The Gang of Five
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Racing the Storm

Pterano · 1020 · 92251


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Though the boat was travelling as fast as it could, the guard's patrol boat was easily keeping pace, the gunner keeping the hail of bullets trained on them. The bullets were tearing the boat apart - there was no way they could keep going like this. Axel swore under his breath as he searched for a way to get rid of the patrol craft. From their position, he wouldn't be able to get up and leave the wheel - it would just give the gunner the clear target he needed to cut them down. Defeated, Axel crouched back down and gritted his teeth.

 He turned to Rio and started to say something when he saw the boy staring at something in the distance. Axel spun to follow his line of sight, and blinked when he saw a spot on the left side of the river where a collection of large and sharp looking rocks were clustered, their tips jutting out of the water like vicious teeth. They were on the same side as the patrol boat.

"No way!" Axel looked back at Rio. "It's too risky, we could get caught up instead, then we'd be screwed!"

"We're screwed if we don't do anything!" Rio snapped back, his knuckles clenched white on the wheel.

That was a fair point, Axel decided. Taking the wheel from Rio, he kept the boat going in an even line, the guard's motorboat moving up closer to their side. The roar of the turret was almost unbearable - how many bullets does this thing have?! The rocks were getting closer... closer... Now!

Axel quickly spun the wheel to the left as hard as he could. The motorboat had shifted to the right to give the rocks a wide berth, but suddenly the larger boat they'd been chasing was bearing down on them. The side of the rental boat, shredded by gunfire, slammed into them and the guards were pushed inexorably towards the jagged rocks.  The driver tried desperately to stop, but it was too late and they were swept forwards.

As Axel heard the crunching of the motorboat and the screams of the guards, a small part of Axel hoped the men hadn't been crushed by what they'd just done - the guards were just doing their job after all. But a bigger part of him was relieved that they'd been dealt with.

Beside him, Rio was yelling in bloodthirsty glee. "Yeah! Eat that, cocksuckers!"

His heart thumping like a jackhammer in his chest, Axel yanked the wheel back to the right, trying to get them away from the rocks. Luckily, it seemed that -

The boat was jerked to the side, throwing Axel and Rio to the floor, the crunching of wood that filled the air soon replaced by the screeching of metal. "Aw no... come on..." Axel moaned, scrambling back up and wrenching the wheel. There was a final scraping sound, and the boat pulled free, heading back into the safety of deeper waters, listing slightly.

They were taking on water.


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The dune buggy shook as it took several more impacts. "I'm trying my best!" Soren shouted. It was then he got an idea.

He aimed the turret at the ground in front of the pursuing vehicle and pulled the trigger. His gamble was perfect. Not expecting mines in company territory, the bottom of the vehicle was unarmored. While most of the rounds detonated against the rocky ground, a few had managed to bounce up and strike the vulnerable drivetrain. The stricken vehicle ground to a halt.

Smirking, he aimed the turret at the armored windshield of the disabled vehicle and let loose a stream of HE rounds. The vehicle soon burst into flame as its battery pack was breached and the electrolytes caught fire.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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" 'Sokay..." Flora muttered weakly, allowing Rose to stagger her over to the first aid kit. "I just need some...just need some..." she spotted a large syringe of morphine underneath the gauze. "Oh god yes."

She injected the entire contents of the syringe into her arm and sighed in relief as a fuzzy numbness clouded her brain. "You know..." she smiled dizzily at Rose, "I really liked...what we had back there...before--"

"We're taking on water!" she suddenly heard someone yell. In seconds Flora and Rose were up to their ankles in the Nile.

"It's still okay..." Flora insisted, wrapping her arms around Rose. Her eyes weren't focused on anything in particular. "It's still okay...Aurora will save us..."


"Nice!" crowed Emilena. "You're not half as useless as you were in Lanthae!"

She glanced backward at Triste. "We've got our opening, now get us to the waypoint before reinforcements arrive!"


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I'd rather not leave our fate up to Aurora" Rose said, grabbing the gauze and bandages and shoving them down her dress front with one hand before sloshing through the water as she held onto the clearly drugged out Flora.' and Yeah, It was getting interesting there before we were rudely interrupted. i'm thinking a Take 2 is in order, once we get the heck out of here. lets.. go find  a lifeboat. Axel! Rio! I Think it's time to abandon ship!" she called out.
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Hey! Dont leave us here!" the jaguar guard called out, the water rapidly rising as she struggled to her feet, the water lapping at her heels. She held out her arms in surrender as best she could. "'look, help me and Uesa get out of here and we'll .. look the other way. we'll class this as an accident.. happens quite a bit in this portion of the river."
 Rose paused , her arms starting to strain from holding the drugged Flora.'Fine. There's a lifeboat on board right?' Yes. one, on  the left side of the boat. standard issue for this class. Holds a max of 10 passengers' the jackal guard said as she rushed over to the gagged leopard, got her to her fet, and ungagged her. the leopard  swore as she was ungagged ' What the hell is wrong with you people!' she shrieked at Rose and Flora.
"Uesa, the  time for recrimination is later, after we get off of this boat. we've got maybe 15 minutes to get off  before it sinks.' Atrua -which was the leopards name- said ' Hold still.' she helped Uesa work off her cuffs then Uesa undid the cuffs on Atrua.''Get to the boat ' Uesa said imperiously, drawing in heavy breaths "we need to get our belongings and first aid ' Floras not in good shape..' Rose started.
- Then she shouldn't have started shooting off an AK-47! Uesa said roughly, before sighing." Look. get to the lifeboat, put your friend in.. and then you have exactly 3 minutes to grab whatever you can- first aid, phones, whatever- before we start rowing away. that goes for all of you lot . she said glaring at Rose.
Rose turned and headed towards the left side of the boat where a covered lifeboat, hung off the side of the larger boat. rose laid Flora down on the tarp that covered the boat.
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His ears still ringing from the gun blasts which had long since died away, Axel stumbled down to Rose. "We... jesus, are you okay? Is.. is she okay?" He blinked at Flora, unsure, as the wounded folf lay in the lifeboat. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. "Why the hell did they start shooting at us?! What happened?! Did -" He finally spotted one of the guards and took a quick step back, slightly raising his hands. "Whoa, what's going on?" He looked to Rose for answers, his expression questioning as he noticed the guard didn't seem to be about to attack them.

Rio stepped forward, flipping the guard the finger. "What the fuck were you shooting at us for?! Asshole!" He grimaced and gestured to Flora and Rose. "Blow her fucking head off!"


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I made a deal with them ' we spare their lives, and they'll look the other way on our little excursion.' Rose said in reply .' get the tarp off, get in,  and try and make Flora as comfortable as possible. we'll have to get those bullets out of her ASAP once we get to shore..' I'm headed back in.I'll have to get as much of our stuff back , and first aid,as quickly as possible.'
- You have 3 minutes' Uesa said as she got part of the tarp off and climbed in. Rose rushed back into the room.

- ' Be more respectful kid' Atrua said to Rio. "As for why we started shooting, We thought you folks were running contraband, quite a bit of it  runs up and down the river. its why Aswan Algal has us patrolling the waters in the first place, that and occasionally tourists who don't have any idea what they are doing get stuck. First we thought you lot were tourists, then when your nutso friend here  started going all 'mob enforcer' on us, we thought you were running stuff. Did you think we would not respond in kind when fired upon? why are you folks here, really?"  Atrua said, looking at Axel before getting into the boat.
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Rio gaped. "Be respectful?! You were shooting at us, bitch!"

On Atrua's mentioning of Flora firing first, Axel's eyes flicked briefly towards the folf, but when she asked what they were doing on the river he shook his head. "No. I'm not telling you anything. Look, I'm fine with not hurting you and your... your friend. I'm sorry there was any shooting in the first place, that's what we were trying to avoid - but we aren't friends." Leaning into the boat, he took the AK-47 from  Flora's limp grip and raised the barrel to the two guards. "Get in the boat and shut up."

"What?!" Rio tugged at Axel's shirt. "Shoot them and dump their bodies in the water! You know they're just gonna run their mouths off about us as soon as we let them go!"

"No, they won't." Axel gestured the gun towards Atrua. "You two are staying with us until the rest of our team comes back. Then we'll let you go, somewhere further down." He took a quick peak into the distance towards the plant. Luckily it didn't look like any more reinforcements were coming - if anyone had been watching, it was probably assumed the security team had taken care of them. Axel looked back at Atrua. "If you try anything, I will shoot you."

 The boat gave a sudden groan, lurching to the side, almost toppling Axel and Rio over. "Shit..." the rat hissed. "Rose! Hurry up, we need to get out of here now!"


As Emilena managed to land a shot, Triste turned back and nodded quickly. "On it!" Slamming her foot on the accelerator, she sped the vehicle away from the guard's buggy and span the wheel, throwing them sideways into a narrow passage that led further into the mountains. After a few minutes, the steep walls of the passage flanking them fell away, revealing the waypoint before them.


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i have one question' Atrua replied as she tossed the  tarp off the side and watched it fall into the water " HOW exactly do you propose to do that when your only mode of transportation, aside from this small boat, is going to sink to the river bottom in less than 10 minutes? This boat can carry 10, a bit more than that if  you really push your luck. its not meant for speed of any sort, its designed to keep you alive long enough to be fished out of the river.' she asked looking at Axel.'Your young friend there has quite the mouth on him.. tell him to be a bit more respectful and we wont have any issues.
- Rose rushed to the lifeboat and dumped in 3 handbags- hers Maries and maritas. "this is all i could grab- the water is absolutely freezing' Rose said, shivering as she climbed in.' i did empty the first aid kit though' she said, opening her bag and showing the first aid supplies inside.' Roses dress was soaked completely through, and the boat began to lurch more.'Lower the boat Axel! the boat is starting to tip, it'll capsize, then sink. we need to be away from here before it does."
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((All right I"m back from tour. No real opportunity to post after all, so I'll just have to catch up.))

Vergil watched with satisfaction as the last buggy was dealt with. While the mountains here were more like bluffs and outcroppings of rock, the gecko panned his gaze ahead, even as Tony directed the vehicle they were in to a gap in between them.

"Really remote here..." Vergil murmured, narrowing his eyes as he looked from right to left and frowned. "Hm... there!" He said, pointing to a cave that suddenly loomed off to their left. "That's it... it has to be... they wouldn't have built it in an easily accessible location after all." he stated. As Triste pulled the armored car to a halt, the cave entrance was like a giant arch, resembling a gaping mouth that sloped downward inside. It was mostly black and revealed nothing of what lay beyond.

Hopping out after opening the door, the gecko patted his side to make sure his blade was on him, and he exhaled, feeling it was still there. "All right... let's get this over with... no idea what's down there so... just be prepared for anything. This has so far been ridiculously easy but... I don't think it's going to stay that way."

He started walking towards the cave entrance, Tony hopping down as well and putting away the GPS locator. "Oh shit..." he whispered, seeing the creepy cavern opening ahead of him. "We really have to...?" he asked warily. "It's just I got this thing about you know... being underground and like... never being able to get to the surface again and like..." he trailed off here, gulping.

Kalis said nothing as he walked out, looking ahead of him. He raised his head to the heavens, and closed his eyes. "I must admit... you were the one I saw as the most gentle of the group... the woman who would forgive anything, no matter how serious. But it's reassuring to know you're just as evil as I know anyone can be... how we ALL should be... it's our nature to desire strength and power and... aggression. It just proves anyone can be this way... and well... I don't say that lightly. Even the best of us fall... in your case it was your desire to protect your son at any cost. Others have their own desires and needs that must be fulfilled... and they can't do it if they don't compromise their own morals and values. It's why being us is so... easy. Welcome... to the other side." he stated, his body suddenly lifting off the ground and fading from view as he was he transported up to his ship using miniature gating technology.

Lily and Foley soon found themselves in the same situation, the world around them vanishing as they were suddenly in a dark metallic corridor. Various species walked around them, all wearing uniforms. Kalis began walking forward, striding with purpose as he headed for the bridge of his flagship. Soon he'd confront this Vergil and the others face to face... and would reveal something he'd found out only recently that he considered to be positively delicious before he'd terminate their lives.

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Poster of the Gang of Five's 400,000th post

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Heheh..." chuckled Flora, still high on morphine. She couldn't keep a ridiculous smile off her face, even smothering her snout in her bloodied paw didn't help.

"What the hell is so funny?" the jackal glared at her.

"We..." Flora giggled, "We...should only let them come with us...if they strip naked!" She snorted and winced in pain, tears streaming down her face.


Emilena reloaded, painfully aware that she was 0 out of 8 on that last clip. "Are we there yet? Please tell me we're there..." she muttered to nobody in particular. There weren't any pursuers to aim for at the time being, but she kept her focus constantly shifting, trying to gauge their combat positioning even as the speed of the buggy kept altering the cover around them.


Lily paused at Kalis' words. She'd never thought of herself as evil; while siding with Kalis was admittedly a rather dark decision outside of context, she was doing it for the good of her son and only after her other options had been excised, courtesy of Vergil. But this definitely wasn't the time to debate semantics, and besides Kalis had already left.

"Whoo-eeh!" Foley whistled in appreciation when he saw the confluent ornamentation. "Like something out of Stargate! Actually, maybe a bit grittier. Battlestar Galactica. Do you think we get our own uniforms? Do you think they'll have my size?"

"Foley... why don't you go ask someone." Lily turned away. "I've got to go check on things now. I'll see you later."


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that had better be the morphine talking' Uesa glowered.' Hold her down , we need to get those wounds sterilized and wrapped, the bullets will eventually work themselves out if they are shallow enough.
 Rose dug into her bag for the guaze and bandages and and handed them to Uesa.' heres she said ' Some may be wet.' So what as long as they are otherwise clean?" Uesa said as she began treating Flora, moping up the blood from her snout and banadged the wounds on her side and neck.
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Soren unlatched his shotgun from the holder. Anne did the same with her rifle.

"I don't like the look of this place," Soren said as he looked around the cave's forbidding entrance.

Anne said nothing but her rigidly erect ears and clamped down tail conveyed her fear.

Soren pulled out the radio he had in his pocket. "Axel, we're at the waypoint do you copy?"

Anne noticed that Soren's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. The mare tapped him on the shoulder. "Something up?

The Human put the radio away and sighed. "The radio on the boat's dead."

Despite the hot sand surrounding them and the scorching sun above, a chill ran through the duo.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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marita heard sorens comment and pulled out her phone and shot rose a text
 Rose , the radio on the boat isnt responding whats wrong? . after waiting a minute or so she got a reply and her jaw dropped  ' you gotta be freaking kidding me! she exclaimed. she turned and looked at the others. 'the boat is  sinking and the others are rowing away in the lifeboat.' she said looking shaken. ' so much for them picking us up..' Marita said.
 How the heck did the boat sink?" Marie asked . ' Marita read the text ' got boarded by guards. , flora pulled out a gun and started shooting, guards ship returned fire, and in the middle of battle, boat hit some rocks and ripped big hole in the boat. we are currently in lifeboat, rowing away." we need to get the heck out of here, as soon as possible.
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Triste's jaw clenched on hearing something had gone wrong with the boat. "Damn it..." She shrugged her shoulders, approaching the yawning mouth of the cave. "Well, we're here now. And we're too far away to be in a position to help them in any case. Let's just focus on this - once we're done here, we'll see if we can do anything for them."

As she stepped within, she felt the temperature drop almost instantly, the chill of the darkness settling over her like a cold blanket. As she stopped for moment, allowing her eyes to start adjusting to the gloom, Triste tilted her head. Had she just heart a rustle coming from further within? She could just start to make out the solid shapes of rocks, boulders and bushes nestled in the shadows but beyond lay only darkness as the cave continued to slope down even further. Anything could be in there... She felt a chill run down her spine, then dug her fingers into her palm. Don't be stupid! You start jumping at shadows, you lose your focus...

Without looking back, not willing to be blinded by the light from outside, she called back to Tony. "If you think it'll be a problem, you can stay back as a lookout." Triste wasn't crazy about the idea of leaving him alone where he could get up to anything, but it he was going to have a panic attack at an inopportune time, it might be for the best.


Still holding the gun on the guards as the lifeboat bobbed in the water, Axel's eyes flicked over to Rose briefly. "Tell them we'll try to lie low and wait for them to finish up. We can figure out a way to meet back with them when they're done."

"She's gonna need a doctor, isn't she?" Rio said, staring uneasily at Flora as her blood seemed to started seeping through the bandages Uesa applied almost immediately. "She's not looking too good..."

"We're in the middle of nowhere, how can we find a doctor?" Axel muttered. He looked at Uesa. "Just-"

He was interrupted by a crackling coming from Atrua. Glancing sharply at her, he saw it was coming from a radio strapped to her suit.

"What's going on?" A voice spoke from the device. "We've lost contact with the rest of your team... is everything alright?"


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The others ran into rocks in the river Sir. Uesa and I got lucky. a.. passing boat of tourists offered to help us, unfortunately their boat also ran into the rocks and sank .We're currently in their lifeboat' Atrua' said ' Atrua heard the voice on the other end swear..' damn it.. alright make it to shore and then make your way up to Algal headquarters as soon as possible for a debriefing. what were the tourists doing in this part of the river? ' they were.. headed to Alexandria, they say they were taking a scenic trip on the river, before the accident.' Atrua said. 'Great, We'll have to compensate the travel agency for the loss of their boat. so much for that holiday bonus..just.. contact me again Atrua once you reach shore. Idu Musab, out" the voice on the other end cut off  and Atrua  turned the radio off.'Alright, I just created an alibi for you, in return i suggest you put that gun away." she said looking at Axel intently.
 We ned to get those bullets out quickly' rose said glancing at the reddening bandages.' we dont have time to get her to a doctor."
Uesa sighed, ' i have a pocketknife in my pocket. ' its the best we can do as far as an operating utensil. do you have anything that could serve as a utensil for removing the bullets?' she asked ' I do have a tweezer. you know the type used for plucking hair from between your eyebrows." rose said digging into her purse and pulling it out. She took a deep breath and shot. Marita a quick text " will lay low until you guys are finished'. and turned to  Axel and Rio ' Rio you and Atrua will have to row. Axel you'll have to hold Flora still while Uesa and I operate and remove these bullets. we have enough bandages, but I dont think we have any more'll have to keep her absolutely still.'
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"I'll stay with you, Tony," Emilena offered, who was thinking exactly the same thing as Triste. "The rest of you, get in there and make it fast. And if you so happen to see an amphibious vehicle, don't pass it by."


"Are you sure removing the bullets is a good idea...?" Flora mumbled dizzily. "When Bob shot me down in the spice mines, Nairda insisted we keep the bullets in...but I guess Nairda's an idiot so what does he know...?" She shifted her position and winced.


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Axel stared warily at Atrua, then slowly lowered the gun into his lap... though he kept his grip firmly on the AK-47.

"You gotta be kidding me," Rio rolled his eyes.

When Rose suggested he hold Flora down, Axel shook his head. "No. We need to leave at least one person holding the gun. We're not trusting these two, Rose." He blinked at Flora, then sighed. Shuffling forwards, Axel pushed the gun into Rose's grip then leaned over the folf. "You keep that gun ready, Rose. I mean it." Keeping a firm grip on Flora, he looked at Uesa. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Scowling, Rio took a seat next to Atrua and glared at the woman. "I have my eye on you."


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The ones already in you from before we'll leave in' Uesa said to Flora. ' we're more interested in the ones currently giving you trouble.' she turned to Axel 'my father is a doctor, who has  done thousands of surgeries.  He wanted me to follow in his footsteps, and I attended medical school for a couple semesters in college. to make a long story short, I found I prefer being in law enforcement more so I switched. But I know how to remove bullets and scrapnel and that'll have to do for the time being.
- Atrua sighed as she began to row' Cynical lot arent you.' she said to Rio. ' Keep an eye on me as you wish, but I'll get this boat to shore safely. "

Rose handed over all the supplies- gauze, bandages and her tweezer, before accepting the gun " We'll need something to hold the bullets, and something to clean out the wounds. there should be a couple small cups in my bag, I use them for  holding my coins. just dump the coins out into the bag and use them. we'll have to use river water to wash out the wounds before bandaging them." Rose said. She turned to Axel " as for trusting them, for now we really dont have a choice. None of us are doctors or have any medical training, and Floras in pretty bad shape. I'll hold the gun so that Atrua keeps rowing, while you hold down Flora and keep her still while Uesa operates."
 Uesa Pulled out her her pocket knife and set it down on the boat seat, before going over to Roses bag ( Rose pointed it out for her) and retrieved a couple small cups filled with coins. she poured the coins out into the bag and zipped it back up." She took one of the cups struck it out over the side of the boat and filled it with river water. the other she left empty' "the empty one will hold the bullets' she said to Axel " When I locate the bullet , you use the tweezer to SLOWLY ease it out, simply tearing it out will make things worse. We'll start with the one on her side"-
 Uesa cut off  the bandages covering the side wound, and threw them aside, revealing an angry red area where the bullet had entered. She dipped her fingers into the water from the first cup, and  dried them off on her uniform before picking up the knife and making a pair of incisions leading away from the bullet hole.
 Over the next fifteen minutes , Uesa operated on the bullets , in Floras side, neck, shoulder and leg, and one by one, the bullets slowly came out. the second cup was now carrying 5 bloody bullets, the blood had pooled over the bullets and sloushed around as the boat moved through the waves.  Uesa was now operating on the sixth and final bullet in  Floras right shoulder.
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As Uesa cut into the skin around the final bullet, Axel squinted in discomfort then pressed hard against Flora as he leaned in with the tweezers. "Alright... last one..." The boat suddenly rolled against the water and the tweezers he was gently edging into the wound were jolted forwards, the sharp edges stabbing into her raw, exposed flesh. "Shit! Sorry, I'm..." Gritting his teeth, Axel tried again, clamping the metal around the bullet and easing it out steadily.

The bullet clinked into the cup when he dropped it in. Heaving a breath, he leaned back and patted Flora's hand. "Alright, they're out. Jesus, she's bleeding everywhere..."

Rowing beside Atrua, his attention focused on the shore which was fast approaching, Rio blinked, the scrunched his face up as he focused on something in the distance. "Guys, something's coming."

Glancing back at Rio, Axel quickly followed the boy's line of sight and gritted his teeth. Rio was right - coming from the direction of the plant, a large, heavy-duty vehicle was trundling across the sand, a cloud of dust trailing behind. It was still much too far away for Axel to tell how many people were inside the car.

"Atrua, one of our team spotted you," the voice from the woman's radio crackled. "We've sent out a vehicle to your position to retrieve you and the tourists."

Axel turned panicked eyes to Rose. He didn't say anything but his feelings were obvious: How are they gonna buy the fact that a tourist is full of bullet holes?