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"Who knows," shrugged Flora. "Yurei's my friend, I'll talk to him later. I need to find a way to make sure he's comfortable with the situation." She noticed they'd reached the lab. The night receptionist let them in. "Hey is there anywhere in the labs that are open this time of night?" she asked.

The man shook his head. "Sorry, the restaurants close at around ten. But you are welcome to use the kitchen to prepare your own food. The are pantries with basic foodstuffs like bread, rice, and pasta. Don't take too long though; eleven o'clock is curfew."

"Curfew?" asked Flora.

"All test subjects and unauthorized personnel are required to be in their rooms with the doors locked by eleven. Roaming the hallways is not permitted and there are punishments for being caught out after hours."

Flora gulped. "Thanks for letting us know." They had about 45 minutes to prepare their food and get back to their rooms.


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In another part of the residential area, Yurei sighed and chuckled to himself as he stepped into an elevator, hitting the button for one of the uppermost floors.  However, as the elevator began to move, Yu allowed himself to phase out, slipping through the floor and descending into a set of old maintenance tunnels beneath the facility.  Making his way down the dark, cold concrete halls, he finally turned and stepped into a caged section, filled with a variety of broken parts and miscellaneous other things that had been tossed aside.  Shutting the mesh cage behind him, he made his way over to the corner farthest from the door, where a thin, worn blanket sat.  Laying down and curling up against the wall, he slumped for a moment before repeatedly smacking his head into the metal pillar forming the corner.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!  Thinking that I even had a chance with someone like that... What the hell came over me?  Yurei, you goddamned idiot... Why don't I just learn?  Some... Thing like me isn't something anyone could ever like, let alone care for!"
He muttered, head slumping down against his chest.
Heh... I hate to admit it, but I guess all my naysayers were right.  That I'm just a damn fuckup who ruins everything...  Guess that means my family was right about me being alive, too.  Not like I ever really doubted that, though...
He thought bitterly, picking up a shard of glass from the floor near him, holding it and turning it over in his hands a few times, then tightening his grip on it until it drew blood from his hand.  Still clutching it as tight as he could, he pressed the edge of it to his wrist, drawing it across and leaving a jagged gash along his arm.  He stared at the crimson welling up on his wrist and chuckled a bit.
"Heh... Why not do that a few more times... Just end it all here with all the other broken, useless things..."
He said softly, staring at his reflection in the piece of glass...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora led the way to the kitchen. She wasn't particularly hungry so she simply poured herself a bowl of cornflakes with honey and sugar.

She tried and failed to stifle a yawn. It had been a long day, and she'd gotten quite a few unexpected workouts while making new friends. Hopefully Emma didn't take too long preparing food, they needed to be in bed by lab shutdown.


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Emma came in a few minutes later carrying a pair of stuffed sandwiches ' Hope you like Meatballs" she said handing a sandwich to Flora. " we'll eat this, and thenm head to bed, I think" She smiled.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Thanks!" The sandwich wasn't microwaved, which Flora usually did when making meat sandwiches, but this let her eat it faster because it didn't have to cool. Flora was only a little hungry, but the sandwich turned out to be perfect for that since it wasn't very filling. "Sounds good to me," she smiled.

She borrowed Emma's phone to call Rose and Marita. "Guess you're gonna head back into town to find Marie and her hotel, right? You two have fun with that. Tomorrow we might head into town and find you, and we can all explore together during the day."


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Actually, the three of us are headed back to the apartment for the nioght" Marita said . " Marie caught up with us after you left with Emma. Have a good night, i'm sure we'll ran into you girls tomorrow. Good night Flora' Marita said and hung up the phone.
 Rose was in the apartment kitchen making a late night cup of tea befiore headed to bed. Marita took the left bed, Marie the night. Tonight rose would sleep with Marita. ' i'm hoping tomorrow we'll get to see much more of the Complex. Yurei showed us a bit, but not all of it, I'm sure' she said to herself taking a sip of tea which was strawberry flavored
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After a particularly memorable night, Flora's eyes snapped open at exactly 5 am. She had no idea why she woke up that early; she never woke up that early, especially not after an insane workout like she'd gotten she'd gotten last night. And why was her heart beating so fast? Was it love?

No. It was anxiety. Flora sighed silently. Now that she'd had a full night for her thoughts to marinate and the fire in her loins had been sated, she needed to resolve the situation she'd found herself. She'd gone from zero lovers less than a week ago to five, a staggering multiplication she'd hardly had time to come to grips with. And already these various lovers were coming to blows out of desire to spend time with her. It was a less pitiable problem than her previous forced chastity, but she didn't want to make anyone happy. But how much more can one folf do?

Not much, she admitted wistfully. And that's when an insane idea popped into her head. For several minutes she lay perfectly still, chest and legs pressed up against Emma's, almost hoping the vixen would wake up and remove any chance Flora had of exploring this idea of hers. After all the bed was quite warm, and there's no chance Flora got a full night's sleep. But finally she gathered up the willpower to extricate herself from the covers. She needed to resolve this soon as possible, for everyone's sake.

Hoping Emma didn't mind if she borrowed some clothes (her robe was in dire need of cleaning), Flora slipped on a skirt and blouse, blushing somewhat at how feminine her outfit was. Emma was definitely more girly than Flora, she didn't own a single pair of jeans or a T-shirt.

Flora slipped into the hallway and quickly retraced her steps to the part of the labs where Taga lived. Quickly she located the elder rat, who had indeed made good on his promise and decorated the walls with slips of white paper.

The man was sitting in a meditative stance, and cracked one eye open. "Hi. You're...awake early," Flora remarked politely, smiling awkwardly.

"I'm meditating. And you're interrupting," he answered simply, reclosing his eye.

"I'm sorry about that. If you want--" Flora started, but the man cut her off.

"No, its too late. Meditation is like a souffle; interrupt it before it's finished and it'll deflate before your eyes." The man got to his feet. "But I'll forgive you if you've brought me another gift."

"To, uhhhh, duplicate?" Flora gulped. "I might have. But I wanted to know a bit more about it first."

The man frowned. "I am not an exhibit on a guided tour!" he protested, folding his arms.

Flora sighed and fished around the pockets in her blouse. Locating a spare button sewn into the hem of the skirt, she pinched it off with her claws and passed it over. "I just want to get to know you a little. What's your name?"

"Marly," he replied eagerly, snatching the button and turning it into a short stack within a millisecond.

"And Marly, is there a limit to what you can duplicate? What happens to the original?" she asked.

"Duplicated items shouldn't stay apart for long," Marly replied, spreading his arms around his relatively barren cell. "Else I'd have decorated this place a hundred times over. I always re-merge everything before 24 hours pass. I can always tell which is the original." To demonstrate he selected a specific button and used it to flip the others along the ground like a game of tiddlywinks.

"Have you ever duplicated a living person?" Flora asked, mouth going slightly dry.

"Oh, of course. I used to charge people for the privileged." Marly flipped a button into the washbasin. "Got a little too successful, that's how I wound up here."

"What used to happen to those people?" Flora urged.

Marly began to detect the urgency in her voice and cocked an eyebrow. "Something tells me this isn't just innocent curiosity." Flora shifted her feet. "Those days are behind me, I assure you. But to answer your question; there were no complications, most of them loved it and I re-merged each of them within 24 hours. I got a little bit richer, they walked away happy, and I never asked questions."

"Please do that to me!" Flora burst out. "I need to be in two places at once! My friends are counting on me!"

"Girl, don't be daft." Marly duplicated a new set of buttons due to flipping all his old ones into the basin. "Management would know it was me in a heartbeat. I could get in a lot of trouble."

"I'd stay away from myself," Flora urged him. "And I'll bring you a new trinket every time. Both of me would! You can even make requests!"

Marly chuckled and shook his head. "I desire no particular items more than anything else," he assured her. "If you're hoping to sweet-talk me into this, it won't work. And have you considered not splitting apart your very essence just for the benefit of other people? Surely you don't me to tell you that's a bad idea."

"There must be something you need," Flora pleaded. "Something you'd never told anyone. This is your chance. I'll help you. We can help each other."

Marly paused. "You're making a mistake," he grumbled. "But there is something you can do for me." He held his hand out. "Deliver a message from me to Taga. Don't tell her it's from me."

Flora stuck her hand through the bars. "Deal!" She expected Marly to shake it, but instead he tapped her palm lightly, and suddenly there was a blinding flash of light. Flora grunted and covered her eyes, and when she looked again she was staring right into her own eyes. Another fully-fledged Flora, dressed in the same blouse and skirt.

"Oh my god!" Both Floras gasped.

Marly nodded approvingly. "Damn, that was a good one. I surprise myself sometimes, even got all the clothes right."

"Wait--" said both Floras, planning to ask who was the original, but then both broke off when they interrupted each other. Both looked at Marly, then at each other, then their jaws dropped open as they realized they were sharing identical thoughts.

Marly chuckled. "Here. Let's get some talking turns down. It'll settle out after that." He held his button up. "Smooth side up, lefty talks first, bumpy side up, righty. capiche?" He flipped the button. All three watched as it landed.

"So I get to talk first?" one of them said.

"Wait, I thought I was left," the other protested.

"Then why didn't you talk first?" the first asked.

"Cause you're in the way so I couldn't tell what side the button landed!"

"Ladies," interrupted Marly. "You're welcome. The less time you spend together the better the memories will be, trust me. And you've got a deal to follow through on." He glanced at left Flora. "You leave first. Go do your things. Other one, you can leave in like fifteen minutes, after delivering my message. Meet back up here by tonight and I'll rejoin you and put this all behind us."

Both Floras nodded, and the chosen one headed back up the hallway. Returning to Emma's room, Flora removed her clothes, put them neatly back in the drawer, and resumed her spooning of Emma. I hope other me has fun with Yurei today...
   *   *   *   

Meanwhile, the other Flora walked over to Taga to see if she was awake. "Hello?" she said softly. It was far darker at this end of the cellblock, and Flora couldn't even tell where the older woman was, or if she was awake.


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As Flora approached her cell, Taga's eyes lit up from the corner.
"Ah, it's you again, Flora.  Or... Should I say doppelganger of Flora?"
She chuckled, gliding her way up to the glass with a smirk.
"What brings you to visit little old me today, hmm?"

Down in the maintenance tunnels, Yurei slowly cracked one eye open, glancing around for a moment before getting up, checking to make sure that the bloodstains from the previous night weren't too obvious.  Finally satisfied nobody would notice them, he slipped over to the elevator, phasing into it and riding it up to the floor his room was on.  Once inside his room, he quickly made his way over to the bathroom, pulling out a set of long bandages and some antiseptic, which he quickly used to clean the set of cuts along both his arms.  Wrapping both arms from mid-forearm down in the bandages, he nodded a bit, heading to his room to grab a change of clothes.  Flicking through his closet, he picked a red and black version of his outfit, slipping into it and nodding a bit as he made his way back out the door and towards the elevator...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Hey!" protested Flora. "What's that supposed to mean? I'm still Flora, the other one's the duplicate!"

She balled her fists, then realized she was disrespecting her elder. "Sorry, sorry..." she amended hastily. "How'd you even know I was split? And, uh, I've got a message for you. From a...secret admirer. They say, 'Hi Taga. How are you doing?'"


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Taga chuckled lightly, grinning at the folf.
"Oh, it's as simple as your emotions, dearie.  They're ever-so-slightly different than when you're whole."
She said, humming a bit as Flora delivered the message.
"Hmm, oh is that so?  Who'd have thought a little old spinster like me could have an admirer.  You tell him that I'm doing well, and I hope he is, too."
She said, a faint blush on her cheeks.
"Oh, and Flora?  Don't worry.  Yu will never be able to tell the difference."
She added teasingly...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora committed Taga's reply message to memory. "You know I'm doing this for Yurei, right? He doesn't like how I'm spending time with other people, so now he'll have a Flora all to himself." Her eyes clouded. "You told me to help him, I'm a bit worried for him. Maybe he just needs someone who can literally give him constant attention."


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Taga shook her head.
"Oh, dear.  You should never do something for the sake of someone else.  And I dare say you misread Yu.  He's not the type for anger or possessiveness.  Most likely, he was trying to avoid causing you trouble, and running scared because of it."
She said gently, shaking her head softly.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Maybe..." replied Flora, not wholly convinced. Taga hadn't seen him last night. "Well, I'm off to see him now, so we'll see what happens. I've only got a bit before I get merged back, so I'll talk to you later."

She returned to Marly on the other side of the cellblock. "She says, uh, she's doing well, and hopes you are too."

Marly smiled dreamily from behind tiny stacks of buttons. "Thankye, lass. That'll be all, I'm sure you've stuff to do."

Flora quickly hurried to the upper levels. She was thinking of what Taga said. "You should never do something for the sake of someone else..." Well that can't be a hard and fast rule, otherwise nobody would ever help each other. She was convinced she was still doing the right thing.

Checking with the receptionist, she learned the location of Yurei's room and quickly darted over to it. She bit her lip. It was almost 6am, he was probably asleep.

She knocked anyway. She was pretty tired herself, maybe he'd be down to sleep together.


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emma  by this point was awake and making herself breakfast.  she figured that flora had left to get some more tests run on her. her mind ran back repeatedly to the night before, all the passion and kissing the pair had shared. Emma had pinch herself a few times to be sure she hadnt dreamed it. ' the toaster popped up the bread she had been toasting breaking her out of her reverie.
 marita stiorred from her bed, which she had shjareed with rose. the pair had shared a few deeop good bnight kisses the night before and wakuing up next to Rose was the feeling that always left Marita feeling happy about hersel;f.
 rose  was fliping through the channelas on the tv, looking for someting other than promos for the testing lab or various programs in arabic.
 Marie was loooking through her  knapsack, deciding which attire to wear that day.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora was shocked when she opened the door and found Emma making breakfast. "You wake up at 6am?" she exclaimed. Her mind started spinning, trying to come up with a justification for her being awake this early. "Err, how did you sleep? Good morning!"


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morning. i'm normally an easy riser. comes with your school day starting at 7 am, and living a half hour away from it. so i had to get up at 6  and  that habit became engrained, and even now i wake up around 6.  how did the tests go? Emma asked. ' i mean i'm assuming you are up this early because of one examination or another.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Oh, yeah, the...uh, circulatory test went well!" Flora stammered. "Everything's normal. You got school, huh? That sounds cool. What classes do you have today?" She knew what Emma actually meant by her school comment, but it would distract Emma to have to supply a correction. Flora suddenly realized she was still wearing Emma's blouse and skirt. "Er, sorry for borrowing your clothes. I didn't bring a change of my own from last night." Grabbing a bowl from the cupboard, she poured herself a bowl of cereal; she'll reimburse Emma soon, but right now she was really hungry.


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i dont have class. i'm saving up to go to college remember" emma replied.' so, why dont we go hang out with your other girlfriends so more today? Get to know them better at least." Emma said. ' she laughed as she saw the clothes Flora was wearing ' so thats where they went. eh, keep it. I can get more clothes once my paycheck comes in tomorrow ' Emma said.
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"Sounds good to me. Maybe they'll be interested in going swimming!" Flora finished her cereal and washed the dishes in the sink, including the ones that were there previously; washing the host's dishes is one of the ways a guest can show appreciation for their hospitality. "Yesterday's adventure in the desert has made me miss the water even more than before!"


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Yurei's ears flicked as he heard the knock on his door.  
Who could that be...?  Not like anyone knows my room number... Or cares...
He thought to himself, getting up off his couch and making his way over to the door, peeping out to see Flora.  He mentally panicked for a second, quickly straightening his clothes before opening the door.
"Oh, uh... Hey, Flora."
He said softly...