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The Swimmer Trials

The Lone Dragon

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YAY. Over 1000 views. I've never done something like this before. Keep up with the story and the feedback, there's still plenty more to come. :lol: :celebrate
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?

The Lone Dragon

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Chapter: 14: An Uncomfortable Subject

The night before the last event in chapter 13.

It was a full moon tonight; silver moon light cast large shadows all across the Great Valley. All was quiet as many families were turning in for sleep. But Littlefoot was not asleep at the moment.

He was up and wide awake, although Ducky's younger siblings were already fast asleep beside the massive bulk of his Grandma. Ali was also up, she sat next to him, his Grandparents were both having a hushed conversation with Ali's mother but Littlefoot's mind was elsewhere. He had remembered what he had originally intended to do three days ago. He had been about question to Mr Swimmer about Ducky's whereabouts and he would have if Ducky, along with her mother, had not arrived at that very moment.

But after overhearing his Grandparents talk with Mr Swimmer, he was made even more curious about The Trial of Destiny but he had a very bad feeling in his stomach about it because of how the adults looked so grim about it and they usually knew what was going on.

Tonight, however Littlefoot had resolved to ask his Grandparents about The Trial of Destiny. Ali rubbed up close to Littlefoot's body as it was a cold night. Littlefoot looked distractedly off into the distance and largely ignored her. Ali could tell that something was troubling Littlefoot. She knew him too well to miss a hint; she could see it in his eyes, his troubled expression, his agitated body language and also by the fact that he had appeared to have forgotten that she was here. "Littlefoot?" asked Ali.

Littlefoot didn't respond so Ali pressed her muzzle against his neck. Littlefoot finally snapped out of his trance and gave an apologetic look to Ali. He rubbed up against Ali's body as if he had only now begun to feel the night's cold. The two friends sat together for a while looking up at the starlit sky, sharing each other’s warmth and providing each other comfort. Finally Ali broke the silence between them.

"What's troubling you Littlefoot?" she asked plainly.

Littlefoot looked at her thoughtfully and asked her a question.
"What do you think is going on with Ducky?" he asked.

Ali was a little surprised at his question but it was evident to her that all the recent events involving Ducky had made Littlefoot feel a little worried.
She chose her answer with great consideration "I think that Ducky has a lot of troubles at the moment" she said slowly.

Littlefoot had a weary look on his face when he next spoke. "I'm worried about her. She looked so exhausted after she came home with her mother from the training and now we haven't seen her for the past three days. I've seen her mother looking for her. Something bad is going on and she's not telling us”. Littlefoot spoke his last words in a deeply agitated voice.

Ali considered what Littlefoot had speculated. He was indeed right about how tired Ducky looked when she arrived home and now it appeared that she was missing. "Do you think that she is not telling us because she is worried about how we will act?" asked Ali.

Littlefoot looked at Ali. "I'm sure it has something to do with this Trial of Destiny" he said.

"I don't like the way the grown ups appeared all worried about it but we don't know what it is about, it might just be an Individual Trial" said Ali.

"I don't like the way that the grown-ups looked either and I think that this Trial is more then what it seems" said Littlefoot "so I'm going to find out".
Littlefoot raised himself and walked over to his Grandparents, closely followed by Ali.

"Grandpa, Grandma, can I talk to you for a moment?" asked Littlefoot in a polite voice. The two elder longnecks turned to their Grandson.

"Of course Littlefoot, what is it?" asked Grandpa.

Littlefoot took a breath and began his inquiries. "Do you know where Ducky is? We haven't seen her for three days".

Grandma and Grandpa both exchanged worried looks. Littlefoot had thought this would be the case so he started off with a subject that they would not find too awkward. Grandma was the next to speak "We don't know dear, Ducky has been training with her mother somewhere out of sight" said Grandma half truthfully.

Littlefoot was not at all convinced that his Grandma was telling the whole truth. "Why are the Swimmer children sleeping with us then?" he asked. His Grandparents both wore nervous expressions. He was evidently sticking his nose into an uncomfortable subject.

"Mr Swimmer asked if they could stay around for a little while because their family is busy at the moment" said Grandpa.

Littlefoot decided that he had better ask what he was going to ask before the conversation got any more awkward. "We didn't mean to eavesdrop. We just wanted to know where Ducky was".

Both his Grandparents now wore shocked and alarmed expressions. "How much of that did you hear?" asked Grandma nervously.

"I would like to know" said Littlefoot "what is The Trial of Destiny?". The elder longnecks both let out shocked gasps. "We know Ducky's going to take this Trial and we were wondering what it was" asked Littlefoot.

Littlefoot watched as his Grandparents exchanged anxious looks. He wondered if he had gone to far but then he saw his Grandma give one long, slow nod to Grandpa. They were going to tell him. "Well Littlefoot, Ali" said Grandpa " The Trial of Destiny is......"


Littlefoot and Ali walked slowly towards their usual meeting place outside the Secret Caverns. They were both awfully tired having hardly slept at all after Littlefoot's Grandparent's had told them about The Trial of Destiny. They were horrified when they heard that Ducky would probably not survive the Trial. They had also been informed about the Swimmer family’s predicament and it shocked them when they heard what Sculra was like.

The two friends had laid close to each other that night. They nuzzled each other and entwined their tails, in an attempt to provide some comfort to each other. Ali was in tears after that meeting and Littlefoot hardly kept his in. He was reminded once again of the loss of his mother and now he was in a position where he had to watch one of his friends fight for her life in a Trial that would more than likely kill her. It was too much for Littlefoot. He nuzzled Ali in an attempt to calm her; she nuzzled him back. The night had suddenly felt much colder.

"Oh Littlefoot why her? Why Ducky?" cried Ali.

Littlefoot nuzzled his friend "I don't know" he said mournfully " but what I do know is that we will help her when she comes back" said Littlefoot with resolve. Ali agreed, she nodded to Littlefoot's statement. They would be there to help Ducky.

The two Longneck's arrived at the Secret Caverns. Everyone else was waiting for them apart from Chomper and Ducky. Littlefoot noticed this. "Hey, where's Chomper?" he asked.

Ruby stepped forward. "He was with me yesterday in his cave. But then Ducky's mom came in and asked Chomper to help find Ducky". Ruby looked very concerned "She said that Ducky was in danger, in danger Ducky was in. Chomper then left to look for Ducky with her mother".

Littlefoot and Ali exchanged a dark look with each other.

"What's with you two today?" asked Cera "you look like you both have had a tough night, but I know that look Littlefoot. You always carry it when your worried so would you please tell us what happened last night?" asked Cera, who was unusually sharp today.

"Hi Guy's!" said a familiar voice.

The six friends turned to see Chomper arrive. He was wearing a blank expression on his face. Ruby ran forward and anxiously asked if he had found Ducky. Everyone else crowded around Chomper and eagerly awaited his report.

"I found her alright" said Chomper grimly. The was a collective sigh of relieve from his friends but Chomper wasn't finished yet. "In the Mysterious Beyond" he finished. He looked up at his friends to see there mouths wide open in shock.

"Ducky go to...Mysterious...B...B...Beyond?" stutted Petrie in fear.

"Why would she do that" asked Cera in a startled voice. Cera looked at Spike, he had been wearing a look of horror on his face ever since he heard that Ducky had run into the Mysterious Beyond.

Chomper looked slightly hesitant at Cera's query "I overheard Ducky talk with her mom and she said that no one had ever survived the Trial of Destiny.

There were worried looks around the circle except from Littlefoot and Ali.

Littlefoot spoke next "Ali and I asked my Grandparents what the Trial was last night and what Chomper says about no one ever surviving the Trial is true and..." he said slowly. Ali began to sob.

Cera guessed what Littlefoot had to say "and Ducky is going to do the Trial isn't she?". Littlefoot nodded. A long silence descended on the circle of friends and for a long time no one said anything as they all tried to absorb the shock of this news. Ali was sobbing quietly, Littlefoot nuzzled her. Spike was now breathing hard and fast. To hear that his beloved sister would soon be dead hit him like an earth shake. Spike trembled on his legs, the shock was way to much for him, he fell to the ground and blacked out.

Cera and Chomper both stood rooted to the ground as if they had been paralysed as they tried to digest the news. Ruby was almost inconsolable. She was trembling from head to foot. Ducky had always been a dear friend to her, she had welcomed Ruby in with open arms and was always there when she needed her. Petrie who had been hovering above his friends heads fell onto Cera's back when he heard the news, tears started to fall down his cheeks.

"We c...c...can't let Ducky do this" said Petrie his voice was filled with the fear that the others all felt.

"We have to save her, save her we must" said Ruby in an uncharacteristically small voice. She went over to the stream and sipped some water, then she took a tree star full of water and dumped the it over Spike's head, which brought him back to consciousness. Spike whimpered quietly.  

The others all turned to Ruby, they all thought the same thing. But how could they do this? Littlefoot cleared his throat and relayed to his friends what his Grandparents had said to him last night. When he finished everyone had there mouths open again.

"So..." said Cera "It's all this Sculra's fault". Cera's breathing became hard and fast. The six friends knew what was coming and hastily backed away from Cera. "This so called Swimmer is sending Ducky to her death BECAUSE SHE CAN!" Cera yelled out the last part, she then stood back on her hind legs and gave a roar of fury.

 After that Cera quietened down but her temper was still past the boiling point. She charged it a large rock on the edge of the clearing. She smashed into it with full force and the rock shattered. Cera stood there panting, her face was contorted with rage. Littlefoot and the others approached cautiously as Cera was still angry. But what happened next was both surprising and alarming.

Cera dropped to the ground and gave a few chocked sobs, evidently she was still trying to be tough but now that she was faced in losing one of the friendliest and caring dinosaurs she knew, the emotional flood gates finally opened and overwhelmed Cera with grief.

The friends stood beside her Ali, Petrie, Spike and Ruby were also sobbing. While Littlefoot and Chomper had pained expressions on their faces. They were hardly maintaining control over themselves. The situation was just so unprecedented and horrifying.

Littlefoot finally found a voice. "I understand why Ducky didn't want us to know, but she still should have told us. We could help her" said Littlefoot "I don't think any of her brothers and sisters know either. They all brought the grow-ups cover story as did we" Littlefoot said in a regretful tone.

"But now" said Littlefoot "I know what we must do". The others looked at him hopefully. "We will inform Ducky's siblings, they at least have a right to know of the danger that Ducky is in.....Then we will go to Ducky and do what we've always done". Littlefoot straightened himself out and rose to his full height. "We will help her survive the Trial".

"Yes" said everyone in the circle vigorously, their hearts filled with new hope as they set off to the aid of their dear friend.

So Littlefoot has told the rest of the Gang about Ducky's current situation and is now planning to help tell her siblings and then help his friend. Ducky's chances of survival feel a lot less bleak now.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?

Cancerian Tiger

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Geez, that reaction of Cera's was really something :blink:.  I felt bad for the poor thing, especially since she never gets that upset about things.  It's much better than her usual habit of internalizing feelings though, because that's definitely not good for your health.


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Sorry I haven't commented on this chapter until now.  You really have captured the stunned reactions of the Gang quite well.  The fact that both Ruby and Cera have be reduced to dropping all pretenses of emotional composure indicates that they all comprehend the enormity of what faces Ducky.  As for telling the rest of Ducky's siblings, I can see this both being helpful, but also dangerous.  The more people that know, the greater the possibility that information could leak out to those who would do Ducky harm.  Or rather, to she who would do Ducky harm.  

All in all, this was quite a good chapter.  I did notice one correction, however:

"I don't think any of here brothers and sisters know either. They all brought the grow-ups cover story as did we" Littlefoot said in a regretful tone.

It should be "I don't think any of her brothers and sisters know either."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Lone Dragon

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Thanks for the correction. I'm always finding small mistakes like that to edit out.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Review of chapter 10:

One thing I really like about your writing is using dreams :yes They always seem to tell a lesson that'll help Ducky in the end :)
Ducky is obviously not able to learn these tough wisdoms right away. It takes a long while to improve things as difficult as these wisdoms. Fear is getting in her way so she has to work on her self-control and on her bravery. Maybe it's best she gets a day off training :yes
Sura having conspiracies in mind huh? I like that :smile


Review of chapter 11:

Ooohhhh, the gang eavesdropped on Ruphus... Now they know there's something going on that they haven't been told and they'll do anything to find out more, won't they? ;)
Interesting developments... :yes
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Chapter 15: The truth and possible alternatives

The seven friends walked slowly toward the water hole. Each of then carried the burden of the truth about the Trial of Destiny. After Littlefoot and Ali had informed the rest of the gang, they were all hit hard by the announcement, even Littlefoot and Ali were hardly coping even though they had both heard the news prior to their little meeting. Now they were all headed to the watering hole for a drink but they also were on their way to give Ducky's siblings the news. They were a part of her family and Ducky taking the trial would have severe consequences for them all whether they knew it or not, but Littlefoot had thought that at the very least they should at least get the chance to help support their sister.

The friends walked in silence. Spike had to be pushed by Ruby and Cera. The poor Spiketail was still in tears as he had not yet recovered from the shock of hearing that Ducky would take the Trial of Destiny. Petrie lay slumped atop Littlefoot's head, all his strength was gone and his mind was falling further and further into a dark sea of despair. Ducky had saved his life so many times and had always provided Petrie with comfort. "Me save Ducky heaps and she save me, but if she no make it......" Petrie teared up at the thought of losing his best friend. "If she no make it then all the times Ducky been saved be for nothing" thought Petrie.

The six friends arrived at the water hole and each took a long drink, the cool water was soothing to them as their bodies felt awfully hot after the walk and it was a warm day. The water was disturbed nearby as Ducky's other siblings played in the water. Completely ignorant of the danger that their sister was in. Littlefoot followed by his friends approached the bank.

"Guy's!" called Littlefoot in order to get the attention of the playful Swimmers. The Swimmers turned to greet the new arrivals.

"We have some news about Ducky" said Littlefoot.

The children now looked a lot more tense as they had not seen Ducky for the past few days. Littlefoot used the silence he had caused to speak again before the inevitable questions started. "But we must tell you alone" said Littlefoot "meet us at the Secret Caverns at in the afternoon".

The Swimmer children nodded but Echo voiced his concerns "Why all the secrecy?" he asked.

"You'll all find out soon, soon you will find out" said Ruby and the seven friends left leaving the Swimmer children feeling a little nervous.


Sura arrived back at the nest with Ducky safely in her arms to the immense relief of Ruphus and Merri. They approached Sura and upon arrival Ruphus bent his head and nuzzled his little daughter. "We were so worried about you" he said.

Merri also nuzzled Ducky "thank goodness your okay" she stuttered.

Sura walked forward into the stream next to the nest and carefully bathed Ducky in the cool water. Ducky was drained, so she took large gulps of the water. Sura put her hand beneath the water and when it surfaced she had some delicious underwater green food in her hands. "Eat up dear, you haven't eaten for a while" she said softly. Ducky was totally ravenous, she stuffed loads of green food into her mouth, she was that hungry.

Ruphus walked beside Sura and examined Ducky under his keen eye, he noticed how thin she was "She's nothing but skin and bones. how long has it been since she ate?" he thought.

The two parents watched on as their little one gorged herself on the food. Sura raised herself and took Ducky to the shore and gently placed her on the ground with the food, the three adults then turned away to have a private talk leaving Ducky alone. Shortly afterwards there was a rustle in the bushes but Ducky was to fixed on her meal to notice it but she did hear the voice that came after it.

"Someone's been a naughty girl" said the voice.

Ducky jumped and turned around to see an old female Swimmer standing over her. Ducky knew about Sculra but she didn't know what she looked like or of the mortal danger she was now in. "Who are you?" she asked nervously.

The old Swimmer hadn't appeared to have heard her as she continued talking unabated as if there never was an interruption "Been trying to run away have you" she said in a quiet voice. Ducky felt more then nervous now, she felt afraid. She got up and backed away a few steps. "I do not know what you are talking about" she said fearfully.

The taller Swimmer advanced on her "Liar" she said coldly.

Ducky gave a scream of fright as the Swimmer beared down upon her. "MAMA!" she screamed.

Ducky turned and ran but she suddenly fell to the ground as a large weight struck her head, for a moment Ducky was blinded by pain but she didn't have any time to feel any more at that moment as everything blacked out.


Sura told Ruphus and Merri about where Ducky had gone and about her two dreams. They were both very interested in the second dream.

"Swayer?" asked Merri "are you sure about that?"

"Ducky said it was Swayer and she described him perfectly, even though she's never met him" replied Sura.

The trio exchanged looks then Sura spoke again "I think that the only way Ducky can survive the Trial is if she learned from one who has successfully done the Trial".

"But no one has survived it" said Ruphus.

"Not the one in the Valley they haven't" replied Sura.

Merri gasped as the full implications of what Sura was saying hit her "you are going to try and find one of the successful Swimmers?" she said in astonishment.

Sura nodded. But before Merri could reply a loud scream came from the nest.


"Ducky!" exclaimed Sura in horror and she along with her mate and sister ran back towards the nest. Sura's heart filled with fear. "We should have had someone keeping an eye on Ducky" she thought.

The trio arrived back at the nest but the sight that greeted their eyes filled them all with horror. Ducky was laying on her side by the shore unmoving and she was immersed in a small pool of her blood, none of the adults could tell if she was breathing from where they stood. Above Ducky stood Sculra.

Sura charged at Sculra with a furious yell but Sculra side stepped her and she collided painfully with a tree. Sura looked awfully dizzy and disorientated on her feet but that didn't stop her from standing in between Sculra and her daughter in a defensive stance. Sculra laughed cruelly at her. Ruphus took up a position next to Sura while Merri bent down to examine Ducky.

"GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!" yelled Sura, she and Ruphus glared at Sculra who was still laughing.

"You should have seen the look on her face" she laughed obviously referring to Ducky.  

"YOU DIRTY SON OF A TAR PIT YOU-!" Sura bombarded Sculra with the most vile insults she could throw at her. She was beyond mad now.

Sculra stopped laughing, it was her turn to look angry now, she glared at Sura with pure hatred.

"What have you done to her?" said Merri in horror.

"I have disciplined her for running away, its something you three seem incapable of doing" hissed Sculra.

"How dare you!" growled Ruphus fiercely. The sheer nerve of her to attack Ducky. Ruphus was enraged "leave now before I kill you" he said in a deadly voice. "You dare attack our little Ducky?".

Sculra rolled her eyes as if this threat was nothing. "attack" she said sarcastically "don't you know the difference between disciplining and attacking?" she said.

Sura advanced toward her nemesis. Sculra eyed her and said in a deadly voice to Sura "you don't have the gore to kill me you coward" Sculra emphasised the final word.

"Leave now Sculra I have nothing more to say to you" said Sura turning her back, it took all of her self control to stop herself from charging.

Sculra looked a little disappointed when Sura turned her back, obviously provoking Sura hadn't worked very well.

"Well" she said in her sweet girlish voice " see you at the Trial". Sculra then turned and left.

"DIE IN A DUNG HEAP, FIEND!!" shouted Ruphus after her.

Ruphus then turned back to Ducky. "How is Ducky? she...." stuttered Ruphus. He hoped that Ducky was just unconscious and not dead. Sura laid down beside Ducky, tears falling from her eyes.

Merri examined Ducky before looking up, she had a look of relief on her face "she's alive, she just took a hit to the head and the bleeding has largely stopped". Sura let out a breath that she hadn't realised she'd been holding and Ruphus wiped his brow and sighed in relief. "Get me a tree star" said Merri. Sura handed her one from the tree and Merri tied the tree star around a small wound on the top of Ducky's head"

"I'm not taking anymore chances" said Sura "I will take Ducky to the Hidden Clearing it's the only place where Ducky is safe then I will take Ducky with me and search for someone who has survived the Trial to help save Ducky". Neither Ruphus or Merri objected. The three dinosaurs laid around Ducky like sentinels, they were guarding Ducky, in case Sculra returned.

"Come back Ducky" sobbed her mother wrapping her daughter in her tail, in a protective gesture. She resolved that she would not allow Sculra to ever lay a hand on Ducky again.      


The Swimmer children arrived at the Secret Caverns as the sun began to set, they found Ducky's friends already there waiting for them. The Swimmers all sat beside the Gang, who all had grim expressions on their faces.

"Thanks for coming" said Littlefoot.

"So what's up with Ducky?" asked Opal.

Everyone turned to Littlefoot expectantly.  

"Well" said Littlefoot in a clear voice " Your mother enlisted Chomper's help when she couldn't find Ducky" Littlefoot paused and looked at the nervous faces of Ducky's siblings, he knew that this would be hard for them. "and they found her in The Mysterious Beyond".

The were gasps of shock from the assembled crowd and they proceeded to bombard Littlefoot with worried questions. "QUIET!" shouted Cera. Everyone stopped and Littlefoot continued "we think that she was running away from the Trial of Destiny" said Littlefoot.

"So do you know what this Trial is about" asked one of the Swimmers.

"Yes Ray" said Littlefoot and he gave them the overview of the Trial of Destiny to Ducky's siblings.

"Well that isn't to bad" said Echo apprehensively.

Then Littlefoot in a trembling voice spoke again "It is harder then it looks see......"

"No one who has ever taken the Trial and survived it" said Cera in a slow and clear voice. The Swimmers gasped as they to had the burden of truth thrust on them. Many were crying while others just stared in shock. "No, " said Echo. Opal had burst into tears and was weeping on the ground like a hatchling.

Petrie then called everyone "We go and help Ducky now" he said.

The children all stared at Petrie, then eventually everyone in the group was standing and nodding.

"Wait" said Littlefoot and everyone turned to look at him. Littlefoot told the Swimmers about their current predicament with Sculra. The reaction that he got was expected from the Swimmers. "How could she do this to Ducky?" asked Opal.

"We don't know, know we do not, we would tell you if we knew" said Ruby.

"But what we do know" said Chomper in a bold voice " is that we will be there for Ducky just as she has been there for us"
Spike grunted an affirmation and nodded his head with renewed vigour.
There was a murmur of agreement among the friends.

"Yes, we will help our sister" said Echo.
He then left and headed for home followed by his siblings, while The Gang went their separate ways for the night.


The young Swimmers arrived at home to find their father and aunt standing with vigil beside their mother, who seemed to be protecting something behind her tail.

"Oh children" said their mother in relief.

Opal stepped forward and said "mom, we know what Ducky is doing and we know about the Trial of Destiny".

Sura looked shocked "How?" she asked in astonishment.

"Littlefoot found out and he told us" replied Opal.

Opal watched as her mother sighed "Well it was bound to happen sooner or later".

"By the way, where is Ducky?" asked the light brown Swimmer called Ray.

Sura looked worried. "She is here with me little ones" she said somewhat hesitantly. Sura was suddenly swamped by her children who all wanted to see their sister, their mother put her tail down in front of them so that they would not see their wounded sister. But Opal had managed to get in a look before her mother's tail blocked her view. Opal gasped "Oh my" she said, putting her hands on her cheeks. Her brothers and sisters looked at her then at their mother. Sura sighed and raised her tail so they could see their beloved sister.

There were gasps all around and Spike ran up to Ducky and nudged her with his snout in an attempt to wake her, tears ran down his face. He whimpered.
"Ducky" cried Echo and several of his siblings. Sura lowered her tail, she didn't want to risk Ducky any accidental injury.

"Your sister is hurt dears" said Ruphus.

"What happened, is this the elder Swimmer's doing?" asked Ray.

Sura and Ruphus looked at him "it appears that Littlefoot also told them about Sculra" thought Sura. She nodded to her children who all gasped. "I and Ducky will be going to a safe place tomorrow, where no one can hurt her while she recovers" announced Sura.

"While the older of you" said Ruphus "will complete your training". Their was a collection of groans from the older children.

"And the rest of you" finished Merri "will remain at home and away from Sculra."

The children stared up at the adults, plain shock registered on all of their faces.
"We are not taking anymore chances dears" said their mother "I must leave to help Ducky train in order to survive the Trial".

"Good Luck" said Echo.

Come on children let's leave your sister with her mother, she's well looked after" said Ruphus softly. The children left, leaving Sura alone with Ducky.

Sura felt the tears slide down her cheeks as she nuzzled Ducky before licking her with her warm tongue. Ducky did not stir, she lay in her mother's arms as if she was asleep. "I'll never let anyone hurt you again Ducky" said Sura "I promise". The last light left the Valley as another day ended and gave way to another night and Sura hoped with all her heart that her little Ducky would survive the Trial. She yawned and placed her body around Ducky, ensuring that no harm would come to her during the night.

Sura laid herself down but she kept her eyes open and watchful, she was not taking anymore chances with any of the lives of her children and she also thought to herself that she would get back at Sculra for hurting Ducky, she would not let Sculra go unpunished. Finally after a while Sura drifted into an uneasy sleep. All was quiet in the Valley that night.

So now Sura's children know of their sisters fate and Sculra has had the guts to make an attack on Ducky and of course Sura has another plan, but will it be successful unlike the last one. Find out in the next few Chapters.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?

Cancerian Tiger

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I won't say what I want to call Sculra due to GOF regulations.  If I was in Sura's place, I'd send her to meet the devil for hutting one of my children without hesitation.  Somebody in the GV is bound to whack Sculra now.


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Review of Chapter 12:

Wow, I think this is the best chapter so far! :yes
Sura's plan to use Chomper to get rid of Sculra really adds some darkness to the story. First I thought, god no don't do this, and Ducky must've heard me :p Nobody can resist her cuteness (I used that as my member title sometime ago along with a cute Ducky face :p) I'm glad she intervened the plans of her mother because such a plan would have also meant serious problems for Chomper. Killing a Great Valley dinosaur, even if requested to do so by somebody living in the Valley, is one way to get exiled for him and that's not what selfless Ducky would want to happen. Yes, you've really pointed out very well that selflessness is still in Ducky's personality despite the life threat she's faced with. Ducky is very strong in that regard.
The scary dream she is having shows however just how strongly she's affected by that death threat. Even though I always think that Ducky (and Petrie) are most likely to have nightly "accidents", it's undoubtedly showing just how troubled Ducky is.
Speaking of the dream, as always you've done a really good job! :yes
So now Ducky has run away to a destination unknown. I'm excited to see what happens next! :DD
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Chapter 16: Leave Taking

Littlefoot along with his friends crowed around Sura at midday. They had evidently been told about Sculra's attack on Ducky the two days ago. Ducky was still unconscious but the bleeding had stopped and the wound was healing, she appeared to be well on her way to recovery. It had been two days since the attack and on the first day after it Sura had retreated herself to the Hidden Clearing for the whole day, in the morning however she returned home. Confident that the danger had passed.

Sura lifted her tail carefully at the friends request. Ducky lay next to her mother's body in the same sleep like manner that she had been in the day before. Petrie landed next to Ducky, he looked heart broken but relieved that his friend would be okay.

"How is Ducky" asked Ali.

Sura looked up at her "She'll be fine dear, she just needs time to recover" she said. She lowered her tail again and wrapped it around Ducky.

Cera was still fuming. When she had heard the news that Sculra had attacked Ducky she went completely berserk. She toppled trees and smashed large rocks to pebbles and shouted herself hoarse until she had no breath left. Her friends had stayed well away from her when they saw her get mad and did not approach her again for almost an hour until she was finally calm enough to approach. "I would not mind giving Sculra a piece of my mind" she hissed angrily.

Sura shook her head "Sculra is clever, she has already disappeared before anyone's come looking for her. She expects that the rest of the herds will know of her treachery by now so she probably won't show her face until the Trials" reasoned Sura "but that does not mean that she still is not capable of causing trouble" added Sura in a weary voice.

Cera stopped her foot angrily on the ground and growled. She really wanted to teach that fiend a lesson, but now that Sculra had hidden she could not which added to her temper which was still bubbling close to explosion point.

"Kids I want you to meet me at The Stone Circle tomorrow. A meeting will be held there and I would appreciate it if you all attended. Your father is asking the grown-up's to attend" said Sura. The children watched her curiously in the hope that they would hear her say more but all of a sudden there was a tired, painful groan from behind Sura's tail.

"Oh my head" came Ducky's tired voice.

Everyone looked delighted as Sura raised her tail again to find Ducky waking up. The children cheered, they had all been terribly afraid for Ducky but now she was back and well again.

"Oh Ducky" said Sura in a relieved voice as she placed her hand around her daughter and nuzzled her affectionately for some time. "We were all so worried but your all right now" said Sura.

"What happened?" groaned Ducky, she was awfully confused about the gavering of children around her but then her memory suddenly came back to her. Ducky gasped "the old Swimmer" she said in fright.

"Sculra attacked you" said her mother " we saw you on the ground bleeding, we all thought you were......." Sura could not finish her sentence so she continued her story "but when Sculra left we saw you were still alive, you've been out for two days".

"Two days!?" repeated Ducky in amazement.

"Your alright now dear" said her mother putting a comforting hand on Ducky's back "though there is going to be a meeting tomorrow about what we are going to do next about the Trail and Sculra".

Ducky nodded and rubbed her head, she felt awfully disorientated, there was a loud grumble as her stomach complained about the lack of food and water that it was receiving. Ducky groaned and her mother quickly pulled some tree stars down from the tree next to the nest and placed them next to Ducky, she filled three of them with water from the stream. "You best eat up dear, you will need your strength".

Ducky nodded and slowly reached a hand for a tree star, it now dawned on her just how exhausted and weak she was now. Just eating a tree star was a tough effort alone for her. So Petrie hand fed Ducky so that she wouldn't drain all her energy, he kept a supporting hand on her back at all times and talked about how happy he was that she was alright.

After Ducky had eaten a few tree stars she took small sips from the water in the three tree stars that her mom filled for her. When she finished drinking she gave long yawn and said in a tired voice "thank you everyone". Ducky then fell asleep on the spot. The children looked a little worried but Sura chuckled before wrapping her tail around her.

"It's alright" she said to the children "Ducky will be alright but right now she needs rest". The children nodded.

"Come on kids" said Merri quietly as she shunted the kids away from Sura.

Sura hummed softly over her little daughter as she slept, she was so glad that Ducky was alright now but she would now be asked something else of her but this time Sura thought that Ducky would successfully be able to handle it.


In the next day in the early evening the adults gathered at The Stone Circle, it included Grandma and Grandpa Longneck with Brace, Topsy and Tria along with Ariel, Mr Clubtail, Mrs Maia and a few other residents. Sura, Merri and Ruphus were the only Swimmers attending and so were their children and The Gang. When everyone was inside The Stone Circle and waiting. Grandpa cleared his throat.

"Friends, children and other residents of the Great Valley" he stated "we have gathered here today at the request of the Swimmer family to discuss a troubling issue". Grandpa finished and stepped back while Sura and Ruphus stepped forward.

Sura began "My friends we asked you here today in the gravest of circumstances" said Sura in a loud, clear voice so that everyone would have no trouble hearing her. "As you all know my daughter, Ducky has been chosen to partake in The Trial of Destiny". There was a little murmuring of concern from the assembled adults. Sura continued "I have asked you here because I trust all of you, I know that you will help me in my moment of need".

Everyone waited silently for her to continue.

Ruphus spoke next "I will tell you now that Sura has attempted to teach our daughter the Wisdoms of our race". Many of the adults gave gasps of shock "And as you all know those wisdoms are forbidden to all but the elders".

"That was a silly thing to do, trying to teach a young one those Wisdoms" said Topps.

"We know" replied Ruphus "we pushed Ducky way to hard but at the time it seemed like the only action that was right. Many of you have children so I think you can understand that the choices were either the Wisdoms or send our little daughter to her death. We have tried to forsake this tradition but Sculra has kept it in play and refuses to give it up".

There were nods around the assembled crowd, nearly all of them could relate to keeping there children safe no matter what that meant and many had done it before.

Sura then told the meeting about Sculra's demands and threats which degenerated the meeting into a confusing halo off furious shouting and cursing and a furious stomping from Mr Threehorn.

"Of all the nerve!" bellowed Tria, she was just as mad as the rest of them.

"She asked WHAT!?" yelled Ariel in disbelief.

The confusion continued until Grandpa called for order. "Everyone please. Calm down! he called loudly. Everyone turned to him. "Thank you" said Grandpa and stood back so Sura could resume speaking.

"Sculra has caused me a lot of trouble, but it was yesterday that it reached a new height when she attacked my dear Ducky". Sura then gave the adults the details about the attack. When she finished the meeting had completely dissolved into chaos. There was furious shouting and stomping.

Mr Threehorn gave a loud bellow that silenced everyone. "Any attack on our children is an attack on us all!" he said to which everyone unanimously agreed.

"I agree" said Merri "but Sculra has already disappeared in preparation for our wrath".

"What will we do then?, only she can stop the Trial" said Ariel.

"Now we get to what I wanted to tell you all" said Sura "I am going to take Ducky and leave The Great Valley".

Sura's announcement shocked all the assembled dinosaurs into silence, everyone stared at her in numb shock as if they couldn't believe what they had just heard.

"Sura" began Grandma.

"I will search for the one who has survived the Trial" continued Sura. This earned a confused stare from the gathered members.

"Sura" said Ariel slowly "no one has survived the Trial".

"No one has survived the Trial in the Great Valley" corrected Sura. "But when the Trial was held in the Mysterious Beyond a few Swimmers managed to survive it though that was all a long time ago I believe that one Swimmer who survived that Trial, a Swimmer called Cyrest can help prepare Ducky for the Trial".

Everyone stared at Sura. Ducky looked like she had been slapped in the face, her mother surely wasn't serious about this? Her siblings looked like someone had stolen there tree stars they were totally stunned while The Gang had each of their mouths open in amazement. The grown-ups looked just as astonished as the children.

"Sura, this is a long shot and The Mysterious Beyond is a dangerous place" said Grandpa.

"With Sculra around, this place is as dangerous to my daughter as the Mysterious Beyond" retorted Sura "I will not sit back while my daughter competes in a Trial that no one has survived" she said firmly.

Tria spoke next "what about the rest of you children?".

"My children will be in the care of my family and the longnecks" Sura gestured  to the longnecks who gave firm nods.

""I don't believe you guys are serious about this" came Cera's voice "You don't even know if this Swimmer is alive or where he is".

Ali's mother, Brace stepped forward and addressed Sura directly "I have heard of a old Swimmer who might be Cyrest, he lives in a cave on the shores of a stream that runs into the Big Water" she said slowly.

Sura nodded "thank you" she said in a grateful voice. "I will start there".

No one was quite sure about what to do, Sura's mind was made up and their seemed no stopping her and it also appeared to be the only option left.

"Mama" said Ducky.

Sura turned to her daughter. "I know you don't want to do this, but I will be there with you and I swear by the shells of my eggs that I will not let any harm come to you" she said in a resolved voice.

Ducky gaped at her mother, she then looked at the rest of her family. All eyes seemed to be on her as if her voice would decide the fate of this meeting. Ducky considered her options carefully, she knew that she needed  to prepare for the Trial but  she also did not want to leave her friends and family or The Great Valley behind. She searched her heart for the right path to chose.

Meanwhile Ducky's siblings along with her friends tensed they all wondered what Ducky was going to say. Spike ran forward and nuzzled her with his snout he gave a soft whimper, it was almost as if he was asking Ducky to stay. Ducky felt a tear fall down her cheek as her eyes began to water. It was at that moment that she knew what she would do.

Ducky stepped forward to the centre of the circle. A small child who had the attention of giants, all waiting for her decision. Ducky took a deep breath and said in a loud clear voice: "I do not want to leave The Great Valley or my friends and family oh no no no". She shook her head and there was a sigh of relief from the children. Ducky looked at her friends and family. Tears were now falling swiftly down her face as she said her final words. "But I will go and search for this Swimmer with my mom I will I will". Everyone remained silent, the children were too stunned to speak at Ducky's announcement.

"Well that sorts things out" said Sura in a slow, quiet voice "we will leave tonight when Sculra won't find us".

"I think this means that the meeting is over" said Grandpa longneck quietly.      

The adults started to leave, each of them wished Sura good luck as they left. Finally only Sura, Merri, Ruphus and the children remained. It would soon be time for Ducky to leave as it was already late evening. Ducky was still standing in the middle of The Stone Circle, she cried in silence. Her friends and siblings came to meet her, they all had downcast expressions and many had tears in their eyes.

Ducky looked at Petrie who had landed beside her. He was also in tears. "You no have to go Ducky" he said in a broken voice.

"Oh Petrie I am so so so so sorry" replied Ducky, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before the two embraced each other in a warm hug which was repeated for each one of her siblings.

When she moved to Echo, Opal and Ray she embraced them all in a group hug "Look after Spike for me" said Ducky mournfully to which all three Swimmers nodded.

When Ducky came to Spike, his face was drenched with tears. "Oh Spike" said Ducky and hugged him tightly. "I will come back Spike I will I will" she said.

Spike nodded solemnly and gave a quiet groan. He licked Ducky once before she was approached by Ruby and Chomper who both hugged her.

"Look after yourself please Ducky" said Ruby when they disengaged.

"Your the best friend a Sharptooth could have" sobbed Chomper as he hugged his dear friend. Ducky nodded before she was nuzzled shortly by Cera, she broke off faster then the others but she also had tears in her eyes. Littlefoot and Ali then nuzzled her and exchanged their good byes.

"Good bye and good luck Ducky" said Littlefoot in a small voice that he was unaccustomed to using.

Ruphus then bent down to Ducky so they were at eye level with each other. He smiled. "I know you'll make me proud dear" he said before giving her a quick nuzzle which was followed by Merri.

By now Ducky was overwhelmed by her parting that she could not stand it anymore. "I will miss you all" she said in a trembling voice.

Sura was chocking back sobs as she watched this emotional parting, Ducky had made a very hard choice and Sura could not have been more proud of her now. Sura sniffed and looked at the sky which was now dotted with stars, it was now time to leave.

"Come Ducky, it's time to go" she said, it was almost the same wording as she used when calling Ducky home except without the 'home' at the end. Ducky looked one last time at her friends and family, she gave a long sniff and dried her tears before she turned to leave with her mother. How this journey would end, she did not know but she sincerely hoped that it would be a happy one.


Sura and Ducky walked through the quiet Valley alone, everyone was turning in for sleep only the calls of the night crawlers could be heard along with their slow footfalls. Ducky savoured every moment she had in the Valley. As she past places of significance to her she would recall her memories of that place. They passed the water hole and Ducky remembered how much fun she had swimming and playing there with her friends and family here. Ducky smiled at the memory and in the back of her mind she wondered if she would ever come back to this happy life that had belonged to her for so long.

Sura and Ducky stood at the entrance to The Mysterious Beyond and before Ducky left with her mother she looked back into the Valley, her home and said "Good bye, I will be back soon yep yep yep".

Ducky remembered what Swayer had said in her dreams "never give up hope Ducky".

Ducky knew that she would never let him or her mother or anyone in the Valley down as she turned and Ducky along with her mother finally left the Great Valley to search for the only hope that Ducky had left now for the Trail of Destiny.

Now that was a very big chapter. Hope you like it.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


  • Ducky
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Love it.  Hope they don't run into Sharpteeth out there.  (P.S., where is Ruby?  I see Chomper but not Ruby.)

The Lone Dragon

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Ruby is in this story and in this very chapter if you read when Ducky is parting with everyone. Both Ruby and Chomper are present and Ruby also has her line:

"Look after yourself please Ducky" said Ruby when they disengaged.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Review of Chapter 12:

Wow, I think this is the best chapter so far! :yes
Sura's plan to use Chomper to get rid of Sculra really adds some darkness to the story. First I thought, god no don't do this, and Ducky must've heard me :p Nobody can resist her cuteness (I used that as my member title sometime ago along with a cute Ducky face :p) I'm glad she intervened the plans of her mother because such a plan would have also meant serious problems for Chomper. Killing a Great Valley dinosaur, even if requested to do so by somebody living in the Valley, is one way to get exiled for him and that's not what selfless Ducky would want to happen. Yes, you've really pointed out very well that selflessness is still in Ducky's personality despite the life threat she's faced with. Ducky is very strong in that regard.
The scary dream she is having shows however just how strongly she's affected by that death threat. Even though I always think that Ducky (and Petrie) are most likely to have nightly "accidents", it's undoubtedly showing just how troubled Ducky is.
Speaking of the dream, as always you've done a really good job! :yes
So now Ducky has run away to a destination unknown. I'm excited to see what happens next! :DD


Review of chapter 13:

Interesting developments :) Ducky has been found and Chomper hears about the Trial.

As for the song, it was alright. Very meaningful though the length of the verses changes a little bit. It's very hard to find verses which rhyme, are similar in length and still make sense so really your song is fine :)
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Review of chapter 14:

Wow, that's deep...
The Gang found out about Ducky's fate and their reactions to that are just what one would expect. Knowing that a good friend is doomed to die, can be very heartbreaking... But they won't give up, nope, nope, nope :)
Ali and Littlefoot also seem to be quite close so I wonder... :smile


Review of Chapter 15:

Sculra you b****! :mad How dare she hurt Ducky?! Reminds me of Umbridge from Harry Potter...
Anyway, I think that mysterious swimmer Ducky dreamed about some chapters ago might be the key to Ducky's survival since he is a survivor of the Trial (not the one in the Great Valley that is).
Right now I see two options for Ducky: Either she's taking the Trial after all and (hopefully by some miraculous coincidence) survives or somebody brings down Sculra before it comes to that.
I really like your description in your writing by the way. It's usually kept short but worded well :yes
The story keeps getting more exciting ;)
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  • Ducky
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I somehow think Sculra is gonna find out what happened if Ducky does take the Trial (of which, she'll survive, or else the story will be too sad.)  or Saru and Sculra will confront each other.

I was also thinking of a Potter scene for what might happen.

However, I got the idea of Molly and Bellatrix.  

Sculra: (Laughs evilly) (Advances toward Ducky) Say goodbye to your girl.

Saru: (Furious) Not my daughter you b****!

The Lone Dragon

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Chapter 17: Familiar Faces

Sura led the way through the barren land outside the Great Valley with Ducky by her side, it was now early morning and they had been walking all night, Ducky had been to the Big Water before and she inquired to her mother about how they were going to get there.

To which her mother replied "We will take a shortcut, but that will mean going through The Land of Mists".

Ducky gave a squeal of fright. She had been to The Land of Mists before and the last time she was there almost ended with her being eaten by the blind belly dragger Dil and she was in no mood to go back to that place again.

"Is there not another way we could go?" she asked her mother.

Sura nodded "there are plenty of ways to get to the Big Water Ducky but right now we want the speediest one and the fastest way to get to the Big Water is by cutting through The Land of Mists".

Ducky looked a little scared "I do not like that place and I do not want to go there again oh no no no".

Sura looked down at Ducky, she could see that her daughter was indeed scared. "I'll be with you all the way dear" she said in a reassuring voice.

Ducky nodded but she still looked a little nervous.

The duo continued their walk through The Mysterious Beyond until they came to a large waterfall. It was a beautiful sight in the morning, there was a fine mist created from the crashing water at it's base and a rainbow of colours could be seen from the ledge that Ducky and Sura stood on.

Ducky gasped. She knew this place, she had been here before the last time she went to The Land of Mists. Sura and Ducky were both awed by the beauty of the waterfall as they headed up to the cave behind the waterfall. The limestone cave was filled with water which was cold to touch. Ducky followed her mother until they reached the drop off, where Sura stopped and turned to Ducky.

"Now dear we will swim from here, the conditions in this cave are going to be similar to that of the Crescent caves. So we are going to dive until it gets dark and swim from there as it will give you practice in Swimming in dark waters" announced Sura.

Ducky looked into the water, it appeared dark and empty but it could also hold many hidden dangers. This reminded her of the scary dream she had in the Valley. "It looks very scary" she whispered. Sura bent down to her daughter's level and put a comforting hand on her back.

"I'll be with you all the way" she said in a reassuring voice. Sura walked into the deeper water so that it was up to her chest, she mentioned for Ducky to stay on the bank. "Now, Ducky" she said in a more serious voice "If you get into trouble I want you to perform an underwater alarm call".

Ducky listened curiously to her mother. "An underwater alarm call?" she asked.

"Like this" said her mother and she lowered her head until she was fully submerged beneath the water. Then she vocalised through her crest and all of a sudden there was a loud high pitched call from beneath the water. Sura raised herself from the water and held out her hand to Ducky who jumped onto her open palm.

"Now you try" said Sura as she lowered Ducky into the water. Ducky looked at her mother nervously. "Just whistle through your crest" said Sura.

Ducky nodded, she knew how to make whistling noises using her crest. She lowered herself into the water and whistled, a small high pitched sound could be heard before she surfaced.

"Well done Ducky, you are doing it" said her mother in an encouraging voice "now try it again only louder" said Sura.

Ducky nodded and tried again, this time her call was loud and long and when she surfaced her mother gave her a warm nuzzle. "Good job dear now if you get into trouble just make that call and I will find you" said Sura. Ducky nodded she felt very proud of herself.

"Let's go" said Sura and with that she dived under, closely followed by Ducky. The two Swimmers dived down deep until there was hardly any light and Ducky could hardly see her mother, it was cold and silent down here but Ducky felt a lot more safe with her mother.

She swam side by side with her mother, so that they were almost touching. As the duo advanced deeper into the cave it became even more darker until no light could be seen.

Ducky grasped hold of her mother tightly, afraid that if she let go, she would never see the light again. Then all of a sudden they met a strong back current. Sura followed it along with Ducky who was now struggling to hold on as they were going so fast.

Suddenly Ducky was buffered by a unseen current to her left and she lost her grip on her mother, now she was frightened, she swam forward in the hope that she'd bump into her mother but there was nothing to bump into. Ducky made a distress call as loud as she could through the water, in the hope that her mother would find her but no one came. Ducky was then swept downward by a strong current, Ducky made the distress call again but still no one answered it. Now Ducky knew that she was lost but she was not alone, something came up from bellow, heading towards the unbeknownst Swimmer at a fast pace, on an intercept path with Ducky.


Sura started to see the light brighten as she headed upward, once she got past the currents it was just a matter of getting to the surface. Sura broke the surface and looked around. The cave was much brighter here and the exit was in sight, that was when Sura noticed that Ducky was not with her.

"Ducky!" she called. but no one answered. Sura dived back under the water and was greeted by a distress call. Sura felt her blood run cold, Ducky was in trouble. Sura dived down in the direction of the sound in an attempt to find her daughter but as she dived down, she saw a movement of something large beneath the water.

Sura halted, as she did not know what creature was down there. The dark shape suddenly came up towards her. Sura readied herself, she did not know what was coming up but what she did know was that her daughter was down there. The creature came up to her level and Sura gazed into the eyes of what appeared to be an large old turtle. The turtle smiled at her and gestured to the top of it's shell which Sura now realised had a passenger: Ducky.
Sura swam over to her and embraced her in her hands before she along with the old turtle headed back up to the surface.

Sura surfaced and cuddled Ducky tightly. "Oh Ducky" she said in relief.

The old turtle swam up to her. "I thought that you needed a hand" he said in a kind voice to Ducky.

Ducky looked at the turtle and let out a gasp. "Archie?" she asked.

Archie nodded. "Haven't seen you for a long time little one" he said    

Ducky dived into the water and hugged his beak in her embrace. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you" she said joyously.

Archie blushed and made to get onto the shore. Sura looked at the turtle. "I didn't know that you knew my daughter" she said " but I am deeply grateful to you for saving her.

"No problems" said Archie. He then turned to Ducky and asked what she was doing here. Sura hastily explained about the Trial of Destiny and her quest to find a survivor to help train Ducky. Archie nodded in understanding when she had finished.

"Well I wish you two all the best but I do have one piece of advice that might help you when your out there" said Archie to Ducky. Archie then retreated into his shell, so that her was barely discernible. "Camouflage" said Archie "the ability to blend in with your surroundings can be really useful" he explained.

Ducky watched and walked over to the waters edge. "Like this?" she asked before diving beneath the water, she dived a short way down and when she found a suitable crevice she placed her body within the entrance and from the surface she seemed to disappear. Sura and Archie were both laughing when Ducky surfaced. She was a little confused by this.

"Yes, just like that" chuckled Archie.

Sura lifted her daughter into her arms. "Well done dear" she said then she turned to Archie and said "Thank you for helping my daughter Archie".

Archie smiled at her "always glad to help out" he said before turning back to the water "goodbye and good luck Ducky" he called before he disappeared beneath the water.

"Goodbye Archie" called Ducky as he left.

Sura kept a tight hold on her daughter as she turned and headed out of the cave exit and into The Land of Mists.


Sculra sat inside her cave. She knew that no one would find her here, the clearing she was in only had one entrance which was well concealed and the cave that was hidden in the underbrush would insure safety from any Flyers who might be looking for her. She was sure that the adults had been informed about her attack and she had wisely retreated from all views.

Sculra was not in a good mood, hiding like this was not something that she did regularly, but now she would be forced to hide until The Swimmer Trials began. Sculra was indeed looking forward to The Trial of Destiny, she had made sure that when she first started the Trial in the Valley that no one would survive it. This made a useful weapon for Sculra as it allowed her to get rid of any young Swimmer who could compete with her for leadership and discredit their family at the same time.

But she was especially looking forward to the Trial this time. Sculra hated Sura, she was all that you could hope for in a Swimmer. A mother who had lost none of her children, mate to a handsome male, living in the Great Valley and being a herd leader. What more could anyone of her kind want?. Sculra however was very traditionalist in her ways and was opposed to Sura's new ways of cooperating with the other herds, she was also greatly opposed to Sura's adoption of Spike and how she always opposed her when it came to her decisions.

"Sura is a nuisance and so is her daughter" thought Sculra angrily. She wanted to get back at Sura for many reasons, one being that she had taken Ruphus as her mate when Sculra liked him too. She also defied her at every turn. Sculra knew that Sura was popular among the Swimmer herd and the mixed herds. Sculra did not like Sura's open minded method of leading, so now with her oldest child, Ducky set to do the Trial of Destiny, Sculra had ensured that she would bring Sura to her knees and get the revenge that she desired but she was also doing the Trial to get rid of Ducky.

Sura was dangerous to Sculra's ways and her daughter was so much like her that Sculra could see Ducky becoming a major threat to her when she grows up, but if Ducky was killed in the Trial then she would no longer be any threat and Sculra could finally assume command of the Swimmer herd and discredit Sura.    

Sculra longed for that day when everything would be perfect for her. But she was still in a bad mood. Because of Sura warning the adults about her, Sculra was forced to hide. She was in the mood for getting some early revenge. She planned to do this by hiring a few hands to steal Sura's eggs so that she could complete her revenge.

Sculra waited in that cave for the rest of the day until night fall came. That was when she heard footsteps coming from the back of the cave and shortly after two tan Egg Stealers appeared.

"What do you want" asked the darker one in an annoyed voice. He did not like being summoned by anyone let alone a old Swimmer.

Sculra smiled at Ozzy and his brother Strut. "I want to offer you a pleasant dinner" she said to the two Egg Stealers "how does freshly laid Swimmer eggs sound?" she asked.

Ozzy licked his chops. "Well I think it sounds egglicious" he said.

Strut looked rather hesitant but Ozzy was hungry so he didn't intervene with his brothers plan.

Sculra then told the two Egg Stealers what she wanted from them. "Do you think you can handle that?" she asked at the end.

"Why of course" replied Ozzy. The he looked at Sculra in a suspicious way "What's in it for you?" he asked slowly.

Sculra shrugged " Just the chance to get back at a few characters that I know" she replied back. She would wait patiently for the sweet taste of revenge on Sura."I have a feeling that I will not be disappointed" thought Sculra as the two Egg Stealers left her alone in the isolation of her cave.

So Archie pays a visit and Sculra plots her revenge. Find out if her plan works in the next few chapters.
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I hope Strut foils it.  That would be awful if their plan worked.

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Chapter 18: A Night Of Stories

The rain fell heavily upon Sura, she held her daughter in her hands to keep her safe. The last thing she would want was to get separated from her in the mist. The Land of Mists certainly lived up to it's name as every part of the land was covered in a dense fog which made visibility difficult and in the dark of night it made it nearly impossible to see. Ducky shivered in her mothers arms, she cuddled up to her mothers chest in an attempt to keep warm but the freezing rain kept pelting her so she was unable to find much relief.

Sura knew that she needed to find shelter fast for both her and her daughter, she stumbled through the unfamiliar bush and almost walked into a cliff that was almost invisible in the mist. Sura felt her way along the slope. Ducky sneezed loudly, she was now shivering uncontrollably and what was even more worrying was that she was starting to turn blue from the cold.
"Hold on dear" said Sura, putting a her beak over Ducky in a vain effort to shelter her from the rain.

Sura continued her walk and she suddenly stumbled as the cliff face that she was feeling suddenly disappeared. Sura regained herself and looked at the dark space and realised that she was staring into the depths of a dark cave. The rain suddenly stopped and a clear full moon peeked through the clouds and lit up the land and the interior of the cave which appeared to be deserted. Sura walked through the cave entrance and explored the back of the cave.
She found the cave to be suitably large and even better was a large river that flowed at the back of the cave at the bottom of a steep slope. This would be a perfect escape route should anything attack them.

Sura laid herself down on the right side of the cave which was illuminated by the light of the full moon. She cuddled Ducky close to her body to keep her warm. Ducky's shivering lessened and after a time it stopped altogether and she also regained a bit of colour. Sura released Ducky from her grasp and allowed her to walk about as she had been carried by her mother all day and was awfully stiff. Sura got up and walked out of the cave, she came back with a large pile of green food in her arms, which she laid down beside her.

"Come along dear, dinner is here" she said to Ducky who was curiously peering over the edge of the slope where the river ran. Ducky returned to her mother and began to eat. A time passed and no one had said anything but finally Ducky voiced her thoughts "Why does The High Elder hate me so much?" she asked her mother.

Sura looked closely at Ducky, she obviously did not understand why she had attacked her. Sura was slow to respond "I don't think she hates you dear".

Ducky looked tearfully at her mother "But she hurt me" she said.

Sura nodded. "Yes she did but I don't think she hates you, I think it's me she hates" replied Sura.

"Why would she hate you? You a great mama you are you are" said Ducky in surprise.

Sura was flattered by Ducky's opinion of her. "Thank you dear" she chuckled before returning to Ducky's question "Sculra has never liked me, mainly because of jealousy I think. I also think I understand why she set you the Trial" said Sura.

"Why" asked Ducky. Sura looked at her daughter and saw in her features that Ducky was desperate to understand why she had been through all this misery and why she had to perform this Trial.

Sura said her words very slowly so that Ducky would understand them "I think that Sculra thinks that you are going to grow up and be like me...and Sculra does not want that".

Ducky nodded slowly "Why can't I be like you?" she asked. But was surprised and confused to see her mother laughing.


"Oh Ducky, my little one you already are like me, we have a lot more in common then you know" chuckled Sura.

"We do?" asked Ducky in amazement.

"Yes dear, we are both kind and selfless and we are both..." Sura chuckled "good Swimmers"

"Ohhhh" said Ducky in understanding but her mother was not finished yet.

"But I was also liked adventuring just like you when I was your age" said Sura.

"You did?" said Ducky in astonishment, she never really knew what her mother was like when she was young as it was one of those facts that she kept to herself.

Sura nodded "Oh yes, I, like you used to love going on adventures and running away from home when I was young but unlike you I and Merri were both fourth clutch younglings and we used to do everything together me and her".

Ducky was listening closely to her mother.

"You know that I have always been worried when you go on your adventures because of the dangers that you come across but I was just as bad. Unfortunately I learnt the hard way about the price of stupidity when you are young" said Sura. "You remember when you and your friends almost drowned in the sinking sands and how I told you and Spike off?"  

Ducky nodded. "I was so worried about you because I feared that you would come to repeat a mistake of mine" said Sura bitterly.

Ducky listened as her mother recounted a story from her past to her.

"Many cold times ago before the discovery of the Great Valley I was playing with four of my siblings......."


Sura the brown young Swimmer girl ran alongside her identical twin Merri. They were also accompanied by a light green Swimmer girl called Bright, who was their sister and a dark brown Swimmer called Clover who was their older brother. The three were having great fun playing tag by the water hole. Sura chased Bright all the way to the sinking sands, disregarding what her parents had said about not playing around here.

 Sura looked across the sinking sands where a small island meadow of flowers and ground star plants grew. Sura eyed it longingly, she had often wanted to go to that little island but her mom and dad had forbidden her from going to the sinking sands. Sura eyed the rocks that rose from the water. "I bet I could use those rocks to get across" thought the young Swimmer.

Clover noticed Sura's pondering look and came up to her. "I hope your not thinking of trying to get to that island Sura" he said as Merri and Bright joined them.

"Huh" said Sura, she was annoyed at being reminded that she could only look at that meadow from a distance. "I'm sure if we use those rocks we can get across" said Sura thoughtfully.

"Oh no Sura" said Bright "We promised mom that we would not go near here" Bright looked worried, she feared that Sura would do something stupid.


"What happened then mom?" asked Ducky nervously. "You did not try to cross the sinking sands did you?"

"Actually I did" said Sura.


"Mom's not here Bright I'm sure that someone as bright as you would know that" said Sura in a playful voice while Bright frowned at her for assuming that she was as smart as her name suggested.

"I would like to go to that meadow" said Merri. Sura smiled at least her twin was with her. Bright and Clover both groaned.

"Come on you two" said Sura, then in a mocking voice she called "or are you scaredy eggs?".

Bright glared at her sister, she could be a little overbearing at times when she wanted to go adventuring "Better to be a scaredy egg then to be dead" retorted Bright.

"Huh" said Sura and she backed up before taking a run to the edge and leaping onto the first rock, she landed on it successfully. "See it's easy" mocked Sura. Merri took a run and jumped but as she landed on the rock she slipped and fell backwards into the sinking sands with a loud scream.

"MERRI!" cried Sura, she grabbed a hold of Merri's arms and pulled her out of the sands. Merri panted in fright. "Maybe we should go back" she said.

"I agree" said Bright who landed on the rock in order to assist Merri as she fell in, she glared at Sura. "What would have happened if you hadn't been able to pull Merri out!" she shouted furiously.

"I got her out though, didn't I" retorted Sura.


"Then I felt a rumble beneath my feet as an earthshake began" said Sura to Ducky. She looked sad, looking back at the memory "Bright fell" she said.

Ducky gasped as her mother continued.


"EARTHSHAKE!" screamed the children as the ground rumbled violently. Sura dropped to the ground and held on to the rock for dear life as did Merri but Bright was shaken off her feet and fell headfirst into the sinking sands with a scream.

"NO!" cried Sura "Clover!" she yelled to the shore "Get Help!" she yelled. But Clover was holding on tightly to a tree. Sura and Merri were incapable of helping their sister as they were both holding on to the rock so they would not fall in either. Suddenly the ground stopped shaking and Sura got up and ran to the edge of the rock to see that Bright's tail was the only thing still in sight, bubbles rose by her sides as she was slowly suffocated by the quicksand.

"Help Me!" yelled Sura to Merri and they both grabbed Bright's tail and tried to pull her out but without success. Clover was still standing on the shore, looking on in horror at the scene before him.

"Clover Get Help!" shouted Merri as she strained with the effort of holding onto Bright. Clover nodded and turned but all of a sudden he gave a scream of pain as a Belly Dragger crept out of the underbrush unnoticed and bit down on his tail.

Sura looked up in horror "Clover NO!". She watched helplessly as her poor brother was devoured before her eyes. Sura dropped to her knees, tears fell from her eyes and her hands slackened allowing her sister's tail to slip out of her grip.

"Sura, SURA!" yelled Merri, she slapped Sura hard in the face.
Sura regained herself and saw that Merri was only holding onto a tiny bit of tail that was left sticking out of the water.


"I grabbed Bright's tail but it was already to late, we lost our grip and......she was gone". Sura felt the tears fall down her eyes.

Ducky stared at her mother in silence

"The Belly Dragger that ate Clover could not get us so it waited and even when it had gone we were to scared to go back. After one day and one night trapped on that rock, we were soon rescued by our parents and when we told them what happened they were in tear's but they were also very angry with me because I led them on that venture. I lost two siblings that day and I as good as killed them" said Sura, there was a lot of pain and guilt in her voice.

"After that incident I never strayed again and that is also why I get so worried about you and Spike when you go adventuring because I love you both and I just could not bear to lose either of you" Sura stopped talking and laid her head on the ground, tears fell from her eyes as she remembered the painful event in her head.

Ducky also had tears in her eyes, now she understood a lot more about her mother. How much she worried for her and cared for her and why she led so well. She led the herd as best as she could so that she would not have to repeat her mistake. Ducky thought of her adventures and how close it came to her death on many occasions. Ducky walked up to her mother and nuzzled her beak in a attempt to comfort her.

"Do not be sad mama" she said in a loving voice.

Sura couldn't help but smile as for a few seconds it looked to her like she was a saddened kid again who needed comforting and Ducky was the loving mother. "She will make a great mother when the time comes" thought Sura as she kindly returned her daughter's nuzzle.

Mother and daughter watched the bright moon and shining stars for a few moments. "Time to sleep dear" said Sura quietly. Ducky nodded and yawned tiredly. "Okay mom" she said as she snuggled up to her mother's warm belly. Sura wrapped her tail around herself and Ducky.

"No matter what happens Ducky, I will always love you" said Sura in a loving voice as she licked her sweet little daughter. Ducky chuckled softly before she fell into a peaceful slumber. Sura smiled as she went to sleep that night, when she felt like a child once again.        

Interesting recollection of Sura's past but the peace of the night will soon be disturbed in the next Chapter.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?


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Let me guess, Dil is going to pay them a visit?  

Poor Saru to have to go through that with her friend.  

(By any chance was Dil the Belly Dragger that ate Saru's friend?)

The Lone Dragon

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Chapter 19: "Surprise Swimmers!"

The large Belly Dragger stubbled blindly through the Land of Mists several hours before the dawn. She bumped painfully into a the base of the cliff that she had not seen due to the fact that she was blind. "Who put that there" hissed Dil when she regained herself. A loud fit of laughing suddenly started above her.

"Who's there?" growled Dil in an attempt to make herself sound more dangerous then she was, but apparently without success as the laughing grew more louder and harder. Then a loud arrogant voice called through the air.

"I would not trade that moment for anything" laughed the voice with all the arrogance in the world.

"That voice" thought Dil "I know that voice" she said, it was the voice of her old Sharpbeak partner. "Ichy?" asked Dil in astonishment.

"So your not as much of a rock head as I remember" came Ichy's voice and the Sharpbeak flew down onto Dil's head.

"What to you want Ichy?" asked Dil angrily, the last time she saw him was when he flew threw the air after she belted him with her tail.

"I want to start again with our partnership" said Ichy in a sly voice. "As it has been difficult to survive alone"

Dil had to agree that surviving with her disability was no walk in the park, she had been lucky to survive on a diet of fish and newborn babies as getting other prey was beyond her unless it walked straight into her jaws. But she also remembered that getting food was also difficult and annoying with Icky around.

"I'm not so sure" she said slowly.

Ichy smiled and asked "how does a full grown Swimmer for breakfast sound?"

Dil's eyes widened and she licked her chops and salivated. "It sounds like a lovely appetiser and a good way to rekindle our partnership Ichy" she said.

"The Swimmer was in a cave not far from here" said Ichy "I saw her when I snuck in". Though Ichy did not mention that he had also spotted a young Swimmer girl with the mother which would make a suitable breakfast for him.

"Let's go and get them" said Dil but Ichy stopped her.

"I checked the cave and there is a stream at the back of it that the Swimmer could escape with, we need a plan and I have one" said Ichy and he began to whisper instructions into Dil's ear. They were going to eat well today.


Sura was in a deep sleep that morning and so was Ducky, so neither of them noticed Dil move into the cave and under Ichy's guidance, sneak past them without the slightest noise. Once Dil was in position in between the river and the Swimmers Ichy flew over to a vine sticking out of the top of the cave, beneath the cave entrance. Ichy grabbed the vine and then yelled with his loudest voice "Surprise Swimmers!".


"Surprise Swimmers!".

Sura awoke with a start when she heard those words, though Ducky was still asleep. Sura looked around and gave a gasp of horror when she saw a Belly Dragger cutting off her access to the water but thankfully the cave entrance appeared to be unguarded to her eyes.

"Ducky wake up!" she said urgently, shaking her daughter.

Ducky yawned and opened her eyes and saw the Dil. She gave a scream of fright. "Come on dear!" said Sura lifting Ducky into her arms and sprinted to the entrance. But just as she was about to escape Ichy pulled the vine and the entrance was sealed by a cascade of boulders.

"We are trapped!" screamed Ducky in horror.

"Sick em Dil!" yelled Ichy.

Ducky turned and saw Ichy and realised that she recognised him and the Belly Dragger as the same ones that had almost eaten her the last time she was here.

Dil snapped at Sura who backed away until her tail touched the rocks blocking the cave entrance. Sura knew it was it was pointless to try and break through the rocks which left the river as the only option but Dil was in front of her.

"Mom" cried Ducky.

Sura bent her head to her daughter and said in a determined voice "I won't let them hurt you dear".

"Mom" whispered Ducky "I know those two and the Belly Dragger is blind".

Sura opened her mouth in shock and looked at Dil and could indeed see that Ducky was right about her being blind. There was still a chance to get away from them. Sura looked around and spotted a large branch in the corner of the cave to her right and in a flash she knew what to do but she had not noticed Ichy attack her from behind. He pecked her hands, which caused Sura to open them. Ducky slipped from her grasp and Ichy grabbed her by the neck in his talons before she could hit the ground.

"MAMA!" screamed Ducky as Ichy flew off behind Dil with his prize.

"I'm coming Ducky!" yelled Sura and ran to her right and picked up the branch. Dil snapped blindly at her but Sura dodged her attack and weaved to the left but Dil anticipated her and took a bite at her leg. Sura was a bit to slow to dodge and Dil's teeth scraped through her leg but before she could close her mouth, Sura thrust the branch she was holding into Dil's mouth. Sura gave a cry of pain as her blood drenched the ground. Dil roared furiously as she tried to unblock her mouth.

Ichy was a short distance behind Dil and he saw everything, he felt Ducky struggling in his grip. With Dil down he knew it was time to finish off his hapless victim. He opened his mouth and prepared to deliver the killing blow with a bite to the neck.

Sura saw what he was going to do and jumped past Dil and picked up a stone and threw it with all her might at Ichy, had she stopped to think that she might hid Ducky then she would have hesitated but with Ducky's life in danger Sura did not hesitate to act.


Ichy fell from the air and hit the ground unconscious as Sura's rock hit him on the head just as he was about to strike. Ducky lay beneath him looking dazed.


Sura looked back and saw Dil break the branch with her jaws and start toward her. Sura ran towards Ducky and ignoring the growing pain in her leg, she bent down and picked her up in her hands then ran to the stream as much as she could with her sore leg which was bleeding badly, Sura grimaced in pain but she did not stop her run and as she got to the edge she dived into the water followed closely by Dil.

Sura swam as fast as she could with her sore leg. Dil was snapping blindly In the hope that she would get the Swimmer. Sura could not swim as fast as Dil with her leg so she began performing very quick and skilful manoeuvres, but she was also worried for her daughter so she let Ducky go and pushed her forwards with her hands. If she was going to die down here then she at least would make sure that her daughter was safe.

Ducky looked back she wanted to help but her mother pushed her forward so with great reluctance she turned and swam down the stream.

Sura began doing some complex manoeuvres as she came across a minefield of rocks ahead of her. Dil however did not see them and painfully crashed head first into them but that did not appear to slow her as she broke threw them. Sura was now struggling to swim. The pain in her leg was building to unimaginable levels. She kept low to the bottom of the stream. Dil was above her and continued to crash through the rocks until she hit one to big to smash and sank to the bottom and lay there unmoving. Sura pushed herself forward, she had to find Ducky and keep her safe.


Ducky emerged from the stream as soon as it came out of the cliff and into the open. She crawled onto the shore and lay there panting with exhaustion at her flight. Ducky looked back into the stream.

"Mama!" she called. Ducky did not know if her mother was still alive but she feared the worst. Then all of a sudden she saw blood flowing downstream. Ducky gasped, her heart skipped a beat could that mean that her mother was...

Ducky laid down and burst into tears as she called for her mother. Ducky was beyond despair, she was in the Mysterious Beyond alone and friendless here. Ducky cried hard into her hands.


Ducky looked up and saw her mother surface from the bloody water with a gasp. Ducky gasped and ran to her with a scream of delight and embraced her mothers beak. Sura was exhausted and her leg was in a very bad shape but upon seeing Ducky safe and sound was more then she had hoped for. Sura nuzzled Ducky lovingly and pulled herself out of the water. Sura examined her left leg and saw a large laceration going up from her knee and down to her foot. It was not deep but it was long and caused her a lot of pain and if left untreated could be fatal.

Sura looked at Ducky and said "Ducky dear could you fetch me some of those ferns?". Ducky nodded and ran to a nearby tree and pulled out two long ferns and that were both several times longer then her and dragged them back to her mother. Sura picked the ferns and wrapped them around her wound and tied them tightly so as to prevent them falling down. Ducky gasped at the wound.

"Are you okay mom?" she asked with genuine concern.

"I'll be fine Ducky, thank you" replied her mother.

Sura looked around and recognised the river. "We shall follow this river, it will take us to the Big Water".

Ducky looked at the river but she was still worried about her mother. Sura tried to stand but fell painfully onto her belly.

"Mommy!" said Ducky in shock "please do not try to move it will not help your leg no no no"

Sura lay herself on the ground it was still several hours until dawn, so she might as well get some rest before they headed off. "Come here dear" said Sura in a tired voice. Ducky ran up to her mother and hugged her beak, she was in tears.

"I thought I lost you I did I did" said Ducky in a pained voice Sura stroked her daughter with her hand.

"I know, but I'll be alright now, just get some sleep while you can little one" said Sura in a soft voice. Ducky lay down by her mother's neck and fell asleep very quickly. But sleep did not come that easily for Sura as she was racked by painful tremors from her leg. She did not tell her daughter that there chances of survival had just fallen dramatically low. But she would still protect her daughter to her last breath. Sura finally dropped to sleep just as the sun began to peep through the clouds.

So Dil and Ichy ambush Sura and Ducky. Things look bleak for Sura with that wounded leg of hers. See what happens back in the Valley in the next few chapters.
What's the point in being mad if you don't do mad things now and again?