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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 100852


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Well the good news is the cops are going thorough every Black trip to strip clubs, considering that he went at least 100 times, they'll be busy digging into that for weeks" Marita said' His body hasnt been found yet, although I'd wager it will be found in another day or so.. So the sooner we  tail his contact, and get further into.. whatever he was up to, the better. This isnt an Agatha Christie Book. Nope, far bloodier.
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Marcus nodded. "Okay, we need the least threatening ones to go and follow him."

"I'll go," Anne said, her ears pricking up. "I've had some experience with the red-light district."

"It's a gay bar. A mare showing up in there might attract some attention." Soren said.

Aaron rubbed his chin as he threw his cup away in the trash. "True...Axel would blend in the best. But we can't send him in alone in case things become a total shitshow."

The German Shepherd then turned to Rose and Flora. "We'll need you too as hidden contacts in case Axel gets screwed or something."

Marcus let out a breath and examined the notes Soren had taken. "Okay, sounds well and good but one problem, shakedowns by the Seryet PD are kind of a notorious hazard there."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I think I can handle that," nodded Flora, but inwardly she felt her heart drop at the listed roster. If she was stuck on the same team as Rose, especially when their only other teammates were the apathetic Axel and Anne, she'd need to lay down some more defined boundaries. Tapping Rose on the shoulder, she motioned for a more private part of the apartment.

"Okay, look, I need to make something clear if I'm going on a recon mission with you." She gulped and kept a comfortable bubble of personal space between them. "I am not romantically interested in you, and I really don't want any more romantic or sexual advances on me." She took a deep breath. "I take consent very seriously, and regardless of my sexual history before meeting you, it's my right to tell you and your girlfriends 'No'. Okay?"


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Anne cracked her back as she sipped from her cup of water. "So what's our loadout for this mission."

"Anne can follow Axel into the gay bar." Marcus looked over the Shetland Pony. Sure, she had a visible bust but it wasn't something that couldn't be hidden.

Said mare laid her ears back. "You shittin' me? Crossdressing?"

"You rather Axel get fucked, maybe literally?" Aaron cut in as he checked his pistol.

Soren looked over the intel he had gathered once more. His smartphone had a map of the area around Dobson's Alley. Red dots on the map marked where potential eyes could be located. He rubbed his chin.

Rose and Flora could be stationed at the intersection to the left of Dobson's Alley. Right where Dekard Avenue and Jenson Street met. But then that left the other intersection where Dekard Avenue met Sarif Street. Of course, he could place two others there but then there was the possibility that they could all come back to their "base of operations" with a nasty surprise awaiting them.

He decided to swallow any animosity he had towards Emilena. "Emilena," he said, his voice hard. "We're having some trouble planning this operation out."

The Human showed her the marked-up map of area around Dobson's Alley.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Rose looked at Flora very closely, before sighing ' First off a kiss is NOT sexual. You're experienced enough to know that Flora. Second, this is business, not pleasure. We are on a recon mission, not going out to get drinks hang out and  have fun. I respect your right to tell me no, and  any of the girls . But know this Flora If I was romantically interested in you, We would have already had sex by now.  You need not worry about that though, You're more like a little sister to me, than a potential lover. " Rose said "
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora bristled. "Great. I heard something in there about you not being interested in me and that's just great." It sounded vaguely like a rape threat, Rose claiming that her own interest was the only factor that decided whether they had sex, but Flora heard enough other stuff that implied she was at least safe until they weren't on 'business.' "Feel free to tell your girlfriends I'm not interested in them either. And that includes kissing regardless of how you define it."

Walking back to the main group, she piped up. "You know, if Anne's really not interested in cross-dressing, I could go with Axel instead. My boobs are smaller."

"Yeah, but you're curvier. Also kinda young, they'd probably card you," Emilena pointed out. She glanced at Soren's plan. "You got this pretty well figured out. We just need someone with more of an overlook of the whole area. That would ideally be you or Aaron, on a rooftop calling the shots. We should really cover Sarif as well, god knows manpower is the one thing we have in spades. We'd also need vehicles on standby in case the target is driving." She pursed her lips. "If only we'd thought to grab some of Kojurro's magic bugs before we'd killed him..."


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"We'll be on the rooftops," Aaron said. "We've both got compnoculars."

Marcus looked over the map. "We need some more men, I'll go ring up Rhaegson and the base and get some."

Soren held up his hands. "Let's not get get reinforcements just yet." He pointed to the intersection of Sarif and Dekard. "Right here, we can probably station Marie and Marita."

He then turned to Anne. "Look, if we hide your boobs, you're the most masculine looking of the females in this group."

The Human looked over the mare. She had on a baggy t-shirt and jeans. "Besides, some larger clothing could do the trick."

Anne snorted. "Fine! But you owe me for making me hide my boobs!"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena yawned. "Sounds like a plan. Now, if y'all would excuse me, it's been a rough night and I don't plan on sleeping all day tomorrow." Not that there was much of a choice; the morning sun was already peeking over the horizon.

(OOC: Are we gonna do a time skip to this future stakeout?)


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(Sure I'm Fine) with the Time Skip.
_ Riose, Marita and NMarie went to bed, All 3 of them exhausted from the days events.
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(OOC - I'm fine with it. But let's wait until bushwacked comes back to really move things along.)

The planning phase all done, Soren headed to the bathroom to quickly shower and get some sleep before the operation heated up. He fell asleep in the armchair in the corner of the room.

Aaron took the corner of the room. He was already asleep, head slumped over with his SMG in his lap.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora stayed up surfing the web on her phone for a few hours after everyone else had gone to sleep. Normally, the internet was a welcome respite from the stress of her normal life, but her troubles had grown so much greater than anything she had to deal with as a pop star that her favorite social media forums and newly forwarded articles all just felt pointless. What the point of it all? She didn't feel like a part of the real world. Her existence was this dreary dangerous hotel room, and when she left it she would probably die. More than anything, her thoughts dulled themselves into a blank state of numb meditation, trying to keep her consciousness apart from any actual thoughts.

By the time the morning sun was peeking through the blinds of the hotel room window, Flora had passed out from pure fatigue, an uncalculated gambit to fall asleep from pure exhaustion to limit her chances of having any dreams.


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Axel's head was thumping when he stirred awake, his brain feeling about three times too big for his skull. For a moment he lay still, flat against the couch with his eyes closed and a spring poking up through the thin fabric and digging into his back. When he'd mustered up the courage Axel sat up slowly, flinching slightly as he opened his eyes - but the burst of pain he'd expected from the sunlight never came. Instead the room was dark, and the light that came trickling though the window opposite the couch was dim. Confused, Axel checked the clock on the wall and blinked when he saw the time.

7:40 PM. He twisted, swinging his legs off the couch and planting his feet on the carpet with a groan. Crap... slept the whole day through... Not that it had been the first time. Stretching his arms, he rubbed a knuckle against his temple groggily then groaned again as he remembered the plan. Paying a visit to a gay club wasn't exactly something he was looking forward to. Shit, it's not like I'm looking forward to anything we're doing. At least he'd have Anne for some kind of protection.

"You're up."

Axel jumped, his eyes widening in shock. "Jesus!" His head turned in the direction the voice came from and after a second he made out a figure hunched over in the darkness next to the window. "What the hell?! Were you watching me sleep?!"

Marcus glared back at him, stone-faced. "Don't flatter yourself. It's time to get ready." Stepping forward, the doberman walked across the room and nudged Soren with the toe of his shoe. "Get up."

Glancing around, Axel saw that most of the others were asleep as well. Must have been a long night... Flora's slumped form caught his eye. Axel was used to feeling bad, but she looked terrible. Pushing himself up, he made his way over to her, figuring that since she was going to be on the team for this mission, he might as well try to get on her good side. Axel nudged her shoulder gently. "Hey... you alright?"

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora was already awake. She wasn't sure if she'd even slept, honestly. If she had, her dreams were so laser-focused on the dangers and stress currently besieging her waking life that she could hardly distinguish the blood-covered hotel room of her dreams from the one she's currently lying in.

She sighed. "Uh...I'm afraid to say no because someone will probably decide I'm a liability and off me." She stared at her phone, which she hadn't charged and was down to 5%. "Last night was...well, probably the least pleasant night I've ever had, and I once came down from a salvia trip in the back of a police car."

She tried to sit up and hissed; the couch was extremely lumpy and she now had a terrible kink in her back. "How did I even get wrapped up in all this?" she groaned, rubbing her bloodshot eyes. "I don't know who the hell any of you are except the rapist lesbian housewives."


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Soren got up with a start the moment Marcus's shoe touched him. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

Aaron had went out to get everyone something quick to eat. He returned with a bag full of catfish and vegetable burgers. A cardboard box containing some steaming hot coffee was also with him.

He placed the items on the table. "All right, food's here. Let's eat, get out energy up and get going before our target escapes."

Soren returned from the bathroom and hastily unwrapped a catfish burger and poured himself some hot coffee. The burger was excessively greasy and tasted a bit dried out but he was hungry. The steaming hot brew helped banish his sleepiness.

Anne chose to wash down her 2,3 zotphenylamine capsules with some hot coffee. She nickered as the pills began to take effect on her. She was clad in the same dirty t-shirt and jeans she had worn for the past few days. It was then Anne looked at the clock: 7:50 PM. "Shit!" she exclaimed. "We're almost four hours late!"

"Motherfucker!" Soren slammed his fist into the table, making the papers jump. "He might already have left!"

Aaron had already finished his meal and thre his coffee cup away. The mare did have a point. He rubbed his muzzle. "Hopefully he's dumb enough to still be hanging around there. But Soren's right, we need to get moving."

He holstered his pistol and threw a light windbreaker over it.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I take great offense Flora at the implication we are rapists.' Marita said "  You wouldn't have been sent to us if they was any question that we could not control ourselves around girls.So drop it. I'm expecting a call from Bailey in a few minutes for his latest check in. while isnt quite the scenario we intended, it is what it is.
 well, guys ' marie said as she brought in the paper and showed the Headline " Augment Deaths now Over 600! " things are getting worse and worse. Theres still no clue as to what exactly is causing these deaths.. and they're finding dozens more dead every day. At this rate it'll be over 1000 dead by next week"
- roses phone rang and it was Bailey "hello Rose. i hope Nothing bad has happened to Flora in the past week? because there are Scandal sheet gossip about someone matching her description, holding a private concert for a high school kid.. any concert she puts on, i get paid,. managers stuff , you see.. "
 well you'll need to talk to Flora about how much she took in from that' Rose " Fine. but remember rose.  You and your girlfriends are getting paid MILLIONS of xcreds to protect that kid. shes a freaking superstar, worth more dead than you or your girlfriends alive, and not even close. I am, literally trusting you with the future ogf my record company. anything  real serious happens to that kid, your lifespans will be measured in minutes, if not seconds. Capiche, Rose "No need to threaten Nigel. You Know me.' Rose Said ": just make sure you live up to the faith I've placed in you Rose. Put Flora on "
 Flora? Call for you its your agent' Rose said  and offered Flora her phone.
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"One of you stuck your tongue down my throat while I was locked in the back of your car, and the other two insisted that wasn't rape, so I don't care what your definition is!" Flora shot back as she took the phone.

"Nigel!" she switched to a panicked, distraught tone and went somewhere private so she could talk freely. "You have to get me out of here, the dykes have me trapped in a hotel room with actual Purifiers! The violent, dangerous sort! Last night they kidnapped the Chief of Police and bludgeoned him to death while I was watching! I had to help clean up the blood! The day before that, they brought me along to rob a general store and got in a shootout with the cops!" Her voice broke. "Please Nigel, I'm in so much danger and I'm going to get killed any day now. If you care about me at all, get me out of here and take me somewhere actually safe!"


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Marcus looked up and narrowed his eyes as he saw Flora leave the room, talking into a cell phone. He couldn't hear what she was saying, but she seemed emotional. Moving across the room, he grabbed a Purifier who'd been getting ready by the shoulder and pointed in the direction she'd left. "Who the fuck gave her a cell phone?" he snarled. "Who's she talking to? Get it off her and break it."

The purifier nodded and moved quickly, shoving past Axel as the rat made his way over to join Anne as she gulped down coffee. "So... you'll have my back right? You know, in case anyone tries to... start something?" He tried a bite of one of the burgers Soren. It was greasy, bland and smelled questionable - but it was at least semi-eatable, which was more than he could say for the food he'd been eating the last couple of months.


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Flora, there is no other place i could put you at this point that would be safer. Now quit rambling about cop shootouts mob hits  and infiltrating cults. I don't want to hear it, keep your head low, and listen to what Rose and the others tell you. I put them in charge of you for a very good reason, you're not old enough to take care of yourself yet, legally you are still a minor. Behave yourself, and soon you'll be back touring iin front of screaming girls and making me millions of creds. Bailey, Out' the call was disconnected.
 Thats MY phone, and she was talking to her manager, who set her up with us. we have to check in with him every so often as part of the deeal. " Rose said shortly to Marcus ' you smash my phone and you're buying me a new one.  Baileys not one to blab, i know this from personal experience.
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Anne nodded as she continued sipping her coffee. "No worries." She slapped Axel on the back. "Right, let me..." It was then she smiled and held a finger up the air. "Forget cross-dressing. I'll pull off the drag queen look."

She ran a hand through her mane and tail. They were long and blonde as was appropriate to her being a Shetland pony. Although they were knotted and a bit raggedy from not having properly cleaned herself in a week or so. And her chestnut coat wasn't in any better shape.

Soren snorted as he looked upon the mare. "Homeless drag queen look doesn't quite fit you." He threw the wrapper of his burger in the trash.

Anne pinned her ears back and flipped him the finger. She turned to Rose and Flora. "Right, pass me some nail polish."

She headed into the bathroom and soon the sound of running water was heard.

Aaron growled under his breath. "Fucking kidding me!? She chooses to shower now!?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora could hardly believe it when Bailey coolly dismissed her concerns and then hung up on her. She was losing so much respect for the man who she'd considered her closest friend, a sharp-as-nails businessman who'd always had her back. Suddenly she yelped as the Purifier kicked the door to the backroom open. "Who the fuck you talking to?" he growled threateningly, rounding on her and yanking the phone from her grasp.

"I--nobody!" she stammered, then recoiled as he slapped her viciously across the face, sending her slamming into the wall.

"Bullshit!" he roared, glancing at the phone, smashing it into the ground and stamping on it with his foot. "You think this is a fucking summer camp!?" He drew his pistol and pointed it at the sobbing teenager. "If you're a police plant I swear to god I'll plant a bullet right between your eyes!"

Flora was curled into a ball crying in terror and experiencing violent flashbacks of the last time someone had pointed a gun at her point blank. The Purifier stomped out of the room and back to Marcus. "Name on the phone was Nigel Bailey," he reported. "We better look him up, she wouldn't give me a straight answer. I think she's working with the cops."

The ruckus finally woke Emilena, but not to the extent that she registered what was going on. Groggily she blinked several times and made to go back to sleep, but her body wasn't having it. She didn't feel even half recovered from the horrible night she'd had before, but time was still of the essence, and she needed to wake up quickly before the others were out the door.

Crossing to the bathroom, she picked the lock and let herself in. Completely ignoring Anne in the shower, she used the toilet and washed her face and pits in the sink. No need to waste time on an entire shower when speed was of the essence.