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Pet Stories

Ptyra · 11 · 1704


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So I realized there hasn't really been a place to talk about our animal companions, so I thought "why not".

Probably won't do all mine at once because then I'd turn into a Forrest Gump of cats XD . And certainly not right away. I should just register as a Crazy Cat Lady and get it over with
 :lol .

Especially after last year. Last year was a whirlwind of cat. Half of which were kittens, and half of those having to be bottle fed. The other half needing socializing, and with only one of them having his true colors come out after his siblings had all been adopted.


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My budgie is too lazy to fly so I'm always trying to make him  :lol Well, of course he's aging but what better way is there to prevent that than doing sport? ^^
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Not exactly a story but... every once in a while I like to get all my dogs in my bed, grab a bunch of chew toys and start "wrestling" with them, to see who can get their toy first :p

It is amazing how excited they become in order to grab them, some of them even bite, but that's all right, we all love each other (plus, they usually lick after the fact).

The best part is when one of them falls from the bed and then gets back up inmediately, shaking his or her tail (L).


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Nyx loves to sleep on me at night. I'm her personal pillow apparently.


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This is Ricky, one of the kittens I socialized last year. He and his siblings were passed off to me and my family by a lady who had them born in her backyard, but she didn't have time to socialize them once they were up and romping around. Ricky was the last to get adopted because he got a little sick. With him and only two of my bottle-fed kittens left, his personality (as well of theirs) came exploding out. As well as that he was addicted to playing fetch with little stuffed wine bottles filled with catnip.

There were EIGHT of those things in total. And I occasionally had to sew up the seams because they would pop from being played with so hard.

He would get so excited for us to throw it that we had to teach him a hand signal for him to sit and wait for us to do it. Then he developed another habit. He would deliberately drop the toy in the water bowl, and make sure it was totally soaked before bringing it to us. My parents have an opening in their bedroom door for cats to come in and out, so he'd come in and drop the soaking wet toy in my mother's face in the middle of the night while she was sleeping  :lol .

So, my mom posted a video of him fetching on youtube, that got to one of the ladies at her church, who showed it to her boss, who adopted him.

Now here's the biggest thing about Ricky: In spite of being very dog-like in demenor, he had never, EVER been exposed to a dog in his life. But the dog he lives with now is his best friend.

He's also the second kitten I've fostered who's played fetch, but he was much more into it than Shambles.


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This one happened many, many years ago. One time I was helping Grandpa repair the home of my family home. It had sprung a leak during a rain storm.
You see, the dog we owned at the time, Prancer, an Australian Shepard/something else mix, was a smart dog who knew how to scale ladders and even open certain doors. The thing is, while he could climb up, he'd have to jump back down.

So I climbed up the ladder but forget to tell him not to come up after me. This time, the leap would be a bit too big for him to do it without killing himself.  :(
So I reached the top and happened to look behind just as he clamored onto the roof with me. We ended up having to let him in through the attic window to get him back down safely.   :slap
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my dog Tuck is a Rhodesian ridgeback- without the ridge. very loyal to me. in fact if i get out of my chair right now, he'd get up and follow me. He even whines when he wants to go up to bed.  he jumps on my bed and picks the area where he wants to sleep- which is half the bed the big goof!
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That is a mighty large dog! But he sounds so sweet!

Two of the kittens I'm fostering got their spays done today. By the rules of the adoption/rescue group I clean and foster for, the cats must be fixed before they go in. They're set to go in later this week, with the last of the kittens we fostered last spring.

We're putting the three of them together in one big unit because they get along really well. They'll sleep together, and Mink will actually pin them down to groom them. Hopefully at least one kitten wil get to go home with her, which would be great.

From what I've noticed in the last few years, 1 year old cats with 8-week-old kittens is a REALLY good age mix. Fluer, our three year old, does excellently with kittens too, and has ever since she was a little bit older than Mink.

Twoey, Audrey, and Mink


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One of my dogs, a scruffy mixture of only he knows what breeds named Scamp loves nothing more then a game of football.

When you walk outside with him, he'll run around the yard looking for the football. Bring it over to you then bark for you to kick it for him, when you do he'll grab it then you have to chase him before he gets to the 'goal' if you don't catch be before he passes the water tank he'll drop the ball and he's 'won' if you catch him and get the ball he'll chase you to try and get it back.

It's so adorable, fun for me as well.

He also loves to drag his bed around the house the goofball, really he'll drag his back down the hallway, into rooms, everywhere.

He must be trying to tell me to re-decorate the house  :lol.


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We're taking care of another cat from the foster center. Initially he needed a bath, but then we realized he had Upper Respiratory stuff going on. His name is Cuddles, and for good reason.

And he became friends with our youngest cat Mink REALLY fast; it's hard to tell them apart. Except that Mink's tail is fuller and she's chunkier and taller. Cuddles has been having hair loss problems...

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I have two dogs; both schnauzer-poodles; they are both boys and their names are Teddy and Licorice.

When they were puppies; Licorice used to stand on the arm of the couch and pounce right on top of Teddy.

Teddy has a habit of humping Licorice and licking the inside of his mouth and ears. Teddy also has this habit of biting the air; he's done it since he was young.

(those are just a few stories I remember at the top of my head; my dogs have their good days and bad days with being roughly 10 years old)