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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 100896

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Awe blocked the strike and delivered one of his own to Emilena's shoulder. "I don't plan on dodging the whole time. Only when you are on the offensive."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena grunted when she wasn't able to dodge the strike in time, but recovered quickly enough to scramble back to her starting position. Since Awe appeared to use a very defensive combat style, she hung back, both to recover from the hit she took and force him to go on the offensive.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe delivered another strike keeping a close eye on Emilena for any tricks. He also made sure not to reveal any clues as to what his next move would be.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena deflected it with her forearm, simultaneously dodging to lessen the impact. It still sent shockwaves rippling up her arm; Awe had strength and size on his side, and Emilena realized she’d need to change her strategy. Maneuvering herself so she was between Awe and the pool, she kept her stance wide hoping to bait him into rushing her so she could dodge around him and use his own momentum to force him nearer or into the pool.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 03:39:33 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

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Awe knew while he had strength and size on his side he knew Emilena had speed on hers. He thought about how to effectively beat her.  "Your move." Awe commented.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena grumbled when he didn't fall for the bait. Her gut warned her to stay back, but her impatientness got the better of her and she jumped forward, attempting a stunning kick to his solar plexus.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Awe grinned seizing the chance and used her own momentum against her to send her flying into the pool. But awe admired Emilena since she had fought well.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena hadn’t expected him to act so quickly, and before she could even figure out what happened he had counter-striked her kick and sent her flying head over heels into the pool.

She came up spluttering and quickly grabbed the edge of the pool to orient herself. “You’re...faster than you look,” she finally admitted once her head had stopped spinning. “I concede defeat.”

Axel, meanwhile, saw Soren in the conservatory and decided to tell him first. “Hey, I found out where we’re headed next.” He handed Soren a paper printout of the Google Maps result from inputting the coordinates of the IP Address.

(OOC: Serris, if you or bushwhacked had ideas/plans for the locale/setting of the HQ, wanted to leave that in your hands. Bushwhacked didn’t say anything particular about the location Brennan Hq was)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 05:41:58 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

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"You fought well." Awe complimented. Awe offered Emilena a hand out of the pool. "Haven't had a good sparing match like that in a while."


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 Bianca was walking out of the the safehouse, after waiting a full four hours foir the entire place to be clean ' she had sent at least 50 pictures to Kintoki, which would net her a 25000 creed bonus. ' the roomba beeped as a car pulled up alongside the street and a lioness climbed  outof the drovers seat. she was very fetching, with bright green eyes dark red lips, and golden hoop earring in her ears. she wore the uniform of a tennis player, several racquets resting in the passenger seat indicated she had just come from playing a match. ' Can i help you?Bianca asked. " Actually i was going to ask you that. i noticed you walkingh down the street earlier, and was going to ask of you needed a ride.  Outside of this part of town, things get really dicey really quick.'

 Yeah, hence why I have this roomba following me around' Bianca said " And you are?" oh, forgive me. I'm Zula. I work part time at Mr Jiangs augment repair ship on downtown Seryet, when I'm not instructing kids on playing tennis. its a 75-25 breakdown or there abouts. Tennis 75% Jiangs 25%. You look sorta familiar. ' I'm Bianca' Bianca said quickly. ' Could you take me to 35th and Green? I need a change of attire, and well I dont look all that hot in this getup. Zula is it? for some reason your name rings a bell. did you work as a receptionist somewhere? " Yeah I did at Jiangs old place. the pay was lousy, and that's when patients actually paid their bills.' Zula sighed. 'Just hop in back, your roomba can come too. ' the roomba climbed in before Bianca and settled on one of the seats ' Do forgive the clutter, ' I'm just handed back from  my latest tennis instruction. We have a tournament against Bright Falls next week, and some of the kids have very weak serves that will get them killed in a match. " Zula said. Bianca buckled herself in. the car smelled like tennis balls but otherwise was very nice. " I hate to impose, but do you have anything to drink? I'm rather thirsty and haven't had the chance to get anything to eat this morning. I've been.. running errands. ' " Oh, of course! There's Diet Coke in this cooler. there's mini-cans  regular cans or liter bottles, help yourself.' Zula said with a smile. Bianca flipped open the cooler, which had several cases of Diet Coke in it, along with  6 1 liter bottles. ' Bianca took one of the bottlers  and found an empty cup in a container. the soda was ice cold to the touch and tasted great. Zula pulled away from the curb and began driving down the street.
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Anne's ears were splayed to the side as she drifted between sleep and wakefulness in the cool sea air. She bolted up right as she got an incoming message from her horn.

Her frustration soon turned to excitement as she realized who was calling her. She turned to Tony. "Hey, Tony, I just got a call from my cyberneticist." She was of course, referring to a black market one. "My parts came in. So you got a discreet car that I can borrow for an  hour or so?"


Soren accepted the piece of paper and looked it over. His eyes widened as he realized where the location was. The Human blinked a few times and took a sip of his now flat seltzer. "The fuck!?" he blurted out.

He sat on a stone that made up the wall. The pungent scent of the exotic flowers in the greenhouse was making his nascent headache worsen. "Axel, are you absolutely positive you got the right location? Because according to this printout, the IP address is originating from several miles offshore!" Soren didn't mean to raise his voice but the situation did rile him up a bit.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"It's pretty clear, feel free to double-check but there aren't many ways to slice this sort of signal." Axel shrugged. "The guys in that safehouse kept chatting with somebody on, like, I guess a houseboat or something, I dunno." He looked at the paper again. "Or I guess a boat would be moving around, so like, an ocean lab?" He glanced at the balcony, where some sort of scuffle had been audibly going on for the past minute. "We should probably let the others know."


Emilena accepted Awe's help to climb back out of the pool. "You gotta teach me how you countered that kick," she remarked, shaking her head to help regain her balance. "I had all my momentum behind it, and you just flipped me on a dime."

She heard Anne's question and glanced over. "You're sure your contact's not compromised, right? We've made a lot of enemies, any of them could be using him to lead you into a trap."
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 03:27:14 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »

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Awe chuckled in response. "Sure I'll teach you. You may find it in handy one day." Awe sat down on one of the chairs by the pool.


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Tony had been resting, having retrieved some sunglasses, and placed them over his eyes. He'd watched the fight a bit, but had kept his eyes closed during some of it, mostly drifting in and out of his thoughts. As he heard Anne address him, he looked over to her, swiveling his head to do so. "Oh uh... discreet? Not really sure about that.. most of the cars I own are all vintage... I have my electric... which I guess looks just like everyone else's... it's a nicer model, but still pretty run of the mill." he explained. "You can take it if you need to. It drives itself, so you really just have to sit back and let it take you to whatever destination you program it with... that is... if you think it's a good idea." he added, noting Emilena's words.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 01:33:33 PM by Pterano »

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Works for me," Emilena grinned at Awe's offer, before Axel walked somberly onto the balcony.

"Hey, people." Axel passed out printouts of the same data he'd given Soren. "So, good and bad news. Good news is, I figured out where Brennan's HQ is. Bad news..."

Emilena squinted in surprise at the data. "Wait, you mean that circled coordinate set in the middle of the ocean?"

"I mean, 'middle of the ocean' is overstating it, but yeah," Axel yawned. "It's about three miles off Seryet's coastline. There's no publically-registered buildings out there, and I didn't see anything too exciting from the bluffs on Google street views, which makes me think they're in some sort of submerged lab."

"We have to break into an underwater lab?" Emilena repeated. "How exactly are we supposed to do that?"

"That's up to y'all, my job was just to find it," Axel shrugged, leaving and heading for the bar. Now that his work was done, he wanted a drink.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 08:23:28 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Anne nodded. "I'll take my chances. The guy's someone who owes me some favors." She didn't specify what the favors were but from the way she spoke, it was pretty obvious said favors were probably spectacularly illegal.

She then turned to Tony. "Anyways, thanks for the electric, just show me the way to your garage and I'll be on my way."


Soren watched Axel leave the poolside area to go get a drink. He examined the map more closely. "Well," he said. "Looks like we'll have to get a boat or something. A fishing trip should work as a cover story." He brought up his cellphone and checked out the location. A frown crossed the Human's face. "Or not. Looks like that particular area is listed as a protected offshore zone." Protected offshore zones were locations that were off-limits to public boat traffic. They usually marked mining, power generation or other industrial zones and were usually protected by autonomous drones as well as crewed patrol boats.

He checked the surrounding areas for anything that could help them get to said lab.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"If we abandon all notion of a cover story, we could still try to get there by boat," Emilena suggested. "Paint it black, go by night, feign ignorance if we get discovered. Maybe even confess to a much-lighter crime like fishing in a protected space, I think the penalty for that is just a large fine."

She grabbed a towel and dried herself off. "That still won't help us actually get in. Even if Tony happens to own a half-dozen sets of scuba gear, what would our plan be for even gaining entrance? We cant exactly shatter a window. Awe, you got any gadgets that could get us into an underwater lab?"
« Last Edit: December 20, 2018, 04:40:36 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Marita smiled as Flora entered the room. ' hey there! some kinda party huh/' she said kindly as she came up to her. " what are you here for?' she said. the laud music made it hard to hear at times. "I'm just here for the music, really. " Marie was enjoying a drink  at the "bar" and was scanning the ' crowd." shots of various dancers were shown.
 Zula continued driving, As Bianca slowly drank her soda in the back seat. ; As the Drive continued Bianca felt herself beginning to nod off, she didnt realize how truly tired she was (She had been up since 4 in the morning , after all)." you Ok?' Zula asked as Bianca stifled a yawn ' sorry< I worked really late last night, and Am paying for it now " Bianca said. " well, I'm headed back to my place, if you need to crash on the couch , thats fine. We all need our 40 winks, right?' zula said. " you can hekp yourself to whatevers in the pantry. i think i have some granola bars and crackers in there."
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Tony had been semi-listening in, chewing on his bottom lip. Yeah... his father had owned a ship... but it wasn't something that would be capable of being moved easily... plus it'd be ridiculously conspicuous. Oh well...

Hopping off his chair, he shoved his paws in his pockets, still dripping moisture a little. "Sure... this way." he waved his paw for the pony to follow, and headed back into the house, weaving his way through the rooms until they got to the old brass elevator. Hitting the button for a descent, he began whistling a little as he rode down into the garage, the lights kicking on automatically as they arrived. "First one on the right." He pointed to the sleek looking electric car.

Walking over to a panel, he pushed his paw against it, causing it to slide back, revealing the key fob. "Here you go. Just don't wreck it. Door will open automatically for you when you reach the end of the garage, and upon your return." he explained.

He went over to a locker, pulling the door open with some spare clothing so he could change, having mostly dried up in the sun. Keeping the door so it blocked his body from view, the ferret went about slipping out of his bathing suit and into something more akin to an Edwardian motorman's outfit. Shutting the locker door, he sighed, and went over to his vehicles, walking down the row until he came to a beautiful brass era red painted 1910 Elmore. Pulling himself up into the driver's seat, he rested his arms against the big wooden steering wheel. Exhaling, he looked ahead.

Should he go on this mission? Risk his life again? Risk drowning or worse out at sea? Pursing his lips, he tapped his claws rhythmically on the old car's wheel, turning the options over in his mind.

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"not really. But I do have the training to get down that far." Awe scratched his chin. "I could call a contact of mine to get a submarine to take you guys there. He owes me a few favors."