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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 90055


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Axel gasped as the guards shoved them along the corridor, his side throbbing. Blood dripped from his nose where one of the squad had disagreed with his face, and the cuffs pinning his arms back were causing his shoulders to twist uncomfortably. As he staggered, Axel's fingers brushed against his pocket.... and he realised his phone was still in there.

Axel bit his lip. These guys acted and looked like security... but were they? Even if they were, maybe Kalis had them in his pocket. There'd been nothing in Vergil's room to show that it had been used in any way, and their whereabouts were still mystery. He couldn't help but notice that there were no guests around where they were heading. Being taken to lock down... or led away from any potential witnesses so they could be disposed of quietly?

Praying that the phone still worked, Axel slowly slipped his hand into his pocket and felt by touch to speed dial Soren's number. After a moment, to his relief he heard the very, very faint sound of a dialing tone.

 As soon as he heard it end, indicating someone had picked up, Axel halted and spun around, glaring at the guard behind him. "Hey, where... where are you taking us?" he demanded loudly. "You've got us in handcuffs... you've got fucking guns... Where the hell is this lock up?!"


Triste nodded hesitantly. "That does sound like it could work. I can pilot a sub okay, and the weapons shouldn't be a problem. Your psionics should be strong enough too, but..." Vergil's mentioning of the strain his abilities would put on him made her uneasy. She knew the toll psionics could take on the body.

"If you start feeling weak... like your body can't handle it, then you let me know straight away, alright?" She stepped closer to him then tilted her head, frowning. "I don't want you getting hurt." That could completely compromise the mission.


As the wave propelled the boat forwards, Rio held on to the flimsy railing for dear life. He was getting soaked through and his ears were ringing, the roaring of the wave that was engulfing them deafening him. The boat started to pitch to the side, and Rio felt his legs skid across the floor.

There was a crunch. Horrified, Rio jerked his head up and saw the railing start to buckle from his weight... and then tear free from the side of the boat. Rio yelled as his feet left the floor and he tumbled across. Just as he was about to fly overboard, his flailing arms caught a hold of Flora. He held on to her, vice-like, not caring what he was brushing up against as long as it saved him from drowning.


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"Where do you think, jackass? You just FLOODED a guest's room! Caused millions of dollars worth of damage! You're going to answer for this crime with the Judaken way. Since we make the laws out here... guess what? I'd say unless you can pay us back IMMEDIATELY, well... you just let us worry about the rest." The guard roughly shoved Axel as if he intended for him to fall to the ground, since he'd chosen to spin around and face the security contingent. "Now shut up and get moving!"

Vergil looked at her as she mentioned she didn't want him getting hurt. "Thanks for the concern but... we both know you wouldn't be able to hold them off even if I did start to fail. Our only real alternative would be to blow ballast and rapidly surface. I'm gonna hold on as long as I can. I'll let you know if we need to pull out, though. While I've found out I can even influence the mind of sentients in limited forms, animals should be no problem for me."

He paused as he heard Jenkins coming back. "Ahem." the security officer emerged from around the door. "It seems we've had a minor terrorist attack. Security's even tighter than usual now. Funny because it seems your room was involved in the attack."

"Our room?" Vergil asked, brows raising here.

"Yes... your belongings I'm afraid are probably completely destroyed. We'll move you to another room of course, and salvage what we can... I just find it funny that terrorists decided to break into your room... it might be coincidence, but we won't know until we interrogate them." Jenkins stated calmly.

"I... see." Vergil said slowly. "Well it's of little consequence. My clothes are replaceable."

"Rest assured, we will get to the bottom of this. Mr. Judaken does not tolerate this type of thing on his station. Anyway... your submarine has been secured, as have your deep sea suits. You won't get much time in them though, as you need a special oxygen mixture for being that deep so... choose your minutes wisely." Jenkins informed them.

"Not a problem. Mrs. Dorrien will be piloting the sub." Vergil looked to her now.

"Very good... this way, please." Vergil pulled out his tracker, with the GPS coordinates programmed into them as they were shown the way to the submersible. It was bright yellow, as if it belonged to some deep sea salvage agency, and was sitting in a cradle that would release them into the water once they were inside. "Well you've got your standard torpedoes, but only four of them, coupled with a laser cannon, mines, and side lasers. If you even POINT those weapons in the direction of the mining station, we'll blow you out of the water, got it?" Jenkins asked.

"Loud and clear." Vergil responded, and climbed down into the submersible now, jumping down off the ladder and looking around at the cramped confines. "All right... take the controls... you DO know how to pilot one of these things, right?" he asked hopefully.

Varanus frowned as his quarry escaped through the roof. "Seal off the deck above me." He ordered. "Get strike teams up there. I'm starting to lose my patience." He ordered the ship's captain. Stomping over to the hole she'd cut in the ceiling, he glanced up at it, then hurled himself upwards, using his telekinesis to propel himself through the hole, gritting his teeth as the sparks from the arcing wires burned him slightly. Landing on the deck above, he looked around, wondering where she'd gotten off to.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily was unconscious from getting hit with a veritable ton of water. The guards were having to drag her to wherever they were going.


Flora grabbed Rio and hugged him tight as the sound of splintering wood competed with the lightning crashing around them. They were up to their waists in water, the wave's momentum was literally the only thing keeping the boat from sinking.

The buckled floor had trapped Foley in the navigator's seat. He screamed and tried to free himself even as a horrible gravity-shifting plummet indicated that the wave has crested. With a final scream, Emilena saw only bubbles and foam as the ship tore apart in a watery collision between the wave and the sea.

Several confused seconds later, her head had cleared enough to determine that she was underwater amidst splinters and boards. Glancing to the light, she swam to the surface with powerful dolphin kicks and emerged, gasping for air.

To the left, roughly half of the boat bobbed sadly in a spreading pool of wreckage. She didn't see any of her companions, but her mind realized that the half missing contained the cockpit, where Foley had been. Where Foley had been trapped...

Taking a deep breath, she dove back underwater. Squinting to see, she made out the rapidly sinking dark shape that could only be the other half of the boat. Kicking until her legs burnt, she grasped the railing and hoisted herself into the cabin.

Foley was still trapped in the navigation's seat, unconscious with blood and bubbles emanating from his mouth. Drawing the katana from her belt, she hacked angrily at the chair, but could only dent it. It appeared the vibrating function had been disabled in the crash somehow.

Crossing to the ship's locker, she pulled it open and came away with a kit of basic survival gear, most notably an oxygen tank. She quickly chomped into the nozzle and took a few deep breaths herself, before slipping it onto Foley's head. His body naturally inhaled and his eyes flew open. Alright Emilena, she thought to herself, you saved him from drowning, now you better be able to save him for real, or else this was the cruelest thing you've ever done...

She reached into the survival kit and grabbed the flare. Removing the lighting cap, she hesitated. She had a plan for freeing Foley, but this flare could be used so much more efficiently to signal help...

Well, too bad. Using the pocket of air trapped in the corner of the cabin, she struck the flare against removable cap. As it contained magnesium and an internal oxidizer, it could continue to burn even underwater.

For the few seconds her flare worked, she pressed it against the base of the chair and superheated the metal. This weakened it enough for her to warp it away from the wall with a few powerful smashes. Wrenching the oxygen from Foley and taking a few deep breaths, she pried Foley out of his chair and towards the door.

She pulled him out of the cabin and pushed back into the ocean, keeping the survival kit dangling from her shoulder. With every dolphin kick, her vision grew darker. The water seemed endless, her lungs were burning from the abuse, and she felt her muscles one-by-one give up and slowly go limp. There was no way she'd get this fat ass back to the surface...

All of a sudden fuchsia arms appeared, grasping her and helping her paddle. Seconds later she broke the surface of the water a second time and gasped painfully.

Flora steered them to the wrecked half of the boat and helped Emilena grab on to something. "I found you!" she beamed. "And you found Foley!"

"Where's...Rio...?" choked Emilena, swallowing salt water as she tried to take another deep breath.

"He's here," Flora added hastily. "I pushed him onto the top part of the wreck before going after you."

Emilena coughed and spluttered for a few more minutes. It was difficult to catch her breath when she had to keep Foley above water at the same time. Foley was moaning haggardly and the large cut on his forehead was still leaking blood into the water.

"We have to...get him out of the water..." Emilena panted.

Flora nodded. "Rio! We're gonna push, you pull! Try to get Foley onto what's left of the deck!"

Working together, the three of them eventually managed to get Foley out of the water. Most of the boat's individual pieces were long gone, the light plastic chassis being the only real reason what they had left was still floating.

Using absolutely all of the gauze from her small survival kit, Emilena bandaged Foley's head. "The skull isn't broken, it's just a really bad cut," she explained to Foley, who didn't seem capable of speech. "You should be able to heal even without Medical attention."

"What about you?" asked Flora.

"Me? What are you..?" Emilena glanced at herself. Only now did she notice a long gash running the length of her entire left leg. "Oh. Yikes..."


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Thanks to her helmet's built-in radar system, Marion was still able to see Varanus through the thick veil of boiling coolant. She raised her pistol and fired off a burst at his shape.

She then sprinted off down the hallway.


(Voltaic Station)

Soren picked up his smartphone and scowled. The number he received was from Axel. He tapped the green phone icon on the touch screen as he held it to his ear.

What he heard made his jaw drop.

"Hey, where... where are you taking us? You've got us in handcuffs... you've got fucking guns... Where the hell is this lock up?!"

It was Axel's voice, muffled but it was his. He looked around and disconnected.

He turned to Marita, Marie and Rose, his face stony. "We need to talk about this somewhere...not here." He gestured with his head to the throngs of vacationers present. "It's about Axel. He's been 'accident'."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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' alright. lets try and find a food court or something. We havent gotten anything to eat in a long time. we'll be able to talk there. I'm guessing they went to find Vergil and did something they went supposed to do. Nothings gone right for this little trip, I swear.' Marita sighed as she began walking down the hallway, and mingled in with the crowd.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena ripped off her shirt and quickly fashioned a tourniquet. "Urrggghhh..." she grunted in pain as she tightened it.

Flora hovered nervously nearby. "Does it hurt?"

"YES it bloody well hurts!" snapped Emilena angrily. "Rio, keep that gauze applied firmly to Foley's forehead!"

Foley wasn't looking too good. He shivered weakly in the corner.

"Foley...?" asked Flora nervously. "How are you?"

"I'm...cold..." he admitted, looking alarmed at the prospect.

"Flora, I'm going to need your help," Emilena informed. Tucking into the survival kit, she found nothing resembling a sewing kit or needle. Sighing, she kicked off her boots and all but flung them at Flora with her feet. "Unlace them!"

As Flora did so, Emilena cast her eyes around for any sort of sharp object to use as a needle. Her eyes settled on the mess of splintered wood surrounding the boat. Her eyes twitched as she realized just how painful this was going to be. "We need to stitch the wound. Do you know how to sew?"

"A...a little..." Flora hesitated. "Is that what..?"

Emilena grabbed the first bootlace Flora had released. Snapping a particularly long and thin point of wood off of the remainder of their boat, Emilena handed it to Flora. "Now, what you're going to have to do the flaps of my skin, you'll make to...make holes with the wood...and then push my shoelace through."

Flora's eyes went wide.

"And," Emilena added hastily. "No matter what, keep going. Any noises I make, any movements, you've got to finish. Make it as tight as you can!"

Flora nodded speechlessly.

"Well? Go!" Emilena closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Grabbing the skin nearest the ankle, Flora readied the sharp wood. Looking slightly sick, she stabbed into it.

"AAAAAUUGHHH!" Emilena cried, arching her back.

"I'm sorry! It didn't break through..." Flora tried again. The wood slipped in the blood. Emilena screamed again.

Breathing heavily, Emilena's head lolled to one side and she suddenly noticed her katana. Feeling stupid for having missed it before, she passed it over. "Be fucking careful though, you could cut my leg off!" Which will probably have to happen anyway...

Flora prodded the skin with the katana and it slipped through like butter. Suddenly feeling sick, Flora staggered over to the edge of the boat and vomited.

"Flora...? Flora! Goddammit..." Emilena glanced at Rio. "Kid, get your ass over here. Stitch me up."


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Triste lowered herself into the sub after Vergil and closed the hatch behind her, eyes narrowing as she took in the interior of the craft. "Cosy..." Her voice echoed tinnily amongst the claustrophobic mass of levers, wheels and buttons.

Glancing around, she made her way over to the uncomfortable pilot's seat and buckled herself in. At Vergil's question, she looked over and smiled sardonically. "Oh, sure. Though I did skip out on most of the classes. Which one's the brake again?" Checking to make sure she knew where all the controls were, she nodded. "Alright... now or never. You ready?" Waiting until Vergil had secured himself, Triste raised a hand and threw back the lever that kept them suspended in the cradle. Triste felt a brief rush, her heart rushing up into her throat as the submersible dropped down, then a jolt as the craft hit the surface of the water.

External light rapidly began to fade as the sub sank deeper into the sea, further from the docking point. As darkness started to settle over them, Triste hit the lights and the interior was illuminated in a bright, artificial glow. Swallowing, she turned to look at Vergil. "Alright, let's go." In front of her, through the window, the craft's headlight beams cut through the inky blackness, two insignificant cones of light in the gloom.


Rio looked over his shoulder and nodded at Emilena. "Coming!" He was crouched in front of Foley, pressing the strip of gauze against the man's head as firmly as he could. He wasn't exactly a doctor, but even he could tell from Foley's pale skin and shivering that he wasn't doing so hot. Gently taking his hand, Rio pushed it up against the gauze and took his own away slowly. "I've gotta go for a second, but you have to keep the pressure on it, okay? And whatever you do, don't fall asleep asleep, or I'll kick your ass." Waiting for a moment to make sure Foley's hand didn't fall away, Rio pushed himself up and quickly hopped over to Emilena.

Drawing close, the boy grimaced as he saw the large section of flesh flapped back across her leg. "Aw... shit. Alright, I'm... I'll do it." He could feel himself getting light-headed as he stared at the raw, exposed flesh, but he bit his tongue, forcing himself back into the moment. You can't afford to be a fucking pussy now!

Bending, he picked up the shoelace and looked at it. The plastic part at the end would make it easier to poke through, and luckily the material wasn't too thick. It wouldn't exactly be a walk in the park though. Letting out a breath, Rio looked Emilena in the eyes. "I'll try and be quick..." Taking up the katana, he angled the point towards the skin adjacent from where Flora had already cut. It poked through with no resistance, and as Emilena howled in pain he gritted his teeth, fighting back the bile in his throat. Putting the weapon back down, he held the shoelace tightly between trembling fingers and tried to carefully push the lace through the cuts. He missed, and the hard plastic point scraped against the pink meat beneath her bloodstained fur. This time, Emilena wretched, and jerked her leg back instinctively.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" Rio cried out, his voice cracking.  He held on tightly to her limb so it wouldn't move anymore. "I'll get it this time, I swear!" Trying to steady his shaking fingers, he prodded the lace forwards again, and this time it poked through the hole with only a little resistance. Ignoring Emilena's screaming and squealing, he determinedly kept working, pushing the next flap of skin. The whole procedure took several minutes, of stabbing through her flesh, and drawing the lace through. By the end, Rio was covered in a film of sweat, and his ears were ringing from the screams. Finally, he wrenched the shoelace through the last hole and pulled it tightly, fastening the sliced skin flap firmly against her leg. He sat back, exhausted, his hands coated in her blood. "I... I think it's done. Is it done?" From the state of her limb, he couldn't tell by sight if he'd helped or just made things worse.


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As the submarine sank into the depths, Vergil calmed himself, trying his best to focus and clear his mind. He let the sea relax him... it was all muted blues down here, which gradually got blacker and blacker... all light was lost save for the floodlights on the sub as they descended.

"We're gonna see wreckage down there... most of Air France Flight 447 wasn't removed from the seabed... so keep that in mind. It might be a little eerie... but initiate scans for something like a cave or formation of rocks that could hide the waypoint... it's not obviously in the wreckage, since it would've been found in the investigation." Vergil pointed out now. "Once we get down there... I'm going to need to focus solely on keeping those creatures at bay. So it's more likely than not going to be up to you to locate the waypoint. If they built it down here, it can obviously function underwater, so look for faint energy signatures. The mining equipment will be giving off energy readings of course, but if you can isolate a solitary signal... that'll be it." he stated.

He regulated his breathing... and already, he could sense insanity. That's the only way he could describe it as: pure insanity. Creatures everywhere far below them losing their minds. Exhaling slowly, he took in a deep breath, and exhaled again. "It's pretty crazy down there. I can already sense it." he stated. "This isn't going to be easy... but then again what's been easy since starting this quest?" he asked, smiling a little to himself.

Varanus moved aside slightly, the bullet missing him by inches. By now however, numerous security squads were closing in on Marion. The entire deck was locked down and the marines were converging in the hallway. They were creating choke points and kill zones, and with Varanus charging after her, things were looking slimmer and slimmer for her the longer she stayed aboard the ship. "Give it up! How much longer do you intend on wasting my time?" Varanus asked. "You're a pathetic augmented human facing the most powerful warrior on this planet! I can guarantee you you won't last longer than I will!" he declared. Up ahead of her, a squad had set up around the corner, ready to shoot her the minute she appeared. Behind her stomped Varanus, driving her towards them.

He produced a grenade off his belt, levitating it into the air before pulling the pin out and hurling it her way...

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(Voltaic Station)

The food court was an open air bazaar selling all sorts of food. Mostly seafood but farmed vegetables and fruit were also available.

Soren looked around. The noise from a calypso band and the crowd provided enough cover for the conversation.

A few minutes later, he returned with three plates, each with some fries and a seal-meat burger. Pouring ketchup on the burger, he spoke. "Axel's been captured. Most likely by Voltaic Station's security forces. Without him and the others, we can't get to that waypoint."



Marion saw a coolant pipe in the corner. She drew her pistol and shot several holes in it, causing the boiling vapor to fill the hallway in a dense choking white cloud.

Luckily, the hallway was just barely tall and wide enough for her to fly. She propelled herself into the air and took off into the dense white cloud just as the grenade detonated behind her.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena's teeth were clenched so tight that she'd chipped several of them, and her skin was chalk-white under her matted fur. Throughout the operation she'd tried but been unable to keep herself from crying, wincing, and hyperventilating. Her long history of abuse was the only reason she managed to withstand this without passing out.

When Rio mentioned being done, she cracked her eyes open and reviewed her mangled leg. Like she'd commanded, he kept the laces incredibly tight, and as long as she didn't bend her leg it'll hold for a time. "That's...god...if we survive this I'm putting you through medical school, you're a natural."

Foley had slipped unconscious. Emilena pegged him with the survival kit and he cried out in protest. "Stay awake! I'll be with you in a second!" She glanced at Flora, who was still looking over the side of the boat. "You interested in helping? Cause I know you were just a bit out of your comfort zone, but you're one of the only healthy people on this boat--"

"It''s not that," Flora stammered. She continued staring unblinkingly into the water. "We have company..."

Around the boat, darkened shapes circled, smelling the blood left behind by Foley and Emilena. There were no dorsal fins sticking out of the water, but it was pretty obvious who their new arrivals were.


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Thats a big problem then ' Marita said as she began munching on her fries ' we'd need to find some way of freeing them and finding vergil and Trieste, and given that they have them in custody and in cuffs we;ll have to make up either an airtight alibi, or we're going to have to come clean about why we are here and hope they buy it. the second option isnt something i relish doing either.'
- rose munched on her burger, which she found was delicious. " so we've been split up. great just great. we cant get down there without the others particularly Vergil.
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"At least we don't need to worry about getting bored," Triste muttered over her shoulder as she angled the sub down, guiding them deeper into the thick, oppressive darkness. After a while, pieces of the wreckage of Flight 447 started to loom out of the black, illuminated by the lights. A broken wing, a torn section of the main body... the worn parts serving as a ghostly reminder of the lives that had been lost in the crash. As the craft moved past a part of the plane's tail, Triste thought she caught a glimpse of something shrinking away from the light. In spite of herself, she felt a shiver run up her spine.

She flicked on the sub's scanning system, and after a moment, information on the screen in front told her there was something ahead - a large cavernous space just off from the site of the wreck. It was at an even greater depth, maybe in some kind of crevice in the ocean floor. "Alright... I think we have something," she called across to Vergil. Turning the sub and accelerating down to where the cave was located, she looked back and cocked an eye at him. "I haven't seen anything out there. Maybe our luck' starting to -" A bleep from the radar system cut her off. Spinning around, she looked at the small screen, and saw with a sinking feeling that something was approaching from behind. "Goddammit, we've got company!" Triste swore, pushing the sub to go even faster.


Axel stumbled as the guard shoved him, almost tripping over his feet and spawling backwards. At the last second, he managed to catch himself, and he turned without saying anything else. As they were led down the corridors towards lock up, and towards whatever awaited them, he could only hope that Soren had understood that they were in trouble.


Rio looked to see what Flora was pointing out, and his eyes widened at the sight of the shapes moving below the surface, heading for their wreckage. "Oh, come on..." Gritting his teeth, he crawled across the floor to a section of the railing that had almost been snapped free. Straining, he pulled at it and managed to wrench it off completely. One end of it hadn't been broken cleanly, and the metal ended in a sharp, dangerous point.

Rio moved slowly to the edge of the boat and peered over, raising his makeshift spear, matted strands of his hair plastered across his face. One of the sharks started to drift closer, and he jabbed the metal down with a yell. He missed, the point splashing down in the water harmlessly, but the shape jerked away. "Help Foley!" he called over his shoulder, scanning the water for any more of them - but the sea was dark, and it was hard to pick them out. "I'll try to keep them back!" There was a thud on the underside of the small, fragile wreckage that was their only hope of survival, and Rio jabbed the 'spear' down again. He still didn't hit anything. "Crap!"


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Vergil's orange eyes widened as he saw the wreckage of the Airbus... landing gear stuck up before them, and he could only imagine what it must've been like that night on the aircraft; terrifying didn't come close to describing it. Looking around them, Vergil nodded once as Triste said she picked up a cave or crevasse in the ocean floor beyond the wreckage.

"OK... head towards that. That might be it. Perfect place to hide it, after all, given what we've seen so far of them." Vergil commented, but his muted jubilation was short-lived, as all of a sudden, their radar picked up incoming targets. "Greeeat." the gecko responded. More than two miles below the surface and they were under attack.

"OK I just... need to focus." he said. "You just get us to that waypoint safely..." He closed his eyes, sensing everything from fish to sharks to whales headed their way. But there was something else too... something he didn't recognize, and it was big. Furrowing his brow, he projected an invisible wall outward, trying to calm them... trying to stop them. It was bizarre... he could enter their minds, but it was mostly just instincts he felt... and something driving them as well; something so insane, he could feel it clawing at his mind.

A great white suddenly appeared ahead of them, emerging from the murk into their light, but it stopped a good 25 feet away as Vergil managed to arrest it. Vergil's lips pursed, a frown creasing his face as he continued concentrating...

The group was eventually led to lockup, in the middle of the facility. Their possessions were taken, and they were placed in two separate holding cells behind barriers of an extremely durable and clear material. They had a wall-mounted cot and a stainless steel toilet with sink, and that was the extent of their amenities.

"All right... we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." the lead security officer stated. "You can tell us exactly why you tried to sink this station, damage a room, cost us millions, and otherwise initiated an act of sabotage... or we'll extract it from you via other means." He pulled up a chair outside the cell, and looked at Axel. If he didn't say anything useful, there were various methods to be employed to make him talk of course.

Varanus had to give her credit: she was resourceful... at running at that is. But she was heading right into one of his squads, who promptly opened fire on her the closer she got. They aimed for wings and body, attempting to bring her down either dead or alive. Varanus charged through the steam cloud and this time, reached out with his mind, ripping a part the ceiling off directly over her, hoping to bring it down right on top of her and trap her. He was now losing his patience with this coward...

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(Voltaic Station)

Soren swallowed his bite of seal-burger as a waiter passed by them. He smiled. "We don't need an alibi if we're staff.

He looked around. "Here's what we do. We all go to my room and call for room service saying that we need new towels or something. We then jump the staff member and steal their clothes. Depending if the worker's male or female, one of us will then get into the locker room and swipe additional uniforms. Sound like an idea."



Marion's exoskeleton was immune to small arms fire but her flying frame's wings were shredded by them; luckily, the engines were small and shielded and she can fly รณ albeit with reduced manueverability even with the loss of the frame's wings. Her HUD warned about the falling ceiling and automatically boosted her away from the falling ceiling slab.

She smiled as she saw numerous cables and pipes. Mindful that Varanus was approaching, Marion quickly sliced through all the pipes and cables, hoping that at least one of them was vital.

She then descended and ducked behind a corner. When one of the troopers rounded the corner, she stabbed him with her plasma blade and took his rifle.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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theres only one problem with that, security. these guys dont mess around with security' Marita said. ' so this had better work. ' we can pass ourselves off as new on the job.'Marita said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena furrowed her brow. "We can use the sharks to our advantage," she said. "Give me my katana back."

Dragging herself to the edge of the boat, she waited until a shark attempted to ram the bottom, and sliced it open. "Everybody hang near the middle!" she yelled, realizing she should have said that sooner.

As the wounded shark spilled black blood into the water, the other sharks went into a frenzy. The sea turned pink with bloody froth as the sharks tore apart their comrade. Flora, who hadn't reacted to Emilena's command fast enough, splashed facefirst into the water with a shriek.

Emilena reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. "Rio!" Grabbing Flora by the tail, she pulled at her to get her back on the boat. Rio, luckily,  reacted almost as quickly and together they dragged Flora back on the boat.

Flora returned, spluttering and shell-shocked, and only appeared to have skin-deep wounds. But the action had unbalanced the boat, and with a cry the whole thing threatened to tip over.

"Balance yourself! Lie flat!" ordered Emilena. Their best hope was to spread their weight around the boat. If it tips, we're all done for...


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"Son of a bitch!" Triste swore as the great white suddenly appeared in the spotlights. She didn't quite flinch, although her hands tightened on the controls. To her relief, it stopped before it got close to them and she sped past it, ignoring it's black eyes which seemed to follow them malevolently as they passed. She glanced across, and seeing Vergil's face creased in concentration, realised he must be holding it back somehow. Many more dots had sprung up on the radar by now, and although they were following they didn't seem to be getting any closer either. "Alright, keep it up!" she called to the gecko, her voice a little harder than she'd intended. "We're almost there, just keep them back a little longer!"

The ocean floor began to slope down steeply, and Triste pushed the sub hard to follow it along as quickly as the could. The scanning system indicated that the space it had reported was getting closer... closer... The spotlights illuminated crowds of smaller marine life scattering in terror as they followed the floor's surface... when suddenly their light vanished, swallowed by the absolute darkness of the yawning chasm that stretched before them. Triste was taken aback for a moment, the huge opening of the cave reminding her of the mouth of a huge creature, inviting them to come in... before snapping shut.

Shaking her head to get rid of the unwelcome image, she shouted back to Vergil. "We're here! I'm taking us in..." Gritting her teeth, Triste accelerated the tiny craft forwards, through the entrance to the cave and to whatever awaited them inside.


Axel stared back through the clear barrier at the man who'd just taken a seat outside the cell. They weren't dead, so it looked like these guys really were the security force. A relieved flutter ran through his chest, although given their current situation relief probably wasn't the right emotion to feel. That being said... it was possible someone here was involved with Kalis somehow, and the only thing keeping them safe at the moment was that they didn't know why he was here. Telling this guy everything wasn't a good idea - it could put Lily, himself and the others in danger.

"Look," Axel started, his shoe squelching as he took a step forwards. "I'm sorry about the damage we both caused. We didn't mean to cost you money, and... and believe me, we didn't want to sink the station."

He swallowed then continued. "Me and the other woman you brought in were both poisoned during the trip over here. Someone spiked us with some kind of drug, and it was serious enough for us to be taken to the infirmary when we arrived. You can check some kind of record for that can't you?" Axel shook his head. "When they released us, I, ah... I guess the symptoms hadn't worn off yet and then one thing led to another and... well, you saw what happened." He could hear how feeble it sounded, and spread his arms as if to say honest mistake, buddy. “Look, it’s… blame me for this, not her.  I can’t remember why, but… I thought it’d be a good idea at the time. I made her do it.” Then he had another thought. Can't hurt to try... "Actually, could you let me know if the gecko staying in that room is still around? I'd like to, you know.. apoligise for ruining his vacation."


Rio did as Emilena commanded, his hands still full of fur that he'd yanked from Flora while pulling her back onto the wreckage. He pressed his cheek against the floor, trying to keep as still as he could while the injured shark was torn apart by his buddies. The frenzy caused the boat wreckage to rock, and Rio's fists clenched down on the person lying next to him - his eyes were squeezed shut so he couldn't tell who it was.

He felt a cold sensation running along one foot where he'd lost his shoe, and with mounting horror he realised it was the sea lapping around his ankles. Their wreckage was beginning to take on water. "Oh fuck... we're dead. We're dead!" he cried out, his mouth suddenly feeling as dry as sandpaper.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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The boat was indeed sinking due to the increased choppiness of the water. Emilena knew that two things had to be done very quickly; they needed to distance themselves from the shark frenzy, and they needed additional flotation devices.

She mentally cataloged their inventory; other than the outfits worn by Rio, Foley, and herself, they had only a very basic survival kit and her katana. Foley's outfit needed to stay relatively intact in order to keep him as warm as possible, and Emilena's shirt and pants were already occupied preventing her leg from bleeding out. That means...

"I'm sorry Rio, I'm going to need your shirt and pants. Fast as you can!"

The winds were picking up, but the red skies indicated to Emilena that it was merely a windstorm, and not a continuation of the tropical storm that had almost sank them before.


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Vergil finally relaxed with an exhale as they entered the cave. "That took more out of me than I care to admit." he stated, rolling his shoulders now as he flexed his arms. "There's something bigger out there... it doesn't feel like anything I've ever read about. I'm not sure what it is... it can't fit in here thankfully but... I'm worried about it on our way out. While blowing ballast isn't exactly advisable, since we'd have to make our way back to the station on the surface, but... still let's just get the waypoint... speaking of which." He nodded ahead of him. Out of the blackness of the cave could be seen the pale blue glow of the waypoint's console. "That's it. Let's hope this one's easy... considering it is by far the hardest of the waypoints so far to reach." he mumbled.

"OK, set us down close by... I'm gonna go suit up... remember, we can't mess around out here. We probably have about 12 minutes of oxygen with the mixture they use at depths like this, so we need to move fast." He reminded her.

Pulling out the bulky diving suit, Vergil began sliding into it, pulling up the sleeves and beginning to zip up.

"That's none of your concern where he is... we suspect you were targeting him... or something on this station, given he wasn't in his room. And since I just would LOVE to believe your stupid story but can't, due to the fact they wouldn't release druggies from the infirmary, you're down one strike. And since you also stupidly tipped your hand about what's most precious to you, I think I'll start with the woman you seem so keen to protect." He went over to Lily's cell, opened the door, and dragged her by the hair to a unique looking chair out in the main room.

Throwing her roughly into the device, leg and wrist restraints soon snapped into place automatically with smooth hisses. "So here's how this works... you pay us back NOW... and yes we accept bank accounts, houses, cars, whatever you have... OR..." Without warning, he jammed a knife into Lily's left arm, hoping to wake her up. The knife collided with her bone, and he slowly, very slowly, began to peel her muscle from her bone, an extremely excruciating process by any stretch of the imagination as he glanced over at Axel with a wicked grin.

But as Marion rounded the corner and killed the trooper, she was facing thirty others, all with their guns trained on her. "End of the road." One said. "Drop the gun... kick off that goddamn frame, and you don't get pumped full of holes, got it?"

By now Varanus was coming up fast behind her too, having thrown himself down the corridor at great velocity till he landed a few feet behind her. "Oh well this was predictable." the big monitor stated with a yawn as he stood behind her. She'd been slicing through conduits that powered lights to various rooms off the hallway, but nothing serious. "You finally ready to stop this silly nonsense?" he asked her.

At Pelvanida, Kojuuro waited in the tree outside the factory. The city was in ruins around him, reduced to ashes by Kalis's fleet but he was ready with his sniper rifle. He kept it trained on the entrance to the factory. His friends were coming here... his bugs had told him so after all. He was hella ready... hella ready... hella ready...

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post


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Triste spotted the console in the distance, and she brought the sub in closer to the ghostly blue glow. "Something big?" she muttered over her shoulder as Vergil started to pull his suit on. "Let's step it up then... the quicker we're out of here, the better." If whatever was out there really was too big to fit into the cave, then she really didn't like the idea of sticking around to meet it. This is why I hate the ocean... she thought to herself bitterly.

Bringing the sub up close to the console so they'd only have a short distance to reach it, Triste let go of the controls and sat up, moving across the cramped vehicle to reach her own diving suit. Pulling it off the rack, she spotted a small supply of spear guns lined up beside it, and tossed one across to Vergil. "Just in case," she shrugged. Tugging the suit on, Triste almost felt comforted by the heavy material. Sealing it closed, she threw the strap of her own spear gun over one shoulder and started checking her equipment. Light on her helmet... it worked. Her suit... didn't have any tears or breaches that she could see. Oxygen tank...

Triste blinked at it then swore. "Son of a bitch..." Flipping the meter over, she held it out so Vergil could see. It showed she only had seven minutes of air left. "Whoever's in charge of maintaining the equipment should have their neck broken," she muttered, shaking her head. "I'll do as much as I can to help you out there. Maybe if we're lucky, this one'll just give us the coordinates straight away."


Axel felt his mouth start to twist, his hands start to clench into fists as the guard sank the knife into Lily's arm... but then he forced himself to relax. This bastard enjoyed his work,that much was obvious, and if he showed how much pain it was causing him, Axel was willing to bet he wouldn't stop straight away.

"You're making a mistake," he said lowly, keeping his voice even. "We weren't targeting anyone, and we were just released. Check her... her other arm. That's a cessation patch. If you're going to blame anyone for what happened, blame your fucking staff for letting us out too early." His voice cracked slightly when the guard twisted the knife, and at the soft squelch of tearing muscle he couldn't prevent a slight wince from creasing the corner of his eye. She can heal... she can heal... he kept telling himself, desperately trying to ignore the enraged buzzing in his head, a sensation he hadn't felt since at the Purifier base six months ago. If you're gonna help us Soren... you've gotta hurry the hell up...


Terrified, his face pressed against the wreckage, Rio took a second to take in Emilena's words. Nodding, he gingerly sat up, trying not to roll over the side of the rocking boat into a watery, toothy grave. The fancy shirt and pants that he'd been wearing while on the cruise ship weren't looking good, but as he pulled them off he could see they weren't torn enough to prevent them from being useful.

"Here..." he said, holding them out to Emilena with a shaking arm - soaked to the bone and with the wind starting to pick up, he was really starting to feel the cold. Shivering, he lay back down and crawled over to the edge. "If you need me to tie anything to the... to the side of the boat, I'll do it," he called back through teeth that were starting to chatter.