The Gang of Five
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a rewrite of chapter 1 is on its way.


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Topsy and Kosh both seem pretty out of character. From what I remember of Kosh, he never struck me as someone who would act like a childish bully simply because Topsy wet the nest. I'm also confused as to why any dinosaur would care about that. They don't even have bathrooms in the valley, so I can't really see them caring in particular where someone goes. At least not to the same degree as our society would.

And Topsy wouldn't be this open about his feelings. He would usually just keep them hidden under a tough exterior. He wouldn't say "Kosh said things that hurt my feelings" and cry about it. I could see him being more firm and denying that anything was wrong.

The idea of the story is nice, having Topsy deal with the guilt of nearly causing Cera to die in the fire of LBT3. But I feel that both Kosh's and Topsy's interpretations in the story could use a little work. Perhaps having Topsy act less open and keeping things inside, and having him gradually get worse and worse before he finally has to open up. And perhaps having him open up to Grandpa Longneck. For some reason, it just seems like a good fit, to have Topsy tell Grandpa Longneck about his nightmares. And as for Kosh, I'd tone down his bullying, as it just doesn't feel like his character. Maybe instead having him act antagonistic towards Topsy because maybe he misinterpreted something Topsy did.

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please ignore my previous posts above in this topic; I have undergone some major editing of this story.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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This is a rewrite of chapter 1. Hopefully, this is a better version than the first one was.

Note: This takes place after the fire had disappeared from the valley and when the green food returned. The asterisks are used in place of italics for flashbacks and nightmares.

One night in the Great Valley, Topsy appeared to be sleeping uneasily. It has been months since the green food had come back after the fire had disappeared. However, Topsy’s stunt with leading Cera directly into the fire, albeit unintentionally, still haunted his mind.
 *Topsy’s Nightmare*
 *Topsy and Cera were surrounded by burning logs and all the flames; they had nowhere to go. Suddenly, Topsy looked over at the still form of Cera; he rushed over and tried to wake her up. However, it was no use; Cera had died due to an excessive amount of smoke in her lungs. Just when Topsy was about to collapse, he woke up panting.*
 *End dream*
 Topsy sat up suddenly and looked over at Cera, who was sleeping soundly. He heaved a sigh of relief and went back into an uneasy sleep.
 A few hours later, he and Cera appeared at the Feeding Grounds for breakast. However, since Topsy barely slept a wink, he was tired and grumpy. Although, that didn’t stop him from going on about his day. He started eating some sweet bubbles from a bush and then rammed some treestars down from a tall tree and ate them. Grandpa has been watching him from a distance and noticed that something seemed off about him; though, he decided not to pester him about it.
“Hmm,” Grandpa muttered.
“What is it, dear?” Grandma wondered.
“It seems our threehorn friend appears to be troubled; ever since the fire, he’s really been on edge,” Grandpa explained.
 Grandma sighed. She couldn’t deny how much she cared about Topsy’s wellbeing.
“I wouldn’t bother him with so many questions; let him come to you, or me or anyone else who’s willing to let him express his emotions,” Grandma assured her mate.
“You’re right; but, once again, my parental instincts have kicked in, even if Topsy isn’t an offspring of ours; I still care about him; why do you think I saved him and Cera? I didn’t want them to die in the fire,” Grandpa told her.
 Grandma nodded.
 Later in the day, Topsy was walking around; it seemed as if he saw fire and flames everywhere he went. However, he shook it off, and just kept it to himself.
 *”Daddy, I’m scared!” Cera exclaimed.
 *”A real threehorn never gets scared in the face of danger,” Topsy told her.
 *They were soon surrounded by some flames that had knocked a tree down and blocked their path. Both of them panted from exhaustion…*
 *Flashback end*
 Topsy shook his head in order to clear his mind of the thought.
“That was scary,” Topsy told himself.
 After that, he continued his solitary walk. In the back of his mind, he hoped that the nightmares would stop soon since he really needed some sleep. However, he would have to confide in someone he could trust with his life to keep the matter to him/herself.
 Over the next few days, Topsy has been getting the same nightmare; even during the day when he decides to take an afternoon nap underneath the bright circle. Various herd members were getting worried about him since he seems to be more irritable than normal. Even Kosh has expressed how worried he was even if Topsy isn’t one of his best friends.
“I assure you guys; I’m fine,” Topsy told them.
“Then why are you so grumpy, hmm?” Kosh retorted.
“You’re annoying me with your questions, now just leave me alone for a while,” Topsy snapped.
 Kosh sighed and wandered away with some of the herd members following behind him.
“Humph!” Topsy snorted and walked away in the opposite direction.
 He then decided to lie down for another nap, hoping that this time, he won’t have the recurring nightmare. He got himself comfortable on the ground underneath a big tree and rested his head on his paws and closed his eyes.
 Meanwhile, Littlefoot and his friends were out playing with Hyp, Mutt and Nod. The eight of them were having fun tossing the pinecone around. However, Hyp’s team was winning; and it was on a team that Cera wasn’t on. She really wanted to be on the winning team; however, she was told that games were meant for having fun, not just winning. Hyp kicked the pinecone over to Littlefoot; however, Nod, being on Cera’s team had caught it in his mouth and it landed in the goal for Hyp’s team.
“D’oh, me no like losing,” Petrie muttered.
“Ha ha ha, the score is tied; the next one to score is the winner,” Cera stated.
“And that’s gonna be me, girly,” Hyp sneered.
 Once the game had restarted, Hyp managed to score on Cera’s team. Although their team had won, Littlefoot, Spike, Mutt and Hyp were nice about it and offered to do a rematch.
“Good game, guys,” Cera commented.
 Spike murmured in agreement.
“Uh, yeah; it was fun,” Mutt agreed.
 Back at the Tall Trees, Topsy once again had woken up from his recurring nightmare. Much to his horror, he was confronted by Grandpa Longneck.
“Are you all right? I heard you yelling in your sleep,” Grandpa commented.
 Topsy stood up and shook himself.
“I’ll be fine; Kosh and a few others asked me the same thing and I told them that I was fine,” Topsy said.
“All right; but, I have noticed that you’ve been having nightmares; if you ever feel the need to talk, I’m ready to listen,” Grandpa told him.
“Like I said before, I’m fine,” Topsy stated.
“All right; I’ll drop it; but, remember that it’s not healthy to keep things bottled up,” Grandpa claimed.
 Topsy nodded and wandered away.
“That threehorn is gonna snap one day,” Grandpa muttered to himself.
 Once Topsy had gotten to a more secluded area, he found himself getting a headache.
“Maybe the longneck is right…no, no; a threehorn never shows weakness to anybody, especially a longneck,” Topsy told himself.
 He was soon fighting a battle within himself; his conscience was telling him that opening up about his nightmares to someone is a good way of making sure he won’t get them anymore. However, another part of him made him keep the negative feelings to himself since he was taught that emotions were for the weak.
“Hmmm, maybe a drink of water will get rid of this headache,” Topsy said.
 Upon reaching a watering hole, he lowered his head to the water and began to drink. After quenching his thirst, his headache had gone away. However, he felt a sharp pain in his chest; since it was minor, he shook it off and kept on walking.
 Unbeknownst to him, various herd members were keeping a close watch on him since there might be one day when he’d snap.

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Later at the Feeding Grounds, Topsy was unusually quiet; and he usually likes to gather as many sweet bubbles that he can before Kosh could get to them. Instead, he just kept to himself to prevent drawing attention from the other herd members. He didn't want to appear weak, and he wasn't gonna show weakness if he could help it.
"Huh; those guys need to mind their own business," Topsy muttered.
After he had gotten his share of sweet bubbles and treestars, he decided to go shower under the flowing water at the Thundering Falls. The other herd members watched him walking away with worried expressions on their faces. However, if they confronted him again on the issue, he would more likely resort to physical violence due to his short temper.
"I don't know about you guys; but, someone needs to keep an eye on him," Kosh replied.
"Maybe; but, I think it would be best to leave him alone right now," Ariel said.
Kosh couldn't help but agree with the adult swimmer.
Meanwhile at the Thundering Falls, Topsy got out from under the water and shook himself dry. He felt a bit better after having a nice, refreshing shower. However, the recurring flashbacks and nightmares of the day of the forest fire still weighed heavily on his mind.
"I don't know how much more of this I can take," Topsy muttered.
Luckily for him, no one was around to hear what he said. Soon enough, his headache returned; the pain was a bit worse than it was the last time. He sat down and squeezed his eyes shut and placed his right forepaw on his forehead. Soon enough, he felt a bit lightheaded due to the tremendous pain in his head and the back of his neck. His breathing patterns were a bit off as well; however, he wold still do what he could to avoid looking weak considering his upbringing.
It took several minutes before the headache had gone away, and his vision was clear; however, no matter how bad he felt, he was taught that emotions were for the weak.
"Man that gets annoying," Topsy said to himself.
Since he was still very tired, he decided to take a nap underneath a large tree.
Meanwhile, some of the elders gathered at their meeting place to discuss what to do about Topsy. However, Grandpa wasn't so sure if he wanted to talk about it in front of everybody since he's usually a very private dinosaur and didn't trust many others.
"I am just as worried about him as you are; but, pestering him about it would only cause him to get very defensive; I've seen him lose his temper before; it's not a pretty sight," Grandpa told Kosh.
The clubtail nodded.
"Besides, I think this issue is too personal for him to talk about in front of everybody; and considering how his father raised him, I'm not surprised that he'd be self-conscious about expressing his emotions in front of an audience," Grandpa added.
"So, what you're saying is, go about our day as usual as if nothing's wrong," Kosh said.
"Exactly; just think of how you would feel if you were dealing with an internal conflict and someone kept pestering you to open up about it," Grandpa stated, firmly.
Kosh nodded, knowing that the elderly longneck was right.
"Can't argue with you there," Kosh stated.
Grandpa nodded.
Back over where Topsy is, he once again woke up panting. He looked around and sighed with relief. Not only were his nightmares happening at night, he gets them during the day when he has a nap. He hasn't been getting a good night sleep for the last few days; and it wasn't doing good for his mental health, or his physical health. However, he managed to keep his emotions under control; although, some of the elders, including Grandpa were getting suspicious.
Meanwhile with the kids, they were having fun swimming in the watering hole while under the watchful eye of some of the grown ups. Ducky was seeing how long she could hold her breath under the water while the others were  splashing around.
"Ducky has been under the water for quite a while," Cera commented.
"Yeah; I guess she's trying to beat her record for longest time underneath the water," Littlefoot said.
All of a sudden, Ducky swam back to the surface.
"I beat my record by two minutes; yep, yep, yep," Ducky exclaimed.
"Me no know how you do it," Petrie stated.
Cera smirked at the flyer.
"What's there to try and figure out? All you do is hold your breath under the water-"
"Me know how you hold breath underwater," Petrie snapped.
"I believe what Petrie meant to ask is how you were able to hold your breath for so long, even for a swimmer," Littlefoot told Ducky.
"Oh, it takes a lot of practice; I am sure I would be able to hold my breath underwater much longer when I am fully grown," Ducky explained.
Spike muttered in agreement.
"Hey, Petrie, I feel kinda bad about what I said to you before," Cera admitted.
"Oh, that okay; me just wish me knew better way to ask Ducky how she able to hold her breath under the water for a long time," Petrie told her.
Cera smiled knowing that her smartass comment didn't hurt Petrie's feelings too much and she had forgiven him for snapping at her.
Later that day, Topsy was wandering aimlessly and accidentally bumped into Mr. Thicknose.
"Watch where you're going!" Topsy snarled.
"Me? You need to be more aware of your surroundings," Mr. Thicknose retorted.
Soon enough, Topsy felt another flashback coming on; however, he managed to shake it off.
"Are you all right?" Mr. Thicknose asked.
"Sure I am; has anyone said anything to you? If they did; they should mind their own business," Topsy growled.
"You're not quite yourself today," Mr. Thicknose commented.
"I told you, I'm fine!" Topsy snapped now with his tail between his hind legs.
"Okay, okay; I'll leave you alone now," Mr. Thicknose stated.
Topsy let out a puff of air through his nostrils in triumph. However, once he was alone, he sighed. He didn't mean to lash out at the elder; Mr. Thicknose was just concerned for him.
"I hate you, Father!!" Topsy yelled out while stomping his right forepaw.


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Interesting so far :)

Do you mind some constructive critism? I'm far from being perfect as a writer myself but there's some advice I could share here. Just let me know whether or not you'd like to hear it, okay? Like I said, the story seems really interesting so far and I can't wait to see Topsy finally snapping  :lol
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Hit me with your best shot. Constructive criticism is the only way in order for me to make my stories better.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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Note: Topsy is in the beginning stages of distress; not only is his mental health being affected, so is his physical health.

Topsy's outburst with Mr. Thicknose, while uncalled for, was understandable. The threehorn still has insecurities that he hasn't gotten over yet. To make matters worse, his appetite was almost non-existent, and he has been experiencing shortness of breath along with recurring headaches due to the repressed emotions within him. However, he still continued to live life as normally as possible.
"I gotta eat something," Topsy told himself.
He then started nibbling on a ground star plant since he didn't have his usual energy to ram some treestars from a tree. It took more effort to swallow them since he felt like his stomach was tied in knots due to all the stress he's going through. The food tasted bitter to him; after looking at the bush of sweet bubbles next to the ground star plant, they didn't seem appetizing to him at all.
"Ah, well, my loss is Kosh's gain; the extra food and extra weight," Topsy stated.
Unbeknownst to the threehorn, Kosh was listening and heard everything. However, he decided not to make a big deal out of in for fear that it might cause another outburst from Topsy.
"Ugh! Maybe some water will help," Topsy claimed.
Upon reaching the Thundering Falls, Topsy stood at the edge of the watering hole and took a few gulps of water. Then, he realized his mistake; he then rushed to some bushes off-screen just in time before his stomach emptied its contents. After a few minutes, he wandered back over to the watering hole and took another drink. However, he was caught off guard by Grandpa Longneck. The elder had been the one to notice him throwing up in the bushes.
"Are you sure you're all right?" Grandpa asked.
Topsy crouched down in a pouncing position; he was getting tired of being asked if he was all right. However, since Grandpa was much bigger, he could take him on. The elder took it upon himself to keep Topsy from attacking him out of anger.
"I'm sorry, I can't help myself; I'm just worried about you," Grandpa added.
Topsy was still clenching his jaws; his horns were still at the ready to charge. However, he finally relented and sat down. Grandpa was happy that he was able to get Topsy to calm down.
"You saw me, huh? I guess I just ate something that didn't agree with me," Topsy stated.
Grandpa shrugged.
"I appreciate you looking out for me; but, I don't feel ready to talk about my feelings yet," Topsy continued.
Grandpa nodded.
Soon enough, both males went their separate ways. Grandpa decided to drop the subject for now; however, he couldn't help but worry about the threehorn. As if on cue, Grandma showed up at Grandpa's side.
"Did you get him to open up, yet?" Grandma asked.
"Eh, he's not quite ready to open up yet," Grandpa answered.
"I understand; and I can see that he'd be insecure about opening up to you if I'm around; since even males need to have one-on-one conversations; there are times when I have one-on-one conversations with females," Grandma explained.
Grandpa nodded.
"That's a good point; I think that a one-on-one conversation with me is what Topsy needs to let go of any repressed emotions; and then when he feels ready, he could be more open about it with the others; until then, whenever he decides to take me aside to talk, it'll be just between me and him; you understand that like with females, males need to have the odd private conversation," Grandpa stated.
Grandma nodded.
Meanwhile, the eight kids were wading in the watering hole. The weather was pretty warm since the sun was at the highest point in the sky.
"It is hot out; I am just glad that all the green food is back in full bloom again," Ducky commented.
The other seven nodded in agreement.
A little while later, a meeting was being held at the Rock Circle. Once again, a few of the grown ups were having a discussion without Topsy.
"What are we gonna do with him?" Kosh asked.
"We aren't gonna do anything," Grandpa answered.
Kosh glanced up at the elder.
"He went off on Mr. Thicknose; although, he just yelled at him, and he almost lost it again earlier after I once again asked him if he was all right; I know something is bothering him; but, until he feels ready to talk about it in front of everybody, he might only want to talk about it if it's with just me," Grandpa continued.
Just then, Ducky's mother cut in.
"You don't have to tell me twice; Kosh, on the other hand-"
"Shut it, Ariel," Kosh grumbled.
And with that, Kosh walked away.
"What's with him? He seems really bummed about this; or maybe he's taking his frustrations of being left out of important discussions on me; personally, I don't see how he could be of any help in this situation; I'm not saying this because he's stupid-"
"Maybe because he has a big mouth and, even though Topsy doesn't exactly hate him; he still doesn't think he's trustworthy enough to confide in him; I also think that he couldn't trust his own father with an issue that personal," Grandpa told her.
Ariel sighed.
"Wow, I had no idea it was this serious; I sure hope he gets better soon," Ariel commented.
"I do, too, Ariel," Grandpa said.
And with that, the meeting had finished and the grown ups left the Rock Circle.

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Topsy was still fighting a losing battle within himself; he was taught from a young age to never show emotions. However, he felt himself starting to crack; silently cursing his father for making him think the way he does, he started experiencing yet another flashback. Only this time, he could have sworn he saw Cera dying in the fire. He then shook his head before rubbing his eyes with his right forepaw. The flashback had ended with him shaking and sweating profusely. And with that, his stomach pain returned; he sat down and gasped in pain while holding his stomach with his right forepaw.
"Ahh! Man this hurts," Topsy grumbled.
The pain, shaking and sweating subsided after a few moments; then, he continued his walk around the valley.
"This is ridiculous; I'm a threehorn; we should never show weakness," Topsy stated once again.
 Later that night, he was stricken with insomnia; no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get to sleep. He glanced over at the little threehorn from a distance not too far from him. Soon enough, he stood up and walked away; he didn't want her to see him like this; especially when he was supposed to be a strong role model for her. However, he needed to solve this problem; and FAST; although, he was still insecure since he had a feeling that everyone would see him as anything but tough if he opened up to them.
"Maybe I'm not giving the herd enough, no; I just need to walk it off," Topsy whispered to himself.
Before he knew it; he had walked out of the valley. Since his mind was elsewhere, his mental health was declining all due to his repressing his emotions.
The next morning, Cera woke up and saw that her dad wasn't in his sleeping spot. However, Cera assumed that he might have gotten up early and headed over to the Feeding Grounds. All of a sudden, she overheard the grown ups whispering.
"Wait a second; you mean my dad isn't here?" Cera asked.
"No he isn't; me and him usually try and see who can gather the most sweet bubbles by now; we used to do that when we were little as well; only, I used to play dirty and knock him down so I can gather them first," Kosh answered.
"Huh; he did seem really tense at dinner last night; I have a feeling there is something he's not telling me; I don't know what it is; but, I would like to know what's going on with him," Cera explained.
"Maybe you're too young to understand; most parents wait to discuss such personal matters with their offspring when they first reach the Time of Great Growing," Kosh claimed.
Cera sighed.
That was when she knew to stop asking those types of questions and decided to wait until Topsy was ready to open up to her. After everyone has had their breakfast, Cera went back to her sleeping place; she wasn't really in the mood to play since she was very worried about her dad.
Meanwhile, Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, Hyp, Mutt and Nod were sitting around in the Tall Trees and wondered how to cheer up the despondent threehorn.
"This is not good; oh, no, no, no," Ducky commented.
"You can say that again," Hyp stated.
Spike let out a sad murmur; he was usually the most chilled out of the group, apart from Mutt, that is. They all hung their heads in sadness; it was so sad that not even Spike had a second helping of treestars and sweet bubbles and he usually eats even if he's not hungry.
Later in the afternoon, the grown ups gathered around at the Rock Circle once again.
"It seems that Topsy has gone missing; maybe he just needs some time to himself," Kosh replied.
"Yeah; but, I checked his sleeping place; and his usual spot is cold; so, I'm sure he's not even in the valley," Grandpa stated.
"This is bad; if only he could see that opening up about his emotions doesn't make him weak; and what if he's in the Mysterious Beyond? He might be able to take on fast biters; but, two fully grown sharpteeth is a different story," Ariel stated while panicking.
"Keep in mind, Ariel, he's always been able to defend himself against the meat eaters; after all, he can communicate with them; although, they never listen since he's a threehorn, not a sharptooth," Grandpa assured the brown swimmer.
"We better go out and find him," Kosh declared.
"I think it's better if I go alone," Grandpa said in disagreement.
Kosh shook his head.
"We're not letting you go out alone; you know that the Mysterious Beyond is inhabited by sharpteeth; besides, if you get hurt, Topsy won't be able to carry you back; considering you're so much bigger than he is; not that I'm saying you're-"
"I get the point; it's physically impossible for a threehorn to carry a longneck; all right, I guess I will need the extra help," Grandpa finally agreed.
And with that, Grandpa, Grandma, Kosh and Ariel headed out of the valley.

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The four dinosaurs have been wandering the Mysterious Beyond for the last few hours; and the heat seemed to be getting to them.
"It's so hot out here," Kosh complained.
The other three nodded in agreement.
All of a sudden, the four of them saw Topsy walking up to them. He clearly had a run-in with Red Claw, Screech and Thud. However, his wounds weren't bleeding; all he had was some claw marks on his face, some blood on his horn when he inflicted a flesh wound on Screech and he bled to death. Red Claw and Thud managed to escape with their lives, though.
"Oh, dear; are you all right?" Grandma asked.
"Do I look like I'm all right? Huh, do I?" Topsy snarled.
"Is that any way to talk to a lady?" Grandpa demanded.
Topsy lowered his head in shame.
"I appreciate you sticking up for me; but, I'll excuse the rudeness this once," Grandma told him before she looked down at Topsy.
Soon enough, Topsy looked up at the elderly female.
"I'm so-"
"I know you're sorry; that must have been quite a fight you had with those guys; so, you managed to kill Screech," Grandma stated.
Topsy nodded.
"Although, I didn't get out of the fight unscathed; I have good scratches on my face, Thud head butted me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me; thankfully, I hadn't eaten too much, so it wasn't too bad; although, Screech was downwind of me; I never should have eaten all that stinkweed and swamp sticks before bed last night; those things give me indigestion; then again, all this stress still causes me to experience stomach pain, which is fairly common," Topsy explained.
The other dinosaurs nodded.
"Well, I'm just glad you're not seriously hurt; but, I have just one question...WHAT THE HELL WENT THROUGH YOUR MIND WHEN YOU RAN OFF THIS MORNING?! WE WERE ALL WORRIED SICK!" Kosh shouted.
"You? Worried sick about me? And here I thought you'd be more worried about not having enough to eat, much less worry about me," Topsy retorted.
Ariel fought back the urge to laugh at Topsy's retort to Kosh.
"There's no need for such childish behavior, you two; Kosh, you could have settled this in a more mature way instead of shouting," Grandma said.
"She sure told you," Topsy remarked to Kosh.
"Oh, shut up! At least I didn't run off to the Mysterious Beyond to try and get killed," Kosh snarled.
"I needed some time to think, all right?" Topsy retorted.
"Boys..." Grandma scolded the younger males.
Topsy and Kosh sighed since they knew they couldn't argue with the elderly female. It was a long walk back to the Great Valley; and thanks to the heat, it made the walk seem twice as long.
"I'm beat," Ariel stated with a yawn.
"You can ride on my back for a while if you want," Topsy offered.
Ariel smiled. However, she had Topsy lower himself to the ground before she got on his back. Upon getting herself comfortable, Topsy stood back up and they all continued on the path back to the Great Valley.

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The walk back to the Great Valley was rather awkward and a bit painful; especially since Ariel's feet were kicking Topsy's sides.
"Ariel, you're kicking me; could you please knock it off?" Topsy asked.
Soon enough, Ariel decided that she has gotten her energy back and got off of Topsy's back.
"Are you mad at me? If I upset you, I'm sorry; I-"
"Don't worry about it, I understand; and thanks for the ride, I think I can make it the rest of the way on foot," Ariel assured him while petting his frill.
Topsy blushed while looking up at the swimmer.
"Ariel, you're embarrassing me," Topsy stated.
"Ah, come on; that's what friends do from time to time," Ariel claimed.
An uneasy chuckle escaped Topsy's lips.
After about ten minutes, the five dinosaurs made it to the Thundering Falls. However, Topsy didn't see Cera there; he assumed that she was mad at him, although, she was asleep when he left the valley.
"Do you think Cera hates me?" Topsy asked.
"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course she wouldn't hate you; she's probably just worried that you might have gotten seriously injured and a bit angry that you walked off," Grandpa replied.
Topsy lowered his head.
"I better talk to her; I shouldn't have walked out like that," Topsy said.
"Hey, if I was too harsh with my yelling, I'm sorry; I was just worried about you, that's all," Kosh admitted.
Topsy nodded.
"I'm sorry, too; for making you guys worry about me, that is; I just needed some time to myself, that's all," Topsy explained.
The others nodded.
"You didn't have to leave the valley to be alone; the Sheltering Grass is a good spot if you ever wanted some alone time," Grandpa told him.
Topsy hung his head in shame.
"If only I thought of that before I go the stupid idea to go out in the Mysterious Beyond; but, I wasn't thinking clearly at the time; I'm pooped; maybe I'll take a nap after I have a talk with Cera and apologize to her," Topsy responded.
"You could use some shut eye; *sniff sniff* and a bath," Ariel replied.
Topsy stuck his tongue out at Ariel in a playful manner before walking over to a watering hole. He decided that Ariel was right; and even Ariel decided to wash up since Topsy's body odor rubbed off on her.
After a while, Cera seemed to be in a much better mood. She had a good talk with her dad and has forgiven him for worrying her. Now, she was playing with her friends like any normal child would.
"I am so glad that you and your dad worked things out," Ducky commented.
"Me no liked seeing you sad; so, me agree with Ducky," Petrie added.
Spike grumbled in agreement.
"We were worried about you for a while; but, we're glad that you're okay now," Littlefoot said.
Even Hyp, Mutt and Nod expressed their happiness that Cera's mood was back to normal.
"I got an idea; lets go for a swim," Hyp suggested.
The other seven agree with Hyp and wandered over to a watering hole.
Meanwhile at Topsy's nest, he was sleeping uneasily. Since his mind was still plagued by nightmares, he had a tendency to moan and talk and kick his hind legs in his sleep. His dream ended the same every time; Cera dies in the fire due to smoke inhalation and Topsy wakes up just before his dream self dies along with Cera. He woke up all of a sudden and grabbed his chest. Luckily for him, no one was around to hear him wake up from the nightmare.
"Thank goodness," Topsy muttered before trying to get back to sleep.