open. “So you did it? You gave your son away just so you could keep farming and screwing each other in peace?”

Both of his parents nodded.

“On the plus side,” Lena hastily added. “This would allow you to gain some augments and combat training, we figured. You could continue the family legacy in a way.”

“That’s a lame justification and you know it!” Tears were pooling in Nairda’s eyes. “Do you know how hard my life has been because of what you did?” Do you know just what I had to go through?”

His parents listened silently as he cried his way through his life history. From his years of thievery to his near-death experience in the old robotics factory, surviving the destruction of Lanthae and his close calls as a member of Emilena’s drug gang to his messy break-up on the South African beach.

“And now…” he sobbed, “...the love of my life has rejected me, and I broke her sword so she’ll never forgive me, and I’m never gonna be a rapper and I’ll never accomplish anything…”

His father stepped forward and hugged him wordlessly. For a few minutes, husband and wife stood quietly and merely allowed Nairda to cry it all out.


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Anne's ears pricked up again at the sound of a gunshot. She ignored it, knowing that this was a very bad part of Corona. She noticed the alleyway. "No good! They'll corner us in there!"

Soren stumbled on a discarded bottle and landed on his side. He picked himself up. "It's worth a shot!"

He ducked into the alleyway. The scent of alcohol and urine permeated the dirty ground. Anne ducked behind a dumpster. The shouting faded away, much to her relief.

"In here! I saw a metal horn!" The shouts came closer. Anne's tail swished as her ears laid back.

The first thug to enter, a burly Leopard barely out of his teens smiled. His white fangs glistened in the dirty white glow of a damaged streetlight. He cracked his knuckles. "Nowhere to hide, Gleamer!"

The three other thugs with him (a Fruit Bat, an Appaloosa mare and a large Iguana) all smirked and stalked into the alley.

Gleamer!? Soren thought. Oh shit! The Purifiers are here too!? His heard pounded furiously in his chest as he reached for his crescent wrench.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The first sensation that came into the ferret's mind was cotton... cotton filling his head... groaning a bit, he forced himself into wakefulness, trying to figure out where he was... and what was going on. He was slumped... his chin touching his chest. "What?" he asked, his mouth dry. So lightheaded... he shook himself up, trying to jolt himself into being alert. "What's... going on?" he whispered, looking around. Where was he? He was in some car... not just any car... an old one. One of his father's? But... impossible... his last sensation was of falling... falling to his death...

Studying his surroundings, he could tell he was in a Duesenberg Model J... from the early 30s. Had to be one of his father's cars... but his father didn't own a Model J like this... or at least... not that Tony could remember. He was parked on a side street... it was day... or something... mid-afternoon maybe. Corona? Patting his pockets, he felt no phone... great... no way to contact anyone.

But as he sat there, watching the street he was perpendicular to, the ferret noticed another old car, but this one, unmistakable as one of his father's... or more correctly, the personal gift of his father to his enforcer, Stryker. The black 1936 Cord 810 rolled past, its coffin nose leading the way as it seemed to be a harbinger of death... as it often was. Gazing in confusion as the Cord drove by, Tony hesitated... and noticed the keys were in the Dusey's ignition.

"He drives a Duesenberg..." Tony murmured, repeating the oft used ad the company used to market its top of the line automobile. Turning the keys, he listened to the satisfying roar of the straight eight turn over. 265 horsepower, 120 mph top speed. Pushing his foot on the clutch, Tony briefly wondered if he should follow Stryker or not... or if this was just a freaky dream. He wasn't exactly driving an inconspicuous car after all...

But he figured what the hell? Stryker might be able to tell him what was going on. Shifting into gear, Tony got the car rolling, and muscled the wheel to the right. Without power steering, this car was a bit more difficult to turn than your average model, but once it was moving it was OK. He was used to it after all. Turning right to follow the black Cord, Tony could see it was already a block ahead. Damn... well... there was no telling how he'd gotten here... or even ended up here. A bad dream maybe? No waypoints after all?

Braking at the light, he let the Dusey idle while he thought about what to do. Best just follow Stryker... see what he was up. Didn't want to interrupt after all in case he was carrying out a hit. The light changed, and he got the Model J moving, trying to do his best to just stay back and not draw any further attention to himself... though his car was turning plenty of heads on the street as he drove by.

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Crouched down, his nose almost turning inside out against the reek wafting out from the overflowing dumpster he was hiding behind. His breath caught in his throat as the footsteps of their pursuers got closer, a triumphant voice announcing where they were. A scuffing sound, approaching. His eyes wide, Axel's gaze quickly flicked down the end of the alley, where Soren and Anne were hiding a little further in. A dim shadow stretched down the length of the filthy passageway, then a voice, smug, cocky and dripping with self-satisfaction.

"Nowhere to hide, Gleamer!"

Oh shit... Axel's teeth bit down on his lip as he leaned back into the shadows. Were these guys Purifiers?! They were back?! He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry as whoever was in the lead of the group drew closer, almost on him. Struggling to control his breathing, to steady his nerves, Axel slowly reached back and pulled out the screwdriver. If these really were Purifiers, he knew they couldn't afford to take it easy, and they had nowhere to hide - they needed to deal with them quickly. A dark shape started to swagger into his viewpoint, and gritting his teeth Axel leaped out. With a grunt, he plunged the screwdriver into the upper body of the leopard.

And paused. The point of the screwdriver started to sink through the leopard's skin - then stuck into the thick, heavy muscle that bulked him up. He struggled to yank it out, then blinked at the young thug who easily outweighed him several times over. "Ah..."


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Tony drove through the streets of what he now knew was Corona. He still had no idea how he'd gotten here, but he wasn't going to question it. He was here now... that's all that mattered. He kept his eyes on the Cord belonging to Stryker. He always stayed a block behind due to his rather conspicuous car, but fortunately for him, Stryker seemed preoccupied. Resting a finger under his nose and his elbow on the open window frame, Tony ran several things through his mind.

The black car up ahead made a turn, and Tony sped up a bit, making the turn a half a moment later. He braked almost immediately though, noting that Stryker had pulled over to the side of the road. Inhaling, Tony decided to do the same, putting the Duesenberg against the curb and crawling to a halt. He tapped a claw on the steering wheel as he shifted into neutral and watched intently as Stryker emerged from his car. What was he doing here?

Up ahead, the sungazer lizard strolled onto the sidewalk then leaned nonchalantly up against the side of the building, checking his watch. Tony continued to drum his claws on the steering wheel, and looked away when Stryker seemed to glance in his direction. Clearing his throat slightly, the ferret pretended to be looking across the street, as if waiting for someone.

Glancing down, he got his first sight of the Duesenberg's exterior, thinking maybe it'd help him learn more about the car... and why he was in it. OK so from the looks of things... he was in a sleek sedan or phaeton as they were called. It was sporting unique red and black colors on its side, and it wasn't supercharged, from what Tony could tell. It was rakish and beautiful, but whose it was was anyone's guess. Tony's father didn't own one like this... and the year... it was either early 30s or late 20s.

Figuring that the glove compartment was as good a place to look as any, Tony reached over, and popped it open. Aside from the owner's manual, which was in pristine condition, the car lacked registration of any kind... which was bad news for him, in case he was pulled over. It was bad news anyway, since he didn't have his wallet on him either. "Dammit..." he breathed. For all he knew, he was sitting in a stolen car, albeit a beautiful one, and one that was likely to attract attention. That was the great thing about Duesenbergs that also made them very conspicuous... they were all hand crafted to the owner's specifications. The Duesenberg idled as Tony glanced back in Stryker's direction. OK... he still hadn't moved... must be waiting for someone... but who and why? He wouldn't have much longer to wait as it turned out...

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily groaned as she regained consciousness. All she could remember was that some sort of fight had broken out, and she eventually passed out from her injuries.

Where was she? It was dark, and musty. She was nude, and her backside felt numb from the cold metal she was laying on.

She tried to sit up and smacked her face on more metal less than a foot from her face. Her hands cast out and quickly confirmed she was in a box.

Her chest tightened. Oh god, I’m in a coffin. Oh god, oh please no…

She kicked the end of the box and the end swung open with a creak. As quickly as she could (which was not very quick due to the lack of wiggle room) she abandoned her box and found herself in a morgue.

Her breathing slowly returned to normal. After thinking she’d been buried alive, she could almost deal with waking up in a morgue.

There was a tag wrapped around her left big toe. Shivering in the stainless steel room, she slipped it off and read it.

Name: Jane Doe
Cause of Death: Multiple, see extended file
Organ Donor

It also noted the time and date of her dissection and autopsy. Lily felt nauseous; if they’d already removed her internal organs, there were some receivers who will be getting truly miraculous transplants. She decided not to think about what exactly this is going to mean for the future of medicine.

I need to get out of here first thing first, she thought, wrapping a smelly sheet around her for warmth and then replacing it out of respect for the body underneath. They weren’t able to identify me, but who knows if they had time to try and match DNA or really check things out.

She had to find Axel. But how?

   *   *   *
Emile picked Nairda up and carried him to the bed, tucking him in gently. Lena brought an extra blanket in case it got drafty during the night.

“It’s all right Nairdey-poo,” his mother finally said softly. “Emilena sounds like a hard person to live with.”

Nairda shook his head. “She’s perfect...she is my sun and my muse…”

“Of course she is,” Emile comforted. “The goods ones are always a handful. I think I know what your problem is.”

Nairda sniffed. “You do?”

Lena nodded. “You need to be firmer with her. I don’t think you’re making your priorities and needs clear enough. She sounds like a woman who prefers direct communication.”

“Try this,” Emile instructed. She slapped his wife in the face. “Get on your knees, bitch. Show me why I keep you around.”

Lena purred and followed his instructions, unbuckling his belt and dropping his pants. In a few minutes, they seemed to have forgotten about Nairda.

“Err…” Nairda’s eyes bugged out and he averted his gaze. “I'm reasonably certain she’d kill me if I tried to do that.”

“Of course she won’t,” moaned Emile, slightly distracted. “Cause you love each other. Right?”

Nairda nodded fiercely.

“I think I know the problem,” Lena spoke up, taking a break from her husband. “I think you’re just inexperienced in bed. That life story involved a depressingly low amount of nookie before you met your ëtrue love’. You’re probably not satisfying her.”

“She’s, eh, not as sexual as you two are...’ Nairda said apprehensively, but his father cut him off.

“Nonsense! She just says that cause she’s unimpressed with you! Lena has said that to all sorts of guys!”

Lena nodded. “But we can fix that. Lucky for you, your parents are something of experts on this subject.” She stripped off her bathrobe and crawled onto the bed. “Before you see her again, we’ll make you into a stallion.”

Nairda drew the blankets over his chest. “Uh, that’s all right...I don’t think that would be…uh...”

Emile took his shirt off and crawled in the other side. “It’s okay, son,” he comforted. “Part of our job as parents is to teach you about the birds and the bees. Just lie back and relax.”

“I don’t, I…” Nairda struggled, but he hadn’t anywhere to go. And after a few minutes, he didn’t feel like he had the willpower to make them stop, especially after they incorporated him into their routine.

“No more worrying, honey,” his mother comforted him. “Just focus on how good it feels…”

Nairda took a few deep breaths, and found it harder and harder to think of anything but the sensations. Finally, he gave in.

“Ohhh...there you go Nairda…” Emile groaned.

“Just like old times, Nairda…” his mother sighed. “Mmm…”

"Old times? We haven't--" His mother put a finger over his mouth so he couldn't talk any more.

The further along they went, the more Nairda felt something was off. It was only when Lena accidentally referred to him as Karl that he suddenly realized he wasn’t the Nairda they were both fantasizing about.


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Stryker soon vanished into the building, which was more of a warehouse now that Tony thought about it... and Tony wasn't sure what was going on. The ferret stayed in his idling car while Stryker made his way through the sleeping assortment of fools he considered killing all while they slept. It would be so easy... but he had only thing on his mind, and that was his target. Well... almost one thing on his mind.

Pausing over Rio, the sungazer lizard smirked. He took out a small jet injector, which was loaded with a much stronger knock out agent then what he was planning on using on Emilena. Injecting the substance into the kid's neck, he proceeded to strip him naked and rolled his clothes up into a ball, which he'd dump someplace far away en route to the castle. Taking out a marker, he spit the cap off to the side and began to write upon the kid's chest and belly: "I have taken Emilena. If you want her back, you'll have to lynch me for answers. Torture me in the most horrible way you can imagine, or I'm not talking."

Smirking again, he proceeded over to the sleeping fox and took out another jet injector with a much weaker dose. This one would ensure she'd be out for an hour or two... after that, whatever woke her up would wake her up. Injecting her neck with a soft hiss of air, he proceeded to create a bundle using Rio's clothes, and carried her out of the warehouse with no issues.

Tony watched as Stryker reemerged with... hey was that Emilena? What was going on here? The fox was unceremoniously dumped into the trunk of the Cord, and soon, the black automobile was driving off. Pulling away from the curb after shifting into gear, Tony began to follow at a distance. At least the car was easy to keep an eye on... but knew his own was as well... so... best keep it way back.

They got onto one of the highways, and Tony made sure to keep plenty of cars between his own and the Cord. He stayed in the slow lane, which fortunately Stryker did as well. But this road left the city eventually so... where was he going? If he didn't exit... they'd be leaving Corona. So where were they going? "Where are you taking me, Stryker?" Tony whispered, wishing his car had a radio or... some way to communicate. Still, at least he was in a Duesenberg... there were far worse cars to be in after all.

They must have driven for close to 35 minutes before actually leaving the city, with Stryker taking an exit that led onto a small road that wound its way into a forest. OK... this was getting creepy. Tony hung back, letting the Cord disappear into the woods before he started pursuing. This road looked like it wouldn't have many turnoffs, so if Stryker did park somewhere... it might come up on him quickly. Tony therefore eased the Duesenberg down the road, taking it as slowly as he dared.

Fortunately, no car loomed up in his vision as he drove down the road at barely 30 mph. Some shape was rising up from the trees the closer he got to it though, and the ferret gasped as a massive stone Gothic castle suddenly appeared at the end of the road. "What?" he breathed. The Cord was parked in a lot out front, and Tony slowed to make sure Stryker wasn't in the car... but he wasn't; it was empty. Guessing Emilena wouldn't be inside the boot either, he pulled his Duesenberg into a nearby parking spot and shut the engine off. So... what now? He couldn't just waltz in the front door...

Drumming his claws on the steering wheel, the ferret started playing things through his mind now, wondering just what he could do from here.

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