The Gang of Five
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This Is Growing Up

The Wasp

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Hey everyone.

So I joined the GOF awhile back, but quickly became swamped with work, school, and playing the lead role in the musical. I had no time to post. Well Rhombus recently informed me of an upcoming writing prompt contest and I will be entering it.

Furthermore, I'm writing my own LBT fic called 'This Is Growing Up'. It's basically my own tale about our favorite group of dinosaurs going through the pains of puberty while dealing with the consequences of mating, the herd, hormones, love, and much more. It's on fanfiction but I know many of you are not on there. So I also decided to post it here to get more feedback.

I hope you all enjoy. I'll be posting a chapter every few days as I currently have 10 up at the moment. It most likely will be around 17-18 chapters long.

Thanks again!:) Can't wait to hear what you all think.

Chapter 1. Witnessing 'Nature'

“Pass the rock! Over here!”

“Come on, I’m open!”

It was another magnificent day in the Great Valley. The leaves were green, the sky a bright turquoise, and the sun shone far and wide over the land of the largest and most fantastic creatures on the earth, the dinosaurs.

To Littlefoot, the now teenage Apatosaurus, life went on much as it had for the past 14 years of his existence. He had his grandma and grandpa along with his father Bron, whom he still saw once a year when his herd made its way to the Valley. There was plenty of green food to eat, water to drink, and mud to jump in. Above all, he still had his friends, Petri (the Pteranodon), Ducky (the Saurolophus), Spike (the Stegosaurus) and Cera (the Triceratops).

He was bigger now, much bigger. His worries about not growing had all but vanished. Littlefoot, though only a juvenile, was well on his way to becoming as big as his father and grandfather before him. He could reach parts of trees he couldn’t before and was gaining in strength every day. Indeed, they had all reached a considerable size for each of their species.

However, despite the maturity of their bodies, Littlefoot and company still loved their relatively carefree life. They ate and drank as they pleased. Games were still fun and a great way to pass the time. They went about their days as they had when they were barely out of hatchling-hood.

Of course, even for dinosaurs, nothing ever truly stays the same.
The rock skipped passed Petri and into Cera who hit it with her forehead towards Spike. Running along the edges of the trees, they were doing their best to keep along the path and avoid having to search among the heavy vegetation.

Ducky laughed, “Spike pass it to me!”

Unlike when they were younger, she was now large enough to use her own tail. She caught the pass and tossed it over to Littlefoot.

“Hey guys watch this!” he said catching the rock with his foot. “My dad taught me this trick last year.”

Using his head, he flipped the rock in the air, landing on his neck, upon which it slid to the end of his tail. Littlefoot then fired it with such speed, the others were forced to duck to avoid impact. It soared into the underbrush and out of sight.

“Yeesh, glad me missed that one” Petri muttered.

“Great job, Littlefoot” Cera said rolling her eyes. “Not much a trick since you almost took out an eye.”

“Sorry, guys. Don’t worry, I’ll find it.”

He walked into the bushes to begin his search.

“Don’t get lost, lest I have to save you again” Cera called after him.

Littlefoot chuckled to himself. He was more than used to Cera’s ribbing by now. She still had her headstrong nature (typical among three horns) but was far less obnoxious in her attitude and more playful now. Besides, he had gotten her out of tight spots at least as much as she had for him. She knew this as well as he did.

He checked the bushes along the edge without any luck and decided to push further into the trees. The underbrush was especially thick this time of year so he needed to search more thoroughly than usual.

After a couple of more minutes he was beginning to slightly regret his little stunt. So were his friends apparently.

“Littlefoot! What’s taking so long?” Cera called from afar.

“Hold on! Just give me a sec!”

He searched around with more urgency, going yet farther into the trees until he saw a lump of gray near the base of a large bush.

“Gotcha” he said with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to grab the rock and head back towards his friends he heard the strangest noise. A loud, grunting sound that was somewhat similar to Mr. Threehorn’s dismissive growls. Only this was much more guttural, and dare he say it? Animalistic?

Taking note of the direction of the sound, Littlefoot’s natural inquisitiveness got the better of him, as it usually did. Poking his head through the bushes, he came upon the edge of a clearing within the forest.

What he saw defied his own comprehension. In the middle of the clearing stood Mr. Clubtail but he wasn’t alone. Another clubtail was with him, and he was standing in an awkward position on top of it. At first glance, they appeared to be fighting, but as Littlefoot watched more closely that did not appear to be the case. Come to think of it, when had he ever seen two dinosaurs fight like that before?

Upon further inspection he saw that the second clubtail was female. Littlefoot couldn’t be sure, but were they both…enjoying whatever this was? All he knew is that the longer he watched, the more uncomfortable he became and the more he wished he hadn’t stumbled upon the two clubtails.

He removed his head from the bush and attempted to back away slowly as to not get caught eavesdropping, when he tripped on the very same rock he had been searching for. He fell hard on his back with a mighty thud. In the past he might have gone unnoticed, but he wasn’t exactly small anymore. He must’ve made quite a noise as he heard Mr. Clubtail exclaim,

“What was that?”

“I don’t know dear” a female voice replied soothingly.

“Someone’s out there”

“Relax dear, I’m sure it was just a fallen tree branch of some sort.”

“I’d rather check it’s not some sharptooth lying in wait…”

“Really you’re being paranoid hun. Come back and snuggle, after all it’s so rare we get any alone time.”

“Well alright then…” and he heard the clubtails giggling to each other.

Not wanting to wait around for a repeat performance, Littlefoot took off running as fast he could in the other direction, all concerns for the rock left behind in the dust.

When he finally made it back to his friends he burst through the bushes, panting like mad, trying to formulate words to what he had just witnessed.

“You guys! You guys!”

“Littlefoot, what is the matter?” Ducky asked, quite perturbed.

“Yeah you look you just saw sharptooth,” Petri added.

“No it’s not that it’s…something else.”

Cera walked forward and tried to console her friend.

“Alright Littlefoot, relax and take it easy. Now what exactly happened back there that made you so shaken up? You don’t exactly scare easy.”

Still slightly panting, the young longneck attempted to explain.

“Well I was looking for the rock, and I finally found it. But then I heard weird noises coming from in front of me. Like this weird grunting, growling sound.”

“When me hear weird noses I just fly in opposite direction.”

“Yeah, so I’m guessing you just had to know what it was you heard,” Cera remarked.

“Well yeah, I mean I had to make sure it wasn’t anything bad.”

“But was it anything bad?” Ducky asked.

“Obviously not or he wouldn’t be here right now,” Cera said with her trademark sarcasm.

Spike simply grunted as he turned his attention to some grass nearby.

“Anyway, so I poked my head through the bushes to see what it was and well…it was really weird.”

“Weird how?”

“Well I saw Mr. Clubtail and he was with another clubtail, a girl one. And he had his front legs on top of her back bumping against her.”

Totally perplexed, the other juvenile dinosaurs didn’t seem to have an answer for this.

“You said they were making weird noses? Growling at each other?” Cera asked.

“Kinda but…”

“Well that’s it then, Mr. Clubtail was just fighting another one of his kind, no big deal.”

“There’s more to it than that. They seemed to like it.”

There was a slight pause in which only the sound of Spike eating could be heard.

“What do you mean ëlike’?” Ducky inquired.

“Of course they liked it. All dinosaurs like fighting” Cera said dismissively.

“Me thinks threehorns like it too much,” Petri muttered, but not quietly enough.

“What was that?” she turned on him aggressively.

“Nothing!” he said quickly.

“Anyway Littlefoot you’re making this into a big deal. We fight, we play, we wrestle, it’s how things work. Nothing to be alarmed about.”

Littlefoot wanted to believe her, but he was not at all convinced that this was a simple case of a territory dispute.

“But the position they were in, he was mounting her.”

He even put his front two feet upon a nearby rock to demonstrate. The others laughed at the show, much to his annoyance.

“Guys come on.”

“Sorry, Littlefoot, but you look funny, you do, you do,” Ducky giggled.

“Littlefoot forget it. We got a whole day ahead of us and we’re wasting it by standing here, quit mounting that rock and let’s go do something fun,” said Cera. “Anyone want to play pinecone bowling?”

The suggestion was met with enthusiasm, even Littlefoot found himself wanting to join in.

“Alright, I’m in.”


“Me call Spike’s team!”

“You’re always on Spike’s team Petri.”

“Yeah cuz me no throw rock well.”

“That’s not our problem…”

Littlefoot laughed inwardly at the antics of his friends. However, even as they ran down towards the deepest part of the valley, he couldn’t help but wonder just what those clubtails were up to. The images were simply too vivid in his head not to.


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I was actually recommended by one of the members here to read check this one out a while ago but didn't get around to. Glad to see another fanfic author join our ranks  :lol:

Anyway, now on-topic...

I must say the first chapter really caught my interest. The idea of writing about the Gang as teenagers isn't new but you've certainly made it quite interesting so far  :lol: Looking forward to reading more from you, yep, yep, yep!  ;)
Inactive, probably forever.

Cancerian Tiger

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Hey there, welcome aboard :wave!

I recently stumbled upon this gem of a story on Fanfiction, and I really love it so far!  Keep up the good work😀!


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Yeah the first chapter was quite interesting I really enjoyed it a lot. So far it's a pretty good story.

The Wasp

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Hey guys!

Thanks for the positive feedback. Next chapter will be up in a day or so.

I know the gang being teenagers is not a new concept, but it's been poorly done. And I wanted to give the most realistic scenario of what would happen were we to see Littlefoot and co. grow up.

There is a pairing. I won't reveal who it is, though it is listed on I'll leave it up to you all to see if you like it.

Anyway, thanks again!

The Wasp

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So here's the second chapter. Short, but all good stories must have a decent progression.

Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 2. The Talk

As Littlefoot walked back home that evening he could feel his curious nature once again rising with him. His friends had dismissed his concerns as his imagination gone awry, after all dinosaurs fought all the time right? But for some reason he couldn’t get the images of the club tails out of his head. There was something off about it, even if he couldn’t quite put his foot on it.

He was so focused on what he had seen, he barely noticed his grandmother greeting him when he reached their grassy spot.

“Hello, Littlefoot” she asked him with a smile. “How was your day?”

“Oh it was…fine” he half stammered. “Just hung out with Cera, Ducky, Spike and Petri.”

“Well I hope you kids had fun” said his grandfather yawning. “But it’s best we get some sleep now. The bright circle stops for no one you know. And besides, you’ve been sleeping in much too often lately.”

“Haha, yeah I know, Grandpa. I’ll try to get up early tomorrow.”

Chuckling, his grandpa smiled, “You’re getting older. It’s only natural. Now let’s all go to sleep.”

Nodding his head, Littlefoot was fighting an internal battle as to whether or not he should tell his grandparents about what he had witnessed. He didn’t want to run the risk that he was doing something he shouldn’t have, but his grandparents were very understanding and patient. They never got upset at him over incidents like this.

In the end, his curiosity won over.

“Grandma, Grandpa?”

They both turned to look at him.

“Yes? What is it, Littlefoot?” she asked.

“Is something on your mind?” his grandpa said.

“Well yeah happened today while I was playing with my friends.”

“Yes, go on.”

“It’s nothing bad I swear” he said rubbing his foot into the dirt. “My friends and I were playing today and I accidentally hit the rock too fast into the bushes. It was the trick dad showed me.”

“Of course,” his grandpa said nodding.

“And I was looking for the rock until I came across Mr. Clubtail. He was with another club tail and well he was doing something…”

His grandma raised her eyebrows.

“Doing what exactly?”

He proceeded to describe the actions of the two club tails, all the while he noticed his grandparents were looking steadily more embarrassed.

“And my friends all thought it was nothing more than just normal roughhousing. But they didn’t see what I saw, it was way different than that. Do you know what it was those club tails were doing?”

His grandparents looked at each other and sighed.

“We knew this day would come, dear,” Grandpa Longneck said to his wife.

“I suppose you’re right” she replied. “There’s no use in not telling him. He’s at the age where he needs to know.”

“Need to know what?” Littlefoot asked. “What do you mean?”

Lowering his head down, though not as low as the old days, his grandfather suddenly appeared quite serious.

“Littlefoot, I think it’s time we had a talk. You have grown up better than we ever could have hoped or imagined. We are very proud of you. But with growing up comes new knowledge and new responsibilities. You’re old enough now to understand what we’re about to tell you.”

His grandparents’ solemn behavior only increased his curiosity.

“I knew there was more to this than what my friends were saying.”

“Indeed, you’ve always had good instincts” said his grandfather. “Normally I’d say we should wait until morning but this is important enough that it merits staying up later than usual.”

“Does this mean I can sleep in tomorrow?” Littlefoot asked excitedly.

“I suppose so, seeing as I am the reason you’ll be up late,” the elderly longneck replied with a smile. “But not too late. You don’t want to miss breakfast.”

“Alright! Thanks, Grandpa!”

“You’re welcome, now then…”

Sighing again and standing up tall, he cleared his throat.

“Now listen carefully, Littlefoot. This will take a while to explain.”

The Wasp

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Hey, everyone!

Third chapter is up. Any feedback or review is greatly appreciated!

Chapter 3. Dangerous and Dirty Subjects

The next day, Littlefoot told his friends exactly what he and his grandparents had discussed the previous night while munching on treestars. Needless to say, the reaction was predictable.

“So those club tails were…”

“Mating? Yeah” he replied nonchalantly. He normally took more satisfaction in proving Cera wrong. But the implications of what they had all just learned subdued the mood significantly.

Petri looked at the treestar he held in his hand and gulped.

“All of a sudden me not so hungry anymore.”

“Me neither. Yup, yup, yup.”

Spike nodded his head in agreement as well. He may not say much but it did not make him stupid.

“So what happens now?” Cera asked, poking at her food with her paw.

Littlefoot shrugged. “I don’t know. I suppose we’ll get married and have babies of our own someday. That’s the way the circle of life works. At least that’s what my grandparents said.”

“Well what if I don’t want to get married or have babies?” Cera asked sounding defiant. “This whole process sounds gross.”

“My grandparents said they had the same reaction when they were our age. But as they grew up more the idea became more appealing.”

They then exchanged glances, as Littlefoot rested himself down upon the grass.

“I do not want any of that at all, I do not,” Ducky said throwing her hands on her hips.

“Yeah, besides” Cera chimed in. “We do most things now without the adults anyway. We’re already grown up.”

“Eh kind of” Littlefoot said.

“Sort of” shrugged Petri.

Spike grumbled in his own unique way.

“Spike is right. We may be bigger but we are not yet grownups,” Ducky translated. She had her own unique of understanding what her adopted brother was trying to say.

“So why even bother learning about this?” Cera asked as she slumped down on a nearby rock.

“Because this is the age where it all starts. This is the age, where we start changing,” Littlefoot said.

“Changing how?”

“Me thought we just get bigger,” Petri said swooping down on Spike’s back.

“It’s more than that. At least that’s what my grandparents said,” Littlefoot replied. “They didn’t tell me anything beyond mating”

“ ëMating’, what a weird word,” Cera muttered.

“It’s how we all exist,” Littlefoot countered.

Then he got a really devious idea. One sure to get a rise out of his three horn friend.

“Hey, it just occurred to me your dad and Tria had to mate in order to conceive Tricia. Tell me, how does that make you feel? Knowing that your dad had to get on top of her and…”

He never got a chance to finish his sentence, because Cera charged at him so quick he barely had time to get out of the way to avoid her wrath.

“Why you! Come here!” she yelled in fury as she charged again.

“Gotta catch me first slow-horn!”

“Littlefoot I’m warning you!” she said through clenched teeth, face turning beet red.

All he could do is laugh as Cera chased him around in a circle desperately trying to catch him. The others started to laugh too, that is until Cera managed to ram him into the ground and topple him over. He quickly got back up and started to push back with his own strength sending her sliding backwards.

“Oh no you don’t!” Cera snarled. And with a mighty push she sent him flying on his back.

Groaning, Littlefoot was about to get up again until he noticed the female three horn standing over him. She did not look pleased.

Laughing still but not as hard, Littlefoot gave her a toothy grin.

“Gee, Cera easy with the horns. Pretty soon you’ll need them to keep your future husband in line.”

For a split second, he thought he had just teased the wrong horns, but just as soon as he said it, Cera rolled her eyes and gave a small smile herself.

“You’re unbelievable, you know that?”

The rest of the gang, who had been holding in their collective breath in fear that Cera might blow her top, began to laugh again and after a moment or so, so did she.

Littlefoot got up and grinned sheepishly.

“I am quite the charmer, aren’t I?”

“Don’t push it longneck” but she beamed at him just the same.

She’s a lot cuter when she smiles, I wish she did it more, Littlefoot thought to himself.

Wait what?

“Well I’m feeling much better now, yup, yup, yup,” said Ducky happily.

“Me too. This whole mating thing stinks,” Petri remarked, flying above their heads.

“Ditto on that,” agreed Cera. “What are we so worried about? I’m not having babies any time soon. This conversation is getting old anyway.”

Littlefoot agreed, though the thought still made him a bit unnerved, he wanted to move on from this.

“Yeah, I guess it is. Come on, let’s find some more treestars. I can reach most of the tallest trees now.”

“Please, I can just knock them down on my own.”

And so they set down the old beaten path towards their favorite spot to eat treestars, although Spike stopped along the way to smell the roses (and subsequently eat them). It seemed that the
issue at hand was at an end. Or so they all thought.


The evening slowly turned to dusk as Littlefoot and his grandparents began settling down for the night. Stars appeared like diamonds, twinkling down on the dinosaur world, constellations shone brightly as they had for millions of years and for millions of years yet to come.

“Well I think it’s about that time,” Grandpa Longneck observed.

“Yes it’s time to rest,” agreed his wife. She glanced down at her grandson. “Littlefoot are you ok? What we told you yesterday is a lot to take in at once.”

“I’m fine, Grandma, don’t worry. I learned something really important. As you guys said, it’s part of life.”

She smiled. “Good. You really are quite mature for your age. You amaze your grandfather and I every day.”

“Thanks, Grandma” Littlefoot said happily as she nuzzled him.

“Well now, I think it’s time for some…” his grandfather stopped and narrowed his eyes, the darkness clouding his older vision.

“What in the name of sanity is that?”

Slowly but surely, a group of dinosaurs were getting closer and their voices louder.

They do not sound happy, Littlefoot observed. Then after a few more moments he recognized the group as the parents of his friends.

Uh oh…

His grandparents looked stunned, as Mr. Threehorn and the rest of the group approached.

“Longneck!” he thundered.

 Littlefoot could see Ducky and Spike’s mom as well as Petri’s. He did not have a good feeling about this.

“Mr. Threehorn what on earth is so important that you felt the need to intrude upon us at this time of night? We are trying to sleep.”

“Your grandson, that’s what,” the large triceratops replied aggressively. “He’s been filling my daughter’s head with…dangerous and dirty subjects,” he ended shivering.

The other adults murmured in agreement.

“What kind of example is this?”

“Our children are being corrupted!”

“Absolutely shameful!”

Shaking his head in disbelief, Grandpa Longneck, ever the voice of rationality, attempted to reason with his fellow adults.

“Please, please my friends there is no reason to get upset at Littlefoot. If you should be upset at anyone it’s us, we were the ones who told Littlefoot about this delicate subject.”

Mr. Threehorn snorted in disgust.

“Be that as it may, he felt the need to share it with the rest of our kids when they are entirely too young to hear about such matters.”

Littlefoot glanced over at Cera, who appeared very uncomfortable and even regretful.

“Daddy, please…” she started, but she was quickly shouted down by her father.

“Hush Cera, I will handle this.”

He turned back towards the three Longnecks.

“You’ve got some explaining to do. Especially you, young one.”

Littlefoot at this point felt slightly betrayed by his friends.

“Guys!” he said. “Why did you tell your parents?”

Cera, Spike, Petri and Ducky looked away bashfully. “Me no know we wasn’t supposed to tell nobody,” Petri said.

“Me neither. Nope, nope, nope.”

Mr. Threehorn took advantage of this confession to pounce.

“Aha! So you admit it? Our children came to us tonight telling us what you told them. Have you no proper manners boy?”

At this stage, Grandma Longneck stepped in with far more resolve than she normally gave. She was used to Topsy Threehorn’s antics by now, but this was going beyond the pale.

“Mr. Threehorn you are entirely out of line. Littlefoot merely observed what we all know to be a natural part of life. There is no fault to be had here.”

More murmuring, but this time there was seemingly less outrage.

“Still,” Mr. Threehorn said but noticeably more subdued. “This subject is not something our
children should be learning about.”

Grandpa Longneck spoke up now.

“My friend, you are blind to the fact that your daughter, our children are growing up before our very eyes. They are not hatchlings anymore, but young adults. We all knew that sooner or later that this would happen. The day has come to teach them about the natural ways of the world.”

The talking persisted and opinion seemed to be turning in favor of the old longnecks.

“There’s no getting around it,” Susa Duckbill said at last, lowering her head. “They aren’t children
any longer. They need to know the truth. But…” and without warning she started shedding tears.

“There, there” Petri’s mother said, comforting the swimmer. “Initially I was angry too, but I agree with Grandma Longneck, we cannot blame Littlefoot for acknowledging what we too were once ignorant of.”

Mr. Threehorn was especially sheepish at this point, knowing he had overreacted and frightened the young longneck, as well as his daughter.

“Daddy,” a small voice spoke up. “I already told you, Littlefoot didn’t do anything wrong. Please don’t be upset.”

His daughter’s words softened the old Triceratops’s heart. He cared for her wellbeing and sometimes that drove him to rash actions.

“Oh…well I suppose you’re right. But what are we to do? If our kids are to learn about this how are we to go about it? My own father would never speak of it.”

Another round of murmuring and discussion took place in which the grownups seemed inclined as usual to argue amongst themselves. That is until grandpa Longneck managed to become the voice of reason again.

“My friends please, we all realize the implications of this. But now is not the time to discuss the matter. We are all tired and just a bit overwhelmed. Let’s all agree to meet tomorrow and decide what must be done. For now, we need to rest.”

The adults and even the young teens agreed.

“He right. Me pooped from today,” Petri said, eyelids drooping.

“Might as well wait until we’re all more refreshed,” agreed Mr. Threehorn. “Come on everyone.”

Slowly the crowd began to disperse, but the large male triceratops stopped suddenly.

“My apologies, Grandpa Longneck, you too Littlefoot. I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s quite alright Tops,” Grandpa said kindly. “No lasting harm done.”

Nodding his head, he turned around and began to walk home.

“Let’s go, Cera.”

She followed him obediently but not before glancing at Littlefoot one last time, giving an apologetic glance and he couldn’t be sure, but was she blushing?

“Come, Littlefoot. The night circle is already rising,” said his grandma.


Littlefoot made his way back to his favorite sleeping spot and soon began to doze. He could hear the soft snoring of his grandparents beside him. He was glad that he wasn’t in trouble, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that after the last couple of days, things would never quite be the same.

The Wasp

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Sup everyone! I should've updated this on here awhile ago, but I got caught up with a bunch of stuff. Anyway, though 11 chapters are up on fanfiction, I still want to see people's reactions' on here. So feel free to leave a comment or review! It's much appreciated. Anyway, here is the 4th chapter.

Chapter 4. Many Lessons

Grandpa and Grandma Longneck had always done their best.

They had raised their grandson after the death of their daughter and the absence of Bron. They had tried to keep the herd together when the big earthshake struck the land, keep order in the Great Valley when misfortune struck and ward off any threats from sharpteeth. They weren’t perfect, this much was clear to them, but there was much to be thankful for. With the right amount of preparation, kindness and leadership, any problem that had come their way had been solved in due time.

But no amount preparation or knowledge could equip them to handle the most difficult challenge imaginable: a teenage dinosaur.

Could they manage, now not as young as they once were, to guide another teenager to adulthood?

“I suspect you’re thinking about the same thing as I am” the wise male said to his wife while he munched on leaves.

His wife, eating on the tree next to his appeared unsure as he had ever seen her.

“I am, then again you’ve always been good at that.”

“As you are with me. There’s a reason why we chose each other my dear.”

“Yes” she said smiling at him. The old longneck did always have his charming side.

“And soon it will be time for Littlefoot to do the same. He will find his partner, the girl of his dreams.”

Grandma Longneck swallowed her green food.

“It is such a feeling, to know your grandson is reaching adulthood,” she said aloud. “But the experience differs as grandparents to a boy than being the parents of a girl.”

“My dear we did fine with Adeline, we can do the same with Littlefoot. In fact, we need not be so cautious with him as we were with our daughter. The only thing we need to worry about is whether or not he becomes a father too early…”

“Grandpa Longneck do behave” she chastised.

Chuckling slightly, he replied, “Of course my apologies. But we must try not to worry too much. He has always had a good head on his shoulders. He will come out of this perfectly fine.”

Looking at him seriously, grandma longneck had a glare that could pierce anyone, even if it was not out of anger.

“At the same time we must be realistic. Littlefoot is about to go through some serious changes in his life that are not easy to deal with when one is so young. As you and I both know, mental maturity comes after physical maturity.”

“I know grandma; we were both young once.”

“But of course you realize that he is no ordinary longneck. We know this, Bron knows this, and I’m quite sure Adaline knew it even if she never got the chance to say it openly.”

A small tear appeared in her eye at the mention of her late daughter. She wiped the tear on a tree star, but not before her husband noticed.

“My dear, please. It hurts me to see you like this. We both weep eternally for what happened that day. But it is the future that we must look to. Our grandson. As you said, Littlefoot is destined for great things.”

“Yes, and we must ensure that outcome. Whether he joins his father or starts his own herd here in the Great Valley, it is imperative for the good of our species. That day is coming soon.”

The elderly male looked at his wife thoughtfully.

“Be patient my dear. We must not rush Littlefoot into anything before he is ready. When the opportunity arises, he will have plenty of chances to meet female longnecks of our kind.”

Grandma Longneck smiled at this.

“Yes you are right. The thought of the day he gets married warms my heart.”

“As it does mine. And we will do all we can to see him through these years.”

Grandpa looked west towards another faraway patch of trees.

“In the meantime, we must place our trust in Mr. Thicknose to educate our growing children properly about the Time of the Great Change.”
Unfortunately, that was not the scenario Grandpa Longneck envisioned.

Mr. Thicknose, still the formal instructor of the Great Valley, was struggling to keep the teenage dinosaurs focused. Littlefoot flicking pinecones at Cera with his trail, Petri was practicing his dive bombing, and Ducky was riding on top of Spike cheering on the flyer’s impressive feats.

“Alright, alright settle down young….”

Mr. Thicknose stopped. He was about to say the words “young ones” but that didn’t seem to be quite accurate anymore. The children he had once taught were now almost as big as he was and still growing. True they were still juveniles but he could no longer consider or treat them like mere hatchlings.

“Ehh, I mean settle down everyone,”

I guess that term will do, he thought. In any case, it was enough to catch their attention from their roughhousing. Slowly, they assembled around in a semi-circle in front of him.

“As you are all well aware your parents have decided to entrust me to teach you on a matter most delicate…”

Littlefoot tried to listen attentively. He had a newfound respect and relationship with the old thicknose since the days of the big freeze. If anyone could help them understand ëthe Time of Great Change’ as his grandpa called it, it was him.

Cera nudged him as Mr. Thicknose droned on. Unfortunately, that tendency hadn’t changed.

“Ugh, I wish he wasn’t so boring,” she whispered. “He wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t sound like a creaky old log.”

“Cut him some slack,” Littlefoot. “Least he’s not a cranky old three horn,” he winked.

“Shut up,” she replied giving him a slightly harder nudge.

“…so in conclusion. I will attempt to inform and guide you on your journey experiencing the Time of the Great Change. Or otherwise known as ëpuberty.’”

The teens all looked at each other in surprise.


“Let’s just use the term ëGreat Change’ for the sake of posterity. In any case, there a number of things you will experience as you get older and some will be quite strange.”

Ducky looked nervous.

“I do not like the sound of that, Mr. Thicknose.”

“Me neither,” Petri agreed before asking with some reluctance, “What sort of changes? Is it painful?”

“It’s nothing life threatening,” soothed Mr. Thicknose. “Although I will admit some are rather unpleasant. Much of it depends on the species and of course, gender.”

Littlefoot suddenly became more conscious of the girls in his midst, one in particular, who caught his eye and quickly turned away turning beet red (likewise causing a reciprocal reaction).

“I won’t get too graphic” assured Mr. Thicknose. “But there is some basic knowledge you should know. I’ll start with the boys.”

He turned to Littlefoot, Petri and Spike.

“One of the first changes boys typically experience are voice cracks. As your voice deepens sometimes it will alternate between high and low pitches.”

"What that sound like?" squeaked Petri, who then clapped his hands over his beak in embarrassment.

"I think you just answered your own question," laughed Cera.

"Hey, it not funny!" he tried to yell, only for another crack to occur.

Everyone started to laugh at this. Petri attempted to make his voice sound more normal. But the more he tried, the worse it became.

"Alright that's enough" Mr. Thicknose said, betraying a slight amusement in his own voice.

"Oh man, I haven't laughed that hard in good long while," Cera said wiping a tear from her eye with a front paw.

"Moving on," the old Pachyrhinosaurus continued. "The males, especially among three horns, tend to get bolder and much more aggressive. This will manifest itself in many ways, the most common of which tends to be fighting or pranks."

I’ve never really done any pranks before, or want to fight people, thought Littlefoot. Why would I want to now?

He shook his head and tried to divert his attention back to the lesson.

“You all are now at the age where your bodies will start to grow much more rapidly in order to achieve their adult sizes.”

“We are already big, yup, yup, yup. Are you saying we will get bigger?” Ducky asked.

“Yes, and the patterns of growth will vary among you, although girls tend to grow earlier than boys.”

“Haha” Cera said, sticking out her tongue at Littlefoot, Spike and Petri.

“However,” added Mr. Thicknose, with a hint of a chuckle. “The boys will end up sustaining their growth longer and will end up much bigger.”

“Haha” replied Littlefoot in kind, nipping Cera with his tail.


Mr. Thicknose rolled his eyes.

I almost forgot that growth doesn’t necessarily equate maturity, especially among teenagers

“Anyway,” he said clearing his throat. “In order to facilitate this growth, you all experience an marked increase in appetite. However, it will be especially prevalent among the boys.”

Ducky put her hands on her head.

“Spike already eats enough as it is. He will eat all of the green food in the Great Valley if his appetite gets any bigger.”

They all turned towards the Stegosaurus, who had found a small patch of grass to much on.

“Well I can’t tell a difference so far,” barbed Cera.

She turned back towards Mr. Thicknose.

“All this talk about the boys, what about the girls?” she humphed.

“Do not worry, I have not forgotten about you” said the old teacher. “Girls experience most of the same changes as the boys. However, there are others that will be different, some I will leave to your stepmother to explain to you. But one of the first will be mood swings. These will occur mostly at random, but especially in times when one is feeling emotional or vulnerable…”

“Mr. Thicknose?” Littlefoot interrupted. He felt guilty for doing so, but the question in his mind was bugging him too much.

“Yes Littlefoot?”

“What happens after dinosaurs mate?”

Looking slightly uncomfortable, Mr. Thicknose frowned.

“Er..sorry” Littlefoot backtracked.

“I’m not upset with you Littlefoot, but I am trying to figure out how best to answer your question.”

Standing a little more upright he attempted to address it.

“Well you all know mating is the act of making hatchlings. During this time there is an extended courtship between the male and female dinosaurs. Females will typically not eat for an extended period of time in order to protect the nest. The psychological and physiological stress will cause considerable strain.”

“Suddenly, I feel less enthusiastic about being a girl,” muttered Cera.

“Same,” echoed Ducky. “Yup, yup, yup.”

“During puberty, each gender will start to notice the other in ways previously unknown to them. This in turn causes fighting among the males in order to win the heart of a female.”

“You mean love?” Petri squeaked. “Me no want to fall in love!”

“Yeah that stuff is for grown ups,” Cera added.

Littlefoot stayed silent as he glanced at the orange three horn next to him.

“Well, like it or not, you all are in the midst of becoming adults. This is what happens during the ëTime of the Great Change,” Mr. Thicknose spoke sagely. “It is not always an easy process to go through. But I assure you, you all make it through just fine.”

He then gave a rare smile.

“I too remember first being told about love and being just as apprehensive as you are. But if there’s one thing I can guarantee, it’s that you all will warm up to the idea very soon.”

The others muttered amongst themselves at this revelation, however all Littlefoot could do was stare at Cera. He had been doing this more often lately, and now he was afraid he knew why.

I hate changing, he thought to himself.

Apparently, love had showed up much sooner than expected.

Hope you guys enjoy! More will be up soon! You can always check it out on Fanfiction too.

The Wasp

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  • *feels like Pterano*
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Good story so far (up to chp 4). I think the plot so far is quite reasonable and also funny :smile

Chapters are a bit short though and the dialogue usually prevails a bit too much (I should know, it is my personal nemesis too to be too dialogue-heavy in my writing). Maybe try to venture a bit more into descriptions of the scene and the thoughts characters are having. Just some little advice, don't worry it's not bad, I like the story :D
Inactive, probably forever.


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I'm embarrassed to say that this is actually the first LBT fanfic I've ever read. I've only read the first four chapters so far, and I really like it!


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Congrats to the Wasp1995 for getting "This is Growing Up" featured on a podcast.  :)  Despite the hosts having a lot of jokes at its expense and the Land Before Time in general, it is a humorous program after all that makes fun of fanfictions, they gave it a decent review at the end and said that they look forward to seeing how it progresses.  Which, considering the nature of this podcast, is pretty high praise.  It is episode 32 of "Attack on Fiction".

(Be advised it has NSFW language and humor)

Also, to any members seeing this who follow this story, he is still continuing this fanfiction on

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.