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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90465


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Vergil could barely focus. His memories were clawing their way back to the surface, and he couldn't stop them. Her words were reminding him too much about the past... and it was there...

He was standing on a shore... a beach somewhere. He was tired. Rex and Kalis were there as well, panting, as if they'd just outrun something. "We have to... we have to warn them!" Kalis was saying. "If they conduct their descent their troops will pick up the virus too, and they'll spread it across the planet! I know they're our enemies but... we can't let them turn this war into a pandemic! We have to warn them!"

Rex placed his hands on his knees, and nodded. "Yes... yes you're right. If they contract the virus, it'll be all over! This war won't even matter! But... but be careful, Kalis! I'm afraid... something within me... is making me very uneasy..."

"I will!" Kalis said, nodding. "Open channel to Admiral Schreiber's flagship!" Kalis yelled, and soon, his communications device sprang to life, and the face of Admiral Schreiber, commander of the Alliance's fleet, could be seen sneering.

"You two again?" he asked. "What is it this time? Come to beg me to stop our offensive? Finally surrendering, are you? Realized the futility of your position?"

"No! Admiral Schreiber, we just left Hafta, and there is a plague rampant in its borders! Your recruits are being turned into monsters! If you land the transports, you'll infect everyone! The disease will spread! There will be no stopping it! Do NOT land in Hafta! I repeat! Don't land!"

Schreiber continued sneering. "Well... this is an unusual development, isn't it?" he asked. "Thank you, for bringing this to my attention. I have a simple solution to prevent this virus from ever spreading beyond Hafta."

Kalis's eyes widened, and he looked up to see Schreiber's fleet hovering overhead. "NO!" Kalis shouted, turning his head upwards to scream as a bright flash emanated from the center of Schreiber's ship and streaked downwards.

"No!" Rex gasped, realizing what was happening. "No he can't!"

The glowing missile left a burning trail in the sky before it impacted with the ground, shaking them to their cores. And then the sky burned. The nuclear warhead went off, thundering its blast outward in a force that sent Rex and Kalis backwards in their tracks, unable to resist the power of a thousand suns exploding in front of them. Everyone on the beach was thrown backwards as the mushroom cloud grew.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Rex cried, powerless to do anything to stop this. Millions of men, women, and children... vaporized in an instant... and it didn't end there. The nuclear bombardment continued, Schreiber relentlessly pumping nuke after nuke into Hafta. "NOOOOOO!" Rex cried again, sinking to his knees in anguish as the screams started filling his mind... the screams of the dying... those burning, their flesh stripped from their bodies in searing heat as they called out for help... for someone that would never arrive... it was too much, and he held his head in agony, unable to stop their screams. The red gecko collapsed into the sand, Kalis standing over him, looking worried and trying to get him to move into the ocean, to get away from the spreading blasts.

"We have to escape the radiation Rex! Come on! All of you..." Kalis turned to look at Vergil now. "Get back! Into the sea! Get back!"

Vergil blinked, his lower jaw trembling. The pain... the death... it was terrible... he'd sensed it back then... just as painfully as Rex and Kalis had... it was the worst feeling in the world. He couldn't recall anything that felt worse than tens of millions of lives snuffed out at once. He closed his eyes, trying to block it out, and focus on her hand rubbing his cheek. "You don't understand..." he said softly, shaking his head sadly. "You were right..."

He stood up slowly, as if doing so were an effort. "We can't bring them along... I got Tony killed... worthlessly... he was killed in such a needless way... none of them... can stand up to Kalis. He'd kill them all with a thought... what's the point of having them with us? I'd only watch them die before me. He's too... powerful. Tony couldn't survive a simple accident... what chance do any of these non-trained, non-psionic, everyday people have against him? If he ever caught us... he would torture them beyond their endurance... they would die horrible, miserable deaths. And that would be my fault for bringing them along. We've already lost one, and Kalis wasn't even here. Varanus wasn't even here... it's over." He shook his head again here. "They'll all... die... and I can't subject myself to that. We need to press on alone... without them. You defeated Rex... but what chance do they have?"

He was trying to sense Tony again, but his mind was too distracted. He couldn't focus... other things in his mind were vying for attention, including his memories, and he didn't look at Triste, but gazed past her shoulder, out into the distance at something else far away.

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Marita rose and Marie had gotten out of their rover when the accident happened. maritac gaped as she heard Tonys primal scream as he fell off the cliff. 'NO!" she cried in anguish, the full realization of what had happened hit her in a split second. she remained rooted to the spot through the scene, staring at the cliffs edge. finally after a couple minutes she moved towards the edge and stared at the broken branch below that had failed to stop Tonys descent.  she looked down for a minute or two her head bowed her eyes red from crying and her face stained with tears  Once her silent vigil was over she turned and headed back towards her rover" Alright, those who want to come with me, climb in back. we now have a new motivation- honoring Tony, and his memory. we will now need each other more than ever, so if anyone thinks of leaving, think again.its too late to back out of this, the chance for doing so was before we left the country to come down here.I... was planning to go out on a date with Tony, once we had returned to the city,and truthfully i was looking forward to it.' she said to the others.' but now, well, everythings changed...
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Wow, and I thought we were psychotic," remarked Foley wryly once the vehicles were far enough away.

"So, umm...what exactly are we going to do about the whole mafia thing?" asked Nairda uncomfortably. "Cause I've seen the Straccis before, and they're ruthless. They'd kill us all trying to get to--"

"--We stick by our own," Emilena interrupted firmly, as she began putting their clothes back on. "Kid did nothing wrong, he was being held over a bloody cliffside. Frankly, Tony was one of the most arrogant people I'd ever met, I can't think of a more karmic death for him."

Flora hadn't lost her erection throughout everything that had happened, and looked incredibly vasocongested. "If you all don't mind, I need a moment to..." She trailed off, then crawled gingerly behind a large fern.

"Look, I don't mean to throw Rio under the bus here," pointed out Foley, as heavily panting started emanating from Flora's fern. "But the mafia can be bad news, and we're on thin ice as it is."

"I've survived the Straccis before," Emilena assured him. "They're not that tough." She reloaded her pistol and started hacking vines out of her way with her katana. "For now, we try to reach civilization and secure passage to the next waypoint. Lily wants us close by once Koalas or whoever shows his face."


Lily painfully crawled over to Marita's side of the vehicle. "I'm sorry..." she said softly, wrapping her arms around Marita. "I'm truly, truly sorry. Tony was in the prime of life, and you two would have made each other so happy. If you want, when there's some downtime, I'd love a chance to console together. I've actually lost someone very important to me as well recently, we could help each other through this rough time."

Tears stung her eyes. With all her healing powers, she could still do nothing to alleviate the pain in Marita's heart.


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Thank you Lily' Marita said hugging her back ' fresh tears brimming in her eyes. ' I think, once we reach the city and find a place to crash for the night. we'll just let it all out, I guess. it would be good for both of us.'
Marie and Rose climbed  into the back of the Rover. neither of them  felt like making conversation, they  had come to know Tony during the events at Lanthae, and had come to respect him, not just because of who his dad was, but because of how he carried himself. to use the past tense to describe him was still very surreal at this point, and it would not  get easier.
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Crouching down next to Vergil, Triste didn't say anything for a moment. "They know what they signed up for," she sighed after a while. "They knew the risks. Look, what just happened to Mr. Stracci... Tony... Nobody could have seen that coming. But no matter how powerful you are - no matter how prepared we are - we're going to need help to finish this. The more people we have working with us, the better our chances." Even if we have to lose a few more to succeed. Rubbing his shoulder again, she stood up and glanced back towards the vehicle. "Vergil, if you really want to go on without them, we could bring it up to them. But something tells me they're not going to want to give up so easily."

In the back of the Rover, Axel ran a shaking hand through his hair as he watched Lily hug Marita. "I'm... Jesus, I'm so sorry, Marita. I know you and Tony had a connection. I... I just wish you two could have had more time together." He took a trembling breath, the shock of what just happened still leaving him numb. "Maybe if we get time we could... make a toast in his memory or something." He swallowed. "He deserves that much."


Rio edged away from the bush Flora had ducked behind. "You guys aren't going to throw me out?" He didn't really know how to react - in all his time doing jobs for sleazy gangs in the slums, he'd never met any who'd acted like this to him. "Thanks... I guess..." he said finally.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena grinned. "You're one of the gang now. Where we're going, you won't be able to trust a damn thing, so you better hope you can stand by your teammates."

She clapped him on the back and gave him her combat knife. "And in the future, if another wackjob holds you over a cliff and threatens to drop you, do the exact same goddamn thing. You hear me?"


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Varanus could clearly see he was dealing with a pack of idiots. They were already breaking apart on their own, and that was perfect. It would make them easy to shatter later on. As Emilena approached his position now, the big monitor stepped out from the wall he'd been leaning against and centered himself with his group, which had grown in size thanks to a hovering dropship that whined overhead but kept itself dark.

"Oh bravo." He mockingly applauded her group now. "Thanks for killing one of them for me. You're doing a fantastic job at dividing them while I come in and conquer. Now one half won't trust the other half, and before long, we'll have an out-and-out civil war on our hands... while I come in and mop up. Brilliant! Ever consider a job working for the world's most powerful warlord and future global leader? Benefits are great after all, but meanwhile, I've got a job to do, so you may go on your merry way, and just keep doin' what you're doin'." He grinned wickedly here, and stepped aside for the group to pass, signaling his goons to do the same. There were now about ten of them, as opposed to the two that had been left alive before.

Varanus kept an eye on them all the same, as he had no idea who they were, and if they tried anything stupid, he'd take them down quickly and quietly.

Vergil shook his head here. "They aren't going to agree to that. Hence why it'd be better to ditch them at some point and continue on our own. They may have known what they signed up for, but we can get assistance just as easily with you calling in a Federation strike team. You had elites taking on Rex after all, and they succeeded. We can do that again. I just don't have any faith in this group anymore." he said softly, turning his eyes back to her. "I don't trust Axel and Lily, since they clearly have some agenda they neglected to mention to us regarding Emilena and her group, and how can you trust someone who's not being honest with you?" he asked her now, eyes searching her as he didn't realize the irony of that question.

"We're breaking into our own little factions, and the same thing happened before when we took on the Purifiers. This is MY mistake... I brought them into this knowing our force wasn't unified enough to constitute a threat to Kalis. It was my error, and it's a recipe for disaster. They're not the types that inspire confidence. If anything, they're only making it worse." he hissed, shaking his head. "I need people I can rely on... the only problem is, I just don't have that right now." he pointed out to her. "I regret getting them involved... and if this is how it's going to be like... what hope is there for any of us? What if we ARE all like Rex and Kalis in our own way? I'm remembering more and more about them... and they suffered... a lot. From what I know of the Scorched Earth War, it was NOT pretty, but to experience what they did... I'm beginning to see why they'd turn traitor. It's enough to make anyone a little crazy; it's maddening even. While I still don't have the full story... it's starting to become more clear." he stated gravely, looking at her with almost dead eyes. There was a deep sadness in there, as if a light were slowly starting to go out.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena blinked. "Uh, okay. Thanks," she replied to whoever this was. Not being in any state to fight, she hoped to part ways with...whoever this is...still as congenial as he is now. "Yeah, good luck to you as well."

Nairda suddenly piped up. "Would you be able to direct us in the closest way back to civilization? Other than the road? The road's kinda occupied."

There was suddenly a loud squealing coming from behind Flora's fern, which continued unabated for quite some time.


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"I'm afraid this road is your only way back to La Paz." Varanus sneered. "However, if you're looking to avoid the group you just left, there's nobody behind us... I made sure of that." he stated, without elaborating. "Of course, it'd take you about a day on foot... it's a three hour drive from here to La Paz. There are some villages you might be able to steal a car from on the way though, choice is yours. Either way, that direction is the only way to go." He pointed down the road, in the opposite direction she had come from. "Just keep heading that way."

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"We can handle that," nodded Emilena. All things considered, she'd prefer not to have to deal with people right now. "Thank you for your help."

Flora crawled out from behind the fern, panting heavily. "I'm...heh...ready to go now," she blushed.

Nairda curtsied to the newcomer. "May the wind be at your back and the road rise to meet you, good sir."

Foley helped Flora to her feet and, at Emilena's encouragement, the group began their hike down the road.


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Triste's throat grew dry at Vergil's comment about things becoming clearer. This is bad... fragments, pieces of his memory... if they keep coming back to him, everything could be lost... She blinked. But this group... this group consists of some of the only people he's known since the incident. If there's a chance keeping them around can keep his memories... can keep Vergil from how he was before... can I really take the risk of sending them away?

She swallowed. "Vergil... do we really have time to arrange a new team? Every minute we waste is a minute Kalis gets closer to the warship. And so far, they've seemed able enough to me... at least, as far as dealing with the waypoints. Apart from what your friend just did, they've shown they're capable. The only time something went wrong was when Tony decided to... hold a child over a cliff," she said softly. "Come on, Vergil. We've come this far."


Rio stared back at the group of strange men standing before them. Whoever they were, they made him uncomfortable - but the weight of the combat knife Emilena had given him, tucked into the back of his shorts, gave him some degree of assurance.

As they passed, Rio stumbled over a loose stone and bumped against one of Veranus' henchmen. "S... sorry!" he mumbled, rushing ahead to join the others.


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Thank you Axel' Marita said, turning to him. ' we'll need to come together now even more. we cant afford to fall to pieces.One of us is going to have to break the news to his father and that is not going to be pleasant at all. but it must be done.  a toast in his honor would be appropriate, and we need to finish the job, for him and everyone else.
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Soren fumed as the vehicles headed down the road. "Fine," he growled. "I'll call Don Stracci and tell him the news."

He was still sore about not getting to kill Emilena and Rio.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"A child who was part of a group who showed up under suspicious circumstances and whom two of our own seem completely fine with letting go, despite knowing they're working for our opposition. I'm sorry but you've failed to convince me." He brushed past her now, heading for the second Rover. "However you are correct. Standing on this road is only wasting our time. Whatever we choose to do, I'll decide for myself later on." he stated. Walking past the first Rover, he hesitated, then climbed into the back.

No one had offered to drive the second Rover yet, and Vergil clearly couldn't with his height.

The soldier that had been bumped into roughly knocked Rio away from him. "Watch it, punk!" This elicited a laugh from everyone gathered around them, pointing out the pipsqueak and how out of place he seemed, plus the blood gushing from his head from where the pipe had struck him. They had all seen him get knocked up, and it seemed to amuse them greatly. They all had killer in their eyes, and every one of them had killed multiple times in both the Scorched Earth War and Rex's Rebellion. None of them looked as if they'd hesitate to shoot Emilena's group dead if they detected so much as an improperly placed comment.

Varanus smirked as he watched the group go, pleased with the progress they'd made at dividing Triste's group. Another encounter might finally seal the deal, and that'd be it. Already he could sense them breaking from afar, and it was just getting better the more time passed. Nodding upwards, he signaled at the dropship above them, and suddenly, all of them vanished, teleported instantly into the dropship as it began flying back in the direction of the Rovers. It kept its lights off for now, keeping itself well out of sight as it proceeded on its mission. For now, Varanus had business to attend to, and then he'd have to heal up before his next encounter with them. He had been weakened by his ordeal today, and knew he couldn't face that white gecko in his current state, but give it a few weeks, and he'd kill all of them in a most painful fashion. They wouldn't be escaping next time...

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena's gang continued on their way.

"Nairda, I know you hide your social insecurities by sounding like an idiot when with people you don't know, but those goons outnumbered us two to one." Emilena reprimanded. "Let's leave out archaic Irish idioms the gentleman might not understand."

Nairda's ears drooped. "It was just a polite thing I thought of saying..."

"Then in the future, don't say anything at all!" Emilena smacked him in the head. "Asking for directions on a cliffside road with only two directions! When talking to people like that you don't try to draw attention to your own stupidity!"

Foley glanced at Rio. "Hey, kid, you all right? That's a pretty nasty head wound. Sorry we don't have anything like a first-aid kit, but we'll make it top priority once we reach the nearest town or village."

"I would like that," Lily smiled through tear-stricken eyes at Marita. "I think we can help one another."

She hugged Axel, Tony's death having reminded her how lucky she was to have her husband alive and with her. "This road is awful; let's get out of here before anything else horrible happens..."


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As Vergil walked away and headed across to the second Rover, Triste sighed and stared out at the horizon, rubbing a hand across the top of her head. Things were getting complicated... and that was the worst thing that could happen in a situation like this. After another few moments of staring out thoughtfully, she turned and made her way to the same Rover Vergil had climbed inside. I need to keep a closer eye on him...

In the other vehicle, Axel hugged Lily back. "Yeah, let's... let's get the hell out of here," he said softly. Glancing back at the other car, he could see there was nobody in the driver's seat. Axel looked over at Rose and Marie. "Do you think one of you could take the other one? I'm, ah... I'm still not too good with these roads..."


Rio looked up at Foley as they walked. "It's alright, it probably looks worse than it is." He pressed a hand against the gash on his head, and hissed breath painfully between his teeth. At least the bleeding seemed to be slowing, although the area felt like it was swelling to the size of an egg.

He swallowed then let his hand fall away, and stretched out the other to reveal the credits he'd swiped from the pocket of the henchman he'd 'stumbled' into. "Drinks on me at the next village?" he grinned at the gang.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You cheeky bugger!" Emilena couldn't resist grinning. "God, you're even worse than Nairda!"

Flora began laughing, long chortling howls interrupted by sporadic snorts, and somehow it spread across the other gang members. Even Foley couldn't resist when all of his comrades were rendered hysterical by Rio's ballsy caper.

Only Nairda's laughter didn't seem completely genuine.Eventually it was he who broke the respite and continued the long hike, and the group followed suit in far better spirits than they should be.


Lily nodded tearfully. "My legs aren't reactive enough for this sort of driving, I'm afraid..."

But the bleeding had gone down considerably. She was beginning to note that her advanced healing methods appeared to apply to herself as well. Though to be fair, she only ever gained lessened version of whatever ailment plagued her victim, and she'd only healed Emilena to the extent that she could walk.


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i'll drive ' Rose said going over to the second Rover and climbing in the drivers seat.' Whats the quicjest way to town?' she asked as she  looked over her shoulder at Vergil and Triste, then started the engine.
_ Marita sighed as she started the engine of her Rover and began driving forward.
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"Straight down this road to Coroico, then we turn around, pick up Ruta Nacional 3, and head back to La Paz. Can't very well turn around here after all, so I'd think that'd be fairly straight forward." Vergil replied with disinterest. "Should take about three to four hours to get back."

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As the vehicles slowly trundled down the treacherous road, Soren retrieved Tony's phone and dialed Don Stracci's phone number.

"Come on," he muttered as the call tried to get through.


Marion had watched the fight from her perch. Including Tony's death.

Hoping that he might have something useful, she detached herself from the rock face and let herself enter freefall and glide into the darkened jungle.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.