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Blanking the Slate

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena shivered as the evening wind sent chills through her fur. The sun had almost set and it was getting too dark to see, but a quick search of the roof confirmed there was still very little to help her get down. No supply closets or toolsheds, no fire escapes.

As daylight faded away, she sighed and resigned herself to the only real option she saw for escaping the stratosphere; the corporate skyscraper bordering the southern side of the building. With one fewer floor than the hospital, Emilena could probably make that jump without fracturing both of her ankles...or missing completely and falling to her death.

She gulped, chose an adequate starting distance and vaulted off the side of the building after a strained sprint. Luckily, it was dark enough that nobody from the streets below noticed as she sailed through the air, hit the faraway concrete roof and rolled out the shock with a pained squawk.

For several minutes, Emilena clutched her feet and waited for her heartbeat to return to a manageable level. She had a secret fear of heights and had made the mistake of looking down in the middle of her roofhopping stunt. I am NEVER doing that again! she promised herself, glad nobody could see her shaking and gasping for air hysterically.

When she finally felt able to crawl, she hobbled forward and tried the door leading into the top floor of the building. Locked, of course. Overall, this roof seemed to have even fewer options than the hospital's. And the exterior walls were smooth and almost entirely glass, no possibility of getting hand or footholds. Unlike the next building over, which had easy-to-climb balconies leading down every floor...balconies that were within jumping distance...

Emilena cursed out loud. Goddammit fine… she groaned inwardly. Maybe one more time…


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As Tony continued his circling, he was making his way back to the alley for the second time; he wasn't in the right position to see Emilena jump to the adjacent building, but as he drove around at the entrance to the alley, this time he did see Axel, protruding from around the dumpster, and slammed the brake and clutch in to bring the car to a sudden halt. Shifting into neutral and setting the parking brake, Tony rapidly exited the Duesenberg and made his way around the big vehicle's front to the alley. "Axel!" he called out. "Axel! It's Tony!" he stayed low as he moved on into the alleyway.

He drew his gun, just in case, but kept it pointed down. "Where's everyone else? And... jesus!" he came to a halt, eyes going wide at the corpse that was splattered on the ground. "What the hell happened?" he asked, confused by the sight.

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Anne received the transmission via her horn. "We have to get to rooms 19 and 20 right now in the augments section."

"Why?" Soren demanded.

"I had Marita broadcast a fake code." She then began pushing both Soren and Awe towards the door. "Now come on before someone gets suspicious!"

The Human swore under his breath as he opened the supply closet door. Thanks to the code, the poison control floor was getting ready to receive two patients with severe achylsalt poisoning. As a result, there were doctors and nurses on high alert. A crash cart with an oxygen cylinder was at the ready as they waited for the patients to be transferred to their floor.

"You two!" a doctor called as she saw both Anne and Soren. She motioned them over. "Give us a hand, we got two patients coming in soon! And it's bad!"

A bead of sweat ran down Soren's forehead as he tried to find a way to deflect the request. Luckily, Anne was ready before he was. "We have to get to the augments section, they've requested two staff from the poison control floor."

"Fine. Get going then!"

Anne nodded and quickly ushered Awe and Soren into the elevator and hit the button for the augments floor.

"Thanks," Soren said as he let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"We're not done yet," the mare said. "We have to grab the antidotes and quickly get the fuck out of here. Once they find out that Marita's code was fake, they'll suspect thieves."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marie had managed to make her way up to the Augments section, upon hearing maritas call, she had made her way to Room 19, and  had collapsed onto the bed, looking for all the world like  the drug had overwhelmed her. Thanks to maritas code, Marie would be given the Acylsalt antidote as part of the treatment, but the rest of them, would not be so lucky.
 marita had gotten a quick text from Marie outlying her plan, and she contacted anne through her horn., ' Need to have one more of us pose as a patient. Maries already posing as a female druggie, we need someone  to get to Room 20, so that my call looks legit. the quicker you do that, the better.Marita, Out"
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f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe watched as anne and soren left before going in a different direction. "Should be one of the others posing as a patient," he grumbled to himself. "it'd be easier to fool them with someone who actually needs them."


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Axel spun around as he heard the tires screech to a halt on the tarmac. He tensed, preparing himself for a confrontation... but sighed with relief when he saw who was approaching.

"Tony! Shit, I..." He trailed off then shook his head. "I've got no goddamn idea, he just dropped... I think I saw someone up there..." Axel blinked, then indicated the wall of the building behind him with a trembling arm. "The others are in the hospital. I've got a feeling this, ah, this wasn't exactly unrelated."

Axel took a breath. "I was keeping a lookout, but, ah, can't exactly do that with this guy here." He glanced at the dented dumpster and hurried across to it, shoving the lid open.

Only to find the dumpster was filled to the top with trash. "Of course..." Axel tried to push the crap aside and make a space, but it was no use. He swore and lowered the panel. "No way we can fit him in there."


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As Tony looked at the mostly pulverized corpse, he shook his head, quickly assessing the situation. "Put him under it. We don't have time to waste. Even with the garbage truck picking up the dumpster to empty it, odds of them noticing the body are slim as they're usually looking up to make sure nothing's wrong with the dumping. And even if they do... by that time we'll be well clear of here." he advised.

"Come on..." He put his gun back into his waistband behind him, and picked up a part of the body (probably an arm) and began hauling it towards the underside of the dumpster. "That doberman guy... what was his name? Buller? I can't remember... he told me you were all out here and might need a ride so... I brought something powerful and fast." he nodded back behind him towards the Duesenberg, idling at the entrance to the alley. "Once we stash this guy... we gotta get outta here. He looks like a worker and he was probably having a smoke break on the roof... meaning one of our friends most likely tossed him off. He'll be missed for his shift and that'll send the hospital on alert." he informed Axel, still assessing the situation and walking himself through it.

"I hope the others aren't... well in too much trouble. Would HATE to have to actually shoot my way in there. Not looking forward to taking on hospital security." By now, the ferret was pushing the body underneath as best he could with his shoes, trying to get him as up against the building as possible. "With any luck... he'll be mistaken for a dead junkie but... I wouldn't bet on that... anyway... I may keep circling once he's taken care of." he stated.

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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With a strangled oof, Emilena hit the balcony wall stomache-first and dug her claws desperately into the wood. With the wind knocked out of her she had to drop down to the next level before collapsing on the tin balcony floor and gasping for breath once again.

An ominous clear glass door showed the inside of the apartment itself. The lights were off and the room was pitch-black; Emilena hoped it stayed that way but she didn’t want to give the occupant any additional time to wake up. Dragging herself to her feet, she looked down at the next floor. She was not looking forward to making that climb, especially considering she’d have to gamble on every level whether someone would be awake in their apartment.

She spotted another option as the last of the light left the night sky and a soft green glow clicked on from the courtyard on the connected side of the building. This complex had a gated swimming pool, and if Emilena could scale a few balconies sideways she could easily make the jump.

After a few pauses waiting for specific rooms to go to sleep before she trespassed on their balcony, Emilena dove off the corner of the building and went cannonballing into the heated pool after a harrowing eight-story fall. As she floated slowly into the shallow end, she debated whether she could just stay in the pool for a bit. Nobody’s here, nobody’s probably coming, I’m sure the others can handle finding the—

Suddenly she felt a slight twinge in her shins. Before she could even do anything about it, it spread to her toes. Then up her torso. She suddenly felt very sick. Oh crap. Buller’s posion was kicking in!

Staggering out of the pool, she limped for the hospital, body slowly becoming more and more racked with pain. She hoped they’d managed to locate the antidote, because time was running out.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2018, 09:11:30 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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I'll go. Anne sent the message to Marita and Awe. Already, her legs were starting to go numb and tingle. A sign of achylsalt poisoning. Thankfully, her incredible drug tolerance kept the effects at bay but she knew that she had only hours to go before she slipped into a coma. The mare gave off a dark chuckle as she took the elevator up with the group; it looked like she wouldn't be faking the signs of acute poisoning. Thankfully it opened into the augments floor.

Anne quickly stripped off her clothes and tossed them into a linen hamper. She then lay down on a gurney. "Quick!" she whispered to Soren. "Get in an IV!"

The Human looked at her with a puzzled look.

"Goddamnit," she muttered. "I'll do it!"

Soren ducked into a supply closet and returned with an IV set that he handed to her. He watched as she got the needle in place and the fluids hooked up. It was reminder that Anne was intimately familiar with injections and assorted medical procedures due to her usage of drugs. "Go!" she snapped as she lay down.

The Human nodded and unlocked the gurney as he rolled it to room 20. "Got our second patient here!" he said. "Poison control confirms that she's got achylsalt poisoning."

Soren watched as the doctors and nurses arrived with the antidote syringes. Already he could feel the creeping numbness spreading from his toes upward.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Marita too was starting to feel the acytsalts start to affect her,  she clenched her teeth as her toes began to tingle.  Marita figured that she had 4 hours, top, before she was lapse into a coma.  Marita slowly made her way over towards the Augmentation room where she had been to see " Anne", a nurse was in the room preparing the bed for a patient ' " I hate to intrude, miss, but I'm not feeling well' marita said. ' I Mean, really  not feeling well." The Nurse a cheetah,  took one look at her and motioned for her to get into the bed. " Any symptoms?' the nurse  Asked, pulling out a clipboard. ' my toes are tingling, like   sorta like they're falling asleep. except worse." Marita said as the nurse got an IV ready and hooked her up to it. the Nurse looked at Maritas arms which were starting to change color ' Achylsalts!' the nurse said with a hiss . " I'll put in a call for an antidote. ' When  were you poisoned? Or do you not know? "  A couple days ago. mugging. The knife the mugger used had something on it. I didnt think anything of it at first, but now ' Marita said. " I'm Maven " ' Well Maven just hold on.. We'll get you the antidote. pronto ' the nurse,  whose name was Cleera, said. ' She pressed the intercom. ' Request  Achylsalt antidote for room 17, I have a patient here with symptoms of severe achylsalt poisoning.  Request Immediate assistance, over."
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Axel?" Emilena staggered into the alleyway from the shadows hugging the opposite building. Her breaths were sporadic and her features were wracked with a sickly pallor. "What's with the fancy car? Is Tony...?" She started when she suddenly noticed the ferret standing beside him. "Oh, it is you! How...?"

She stumbled and clutched her forehead. "Are...uh..." Without further ado, she crumbled to the ground unconscious.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 10:24:36 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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As Emilena wandered into sight, Tony quickly retrieved and raised his gun to challenge her, but lowered it as he recognized the very... naked vulpine. "Emilena?" He asked, surprised by this. But as she collapsed in front of them, he gasped, putting his gun back away behind him as he raced over to her. "Oh goddammit!" he cursed. Kneeling down, he felt for her pulse, finding it, but noting it was weak.

"What the hell happened?" he asked, looking to Axel. "We need to get her in the car! Now!" he instructed. "What are the others doing inside? Are they trapped or... helping out?" he inquired, unsure on the situation as he bent down to start hoisting Emilena up so he could move her to the Duesenberg with Axel's help.

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Soren watched as the nurses injected vial after vial into Anne's IV line. He didn't understand half of what they said or the vital signs on the monitor but it sounded like Anne had gotten a huge dose of achylsalts. Of course, he was instructed to stay back in the event of the mare suffering any adverse effects. He shot a glance at the Shetland mare; she seemed perfectly lucid and healthy. In fact, she was almost proud of the fact that she had mostly survived a dose of achylsalts that would have killed most others.

A numbness that climbed up his legs was a stark reminder that he was going to be the drug's next victim. He noticed that someone was pushing a cart into room 17 just across from Anne's room. The pharmacy technician was passing over an enormous amount of vials to the nurse in charge.

The Human discreetly slipped out of the room and peered into the room. He noticed Marita on the bed. She too had an IV line in-place. He held a finger to his lips as a sign for the Canine to not say anything. As he watched the vials being passed over and logged, Soren wondered how'd he'd get those vials to Axel and the others. He shot a glance over his shoulder back to Anne's room.
Good, they hadn't noticed him missing yet. In the meantime, he wondered where Awe was. Hopefully, he wasn't causing havoc.

Marie had an IV line inserted and she too, was getting the antidote.

Her phone buzzed with a message sent from Anne's horn: "How do we get antidotes for others?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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' Need to  find a ' flush shot",  which is an inject-able  version of the antidote. The drawback is, it knocks you out for 10-15 minutes, longer if you take too much. you'll need to find a place to take it that they will just thank you're taking a nap while you're passed out. Ask for 6 doses of flush shot, claim you have new patients coming in.'  Marie texted. . Hurry, we dont have much time. Marie"
 marita briefly saw Soren, but pretended like she didnt recognize him. the IV and antidotes were starting to take effect, purging her system of the poison. Marita was starting to feel drowsy , a side effect of the medication. "  How are you feeling Maven ' Cleera asked looking over her with her clipboard in paw ' Starting to feel better. 'Marita said " good good, you're likely feeling drowsy, its a side affect of the drugs that we've been trying to minimize , you may nod off a few times in the next hour or so, but your body  should be cleaned out by the time you wake up. " could I have some water?' Marita asked ' Of course " Cleera said, going over to the sink and filling a medium sized plastic cup from the dispenser. she then walked over and handed it to Marita who began sipping down the water. " let me know if you need anything else, Maven ' Cleera said.
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f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe wandered through the hospital looking for the others. While looking he overheard a doctor talking to a nurse. "Make sure that Mr. Olivieri gets his shot."

"Olivieri." Awe said to himself. That was the name of one of his targets a major underworld kingpin he'd been looking to get at for a while. He couldn't let this opportunity pass him by and followed the nurse from a discrete distance after he started walking.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(OOC: Skipping my turn since both of my characters are unconscious or asleep)


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Anne had been stabilized and the staff had dispersed to attend to the other patients. She watched as Soren entered the room. "Things going okay?" he asked. It was a show to try and make it seem like the Human was a legitimate doctor.

The mare nodded and beckoned him closer. She had no phone but her horn implant had a text-to-speech system that allowed her to receive text messages. "I got a tip from Marie. Grab the injectable antidotes. We'll need six of them."

"What about you?" Soren asked.

"I'll be fine."

The Human nodded and looked over his shoulder. He saw Cleera exiting Marita's room and turning down the hallway. He took that as a signal to open the door and enter. He looked around and spotted the basket full of the autoinjectors for the antidote. He quickly grabbed all three of them and shoved them in the pockets of his scrubs. "Marita," he said. "We're almost done here...though I do wonder where Awe is."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel gaped as Emilena collapsed to the floor, snapping out of it at Tony's voice. Hurrying over to her, Axel stooped and grabbed her legs. "They're in the hospital, looking for an antidote to what Buller gave us." He nodded and together they lifted Emilena off the floor, making for the Duesenberg.

"Some guy told us he'd help out, they're... with him now," he grunted. "Got no idea what happened, something... something must have gone wrong... shit!" Axel swore as his foot caught and he always went sprawling. What the hell...

A strange numb sensation had started to work its way up his legs, his limbs starting to feel like blocks of wood. "Aw crap! We need to get her in the car now!" Reaching the vehicle, Axel and Tony bundled Emilena in none-too-gently. As soon as she was in, Axel slumped against the side. "I think the poison's doing something..." he tried to explain to Tony - but his vision had started swimming before his eyes.

Dragging his phone out of his pocket, Axel tried to focus on the screen... but the image just became a smeared mess. Fighting back nausea, he closed his eyes and held it out. "Tony, call Soren," Axel said slowly, his voice strained and sickly. "Ask him what the hell's taking so long."


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As Tony moved towards his car with Emilena and Axel, he noticed Axel nearly trip, and he grunted, looking back to him, and widened his eyes. "Dammit... you OK?" he asked, realizing swiftly there was something wrong with how he was moving... he wasn't moving the way he normally did, even barring his usual clumsiness. And Buller had poisoned them? What was that crafty canine up to? Playing games with them no doubt.

Shoving Emilena into the backseat, he tried to prop her up as much as he could before Axel leaned heavily against the car looking like... oh no... the poison! It had to be the poison! Axel confirmed this shortly after, and Tony shook his head, feeling helpless as he tried to think of what he could do. As Axel fumbled for his phone, the rat seemed to be having problems looking at the screen. Dammit! Dammit!

"Um..." as Axel held the phone out for him, Tony nodded rapidly. "R-r-right! Right!" he agreed. "You get in the car! I'll swing around the front and pick everyone up!" he ordered, running around the massive front of the big Model J as he dialed Soren's number in the phone. "Come on... come on!" he urged quietly, practically throwing himself in behind the wheel of his still idling car. Setting the phone down briefly, he pushed in the clutch and brake, released the parking brake, and shifted into first gear to get the car rolling. As it started to move, he immediately shifted into neutral, then second, and turned around the back of the building picking up the phone again. "Soren?" he asked, hoping he was there.

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Awe continued following the nurse from a discrete distance. Though coming around the corner he made an immediate u-turn. He looked back down the hall and saw what he presumed the door to Olivieri's room and the police detective in charge of taking him in in front of it. Awe cursed to himself in German and walked away, it wasn't worth getting arrested he'd be able to get the crime boss another day. He started making his way back to the group.